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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing and Prototyping a Mobile Application for Flatbed Applicators / Skapande av Design och Prototyp av en Mobilapplikation för Planapplikatorbord

Fredriksson, Johan, Kirkerud, Mattias January 2022 (has links)
Context: Flatbed applicators are machines made for laminating, primarily signs on an industrial level. These applicators are controlled manually, which exhibits potential for digitalization in order to enhance the user experience. Problem: The first challenge is to develop a user interface for a mobile app, created to provide an easy path for communication to customers, with user-friendliness as the focal point. The second challenge is being able to communicate with a flatbed applicator, through the aforementioned app. Method: This project started out with pre-studies about the required topics. The system prototype was then designed and implemented with a focus on adequate UI design guidelines for the mobile app and a suitable protocol to enable communication between the app and the applicator. Results: The app prototype was developed through the usage of J.J. Garrett’s model along with Material Design guidelines, in order to establish a customer-centric user interface. Communicating between the mobile app and a PLC using TwinCAT, MQTT and React Native appears to be a feasible solution.

Evaluation of Mobile Interface Design when viewing Cross- Media Information / Utvärdering av Mobile Interface Design när visning Cross- Media Information

Mendonsa, Shaun January 2016 (has links)
The objectives and goals of this study is to analyze different styles of viewing information on mobile platforms and to find out what each different view brings to the table by creating and testing them with varied users. The study takes into account List View, Scroll View, and Grid View and compares them while viewing three different data formats. For this study, plain text, tabulated text, and interactive text will be analyzed. Smart mobile devices are the most used platform to view data in today's information rich world according to a survey conducted by Forrester Research. When designing for them, a lot must be considered but not knowing what is best suited for each application can be daunting for developers and designers, especially in the user experience context. This study aims to explore each mobile interface and give a better understanding about the different user interface designs features. Information visualization on cross-media information spaces and platforms is an important part of how information is disseminated today. Considering nowadays people get their information through multiple different media platforms like tablets, mobile phones, and web browsers, how to visualize data across all these platforms is a study to focus on in itself. The study showed that users performed better with certain views paired with different data types over others. Certain features of each view helped users understand the data types better over others while others improved users speed in reading data. Users showed certain preferences when interacting with each view on mobile devices when viewing cross media information which is mentioned in the study. / Målet för den här studien är att analysera olika sätt att visa information på mobila enheter och jämföra dessa genom att testa med olika användare. Studien undersöker de olika vyerna List View, Scroll View och Grid View och jämför dem med tre olika dataformat: vanlig text, tabellerad text och interaktiv text. Smarta mobila enheter är den mest använda plattformen för att synliggöra i dagens informationsrika samhälle enligt en undersökning av Forrester Research. När man utformar designlösningar för smarta mobila enheter är det mycket man behöver ta hänsyn till. Att inte veta vad som är bäst för varje applikation kan vara en svår uppgift för utvecklare och designers, särskilt ur användarperspektiv. Den här studiens syfte är att utforska varje mobilt gränssnitt och ge en bättre förståelse för de olika designlösningarna. Att visualisera information på olika mediers informationsytor och plattformar är en viktig del av hur information sprids idag.Om man tar i beaktan att människor numera får information via flertalet medieplattformar som tex läsplattor, mobiltelefoner, och webbläsare så inser man att visualisering av data på alla dessa medieplattformar är en studie i sig. Studien visade att användare lyckades bättre med vissa vyer och datatyper i kombination jämfört med andra. Specifika funktioner i varje vy hjälpte användare att förstå vissa datatyper bättre än andra, medan andra förbättrade användarnas snabbhet att läsa data. Användare tycktes föredra att interagera med vyer på mobila enheter när de tittade på information på olika medieplattformar, vilket nämns i studien.

