Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cotransport policy"" "subject:"detransport policy""
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An analysis of urban transport demand in Windhoek : a case study of the Katatura and Khomsdal residential areasOherein, Daniel Lee Asikhia 11 1900 (has links)
Existing travel patterns in Windhoek are influenced by the past land use policy of
restricted urban development in the former townships ofKatutura and Khomasdal. Thus
residents in these townships are faced with longer distances to reach quality urban
This thesis examined the impact on travel demand of changes in land use policies aimed
at stimulating growth in the two areas using the HLFM computer model. The results
showed that, policy induced land use changes may stimulate population and employment
growth in the neglected areas, but with no effects on the present travel patterns.
The model needs to be refined to fit the peculiarity of the study area. Nevertheless,
information provided in the thesis could be used in assessing areas where development
trends will go if any ofthe land use policy tested in the study is adopted. / Geography / M.A. (Geography)
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Distributive justice and transportation equity : inequality in accessibility in Rio de JaneiroPereira, Rafael Henrique Moraes January 2018 (has links)
Public transport policies play a key role in shaping the social and spatial structure of cities. These policies influence how easily people can access opportunities, including health and educational services and job positions. The accessibility impacts of transport policies thus have important implications for social inequalities and for the promotion of just and inclusive cities. However, in the transportation literature, there is still little theoretically informed understanding of justice and what it means in the context of transport policies. Moreover, few studies have moved beyond descriptive analyses of accessibility inequalities to evaluate how much those inequalities result from transport policies themselves. This is particularly true in cities from the global South, where accessibility and equity have so far remained marginal concerns in the policy realm. This thesis builds on theories of distributive justice and examines how they can guide the evaluation of transport policies and plans. It points to pathways for rigorous assessment of the accessibility impacts of transport policies and it contributes to current discussions on transportation equity. A justice framework is developed to assess the distributional effects of transport policies. This framework is then applied to evaluate recent transport policies developed in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in preparation to host sports mega-events, such as the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, which included substantial expansion of the rail and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure. This research presents ex-post analyses of the policies implemented between 2014 and 2017 and ex-ante analysis of an as yet unfinished BRT project. It evaluates how the planned transport legacy of those mega-events impacted accessibility to sports venues, healthcare facilities, public schools and job opportunities for different income groups. The results show that there were overall accessibility benefits from the expansion in transport infrastructure between 2014 and 2017, but these were generally offset by the reduction in bus service levels that followed an economic crisis that hit the city after the Olympics. Quasi-counterfactual analysis suggests that, even if the city had not been hit by the economic crisis, recent transport investments related to mega-events would have led to higher accessibility gains for wealthier groups and increased inequalities in access to opportunities. Results suggest that those investments had, or would have had, greater impact on inequalities of access to jobs than in access to schools and healthcare facilities. The evaluation of the future accessibility impacts of the unfinished BRT corridor, nonetheless, indicates that such project could significantly improve access to job opportunities for a large share of Rio's population, particularly lower-income groups. Spatial analysis techniques show that the magnitude and statistical significance of these results depend on the spatial scale and travel time threshold selected for cumulative opportunity accessibility analysis. These results demonstrate that the ad-hoc methodological choices of accessibility analysis commonly used in the academic and policy literature can change the conclusions of equity assessments of transportation projects.
