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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Textbook Cost-lowering Initiatives: An Exploration Of Community College Faculty Experiences

Dunn, Susan 01 January 2014 (has links)
Faculty have been identified as critical players in the implementation of textbook affordability efforts at community colleges. Furthermore, emerging lower-cost alternatives to traditional textbooks present a wide and growing range of options that may help further efforts. This study sought to examine more closely the role of faculty with respect to textbook cost-lowering initiatives. The researcher utilized in-depth interviews to gain a rich picture of the experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of nine full-time community college faculty as they confronted textbook affordability efforts and textbook alternatives. The interview data were analyzed using a thematic analysis process. Five major themes and three minor themes were identified. The five major themes were: (a) campus administrators support, but do not mandate, efforts; (b) frequent edition revisions frustrate faculty; (c) departmental approaches to textbook selection vary; (d) content, then affordability, drive selection choices; and (e) faculty have mixed feelings about textbook alternatives. The three minor themes were: (a) faculty efforts to save students money are thwarted by campus bookstores and financial aid policies; (b) English faculty benefit from public domain readings; and (c) more faculty participating in textbook selection means more difficulty deciding on a text. Implications and recommendations were offered for community college leaders, campus bookstores, publishers, and future researchers.

Barns rättigheter inom kolloverksamheten : – fokus på delaktighet

Malmgren, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to analyze children's rights within camp activities, especially in terms of participation. More specifically, it analyzes activities conducted on Barnens Ö with the Stiftelsen Barnens Dag (the Foundation) as organizer. Through a keyword analysis, the Foundation's governing documents are linked to the relevant articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). In this part of the study, children's rights are analyzed in activities in general. The next part focuses on Article 12. Children have the right to express their views and be heard in all matters affecting them. The views of the child should be considered, respecting the child's age and maturity. In order to find out how children's views are taken into account in practice in the camp – and not only in policy documents – camp staff are interviewed. Children's participation is analyzed using Roger Hart's ladder of participation and Harry Shier's model of pathways to participation.  The results of the study indicate that the Foundation does solid work regarding children's rights, sometimes going beyond the Convention on the Rights of the Child. One observation is that how to work with children's participation differs among the farms on Barnens Ö. All farms work hard to ensure that children express their opinions and that their opinions are considered. It is less common for children to be involved in decision-making, but it does happen occasionally. / Denna studie syftar till att analysera barns rättigheter inom kolloverksamheten, särskilt vad gäller delaktighet. Mer specifikt analyseras verksamhet som bedrivs på Barnens Ö med Stiftelsen Barnens Dag (Stiftelsen) som arrangör. Genom en nyckelordsanalys kopplas Stiftelsens styrdokument ihop med de relevanta artiklarna i Förenta Nationernas konvention om barnets rättigheter (Barnkonventionen). I denna del av studien analyseras barns rättigheter över lag inom verksamheten. Nästkommande del fokuserar på Artikel 12. Barn har rätt att uttrycka sin mening och höras i alla frågor som rör barnet. Hänsyn ska tas till barnets åsikter, utifrån barnets ålder och mognad. För att ta reda på hur barns åsikter beaktas praktiskt inom kolloverksamheten och inte endast inom styrdokument, intervjuas personal inom kolloverksamheten. Barns delaktighet analyseras med hjälp av Roger Harts delaktighetsstege och Harry Shiers modell för vägar till delaktighet.  Resultaten av studien indikerar att Stiftelsen Barnens Dag gör ett gediget arbete gällande barns rättigheter, där det stundtals går längre än Barnkonventionen. En iakttagelse är att arbetet med barns delaktighet skiljer sig någon mellan gårdarna på Barnens Ö. Samtliga gårdar jobbar mycket med att barnen ska uttrycka sina åsikter samt att barnens åsikter beaktas. Mer ovanligt är att barnen faktiskt är med vid beslutfattandet, men stundtals sker också det.


Amani Khalil (18136753) 11 March 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation is a two-study dissertation divided into two chapters focused broadly on the help-seeking experiences of racial-ethnic minority caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In chapter one, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify articles that have studied barriers in help-seeking for racial-ethnic minority caregivers of children with autism. A broad literature search across four databases was conducted (i.e., PubMed, PsycINFO, Education Resources Information Center, and Child Development and Adolescent Studies). The coding team identified 17 articles on help-seeking barriers for racial-ethnic minority caregivers of children with autism. A thematic analysis was then used to synthesize the help-seeking barriers identified across these 17 studies. Four themes emerged from our findings: logistical barriers, provider competence, ASD literacy, and cultural stigma. We also provided clinical recommendations for healthcare providers working with families with racial-ethnic minority caregivers of children with autism.</p><p dir="ltr">The second chapter was informed by the results found in chapter one. In chapter one, we found little research on Asian American caregiver perspectives on help-seeking barriers to autism services. Using caregiver perspectives, this research study sought to understand the help-seeking experiences of Asian American families. In this study, we conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with 10 Asian American caregivers with a child aged 3-17 diagnosed with ASD. Interviews were conducted virtually, audio recorded, transcribed, and coded by three researchers. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Our results indicated four themes in perceived barriers by Asian American caregivers of children with autism interviewees. Themes included: (1) logistical barriers, (2) provider level barriers competence, (3) ASD literacy, and (4) cultural stigma. We deliver clinical recommendations for providers to address the four barriers found in our study when working with Asian American families of children with ASD.</p>

