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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Damage detection on railway bridges using Artificial Neural Network and train induced vibrations

Shu, Jiangpeng, Zhang, Ziye January 2012 (has links)
A damage detection approach based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN), using the statistics of structural dynamic responses as the damage index, is proposed in this study for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Based on the sensitivity analysis, the feasibility of using the changes of variances and covariance of dynamic responses of railway bridges under moving trains as the indices for damage detection is evaluated.   A FE Model of a one-span simply supported beam bridge is built, considering both single damage case and multi-damage case. A Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is designed and trained to simulate the detection process. A series of numerical tests on the FE model with different train properties prove the validity and efficiency of the proposed approach. The results show not only that the trained ANN together with the statistics can correctly estimate the location and severity of damage in the structure, but also that the identification of the damage location is more difficult than that of the damage severity. In summary, it is concluded that the use of statistical property of structural dynamic response as damage index with the Artificial Neural Network as detection tool for damage detection is reliable and effective.

Development of Treatment Train Techniques for the Evaluation of Low Impact Development in Urban Regions

Hardin, Mike 01 January 2014 (has links)
Stormwater runoff from urban areas is a major source of pollution to surface water bodies. The discharge of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus is particularly damaging as it results in harmful algal blooms which can limit the beneficial use of a water body. Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) have been developed over the years to help address this issue. While BMPs have been investigated for years, their use has been somewhat limited due to the fact that much of the data collected is for specific applications, in specific regions, and it is unknown how these systems will perform in other regions and for other applications. Additionally, the research was spread across the literature and performance data was not easily accessible or organized in a convenient way. Recently, local governments and the USEPA have begun to collect this data in BMP manuals to help designers implement this technology. That being said, many times a single BMP is insufficient to meet water quality and flood control needs in urban areas. A treatment train approach is required in these regions. In this dissertation, the development of methodologies to evaluate the performance of two BMPs, namely green roofs and pervious pavements is presented. Additionally, based on an extensive review of the literature, a model was developed to assist in the evaluation of site stormwater plans using a treatment train approach for the removal of nutrients due to the use of BMPs. This model is called the Best Management Practices Treatment for Removal on an Annual basis Involving Nutrients in Stormwater (BMPTRAINS) model. The first part of this research examined a previously developed method for designing green roofs for hydrologic efficiency. The model had not been tested for different designs and assumed that evapotranspiration was readily available for all regions. This work tested this methodology against different designs, both lab scale and full scale. Additionally, the use of the Blaney-Criddle equation was examined as a simple way to determine the ET for regions where data was not readily available. It was shown that the methods developed for determination of green roof efficiency had good agreement with collected data. Additionally, the use of the Blaney-Criddle equation for estimation of ET had good agreement with collected and measured data. The next part of this research examined a method to design pervious pavements. The water storage potential is essential to the successful design of these BMPs. This work examined the total and effective porosities under clean, sediment clogged, and rejuvenated conditions. Additionally, a new type of porosity was defined called operating porosity. This new porosity was defined as the average of the clean effective porosity and the sediment clogged effective porosity. This porosity term was created due to the fact that these systems exist in the exposed environment and subject to sediment loading due to site erosion, vehicle tracking, and spills. Due to this, using the clean effective porosity for design purposes would result in system failure for design type storm events towards the end of its service life. While rejuvenation techniques were found to be somewhat effective, it was also observed that often sediment would travel deep into the pavement system past the effective reach of vacuum sweeping. This was highly dependent on the pore structure of the pavement surface layer. Based on this examination, suggested values for operating porosity were presented which could be used to calculate the storage potential of these systems and subsequent curve number for design purposes. The final part of this work was the development of a site evaluation model using treatment train techniques. The BMPTRAINS model relied on an extensive literature review to gather data on performance of 15 different BMPs, including the two examined as part of this work. This model has 29 different land uses programmed into it and a user defined option, allowing for wide applicability. Additionally, this model allows a watershed to be split into up to four different catchments, each able to have their own distinct pre- and post-development conditions. Based on the pre- and post-development conditions specified by the user, event mean concentrations (EMCs) are assigned. These EMCs can also be overridden by the user. Each catchment can also contain up to three BMPs in series. If BMPs are to be in parallel, they must be in a separate catchment. The catchments can be configured in up to 15 different configurations, including series, parallel, and mixed. Again, this allows for wide applicability of site designs. The evaluation of cost is also available in this model, either in terms of capital cost or net present worth. The model allows for up to 25 different scenarios to be run comparing cost, presenting results in overall capital cost, overall net present worth, or cost per kg of nitrogen and phosphorus. The wide array of BMPs provided and the flexibility provided to the user makes this model a powerful tool for designers and regulators to help protect surface waters.