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Impact of ubiquitous real-time information on bus passenger route choiceIslam, Md Faqhrul January 2018 (has links)
Over the last decade, Ubiquitous Real-time Passenger Information (URTPI) has become popular among public transport passengers. The effectiveness of URTPI and hence the value of the investments into the necessary systems can be increased with a clear understanding of how URTPI influences passenger behaviour. However, such an understanding is still limited and fragmented. In particular, very little is known about the impact of URTPI on route choice. This study fills this gap evaluating the impact of URTPI on bus passengers' route choice. A revealed preference survey methodology was adopted for data collection and two questionnaire surveys targeting bus users were carried out. Categorical Regression and discrete choice models, such as Binary Logit Model and Multinomial Logit Model, have been applied to analyse the survey data. The study reveals that trip length, passenger age and profession are the main factors influencing the use of URTPI.Having access toURTPI, the frequency of its use is strongly influenced by the attributes of information and social norms. Bus arrival time and bus stop location are the two most important contents of information. Changing time ofdeparture from the start and the boarding time are the two most popular actions taken by bus passengers after consulting URTPI. Passengers' decisions are influenced by information on bus arrival time, bus route, and walking distance. As a result of the impact of URTPI on passengers' choices, the demand distribution for bus runs could potentially be changed by 33% and for bus lines by 22%. The overall network demand distribution could be affected in 42% of cases as a result of consulting URTPI.This study implicates that while investing in tailoring the sources of URTPI, passengers' preferred attributes and contents of information should be considered. Transport planners and operators should take the potential impact of URTPI into account to make better predictions of the PT demand distribution.
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Políticas de transporte coletivo em São Paulo entre 2001 e 2010: meio ambiente construído, sistemas técnicos e organização dos serviços de transporte / Collective transportation policies in São Paulo between 2001 and 2010: built environment, technical systems and organization of transport servicesHiga, Caio Vinicius 17 October 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa analisará as características das políticas de transporte coletivo no Município de São Paulo, entre os anos de 2001 e 2010. Partindo do entendimento do modelo de desenvolvimento urbano vigente, o qual priorizou o transporte privado sobre rodas, individual, além de um perfil sócio-espacial segregador procuraremos definir quais foram as principais ações realizadas neste setor, considerando: a evolução histórica das políticas de transporte a partir do início do século XX; principais políticas públicas de transporte a partir de 2001 (implementações de corredores de ônibus, integração de modais, implantação de bilhete único etc); análise das repercussões destas políticas na dinâmica concreta da mobilidade urbana. Também pretendemos interpretar as relações das administrações municipais que governaram a cidade nesse período (gestão Marta Suplicy 2001 - 2004 - gestão José Serra/Gilberto Kassab 2005 - 2008 - e gestão Gilberto Kassab 2009 - 2010) com os principais agentes urbanos envolvidos (elite política municipal, empresários e empreendedores urbanos, sociedade civil e usuários de transportes públicos e privados, principalmente) e outros grupos de interesse, analisando de que maneira e por meio de quais instrumentos as políticas públicas de mobilidade urbana foram desenvolvidas. / This research aims to analyze the characteristics of collective transportation policies in São Paulo, between 2001 and 2010. Based on the understanding of the current urban development model, which gave priority to individual and private transport on wheels, as well as a socio-spatial segregated role - we will try to define what were the main actions undertaken in this sector, considering: the historical evolution of transport policies from the early twentieth century, major public transport policy since 2001 (implementation of bus corridors, modal integration, implementation of the Bilhete Único ticket etc.), analysis of the impact of these policies on the dynamics of the urban mobility. We also intend to interpret the relationships between the municipal administrations that governed the city during this period (governments of Suplicy - 2001 2004, Serra / Gilberto Kassab - 2005 2008, and Gilberto Kassab - from 2009 to 2010) with the main agents involved with the urban dynamics (municipal political elite, businessmen and urban entrepreneurs, civil society and users of public and private transport, mainly) and other interest groups, analyzing how and through which instruments the urban mobility public policies have been developed.
