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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing strategic information system planning model in Libya organisations

Osman, Esam January 2012 (has links)
This quantitative research study investigated the impact of organisational context on the process and success of strategic IS planning (SISP) in post-implementation information systems in Libyan organisations. A set of direct and indirect relationships were investigated in the research model. The organisational context presented as a contingent situational variable mediated by SISP process and predicted by SISP success (the criterion variable). The causality of the relationship set was developed from the contingency theory of information systems and supported by fit models in strategic management research. The study deployed multivariate analysis represented in the structural equation modelling (SEM) to develop robust construct measurements and analyse data collected from executives responsible for information systems planning in both public and private Libyan organisations. Multi-dimensional multi-items constructs were used in the path analysis model after they were extensively validated. The path analysis model represented as mediation model, where hypothesise suggest that SISP context has an impact SISP success, through the influence of the SISP process. In the model, four dimensions of the SISP context construct were found to have a significant impact on SISP success directly and indirectly through the SISP process. Two of these dimensions are components of the leadership orientation construct, namely “Creative and Controlling” leadership. The other two dimensions are “Organisation centralisation structure and the Riskiness of organisation strategies”. The environmental uncertainty and planning resource constructs were found to have no impact on SISP success in Libyan organisations. Furthermore, this study validated six out of seven dimensions of SISP process construct measurement; only five exhibited acceptable fit level in the path analysis model and all were affected by the SISP context. However, just three out of five SISP process constructs had an impact on SISP success namely “Comprehensiveness, Focus and Intuition planning process”. Different SISP processes were associated with different levels of SISP success, “Intuition” was the most effective SISP process approach. The second most effective SISP process approach was the “Focus on innovation”, followed by “Limited comprehensiveness”. The SISP success measured by the fulfilment of key objectives that has three measurements constructs namely “Analysis, Alignment, and Cooperation”. The research suggest that under the effect of organisation context the most successful SISP produced by (CIO, CEO, or top executives) who rely less on personal judgment, focus more on innovation rather than control and limit their comprehensiveness of information systems planning process.

Valeurs propres des automates cellulaires / Eigenvalues of cellular automata

Chemlal, Rezki 31 May 2012 (has links)
On s'intéresse dans ce travail aux automates cellulaires unidimensionnels qui ont été largement étudiés mais où il reste beaucoup à faire. La théorie spectrale des automates cellulaires a notamment été peu abordée à l'exception de quelques résultats indirects. On cherche a mieux comprendre les cadres topologiques et ergodiques en étudiant l'existence de valeurs propres en particulier celles irrationnelles c'est à dire de la forme e^{2Iπα} où α est un irrationnel et I la racine carrée de l'unité. Cette question ne semble pas avoir été abordée jusqu'à présent. Dans le cadre topologique les résultats sur l'équicontinuité de Kůrka et Blanchard et Tisseur permettent de déduire directement que tout automate cellulaire équicontinu possède des valeurs propres topologiques rationnelles. La densité des points périodiques pour le décalage empêche l'existence de valeurs propres topologiques irrationnelles. La densité des points périodiques pour l'automate cellulaire semble être liée à la question des valeurs propres. Dans le cadre topologique, si l'automate cellulaire possède des points d'équicontinuité sans être équicontinu, la densité des points périodiques a comme conséquence le fait que le spectre représente l'ensemble des racines rationnelles de l'unité c'est à dire tous les nombres de la forme e^{2Iπα} avec α∈Q .Dans le cadre mesuré, la question devient plus difficile, on s'intéresse à la dynamique des automates cellulaires surjectifs pour lesquels la mesure uniforme est invariante en vertu du théorème de Hedlund. La plupart des résultats obtenus demeurent valable dans un cadre plus large. Nous commençons par montrer que les automates cellulaires ayant des points d'équicontinuité ne possèdent pas de valeurs propres mesurables irrationnelles. Ce résultat se généralise aux automates cellulaires possédant des points μ-équicontinu selon la définition de Gilman. Nous démontrons finalement que les automates cellulaires possédant des points μ-équicontinu selon la définition de Gilman possèdent des valeurs propres rationnelles / We investigate properties of one-dimensional cellular automata. This category of cellular automata has been widely studied but many questions are still open. Among them the spectral theory of unidimensional cellular automata is an open field with few indirect results. We want a better understanding of both ergodic and topological aspect by investigating the existence of eigenvalues of cellular automata, in particular irrational ones, i.e., those of the form e^{2Iπα} where α is irrationnal and I the complex root of -1. The last question seems not to have been studied yet.In the topological field the results of Kůrka & Blanchard and Tisseur about equicontinuous cellular automata have as direct consequence that any equicontinuous CA has rational eigenvalues. Density of shift periodic points leads to the impossibility for CA to have topological irrational eigenvalues. The density of periodic points of cellular automata seems to be related with the question of eignevalues. If the CA has equicontinuity points without being equicontinuous, the density of periodic points implies the fact that the spectrum contains all rational roots of the unity, i.e., all numbers of the form e^{2Iπα} with α∈Q .In the measurable field the question becomes harder. We assume that the cellular automaton is surjective, which implies that the uniform measure is invariant. Most results are still available in more general conditions. We first prove that cellular automata with equicontinuity points never have irrational measurable eigenvalues. This result is then generalized to cellular automata with μ-equicontinuous points according to Gilman's classification. We also prove that cellular automata with μ-equicontinuous points have rational eigenvalues

