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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformational leadership at a higher education institution

Van Niekerk, Magdalena Maria 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study investigates transformational leadership at a higher education institution. The systems paradigm serves as the point of departure, while the construct `leadership', which forms the driving force of change in the organisation, and the concept `transformational leadership', are integrated to yield a mechanism for the optimal positioning of the organisation in the ambit of transformation. The results indicate that the leadership style at the higher institution in question is transformational in nature. From the literature review it became evident that although it is possible for transformational leaders to fail in the transformational strategy, the transformational leader may exhibit the most `ideal' leadership style for the higher education institution engaged in a turnaround strategy. Based on the results of the study, additional proposals are made regarding further study in the area of transformational leadership as well as possible decisions regarding human resource management for the higher education institution in question. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force

Veldtman, Sazi Livingston January 2018 (has links)
This study investigated strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) during the period 1994 until 2014. Theoretical perspectives on strategic management, institutional culture, leadership and strategic change management in the SANDF were discussed. In addition, a historical perspective on the evolution of South African military culture was given. The study found that a transactional leadership approach was used to transform the SANDF. This transactional leadership approach is commensurate with the preservation of the status quo without radically transforming the institution. On the contrary, the transactional leadership approach fits in well in transforming an institution with a view to bring about a new composite institutional culture, drawn from the integrated institutions. The strategic change management as applied in the SANDF has not succeeded in creating a unified inclusive military culture of the seven former armed forces, from 1994 until 2014. The research has also shown that the institutional culture of the SANDF does not reflect the shared assumptions, beliefs and values of all integrated armed forces. However, the study concluded that transformation in the SANDF as a planned strategic change intervention has not been managed adequately between 1994 and 2014, to achieve the desired results. / Public Administration / D. P. L.

A liderança do docente como elo integrador no processo ensino-aprendizagem baseado em problemas (Problem-Based Learning) em ambientes híbridos na engenharia / The teacher leadership and the Problem-Based Learning (PBL): an inseparable link in hybrid learning environments in engineering

Marcos Roberto de Mendonça Pelliciari 11 April 2013 (has links)
Muitas instituições de ensino superior (IES) buscam novas formas de aperfeiçoarem o processo ensino-aprendizagem visando adequarem as aulas tradicionais às tecnologias emergentes advindas da Web 2.0, como as mídias sociais. Nesse processo de reinvenção, o docente deve capacitar-se a ministrar aulas não apenas com o intuito de disseminar conhecimentos tácitos e explícitos, mas também de liderar os estudantes na sala de aula presencial e nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, conduzindo-os a superarem suas expectativas quanto ao aprendizado. Analisando perfis de liderança existentes, a presente dissertação, focada em um Estudo de Caso, busca identificar qual o perfil ideal de liderança do docente em ambientes híbridos, utilizando-se para tal do Índice de Satisfação de Grupo, análise de gráficos e do discurso dos estudantes. O método de ensino adotado pelo docente foi o PBL (Problem Based Learning), dando-se ênfase ao desenvolvimento do pensamento critico. A pesquisa realizou-se junto a disciplinas do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da EESC-USP, onde estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação foram desafiados pelo método PBL a pensarem de forma crítica na construção do próprio conhecimento. Os resultados obtidos por meio de questionários aplicados ao final dos semestres de 2011 e 2012 mostram que a liderança Laissez-faire não é indicada na fase de implantação do PBL, necessitando maior interferência do docente para a quebra do paradigma entre o modelo de ensino tradicional e o novo. Conclui-se que a conexão entre o processo ensino-aprendizagem tradicional e o novo possa ser feita por meio da liderança situacional, alternando a liderança transformacional e a transacional de acordo com o contexto, excluindo-se a Laissez-faire. / Many institutions have developed new ways to improve the teaching-learning process, trying to adequate the classes to the emerging new technologies based on Web 2.0, as in the case of social media. In this re-inventing process teachers must have the leadership skills both in classrooms and virtual learning environments, allowing the students to overcome their expectations of the learning process. This dissertation is focused on a case study that seeks to identify what is the ideal leadership profile into hybrid environments, using a group satisfaction index, graphical analysis and student speeching skills. The teaching methodology used by the teacher was the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) that emphasizes the critical mindset. The research was carried out during the disciplines into the Manufacturing Engineering graduation and post-graduation program of Universidade de São Paulo (USP) EESC department. The students were challenged by the PBL methodology to think about the best way to build their own know how. The data obtained with the application of questionaries in the 2011 and 2012 semesters showed that the \"Laissez-Faire\" leadership is not recommended during the PBL methodology implementation, requiring more interferences and attention from the teacher to break the paradigm of the traditional teaching models. The conclusion is that the connection between the traditional and the new teaching-learning processes can be built using situational leadership, alternating between transformational leadership and transactional models, contextually, excluding the Laissez-faire.