Acculturation of New Asian International Students in the Digital Age: Challenges and Strategies

Chenhe Zhao (18398262) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Asian international students face various challenges and emotional issues during the process of acculturation, often finding it difficult to truly connect with the domestic culture. Current research often focuses on interactions and adaptation within the international student community, with little mention of how international students communicate with domestic students. Especially in the digital age, the ways people acquire information and communicate have evolved significantly from the past. This research takes into account the current era's context, seeks to understand the current status and needs of new Asian international students and propose further assistance guidelines. It employed interviews and co-design activities to delve into the issues from the perspective of Asian international students, encouraging them to integrate into the domestic culture. The findings suggest that new Asian students encounter similar challenges and utilize various strategies, with a view to fostering social connections with domestic students in future platforms.</p>


Zhuona (19201579) 27 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Managing a forest presents many challenges for tree farmers, especially when relying on traditional manual methods. Previous research highlights the wide range of tasks involved in forest management, from planting and nurturing trees to harvesting and selling timber. These conventional approaches often result in inefficiencies and unexpected difficulties at various stages. However, advances in technology, specifically through the use of LiDAR-based reconstruction and differential geometry, have made it feasible to accurately measure tree sizes and identify species with a single capture.</p><p dir="ltr">To help tree farmers overcome these challenges, this thesis proposes the development of a cross-platform solution named WoodWiz. WoodWiz comprises two synergistic components: a mobile application for real-time, on-site tree measurements, and a web-based platform for comprehensive forest management. The measurement feature in mobile app streamlines the data collection process, reducing time and labor, while MyForest offers a detailed view of the forest's status, facilitating efficient management and planning. Additionally, WoodWiz includes a Library feature, providing a repository of forestry resources and best practices, and a community platform to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among forestry professionals. This integrated system simplifies the wide range of tasks involved in forest management—from planting and nurturing to harvesting and selling timber—thereby reducing inefficiencies and addressing the unexpected difficulties typically associated with traditional methods.</p><p dir="ltr">The development of WoodWiz involved extensive research, design, and evaluation, culminating in a robust tool that not only streamlines forest management tasks but also provides tree farmers with actionable insights for decision-making. By automating critical measurements and facilitating data access, WoodWiz improves the accuracy of forest inventory and health assessments, leading to more informed and strategic management practices. The potential impacts of this solution on the forestry industry include increased productivity, improved sustainability of forest resources, and enhanced profitability for tree farmers. This thesis details the iterative process of WoodWiz's development, highlights its key features, and evaluates its effectiveness in transforming forest management practices.</p>

Konversations-AI från ett användarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om hur CAI kan stödja dokumentation inom sjukvården / Conversational AI from a user perspective : A qualitative study on how CAI can support documentation in healthcare

Gustavsson, Elias, Jonasson, Otto January 2024 (has links)
Användningen av artificiell intelligens (AI) inom hälso- och sjukvården har potential att minska den administrativa bördan och förbättra patientvården genom att effektivisera dokumentationsprocesser. Trots dessa fördelar kvarstår utmaningar som bristande integration och tung arbetsbelastning för vårdpersonal. Denna studie undersöker hur AI, särskilt konversations AI (CAI), kan användas för att förbättra dokumentationen i vården och stödja vårdpersonalens dagliga arbete. Syftet är att identifiera viktiga faktorer som påverkar användarnas upplevelse samt hur de bör utformas för att stötta vårdpersonalen vid dokumentation med hjälp av CAI För att uppnå detta genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med vårdpersonal, kompletterat med konceptbilder för att stimulera diskussioner och förståelse. Data analyserades med både deduktiva och induktiva analysmetoder. Resultaten visar att viktiga faktorer för utformning av CAI-system inkluderar anpassningsbara konversationsgränssnitt, möjligheter för användaren att ge feedback och transparenta förklaringar av systemets beslut. Dessutom framhävdes vikten av att CAI-system kan integreras sömlöst med befintligaarbetsflöden och att de kan anpassa sig efter individuella användarbehov. Andra viktiga aspekter är att systemet ska vara intuitivt, tillförlitligt och stödja en effektiv arbetsmiljö. Studien bekräftar att flera faktorer är avgörande för att utforma effektiva förklaringar iAI-system, men ytterligare forskning behövs för att utforska hur dessa riktlinjer påverkar tillit och förståelse över tid. / The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has the potential to reduce administrative burdens and improve patient care by streamlining documentation processes. Despite these benefits, challenges such as lack of integration and heavy workloads for healthcare staff persist. This study explores how AI, particularly conversational AI (CAI) can be utilized to enhance healthcare documentation and support the daily tasks of healthcare professionals. The aim is to identify key factors that are important for user experience and how CAI-systems should be designed to support healthcare staff in documentation. To achieve this, semi-structured interviews with healthcare professionals were conducted, supplemented with concept images to stimulate discussions and understanding. Data were analyzed using both deductive and inductive methods. The results indicate that key factors for designing CAI-systems include customizable converational interfaces, opportunities for user feedback, and transparent explanations of the system's decisions. Additionally, the importance of seamless integration of CAI-systems with existing workflows and their adaptability to individual user needs was emphasized. Other critical aspects are that the system should be intuitive, reliable, and support an efficient work environment. The study confirms that several factors are crucial for designing effective CAI-systems in healthcare. However, further research is needed to explore how these guidelines affect trust and understanding over time.

