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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

吳澄的詩論及詩歌蹊徑 = Wu Cheng's thoughts on poetry and his approaches to creative writing

葉倬瑋, 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Textová analýza dochovaného textu Tajné kroniky Mongolů / Textual Analysis of the Extant Text of The Secret History of the Mongols

Laurencio Tacoronte, Ariel January 2013 (has links)
Textual Analysis of the Extant Original of The Secret History of the Mongols Abstract The purpose of the present thesis is to analyze every aspect of textual nature present in the Chinese original of the Secret History of the Mongols. The work consists of four chapters that touch issues such as the Chinese characters used for the transcription, their pronunciation and meaning, as well as invented or wrong characters. A list is presented with all the Mongolian syllables obtainable by means of the Chinese transcription system and with all the characters used for this. Subsequently, graphic aspects such as word division or punctuation are examined. The last chapter approaches the glossing system of the Mongolian text used in this work. On the basis of the analysis of the collected data, some plausible assumptions about historical or linguistic issues are advanced, such as the ethnic identity of the author of the transcript or the author of the glosses, the existence of a Mongolian dialect with own characteristics in the Yuan dynasty environment, or the reason why this transcript was glossed, and whether it was done out of an original written in Uyghur script. Keywords: textual analysis, Mongolian language, The Secret History of the Mongols, Yuan Dynasty


郭慶文, KUO, GING-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
金元之際的中原知識階層所處的是一個大動盪的時代,一方面漫天戰火奪去了無數生 靈性命,破壞了政治、社會秩序;一方面蒙古接替女真,成為中原新的統治者。由於 起初蒙古人並未大幅施行漢法,因此這已不是單純的朝代更替,而是整個政治、經濟 、社會制度的轉變。處於此一時間的中原知識階層他們如何自處、有那些一般性質、 如何協助蒙古可汗治理中原並保存漢文化,這些問題便是本論文探討的核心所在。 本論文研究的時間範圍是從衛紹王即位的大安元年(一二0九)至元世祖建國號為元 的至元八年(一二七一),共計六十二年。凡在大安元年以後去世,並在垤元八年以 前已有所成的中原士人(亦即成長在原金朝統治區域內的土人),恂是本論文研究的 對象。 法國年鑑學派史學家布勞岱將歷史分為三個層次﹕最表層是短期「事件」;中層是持 續較長的「時間」;最底層是綿延可達數世紀的「長時期」。就社會的結構而言,「 事件」只是在社會表面的人文現象;「時期」是數十年就可能改變的社會中層結;「 長時期」則是灴易改變的社會深層結構。就本論文的研究主題而言,金元之際中原知 識階層的言論、作為、以及當時個別的政、經、社結構屬於「時間」的層次;秦、漢 以後古代中國的政、經〉社模式則屬於「長時間」的層次。本論文的研究係從「事件 」層次著手,而逐漸突顯出屬於「時間」的中層社會結構,至於「長時間」層次的探 討,僅略有所及。 金元之際蒙古、西域、中原三大文化和他們的承傳者,彼此間相互的激盪,而中原文 化並未佔盡優勢,但對於元初政體的建構亦有其不可忽視的貢獻。


童宏民, TONG, HONG-MIAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文全文長約十二萬字左右。所分章節如下: 第一章緒論:說明研究動機、方法及範圍。 第二章戲曲資料中之伍子胥:下分五節,探討戲文,雜劇、傳奇、皮黃劇本中與伍子 胥有關的故事傳說。 第三章小說資料中之伍子胥:下分六節,探討列國志傳、新列國志與東周列國志、十 八國臨潼鬥寶鼓詞、吳越春秋鼓詞、禪魚寺大鼓書等小說記載中與伍子胥有關的故事 傳說。 第四章戲曲小說的互相借述:探討伍子胥故事傳說,戲曲、小說互相借述的情形。 第五章伍子胥在戲曲小說中的形象:探討伍子胥在戲曲、小說中所表現出的形象,諸 如情性本質、奮鬥歷程•••等並及民間傳講其事 時的偏好。 第六章結論:綜述研究之所得。


徐桂香, XU,GUI-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖研究元代的集慶路(即今之南京),尤以城市與經濟的發展為中心,主要探 討集慶路在元朝蒙古人的統治下之城市及經濟之發展面貌,藉此區域之研究以管窺元 代統治江南地區之經濟及城市發展情形。 本論文約七萬字,除前言外,計分五章十二節。前言敘述研究目的、研究範圍、研究 限制、主要材料以及各章概述。第一章「導論」:描述由東晉迄南宋之社會及經濟重 心之南移,以及集慶路在江南之地理位置及重要性。第二章「城市功能的變遷」:探 究集慶路由六朝迄元城市功能之變轉變,其由政治城市轉變為軍事城市以及運轉城市 之歷程及面貌。第三章「元代集慶路的經濟的特色」:主要分農業(包括水利)、手 工業、商業三方面,藉以了解其經濟發展以及特色。第四章「元代集慶路之城市結構 」:探討南京城之城市規劃、人口、市鎮分佈以及與腹地的關係。第五章「結論」: 由元末朱元璋選擇集慶路作為革命基地,綜論宋元以來集慶路皂的發展梗概。


鄭素春, ZHENG, SU-CHUN Unknown Date (has links)
全真教是興於金代,在華北地區勢力較大的新宗教之一.到了大蒙古國時期,其勢力 更為壯大,以迄於元.本論文研究主題,在探討全真教與蒙古帝室之關係.計一冊, 七萬餘言,共分五章. 第一章緒論. 第二章全真教的初期發展.共分三節,敘述王重陽之創教,七子與教團的開展,以及 教團與金王朝的關係. 第三章成吉思汗時期:全真教地位的建立.共二節,討論成吉思汗的宗教態度,丘處 機與教團地位的建立. 第四章窩闊台,貴由至蒙哥可汗:全真教地位的轉變.共三節,討論汗廷與教團的關 係,朝臣與教團的往來,教團擴張及地位的轉變. 第五章後論:忽必烈以後的全真教.