Perceptions of Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction in a Sample of High School Athletic Directors in the United States

Turey, Colin J 01 January 2013 (has links)
The present study examined how athletic directors perceive their leadership roles in interscholastic athletics and the relationship of their leadership styles to their job satisfaction. The conceptual framework of this study was Bass and Avolio’s (1994) full range leadership model, also known as the transformational-transactional leadership model, which consists of 9 factors—5 transformational behaviors: idealized influence (attributed), idealized influence (behavior), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration; 2 transactional behaviors: contingent reward and management-by-exception (active); 2 passive/avoidant behaviors: management-by-exception (passive) and laissez-faire. These 9 factors are measured by the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). The study was also informed by Chelladurai’s multidimensional model of leadership in sport which focuses on transformational effects of sport leaders on individual satisfaction and group performance. The study was significant in that the effects of transformational leadership on individuals in sporting organizations have not been fully explored in previous research. Both the MLQ and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) served as data collection tools. A sample of 500 athletic directors from across the United States was invited to participate in an electronic survey. Usable data were returned by 55 (11%) of the original sample. Participants self-assessed their leadership styles via the MLQ and job satisfaction via the MSQ. Data were analyzed via canonical correlation analysis followed by canonical commonality analysis. One canonical root was interpreted (Rc2 = .22; pCanonical structure coefficients indicated that Transformational and Passive/Avoidant Leadership made major contributions to the predictor canonical variate; the dependent canonical variate was defined by both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Satisfaction. Canonical commonality analysis indicated that Transformational Leadership had the largest unique variance partition; the largest common variance partition was shared by Transformational and Passive/Avoidant. The analysis also indicated two variable suppressor effects. There was a moderate correlation between athletic directors’ leadership styles and their job satisfaction; however, the directionality of the relationships of the variables in the leadership set with satisfaction was unexpected: (a) the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction was found to be negative, and (b) the relationship between passive/avoidant leadership and job satisfaction was positive.

Los efectos de los estilos de liderazgo en el marco del cambio organizacional / The Effects of Leadership Styles in the Organizational Change Framework

Arrieta Chacón, Juan Luis, Lazo Vargas, Carla Priscilla 12 January 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, el Perú se ha visto afectado de manera significativa por la pandemia del COVID-19, lo que representa un riesgo para la sostenibilidad empresarial en actividades de servicio, comercio y fabricación. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general, contrastar los efectos que produce un estilo de liderazgo transformacional o transaccional en el marco del cambio organizacional. Se realiza una breve descripción sobre el liderazgo transformacional y transaccional, así como del rol del líder en el cambio organizacional y el rol de la motivación que surge a raíz de la aplicación de los estilos de liderazgo transformacional y del liderazgo transaccional. Asimismo, se analiza la relación entre la eficacia y la satisfacción de los trabajadores frente a un liderazgo transformacional y transaccional y se evalúa la conducta de compartir conocimiento que afrontan los trabajadores y los líderes frente a los dos estilos de liderazgo. Igualmente, se presenta de manera sintetizada, las diferentes posturas que indican que los estilos de liderazgo transformacional y transaccional influyen en la motivación, eficacia, satisfacción y conducta de compartir conocimiento, como aquellas que señalan que son variables independientes. Del análisis realizado se puede afirmar que el liderazgo transformacional tiene mejores resultados en el cambio organizacional a través de la mejora de la motivación de los trabajadores, mientras que los efectos del liderazgo transaccional se dan en menor medida a través de la generación de la conducta de compartir conocimiento. Existe un acuerdo sobre los factores que contribuyen al cambio organizacional para ambos liderazgos. / In the past year, Peru has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, representing a risk for the business’ sustainability of the companies from services, commerce and manufacturing activities. The general objective of this study is to contrast the effects produced by the transformational and transactional styles of leadership in the framework of organizational change. A brief description will be made of both, transformational and transactional leadership, as well as the role of the leader in the organizational change and the changes in motivation after applying transformational and transactional leadership. Likewise, there will be an analysis of the relationship between the effectiveness and satisfaction of workers when experiencing the transformational and transactional leadership, as the sharing of knowledge that workers and leaders faced in both leadership styles. Furthermore, it will be shown the different positions indicating that transformational and transactional leadership styles influence motivation, effectiveness, satisfaction and the share of knowledge in individuals, as well as those indicating they are independent variables, From them, it can be affirmed that transformational leadership has better results in organizational change through the improvement of worker motivation, while the effects of transactional leadership occur to a lesser extent and through the generation of share knowledge. There is an agreement on the factors that contribute to organizational change for both leaderships. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Medarbetarnas förväntningar på ledarskapet och de faktorer som främjar produktivitet inom organisationer. / Employees' expectations of leadership and the factors that promote productivity within organizations.

