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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How to develop usable groupware

Eriksson, Anna, Falk, Linda January 2010 (has links)
TOUCHE (Task-Oriented and User-Centered process model for developing interfaces for Human-Computer-Human Environments) is a process model for software development created to develop groupware. The creation of TOUCHE is part of a research project carried out at three Spanish universities. The aim of the project is to create a complete process model for the development of usable groupware. This thesis is part of this project and aims to further advance the TOUCHE process model so that it fulfills its aim on developing for usability. The thesis is based on research from the HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) and CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) fields. In the thesis a new version of TOUCHE is created which has a strong focus on developing for usability.This is done by selecting four principles from the HCI field, incorporating what is considered to be most important when developing for usability. The principles are a strong focus on, and the involvement of users throughout the whole process, an iterative process, multidisciplinary design, and aim for groupware usability. TOUCHE is analyzed from these principles and missing elements are identified. The difficulties of integrating these elements into TOUCHE are discussed and finally elements are chosen to be integrated into TOUCHE. These elements include a usability guide, evaluation cycles, prototyping, pre-documentation and a multidisciplinary team.

Is a big button interfaceenough for elderly users? : Towards user interface guidelines for elderly users

Phiriyapokanon, Tanid January 2011 (has links)
In the world today, the portion of aging people grows continuously. Due to successfulof healthcare services, people are living longer and the number of newborn isdecreasing. This can imply that the population of young and working people isdecreasing in many countries. This leads to the mean value incrementing of the meanworld population’s age value in the whole world. It has become more and moreimportant to consideration human factors of elderly people in many businesses.Software companies have to consider design of software concerning of usability forageing people. Currently, most of the software is designed to support younger users.To support elderly users, we have to consider more on age-related differences. Thisthesis presents a literature survey, and related theories used in designing graphic userinterface for ageing people. Besides, criteria for designing software for older users arealso discussed and suggested as guidelines for future studies and development. Thepurpose is to improve older users’ potential in using information technologies, and topotentially allow older users to gain more benefit from using of computer software.A case study for software design for elderly users was implemented to verifysuggested guideline and gain deeper design understanding. The elderly volunteerswere involved in design evaluation process. The results from case study have showneffectiveness of the design guideline approach.

Användbar användarmedverkan : Är användarmedverkan positivt för systemutvecklingsprocessen?

Fält Andersson, Sofie, Gustavsson, Glenn January 2011 (has links)
Computer use at work has risen considerably over the past fifteen years and is currently a relatively common phenomenon when 76 percent of women and 72 percent of men using the computer in their daily work (SCB Arbetsmiljörapport 2009).According to Gulliksen and Göransson (2009), Sweden is one of the countries which are more advanced in the procurement of computer systems at work. He means that Sweden has unique opportunities and conditions for user participation in the development of computer systems, when the user has the right to influence their working environment through a law in the Work Environment Act. The paper examines the importance of user involvement in system development and the Swedish company's approach and experience of user involvement. To highlight and explore the importance of user involvement, there has been a case study in which users have been representative of the development process. The case study has been conducted on a case company where the system IST analys was in need of a new interface. The development process has been as such that the developers have worked out their requirements before users have been interviewed and had to give their requirements. This is to compare the requirements of developers and users and whether users gave useful requirements.To investigate the Swedish company's approach to user participation has a questionnaire sent out and it has also been a discussion with two experienced system developers. The conclusion has been that it is advantageous to user participation in systems development but that it is important to have a controlled process that allows users to not steer too much.

Lara : en skattjakt med mobil datorförstärkt verklighet / Lara : a mobile augmented reality treasure hunt

Hedström, Anton, Ragnarsson, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Prestandan i dagens mobiltelefoner har ökat på senare tid. Därmed har det blivit aktuellt med förstärkt verklighet i mobilapplikationer. Det här arbetet har undersökt hur förstärkt verklighet används i mobilapplikationer för att framhäva en plats. Genom att använda förstärkt verklighet blir det möjligt att tillföra information till den verkliga platsen. I syfte att applicera förstärkt verklighet har vi utvecklat Lara. Lara är en prototyp av ett spel i form av en virtuell skattjakt som utspelar sig på Campus Valla i Linköping. Den evolutionära prototypen har testats av fyra personer som efter testet svarat på frågor angående användbarheten. Resultatet från testerna visade att användbarheten var god. Testerna visade även att det finns intresse att utöka Lara med både server och editor. Arbetet visade att presentationen av förstärkt verklighet har stor betydelse för hur påtaglig upplevelsen blir. / The performance of mobile phones have increased recently. Thus, it has become relevant with augmented reality in mobile applications. This work has examined how augmented reality is used in mobile applications to focus on a location. By using augmented reality you will be able to add information to a place. In order to apply augmented reality, we have developed Lara. Lara is a prototype of a game in the form of a virtual treasure hunt that takes place at Campus Valla in Linköping.The evolutionary prototype has been tested by four people who afterwards answered questions about usability. Results of the tests showed that the usability was good. The tests also showed that there is interest to expand Lara with both server and editor. The work showed that the presentation of augmented reality have significant impact on how real the experience becomes.