Challenges with Driverless and Unattended Train Operations

Jansson, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Demand for transportation continues to increase, for both freight and passenger services. One of the most energy-efficient modes of transportation is rail. One solution to increase the attractiveness of rail transport is to introduce automatic train operation (ATO) with a high grade of automation (GoA). Driverless and unattended train operation could entail positive effects but would also bring challenges when removing the train driver. Thus, there is a need to understand the role of train drivers, especially in unplanned events. The main research objectiveis to understand the train driver roles during unplanned events and the frequency of such events. This thesis includes three papers to fulfill the research objective. This thesis studied delay logs and trackside sensor logs. A qualitative method, thematic analysis, was used to identify themes of the roles performed by train driver from the delay logs. The chi-square test statistical method was used to analyze these trackside sensor logs. Six main categories of tasks for train drivers were identified for unplanned events. Detect, Report, Inspect, Adjust, Manage passengers, and Respond to train orders. Each category was analyzed for each grade of automation by giving the responsibility for each category. The results highlight in a novel way the varied challenges between grade of automation in mainline systems. Detecting abnormalities was the most common task train drivers performed during unplanned events. Train drivers use four human senses to detect abnormalities: sight, hearing, touch, and smell. This indicates the need for onboard sensors. However, the real challenge is in processing all sensor data to gain anaccurate evaluation of any fault. One specific type of unplanned event in which the train driver is needed involves trackside sensor alarms. Freight trains are ten times more likely to trip an alarm than passenger trains. Alarms are more frequent in colder climate zones during winter months. These differences are statistically significant and indicate that not all lines and train types might be suitable for a high grade of automation. If driverless or unattended train operation will become a reality in future, many challenges must be met. This thesis gives deeper understanding of these challenges using a novel way to identify and quantify train driver tasks during unplanned events. / Efterfrågan på transporter fortsätter att öka, både gods- och persontransporter. Ett av de mest energieffektiva transportmedlen är järnväg. En möjlighet att öka järnvägens attraktivitet skulle kunna vara att introducera automatic train operation (ATO) med en hög grad av automatisering. Förarlös och obemannad tågdrift skulle kunna medföra postiva effekter, men det skulle också medföra utmaningar med att ta bort lokföraren. Det finns därför ett behov att förstå lokförarens roll, speciellt i oplanerade situationer. Huvudsyftet är att förstå de olika rollerna lokföraren har vid oplanerade situationer och även frekvensen av dessa situationer. Licentiatuppsatsen är uppbyggd av tre vetenskapliga artiklar för uppnå syftet. Den här licentiatuppsatsen har använt förseningsbeskrivningar och detektorloggar. En kvalitativ metod, tematisk analys, har använts för att identifiera teman för lokförarnas olika roller utifrån förseningsbeskrivningarna. En statistisk metod, chi-square-test, har använts för att analysera detektorloggarna.  Sex huvudkategorier av lokförarens roller vid oplanerade händelser har identifierats: Upptäcka, Rapportera, Kontrollera, Justera, Hantera resenärer och Hantera tågordrar. Varje kategori har analyserats utifrån de olika graderna av automation genom att ge visa hur de skulle kunna genomföras. Resultaten belyser de olika utmaningarna mellan graderna av automation på ett nytt sätt i ett nationellt järnvägssystem. Att upptäcka felaktigheter var den vanligaste uppgiften för lokförare vid oplanerade händelser. Lokförare använder fyra sinnen för att upptäcka felaktigheter, syn, hörsel, känsel och lukt. Det indikerar behovet av ombordsensorer, men den stora utmaningen blir att hantera all sensordata för en korrekt bedömning av verkliga fel. En specifik oplanerad händelse då lokföraren behövs är vid detektorlarm. Godståg har en tio gånger högre risk att utlösa ett detektorlarm än ett persontåg. Detektorlarm förekommer oftare i kallt klimat under vintermånader. Skillanderna är statistiskt säkerställda och ger en indikation på att alla sträckor och tågtyper inte är lämpliga för en hög grad av automatisering.  Om förarlösa eller obemannade tåg ska bli en verklighet i framtiden behöver flera utmaningar hanteras. Den här licentiatuppsatsen ger en djupare förståelse av dessa utmaningar genom att använda ett nytt sätt att identifiera lokförarnas uppgifter vid oplanerade händelser. / <p>QC230830</p>