"Nu blir det så här, nu är det så här, barnet behöver detta" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om familjerättssekreterares beskrivningar av att arbeta med familjer i vårdnad-, boende- och umgängesfrågor. / “Now it will be like this, now it is like this, the child needs this”. : A qualitative interview study regarding family law secretaries’ descriptions of working with families in custody-, residence- and contact issues

Svahn, Hannah, Frostemark, Ida January 2024 (has links)
The study examines family law secretaries’ descriptions of working with parents and children in matters of custody, residence and contact. In addition, the study intends to shed light on the activities that family law secretaries work with, as well as examine the family law secretaries’ descriptions of the interpersonal meeting between a client and a person in authority. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with seven family law secretaries in southern Sweden. The collected data has been analyzed using a thematic analysis. The study’s theoretical premises are based on Yeheskel Hasenfeld’s human service organizations, Michael Lipsky’s street-level bureaucrats, power according to Michel Foucault and the concept of empowerment. By investigating the family law secretaries’ descriptions of the purpose of the activities informational dialogue, collaborative talks and contract, it emerges that the family law’s ambition is to, as far as possible, prevent parental conflicts from leading to disputes in court. Throughout, family law secretaries highlight the importance of a children's law perspective where the best interests of the child should be taken into account based on the individual and his or her situation. Furthermore, there is a common perception among all family law secretaries regarding the dilemma they face as representatives of an organization and fellow human beings. They describe how they have both a little and a large amount of power at the same time, something that has an impact on the room for action of the family law secretaries. In the study’s discussion reasoning is carried out using previous research and the study’s theoretical premises. Among other things it is discussed how the family law secretaries need to take into account factors at both individual, group and societal level, when it comes to working with families. / Studien undersöker familjerättssekreterares beskrivningar av att arbeta med föräldrar och barn i frågor kring vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Dessutom avser studien att belysa de aktiviteter som familjerätten arbetar med samt undersöka familjerättssekreterarnas beskrivningar av det mellanmänskliga mötet mellan klient och myndighetsperson. Studien bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju familjerättssekreterare i södra Sverige. De insamlade data har analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter bygger på Yeheskel Hasenfelds människobehandlande organisationer, Michael Lipskys gräsrotsbyråkrater, makt enligt Michel Foucault samt begreppet empowerment. Genom att undersöka familjerättssekreterarnas beskrivningar av syftet med aktiviteterna informationssamtal, samarbetssamtal och avtal framkommer att familjerättens ambition är att så långt det är möjligt förhindra att föräldrars konflikter leder till tvister i domstol. Genomgående belyser familjerättssekreterarna vikten av ett barnrättsperspektiv där barnets bästa bör beaktas utifrån den enskilde individen och dennes situation. Vidare förekommer en gemensam uppfattning bland samtliga familjerättssekreterare kring det dilemma de står i som organisationsrepresentant samt medmänniska. De beskriver hur de har lite och mycket makt på samma gång, något som får en inverkan på familjerättssekreterarnas handlingsutrymme. I studiens diskussion förs ett resonemang med hjälp av tidigare forskning och studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter. Det diskuteras bland annat hur familjerättssekreterarna behöver ta hänsyn till faktorer på både individ-, grupp- och samhällsnivå när det kommer till arbetet med familjerna.

Towards a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: Insights from Global Disarmament and Non-proliferation

McEvoy, Ffion January 2024 (has links)
The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FF-NPT) is a proposed multilateral treaty for the supply-side elimination of fossil fuels championed by a transnational advocacy network. Comparing fossil fuels to weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), the FF-NPT co-opts the language of non-proliferation and disarmament in a bid to uncover the moral implications of fossil fuel extraction and shift narratives about climate change. Pushing this analogy a step further, this study investigates how insights from global non-proliferation and disarmament efforts might be applied to the FF-NPT and climate governance more broadly. Thematic analysis of interviews with thirteen non-proliferation and disarmament experts is the focal point of this investigation. Findings feature factors behind success and failure; participation and power asymmetry; innovation and regional approaches; norms versus legally binding instruments; and practical parameters of the FF-NPT.

