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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Med önskan om kontroll : Figurationer av hälsa i skolors hälsofrämjande arbete / With desire for control : figurations of health in school health promotion

Gunnarsson, Karin January 2015 (has links)
Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i två sammanvävda tendenser, den ökade förekomsten av psykisk ohälsa bland unga och skolors uppdrag att främja hälsa. Larmen om att ohälsa bland unga ökar har skett i takt med att skolans hälsofrämjande arbete allt starkare efterfrågas. Hur skolans hälsofrämjande arbete på så vis fått en alltmer generell prägel som innefattar hela skolan och alla elever samt vad detta innebär för skolans verksamhet är frågor som diskuteras i denna avhandling. Forskningsfrågorna formuleras såsom hur produceras hälsa som olika figurationer i skolors hälsofrämjande arbete och vad producerar i sin tur dessa figurationer. Figurationer förstås här som samtidigt stabila och temporära figurer eller uttryck. De sätter fokus på göranden som formar hälsa till olika formationer, språkligt och diskursivt men också materiellt och affektivt utifrån ett post-konstruktionistiskt perspektiv (Lykke, 2010). Inom ramen för detta perspektiv sammankopplas teorier och begrepp från Michel Foucault, Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, Bruno Latour och Ann-Marie Mol. Det formar en teoretisk apparatur med möjligheter att undersöka hälsa och skolors hälsofrämjande arbete genom att utmana uppdelningar av ting, texter, kroppar, känslor och diskurser. Här blir inte bara människor utan också materialiteter aktiva aktörer i produktionen av hälsa. Det görs med ett etnografiskt tillvägagångssätt där fenomenet hälsa spåras i två skolpraktiker, skol- och hälsopolitiska policytexter och ett manualbaserat hälsofrämjande program kallat DISA (Depression in Swedish Adolescens). Spårandet följer fyra figurationer av hälsa; hälsa som plats, hälsa som kompetens, hälsa som känslor och hälsa som könad kropp. Genom dessa figurationer återkommer komponenterna kontroll och förändring. Hälsa produceras i relation till kontroll och förändring som en förmåga att kontrollera och förändra såväl egna tankar och känslor som omgivning. Spårandet av hälsa har skett i och genom praktiker som syftar till förändring, en förbättrad hälsa, men som genom en önskan om kontroll framförallt producerar stabiliserande och faslåsande effekter. Hälsa, känslor och lärande blir genom spårningen ytterligare sammanvävda aspekter vilket i avhandlingen förstås som en hälsofiering av skola där ett hälsofrämjande arbete ska vara del av hela skolan och riktas mot alla elever. Samtidigt spåras hur materiella, diskursiva och affektiva aktörer är delaktiga i händelser som inte går att förutse, bestämma eller kontrollera. Det formades händelser där texter, rum, manualer, spiraler, lappar, soffor och kroppar blev aktiva genom att koppla samman, beröra och producera hälsa. På så vis framträdde hur önskan om kontroll både är tillfällig och imaginär. Avslutningsvis konstrueras och diskuteras begreppet tekno-biopedagogik och hur det kan göra det möjligt att undersöka hur pedagogiska praktiker tillsammans med kroppar och materialiteter formar biopolitiska processer. Därutöver artikuleras en figuration av hälsa som omsorg med en utvidgad teoretisk diskussion om vad den skulle kunna innebära, dels sammankopplat med skolors hälsofrämjande arbete, dels sammankopplat med en forskningspraktik. / This thesis examines two interwoven movements highlighted in education during the last decades, and articulated here as a decline in young people's mental health and as school's increasing efforts to prevent ill-health. Promotion of health in education has been enacted throughout history employing various constructions of health. In recent decades, there have been profound changes, making it relevant to examine this issue. The aim of this thesis is to examine how health is produced within different figurations of health in apparatus of schools' health promotion. The two research questions are: How are figurations of health produced in school health promotion? and What are these figurations of health producing in relation to school health promotion? In this thesis health and schools health promotion is examined from the theoretical position of post-constructionism (Lykke, 2010). Post-constructionism offers a web of theories that in different ways articulate how meaning, matter, language and reality are interconnected and together produce figurations of health. In order to investigate the research questions, an ethnographic tracing is conducted. The ethnographic tracing is carried out in two practices, education and health policies, and participant engagement in a manual-based school health promotion program called DISA (Depression in Swedish Adolescence). Within these two practices four figurations of health are traced:  health as place, health as competence, health as feelings, and health as gendered body. Here, health is produced through boundaries articulating a desire for control. Entangled with this desire health becomes an individual competence to control and change thoughts and feelings as well as the surroundings. The figurations also contribute to a healthification of education. This healthification is intertwined to learning and hereby school health promotion becomes involved in the entire school and all students. The tracing of figurations also disclose how the intra-actions of materialities, discourses and affects together produce tensions with a potential to challenge the stabilizing boundaries. This takes place within events that are neither predicable nor controllable, making the production of health in school health promotion both more complex and more hopeful. In conclusion, I construct and discuss the concept of techno-biopedagogy. In relation to this concept I ask how it is possible to produce a health promotion practice with that intervene carefully in school health promotion.