Requirement Engineering using ScaledAgile Framework®(SAFe) in AutomotiveIndustry: Practices and Challenges

Gopal, Marimuthu, Yacoob, Abdulrahman Omar January 2022 (has links)
Background: The Scaled Agile Framework®(SAFe) has been adopted by many automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for scaling their agile practices. It is one of the ways to improve and accelerate their in-house software development life cycle. Most OEMs have tailored the agile framework to fit their own needs. However, with the increasing complexity of vehicles, especially in terms of embedded software and hardware development, agile release trains (ARTs) face challenges in managing requirements throughout the vehicle development life cycle. Multiple teams working on requirements, consistency of requirements, collaboration, prioritization of requirements between teams, and changing requirements are some of the challenges faced by the SAFe practicing organizations. Objectives: This thesis examines how the requirements engineering within SAFe has been practiced inone of the automotive OEMs, and the challenges its agile release trains face. It addresses the real problems of practical interest and real-life context by interacting with the teams who have been closely working with the requirements daily. It also accumulates the impacts due to the identified challenges. Methods: This study utilizes a case study methodology, which is flexible in design, exploratory, andqualitative. This choice of research method is influenced by the scope of the study, research questions, and the degree of interaction required between us and the participants to collect the data. By conducting semi-structured interviews, a large quality of data isproduced by having a higher level of interaction with participants. The collected data is then probed for newer and unexpected responses using a thematic approach, which helps to identify patterns and themes using large and complex data. Results: This thesis summarizes the requirement engineering practices and challenges faced by theagile release trains in SAFe practicing automotive industry. We approached the agile teams directly and collected the organizational and stakeholder behavior while working with therequirements and the challenges faced. Using intrinsic data analysis, the gathered interview data is understood, and the implications are listed. This study reemphasizes that agile release trains were facing many challenges, especially in the requirements engineeringarea even though the Scaled Agile Framework is practiced. Knowledge gaps, incompleteand misunderstood customer requirements, ineffective communication, fragmented tooling, inadequate management support, and inconsistent requirement engineering practiceare some of the challenges highlighted by the agile release trains.

Sopsortering på tåg : En undersökning av uppfattningar, förbättringsmöjligheter och effekten av prompt