L’intervention sociale systémique : un modèle à partir de la théorie des systèmes sociaux : observation du Programme Puente au Chili / The systemic social intervention : model based on the social systems theory : observation of Puente social program in Chile

Madrigal Calderón, Johanna 11 May 2018 (has links)
Ce travail vise à la construction d'un modèle d'intervention sociale qui prend comme base conceptuelle des éléments de la théorie des systèmes sociaux développée par Niklas Luhmann. La prédominance d'une différenciation sociale fonctionnelle, caractéristique d'une société moderne, suppose un monde hétérarchique et acentrique qui oblige à abandonner les principes structurels hiérarchiques des sociétés précédentes. À cet égard, l'intervention sociale ne peut être conçue que si elle s'éloigne du modèle hiérarchique associé au contrôle social, pour ainsi aller vers des stratégies de coordination qui conduisent les systèmes vers une autorégulation. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons une intervention sociale systémique caractérisée par sa contextualité et sa réflexivité, mais aussi par son improbabilité et optionnalité, compte tenu de la clôture opérationnelle qui caractérise les systèmes sociaux. Dans ce sens, l'intervention sociale est présentée comme une offre communicationnelle qui, pour avoir lieu, doit d'abord irriter l'autoréférence des systèmes vers lesquels elle dirige sa stratégie pour ainsi être sélectionnée par ces systèmes. Ainsi, elle permettra d'établir des relations intersystémiques, fondées sur l'hétérarchie, au moyen des couplages structurels. À partir de ces caractéristiques, le cycle de l'intervention se constitue comme un processus réflexif caractérisé par sa récursivité. Il comporte les phases de l'intervention où les systèmes participants convergent dans la définition de la stratégie. Ce travail propose finalement d'observer un programme social chilien, le programme Puente [Pont], afin d'observer s'il est possible d'y identifier des éléments d'une intervention sociale systémique. / The present research aims to the construction of a social intervention model considering, as a conceptual background, a number of elements from the theory of social systems developed by Niklas Luhmann. The predominance of a functional social differentiation, typical of modern societies, supposes an acentric and heterarchical world that compels to abandon the hierarchical structural principles of the former societies. To this regard, social intervention can only be conceived if it keeps away from the hierarchical model associated with social control, in order to favor coordination strategies that lead systems toward self-regulation. Consequently, we propose a systemic social intervention characterized by its context and reflexivity, and also by its improbability and optionality, in view of the operational closure that characterizes social systems. To this end, social intervention is presented as a communicational offer which, in order to occur, must at first irritate the autoreference of the systems to which it aims its strategy, in order to thus be selected by those systems. This will allow establishing intersystem relationships through structural couplings based on heterarchy. Stemming from these characteristics, the cycle of intervention is constituted as a reflexive process marked by its recursivity. It includes the intervention stages where the participating systems converge in the definition of its strategy. Finally, this research proposes to observe a Chilean social program, in order to examine if some elements of a systemic social intervention can be identified.

