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Examen des liens entre les comportements de soutien affectif maternel et les profils d'apprentissage en contexte de prise de décisions affectives chez les enfants de 48 moisChampagne, Christine 04 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs recherches ont démontré que la qualité des interactions mère-enfant influence le développement de la fonction exécutive (FE) chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Ces recherches se sont attardées à la dimension « froide » de la FE qui regroupe les habiletés de prise de décisions générales en situation de résolution de problèmes. Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’autre dimension de la FE, les cognitions « chaudes », qui entrent en jeu lorsque la prise de décisions en situation de résolution de problèmes implique une charge émotionnelle. Cette dimension joue un rôle dans la prise de décisions affectives (PDA). Les études empiriques qui portent sur la PDA ont principalement regardé les liens avec le sexe et l’âge des enfants ainsi que les relations avec les facteurs neurologiques. Aucune étude à notre connaissance n’a examiné les liens avec la qualité des interactions mère-enfant. L’exploration empirique de la contribution des facteurs environnementaux proximaux de l’enfant, tel que le soutien affectif maternel, reste à faire. Dans un premier temps, cette recherche examine l’effet du soutien affectif maternel sur la PDA globale. Dans un deuxième temps, l’effet du sexe et l’effet d’interaction entre la qualité du soutien affectif maternel et les profils d’apprentissage des enfants de 48 mois sont examinés. Enfin, cette étude examine cent quatre-vingt-onze enfants (109 filles et 82 garçons) et leur mère qui ont participé à une journée d'évaluation en laboratoire dans le cadre de l’Étude Longitudinale sur le Développement des Enfants du Québec - groupe Pilote (ELDEQ-P, Santé Québec, 1997). Ils ont réalisé différentes activités permettant de les évaluer en dyade ou individuellement. La PDA a été évaluée à l’aide du Children’s Gambling Task (CGT) (Kerr & Zelazo, 2001). Le soutien affectif maternel a été évalué à partir d’une tâche de récits narratifs co-construits entre la mère et l’enfant (MacArthur Story-Stem Battery (MSSB), Bretherton, Oppenheim, Buchsbaum, Emde & the MacArthur Narrative Group, 1990) et la grille d’évaluation du Climat affectif a été utilisée pour évaluer la qualité du soutien affectif maternel (Boutin, Parent, et Lapalme-L’Heureux, 1998). Nos résultats indiquent que la qualité du soutien affectif maternel n’a pas d’effet principal sur la PDA globale mais interagit avec les profils d’apprentissage des enfants en contexte de PDA. Cette interaction est toutefois significative uniquement chez les garçons. Les garçons qui reçoivent un soutien affectif maternel dans la moyenne ou élevé obtiennent un meilleur profil d’apprentissage en situation de PDA comparativement à ceux qui ont un soutien affectif maternel sous la moyenne. En outre, les résultats révèlent que les 26 enfants (12 garçons, 14 filles) qui ont abandonné en cours de tâche obtiennent des scores plus faibles sur la qualité du soutien affectif maternel. Ce résultat suggère que les enfants obtenant un faible soutien affectif maternel sont plus enclins à abandonner une tâche d’apprentissage en situation de PDA. En somme, les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent que la qualité des interactions mère-enfant est importante sur le développement d’habiletés cognitives en contexte émotionnel chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. / Research suggests that the quality of mother-child interactions play a role in the development of executive functioning (EF) during the preschool years. Most studies have examined cool EF, which represent general decision-making abilities during problem solving activities. The present study is concerned with hot EF, which is typically elicited by problem solving situations that require emotional regulation. Hot EF plays a role in affective decision-making (ADM). Prior research on ADM has examined its relation to sex, age, and neurological factors. Studies have not examined whether mother-child interactions play a role in the development of ADM ability. Thus, the importance of proximal environmental factors such as maternal responsiveness remains to be examined. The present study first examines the main effect of the quality of maternal responsiveness on the ADM ability. Second, the effect of sex and the interaction between the quality of maternal responsiveness and learning profiles of 48-month-old children were examined. Finally, this study also examines whether there were differences between the maternal responsiveness of children who abandoned the ADM test and those who completed the task. A subsample of 191 children (109 girls and 82 boys) and their mothers participated in a lab visit as part of the Pilot-Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (P-QLSCD, Quebec Health, 1997). Children completed several activities both individually and with their mothers. ADM was evaluated using the Children’s Gambling Task (CGT, Kerr & Zelazo, 2001). Maternal responsiveness was assessed using the MacArthur Story-Stem Battery (MSSB , Bretherton, Oppenheim, Buchsbaum, Emde & the MacArthur Narrative Group, 1990) and the Affective climate coding scheme (Boutin, Parent, et Lapalme-L’Heureux, 1998). Results revealed no significant principal effect between the quality of maternal responsiveness and ADM ability but a significant interaction between the quality of maternal responsiveness and child learning profiles. However, this interaction was only significant for boys. Boys who received medium to high levels of responsiveness showed better learning profiles during hot EF tasks than those who received low levels of responsiveness. In addition, children who abandoned the experiment (N=26) received lower scores on maternal responsiveness than those who completed the task. The present results suggest that high quality mother-child interactions are important for the development of cognitive processing in emotional contexts.