Who's at risk of catching Chlamydia trachomatis? Identifying factors associated with increased risk of infection to enable individualized care and intervention

Carré, Helena January 2010 (has links)
Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) can cause infertility and is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) of bacterial origin in Europe. Surveys in seven countries estimated a population prevalence of 1.4-3.0 % in people 18 to 44 years. Approximately 87% of those diagnosed in Sweden are 15-29 years. Since 1997, with the exception of 2009-2010, despite all efforts, CT has increased steadily in many European countries including Sweden. That made us investigate risk factors associated with catching STIs, especially CT. In Sweden partner notification is mandatory by law when a patient is diagnosed with CT. Centralised partner notification, performed by a few experienced counsellors, and evaluation of the sexual history for at least 12 months back in time, shows superior results compared to other studies. Phone-interviews are a good option in remote areas. “The Västerbotten model” for partner notification fulfils these criteria and our evaluation has functioned as a model for changing recommendations of partner notification in Sweden. Preventing CT by primary prevention such as information and counselling is, however, still of great importance. We investigated whether it was necessary to test for CT in the throat. We found that patients testing positive for pharyngeal CT neither had more symptoms or signs nor a sexual history that differed from others. We therefore believe that we will find most or all of these patients by conventional testing of urine and cervical/vaginal samples. We wanted to further identify risk factors among patients attending a clinic for sexually transmitted infections to enable individualized care depending on risk. None or inconsistent use of condoms with new/temporary partners in combination with having at least one new/temporary partner within the past 6 months could identify persons with risk behaviour and at increased risk of CT (re)infection. Additional information about whether the condom was used during the whole intercourse did not add any risk of infection. A drop-in reception is a good contribution to an opportunistic screening approach. The rate of CT infected is high and the clinic attracts men and individuals ≥25 years old at risk of infection, groups which usually have a reduced test rate. The mean age was 28 years and 58% of the patients were men. The figure of correct condom usage is very low indicating the need for risk reducing counselling also in this grown-population. Among adult STI patients anxiety was common and depression uncommon. Neither was linked to high risk sexual behaviour nor ongoing CT infection. Hazardous alcohol consumption, however, was common and linked to anxiety and high risk sex. We conclude that preventive work can not only focus on STI prevention, but must consider the high frequency of hazardous alcohol consumption, which probably is contributing to sexual risk behaviour.

The Governmentality of Meta-governance : Identifying Theoretical and Empirical Challenges of Network Governance in the Political Field of Security and Beyond

Larsson, Oscar January 2015 (has links)
Meta-governance recently emerged in the field of governance as a new approach which claims that its use enables modern states to overcome problems associated with network governance. This thesis shares the view that networks are an important feature of contemporary politics which must be taken seriously, but it also maintains that networks pose substantial analytical and political challenges. It proceeds to investigate the potential possibilities and problems associated with meta-governance on both theoretical and empirical levels. The theoretical discussion examines meta-governance in relation to governmentality, and it puts forward the claim that meta-governance may be understood as a specific type of neo-liberal governmentality. The meta-governance perspective regards networks as a complementary structure to traditional administration that can be utilized in the implementation and realization of public policy, but which also preserves the self-regulating and flexible character of networks. This generates a contradiction between the goals of public management and the character of networks that requires further investigation. The combination of the specific dynamics of the political field of security, the diminishing role of sovereign powers, the emergence of security networks, and the meta-governance stance adopted by the Swedish state constitutes a situation that should have been favorable for the successful employment of meta-governance. The empirical investigation of meta-governance is divided into two parts. The first part reviews the historical process involved and shows how the Swedish government and public authorities have adopted a meta-governance stance. The second analyzes the specific instruments and strategies that have been deployed in the governance of security communications and in the management of Sweden’s new security communications system which is an important aspect of security networks. The historical study together with the analysis of the meta-governance tools deployed reveals that the meta-governors neither reached the goals specified, nor fulfilled the overall purpose of successful security communications. I argue on the basis of the theoretical and empirical findings obtained in the present study that it is very difficult to successfully employ meta-governance in respect to security and crisis management, and that we have sound reasons to suspect that meta-governance will run into similar difficulties in other political fields as well. I conclude that meta-governance is a far more difficult practice than has been anticipated by existing theories and policy recommendations. Turning to meta-governance as a way to govern and control organizations may in fact lead to further fragmentation and distortion of public politics.