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Come affrontare il problema del traffico nelle città: road pricing versus charge subsidy / Dealing with Congestion in Cities: Road Pricing versus Charge-SubsidyFRISONI, ROBERTA 18 July 2007 (has links)
Da diversi anni la letteratura economica raccomanda l'utilizzo del road pricing come strumento efficiente per internalizzare le esternalità (ambientali e di congestione) prodotte dalla circolazione dei veicoli sulle strade. Tuttavia, l'accettabilità di questo strumento è in genere molto bassa. Pertanto, il lavoro di ricerca svolto è stato indirizzato allo studio di uno schema di road pricing più accettabile, giungendo alla elaborazione di una politica innovativa, il charge-subsidy road pricing (CSRP). Il CSRP prevede che gli automobilisti ricevano gratuitamente un certo numero di permessi che consente loro di guidare in un'area soggetta a pricing nelle ore in cui è in richiesto il pagamento. Inoltre, il CSRP consente a coloro che hanno bisogno di un numero maggiore di permessi di comprarne di aggiuntivi dentro pagamento di una charge; allo stesso tempo lo schema prevede che coloro che riescono a risparmiare parte dei permessi ricevuti possano restituirli e ottenere in cambio un beneficio (monetario/fiscale o in natura ) dall'amministrazione incaricata di gestire il sistema. L'idea di fondo che sta dietro il CSRP è il fatto che la distribuzione gratuita di un certo numero di permessi dovrebbe rendere il CSRP più accettabile di altre politiche di road pricing più tradizionali: il lavoro svolto testa questa ipotesi sia da un punto di vista teorico che empirico. / Economists tend to support road pricing for its efficiency properties in tackling road usage externalities (in particular, congestion and environmental impacts), but usually the acceptability of this instrument is really low both among the general public and politicians. Thus, this PhD research is an attempt to design and analyse a more acceptable road pricing scheme, i.e. a charge-subsidy road pricing scheme (CSRP) where car owners are allotted an amount of free units they can use in place of money to pay for the kind of road pricing scheme implemented. Under the CSRP those who want to drive more than the allowance provided are required to pay a charge, while a (monetary/fiscal or in kind) subsidy might be given to those who manage to spare some of the initially distributed rights. The presence of an initial amount of free units should make the CSRP more acceptable than other traditional road pricing schemes: indeed this work investigates this hypothesis by means of a theoretical and an empirical analysis.
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Att beräkna det goda samhället : Samhällsekonomiska analyser och gränslandet expertis–politik inom transportområdet / To calculate the good society : Cost-benefit analysis and the border between expertise and policy in the transport sectorThoresson, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Det övergripande transportpolitiska målet i Sverige har sedan 1998 varit att säkerställa en samhällsekonomiskt effektiv och långsiktigt hållbar transportförsörjning för medborgarna och näringslivet i hela landet. Under perioden fram till 2010 har samhällsekonomiska underlag fått en allt tyngre roll i den formulerade transportpolitiken och den statliga styrningen av den långsiktiga planeringen som ett verktyg för att prioritera mellan investeringar i nya vägar och järnvägslänkar. I studien utforskades den samhällsekonomiska analysens roll i den formulerade transportpolitiken och dess styrning av den regionala infrastrukturplaneringen. Studien utgår ifrån ett konstruktivistiskt angreppssätt och en syn på relationen mellan vetenskap/expertis och politik som samproducerad. Det empiriska material som ligger till grund för analysen består av dokument och intervjutranskriptioner. De dokument som har analyserats är publikationer om den samhällsekonomiska analysmetoden, utgivna av myndigheten Statens institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA) och dels olika typer av transportpolitiska dokument. Intervjuerna genomfördes med tretton regionala beslutsfattare och en tjänsteman, vilka varit delaktiga i upprättandet av en regional infrastrukturplan i Västra Götaland. Studien visar att samhällsekonomisk analys är en värderingsmetod med stort inflytande i den formulerade transportpolitiken. Trots att den framställs som ett objektivt sätt att utvärdera den samhällsekonomiska effektiviteten hos väg- och järnvägsobjekt, och i förlängningen deras bidrag till det övergripande målet, utgör metodens grunder till stor del en svart låda i den transportpolitiska diskussionen. Detta gäller även hos de intervjuade beslutsfattarna, men de konstruerar den enskilde politikerns omdöme som den viktigaste grunden för beslut. / The study deals with applied cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and the significant role this method has acquired in transport policy in Sweden since 1998. It is a study of a valuation method at the intersection between neoclassical economics, expertise, Swedish transport policy, long term planning and regional decision makers. Specifically, it focuses on the co-production of expertise and politics and how boundaries are drawn between them in relation to valuation. Departing from a constructionist approach to science and expertise, the study is concerned with how CBA and valuation is depicted in various contexts. The empirical foundation of the study concists of documents dealing with CBA, several kinds of transport policy documents and interview transcripts resulting from interviews with thirteen regional decision makers and one regional official. The analysis shows the significant influence of CBA on transport policy. While this valuation method is depicted as an objective valuation tool in planning, its conceptual foundation tends to be black-boxed outside the domain of expertise. This applies also to the interviewed regional decision makers. However, they delimit the space for CBA as a sufficient decision support. In addition, they construct judgment as the most important basis for decisions on infrastructure. Still, it is argued, the black-boxing of CBA in transport policy affect the political landscape negatively: it entails a risk that important political issues are made more inaccessible for public debate.