Lövgren, Samuel, Dellblad, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Sopsortering på tåg är ett ämne där det saknas vetenskaplig litteratur. Det framstår utifrån författarnas egna observationer som att sopsortering på tåg inte förekommer. De alternativ som observerats är plastpåsar vid tågsäten och en lucka i väggen för blandat avfall. Det är troligt att avfallet går till förbränning då det inte finns några lagar eller regler som kräver att sopsortering ska finnas på tåg. Vetskapen om att ämnet inte undersökts och att det verkar saknas sorteringsalternativ på tåg, la grunden för arbetets syfte. Syftet var att undersöka hur människor upplever sorteringsmöjligheterna på tåg och potentialen att öka insamling med hjälp av bättre sorteringsmöjligheter och prompts. För att besvara syftet, formulerades två frågeställningar,1.Hur upplever människor sorteringsmöjligheterna på tåg, och kan olika typer av sorteringsmöjligheter förbättra dessa? Och, 2.Hur kan prompts användas för att öka sorteringen av pappersavfall på tåg? Teoriavsnittet var grundläggande för både metod, resultat och diskussion. Kapitlet berörde bland annat prompts, normativ påverkan, åtgärder för att kunna förbättra återvinning och en beskrivning av en fältstudie meden observation och utdelandet av flygblad.I arbetet valdes en enkätstudie för att få svar på frågeställning 1. Enkätens huvudsakliga resultat var tvetydigt, det gick inte helt säkert se att de valda interventionerna ökade sorteringsmöjligheterna. För att försöka få tydligare svar och för att få svar på fråga 2. genomfördes ett fältexperiment. Resultatet av fältexperimentet blev inte signifikant. I diskussionen lyftes de huvudsakliga resultaten från enkätundersökningen och fältexperimentet. Resultatet jämfördes med tidigare studier och styrkor och brister med arbetets utförande diskuterades. Slutligen gavs svar angående om syfte och frågeställningar hade besvarats. / Waste recycling on trains is a subject that lacks scientific literature. It seems from the writers own observations that recycling on trains is non existent. The alternatives that have been observed is plastic bags next to train seats and a gap in the wall for mixed waste. It is probable that waste goes to incineration because there is no laws or rules that demand waste recycling on trains. The knowledge about the subject not being researched and that recycling seems to be absent on trains, lay the foundation for this works aim. The aim was to research how people feel the possibilities to recycle on trains are and the potential to increase recycling with better alternatives for recycling and prompts. To answer the aim, two questions were formulated, 1. How does people experience waste recycling possibilities on trains, and can different types of waste recycling possibilities make them better?And, 2. How can prompts be used to increase waste recycling of paper on trains?The theory section was the basis for both method, results, and discussion. The chapter touched on for instance prompts, normative influence, actions to improve recycling and a description of a field study with an observation and the handing out offlyers. In this work a survey was chosen to answer research question 1. The main results of the survey were inconclusive, it was not possible with full certainty to saythat the chosen interventions increased recycling possibilities. To get a clearer answer and to get the answer to question 2. a field experiment was performed. The results of the field experiment were not significant. In the discussion the main results from the survey and field experiment were aired. The results were compared to prior studies and strengths and weaknesses with the work performance was discussed. Finally answers were given about if the aim and research questions had been answered.

Livet mellan stoppen : En diskursanalys kring synen på vardagsliv och mobilitet i Ljungby kommun / Life in between the stations : A discourse analysis of the view of everyday life and mobility in the municipality of Ljungby