清代學風與清儒的元史學 / School Discipline During the Ch'ing Dynasty and Ch'ing Scholar's Study of the Yuan Dynasty

吳宗儒, Wu, Tzong-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
自明末清初,迄於民國初年,近三百年時間,是中國的「清學時代」。此期學風,以「傳統學術的總整理」(即樸學也)與「西學輸入的新氣象」(即新學也)為兩大風貌,是傳統中國學術走向現代西化學術的大時代。因清代政治社會變動的影響,清代學風分為四個階段:清初學風,乾嘉學風,道咸學風與同光學風。各階段皆有其特色,而皆能紹往開來,推陳出新,使中國的學術洪流,如滔滔江河,澎湃不已。 欲知清代學風,以清儒一重要學術起始是方便的途徑。清儒的元史學,因滿清入關而起,因乾嘉樸學而興,因道咸經世而盛,因同光文風而大,聲氣所播,為清代史學界之一大運動。究其所學,反映了五大歷史意義:「異族政權的啟示」、「清代學風的寫照」、「西北危機的呼聲」、「中體西用的先河」與「清儒傑出的史學」。彷彿清代經學,斯不朽之盛業焉。 本文題為「清代學風與清儒的元史學」,屬於學術史 ( intellectualhistory )的範疇,以取精用宏,知悉「清代學風的發展」與「清儒元史學的文化生命」為其宗旨。文分七章:「第一章 序曲」,「第二章 蒙元史學與元史的問世」,「第三章 清初學風與元史學的初放異彩」,「第四章 乾嘉學風與元史學的啟蒙運動」,「第五章 道咸學風與元史學成熟時代的來臨」「第六章 同光學風與元史學的極盛時代」,「第七章 尾聲」。 清代是中國學術的大時代,清儒元史學是人類珍貴的文化遺產,治中國史學、清代學術與元史學者,於此應知之矣。

Narrating Transcendents: Gender in Chinese Hagiographies

Lovdahl, Nathaniel January 2014 (has links)
Chinese people, like those of many other cultures, understand themselves as belonging to a specific gender, one with social rules and positions that can be difficult to stray from. Such gender norms have existed in China for millennia. There are a number of ways to examine what these gender norms are (or have been), and a number of ways in which one can understand how they dictated the lives of the Chinese people they defined. The present thesis is a translation and study of two Chinese hagiographical collections from the late Song or early Yuan Dynasty. These collections detail the exploits of Daoist transcendents. The first collection translated is concerned with male transcendents, the second with female transcendents. In translating these texts, I seek to understand how gender is portrayed in the lives of exceptional religious figures. As an examination of gender within a patriarchal—or at least male-dominant—society, I expected the female transcendents to be relegated, somehow, to a lesser station. Through my translations I argue that, though they could not wholly extricate themselves from gender norms, religious Daoism, as portrayed in the hagiographies, offered both men and women from certain social obligations. These social obligations include such institutions as marriage and reproduction (for both men and women). The hagiographies also depict a greater sense of equality for Daoist women than they might have found otherwise. At its most ambitious, Narrating Transcendents serves to demonstrate the multivalent function of hagiographies as tools religious communities used to define and guide themselves. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

A Society Under Foreign Rule, the Characters of Kuan Han-Ch'ing as Critical Statements About the Yuan Dynasty, 1280-1368

Tsai, Yean 08 1900 (has links)
This study sought to discover how Kuan Han-Ch'ing portrayed the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368 A.D.) and the Confucian view of women by means of the characterization in Kuan's plays. Eight female characters, three male public officials, and three male villains were selected for study. It was discovered that Kuan portrayed the ordinary people of his time with outstanding skill; that the characters selected for study provided ways of life contrary to Confucianism, the prevailing philosophy; that Kuan's characterization satirized the Mongol ruling class; and that Kuan depicted women more favorably than Confucian philosophy would have allowed.

Pomocí barbarů ovládat barbary: postavení tusi v oblasti Liangshanu / By Barbarians Control Barbarians: The Position of Tusi within Area of Liangshan

Karlach, Jan January 2014 (has links)
English Abstract This M.A. thesis analyses the politics of indirect rule within the peripheral area of Liangshan in southern Sichuan, which the imperial court tried to implement thru appointment of hereditary offices of indigenous chieftains (ch. tusi or tuguan). It uses primary sources in classical Chinese from official histories, local gazetteers, ethnographic studies and other documents, as well as secondary literature in Czech, English, French, German and Chinese. This thesis is divided into three interrelated chapters. The first chapter outlines the origin, changes and development of systems of indirect rule in Southwest China. The final stage of the development this political mechanism was a so-called "native chieftain system" (ch. tusi zhidu), through which the central court managed peripheral regions of its empire during Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. This chapter focuses on the development of these systems of indirect rule from the Warring States era (5th century BC) to the beginning of 20th century. The second chapter explores ethnographic, historico-political and ethnohistorical descriptions of Liangshan region. This chapter will then define the Liangshan region through geographical, political (the imperial court), and indigenous (ethnic) perspectives and therefore finalizes a theoretical...

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