Användarvänlighet och Informationsdesign : En studie om målgruppsanpassat informationsmaterial

Jonsson, Alexandra January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med min forskning var att undersöka den rådande informationsproblematiken som Sepab Fordonsprodukter hade med sina informationsmaterial och den underliggande orsaken till detta. Utifrån min empiri och mina resultat av intervjuerna har jag sedan utvecklat ett nytt förslag på informationsmaterial. Jag har under hela arbetets gång fokuserat på målgruppsanpassning tillsammans med ämnet informationsdesign, vilket enligt mig går hand i hand. Jag har arbetat utifrån kvalitativa metoder med hermeneutiken som inspirationskälla och informationsdesignsmässiga principer för att åstadkomma detta. Mina resultat visade att det fanns ett flertal faktorer i det utgivna informationsmaterialet som var i behov av förbättring. Den slutgiltiga produkten blev ett nytt informationsmaterial till Sepabs nya produkt där jag har tillämpat dessa teorier. / The purpose of my research was to examine the current information problems that Sepab Fordonsprodukter had with its material and the underlying cause of this. Based on my empirical work and my results of the interviews I have since developed a new proposal on the information. I have throughout the work focused on audience targeting with the subject information design, which according to me goes hand in hand. I have worked on the basis of qualitative methods with hermeneutics as a source of inspiration and information design principles to achieve this. My results showed that there were several factors in the published information material that was in need of improvement. The final product is a new information material to Sepabs new product which I have applied these theories in.

Access: Hearing world : A documentation of the birth of a website for deaf and hearing impaired that addresses technology / Tillgången till den hörande världen : En dokumentation av skapandet av en teknikwebbsida som är riktad till döva och hörselskadade

Baylan, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
This paper is part of the practical bachelor’s thesis that is reporting the details of the process of creating a new website called Access: Hearing world. The website is aimed to provide information about new smartphone applications for the targeted group of users. These users consist of sign language speaking deaf and hearing impaired individuals. This paper illustrates the pilot study that gave the website its foundation and the information the website needed to take shape. Also included in the paper is that choices that were made during the process of the creation of the website and what methods were used along the way. The subliminal theory that were used during the entire process was human-computer interaction especially usability and user-friendliness. This was measured and analyzed with two analyzing methods, these were PACT and SWOT. / Denna rapport handlar om skapandeprocessen bakom en ny samlingssida för smartphoneapplikationer som är riktad till döva och hörselskadade. Denna webbsida ska kunna ge ny information om nya smartphoneapplikationer oavsett vilken plattform användarna nyttjar. Denna rapport tar upp förstudien som utfördes innan webbsidan skapades för att kartlägga behoven fanns. Den tar även upp själva utförandet av webbsidan och vilka val som gjordes under den processen. Resultatet som utgår från det test som gjordes kommer också att återges genom en PACT-analys. Därefter kommer webbsidan att diskuteras och utvärderas genom en SWOT-analys för att belysa det som är styrkan, svagheten, möjligheten och hoten med Access: Hearing world som webbsidan heter.

Google Bilders användbarhet : Gränssnitt, sökfunktioner och återvinning / The usability of Google Images : Interface, search options and retrieval

Karlsson, Vero January 2011 (has links)
This essay explores to what extent the Swedish language version of Google Images meets the usability requirements of average everyday users. Previously published studies on user behaviour and users‟ interface and search option preferences define the usability requirements, which are matched against Google Images‟ actual interface and search options. The retrieval method of Google Images is also briefly discussed, and users‟ opinions about Google Images too, as they come across in the previously published user studies. The findings are that Google Images lack some of the things that users ask for, but it still seems to be the most used image search engine among average internet users and more appreciated than other search engines. Since the user studies were conducted, Google Images has changed its interface and added new options in a way that indicates that the developers have read and taken inspiration from the user-oriented image retrieval research, and still do so. This should mean that Google Images is even more user-oriented and therefore appreciated today, and it might improve even more in the near future.

Motivational Interviewing - Motiverande Samtal : En kvantitativ studie av MI-utbildade skolsköterskors användning av MI i sitt omvårdnadsarbete med gymnasieelever. / Motivational Interviewing - Motivational Talks : A quantitative study of MI-trained school nurses´use of MI in their nursing work with secondary school students.