Wapner, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Ledarskap är ett väl studerat område som många forskare tagit sig an. Bergengren (2003) menar att ledarskap är en process som syftar till att en ledare ska påverka andra att nå ett gemensamt mål. Det finns inga givna riktlinjer för hur en ledare bör vara för att ses som lyckad, studier som gjorts har dock fokuserat på olika egenskaper en ledare bör besitta för att ha de bästa förutsättningarna att leda ett team till framgång. Så kallat personligt ledarskap har fått allt större plats inom ledarskapsteorier och handlar om att ledare utövar ledarskap på olika sätt beroende på vilka egenskaper de besitter. Berglund och Sewerin (2019) menar att en ledares uppgift handlar om att leda en grupp människor, att samarbeta och tillsammans utföra en tilldelad uppgift. Det handlar också om att specifika ledaregenskaper bidrar till inflytande som används för att påverka andra att uppnå produktivitet för att i sin tur nå ett specifikt mål. Med andra ord så har tidigare studier fokuserat på att kunna identifiera dessa ledaregenskaper genom att studera människor och på så sätt skapa en möjlighet att rekrytera de personer som har de så kallat rätta egenskaperna och de rätta förutsättningarna för att leda team i organisationer och företag. Traditionella ledarskapsteorier handlar också om hur viktiga ledarens egenskaper är för att främja en god tillväxt och ökad produktivitet inom företag. Det talas då om vikten av att en ledare anpassar sitt ledarskap för att engagera medarbetarna till att utföra ett bra arbete. (Berglund & Sewerin, 2019) Få ledarskapsteorier handlar om vikten av att få medarbetare till att driva sitt eget engagemang, att motivera sig själva och att skapa en egen drivkraft. Resultatet i denna studie påvisar vikten av att medarbetare driver sitt egna engagemang med ledarens stöd och stöttning. Respondenterna i studien påvisar att det är ledarens ansvar att skapa en god kultur och en god relation kollegor emellan genom tydlig kommunikation, att motivation och engagemang då kommer av sig självt. De egenskaper som förväntas av ledare behöver nödvändigtvis inte alltid vara desamma eller ens listas, det viktiga enligt respondenterna är tydlighet, kommunikation och förmågan att bygga relationer. Studien visar att det finns en önskan om att ledarskapet ska handla om att bygga relationer och att drivet och motivationen måste komma från medarbetaren. Medan tidigare ledarskapsteorier snarare handlar om att ledaren ska skapa motivation hos sin medarbetare. Utifrån respondenternas svar kan man utläsa att ingen av studiens tre ledarstilar; situationsanpassat ledarskap, transformativt ledarskap och transaktionellt ledarskap har alla de egenskaper som medarbetarna förväntar sig av en ledare. Slutsatsen som kan dras av studien är att modern ledarskapsteori inte endast bör fokusera på ledarens egenskaper, trots att de fortfarande är viktiga, teorierna bör fokusera mer på medarbetarstil och vilka egenskaper en medarbetare bör ha för att kunna bidra till ökad produktivitet inom en organisation. / Leadership is a well-studied area that many researchers have tackled. Previous research believes that leadership is a process that aims for one leader to influence others to achieve a common goal. There are no guidelines for how a leader should act to be seen as successful, however, previous studies have focused on different qualities that leaders should possess to have the best conditions to lead a team to success. So-called personal leadership has gained an increasing place in leadership theories, the theories focus on leaders exercising leadership in different ways depending on what qualities they possess. (Bergengren, 2003) According to previous studies, a leader's task is about leading a group of people in order to get them to collaborate to perform an assigned task. (Berglund & Sewerin, 2019) The theories is also about specific leadership qualities contributing to influence others to achieve a specific goal. In other words, according to previous studies, they have wanted to be able to identify these leadership qualities by studying people in order to recruit the people who have the so-called right qualities and the right conditions to lead teams in organizations and companies. (Berglund & Sewerin, 2019) Traditional leadership theories are also about how important the leader's qualities are to promote good growth through increased productivity within companies. It´s also about the importance of a leader adapting his leadership to engage employees to do a good job.Few leadership theories talk about the importance of getting employees to drive their own commitment, to motivate themselves and to create their own driving force. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of pursuing one's own commitment with the leader's support. The participants in this study mean that it is the leader's responsibility to create a good culture and a good relationship between colleagues through good communication, also that motivation and commitment then comes naturally as a result. The qualities expected of the leader do not necessarily always have to be the same or even listed, the important thing is clarity, communication and the ability to build relationships. The study shows that there is a desire that leadership should be about building relationships and that motivation must come from the employee. While previous leadership theories talk about the leader’s role in creating motivation rather than the employee’s role in creating his own motivation. Based on the respondents' answers in this study, it can be deduced that none of the three leadership styles; situations-adapted leadership, transformative leadership and transactional leadership compared in this study has all the qualities that the employees expect from a leader. The conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that in modern leadership theory one should not only focus on the leader's qualities, even though they are still important, one should focus more on employee style and what qualities an employee should have to contribute to increased productivity within an organization.