Karlsson, Joel, Klasson, Eric January 2022 (has links)
Sedan uppstarten av Sverigeförhandlingen 2014 har diskussionen kring infrastruktursatsningar i Sverige präglats av en ny höghastighetsbana vars syfte är att sammankoppla landets tre storstäder. Sverigeförhandlingens slutrapport (SOU 2017:107) visar på att den tidsmässiga aspekten har varit en ledande faktor vid potentiella spårdragningar, där ett begränsat antal stopp har framhävts som den bästa lösningen för att spara tid. Konsekvenserna blir dock att majoriteten av de svenska kommunerna hamnar utan direkt anslutning till höghastighetsbanan. Tidigare forskning har visat att rörelse och mobilitet är en central del av människors vardagsliv; för att kunna ta oss till arbetet, träffa familj och vänner med mera. Koppling mellan mobilitet och vardag är intressant då tidigare forskning traditionellt sett har tittat på ekonomiska aspekter, spatial rättvisa och klimatfrågor gällande höghastighetståg. Höghastighetstågens inverkan på vardagslivet samt hur orter som blir utan en direkt koppling till tågen påverkas, är mindre utforskat. Därmed skall denna uppsats fylla en identifierade kunskapslucka gällande vardagslivsperspektivet i samband med planeringen av höghastighetsjärnvägar. Uppsatsen avser utreda hur planerare och politiker ser på vardagslivet och hur diskursen är strukturerad. Inom en socialkonstruktivistisk ram och med en diskursteoretisk ansats analyseras diskursen kring vardagsliv bland planerare och politiker i Ljungby ur ett mobilitetsperspektiv. Studiens empiri utgörs av intervjuer och plandokument. Under analysen framgår det att diskursen kan uppfattas som spretig där flera mindre och ingående diskurser utgör mobilitets- och vardagslivsdiskursen i Ljungby. I stora drag kretsar den kring begreppen kollektivtrafik, mobilitet och infrastruktur. Olika teknologiska möjliggörare såsom bilen, E4:an eller höghastighetsbanan har en stor inverkan på vardagslivet i Ljungby med tanke på kommunens utmaningar med kollektivtrafik och geografiska förhållanden. Samtidigt är det inte möjligt att helt fastställa en konstant definition kring mobilitets- och vardagslivsdiskursen i kommunen. Detta beror på att perspektiv, åsikter och uppfattningar är i ständig förändring och så även diskurser. Därför är syftet med uppsatsen att kartlägga denna diskursiva kamp. / Since the start of Sverigeförhandlingen in 2014, the discussion about infrastructure investments in Sweden has been characterized by a high-speed railway with the purpose of connecting the country's three major cities. Sverigeförhandlingens final report (SOU 2017: 107) concludes that the time aspect has been a leading factor in potential rail routes, where a limited number of stops has been highlighted as the best solution to save time. As a result, the majority of Swedish municipalities will end up without a direct connection to the high-speed railway. Previous research has presented movement and mobility as a central part of people's everyday lives, to be able to take us to work, meet family and friends, and so on. The link between mobility and everyday life is interesting as previous research has traditionally looked at economic aspects, spatial justice, and climate issues regarding high-speed trains. The impact of high-speed trains on everyday life and how cities without a direct connection to the trains are affected are less explored. Thus, this thesis aims to fill this identified knowledge gap regarding the everyday life perspective in connection to the planning of high-speed railways. The thesis intends to investigate how planners and politicians view everyday life and how the discourse is structured. Within a social constructivist framework and with a discourse theoretical approach, the discourse on everyday life among planners and politicians in Ljungby is analyzed from a mobility perspective. The empirical study consists of interviews and planning documents. During the analysis, it appears that the discourse can be perceived as scattered, where several smaller and in-depth discourses constitute the discourse of mobility and everyday life in Ljungby. Broadly speaking, it revolves around the concepts of public transport, mobility, and infrastructure. Various technological enablers such as the car, the E4, or the high-speed railway have a major impact on everyday life in Ljungby, given the municipality's challenges with public transport and geographical conditions. At the same time, it is not possible to fully establish a constant definition of the discourse of mobility and everyday life in the municipality because perspectives, opinions, and perceptions are constantly changing and so are discourses. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to map out this discursive struggle.

The Resilience of the Rail System for International Freight in Öresund Region in Case of Major Disruptions