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Att beräkna det goda samhället : Samhällsekonomiska analyser och gränslandet expertis–politik inom transportområdet / To calculate the good society : Cost-benefit analysis and the border between expertise and policy in the transport sectorThoresson, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Det övergripande transportpolitiska målet i Sverige har sedan 1998 varit att säkerställa en samhällsekonomiskt effektiv och långsiktigt hållbar transportförsörjning för medborgarna och näringslivet i hela landet. Under perioden fram till 2010 har samhällsekonomiska underlag fått en allt tyngre roll i den formulerade transportpolitiken och den statliga styrningen av den långsiktiga planeringen som ett verktyg för att prioritera mellan investeringar i nya vägar och järnvägslänkar. I studien utforskades den samhällsekonomiska analysens roll i den formulerade transportpolitiken och dess styrning av den regionala infrastrukturplaneringen. Studien utgår ifrån ett konstruktivistiskt angreppssätt och en syn på relationen mellan vetenskap/expertis och politik som samproducerad. Det empiriska material som ligger till grund för analysen består av dokument och intervjutranskriptioner. De dokument som har analyserats är publikationer om den samhällsekonomiska analysmetoden, utgivna av myndigheten Statens institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA) och dels olika typer av transportpolitiska dokument. Intervjuerna genomfördes med tretton regionala beslutsfattare och en tjänsteman, vilka varit delaktiga i upprättandet av en regional infrastrukturplan i Västra Götaland. Studien visar att samhällsekonomisk analys är en värderingsmetod med stort inflytande i den formulerade transportpolitiken. Trots att den framställs som ett objektivt sätt att utvärdera den samhällsekonomiska effektiviteten hos väg- och järnvägsobjekt, och i förlängningen deras bidrag till det övergripande målet, utgör metodens grunder till stor del en svart låda i den transportpolitiska diskussionen. Detta gäller även hos de intervjuade beslutsfattarna, men de konstruerar den enskilde politikerns omdöme som den viktigaste grunden för beslut. / The study deals with applied cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and the significant role this method has acquired in transport policy in Sweden since 1998. It is a study of a valuation method at the intersection between neoclassical economics, expertise, Swedish transport policy, long term planning and regional decision makers. Specifically, it focuses on the co-production of expertise and politics and how boundaries are drawn between them in relation to valuation. Departing from a constructionist approach to science and expertise, the study is concerned with how CBA and valuation is depicted in various contexts. The empirical foundation of the study concists of documents dealing with CBA, several kinds of transport policy documents and interview transcripts resulting from interviews with thirteen regional decision makers and one regional official. The analysis shows the significant influence of CBA on transport policy. While this valuation method is depicted as an objective valuation tool in planning, its conceptual foundation tends to be black-boxed outside the domain of expertise. This applies also to the interviewed regional decision makers. However, they delimit the space for CBA as a sufficient decision support. In addition, they construct judgment as the most important basis for decisions on infrastructure. Still, it is argued, the black-boxing of CBA in transport policy affect the political landscape negatively: it entails a risk that important political issues are made more inaccessible for public debate.
