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Worthy Worlds: A Case Study of the Pedagogy, Design, and Execution of Two University Courses in Second LifeFekete, Daniel James 28 November 2012 (has links)
With increasing access to powerful computer processing and broadband Internet connectivity, persistent immersive worlds like Second Life are being adopted for use as virtual learning environments. The flexibility of these spaces, however, offers little innate direction for educators in terms of design and pedagogy considerations, creating a space for research, shared experience, and possibly the development of “best practices” literature. This multiple-case study explores the unique affordances of immersive environments for distance education with reference to the design, pedagogy, and student experience of two university-accredited courses taught entirely “in-world” on the Second Life platform.
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3-D structural and seismic stratigraphic interpretation of the Guasare-Misoa Interval, VLE 196 Area, Block V, Lamar Field, Lake Maracaibo, VenezuelaArzuman, Sadun 30 September 2004 (has links)
In this study, the structure, depositional system, and the seismic stratigraphy of the VLE 196 area, Block V in Lamar Field were interpreted using 3-D seismic data and well logs to characterize structural and depositional settings of the Guasare-Misoa interval.
To demonstrate structural settings of the study area 3-D seismic data were interpreted. Three main seismic reflectors, which are the Late Eocene unconformity, Guasare, and La Luna formations, were picked. The most dominant structure in the area is the VLE 400 Fault which was interpreted as a left-lateral strike-slip reverse fault due to its behaviors as a reverse fault in cross sections and as a strike-slip fault in strike sections. The VLE 400 Fault subdivides the VLE 196 area into two main structural blocks, a downthrown block in the western part and the upthrown block in the eastern part of the field where the hydrocarbons were trapped. Several en echelon normal and reverse faults were located along the both sides of the area. The main importance of these faults are that they fractured the La Luna source rock and created migration pathways through the reservoir layers of the Misoa Formation.
To interpret depositional system of the Guasare-Misoa interval, tops of the C4 and C5 intervals and associated C4 layers were picked based on well logs and lithofacies maps were prepared. The results of this part of the study show that the sandstones of the Misoa Formation are delta front and fluvial/distributary channel facies of delta system. The net sand thickness map of the C4 interval also exhibits southeast northwest contour patterns reflecting depositional axes in the area. Shaly units of the C4 interval interpreted as potential seals and are of variable thickness and extend.
Seismic stratigraphic interpretation of the area shows that the four main seismic facies are dominant which mainly represent the recent sediments, "C" sands of the Misoa Formation, underlying Colon and Mito Juan shales, and basement respectively. Some distributary eroded channel fill structures were also observed within the Misoa Formation, but they were not continuous through the area because of the intensive faulting.
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Besimokančiojo modelio vaizdavimas virtualioje mokymo(si) aplinkoje / Depiction of student model in virtual learning environment (VLE)Vaira, Žilvinas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Adaptyviose sistemose prisitaikymas prie besimokančiojo yra paremtas duomenų apie besimokantįjį rinkimu, analizavimu ir mokymosi aplinkos pritaikymu besimokančiojo poreikiams. Tam būtina parinkti tokius „sekimo“ duomenis, pagal kuriuos būtų galima daryti išvadas sistemos lygmenyje. Šie duomenys turi būti suprantami sistemai, nuolat atnaujinami, lengvai surenkami. Jie gali būti įvairūs, pradedant nuorodų paspaudimo laiku, baigiant akies žvilgsnio nukreipimo vieta. Pagal tai sistema gali transformuoti duomenis ir – priklausomai nuo savo paskirties – duoti patarimus ar tam tikromis priemonėmis pavaizduoti naudingą informaciją, tuo pačiu atsižvelgdama į rezultatus. Tačiau daugelis šių sistemų yra tik prototipo stadijoje arba naudojamos nesudėtingiems procesams vykdyti. Mums žinomos adaptyvios sistemos yra skirtos vieno dalyko probleminei sričiai. Šiame darbe tirsime besimokančiojo modelio perteikimo galimybę virtualioje mokymo(si) aplinkoje (VMA), kai besimokantysis dalyvauja viename arba keliuose nuotoliniuose kursuose. / In adaptive systems adaptation to learner is defined by collection of data about learner, collected data analysis and learning environment adaptation to learners needs. Looking forward to this goal it is necessary to select such logging data, which can be used to make conclusions in a system level. Such data should be acceptable to system, interactive and easy to collect. Data used can be various, starting from click time of the link ending with eye look direction angle. Such system can provide data transformations and depending on purpose, give suggestions. Using necessary tools depict useful information, reacting to results. Most of currently build systems are only in prototype stage or are used for unsophisticated process. Most of them are one subject systems. In this work we address a possibility of student model’s depiction in a VLE, when student participate in one or more than one distance course.
