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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação das preferencias dos pacientes por atributos de risco/benefício do tratamento insulínico no diabetes: um modelo de escolha discreta / Patients preferences for risk/benefit attributes of insulin therapy in diabetes: a discrete choice experiment.

Camila Guimarães 22 May 2009 (has links)
Utilizou-se um modelo de escolha discreta (MED) para avaliar as preferências e disposição-a-pagar (DAP) dos pacientes por diferentes atributos de risco-benefício do tratamento insulínico, entre eles a via de administração da insulina. Através de uma revisão da literatura, consulta com especialistas, e do desenvolvimento de um estudo qualitativo utilizando as técnicas de entrevistas individuais e grupos focais, os atributos (e níveis) mais importantes do tratamento insulínico foram identificados, sob o ponto de vista dos pacientes. Os atributos incluídos no MED foram: controle da glicemia de jejum, número de episódios de hipoglicemia, ganho de peso, via de administração para as insulinas de ação longa e rápida, e custo do tratamento. Pares de opções de tratamentos insulínicos hipotéticos contendo diferentes níveis dos atributos foram apresentados aos pacientes com DM1 ou DM2, e lhes foi solicitado que, para cada cenário, eles escolhessem a alternativa de sua preferência. Dados demográficos, nível sócio-econômico (NSE) e informações relacionadas ao diabetes também foram coletados. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se um modelo logit condicional de regressão e modelos segmentados foram posteriormente utilizados para a análise das sub-populações. Um total de 274 questionários foram incluídos na análise final dos dados. A idade média (± DP) dos participantes foi de 56.7 ± 12.98 anos, e 53% eram homens. Quarenta e nove por cento dos participantes eram usuários de insulina e 47 eram portadores de DM1. O tratamento insulínico ideal, sob o ponto de vista dos pacientes, resultaria em um melhor controle glicêmico, menos reações adversas, menor custo, e seria administrado por via oral. Houve uma forte preferência e uma DAP mais elevada por um melhor controle glicêmico, seguido pelos atributos de risco ganho de peso e episódios de hipoglicemia. Surpreendentemente, a via de administração da insulina foi o atributo menos valorizado. A estratificação social revelou que pacientes com alta renda anual familiar apresentaram uma DAP mais elevada por um melhor controle glicêmico e por menos reações adversas em relação aos grupos com rendas inferiores. Ainda, quanto mais alto o nível de renda, maior o desejo por uma insulina oral, enquanto a via inalada torna-se menos importante para os pacientes. A estratificação da amostra pelo uso de insulina e tipo de diabetes revelaram uma forte aversão pela via subcutânea pelos não-usuários de insulina e pacientes com DM2. Tais resultados sugerem a existência de uma importante barreira psicológica em se iniciar uso da insulina; no entanto, os resultados também revelam que os pacientes tendem a se acomodar com a via subcutânea uma vez iniciado o tratamento insulínico. Este estudo demonstra a importância que os pacientes com DM atribuem ao atributo controle glicêmico, e como suas preferências e DAP pelo tratamento insulínico variam entre as sub-populações. Especificamente, esforços devem ser realizados no sentido de vencer a barreira psicológica em se iniciar o uso da insulina, o que contribuirá para que se alcance um melhor controle glicêmico, através da melhor aderência do paciente ao tratamento, resultando em uma redução dos custos do DM e melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. / We used a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to evaluate patients preferences for various attributes of insulin treatment, including route of insulin delivery. Through a review of the literature, expert consultation, and a qualitative descriptive study using individual interviews and focus group techniques, the attributes (and levels) of diabetes treatment most important to patients were identified. The attributes included in the DCE were: glucose control, frequency of hypoglycaemic events, weight gain, route of administration for the long-acting and the short-acting insulin, and out-of-pocket cost. Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes were presented with pairs of hypothetical insulin therapy profiles (i.e. choice sets) with different levels of the attributes and were asked to choose the treatment option they preferred. Sociodemographic data and diabetes medication were also collected. Data were analysed using conditional logit regression and segmented models were also developed for the analysis of subgroups. A Two hundred and seventy four questionnaires were completed. The mean age (±SD) of participants was 56.7 ± 12.98 years, and 53% were men. Forty-nine percent of participants were insulin users, and 47 had type 1 diabetes. Overall, patients ideal insulin treatment would provide better glucose control, result in fewer adverse reactions, have the lowest cost, and be administered orally. There was a strong preference and highest mean WTP for glucose control followed by the risk attributes weight gain and hypoglycaemic events. Surprisingly, route of insulin administration was the least valued attribute. Stratification of the sample revealed that patients with higher incomes had a significant higher WTP for better glucose control and less adverse reactions compared to lower income groups. Moreover, the highest the income, the stronger the preference for an oral insulin, while inhaled insulin becomes less important for patients. Segmented models by insulin use and type of diabetes indicated that insulin naïve and type 2 diabetics had a greater aversion to the subcutaneous route. These findings suggest that there may be an important mental barrier to initiating insulin therapy; however, patients tend to accommodate to subcutaneous administration once they initiate therapy. This study illustrates the importance that patients with diabetes place on glucose control and how preferences for insulin therapy vary between subgroups. Specifically, efforts need to be made to overcome the mental barrier to initiating insulin therapy, which may lead to improved control, through improved compliance and ultimately reduce the financial burden of the disease and improve patients quality of life.