Gosavi, Sneha January 2021 (has links)
Rail Transport has held an important place in the European economy. Several problems plague rail freight. We frequently hear about train disruptions, whether it is due to a signal failure or an infrastructure breakdown, most of which have caused significant issues for both passengers and cargo. One of the primary reasons disruptions have such a significant impact on the railway system is limited redirections for trains. Taking this into account, we investigate the resilience of rail systems for international freight in the Öresund region. The Öresund area divides Denmark and Sweden via a small strait fixed link consisting of a bridge, a tunnel, and the artificial island of Peberholm. To avoid impeding freight traffic in the case of the Öresund bridge, we investigate two alternative fixed links where traffic may be routed if the bridge closes. The first proposal is LC Link (Europaspåret), which will connect Landskrona (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark) with double track. Another alternative for the second fixed link is the HH rail connection between Helsingborg (Sweden) and Helsingör (Denmark) across the Öresund region. After the Fehmarn Belt link between Germany and Denmark, the infrastructure in the Öresund region should be strong enough to accommodate increased freight train capacity. Several methods have been used to assess the system’s robustness and resilience in terms of capacity. This master’s thesis employs both qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods. For the investigation, we employ Planimate simulation software and simulation models based on potential scenarios. A timetable for 2040 is developed based on the current number of trains passing through Öresund. The capacity constraints were selected depending on the resistance offered by the other routes. According to the research findings, more significant capacity limitations would eventually increase freight train queuing. The results from the simulation indicate that the LC link is the most robust and resilient option for the second fixed connection over the Öresund bridge. The data also indicate that when additional capacity restraints are applied, more crowding is seen for the HH connection, better suited for passenger traffic. The research also offers insight into the meso - models for modelling freight traffic. / Järnvägstransporter har en viktig plats i den europeiska ekonomin. Det finns dock flera problem kopplade till godstrafiken på järnväg. Vi hör ofta om tågstörningar, oavsett om det beror på ett signalfel eller ett infrastrukturfel, många av dem har orsakat betydande störningar för både passagerare och gods. En av de främsta anledningarna till att störningar har en så betydande inverkan på järnvägssystemet är de begränsade omledningsmöjligheterna för tåg. Med hänsyn till detta undersöker vi tågsystemets redundans för internationella godståg i Öresundsregionen. Öresundsregionen delar Danmark och Sverige genom ett litet sund med en fast förbindelse bestående av en bro, en tunnel och den konstgjorda ön Peberholm. För att undvika att hindra godstrafiken över Öresundsbron vid händelse av ett avbrott, undersöker vi två alternativa fasta förbindelser där trafik kan ledas om. Det första förslaget är Europaspåret som binder samman Landskrona (Sverige) och Köpenhamn (Danmark) med ett dubbelspår. Det andra alternativet för den andra fasta länken är HH-järnvägsförbindelsen mellan Helsingborg (Sverige) och Helsingör (Danmark) över Öresundsregionen. Efter att Fehmarn Bält-förbindelsen mellan Tyskland och Danmark är färdigställd bör infrastrukturen i Öresundsregionen vara tillräcklig för att klara en ökad godstågskapacitet. Flera metoder har använts för att bedöma systemets robusthet och motståndskraft vad gäller kapacitet. Denna masteruppsats använder både kvalitativa och kvantitativa utvärderingsmetoder. För utredningen använder vi Planimates simuleringsprogram och simuleringsmodeller baserade på potentiella scenarier. En tidtabell för 2040 tas fram utifrån antalet tåg som passerar Öresund idag och har därefter räknats upp. Kapacitetsbegränsningarna valdes beroende på det uppskattade motståndet genom de olika alternativen. Enligt forskningsresultaten skulle mer betydande kapacitetsbegränsningar på sikt minska kapaciteten för godståg att passera. Resultaten från simuleringen tyder på att Europaspåret är det mest robusta och motståndskraftiga alternativet för den andra fasta förbindelsen över Öresundsbron. Uppgifterna indikerar också att när ytterligare kapacitetsbegränsningar tillämpas resulterar det i mer trängsel för HH-förbindelsen, som är bättre lämpad för passagerartrafik. Forskningen ger också insikt i meso-modeller för modellering av godstrafik.

Redesign of linear drive unit for wheelchair lifts for trains

Meyer-Dietrich, Simon January 2024 (has links)
The UPL-300 is a fully electric wheelchair lift for trains. Many wheelchair lifts for trains exist on the market but the vast majority are driven by hydraulics. Electric drive prevents potential hydraulic fluid spills and negates the need for special disposal of the fluid. The aim of this project was to improve this lift because it struggled to compete on that market and no longer met industry standards. This project first identified which areas of the UPL-300 needed improving and then worked on two of these areas, the linear drive unit (LDU) which enables the lift to go up and down and the wall brace which connects the linear drive unit to the wall of a train car. The results were a design document for the wall brace and a new design for the LDU. The wall brace design document aimed to simplify and expedite the design process of the customer specific wall brace. The new LDU cut the cost for the lift significantly and fulfilled the requirements of modern standards. The design of the new LDU is easily scalable and has the potential to be used as a linear actuator in other products. The improvement analysis, together with the other work done in this project, laid a strong foundation for future work to improve the UPL-300 fully electric wheelchair lift for trains.