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Tiksliesiems mokslams skirtų testavimo sistemų tyrimas / The research of testing systems for physical scienceJurka, Vidmantas 30 August 2010 (has links)
Informacinės technologijos vis labiau įsilieja į mokymo/si procesą, tampa neatsiejama jo dalimi. Vyrauja nuomonė, kad nuo mokymosi apie informacines technologijas turi pereiti prie mokymo su informacinėmis technologijos. Tuo pačiu tradicinio mokymo metodus praplečiant informacinių technologijų mokymo metodais. Tai turi padėti veiksmingiau derinti bei taikyti naujus mokymo metodus. Atlikus anketinę tiksliųjų mokslų (chemijos, fizikos, informatikos, matematikos) mokytojų apklausą išsiaiškinta kokia mokytojų dalis naudoja informacines technologijas moksleivių testavimui, kokios programos naudojamos, kokios funkcijos šioms programoms reikalingos. Išanalizavus gautus duomenis nustatyta kokia programinė įranga dažniausiai naudojama moksleivių testavimui, kokių funkcijų joje pasigendama. Sukurti ir išbandyti priedai praplečiantys virtualios mokymosi aplinkos Moodle funkcijas, reikalingas tiksliųjų mokslų žinių testavimui: modifikuotas Moodle programos kodas įjungiant HTML redaktorių testavimo sistemos klausimų atsakymams, sukurtas filtras cTeX leidžiantis įvedinėti chemines formules ir trimačius molekulių modelius Moodle aplinkoje, sukurtas naujas klausimo tipas leidžiantis tikrinti programavimo žinias paskalio kalba. / Information technologies are becoming ever more an integral part of the learning process. It has become accepted that learning about information technologies should be transformed to learning with information technologies expanding traditional teaching methods with the methods for teaching information technologies. That should help to coordinate and apply new teaching methods more effectively. Having conducted a questionnaire of teachers of exact sciences (chemistry, physics, informatics and mathematics), it has been determined what percentage of teachers use information technologies for student testing, what software is used, and what functionality for the software is needed. After analyzing the survey data the software most often used for testing students and its missing functionality have been determined. The modules extending the virtual learning environment Moodle for testing students in exact sciences have been written and tested: the Moodle program code has been modified by including an HTML editor for the answers to testing system questions; the filter cTeX for entering chemical formulas and three-dimensional molecule models has been written, and a new type of question for testing the Pascal programming language has been created.
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Sistemática para o desenvolvimento de diretrizes no design de interfaces gráficas em tablet PCs voltadas a usuários típicosKulpa, Cínthia Costa January 2017 (has links)
A evolução das tecnologias móveis ampliou significativamente a possibilidade de inclusão digital das pessoas com deficiências em geral, permitindo a interação sem as barreiras de espaço e tempo. Dentre estas novas tecnologias está o tablet PC, considerado atualmente a tecnologia móvel mais implementada em instituições de ensino do mundo, devido à sua ampla capacidade de interatividade, flexibilidade, mobilidade, navegação pelos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs), e acessibilidade de diferentes perfis de usuários. Entretanto, a maioria dos usuários com baixa visão (BV) tem encontrado dificuldades em navegar nos AVAs por meio desta tecnologia, tendo que fazer uso de Tecnologias Assistivas voltadas para os cegos. Muito embora as diretrizes utilizadas para a construção destas Interfaces Gráficas do Usuário (GUIs) baseiem-se nos preceitos do W3C e do Design Universal, este fato pode prejudicar sua condição, gerar frustração e, consequentemente, resultar na sua exclusão digital. Com isso, o objetivo desta pesquisa é melhorar as condições de usabilidade dos AVAs no tablet PC, através de uma sistemática estruturada que forneça diretrizes capazes de orientar os desenvolvedores a criarem GUIs pensando no usuário com BV. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se no AVA Moodle como cenário de uso para o estudo de caso, foi realizada em três etapas que incluíram especialistas web, assim como usuários com BV, levando ao desenvolvimento da sistemática. Como resultado final da sua validação, tem-se um Guia de Diretrizes voltado para a construção de GUIs acessíveis aos usuários com BV, no tablet PC. Conclui-se que esta sistemática possibilita ao desenvolvedor agrupar e conceber suas próprias recomendações, em forma de guia de diretrizes, capazes de orientá-lo no incremento de interfaces voltadas especificamente para um usuário típico definido, independente do cenário de uso estabelecido. Refletindo, desta forma, na garantia e qualidade de acesso deste usuário, e permitindo a melhoria do processo de implementação de projetos pelo desenvolvedor. / The evolution of mobile technologies has significantly broadened the digital inclusion possibility for persons with general disabilities, by providing interaction with no space and time barrier constraints. Among these new technologies, the Tablet PCs are currently deemed the most widely implemented mobile technology in teaching institutions worldwide due to their wide capacity of interactivity, flexibility, mobility, browsing through Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), and accessibility to different user profiles However, most Low Vision (LV) users have faced difficulties to browse through VLEs by means of this technology and must resort to Assistive Technologies aimed