Reliability of Payment for water Resources as an Environmental Service towards the sustainable management of watershed forests in Zanzibar, Tanzania : A Case study of Kiwengwa - Pongwe Forest Reserve

Hussein Hassan, Iddi January 2007 (has links)
Currently, there is a great rampage among conservationists looking for useful approaches that can be used to bring efficiency towards conservation of global natural ecosystems. But which approach can be really effective to halt destruction of a particular natural ecosystem where the local people depend on the same ecosystem resources for their livelihoods? Do the local communities accept to refrain themselves from using natural ecosystem resources (loss of free access), which they believe is under their local territory since they are born, without having alternatives that will replace and improve economic gain of their livelihoods? Are the consumers who benefited from the ecosystem services always willing to compensate local communities around natural ecosystem as a means of replacing what they lose? This study looks at the reliability of Payment for Water Environmental Services (PWES) approach at Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve (KPFR) as a device aimed at promoting the sustainable management of KPFR watershed resources without undermining livelihoods of the Kiwengwa-Pongwe local communities. Hoteliers along the Kiwengwa-Pongwe Tourist Area (KPTA) are the potential customers benefiting from water resources found in the KPFR, which is claimed to be deteriorated by the intensity of the livelihood activities of Kiwengwa-Pongwe (KP) local communities. Based on Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), KPTA hoteliers were asked about the amount they would be willing to pay as maximum (WTP) for improvement of water services through sustainable management of watershed areas in KPFR. On the other hand, KP communities were asked what level of compensation they would be willing to accept as minimum amount (WTA) for a loss of free access to KPFR. Both hoteliers (75 %) and KP communities (91 %) agreed on the establishment of the PWES system. However, there were differences between amount accepted by KP communities (10 US$ per 200 litres) and the amount claimed to be paid by hoteliers (1US$ per 200 litres), thus giving a gap of 9US$. Based on the overall study findings and experiences from other parts of the world where similar systems have been implemented, this issue is negotiable. It is upon existing KPFR management team and proposed board from Zanzibar water authority to launch a constructive dialogue between stakeholders to reach the amount that can be used as compensation causing no harm to both parts and without compromising the sustainable management of KPFR.

Metody oceňování lidského života / Methods of human life valuation

Kuchyňa, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the paper is to research possible approaches to valuation of human life and to explore possible situations leading to such valuation. Another goal is to create a systematic description of categories of value and to provide compact description of the problem. In order to create a system, the thesis maps premises and criteria. The result is identification of methods that are frequently used both abroad and in Czech Republic. Values differ based on the category of value. The paper identifies methods, comments on them and classifies them.

Ocenění Husitského muzea v Táboře / The Valuation of the Hussite Museum in Tábor

Kubíčková, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the valuation of cultural institutions. Its aim is to estimate the value of cultural contributory organization Hussite Museum in Tabor to 30 th June 2012 for the purpose of its founder, which is the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, and then compare this value with a subsidy paid from the state budget. For this purpose the forecast of population of the Czech Republic and the Tabor region and the forecast of attendance of Hussite Museum in 2012 is made. The value of the organization is determined by the method of contingent valuation based on the questions related to WTP and WTA and supplemented by Victor S. Yocco method for measuring three factors of the hypothetical value. The paper aims to describe the issue of cultural institutions valuation as complex as possible, because this issue has not yet been comprehensively worked out and in the Czech environment it is not yet much explored area.