High quality, high performance rendering using shadow ray acceleration and aggressive micropolygon tessellation rates

Djeu, Peter 15 June 2011 (has links)
Rendering in computer graphics is the process of converting a three dimensional scene description into a two dimensional image. In this work we focus on high quality rendering, which has numerous applications in entertainment and visualization. Many films today are created either entirely or in concert with computationally generated imagery and serve as a vivid example of the benefits of high quality rendering. This dissertation consists of two parts, each presenting novel work in the field of high quality, high performance rendering. The first part proposes the use of volumetric occluders, or a collection of axis-aligned boxes placed within a polygonal model, to accelerate the rendering of shadows cast by the model while producing images identical to the unaccelerated baseline. We show that our approach performs well on single object scenes and extend our approach for use with scenes from a professional open source movie. Although the technique has not yet proven itself on these multi-object scenes, we identify the scene characteristics which are hampering the approach and show that in some cases it is still possible to achieve an improvement in performance. The second part of the dissertation presents a new way to determine micropolygon tessellation rate within a Reyes style renderer. Our new scheme, called final approach tessellation, evaluates the tessellation rate close to a Reyes surface rather than upon entry into its bounding box. Our determination of the tessellation rate is more aggressive than previous approaches, producing a more compact tessellation which in turn is faster to compute and requires less memory. Our evaluation shows that although final approach tessellation is promising in theory, it ultimately fails to improve performance on actual test scenes. / text

Analyse transgener Mauslinien mit zelltypspezifischer Expression fluoreszenter Proteine als Modelle für akute Hirntraumata / Analysis of transgenic Mouse Lines with Cell Type specific Expression of Fluorescent Proteins as Models of acute Brain Trauma

Braun, Christian 23 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Le modèle antarctique