at blind persons. Although the guidelines employed for the construction of those Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) are founded on the precepts of W3C and Universal Design, this fact may harm their condition, generate frustration and, consequently, result in their digital exclusion. This way, the objective of this research is to improve the VLE usability conditions on Tablet PCs through a structured systematic to provide guidelines capable of instructing developers to create GUIs with LV users in mind. The methodology employed is based on the VLE Moodle as the scenery used for the case study, was carried out in three stages and included Web experts as well as LV users, leading to the development of the systematic. As an end result of its validation, there is a Guidelines Guide aimed at the construction of GUIs that are accessible to LV users on Tablet PCs. It has been concluded that this systematic allows developers to group up and conceive their own recommendations in the form of a guidelines guide that are capable of instructing them in incrementing interfaces specifically aimed at a defined typical users regardless of the established scenery of use. This way, it would reflect as an access guarantee and quality for those users, and allow for improvements to the project implementation process by developers.
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Sistemática para o desenvolvimento de diretrizes no design de interfaces gráficas em tablet PCs voltadas a usuários típicosKulpa, Cínthia Costa January 2017 (has links)
A evolução das tecnologias móveis ampliou significativamente a possibilidade de inclusão digital das pessoas com deficiências em geral, permitindo a interação sem as barreiras de espaço e tempo. Dentre estas novas tecnologias está o tablet PC, considerado atualmente a tecnologia móvel mais implementada em instituições de ensino do mundo, devido à sua ampla capacidade de interatividade, flexibilidade, mobilidade, navegação pelos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs), e acessibilidade de diferentes perfis de usuários. Entretanto, a maioria dos usuários com baixa visão (BV) tem encontrado dificuldades em navegar nos AVAs por meio desta tecnologia, tendo que fazer uso de Tecnologias Assistivas voltadas para os cegos. Muito embora as diretrizes utilizadas para a construção destas Interfaces Gráficas do Usuário (GUIs) baseiem-se nos preceitos do W3C e do Design Universal, este fato pode prejudicar sua condição, gerar frustração e, consequentemente, resultar na sua exclusão digital. Com isso, o objetivo desta pesquisa é melhorar as condições de usabilidade dos AVAs no tablet PC, através de uma sistemática estruturada que forneça diretrizes capazes de orientar os desenvolvedores a criarem GUIs pensando no usuário com BV. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se no AVA Moodle como cenário de uso para o estudo de caso, foi realizada em três etapas que incluíram especialistas web, assim como usuários com BV, levando ao desenvolvimento da sistemática. Como resultado final da sua validação, tem-se um Guia de Diretrizes voltado para a construção de GUIs acessíveis aos usuários com BV, no tablet PC. Conclui-se que esta sistemática possibilita ao desenvolvedor agrupar e conceber suas próprias recomendações, em forma de guia de diretrizes, capazes de orientá-lo no incremento de interfaces voltadas especificamente para um usuário típico definido, independente do cenário de uso estabelecido. Refletindo, desta forma, na garantia e qualidade de acesso deste usuário, e permitindo a melhoria do processo de implementação de projetos pelo desenvolvedor. / The evolution of mobile technologies has significantly broadened the digital inclusion possibility for persons with general disabilities, by providing interaction with no space and time barrier constraints. Among these new technologies, the Tablet PCs are currently deemed the most widely implemented mobile technology in teaching institutions worldwide due to their wide capacity of interactivity, flexibility, mobility, browsing through Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), and accessibility to different user profiles However, most Low Vision (LV) users have faced difficulties to browse through VLEs by means of this technology and must resort to Assistive Technologies aimed at blind persons. Although the guidelines employed for the construction of those Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) are founded on the precepts of W3C and Universal Design, this fact may harm their condition, generate frustration and, consequently, result in their digital exclusion. This way, the objective of this research is to improve the VLE usability conditions on Tablet PCs through a structured systematic to provide guidelines capable of instructing developers to create GUIs with LV users in mind. The methodology employed is based on the VLE Moodle as the scenery used for the case study, was carried out in three stages and included Web experts as well as LV users, leading to the development of the systematic. As an end result of its validation, there is a Guidelines Guide aimed at the construction of GUIs that are accessible to LV users on Tablet PCs. It has been concluded that this systematic allows developers to group up and conceive their own recommendations in the form of a guidelines guide that are capable of instructing them in incrementing interfaces specifically aimed at a defined typical users regardless of the established scenery of use. This way, it would reflect as an access guarantee and quality for those users, and allow for improvements to the project implementation process by developers.