Energy Visualization out of the Developer's perspective : A qualitative study of Stockholm developers' willingness to pay

Kalström, Lovisa, Lindblad, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Residential energy visualization has increased in popularity during the past years, due to both legislation and an increased focus on the environmental impact of buildings. Meanwhile, the European energy efficiency directive has raised a debate on legislation on individual metering and charging (IMC), in which many negative voices among property owners and developers are being raised. The controversies bring interesting aspects to the analysis of energy visualization and its prerequisite IMC. This thesis will analyze the possibilities and barriers to implement residential energy visualization in new buildings in Stockholm, and the focus will be on local developers' perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to establish Stockholm developers' willingness to pay (WTP) for an IMC and energy visualization solution. The thesis defines perceived utility as the driving force for WTP, and accordingly the developer WTP is analyzed by evaluation of the developers' perceived utility of different technical aspects of an energy visualization solution. The solution has been modularized into three modules; IMC of hot water, IMC of heating and residential visualization. The hypothesis is that utility of the solution modules is perceived differently depending on developer ownership and developer business model; if the developer builds for property management or to sell. The empirical data has been collected through twelve in-depth interviews with developers in Stockholm. The developers were of different size, ownership and with different business models. When looking at the developers from an overall perspective, the analysis shows that there is some willingness to pay for IMC of hot water but none for IMC of heating. It can also be seen that residential visualization is something that the developers have some interest in although the overall WTP is considered low. Although environmental and fairness aspects are often mentioned by the developers in the context of IMC and energy visualization, operational and financial utility seem to be more influential in driving willingness to pay and as these utilities are not perceived, the overall WTP is low or non-existent for IMC and energy visualization. The hypothesis that developers would perceive utility differently depending on ownership or business model, if they build for property management of for sales, could not be proven. There are possibly tendencies for such differences but in this study such patterns were not clear enough to state the hypothesis as true. Additional to the WTP and developer groups, insights and takeaways are presented. The insights and takeaways are based on opportunities and risks that developers perceive with IMC and visualization, as well as requirements they have on the systems.

How Non-Financial Environmental And Social Factors Influence An Impact Investors Decision To Invest

Kjellberg, Annie, Linssen, Fleur January 2021 (has links)
With a growing risk of food insecurity in the face of extreme population growth, the world is in need of hands-on solutions that could combine a significant increase in food production while decreasing the effects of agriculture on the environment. Such a solution could be provided through cultivating staple crops in Indoor Vertical Farming facilities, however, due to its high expenses, these developments have stagnated, lacking financial support. As this financial support could be provided by Impact Investors, this thesis explores the relevance of non-financial factors and how they relate to the financial returns as well as how much it influences an Impact Investors decision to invest. The primary data was collected through a quantitative survey, including a fictional scenario based upon the cultivation of wheat in an Indoor Vertical Farming. The results were analyzed and interpreted through the lens of the Willingness to Pay concept and the Rational Choice Theory.The results showed that in the case of this study, the respondents were most willing to pay for the factors water, yield, and emissions. However, regardless of the positive impact of these factors, they lacked the influence to get them to commit to the presented scenario as they still prioritized financial returns as the base of decision. Lastly, another prominent driver behind the investors likelihood to invest was found to be age, where younger investors were much more likely to invest than the older respondents. / Med en ökande risk för livsmedelsosäkerhet parallellt med extrem befolkningstillväxt behöver världen praktiska lösningar som kan kombinera en betydande ökning av livsmedelsproduktionen utan ökad belastning på miljön från intensifierat jordbruk. En sådan lösning kan tillhandahållas genom odling av stapelgrödor i vertikala jordbruksanläggningar inomhus, men på grund av dess höga kostnader blir denna utveckling stagnerad på grund av saknat ekonomiskt stöd. I och med att en möjlig väg att säkra ekonomiska stöd kan tillhandahållas av Impact Investors undersöker denna avhandling relevansen av icke-finansiella faktorer och hur de relaterar till den finansiella avkastningen samt hur mycket det påverkar ett Impact Investors beslut att investera. De primära uppgifterna samlades in genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning, baserat på ett fiktivt scenario om odling av vete i ett vertikalt jordbruk inomhus. Resultaten analyserades och tolkades genom perspektiven 'Willingness to Pay' och 'Rational Choice Theory'. Resultaten visade att respondenterna i den här studien var mest villiga att betala för faktorerna vatten, avkastning och utsläpp. Oavsett de positiva effekterna av dessa faktorer saknade de dock tillräckligt inflytande för att få investerarna att helt engagera sig i det presenterade scenariot eftersom de fortfarande prioriterade ekonomisk avkastning som främsta beslutsunderlag. Slutligen visade sig att en annan framstående drivkraft bakom investerarnas sannolikhet att investera var ålder, där yngre investerare var mycket mer benägna att investera än de äldre respondenterna.