Funds &amp; Co : A digital platform for startups

Vikström, Filip, Olsson, William January 2024 (has links)
This thesis presents the design and development of a web-based platform intended to streamline the public sector funding process for startups by employing a matching algorithm. The platform was developed as part of a Bachelor's program in Computer Engineering and aims to address the inefficiencies and complexities currently impeding startup access to vital funding sources. Utilizing the MERN technology stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js), the project integrates web-based technologies to enhance user experience and ensure robust security measures aligning with GDPR standards. The methodology adopted includes agile development practices to facilitate iterative testing and improvements. The system's use of data from public funding webpages, combined with API integration and web scraping techniques, ensures a rich database of funding opportunities tailored to startups' diverse needs. This thesis serves as a practical solution for startups striving to navigate the complex landscape of public sector funding. / Den här uppsatsen presenterar designen och utvecklingen av en webbaserad plattform avsedd att effektivisera processen för offentlig finansiering till startups genom att använda en matchningsalgoritm. Plattformen, som utvecklats är en del av ett högskoleingenjörsprogram inom datateknik och syftar till att adressera de ineffektiviteter och komplexiteter som för närvarande hindrar startups från att få tillgång till nödvändiga finansieringskällor. Genom att använda MERN-teknikstacken (MongoDB, Express.js, React och Node.js) integrerar projektet webbteknologier för att förbättra användarupplevelsen och säkerställa robusta säkerhetsåtgärder i linje med GDPR-standarder. Den antagna metoden inkluderar agila utvecklingspraxis för att underlätta iterativ testning och förbättringar. Systemets användning av data från offentliga finansieringswebbplatser, kombinerat med API-integration och webbskrapningstekniker, säkerställer en rik databas med finansieringsmöjligheter anpassade till startups mångfaldiga behov. Denna avhandling fungerar som en praktisk lösning för startups som strävar efter att navigera i det komplexa landskapet för offentlig sektorfinansiering.

Inspirationsplattform : kvinnor i teknik / Inspirational platform : women in technical fields

Brun, Erica, Häggström, Ellionore January 2024 (has links)
In hope of lessening the inequal division between the amount of women and men studying and working in technical fields a project to create an inspirational platform has been initiated by the organisation Pepp. By the end of the first stage of the project a webpage has been created with frontend programming. This webpage contains several imaginary person portraits of imaginary individuals studying or working in technical fields. JavaScript filter functions have been created in order to filter between these individuals. All the necessary data for the portraits are collected in a database in form of an array in JavaScript. User tests were conducted where seven separate subjects were allowed to test the finished person portrait webpage. In the future the website will be improved and expanded with several webpages. Portraits of real individuals will also be collected and replace the imaginary individuals on the webpage.

Enhancing content discovery in Video on Demand services for children / Förbättra upptäckt av nytt innehåll i Video on Demand tjänster för barn

Andersson, Maja January 2017 (has links)
The media landscape is changing and Internet-based streaming services for children are becoming increasingly popular. The concept of online streaming extends freedom and control over content selection but discovering new content is often experienced as troublesome. The objective of this thesis is to identify parameters to make it easier for users of streaming services for children to discover and watch unfamiliar programs. Guidelines are formed based on literature studies, interviews, observations, a survey, a benchmark, data analysis with Adobe Analytics, a workshop and finally user tests with prototypes. These guidelines conclude that content should be categorized, dynamicized, highlighted and socially engaging. Categorization based on age is primarily important but interests and genres can also be used to make children more interested in a title. Content should be dynamic, customizable and personal to each user to give more accurate recommendations based on age and interests. Making one alternative more visually prominent will make this alternative more interesting especially for younger children and social features with information about other users opinions can motivate a decision to discover new content among older children.