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POJAVA: Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem para a Web 2.0 / POJAVA: Virtual environment de Aprendizagem for Web 2.0Andrà Prado Peretti 21 January 2008 (has links)
nÃo hà / Apesar das vÃrias opÃÃes de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem no
cenÃrio educacional, hà pouco resultado nas aÃÃes que ensejam uma maior
motivaÃÃo e envolvimento dos alunos numa utilizaÃÃo mais eficiente destes. Os
ambientes virtuais de aprendizado tÃm se apresentado com configuraÃÃes
semelhantes no decorrer dos anos. Como forma de envolver os alunos, e buscar
resultados mais efetivos nestes ambientes, Ã introduzida neste trabalho, uma nova
arquitetura de ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, baseado nas tecnologias web 2.0
no sentido da personalizaÃÃo em massa.
Em um contexto educacional a personalizaÃÃo em massa à um
conceito onde o prÃprio usuÃrio tem maior autonomia na decisÃo da forma e
conteÃdo do seu ambiente. JÃ o termo web 2.0 refere-se as novas aplicaÃÃes web
que proporcionam uma rica experiÃncia ao usuÃrio, com recursos de Ãudio, vÃdeo e
principalmente diversas possibilidades de interaÃÃo, enxergando o usuÃrio como
parte integrante do sistema, muitas vezes atà como o principal criador da
Neste trabalho foi definido um modelo de arquitetura, com o
objetivo de mostrar possÃveis aplicaÃÃes pedagÃgicas com essas novas tecnologias,
bem como uma definiÃÃo de requisitos baseado na engenharia de software.
Analisaram-se ferramentas e recursos que devem compor este novo ambiente para
web 2.0 e com mÃltiplas possibilidades de personalizaÃÃo, das fontes de
informaÃÃo aos aplicativos, como tambÃm os fatores que fazem essas tecnologias
propÃcias à prÃtica educacional, como tambÃm questÃes relativas ao
comportamento do aluno. TambÃm foram analisados trabalhos que apresentavam
propostas relacionadas e exemplos destas tecnologias na web atual.
Novas formas de comunicar e aprender desafiam as instituiÃÃes de
ensino, um ambiente baseado nestes conceitos nÃo à constituÃdo apenas de novas
tecnologias, mas sim de uma quebra de paradigma para um ambiente de
aprendizagem com menor nÃvel de controle, onde o aluno possui maior liberdade e
domÃnio da informaÃÃo. / Though several options of virtual learning environments in the
educational scenario there is a few result in actions wich crave greater motivation
and involvement of the students in a use more efficient of these. The virtual
learning environments have been presented with similar settings over the years.
Used as a way to involve the students and reach more effective results in these
environments is introduced in this paper a new architecture of virtual learning
environments based on Web 2.0 technologies towards mass customization.
Considering an educational context the mass customization is a
concept where the user has more autonomy in deciding about the form and the
content of his own environment. Already the term Web 2.0 refers to the new web
applications that provide a great experience to the user with resources of audio,
video and mainly many possibilities of interaction. The user is viewed as part of the
system and even the main creator of the information.