Strategies to improve effectiveness of hospital leadership in Addis Ababa

Yeneneh Getachew Haile 07 1900 (has links)
In hospitals of Addis Ababa, there is a high turnover of leaders while patient and health workers’ satisfaction is low, and safety and quality are in dire situations. The purpose of this study was to explore and propose strategies to improve effectiveness of hospital leadership in order to enhance the quality of health care provided in hospitals through improving health workers’ empowerment, job satisfaction and patient safety culture. Thus, a sequential explanatory mixed method research design was used. The research had three phases, in which the first phase used five structured questionnaires explored leadership styles, the health workers’ satisfaction and empowerment, patient safety culture, and the patient experience of quality of health care; while the second involved a qualitative study (content analysis); and third phase focused on the preparation of a strategy document. Data in the form of interview responses was gathered from 75 leaders, 542 health workers, 532 patients and 11 key informants. The analysis shows that, overall, hospital leaders considered themselves more transformational (M=2.98, SD=0.41) than transactional (M=2.85, SD=0.46). Job satisfaction of private and public hospital health workers were 70.8 % and 57.1 % respectively (P-value<0.001). In addition, private hospital workers had a higher score in structural and psychological empowerment than their pubic hospital counterparts; the difference was statistically significant in all dimensions (P-value <=0.03). The analysis reveals that public and private hospitals’ mean total patient safety scores were 3.58 and 3.77 respectively (P-value=0.02). Finally, the “overall rating of hospital” was better for private hospitals: 84.8% and 88.4 % respectively (P-value=0.03). The study makes a number of observations. It notes that, firstly, transformational leadership has direct and strong correlation with structural and psychological empowerment (r=0.70, P-value=0.04 and r=0.83, P-value=0.01 respectively). Secondly, structural empowerment has a direct and significant effect on psychological empowerment (β=0.28, P-value=<0.01); and minimal indirect effect on patient safety culture through psychological empowerment (β=0.05, P-value=<0.05). Thirdly, health worker job satisfaction also has had a direct effect on patient safety culture (β=0.44, Pvalue=< 0.01. The fourth and final observation is that psychological empowerment has had a direct and statistically significant effect on patient safety culture (β=0.19, Pvalue=< 0.01). These observations indicate that, although private hospitals are better in every dimension of this study, the current hospitals situation in Addis Ababa needs urgent attention. Hence, the identification and recommendation for the preparation of eight strategic priority areas along with key interventions seeking to improve the hospital leaders’ effectiveness. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Ledarskapsstilars betydelse på medarbetares välmående och organisationens resultat inom restaurangbranschen / Leadership styles meaning of employees well-being and the organization’s results in the restaurant industry