Modélisation des procédés de mise en forme de composantes d'un train d'atterrissage d'avion : application au procédé de forgeage à chaud à matrices fermées

Ba, Kadiata 24 April 2018 (has links)
L’usage des outils de modélisation numérique dans la simulation des différents procédés de mise en forme est, de nos jours, un incontournable. L’industrie du forgeage, avec des logiciels de calcul et simulation très avancés tels que Forge ou Abaqus utilisés dans de nombreuses études et thèses, est en mesure d’assurer un bon contrôle des paramètres (paramètres procédé et paramètres matériau), ce qui permet la production de pièces de haute qualité, à géométrie complexe et très compétitives. La simulation numérique avec l’aide de méthodes appropriées comme ALE (Arbitrairement Eulérien Lagrangien) et SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) qui seront abordées dans le rapport, permet de réduire considérablement le temps et les coûts grâce aux procédés d’optimisation et de prototypage virtuel. Avec l’intégration des lois de comportement adaptées pour chaque cas dans les processus de mise en forme et le contrôle des paramètres du procédé, la simulation offre des résultats d’une grande précision pour des procédés tels que l’usinage et le forgeage, qui fait l’objet de notre étude. En partenariat avec Héroux-Devtek, notre travail porte sur la simulation de la mise en forme d’une composante d’un train d’atterrissage d’avion en aluminium par forgeage à chaud à matrices fermées. Cette étude nécessite une bonne compréhension de la cinématique des outils et des propriétés du matériau avant et lors de la mise en forme. Pour cela, une étude paramétrique pour vérifier l’importance de chaque paramètre sur les résultats finaux sera effectuée. Les logiciels de simulation utilisés sont Abaqus explicite et Ls-dyna. Les différentes analyses effectuées dans cette étude ont permis de développer une méthodologie d’analyse ainsi qu’une première bonne approximation de la mise en forme de la composante du train d’atterrissage et d’identifier les paramètres permettant de mieux contrôler le procédé et d’améliorer les résultats de simulation. Mots-clés : Forgeage à chaud, ALE, SPH, MEF, aluminium, train d’atterrissage / The use of numerical modeling tools in the simulation of different methods of forming is nowadays a must. The forging industry, thanks to advanced calculation and simulation softwares such as Forge or Abaqus used in many studies and theses, can take advantage of good control settings (process and material parameters) that enable the production of high quality pieces, with complex geometry and highly competitive. Numerical simulation with the help of appropriate methods as ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) and SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) that will be addressed in the report , can significantly reduce the time and costs through process optimization and virtual prototyping. With the integration of material laws adapted for each case during the forming process and the control of process parameters, simulation results are highly accurate for processes such as machining and forging, which is the subject of our study. In partnership with Héroux-Devtek, our work focuses on the simulation of the manufacturing of an aircraft landing gear component in aluminum by hot closed-die forging. This study requires a good understanding of the kinematics of tools, and material properties before and during the forming process. Thus, a parametric study to test the importance of each parameter on the final results will be done. Simulation softwares that will be used are Abaqus explicit and Ls-dyna. The analyses conducted in this study were used to develop an analysis methodology, to find a good first approximation of the forging simulation of the component of the landing gear and to identify parameters that allow for better simulation results. Keywords: Hot forging, ALE, SPH, FEM, aluminum, landing gear

Analyse coût-bénéfice en équilibre partiel : une étude exploratoire du projet de train à haute vitesse entre Québec et Windsor

Lalancette, Simon 20 April 2018 (has links)
Le développement des réseaux de transport requiert d’importants investissements financiers et une étroite collaboration entre les acteurs publics et privés. La viabilité économique de ces projets est souvent explorée à l’aide d’analyses coût-bénéfice. Dans ce mémoire, nous appliquons une nouvelle méthodologie, appelée MOLINO-II, au projet de train à haute vitesse (THV) reliant la ville de Québec à Windsor (Ontario). Par rapport aux approches financières et économiques traditionnelles, cette approche développée notamment par de Palma et collab. (2010) permet de mieux appréhender les comportements stratégiques de l’ensemble des acteurs (opérateurs de trains et des modes de transport concurrents, propriétaires d’infrastructures, gouvernements et utilisateurs) à l’aide d’un système d’équations comportementales et d’équilibres. Ici, nous nous concentrons sur la modélisation du réseau de transport entre les principales villes du réseau (Québec, Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor) en considérant le réseau terrestre (train, voiture et autocar) et aérien (avions de ligne). Seul l’aspect « demande » ou « utilisateur » du modèle est exploré. Nous laissons la modélisation de l’offre de transports pour de futures recherches. Ce travail n’est donc qu’une première étape vers l’élaboration d’un modèle plus complet, qui permettrait de convertir notre analyse en un outil d’aide à la décision.

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