Lapointe, Annicka 04 1900 (has links)
Il existe actuellement des différends frontaliers entre les États circumpolaires-Nord qui entravent la bonne gouvernance de la région. Afin d'identifier des pistes de solution pour améliorer la gouvernance en Arctique et faciliter la coopération, nous analysons le processus qui a mené, à l'autre pôle, à la création du Traité sur l’Antarctique de 1959. Nous utilisons une approche néolibérale institutionnelle comme cadre théorique ainsi qu’une méthodologie basée sur le traçage de processus. Nous avons identifié quatre variables (les intérêts des États, le contexte politique, le leadership, et l’Année géophysique internationale [AGI]) que nous avons étudiés au cours de trois périodes historiques et dont l’évolution a contribué à la formation du régime antarctique. Les étapes menant à l'élaboration d'un régime identifié dans la théorie institutionnaliste dynamique de Frischmann s'appliquent aux différentes périodes que nous avons déterminées. La première période historique correspond à l'identification du problème d'interdépendance. Les États ont d’abord tenté d’assouvir leurs intérêts particuliers envers le continent antarctique par l’intermédiaire de stratégies individuelles. Le statut imprécis du continent antarctique caractérisé par des revendications territoriales conflictuelles, la volonté des superpuissances d’effectuer d’éventuelles revendications territoriales et le leadership exercé par les États-Unis ont toutefois permis de faire évoluer les États vers des stratégies coopératives. La deuxième période historique correspond à l'étape de la négociation de l’entente. Le leadership d’un groupe de scientifiques et des États-Unis ainsi que le contexte politique de la Guerre froide ont favorisé la cohésion des États intéressés par les affaires antarctiques et leur investissement dans une coopération multilatérale souple dans le cadre d’un événement ponctuel, l’AGI. La troisième période correspond à la mise en oeuvre de l’entente, soit l’AGI. Lors de cet événement, une entente tacite, un engagement d’honneur, qui suspendait les considérations territoriales en Antarctique, a été respectée par les parties. La coopération dans le cadre de l’AGI s’est avérée un succès. Les États se sont montrés satisfaits des gains que comportait la coopération scientifique dans un environnement pacifique. L’AGI a permis aux États d’expérimenter la coopération multilatérale et d’observer le comportement des autres participants au sein de l’institution. En raison de la satisfaction des États vis-à-vis la coopération dans le cadre de l'entente souple, l'élaboration du traité de 1959 a été facilitée. Notre étude nous a permis d’identifier des éléments clefs qui ont favorisé la formation du régime antarctique et qui pourraient servir d’inspiration pour l'élaboration de futurs régimes. La présence d’un leadership tout au long du processus a permis de promouvoir les avantages de la coopération sous différentes formes et de renforcer les relations entre les États présents dans les affaires antarctiques. La réalisation d'une entente souple dans le cadre de l'AGI, centrée autour des intérêts communs aux parties, comprenant un engagement d’honneur, permettant de mettre de côté les points de discorde, ont aussi été des points centraux dans la réussite et la poursuite de la coopération au-delà de l’AGI. Cette approche graduelle allant du droit souple vers le droit contraignant est sans aucun doute l’élément le plus important ayant facilité le rapprochement des différentes parties et éventuellement la création du Traité sur l’Antarctique. / There are currently border disputes between North circumpolar states that impede the good governance of the region. In order to identify possible solutions for improving the governance in the Arctic and to facilitate cooperation, we analyze the process that, at the other pole, led to the creation of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty. We use a neoliberal institutional approach as a theoretical framework and a methodology based on the process tracing. We identified four variables (states' interests, the political context, leadership, and the International Geophysical Year [IGY]) that we studied through three historical periods and whose evolution has contributed to elaborating the Antarctic regime. The steps leading to the development of a regime, identified in Frischmann’s dynamic institutionalism theory, apply to the three periods that we have identified. The first historical period corresponds to identifying an interdependency problem. States first tried to satisfy their particular interests pertaining to the Antarctic continent through individual strategies. The unclear status of the Antarctic continent characterized by conflicting claims, the will of the superpowers to potentially make territorial claims, and the leadership of the United States, however, facilitate the states to move to more cooperative strategies. The second historical period corresponds to negotiating the agreement. The leadership of a group of scientists and the United States in addition to the political context of the Cold War facilitated the cohesion of states interested in Antarctic affairs and their investment in a soft multilateral cooperation, the IGY. The third period corresponds to implementing the agreement, that is IGY. During this event, the parties have respected a tacit agreement, a gentlemen’s agreement, which suspended territorial considerations in Antarctica. The cooperation during the IGY proved to be a success. States were satisfied with their gains from the scientific cooperation in a peaceful environment. The IGY has allowed states to experiment multilateral cooperation and to observe the behavior of other participants within the institution. Due to the satisfaction of the states vis-à-vis the cooperation, the development of the 1959 Treaty was facilitated. Through our study, we identified key elements that led to the creation of the Antarctic regime and could serve as an inspiration for the development of future regime. The continuous of leadership throughout the process helped to promote the benefits of cooperation and to strengthen relations between the states involved in Antarctic affairs. The accomplishment of a soft agreement, during the IGY, centered around the parties common interests, and of a gentlemen’s agreement, which put aside divisive issues were also central points in the success and the extension of the coopération after the IGY. This gradual approach from soft law to hard law is undoubtedly the most important element that facilitated the cohesion of parties and the creation of the Antarctic Treaty.

Programinės įrangos palaikymo sistema. Objektiškai orientuoto duomenų modelio tyrimas / Software Support System. Object oriented data model research

Mačiulis, Paulius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Sukurti programinę įrangą dažnai skiriama per mažai laiko, programuotojai priversti skubėti. Dažnai nelieka laiko išsamiems programos testams atlikti, o produktas jau atiduodamas klientui. Programinę įrangą įsigiję vartotojai nori, kad rasti defektai būtų kuo greičiau pašalinti. Programinės įrangos kūrėjai suinteresuoti turėti patikimą grįžtamąjį ryšį su vartotojais ir kaupti defektų istoriją, kad vėliau iš sukauptų duomenų galėtų atlikti statistinius tyrimus. Projekto tikslas - realizuoti universalią programinės įrangos palaikymo sistemą (angl. software support system), pritaikytą tiek programinės įrangos kūrėjams, tiek galutiniams programinės įrangos pirkėjams. Panaudoti naujausias projektavimo ir programavimo technologijas, taip užtikrinant efektyvų tolimesnį sistemos palaikymą. Išanalizuoti ir panaudoti objektiškai orientuotą duomenų modelį, palyginti jį su standartiniais duomenų valdymo modeliais. Ištirti laikines modelių charakteristikas. / Software projects must meet development time constrains and continuously changing requirements. Software developers work under pressure to meet task deadlines and there is often no time left for exhausting software testing. Errors happen. It's very important to find them in proper time, collect and make bug reports. Also corrected errors and bugs can't be forgotten. After shipping beta and final versions of the software, developers miss feedback from the users. To accumulate information about software errors can be a problematic task. Work purpose is to create universal bug reporting system, adapted to software developers and end users. This system is accessible via local network and internet. Application developed using modern OOP technologies and .NET 2.0 Framework. Finally, the object oriented data model research was accomplished. This data model was compared with standard data models. A performance and features of data models was tested. The critical conclusions were accepted.