An architecture model was defined in order to show possible
pedagogical applications with these new technologies as well as a definition of
requirements based on software engineering. Tools and resources were analysed
and they must compose this new environment for web 2.0 with multiple
possibilities for customization from the sources of information to applications, as
well as the factors that make these technologies conducive to educational
practice, questions related to the behavior of the student and some analyses of
other studies that showed proposals and examples of these technologies on the
todayÂs web.
New ways to communicate and learn defy the institutions of
education, an environment based on these concepts is not composed only of new
technology but even about a breach of paradigm to a learning environment with
lower level of control where the student has more freedom and field of
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A escala comum de valores em grupos de aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira (E/LE) como sistemas adaptativos complexos / The common scale of values in groups of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) as adaptive complex systemsEscobar, Patrícia Mussi 15 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:24:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / The research was developed based on the thesis of Vetromille-Castro (2007), in which collaboration and autonomy were considered values that fostered interaction and maintained the cohesion and emergency of the group. However, Vetromille-Castro considered that there were other values besides collaboration and autonomy which were shared among co-valorizing individuals (Piaget, 1973). It is precisely on this hypothesis that we developed this work. In this research we
studied the interactive process in a group of trainee teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) in virtual learning environment forums. We analyzed the posts of 30 students, the e-learning tutor and two researchers from one of the
support centers in four forums of the discipline of Spanish III in a teacher development course in a federal university in southern Brazil in a distance learning modality. The results were obtained by descriptive analysis of a qualitative nature
and of a virtual ethnographic interpretation (HINE, 2004). In the interactions we confirmed the hypothesis that there were other values at stake in qualitative changes. In addition to collaboration and autonomy, we identified other values that
were common among individuals in the groups, which behaved as complex adaptive (sub)systems (SAC) in each of the four studied forums, also considered as a SAC. Taking into consideration Schwartz s (1992) propositions, we have
identified exchanges of mutual benefit (PIAGET, 1973) in each group that was formed in the forums, on a map of values of common scales around values such as equality, friendship, responsibility, creativity, solidarity, among others, besides
those already noticed in previous work, namely collaboration and autonomy. / A pesquisa é construída com base na tese de Vetromille-Castro (2007), na qual foi constatado que a colaboração e autonomia foram os valores que fomentaram a interação e mantiveram a coesão e emergência do grupo estudado.
Entretanto, Vetromille-Castro considerou que havia outros valores, além da colaboração e da autonomia, que foram compartilhados entre os sujeitos covalorizantes (PIAGET, 1973). E é justamente a partir dessa hipótese que desenvolvemos este trabalho. Na presente pesquisa, estudamos o processo interativo em um grupo de professores em formação de Língua Espanhola como Língua Estrangeira (E/LE) nos fóruns de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem.
Analisamos as postagens de 30 alunos, da professora tutora a distância e das duas professoras pesquisadoras de um polo em quatro fóruns da disciplina de língua espanhola III de uma licenciatura em uma universidade federal no sul do Brasil, na modalidade a distância. Os resultados foram obtidos mediante a análise descritiva, de natureza qualitativa e de interpretação etnográfica virtual (HINE, 2004). Nas interações confirmamos a hipótese de que havia outros valores em jogo nas trocas qualitativas, pois identificamos, além da colaboração e da
autonomia, outros valores que eram comuns entre os indivíduos dos grupos, os quais se comportaram como um (sub)sistema adaptativo complexo (SAC) em cada um dos quatro fóruns estudados, também considerados como um SAC. A partir de Schwartz (1992), identificamos, no mapa de valores das escalas comuns de cada grupo que se formou nos fóruns, trocas de benefício recíproco (PIAGET,1973) em torno de valores, como igualdade, amizade, responsabilidade,
criatividade, solidariedade, dentre outros, além daqueles já percebidos em pesquisa anterior, a saber, colaboração e autonomia.
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Évaluation d’indices de comparaison pour la substitution des solvants en milieu de travailDebia, Maximilien 04 1900 (has links)
La substitution est une méthode de prévention primaire qui permet l’élimination à la source des dangers pour les travailleurs. Une des étapes de la démarche est la comparaison des options afin de procéder au choix final. Divers indices de comparaison, basés sur des paramètres physicochimiques, sanitaires et environnementaux des substances, permettent de guider ce choix. Toutefois, aucune évaluation de ces indices n’a été effectuée dans le cas de la substitution des solvants. Une recherche de développement a été entreprise afin de proposer une méthodologie améliorée de comparaison des solvants.