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An analysis of urban transport demand in Windhoek : a case study of the Katatura and Khomsdal residential areasOherein, Daniel Lee Asikhia 11 1900 (has links)
Existing travel patterns in Windhoek are influenced by the past land use policy of
restricted urban development in the former townships ofKatutura and Khomasdal. Thus
residents in these townships are faced with longer distances to reach quality urban
This thesis examined the impact on travel demand of changes in land use policies aimed
at stimulating growth in the two areas using the HLFM computer model. The results
showed that, policy induced land use changes may stimulate population and employment
growth in the neglected areas, but with no effects on the present travel patterns.
The model needs to be refined to fit the peculiarity of the study area. Nevertheless,
information provided in the thesis could be used in assessing areas where development
trends will go if any ofthe land use policy tested in the study is adopted. / Geography / M.A. (Geography)
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Políticas de transporte coletivo em São Paulo entre 2001 e 2010: meio ambiente construído, sistemas técnicos e organização dos serviços de transporte / Collective transportation policies in São Paulo between 2001 and 2010: built environment, technical systems and organization of transport servicesCaio Vinicius Higa 17 October 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa analisará as características das políticas de transporte coletivo no Município de São Paulo, entre os anos de 2001 e 2010. Partindo do entendimento do modelo de desenvolvimento urbano vigente, o qual priorizou o transporte privado sobre rodas, individual, além de um perfil sócio-espacial segregador procuraremos definir quais foram as principais ações realizadas neste setor, considerando: a evolução histórica das políticas de transporte a partir do início do século XX; principais políticas públicas de transporte a partir de 2001 (implementações de corredores de ônibus, integração de modais, implantação de bilhete único etc); análise das repercussões destas políticas na dinâmica concreta da mobilidade urbana. Também pretendemos interpretar as relações das administrações municipais que governaram a cidade nesse período (gestão Marta Suplicy 2001 - 2004 - gestão José Serra/Gilberto Kassab 2005 - 2008 - e gestão Gilberto Kassab 2009 - 2010) com os principais agentes urbanos envolvidos (elite política municipal, empresários e empreendedores urbanos, sociedade civil e usuários de transportes públicos e privados, principalmente) e outros grupos de interesse, analisando de que maneira e por meio de quais instrumentos as políticas públicas de mobilidade urbana foram desenvolvidas. / This research aims to analyze the characteristics of collective transportation policies in São Paulo, between 2001 and 2010. Based on the understanding of the current urban development model, which gave priority to individual and private transport on wheels, as well as a socio-spatial segregated role - we will try to define what were the main actions undertaken in this sector, considering: the historical evolution of transport policies from the early twentieth century, major public transport policy since 2001 (implementation of bus corridors, modal integration, implementation of the Bilhete Único ticket etc.), analysis of the impact of these policies on the dynamics of the urban mobility. We also intend to interpret the relationships between the municipal administrations that governed the city during this period (governments of Suplicy - 2001 2004, Serra / Gilberto Kassab - 2005 2008, and Gilberto Kassab - from 2009 to 2010) with the main agents involved with the urban dynamics (municipal political elite, businessmen and urban entrepreneurs, civil society and users of public and private transport, mainly) and other interest groups, analyzing how and through which instruments the urban mobility public policies have been developed.
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Doprava v EU: současné trendy v železniční a silniční dopravě / EU Transport: current trends of rail and road transportŠuhajová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the EU Common transport policy with a focus on rail and road transport. The first chapter briefly describes the historical development of transport and ultimately defines its basic concepts. The following chapter is exclusively focused on the basic characteristics of the critical areas of selected transport sectors, which in the context of the integration of European transport systems play a crucial role. The third chapter deals with the characteristics of three Transport White Papers and defines the objectives of the Common Transport Policy and TEN-T policy. Another part deals with the Trans-European transport network and the evaluation of the success of the construction of TEN-T. The last chapter analyzes the success of the objectives of the EU Common Transport Policy defined in the third chapter.
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