Do seasonal climate forecasts and crop insurance really matter for smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe? Using contingent valuation method and remote sensing applications

Makaudze, Ephias M. 10 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Residents’ knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, and willingness to pay for non-point source pollution control: a study of Nansihu Lake Watershed, China

Hao, Jianjun 07 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Consumption of sustainable food products : A study of the Sustainable purchase perception matrix and Sustainable lead consumers; A life cycle assessment of BäR smoothie

Melén, Cecilia, Wolff, Mirea January 2021 (has links)
Part 1 The scientific community has identified an attitude-action gap for demographic and psychographic variables when studying sustainable purchase behaviour. By focusing on what happens during the purchase instead of the purchaser, this cross-sectional study aims to understand sustainable purchase behaviour when consumers purchase sustainable food. The scope of this study focused on the consumer’s perceived degree of Confidence and Com- promise when purchasing sustainable food products as suggested by Peattie in the Green purchase perception matrix. However, since the study included environmental and social responsibility, we renamed the matrix to the Sustainable purchase perception matrix. The focus was also on a new construct created in this study called the Sustainable lead consumer. The degree of Confidence was measured through the consumer’s own belief in the ability to have a positive sustainability impact, i.e. Perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) and the consumer’s domain-specific sustainability interests. The degree of Compromise was measured through the consumer’s Willingness to pay (WTP) for certain sustainability attributes. The data was collected through a questionnaire (N=436), and the result showed that the correlation between consumers’ WTP and PCE was weak, positive and significant within the sustainability interests Organic food, Animal welfare and Natural resources. As mentioned, Confidence and Compromise was examined through the variables PCE, sustainability interests and WTP. To reveal if the consumers experienced other variables within Confidence and Compromise a thematic analysis of consumers’ perceived scepticism towards sustainability marketing was conducted. The result identified 15 themes that could be associated with the variable Confidence and 17 themes that could be associated with the variable Compromise. By creating a new construct, the Sustainable lead consumer, the study identified a consumer who was considered ahead of the sustainability trend and benefited greatly from solutions in this trend. The correlation between WTP and domain-specific sustainability interests for Sustainable lead consumers was non-significant but strong (n=377). When comparingSustainable lead consumers’ WTP to the remaining population, the Wilcoxon rank-sum test showed no significant evidence that the Sustainable lead consumers had a higher WTP for their domain-specific sustainability interests. A potential attitude-action gap among the Sustainable lead consumers was examined by evaluating if a high degree of Confidence and Compromise led to actual sustainable purchase behaviour. The analysis showed that only a small proportion of Sustainable lead consumers with a high degree of PCE and WTP had an actual sustainable purchase behaviour. This was likely due to the existing attitude-action gap where the consumers’ attitude is not reflected in their actual behaviour. Part 2 Food production and consumption have a major impact on the environment, primarily from agriculture, but also from the processing of food, transportation and waste management. Increased environmental awareness among consumers has led to a demand for transparency in the food production chain and thus an increased demand for knowledge about food’s environmental impact. By studying the environmental impact of the product BäR smoothie from the Finnish company Toripiha, this study aims to identify environmental hotspots in the product’s production chain. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted in accordance with the ISO standards ISO 14040 and ISO 14044, to investigate the environmental impact of a bottle of BäR smoothie á 250 ml. The LCA was attributional, meaning that it aims to depict the product’s environmental impact over its life cycle. The environmental impact categories global warming, eutrophication and primary energy use were included, and measured with the impact category indicators carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-eq), phosphate equivalents (PO4-eq) and megajoule (MJ). Inventory data were collected mainly from the database Ecoinvent version 3.7, but also from scientific articles and previous studies, as well as the calculation tool NTMCalc Basic 4.0. The results of this study highlight the parts of the production chain of BÄR smoothie that have the most significant environmental impact concerning the chosen impact categories. A bottle of BäR smoothie á 250 ml contributed to a total of 120 g CO2-eq, 0.39 g PO4-eq and 2.8 MJ. The smoothie bottle, i.e. the production of the virgin bottle grade PET granulate (vPET) and recycled bottle grade PET granulate (rPET), had the largest impact on global warming and primary energy use of all the components, and also had a significant impact on eutrophication. As most of