La démarche d’analyse de substitution et la comparaison des options de remplacement à l’aide du rapport de danger de vapeur (« Vapour Hazard Ratio », VHR) ont été appliquées à un cas réel de substitution de solvants en entreprise. Trois indices de potentiel de surexposition (IPS) (VHR, « Måleteknisk Arbejdshygiejnisk Luftbehov » (MAL) et « SUBstitution FACtor » (SUBFAC)) et trois indices globaux de hiérarchisation des dangers (indice air (ψiair), « Indiana Relative Chemical Hazard Score » (IRCHS) et « Final Hazard Score » (FHS)) ont été évalués et comparés à partir de listes de 56 et 67 solvants respectivement. La problématique de la non-idéalité des mélanges a aussi été considérée par rapport aux IPS par l’évaluation et la comparaison de 50 mélanges de solvant. Une méthodologie d’établissement d’une valeur limite d’exposition (VLE), pour les solvants n’en possédant pas, a été développée par modélisation de type relations quantitatives propriété-propriété (QPPR). La modélisation QPPR des VLE, effectuée sur une liste de 88 solvants possédant une VLE, a été effectuée à partir des coefficients de partage octanol:air, octanol:eau, sang:air et des constantes métaboliques.
L’étude de cas a montré que l’utilisation du VHR facilitait la comparaison des options, bien qu’elle puisse se heurter à l’absence de VLE. Les indices VHR et SUBFAC ont été identifiés comme des méthodes très proches, caractérisées par une forte corrélation (R=0,99) alors que l’indice MAL se distingue des deux autres IPS par une perte d’information sur la volatilité résultant en une corrélation plus faible avec le VHR (R=0,75). L’impact de la non idealité, évalué par le calcul de coefficients d’activité sur une série de 50 mélanges, a permis d’établir que les ratios entre les indices VHR corrigés et non corrigés variaient entre 0,57 et 2,7, suggérant un facteur de sécurité de cinq lors de la comparaison de mélanges. Les analyses de corrélation et de sensibilité ont montré que les indices de hiérarchisation des dangers différaient de façon importante sur leur prise en compte de paramètres comme la volatilité, les VLE, l’exposition cutanée, l’inflammabilité, la cancérogénicité et les divers paramètres environnementaux. Aucun de ces indices ne peut être recommandé pour la substitution des solvants. Deux modèles QPPR ont été développés afin de prédire des VLE et des VHR, et 61 % et 87 % des VHR prédits variaient respectivement d’un facteur maximal de deux et de cinq par rapport aux VHR calculés.
Nos résultats mènent à proposer une démarche améliorée de comparaison en deux étapes. Après un tri selon des critères prioritaires de santé, de sécurité et d’environnement, la comparaison devrait se baser sur le calcul du VHR tout en considérant d’autres paramètres selon la situation concrète de l’entreprise ou du procédé. La comparaison devra tenir compte de la non-idéalité pour les mélanges, et de VLE estimées pour les solvants n’en possédant pas. / Substitution is a primary preventive method which allows the elimination of hazards to workers at the source. One of the steps in substitution analysis is the comparison between options in order to choose the best alternative. Various comparison indices based on physicochemical, health and environmental parameters of substances may facilitate the choice. However, no evaluation of theses indices has been done in the case of solvent substitution. Development research was undertaken in order to propose an improved methodology for solvent substitution.
A systematic procedure of solvent substitution was applied to a real workplace case and the comparison between options was made using the Vapour Hazard Ratio (VHR). Three Overexposure Potential Indices (OPIs) (VHR, « Måleteknisk Arbejdshygiejnisk Luftbehov » (MAL) and SUBstitution FACtor (SUBFAC)) and three comprehensive hazard screening indices (air index (ψiair), Indiana Relative Chemical Hazard Score (IRCHS) and Final Hazard Score (FHS)) were evaluated and compared using a list of 56 and 67 solvents respectively. In the case of mixtures, the effect of nonideality on OPIs was also investigated by comparing 50 solvent mixtures. Quantitative property-property relationship (QPPR) models were developed for estimating Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) for solvents without OELs. QPPR models were made from octanol:air, blood:air and metabolic constants using a list of 88 solvents.