Herrlander Törnquist, Emma, Stenmark, Marie January 2011 (has links)
MI (Motivational Interviewing) är en samtalsmetod som avser att förbereda individer för förändringar. Socialstyrelsen (2004) anger i sina riktlinjer att svensk skolhälsovård ska använda evidensbaserade metoder i det hälsopedagogiska arbetet. Fortlöpande utbildning i MI har genomförts de senaste åren. Skolsköterskan har en god inblick i skolelevers hälsoläge avseende ohälsosamma levnadsvanor, och har dessutom en möjlighet att påverka dessa. Syftet med studien är att undersöka skolsköterskors användning av MI i sitt omvårdnadsarbete med gymnasieelever. Som omvårdnadsteoretisk ram användes Dorothea Orems egenvårdsteori samt Aaron Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv. Studien är en kvantitativ stickprovsundersökning. Enkätfrågorna omfattar skolsköterskors användning av MI i dagligt arbete, MI-teknikens grundprinciper samt eventuella behov av stöd och handledning för att vidmakthålla sina kunskaper i MI-tekniken. Resultatet visar att skolsköterskor använder MI i sitt omvårdnadsarbete i stor utsträckning och att metoden anpassas för implementering i det dagliga arbetet. Majoriteten anser att MI-metoden fungerar bättre än traditionell rådgivning vid livsstilsförändringar. Begränsningar utgjordes dock av grundprincipen att uppmärksamma förändringsprat hos eleven, samt att det finns ett stort behov av handledning och stöd för att vidmakthålla MI-kunskaperna. I vidare forskning skulle det vara intressant att undersöka vilket stöd och handledning det finns behov av och hur stöd och handledning bör utformas. / MI (Motivational Interviewing) is a conversational approach designed to prepare individuals for changes. Social Board specifies in its guidelines to Swedish school health services that they should use evidence-based practices in the health pedagogic work. Continuous education in MI has been implemented in recent years. School nurses have a good insight into the school students´ health mode for unhealthy living habits, and they also have an opportunity to influence these. The purpose of the study is to examine school nurses´ use of MI in their nursing work with secondary school students. Dorothea Orem’s self-care theory and Aaron Antonovsky’s salutogenic perspective were used as a theoretical frame. The study is a quantitative sampling. Survey questions covered the school nurses´ use of MI in daily work, MI-technique fundamentals, along with any need for assistance and guidance in order to maintain their skills in MI-technology. The result shows that school nurses are using their nursing work extensively and that the method adapts for implementation in their daily work. The majority believes that the MI-method is working better than traditional advice at lifestyle changes. Limitations, however, consisted of the basic principle of paying attention to the students talk about change and that there is a great need for mentoring and support to maintain the knowledge of MI. In further research, it would be interesting to study support and what guidance is needed and how guidance should be designed.

Enhancing Volunteered Geographical Information (VGI) Visualization with Open Source Web-Based Software

Deparday, Vivien January 2010 (has links)
Recent advances in information technology such as Web mapping and location-aware mobile devices have enabled non-experts to create, use and share volumes of spatial data in an increasingly accessible fashion. Such user-generated spatial data is usually referred to as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Two of the fundamental challenges associated with the exploitation of VGI relate to information overload and extraction of meaning. In order to deal with these challenges and improve the utility of VGI, this thesis investigates the potential of several interactive geovisualization techniques including filtering, dynamic spatial aggregation, linking and brushing, and tag-based visualizations. As a preliminary work to explore and structure the new research field of VGI, a framework of the different types of VGI is elaborated and followed by a review of the challenges and current solutions related to the utilization of VGI. Based on this review, a web-based prototype is developed to serve as a platform for the evaluation of selected geovisualization techniques. The prototype is then used in a series of workshops with rich citizen-generated data related to place-based community assets. The results of the case study show that the implemented geovisualization techniques enable users to find relevant subsets of information and to gain new insights on the data. Based on the potential shown by these results, future research directions are suggested.

Personlighetstyper och upplevelse av ett nytt arbetsstöd : undersökning gjord på Trafikverkets Intranät och anställda

Helander, Elin January 2010 (has links)
In order to get a better understanding of the interaction between employees and their technical work tools one needs to know what factors influence the interaction. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is a correlation between the personality traits Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N), tested with Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), and experience of the new Intranet among employees at The Swedish National Transport Administration (SNTA), and also to gather information of employees’ opinions about the new Intranet. A survey, containing questions about the Intranet and a personality test (EPI), was posted on SNTA’s Intranet for eight workdays (N = 88, females = 53, males = 35). A Multiple Regression showed no significant correlations between personality traits (E/N) and experience of the new Intranet. Considering the study’s low Power (.34) one cannot draw any conclusions of the statistical tests. A majority of the participants did not think that the new Intranet is better than the old one, and thought it was difficult to find necessary information on the Intranet at first. However, they did not think this had a negative effect on the time it took to accomplish their work tasks. For upcoming studies more participants are required (preferable more than 200) and the survey should not only be available via computers in order to reach people who is not frequent users of computers.

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