this contribution comes from the production of vPET granulate, Toripiha was advised to purchase bottles that have a higher content of rPET granulate to decrease the smoothie’s environmental impact. It was also evident that the transportation of components was a significant contributor to global warming, eutrophication and primary energy use. Since transportation had such an impact on the result, Toripiha needs to strive towards short and efficient transport of the different components to reduce the environmental impact from transportation. / Del 1  Forskare inom hållbart konsumtionsbeteende har identifierat en diskrepans mellan attityd och beteende för demografiska och psykografiska variabler. Genom att studera vad som händer hos konsumenten under ett köp, i stället för tidigare nämnda variabler, vill denna tvärsnittsstudie identifiera vad som driver hållbart konsumtionsbeteende av livsmedel. Denna studie fokuserade på konsumenters upplevda nivå av Confidence och Compromise vid köp av hållbar mat så som föreslås av Peattie’s Green purchase perception matrix. Dock så användes matrisen till att studera både miljömässig och social hållbarhet och döptes således om till Sustainable purchase perception matrix. Studien undersökte även ett nytt koncept som skapades i detta examensarbete, nämligen Sustainable lead consumer adapterat från Von Hippel’s Lead user. Graden av Confidence mättes genom att studera konsumentens tro på den egna förmågan att ha en positiv hållbarhetspåverkan, dvs. Percieved consumer effectiveness (PCE), samt domän-specifika hållbarhetsintressen. Graden av Compromise mättes genom konsumentens villighet att kompromissa genom att betala för olika hållbarhetsattribut, även kallat Willingness to pay (WTP). Data samlades in genom en enkät (N=436), och resultatet visade att det fanns en svag, positiv och signifikant korrelation mellan PCE och WTP inom hållbarhetsintressena Ekologisk mat, Djurvälfärd och Naturresurser. Vidare utfördes en tematisk analys av kvalitativ data för att studera vilka andra variabler än hållbarhetsintressen, WTP och PCE som påverkade variablerna Confidence och Compromise. Detta resulterade i 15 teman som kunde relateras till Confidence och 17 teman till Compromise. Genom att skapa ett nytt koncept, Sustainable lead consumer, identifierade denna studie en konsument som ansågs vara i framkant av hållbarhetstrenden och som drog stora fördelar av denna trend. Korrelationen mellan WTP och Sustainable lead consumer’s var stark men ej signifikant (n=377). När dessa konsumenter jämfördes med resterande population, visade Wilcoxon rank-sum test inga signifikanta bevis på att Sustainable lead consumer’s hade ett högre WTP än resterande population. Huruvida en attityd och beteende diskrepans existerade för Sustainhable lead consumers studerades genom att se om en hög grad av Confidence och Compromise ledde till en högre av hållbar konsumtionsbeteende. Analysen visade att det endast var en liten andel av Sustainable lead consumers med ett högt PCE och WTP som också hade ett hållbart konsumtionsbeteende. Detta beror troligen på diskrepansen mellan attityd och beteende där konsumenternas attityd inte reflekteras i deras faktiska konsumtionsbeteenden. Del 2 Produktion och konsumtion av livsmedel har en stor påverkan på miljön, primärt från jordbruket men även genom behandling av livsmedel, transporter och avfallshantering. En ökad medvetenhet hos konsumenter har resulterat i en ökad efterfrågan av transparens i produktionskedjan av livsmedel, och därmed ett ökat behov av kunskap gällande olika livsmedels miljöpåverkan. Genom att studera miljöpåverkan från produkten BäR smoothie från det finska företaget Toripiha är syftet med denna studie att identifiera delar i produktens produktionskedja som har en betydande miljöpåverkan, så kallade hotspots. För att studera miljöpåverkan från en flaska BäR smoothie á 250 ml utfördes en livscykelanalys (LCA) i enlighet med ISO-standarderna ISO 14040 och ISO 14044. Närmare bestämt utfördes en bokförings-LCA, vilket innebär att miljöpåverkan studeras utifrån produktens livscykel. De miljöpåverkanskategorier som inkluderades i studien var global uppvärmning, övergödning och primärenergianvändning, som mättes med kategoriindikatorerna koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2-ekv), fosfatekvivalenter (PO4-ekv) och megajoule (MJ). Den inventeringsdata som användes hämtades främst från databasen Ecoinvent version 3.7, men även från vetenskapliga artiklar och tidigare studier, samt från beräkningsverktyget NTMCalc Basic 4.0. Resultaten av denna studie belyser de delar i produktionskedjan för BÄR smoothie som har störst miljöpåverkan med avseende de valda miljöpåverkanskategorierna. En flaska BäR smoothie á 250 ml bidrog totalt med 120 g CO2-ekv, 0,39 g PO4-ekv och 2,8 MJ. Den komponent med störst miljöpåverkan med avseende på global uppvärmning och primär energianvändning och som även hade en betydande inverkan på övergödning var flaskan, dvs. produktion av PET-granulat (vPET) och återvunnen PET-granulat (rPET). Eftersom majoriteten av detta bidrag kom från produktionen av vPET-granulat, rekommenderades Toripiha att använda flaskor som har ett högre innehåll av rPET-granulat för att minska produktens totala miljöpåverkan. Det var också tydligt att transporten av komponenter stod för en betydande del av miljöpåverkan med avseende på samtliga miljöpåverkanskategorier. För att minska miljöpåverkan från transporter bör Toripiha därför sträva efter kortare och mer effektiva transporter för de olika komponenterna.