Da capacidade legiferante dos Estados e do Distrito Federal para editar normas de responsabilidade tributária: do necessário protagonismo da Lei Complementar n. 87/96 para a regência do ICMS

Morais, Valério Pimenta de 18 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-07-23T12:50:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Valério Pimenta de Morais.pdf: 1689159 bytes, checksum: 2c28f4cf9a9613cd7b171a9bcbd7ad74 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-23T12:50:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valério Pimenta de Morais.pdf: 1689159 bytes, checksum: 2c28f4cf9a9613cd7b171a9bcbd7ad74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-18 / The purpose of this thesis is to study the legal capacity of States and the Federal District to issue local ordinary rules related to tax liability, specially regarding the phenomenon of tax substitution, around the incidence of ICMS, thus , It was taken into consideration that the provision of Complementary Law n. 87/96, takes care of a rule of right, and should also emphasize, its role, in view of the national character that the said tax and the normative stature, which presents the same level, as the provisions of the National Tax Code. He then focused on certain theoretical points that guided the development of this work, without neglecting a pragmatic analysis, structured in the form of the treatment given to the judicial decision of the Superior Court of Justice, REsp n. 931.727/RS. Then, with a theoretical-scientific and pragmatic approach, the theory of language – with support in Peircean semiotics, in the line of representation and intervention of reality –, the theory of the autopoietic legal systems of Niklas Luhmann, and, with special attention to the egological theory of the Law of Carlos Cossio – aligned to the study of the philosophical currents of the Tax Law –, for the better apprehension of the tributary legal facts, with special emphasis to the activity of the judging authority for its conformation. On the other hand, the subject of judicial precedents, in the present consideration that can be apprehended by the Brazilian legal system, has been examined, along the lines of the construction of the juridical tributary facts, as determinant premises, led to the conclusion of its strict way of application, together with the specific examination of the ICMS tax substitution liability, which has been delimited by legal typicity, tax feasibility and taxable capacity, at its valid manifestation / Esta tese tem por finalidade o estudo da capacidade legiferante dos Estados e do Distrito Federal na edição de normas ordinárias locais, relacionadas à responsabilidade tributária, em especial naquilo que diz respeito ao fenômeno da substituição tributária, em torno da incidência do ICMS. Tomou-se em consideração que a disposição da Lei Complementar n. 87/96 cuida-se de uma norma de sobredireito, cujo protagonismo deve ser salientado, à vista do caráter nacional que reveste o referido tributo e a estatura normativa apresentada – do mesmo patamar que as disposições do Código Tributário Nacional. Debruçou-se, então, sobre determinados pontos teóricos que nortearam o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, sem descurar de uma análise pragmática, estruturada na forma do tratamento dado à decisão judicial do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, no REsp n. 931.727/RS. Assim, com um enfoque teórico-científico e pragmático, percorreu-se a teoria da linguagem – com suporte na semiótica peirceana, na linha de representação e intervenção da realidade – a teoria dos sistemas jurídicos autopoiéticos de Niklas Luhmann e, com especial detimento, à teoria egológica do Direito de Carlos Cossio – alinhada ao estudo das correntes filosóficas do Direito Tributário – para melhor apreensão dos fatos jurídicos tributários, com especial destaque à atividade da autoridade judicante para sua conformação. Por outra parte, também foram examinados, na linha da construção dos fatos jurídicos tributários, como premissas determinantes, a matéria referente aos precedentes judiciais. Na atual consideração, podem ser apreendidos pelo sistema jurídico brasileiro e levados à conclusão de seu estrito caminho de aplicação, a par do exame específico da responsabilidade por substituição tributária do ICMS, que se revelou delimitado pela tipicidade legal, pela praticabilidade tributária e pela capacidade contributiva, em sua manifestação válida