Change and Continuity : Tracing the structure of the Swedish crisis management system on a national level by its advocacy coalitions 2001 - 2014

Mörner, Philip January 2014 (has links)
This essay is an analysis of the Swedish crisis management, as a policy subsystem using the Advocacy Coalition Framework. By applying a Causal Process Tracing method, the main issues of division within the policy subsystem will be examined, and the effects of the 2004 South East Asian tsunami as an incitement of policy change. The major finding is that the reforms that followed the tsunami investigations, to a large extent were planned prior to the tragic event, the main changes seem to have been halted by the 2006 election and change of Office. The cross-party coalitions that were found have theoretical implications for the ACF research.

A case study of student reasoning about refraction and image-object positioning

Nygren, David January 2014 (has links)
This exploratory case study was undertaken to obtain a greater understanding of the difficulties that physics students face when solving image-object projections in optics problems. This was carried out by studying the students’ reasoning when facing new kinds of problem settings using the refraction of light and the position of the virtual image and the real object as the frame for the research. The results show that there is more than one reasoning possibility that is feasible for students to use when dealing with the same problem. The results also illustrate how several different ways of reasoning may be simultaneously needed to solve a refraction problem. The different kinds of reasoning have been referred to as reasoning categories in this study. The analysis illustrates how the categories complement each other, and the use of many reasoning categories is shown to be fruitful. However, the vast majority of the participants made contradicting answer selections when solving similar problems by using contradicting reasoning approaches. This lack of consistency in the participants’ reasoning could indicate that they have a fragmentary understanding of optics in general. Both the capability to link reasoning approaches together, as well as the affordances that different modes of representations offer, are needed for the construction of a better conceptual understanding. Only mastering a few ways of reasoning and a few modes of representation could lead to fragmented knowledge, which, in turn leads to making problem solving really challenging. One purpose of this study was to find out if reasoning categories and modes of representations are essentially linked. If so, then the reasoning categories would be determined by the representation of the problem. The analysis shows that there is a connection, but that there are also other factors at play.

Crustal velocity structure of the Southern Nechako Basin, British Columbia, from wide-angle seismic traveltime inversion

Stephenson, Andrew 30 November 2010 (has links)
In the BATHOLITHSonland seismic project, a refraction - wide-angle reflection survey was shot in 2009 across the Coast Mountains and Interior Plateau of central British Columbia. Part of the seismic profile crossed the Nechako Basin, a Jurassic-Cretaceous basin with potential for hydrocarbons within sedimentary rocks that underlie widespread volcanics. Along this 205-km-long line segment, eight explosive shots averaging 750 kg were fired and recorded on 980 seismometers. Forward and inverse modelling of the traveltime data were conducted with two independent methods: ray-tracing based modelling of first and secondary arrivals, and a higher resolution wavefront-based first-arrival seismic tomography. Gravity modelling was utilized as a means of evaluating the density structure corresponding to the final velocity model. Material with velocities less than 5.0 km/s is interpreted as sedimentary rocks of the Nechako Basin, while velocities from 5.0-6.0 km/s may correspond to interlayered sediments and volcanics. The greatest thickness of sedimentary rocks in the basin is found in the central 110 km of the profile. Two sub-basins were identified in this region, with widths of 20-50 km and maximum sedimentary depths of 2.5 km and 3.3 km. Such features are well-defined in the velocity model, since resolution tests indicate that features with widths greater than ~13 km are reliable. Beneath the sedimentary rocks, seismic velocities increase more slowly with depth – from 6.0 km/s just below the basin to 6.3 km/s at ~17 km depth, and then to 6.8-7.0 km/s at the base of the crust. The Moho is interpreted at a depth of 33.5-35 km along the profile, and mantle velocities are high at 8.05-8.10 km/s.

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