Spelling suggestions: "subject:"work/life balance"" "subject:"york/life balance""
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Moving Beyond Work-Family: Establishing Domains Relevant to Work-Life ConflictCrask, Erin M. 06 March 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Theoretically, inter-role conflict can occur between any life domains that place competing demands on an individual. However, inter-role conflict research has mainly focused on the conflict between only two domains: work and family. This limited focus is problematic because it has excluded many other potential life domains in which people participate. In order to focus more attention on other life domains, however, it is necessary to understand which life domains people are participating in. As such, the goal of the present qualitative research was to identify and define the full spectrum of life domains by asking two questions: What life domains are relevant to work-life conflict, and how do people value the various life domains in which they are involved? A total of 13 life domains emerged from the data. Participants engaged in an average of 9 of these domains, indicating that people engage in many activities in life outside just work and family.
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Дизайн программы благополучия на рабочем месте сотрудников в условиях удаленной работы в компании «Строительный двор» : магистерская диссертация / Design of the “well-being” program of employees under conditions of remote work in the company “Stroitelny dvor”Латыпова, Ю. С., Latypova, Iu. S. January 2022 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. В теоретической части представлены особенности, классификация, роль и влияющие факторы благополучия сотрудников в условиях удаленной работы. В практической части анализируется организация как объект управления и кадровый состав организации, оценивается самочувствие сотрудников в условиях удаленной работы в компании. На основе полученных данных были разработаны предложения по улучшению благосостояния сотрудников в условиях удаленной работы, проведена оценка эффективности предлагаемых мер в отношении экономических и социальных последствий их реализации. В заключение подводятся итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and appendixes. The theoretical part presents features, classification, role and influencing factors of well-being of employees under conditions of remote work. The practical part analyzes the organization as an object of management and the personnel composition of the organization, evaluates well-being of employees under conditions of remote work in the company. Based on the data obtained, proposals have been developed to improve well-being of employees under conditions of remote work, evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures regarding the economic and social consequences of their implementation was made. In conclusion, the results are summed up in accordance with the tasks set.
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This qualitative study delves into the intricate relationship between gender equality policies and work-life balance in the Swedish professional landscape. Thematic analysis of narratives from four respondents reveals insights into "Perception of Gender Equality Policies," "Key Challenges in Balancing Career and Family Responsibilities," and "Organizational Practices and Cultures." Aligned with Herzberg's Balance Theory and Feminist Theory, the findings highlight the positive impact of gender equality policies, fostering inclusivity and challenging norms. Challenges persist, including gender role conformity, family prioritization stigma, and glass ceilings for women. Organizational culture and leadership play pivotal roles, with resistance varying across departments. The study extends discourse on policy effectiveness to Sweden, emphasizing nuanced considerations in the evolving work landscape. Resonating with prior research, it underscores the necessity of future studies on individual experiences, evolving work paradigms, and intersectionality to enhance gender equality policy implications. A vital step in understanding Swedish work dynamics, this research offers insights for policymakers, organizations, and scholars, aiming to inform policy improvements for a more equitable work environment.
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Vägen till chefspositionen : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefers upplevelser av framgångsfaktorer och hinder som påverkat deras väg till chefspositionen / The path to the managerial position : A qualitative study of female managers' experiences of success factors and obstacles that have influenced their path to the managerial positionHadzovic, Melissa, Isacson, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
Den här studien är en kvalitativ studie där skrivande haft avsikten att genom djupintervjuer med sex kvinnliga chefer på höga chefspositioner ta reda på kvinnornas personliga upplevelser av sin karriärväg. Syftet med studien har därför varit att skapa en djupare förståelse för kvinnliga chefers upplevelser av framgångsfaktorer i sitt karriäravancemang, inom privat sektor. Det vill säga vad som har varit avgörande för deras avancemang men även deras upplevelser av eventuella hinder som dykt upp längs vägen och hur de tagit sig förbi dessa. Målet med studien har också varit att undersöka om de kvinnliga chefernas upplevelser stämmer överens med tidigare forskning och teorier som påstår att det är svårare för kvinnor att avancera i karriären. Genom djupintervjuer ges en mer ingående förståelse i varje kvinnas upplevelse av sin karriär och hur de ser på sin egen karriär och vilka faktorer som varit avgörande för dem. På så sätt ville skrivande i denna studie bidra med kunskap om hur det är som kvinna att avancera i privat sektor, i en svensk kontext. Resultatet visade att de kvinnliga chefernas upplevelser överensstämmer med tidigare forskning och studier. Emellertid anser sig de kvinnliga cheferna inte ha upplevt några hinder i sin karriärväg, även om skrivande tolkat att de ändå stött på vissa hinder. / This study is a