Ciência econômica e direito penal sob a perspectiva sistêmica

Olsson, Gustavo André 25 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-04-06T17:17:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo André Olsson.pdf: 1799854 bytes, checksum: 0a833923268b119a275b33522e2bfaa7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-06T17:17:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo André Olsson.pdf: 1799854 bytes, checksum: 0a833923268b119a275b33522e2bfaa7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-25 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho investiga a pretensão da Análise Econômica do Direito Penal em contribuir na maneira pela qual o Direito se relaciona com a sociedade contemporânea. Aquela se sustenta na utilização de instrumentos de análise da Ciência Econômica a respeito do comportamento dos seres humanos em sociedade. Investiga o efeito dos incentivos (em um sentido amplo), mensurando as respostas dos "agentes racionais" (mesmo com racionalidade limitada). Nesse contexto, a intenção das análises econômicas consiste em complexificar a perspectiva jurídica a respeito do comportamento humano, no sentido de encontrar melhor responsividade social em relação ao ordenamento jurídico, sobretudo fazendo uso de pesquisas empíricas. Assim, partindo de uma reconstrução da Análise Econômica do Direito Penal, desde o texto seminal de Gary Becker (1968), a pesquisa discute os avanços internos daquela perspectiva, assim como os aportes provenientes da Economia Comportamental. Esse enfoque é assumido em razão de, por si só, a Economia Comportamental (da mesma maneira que as análises empíricas) ser capaz de auxiliar na construção/evolução da dogmática do Direito. Por fim, investiga-se, com fundamentação da Teoria dos Sistemas, a possibilidade de acomplamentos entre os aportes da Ciência Econômica (como comunicação do Sistema da Ciência ou da Economia) em relação ao Sistema do Direito, especialmente considerando as dificuldades de racionalidades consequencialistas, como as propostas ligadas ao agente racional (que reage aos incentivos - ainda que limitadamente, com viéses e com heurísticas de decisão). O resultado considera a possibilidade de ganhos para o Direito, especialmente na maneira de como as normas jurídicas podem ser planejadas e terem sua eficiência e efetividade mensuradas; de outro lado, sugere-se atenção às pesquisas (e a realização de novas) a respeito da percepção e da responsividade dos destinatários das normas jurídicas. Da mesma forma, verificou-se dificuldades para que o Direito alcance objetivos sociais diante da contingência e dos riscos nas sociedades contemporâneas, segundo a perspectiva da Teoria dos Sistemas Sociais. / This research studies the role of the Economic Analysis of Criminal Law in order to verify how it might contributes with the Law in contemporary society. Economic analysis is based on the use of analytical tools of Economic Science with the aim to investigate the way in which humans beings behave in society. Actually, it investigates the effect of incentives (in a broad sense) in human behavior. In this context, the intention of the Law and Economics analysis is to complexify the legal perspective regarding human behavior to find better social responsiveness, in relation to changes in the legal system. Thus, based on a reconstruction of the Economic Analysis of Criminal Law, from the Gary Becker’s seminal text (1968), this research discusses the internal progress of that perspective, and especially the criticism added on it from Behavioral Economics. This approach was chosen because Behavioral Economics, by itself, could be able to assist in the construction of the dogmatic view of Law. Finally, it was investigate, based on System Theory, the theoretical relationship between the contributions of Economic Science (as communications of System Science or Economics) in relation to the System of Law, especially considering the difficulties of “consequentialist rationalities”, as related to the “rational agent” (that reacts to incentives, even with bounded rationality, biases and heuristics of decision). The result suggests the possibility of gains for the Law, especially in the way of how legal rules can be planned and might have measured their efficiency and effectiveness, considering the way of how recipients perceive (and react) to rules changing. In the same perspective, it might be difficult to Law reach social goals in a social contingent and risky society, from the perspective of the Theory of Social Systems.