願付價值及其前測的研究 / The Study of Willings to Pay and its Pretest

余純君, Yu, Chun-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
假設市場評價法(Contingent valuation)多用於評估有關某一非市場性財產(Non-market goods)或公共財(Public goods)在民眾心目中的願付價值(Willingness to pay, WTP)。探討受訪者願付價值之研究調查案的問卷設計方式,大致可分成五種,其中開放式出價法和逐步競價法已被證實會對估計造成偏誤,而支付卡法、二分選擇法和雙界二分選擇法則是現今較常為研究者所使用的價格詢問方法,本論文的研究是針對二分選擇法的最佳設計(Optimal design),作一深入的探討。 假設欲探究之母體的願付價值為一服從平均數為 、標準差為 的常態分配,若採用二分選擇法作為價格詢問的方式,則何種詢問方法才能讓參數估計最佳化,由模擬實驗的結果,我們知道若將受訪者隨機等分成兩群,分別詢問兩個不同的價格,且這兩個價格的平均等於預先猜測的母體平均數,那麼不但會有相當不錯的估計結果,在實際的執行上亦較方便。此外,我們提出較容易計算的參數估計量來代替傳統的最大概似估計量(MLE),並以數理證明保證了新的參數估計量有良好的估計性質。 願付價值的研究若對母體資訊不充分時,常會先採行前測(Pretest)。本論文除了探討二分選擇法的最佳設計之外,亦針對支付卡法和二分選擇法運用在前測時,作一深入的討論,結果發現當事先猜測的母體分配參數和真實分配相差很多下,支付卡法和二分選擇法會產生無法估計的情況,因此我們提出新的前測方法,試圖彌補這兩種傳統前測法的不足,我們稱之為序列詢問法(Sequence method)。序列詢問法為一種追蹤母體平均數的方式,依照現在這位受訪者的回答,決定下一位受訪者的詢問價格,在我們的研究中發現,如此的序列詢問方法比傳統的前測法利用更少的資訊,但仍然維持不錯的母體平均數估計結果。

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