The benefits of power up the phone while wiring down the mind : Decreasing sleep onset latency through smartphone interaction

Fahlman, Emma January 2018 (has links)
To be able to sleep is vital for our existence. During the process of falling asleep, many people are struggling and as an outcome, various mental health problems and sleep disorders are occurring among them. Previous studies are blaming the spreading health problems on the smartphone users for bringing their phone into their bedroom. Simultaneously, studies are showing that nocturnal smartphone usage is extremely common, with a huge spike in use during nighttime. Also, findings in studies with a different area of focus are showing that people suffering from sleep difficulties and insomnia benefits from visual stimulation and focused attention during sleep onset. This study aims to find beneficial smartphone interactions for people who are currently experiencing sleep problems. By gathering information from literature and previous studies done in the fields of insomnia, mental health problems, smartphone usage, human-computer interaction and sleep in general, the theoretical foundation of this study is laid out. To verify the previous findings and find out more about nocturnal smartphone usage, interviews and exercises with both subjective good and bad sleepers are performed. Ideas are generated and extracted through a workshop together with the collaboration partners. Visualization of the possible solution is made as a hi-fi prototype, which is later tested upon the target group of bad sleepers for three nights. In combination, the solution concept is tested together with a secondary concept through the Wizard of Oz method. The evaluation of the concepts is collected as an online form through their smartphones and the feedback from the participants is leading to a final design suggestion. This study is presenting solutions for designing for nocturnal usage, which through this study has been proven decreasing the subjective sleep onset latency among the users and in the long run will improve the user's digital well being.

Les dispositifs d’aide à la consommation : une analyse qui prend compte des obstacles à la rationalité dans l’évaluation des biens de consommation

Leggett-Dubé, Justine 12 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche vise à explorer le rôle du design dans l’acte d’achat et l’évaluation des produits. L’hypothèse de recherche repose sur le fait que le design est un obstacle à la rationalité dans le choix d’un bien, car ce dernier est rattaché à des singularités qui lui sont propres, le rendant difficilement comparable aux autres biens d’un même marché. Les produits deviennent difficiles à évaluer et à classer parmi les autres biens similaires dans le marché. En soi, la finalité et les vertus du design permettent aux consommateurs d’avoir une plus grande liberté de choix, mais ce rôle dynamique et économique que peut prendre le design peut aussi confondre les consommateurs devenant brouillés par l’abondance de choix. En ce sens, le design serait la clé de la voûte d’une économie des singularités telle que proposée par Lucien Karpik dans L’économie des singularités. Avec une méthodologie ethnologique, cinq projets d’évaluation de produits au sein de deux organismes produisant des dispositifs d’aide à la consommation ont été observés sur une période de deux ans. À la conclusion de cette étude, il a été démontré que certaines améliorations pouvaient être apportées aux processus d’évaluation, plus particulièrement en ce qui concerne les facteurs qui ne sont pas pris en compte dans les dispositifs d’aide à la consommation actuels, comme l’évaluation de produits centrée sur l’usager à l’aide de scénarios d’usages, plutôt que l’évaluation de produits centrée sur l’objet, ainsi que la considération de l’expérience de l’usager dans l’évaluation des biens. / This research project aims at exploring the role of design within the act of purchasing and rating products. This premise is based on the fact that design is an obstacle to an individual’s rationality when choosing goods because they are multidimensional and of uncertain quality, as proposed by Lucien Karpik. This creates a difficulty faced by consumers when trying to find comparable products on the market. The research hypothesis of this project suggests that design is an obstacle to reason by offering multidimensional products to consumers. It then becomes harder for them to evaluate singular products available on the market, and to make wise consumption choices. One of the aims of design is to offer users freedom of choice, but this dynamic and economic role of design can also lead to confusion, where consumers become blinded by the abundance of choices. In this sense, design would be the keystone of a singularity-based economy. Five product rating projects were observed on a two-year period within two agencies involved in producing consumption aid devices by using an ethnological approach. The conclusion of this study has shown that some improvements could be made to the product rating processes, particularly for the facts that have not been accounted for in the actual consumption aid devices, such as user-centered product ratings based on user scenarios instead of object-centered product ratings, as well as considering user experience in product evaluation.

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