Komplexität im Unternehmensplanspiel / Ein integrierter systemtheoretischer und kognitionstheoretischer Ansatz unter Bezugnahme auf den Gegenstand Unternehmensgründung / Complexity in business games / An integrated theoretical approach to business games in reference to entrepreneurship

Ahlbrecht, Regina 01 July 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Sistemas dinamicos em espaços metricos fuzzy : aplicações em biomatematica / Dynamical systems in fuzzy metric spaces : applications in biomathematics

Cecconello, Moiseis dos Santos 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Rodney Carlos Bassanezi, Adilson Jose Vieira Brandão / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T01:52:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cecconello_MoiseisdosSantos_D.pdf: 62393038 bytes, checksum: b7f0d1f9138d8e787749532bf661d026 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Neste trabalho desenvolvemos ferramentas de análise qualitativa para sistemas dinâmicos definidos sobre o espaço formado pelos conjuntos fuzzy com a níveis compactos e não vazios. São propostas condições para existência de pontos de equilíbrio para o fluxo fuzzy cuja função de pertinência é sobrejetiva, generalizando alguns resultados já conhecidos. Os fluxos fuzzy considerados aqui são determinados pela extensão de Zadeh aplicada em soluções de equações diferenciais autônomas. São obtidos também condições para a existência de pontos e órbitas periódicas para o fluxo fuzzy. Em particular, demonstramos um teorema tipo Poincaré-Bendixson para tais fluxos gerados por equações autônomas bidimensionais. A análise qualitativa desenvolvida é aplicada em sistemas dinâmicos fuzzy provenientes de modelos significativos da Biomatemática. / Abstract: In this work we develop some tools for qualitative analysis of dynamical systems defined on the metric space of fuzzy sets with compact and nonempty a cuts. Conditions are offered for the existence of equilibrium points for the flow whose fuzzy membership function is surjective, generalizing some results already known. Fuzzy flows considered here are determined by Zadeh's extension applied in solutions of autonomous differential equations. We also obtained conditions for the existence of periodic points and periodic orbits for the fuzzy flow. In particular, we demonstrate a theorem like Poincaré-Bendixson for such flows generated by two-dimensional autonomous equations. The qualitative analysis results are applied to fuzzy dynamic systems from meaningful models of Biomathematics. / Doutorado / Biomatematica / Doutor em Matemática Aplicada

Teorie redistribuce a její aplikace / The theory of redistribution and its application

Mihalčinová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The theory of redistribution systems is a practical extension of a game theory, which deals with a redistribution within a social system of more than two players with di?erent performances and ability to create coalitions. This thesis is divided into three chapters. The ?rst chapter describes the known knowledge of a game theory. The second chapter deals with the theory of redistribution systems. Using an elementary redistribution system and its generalization group behaviour when dividing a payment, achieved by a collective performance, is described. This part introduces the extension of the redistribution system to a compound redistribution system with a fractal structure. Furthermore the theory of discriminatory equilibrium and the theory of commonly acceptable equilibrium are veri?ed using the elementary redistribution system and utility theory. The third chapter deals with an application to the allocation of funds among faculty departments. A game theory approach was used to reduce the game to a non-cooperative game of two players by using the forming of coalitions. Also the theory of redistribution systems was applied when a reduction was used to create a non-cooperative two-player game. This reduced non-cooperative game between two players was converted to a cooperative play of more than two players by changing the rules of the game and allowing a formation of coalitions. In the practical part both of these approaches are compared with real data and a current state.