qualitative study where the writers intended to find out women's personal experiences of their career path through in-depth interviews with six female managers in senior management positions. The purpose of the studies was therefore to create a deeper understanding of women managers' experiences of success factors in their career advancement, in the private sector. That is, what has been decisive for their advancement but also their experiences of any obstacles that have appeared along the way. The aim of the study is also to investigate whether the female managers' experiences are in line with previous research and theories that claim that it is more difficult for women to advance in their careers. In-depth interviews provide a deep understanding of each woman's experience of her career and how they view their own career and what factors have been decisive for them. In this way, the writers in this study wanted to contribute with knowledge about what it is like as a woman to advance in the private sector, in a Swedish context. The results showed that the female managers' experiences are consistent with previous research and studies. However, the female managers do not consider themselves to have experienced any obstacles in their career path, although the writers interpreted that they nevertheless encountered some obstacles. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>
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L’impact de la rémunération intangible sur l’intention de quitter et le rôle modérateur des attentes au travail : une étude quasi-expérimentaleCôté, Frédéric-Martin 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but d’étudier les liens entre la rémunération intangible, les attentes au travail et l’intention de quitter. À la suite d’une revue de littérature, un total de quatre hypothèses sont proposées. Les deux premières hypothèses sont mises de l’avant pour confirmer la présence d’un lien négatif entre la rémunération intangible et l’intention de quitter. Celles-ci sont soutenues par la théorie motivation-hygiène de Herzberg (1966). Les deux dernières hypothèses sont émises pour valider la présence d’un effet modérateur des attentes au travail sur la relation entre la rémunération intangible et l’intention de quitter. La théorie de l’échange social de Blau (1964) vient soutenir ces hypothèses.
Les données utilisées dans ce mémoire ont été colligées à l’automne 2019 dans une université canadienne, auprès de futurs diplômés inscrits dans un programme de gestion au premier cycle. Le questionnaire est basé sur un devis quasi expérimental, comportant quatre scénarios. Un total de 318 questionnaires ont été distribués aux étudiants du programme.
Les deux hypothèses concernant la relation négative entre la rémunération intangible et l’intention de quitter ont été confirmées. En ce sens, plus la reconnaissance et la formation et développement sont utilisés, plus l’intention de quitter diminue. La reconnaissance engendre un plus grand effet de taille que la formation et développement sur l’intention de quitter. Ainsi, la reconnaissance serait à prioriser pour diminuer l’intention de quitter de jeunes professionnels. Une seule des deux hypothèses concernant l’effet modérateur des attentes au travail a été partiellement confirmée. Le niveau d’attentes en accomplissement au travail est la seule composante qui a un effet modérateur sur la relation entre la formation et développement et l’intention de quitter. En d’autres mots, plus un individu entretient un haut niveau d’attentes en accomplissement au travail, plus il y a réduction de l’intention de quitter en raison de la formation et développement.
En conclusion, ce mémoire met de l’avant l’importance de continuer la recherche sur la rémunération intangible. Pour ce faire, l’une des contributions de ce mémoire est la proposition d’une définition de la rémunération intangible. En effet, une définition stable de ce concept permettra de continuer à développer les outils nécessaires pour mieux documenter son potentiel. / This thesis aims to study the relations between intangible compensation, work expectations and intent to quit. After a literature review, a total of four hypotheses are stated. The first two hypotheses aim to verify the presence of a negative relationship between intangible compensation and intent to quit. These are supported by Herzberg (1966) Motivation-Hygiene theory. The last two hypotheses are put forward to substantiate the moderating effect of work expectations on the relationship between intangible compensation and intent to quit. Blau's (1964) Social exchange theory is used to support these hypotheses.
The data used in this thesis was colligated during the fall of 2019 in a Canadian university amongst the future graduate registered in an undergraduate management program. The questionnaire has a quasi-experimental design with four scenarios. A total of 318 questionnaire was distributed to the students in the program.
The first two hypotheses concerning the relationship between intangible compensation and intent to quit were both confirmed. As the use of recognition and training and development increases the intent to quit is reduced. Recognition’s size effect is bigger than training and development. Therefore, prioritizing recognition is the best way to retain young professionals. Out of the last two hypotheses concerning the moderating effect of work expectations, only one was partially confirmed. The level of expectations toward work accomplishment moderates the relationship between intangible compensation and intent to quit. A person with high level of expectations in work accomplishment will have a lower intent to quit when offered more possibilities to train and develop then it’s counterpart with a lower level of expectations in work accomplishment.
To conclude, this thesis supports the importance of continuing research on intangible compensation. One of the main contributions of this thesis is a definition of intangible compensation to help with this recommendation. A stable definition will help future research align themselves to develop the proper tools to document intangible compensation’s potential.