The case study showed that the use of the VHR made comparison of replacement options easier, although it was limited by the absence of an OEL for a solvent. VHR and SUBFAC were shown to be close with excellent correlation between the two indices (R=0.99) but a worse correlation was calculated between MAL and VHR (R=0.75). This was attributed to the discrete nature of the volatility parameter in MAL. The impact of nonideality, evaluated by the calculation of activity coefficients on 50 solvent mixtures, resulted in ratios between corrected and non corrected VHRs varying between 0.57 and 2.7, suggesting that a safety factor of five could be used when comparing solvent mixtures. Correlation and sensitivity analysis showed that hazard screening indices differed in the way they integrate key substitution factors such as volatility, OEL, skin exposure, flammability, carcinogenicity and various environmental parameters. No index was found to be suitable for performing solvent substitution. Two QPPR modeling approaches were developed for computing OELs and VHRs; and 61 % and 87 % of the predicted VHRs were within a factor of two and five, respectively, of the calculated VHRs.
Our results lead us to propose an improved comparison procedure using a two-tier approach. In the first tier, a selection would eliminate solvent candidates having crucial health, safety and environmental impacts. In the second tier, the comparison would emphasize the VHR but also consider other parameters which are relevant to the specific context. Comparison would also take into account nonideality for mixtures and predicted OELs for solvents without such values.
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Contribuições do Desing Thinking para concepção de interfaces de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem centradas no ser humano / Design Thinking contributions for the conceptions of human centered virtual learning environment interfacesCavalcanti, Carolina Magalhães Costa 18 August 2015 (has links)
Esta investigação tem o objetivo de apresentar as contribuições do Design Thinking para concepção de interfaces de Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVA) centradas nas necessidades e expectativas do usuário. A literatura aponta que o Design Thinking utiliza a sensibilidade e os métodos dos designers para catalisar a colaboração, a criatividade e a busca por soluções inovadoras pela observação empática e a partir da prototipagem rápida, com análise de diferentes realidades. Assim, partiu-se do pressuposto que a adoção do Design Thinking poderia contribuir para a concepção de interfaces de AVA centradas em fatores humanos, mas que também atendessem a demandas educacionais dos sujeitos envolvidos no ensino e na aprendizagem do Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências (CLC) da Universidade de São Paulo/Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, foi realizada com 21 estudantes, duas professoras e 16 tutores que participaram de Grupos Focais e entrevistas para discutir, propor soluções e melhorias para as interfaces do AVA do CLC. Pela compreensão de suas necessidades, criou-se um protótipo composto por interfaces alternativas para o AVA investigado. O protótipo foi apresentado para os participantes da investigação que deram novas sugestões para aperfeiçoá-lo. Tais sugestões subsidiaram a elaboração de um segundo protótipo, cujas interfaces foram consideradas inovadoras e de implementação viável por especialistas entrevistados que o avaliaram. Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que a adoção do Design Thinking apresentou relevantes contribuições para a concepção de interfaces de AVA, tendo em vista que o processo, plano de pensamento (mindsets), métodos e ferramentas da abordagem levaram à criação de interfaces de AVA que atendem às necessidades e expectativas dos seres humanos envolvidos no processo educacional do CLC no que tange à proposta de usabilidade, design gráfico, organização dos conteúdos, ferramentas pedagógicas, de interação/comunicação e de gestão. / This research aims to present Design Thinking contributions for the design and development of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) interfaces focused on users needs and expectations. Literature suggests that Design Thinking uses the sensitivity and methods of designers for catalyzing collaboration, creativity and the search for innovative solutions through empathic observation, rapid prototyping and analysis on different realities. This study was based on the premise that the adoption of Design Thinking could contribute to the design and development of VLE interfaces centered on human factors, and would also meet the educational needs of those involved in teaching and learning at the undergraduate Teaching Science program (Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências - CLC), offered by the University of São Paulo / Virtual University of São Paulo. The research adopted a qualitative approach, and was carried out with 21 students, two teachers and 16 tutors who took part in focal groups and interviews to discuss, propose solutions and improvements to the programs VLE interfaces. Understanding the participants needs led to the creation of a prototype consisting of alternative interfaces for VLE. The research participants were presented to the prototype and offered suggestions to improve it. Such suggestions supported the development of a second prototype, whose interfaces were considered innovative and feasible for implementation by the experts interviewed. This studys results have shown that the adoption of Design Thinking presented outstanding contributions to the design and development of VLE interfaces, given that the approachs process, mindsets, methods and tools led to the creation of interfaces that meet the needs and expectations of people involved in the educational process at the CLC program in regards to the interfaces usage proposal, graphic design, content organization, educational, interaction/communication and management tools.
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