Indie Game Development : An Interview Study on Game Development and the Free-to-Play Business Model

Engqvist, Pontus January 2024 (has links)
In a fast paced and ever evolving industry where video games have become an important partof consumers' everyday life, game development can be tricky. The process of developmentcontains challenges that can either make or break a game. This study aims to shed some lighton the indie game development process, what challenges it has, how an independent video gamedeveloper would approach this process and to give the reader a greater understanding of whatbusiness models are used within the video game industry.To gather data a semi-structured interview was conducted with indie game developers so thatthey could give their perspective on the process of developing games, the challenges andbusiness models within video game industry. The data was then analyzed using the thematicanalysis approach to find themes and relate the results to what literature had to say about thearea.The conclusion of this study show that indie development usually starts with an idea, which isthen created into an early protype for testing purposes as well as to gather feedback whetherthis idea could become a fully-fledged game. The conclusion also shows that one challengewith using the free-to-play business model is the fact that many game companies have startedusing this specific business model, because of this there is more competition amongst gamesutilizing the business model.

Substance abuse among male adolescents

Mohasoa, Irene Patience 02 1900 (has links)
Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem facing the world today. In order to understand the reasons for adolescent substance abuse behaviour, various theoretical perspectives were utilised and strategies to curb substance use were also identified. The study was conducted in the rural areas of Zeerust, North West province of South Africa. The participants included 12 male adolescents, whose ages ranged from 12 to 15 years. A qualitative, explorative research design was employed. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews, genograms and observations. Thematic analysis was used to analyse audio-taped data. The study found that substances abused by the participants include alcohol, nicotine, cannabis and heroin. Their reasons for using these substances include individual, family and environmental factors. However, peer group pressure was identified as the primary factor for adolescent substance use. This study emphasises the painful nature of substance abuse among adolescents, yet at the same time it succeeds in highlighting the strategies that can be employed to address substance abuse among adolescents. In addition, this study recommends a concerted effort by all the stakeholders in addressing the substance abuse problem. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Perceptions of subtance abuse prevention programmes implemented in the Ramothsere Moiloa Local Municipality South Africa

Mohashoa, Irene Patience 02 1900 (has links)
Substance abuse is a significant challenge facing the World and in particular South Africa. In this study, various Western and African traditional perspectives were considered to gain an understanding of the substance abuse problem among adolescents. The study was conducted in one of the rural villages of the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality in the North West Province of South Africa. Participants included 24 African male and female adolescents between 13 and 19 years of age, as well as 2 parents and 9 professionals. The 9 professionals are educators, a social worker, a clinical psychologist, a mental health worker, a traditional leader and a traditional healer, between 37 to 53 years of age. A qualitative, explorative research design was employed. Data sources included individual face-to-face interviews, focus group discussions, and a document review. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse data. The findings were based on the perceptions of participants and revealed that adolescents are socially entrapped to substances such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, glue, nyaope, and segonyamahlo. Reasons for their use of substances included individual, family, and environmental factors. The findings revealed the severe impact of substance abuse on adolescents and their families. There was evidence of primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of substance abuse prevention programmes targeting adolescents and other community members. In addition, stakeholders such as parents, peers, professionals, traditional leaders, traditional healers, government, and non-government organisations were recommended to implement substance abuse prevention programmes to address the substance abuse problem among adolescents. Furthermore, the study highlighted efforts made to reflect on the implemented substance abuse prevention programmes. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

Substance abuse among male adolescents

Mohasoa, Irene Patience 02 1900 (has links)
Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem facing the world today. In order to understand the reasons for adolescent substance abuse behaviour, various theoretical perspectives were utilised and strategies to curb substance use were also identified. The study was conducted in the rural areas of Zeerust, North West province of South Africa. The participants included 12 male adolescents, whose ages ranged from 12 to 15 years. A qualitative, explorative research design was employed. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews, genograms and observations. Thematic analysis was used to analyse audio-taped data. The study found that substances abused by the participants include alcohol, nicotine, cannabis and heroin. Their reasons for using these substances include individual, family and environmental factors. However, peer group pressure was identified as the primary factor for adolescent substance use. This study emphasises the painful nature of substance abuse among adolescents, yet at the same time it succeeds in highlighting the strategies that can be employed to address substance abuse among adolescents. In addition, this study recommends a concerted effort by all the stakeholders in addressing the substance abuse problem. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Examining the maintaining factors of anorexia nervosa

Aberdeen, Petrina 15 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative investigation of the factors which maintain anorexia nervosa (AN) according to the transdiagnostic theory of eating disorders (Fairburn et al., 2003). AN is difficult to treat and continues to evade complete understanding. The present study aimed to promote further understanding of food restriction and physical activity in relation to the constructs of clinical perfectionism, core low self-esteem, mood intolerance, and interpersonal difficulties. Twenty females with self-reported AN were recruited from Guelph, Ontario and participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis revealed eight major themes for clinical perfectionism, five for core low self-esteem, five for mood intolerance, and six for interpersonal difficulties. The in-depth emotional accounts and details of food restriction and physical activity in relation to the four constructs examined in this study may contribute to further appreciation of AN, informing practitioners and family members, promoting empathy, and improving treatment options.

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