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Hälso- och välfärdseffekter av distansarbete i pandemins avtryck : en litteraturstudie / Health and welfare effects of remote work in the wake of the pandemic : a literature studyDankic, Barbara January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Digital teknik har gjort det möjligt att kunna arbeta hemifrån under pandemin. Världshälsoorganisationen [WHO] rekommenderade att hålla social distans, vilket medförde att många människor övergick till distansarbete. Denna förändring innebar att vanor förändrades och nya beteenden anammades. Arbetet är en av de viktigaste hälsodeterminanterna för hälsan och dess effekt går åt båda hållen med både hälsa och ohälsa som följd. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka påverkan av distansarbete på arbetsrelaterad hälsa och välbefinnande till följd av pandemin. Metod: Metoden som tillämpades var en strukturerad litteraturstudie och data samlades in via databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science. Det resulterade i 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Analysen av resultaten genererade fyra teman: arbetslivsbalans, sociala relationer, arbetsmiljö, hälsa och välmående. Resultatet visade att distansarbete påverkar arbetsrelaterad hälsa och välbefinnande både positivt och negativt. Upplevelserna varierade och de flesta distansarbetare hittade egna taktiker för att skapa en balans mellan arbete och privatliv. Slutsats: Under pandemin hade arbetare inget val än att följa restriktionerna för att minska smittspridning. De positiva aspekterna med distansarbete visade sig vara större flexibilitet och autonomi, besparingar i pendlingstid och ekonomi samt mer tid med familjen och minskad risk för att bli smittad av covid-19. De negativa aspekterna var bland annat den bristande interaktionen med kollegor, isolering och sämre arbetsförhållanden. / Introduction: Digital techonology has made it possible to work from home during the pandemic. World Health Organization recommended keeping social distance, which directed many people to switch to telework. This meant that habits changed and new behaviours were adopted. Work is one of the most important health determinants. The effects of work goes in both directions with both health promoting and deteriorating outcomes. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of teleworking on work-related health and well-being as a result of the pandemic. Methods: The method used was a structured literature review with data collected from the databases CINAHL, PubMed and Web of Science. This resulted in 11 scientific articles that were analyzed trough a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Results: The analysis of the results generated four themes: work life balance, relationships, work environment, health and well-being. The results showed that teleworking affects health and well-being both positively and negatively. The experiences varied and most teleworkers found their own tactics to create a balance between work and private life. Conclusion: During the pandemic, workers had no choice but to follow the restrictions to reduce the spread of infection. The positive aspects of teleworking during the pandemic turned out to be greater flexibility and autonomy, savings in commuting time and finances as well as more time with the family and reduced risk of becoming infected with covid-19. The negative aspects included the lack of interaction with colleagues, isolation and poorer working conditions.
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Work-life balance, work engagementand sense of coherence in remotework among white-collar workers- A mixed method studyBergendorff, Emma, Kjellsson, Moa January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to analyze factors and individual characteristics that affect the outcomes:work-life balance, work engagement and sense of coherence for white-collar workers whenworking remotely. In today’s society where technology is constantly evolving, hybrid and remote work optionsare becoming more common. Research has shown that work-life balance, work engagement,and sense of coherence affect employee well-being and organizational performance. Theresearch on the extent to which remote work can contribute to sustainable work andemployee well-being is mixed, and most of the research on remote work has been conductedeither before or during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further post-pandemic research cancontribute to more sustainable work and society as a whole. To analyze what factors affect the outcomes in a remote work setting, a mixed-methodapproach was used to gain a comprehensive understanding, including a quantitative and aqualitative study. The quantitative method included bivariate correlation tests, multiple linearregression and group difference testing on cross-sectional survey data collected from twolarge Swedish companies. The qualitative method included six interviews with experiencedwhite-collar workers, which helped us interpret the findings and gain a more in depthunderstanding of quantitative results. To analyze the study findings the theoretical model ofhuman, technology, and organization (HTO) was applied. The quantitative study showed that social support from superiors, remote leadership quality,functionality of digital management systems and digital learning climate were identified asfactors that were associated with work-life balance, work engagement and sense ofcoherence. However, digital resources and social support from superiors were found to beinfluencing work engagement and sense of coherence to a greater extent. For work-lifebalance, social support from superiors and remote leadership quality was found to besignificant. The qualitative study showed that the interviewees' perception of work-lifebalance, work engagement, and sense of coherence was affected by flexible workingarrangements, functionality and use of digital tools, social interaction, collaboration,communication, inspirational relationships at the workplace, supportive colleagues, andsupportive and responsive superiors. Better understanding of what factors affect employees'personal and working life when working remotely can help organizations to promoteoccupational well-being and performance, which can contribute to more sustainable work. / Denna