Henriksson, Alexander, Söderman, Hampus January 2022 (has links)
Ledares olika ledarskapsstilar bidrar idag med olika tankar kring hur arbetet skall utföras, samt hur ledaren arbetar med sina medarbetare. Idag finns det flertalet olika typer av ledarskapsstilar, där vissa stilar fokuserar på utveckling av medarbetare, medan andra fokuserar mer på resultat. Dessa olika stilar bidrar på olika sätt till välmående bland medarbetare inom en organisation.Denna studie är begränsad till medarbetare i restaurangbranschen därför att restaurangbranschen lider av en hög personalomsättning, men ligger ändå under snittet när det kommer till arbetsskadeanmälningar. Studien grundar sig i tre ledarskapsstilar, transformativt-, transaktionellt-, och tjänande ledarskap, där de olika ledarskapsstilarna har olika betydelse för medarbetares välmående inom restaurangbranschen. Syftet med studien är att bidra med en ökad kunskap kring vilken betydelse olika ledarskapsstilar kan ha på medarbetares välmående, som i sin tur kan ha en betydelse för den höga personalomsättningen inom restaurangbranschen. Studien har utförts genom att studera de tre olika ledarskapsstilarna, kontroll-, krav-, stödmodellen, samt sedan intervjuer med medarbetare inom restaurangbranschen för att skapa en dialog tillsammans med medarbetarna och på så sätt kunna skapa ytterligare kunskap kring ledarskapsstilars betydelse för medarbetarnas välmående. Studien lyfter fram mängden kontroll, krav och stöd som ledarna ger till sina medarbetare, och vilken betydelse de kan ha för medarbetarnas välmående. Den indikerar även att medarbetare kan påverkas till den grad av mängden kontroll, krav och stöd att om det finns en avsaknad av dessa delar kan det resultera i försämrat välmående där medarbetare väljer att sluta på arbetsplatsen. Studien antyder även att ledarskapsstilar som främjar utveckling av medarbetare, arbete med gemenskap och relationer, samt att en kontinuerlig dialog mellan medarbetare och ledare tenderar att ha en betydelse för välmående hos medarbetarna. / Leaders' different leadership styles today contribute with different ideas about how the work should be performed, and how the leader works with his employees. Today, there are several different types of leadership styles, with some styles focusing on employee development, while others focus more on results. These different styles contribute in different ways to the well-being of employees within an organization. This study is limited to employees in the restaurant industry because the restaurant industry suffers from a high staff turnover, but is still below average when it comes to work injury reports. The study is based on three leadership styles, transformative, transactional, and serving leadership, where the different leadership styles have different meanings for employee well-being in the restaurant industry. The purpose of the study is to contribute with an increased knowledge of the significance of different leadership styles on the well-being of employees, which in turn may have a significance for the high staff turnover in the restaurant industry. The study was conducted by studying the three different leadership styles, the control, requirements, support model, and then through interviews with employees in the restaurant industry to create a dialogue with employees and thus be able to create additional knowledge about leadership styles' impact on employees. prosperous. The study highlights the amount of control, demands and support that managers give to their employees, and what significance they can have for the well-being of employees. It also indicates that employees can be affected to the extent of the amount of control, demands and support that if there is a lack of these parts, it can result in impaired well-being where employees choose to quit the workplace.The study also suggests that leadership styles that promote employee development, work with community and relationships, as well as a continuous dialogue between employees and leaders tend to have an impact on employee well-being.

