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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinio pedagogo vertybinės nuostatos / Moral values of social pedagogue

Pakulaitė, Asta 05 June 2004 (has links)
The aim of work is to distinguish realization of moral values orientations of practicing social pedagogues in comparison to non – practicing social pedagogues (who have qualification of social pedagogues, but do not work accordingly) in relation to children, their parents and pedagogues. Moral values now functioning and actual in the activities of school social pedagogue are being discussed in the work. The aim of the work is to reveal and to understand deeper the content of basic moral values defined in instructions for social pedagogues working schools. Though nowadays orientations of moral values effectively enriching people’s consciousness have become inseparable part of daily consciousness, the essential difference between them inevitably remains. The theory all the time outdistances daily consciousness. Concept of moral values widely spread in practical life from theoretical point of view is deeper studied and developed and serves the purpose of scientific cognition. A great impact in formation of moral values orientations of young people is made by mass media. We, the pedagogues, in colloquial language describe moral values inaccurately, sometimes even perceiving them incorrectly. The social pedagogues’ activities at school, their moral values orientations and specific features of their activities are based on scientific work of Lithuanian scientists. While analyzing the historical development of moral values orientations and performing their analysis from the... [to full text]

Postmodernistinė maisto subkultūra ir VIII klasės moksleivių vertybinės nuostatos / Postmodern food subculture and eight grade schollchilldren values

Ovsiukienė, Iveta 13 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Postmodern ideology in educational paradigm is directed towards radical pedagogical consciousness, cogitative vicissitude and cultural education revolution. School in the integral contemporary culture background has to form orientation values and strive that those values would correspond to the nation’s values. The main concept is considered to be man’s preparation for the future (Matonis, 2000, p. 7). Is being established a concept, that very important role in child’s personality development takes part his activity – it can be claimed, that without activity there is no development, as well as no real education. To achieve these goals helps received knowledge and values continuity pursuance, their connection with real life, practice, their personal experience, as well as inter-subject relations or education curriculum integration. Dynamical young people socialization is bidirectional process, during which the young generation learns to become the members of their society intercepting the culture and revealing their one personality. „Every generation and each individual has to learn behave socially in a particular place and on a particular time” (A. Vosyliūtė, 1998, p. 205). Postmodern culture’s free attitude towards all life’s phenomena puts in to the shade common individuals values orientation. Without common values content is impossible acceptable to society youth’s socialization process’s singleness. Contemporary education theory and practice sets increasingly... [to full text]

Mokyklos vadovo vaidmuo ugdant moksleivių vertybines nuostatas / The role of the school head developing student values

Zabukienė, Nijolė 17 June 2005 (has links)
The role of the head of school in bringing up the students‘ value regulations In this master‘s paper one can find some defined problems with which the head of the school can come across while bringing up the students value regulations. There you can also see the revealed significance of value bringing in humanistic pedagogy. And the outlook of different Lithuanian and foreign scientists to the school management and its importance towards training the students‘ values. Theoretical and empirical researh of students values has been made in various gymnasiums of the Utena region . The results of this research showed what is the influence of the management and school type towards the bringing up students‘ values . The formulated hypothesis of the author has been corroborated , that all the heads of gymnasiums strive to create good conditions for the active value bringing students activities , moral experiences , their emotional satisfaction. All this is carried out by perfecting training content and various forms of activities. Cognitive interests in the gymnasiums of the Utena region are directed not only at the content of the taught subjects , but also at the process of gaining knowledge and skills and applying them into practise.The above mentioned researh has shown that the motivation of value training in all gymnasiums is rather high.

Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių paauglių vertybių bei reakcijos į konfliktus ryšys / The connection of sporting and not sporting teenagers reaction to conflicts

Medelienė, Renata 31 May 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: 14-16 metų sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių paauglių vertybių ir reakcijos į konfliktus ryšys. Tyrimo hipotezės: 1) paauglių vertybės ir reakcijos į konfliktus skiriasi sportavimo ir lyties aspektu; 2) paauglių reakcija į konfliktus susijusi su turimomis vertybėmis. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti 14-16 metų sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių paauglių vertybių bei reakcijos į konfliktus ryšį. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti paauglių vertybes sportavimo ir lyties aspektu. 2. Atskleisti reakcijos į konfliktus ypatumus sportavimo ir lyties aspektu. 3. Nustatyti paauglių vertybių ir reakcijos į konfliktus ryšį. / Object of research: connection of 14-16 years old sporting and not sporting teenagers values and reaction to conflicts. The hypothesis of the research: 1) 14-16 year old teenagers values and reaction to conflict are different considering to sport and gender. 2) teenagers reaction to conflicts associated with existing values. The aim of the research: to disclosure the connection of 14-16 years old sporting teenagers values and reactions to conflicts. The object of the research is: 1. To define adolescents values singularities considering to sport and gender. 2. To disclosure reaction to conflict singularities considering to sport and gender. 3. To define adolescents dimension of values and reaction to conflicts.

Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių tekstilės vartojimo kompetencijos / Elder class student’s competence of textile usage

Meškelė, Melita 08 June 2005 (has links)
The concept competence (lot – competentia dependence / according law) in international dictionary (2001) is explaining like the functional faculty to do certain activity in an adequacy, to have for it enough news, skills, and energy. Students, with pedagogical help, educating its common faculties, valuables attitudes during the training process and get technological competences in these usage ranges: in information, finances, security of products, laws and ecological. That’s why in primary school a lot of attention has to be paid to each student in education of use orientated topical life in public. The aim the work – is to investigate and to value elder class student’s competence of textile usage. The tasks of the investigation: 1. To create the investigation states and model for textile usage competence, according analyzed scientific and methodical literature in chosen theme. 2. To investigate the competence of textile usage among elder classes in three aspects: · realization of textile consumer news about strands, cloths, and products. · frequency of textile usage in practice of capability. · importance of value attitudes valuating itself like consumer. 3. To set factors, making influence on textile usage competence of elder class students. The research was done in January 2005, Antano Vienuolio and Mykolo Biržiškos gymnasiums, Simono Daukanto, “Versmės” and Trakų Vokės secondary schools in Vilnius, “Gabija” gymnasium in Mažeikiai, “Ryto” secondary school in Varėna, and... [to full text]

Moksleivių ugdymas karjerai ir vertybinės nuostatos / Education of Pupils for Career and Value Attitudes

Kaminskienė, Jovita 15 June 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas - moksleivių ugdymo karjerai vertybinis aspektas. Tyrimo tikslas - rasti ryšį tarp moksleivių ugdymo karjerai ir vertybinių nuostatų. Uždaviniai: 1. išanalizuoti ugdymo karjerai teorines prielaidas bei vertybinių nuostatų svarbą moksleivių karjeros ugdymui. 2. išnagrinėti ugdymo karjerai veiklą (formas ir priemones) mokykloje; 3. nustatyti dominuojančias moksleivių vertybines nuostatas. 4. palyginti moksleivių vertybines nuostatas pagal lytį ir klasę. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros (pedagoginės, psichologinės) analizė, anketa (sudaryta remiantis Ivanauskienės (2000) socialinių vertybių klausimynu bei vadovaujantis atlikta literatūros šaltinių analize), matematinė statistika. Tyrimo rezultatai: • Vilkaviškio „Aušros“ gimnazijoje taikomos visos ugdymo karjerai formos: 10 klasėse daugiausia vykdomas profesinis informavimas, 11 klasėse profesinis veiklinimas, 12 klasėse profesinis informavimas ir veiklinimas bei patarimai (testai). • Nustatyta, kad 10 -12 klasėse moksleivių iš egocentrinių vertybių dominuoja sveikata , iš sociocentrinių vertybių – šeimos gerovė, iš ideocentrinių – supratimas, kad esi tikrai naudingas žmonėms. • Iškelta hipotezė, kad mokykloje vykdoma ugdymo karjerai veikla keičia vertybines nuostatas nepasitvirtino, t.y., mokykloje vykdoma karjeros ugdymo veikla nekeičia didesnės dalies moksleivių vertybinių nuostatų. • Iškelta hipotezė, kad vertybinėse nuostatose dominuoja egocentrinės vertybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research – value aspect of pupils’ career education. Aim of the research – to find the relation between education of pupils for career and value attitudes. Objectives of the research: 1. to analyze theoretical assumptions of career education and the importance of value attitudes to pupils’ career education; 2. to analyze the career education activity (forms and measures) at school; 3. to determine the prevailing value attitudes of pupils; 4. to compare pupils‘ value attitudes by gender and grade. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature (pedagogical, psychological), questionnaire (based on the questionnaire about social values by Ivanauskienė (2000) and the completed analysis of literature resources), mathematical statistics. Research results: • All forms of career education are applied at Vilkaviškis “Aušra” Gymnasium: in grade 10 - professional information, in grade 11 – vocational practice, in grade 12 – professional information and practical vocational activity, advice (tests). • The research has established that in grades 10 – 12 of egocentric values prevails health, of socio-centric – family welfare, of ideocentric – perception that you are really beneficial for people. • The hypothesis that the career education activity at school changes value attitudes is not confirmed, i.e., the career education activity, performed at school, does not change the value attitudes of majority of pupils. • The hypothesis that... [to full text]