Transition matrix theory = Teoria da matriz de transição / Teoria da matriz de transição

Vieira, Ewerton Rocha, 1987- 03 May 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Ketty Abaroa de Rezende / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação Científica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T22:09:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vieira_EwertonRocha_D.pdf: 1632095 bytes, checksum: 5dc3208efc5649260ca62805c3e8e1b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Nessa tese, apresentamos uma unificação da teoria das matrizes de transição algébrica, singular, topológica e direcional ao introduzir a matriz de transição (generalizada), a qual engloba todas as quatros citadas anteriormente. Alguns resultados de existência são apresentados bem como a verificação de que cada matriz de transição supracitada são casos particulares da matriz de transição (generalizada). Além disso, nós abordamos como as aplicações das quatros matrizes de transiçao, na teoria do índice de Conley, se traduzem para a matriz de transição (generalizada). Quando a matriz de transição (generalizada) satisfizer o requerimento adicional de cobrir o isomorfismo do índice de Conley F definido pelo fluxo, pode-se provar propriedades de existência e de conexão de órbitas. Essa matriz de transição com a propriedade de cobrir o isomorfismo F é definida como matriz de transição topológica generalizada e a utilizamos para obter conexões de órbitas num fluxo Morse-Smale sem órbitas periódicas bem como para obter conexões de órbitas numa continuação associada à sequência espectral dinâmica / Abstract: In this thesis, we present a unification of the theory of algebraic, singular, topological and directional transition matrices by introducing the (generalized) transition matrix which encompasses each of the previous four. Some transition matrix existence results are presented as well as the verification that each of the previous transition matrices are cases of the (generalized) transition matrix. Furthermore, we address how applications of the previous transition matrices to the Conley Index theory carry over to the (generalized) transition matrix. When this more general transition matrix satisfies the additional requirement that it covers flow-defined Conley-index isomorphisms, one proves algebraic and connection-existence properties. These general transition matrices with this covering property are referred to as generalized topological transition matrices and are used to consider connecting orbits of Morse-Smale flows without periodic orbits, as well as those in a continuation associated to a dynamical spectral sequence / Doutorado / Matematica / Doutor em Matemática

S-D logic research directions and opportunities: the perspective of systems, camplexity and engeneering

Ng, Irene, Badinelli, Ralph, Polese, Francesco, Di Nauta, Primiano, Löbler, Helge, Halliday, Sue January 2012 (has links)
To date, several disciplines have broached the systems view of service and the engineering of service systems. Operations research applied to services began with a rather simplistic, macro view of resource integration in the form of data envelopment analysis (DEA), introduced by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes in 1978 (Banker et al., 1984; Charnes et al., 1994). Micro models of service systems have tended to study the systems’ IT components (Hsu, 2009; Qiu 2009). Engineering, which has always been associated with ‘assembling pieces that work in specific ways’ (Ottino, 2004) and ‘a process of precise composition to achieve a predictable purpose and function’ (Fromm, 2010: 2), has contributed to greater scalability and purposeful control in service systems. However, the agents of the system are usually people whose activities may not easily be controlled by predictable processes and yet are critical aspects of the value-creating system (Ng et al., 2011b). There is need for a new combinative paradigm, such as third-generation activity theory, in which two or more activity systems come into contact, to explore dialogue, exchanging perspectives of multiple actors, resulting in networks or groups of activity systems that are constantly interacting (Marken, 2006; Nardi, 1996, Oliveros et al., 2010). While various systems approaches, such as general systems theory (von Bertalanffy, 1962); open systems theory (Boulding, 1956; Katz and Kahn, 1978); and viable systems approach (Barile, 2008; Beer, 1972; Golinelli, 2010), will not be reviewed here (see Ng et al., 2011a for a systems approach to service science), they share common tenets: boundaries, interfaces, hierarchy, feedback and adaptation to which most systems writers would add emergence, input, output and transformation (Kast and Rosenzweig, 1972). These terms may be used as a basis for a research agenda for the consideration of a service system.

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