The role of transformational leadership in enhancing the quality of school reform and transformation in Ethiopia

Abdella Yuya 11 June 2021 (has links)
The aim of the current research was to analyse existing trends in school leadership and to explore how transformational leadership could be the root for aligning the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) with school change and transformation. Accordingly, the study was conducted in two phases. The first phase was to identify the type of leadership style currently practised by school leaders (principals). The second phase was to implement transformational leadership in the educational leadership system of the country. In this research project, the researcher used the mixed-method approach. The data collection methods used were a structured questionnaire and unstructured interviews. Data were analysed using the Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) and the computer data analysis system for the ATLAS-TI software. The general findings of this study are the following: currently the transactional leadership style is more common among school principals in Ethiopia. Many respondents explained that the focus of their principals was on routine work and much of the training content provided by Region Education Bureau (REB) was not related to the actual problems of schools, which made them reluctant to work towards the development of their school. The other major finding was that school leaders had no motivation to develop and maintain the teachers’ commitment for effective teaching and school reform. Teachers perceived their principals as passive and inactive in their efforts to adjust themselves to reform and transformation in their schools. From the analysis of interview data, it was found that the education plan, the GTP and leadership guidelines were not synchronised; students, teachers, and school leaders were not visionary people who could effectively facilitate the school reform and transformation. The interview results showed that the current school leadership system is not transformational. Respondents confirmed that though in some schools, leaders reflected some characteristics of transformational leadership, in most cases, the prevailing practices in school systems reflected transactional leadership behaviour. Generally, the results of analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data showed that in the Harari region (Ethiopia) currently the most practised leadership style at school level is the transactional leadership one. After intervention, at the school level, the transformational leadership style (TrLS) began to be implemented by principals as opposed to the transactional leadership style. Therefore, adequate training on the model of transformational leadership should be given to school principals and community. In addition, continuous follow-up and updating the awareness of school leaders is essential for effectiveness and quality of the school system. The Ministry of Education (MOE) should incorporate transformational leadership behaviour in the national training programme for leadership in conjunction with the GTP for the incumbent school leaders. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)

Estilos de Liderazgo del Comando Técnico y su influencia en el desarrollo deportivo de los paradeportistas de la Federación Peruana de Personas con Discapacidad Física en el 2019

Quispe Manosalva, Shirley Yohara, Segura Oliva, Rodrigo Alejandro 19 October 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación es de alcance correlacional, es decir tiene como propósito conocer la influencia de la variable independiente estilos de liderazgo en la variable dependiente desarrollo deportivo de los paradeportistas. El diseño no experimental de corte transversal es decir no se manipularán las variables de investigación, el recojo de información se dará en un solo momento. El paradeportista del cual se va a obtener su percepción sobre el estilo de liderazgo del comando técnico. Para cumplir con el objetivo y medir las variables de investigación se utilizó el método cuantitativo a través de la herramienta encuesta tipo Likert a 199 paradeportistas. El análisis de fiabilidad de nuestras variables, se obtuvo un 0,905 demostrando que el instrumento de medición es estadísticamente fiable y veraz ya que supera el 0,7. Distribución no es normal por lo tanto se ha obtenido el r de Pearson y la regresión lineal. Existe asociación entre las variables y la significancia aprueba las hipótesis alternas. Las conclusiones, en las hipótesis la relación es directa porque a mayor liderazgo del Comando Técnico habrá mayor desarrollo deportivo de los paradeportistas y en el baloncesto sobre silla de ruedas no existe asociación entre las variables y tampoco se puede generalizar, solo en este caso se aprueba la hipótesis nula. / This research is correlational in scope, that is, its purpose is to know the influence of the independent variable leadership styles on the dependent variable sports development of paraathletes. The non-experimental cross-sectional design means that the research variables will not be manipulated, the information will be collected in a single moment. The para-athletes whose perception of the leadership style of the technical command will be obtained. To meet the objective and measure the research variables, the quantitative method was adapted through the Likert-type survey tool to 199 paraathletes. The reliability analysis of our variables, a 0.905 was obtained, demonstrating that the measurement instrument is statistically reliable and truthful since it exceeds 0.7. Distribution is not normal; therefore, Pearson's r and linear regression have been obtained. There is an association between the variables and the significance approves the alternative hypotheses. The conclusions, in the hypotheses, the relationship is direct because the greater the leadership of the Technical Command there will be greater sports development of the para-athletes and in wheelchair basketball there is no association between the variables and it cannot be generalized either, only in this case it is approved the null hypothesis. / Tesis

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