Sportuojančių mokinių vertybinių nuostatų ypatumai / Peculiarities of value principles of pupils going in for

Žvirblienė, Raimonda 03 August 2011 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Vertybinių nuostatų reikšmė visuotinai pripažįstama, dažnai nurodoma ugdymo dokumentų preambulėse, net išryškinama, kurios, būties vertybės laikytinos svarbiausios. Tas pats vyksta ir sporte. Sportuojant įvairias sporto šakas ugdomos skirtingos vertybės. Tačiau vertybinių nuostatų ugdymo technologijos menkai atskleistos, nes siejasi su asmens vidaus pasauliu, kurio pažinimas remiasi į psichinių ir dvasinių galių atskleidimą, tiesiogiai neištiriamą. Todėl dažnai telkiamas dėmesys į akivaizdžius ugdymo proceso dėmenis (žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius), daugiausia atliepiančius pragmatinio pasaulio siekius, nesugebant įžvelgti jų sąsajų su vidinėmis asmens galiomis bei išskirtiniu, lemiančiu vaidmeniu ugdytinio veikloje. Visa tai ir lėmė temos aktualumą. Darbo objektas. Sportuojančių mokinių vertybinės nuostatos. Darbo tikslas. Teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti sportuojančių mokinių vertybinių nuostatų ypatumus. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimui buvo naudojama anketinė apklausa. Empirinis tyrimas vyko 2011 metų sausio ir vasario mėnesiais. Mokiniams buvo išdalinta 220 anketų (į 11 iš jų atsakyta nebuvo). Tyrimo dalyvavo 105 mergaitės ir 104 berniukai. Tyrime dalyvavo Vilkaviškio vidurinės mokyklos, Marijampolės vidurinės mokyklos, Telšių vidurinės mokyklos ir Pakruojo karatė klubo „Cunamis“ mokiniai. Tyrimo metodologija: darbe remtasi humanistine filosofija ir psichologija, egzistencinės filosofijos ir psichologijos idėjomis, holistine kūno kultūros samprata. Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work relevance: Importance of values universally recognized instruments, often referred to in the preambles of education, even highlighting that, being regarded as the most important values. And the same is happening in sports. Various sports sports conveyed to different values. However, the development of values and low technology disclosed as related to the internal world of a person whose knowledge is based on the mental and spiritual powers of disclosure, directly unsearchable. It is therefore often focuses attention on the clear terms to the educational process (knowledge, abilities, skills), mainly responding to the world of pragmatic goals, inability to discern their internal links to personal and exclusive powers, determining the role of learner activities. All this has led to topicality. Object of the research. Value of principles of pupils going in for sports. Purpose of the research. Theoretically based and empirically examine peculiarities of value principles of pupils going in for sports. Methodology of the research. The study used a questionnaire survey. Empirical research was conducted in January and February months. Students were handed out 220 questionnaires (in 11 of them were not answered). The study involved 105 girls and 104 boys. The study included Vilkaviškis secondary school, Marijampolė secondary school, Telšiai secondary school and karate club “Cunamis” pupils. This work was based on humanistic philosophy and psychology, existential philosophy and... [to full text]

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