studie syftar till att analysera faktorer och individuella egenskaper som påverkarutfallen: balans mellan arbete och privatliv, arbetsengagemang och känsla av sammanhangför tjänstemän som arbetar på distans. I dagens samhälle där tekniken ständigt utvecklas, blir hybrid- och distansarbeten alltvanligare. Forskning har visat att balans mellan arbete och privatliv, arbetsengagemang ochkänsla av sammanhang påverkar medarbetarnas välbefinnande och organisatorisk prestation.Forskningen om i vilken utsträckning distansarbete kan bidra till hållbart arbete ochmedarbetarnas välbefinnande är blandad, och det mesta av forskningen om distansarbete harbedrivits antingen före eller under COVID-19-pandemin. Ytterligare postpandemiskforskning kan bidra till ett mer hållbart arbete och samhället. För att analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar utfallen i distansarbete användes en blandadmetod för att få en övergripande förståelse, inklusive en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ studie.Den kvantitativa metoden inkluderade bivariata korrelationstester, multipel linjär regressionoch tester av gruppskillnader. Tvärsnittsdata samlades in från två stora svenska företaggenom en enkät. Den kvalitativa metoden inkluderade sex intervjuer med erfarna tjänstemänoch hjälpte oss att tolka utfall och få en mer djupgående förståelse av kvantitativatestresultat. För att analysera studiens resultat användes den teoretiska modellen förmänniska, teknologi och organisation (MTO). Den kvantitativa studien visade att socialt stöd från överordnade, ledarskapskvalitet pådistans, funktionalitet av digitala ledningssystem och digitalt lärandeklimat identifieradessom faktorer som korrelerade med utfallen. Digitala resurser och socialt stöd frånöverordnade visade sig dock ha en större förknippning med faktorerna som påverkararbetsengagemang och känsla av sammanhang. För balans mellan arbete och privatliv varsocialt stöd från överordnade och ledarskapskvalitet på distans betydande. Den kvalitativastudien visade att intervjupersonernas uppfattning om balans mellan arbete och privatliv,arbetsengagemang och känsla av sammanhang påverkades av flexibla arbetsarrangemang,funktionalitet och användning av digitala verktyg, social interaktion, samarbete,kommunikation, inspirerande relationer på arbetsplatsen, stödjande kollegor, samt stödjandeoch lyhörda överordnade. Bättre förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar anställdaspersonliga liv och arbetsliv när de arbetar på distans kan hjälpa organisationer att främjayrkesmässigt välbefinnande och prestation, vilket kan bidra till ett mer hållbart arbete.
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The workplace training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company in South AfricaDu Plessis, Ferdinand Hermann 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company within SA.
Training needs were identified through interviews. Qualitative interviews were conducted with learners from each of the generations. This was a case study and the population was taken from a company within SA.
Data was collected through interviews with different generations of adult learners, as well as the field notes of the researcher before, during, and after the interviews. The interviews were transcribed. The data was coded and categories were identified. This was done through inductive and abductive reasoning. From the categories, data were placed into themes.
From these themes, findings were made regarding the training needs of different generations. Recommendations were made that can significantly impact the approach companies take towards training different generations of adult learners.
Research limitations were described, and recommendations for future study. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Adult Education)
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The workplace training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company in South AfricaDu Plessis, Ferdinand Hermann 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company within SA.
Training needs were identified through interviews. Qualitative interviews were conducted with learners from each of the generations. This was a case study and the population was taken from a company within SA.
Data was collected through interviews with different generations of adult learners, as well as the field notes of the researcher before, during, and after the interviews. The interviews were transcribed. The data was coded and categories were identified. This was done through inductive and abductive reasoning. From the categories, data were placed into themes.
From these themes, findings were made regarding the training needs of different generations. Recommendations were made that can significantly impact the approach companies take towards training different generations of adult learners.
Research limitations were described, and recommendations for future study. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Adult Education)
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Relationship between work and non-work stressors and work-life balance amongst global market trading professionalsDe Sousa, Michelle Fontainha 11 1900 (has links)
In the financial industry, there is a high demand for employees to possess all the necessary skills and motivation to perform highly specialized functions, and handle demands that accompany increasing stress levels.
The aim of the research was to determine whether there is a relationship between work and non-work stressors and work-life balance in the Global Market Trading industry.
A cross-sectional survey design was used, with a sample of 72 global market trading professionals drawn from a financial institution in Gauteng. Two questionnaires and a biographical questionnaire were administered. The questionnaires proved to be reliable.
The power of the study was calculated. Descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation was used to organise, summarise and describe the data.
The findings of the study show that as global market trading professional’s intrinsic factors at work and stress regarding their personal time increases, their experience of negative WHI increase as well. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology )
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