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Enjeux de la couleur dans le cinéma hollywoodien d'après-guerreCaron-Ottavi, Apolline 06 1900 (has links)
Après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, on peut observer une inflexion de l’usage de la couleur dans le cinéma hollywoodien. Trop artificielle, la couleur a été reléguée à ses débuts à des genres « irréalistes » (comédie musicale, western). Mais après la guerre, la couleur est utilisée dans des films montrant le quotidien de l’Amérique, et devient une nouvelle façon d’appréhender certaines questions contemporaines.
La couleur n’est plus un ornement ou un perfectionnement superflu, elle est porteuse de sens, au même titre que les autres éléments de la mise en scène. Les couleurs vives et l’exacerbation de l’artifice sont désormais utilisées par certains cinéastes dans un autre but que le seul plaisir de l’image colorée : parfois avec ironie, voire un pessimisme sous-jacent. L’enjeu esthétique de la couleur au cinéma doit en effet être situé dans le contexte historique de l’après guerre.
La dévalorisation de la couleur dans l’histoire de l’art est ancienne, celle-ci ayant souvent été associée depuis l’Antiquité au maquillage féminin et à l’illusion. Le cinéma hollywoodien des années cinquante modifie justement l’image de la femme : on passe de la femme mythifiée à des femmes de chair et de sang, plus sexualisées, et aussi à l’évocation des rapports sociaux du quotidien. À travers l’actrice, et la façon dont celle-ci manipule la couleur ou bien existe à travers elle, la couleur se libère des préjugés, et trouve son indépendance, à travers une libération de l’expressivité, et un refus du seul mimétisme. / After WWII, the treatment of color in Hollywood cinema takes a new turn. Because it was too artificial, color was at first relegated to "unrealistic" films (musicals, westerns, etc). But in the post-war period, a change took place, and color was used in films that showed the common life of America, and became a new way of understanding contemporary issues.
Color is not anymore a superfluous ornament, nor a mere device to increase realism: it is meaningful, as meaningful as any other element of the « mise en scène ». The bright colors and the exacerbation of the artifice are used from that time by some of the film-makers in a different purpose from that of pure entertainment : sometimes with irony, and even an underlying pessimism. What is aesthetically at stake in color films must be considered in the post-war context.
The depreciation of color in the history of arts is an ancient trend, and since Antiquity, color in art has often been associated to feminine makeup and illusion. Hollywood films of the fifties changed the archetypical image of women: there was a shift from the mythical woman to women of flesh and blood, overtly sexualized, which allowed a more thorough evocation of the everyday life social relations. Through the actress and her acting - the way she manipulates color, or find a way to exist through it –, color releases itself from prejudices, participate to a release of expressiveness, and serve a rejection of basic mimesis.
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Conscious of Her Own Power: Hester Piozzi's Character Creation in Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson LL.D., During the Last Twenty Years of His LifeWeakley, Anne 22 April 2013 (has links)
This project highlights aspects of Hester Piozzi’s approach to biography in Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson LL. D. During the Last Twenty Years of His Life in order to analyze her use of accumulated cultural and social capital. I highlight similarities between Anecdotes and Samuel Johnson’s model for biography given in Rambler #60 and show how Piozzi adheres to his advice as she characterizes Johnson as a pious genius, intolerantly opinionated, and self-indulgent, yet unwilling to accept those qualities in others. I analyze how her editorial choices characterize her as a reliable source of information and a blameless victim of Johnson’s need for attention. This study proves Anecdotes and the corresponding entries in Thraliana are important because her deliberate revisioning of her history speaks to her ability to manipulate social expectations in order to revive her literary career and actively contribute to eighteenth-century British economy, culture, and society.
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Le blues et le jazz au service de la révolution? : les positions des communistes américains blancs à l’égard de la musique noire et son utilisation à des fins d’agit-prop durant l’entre-deux-guerres (1919-1941)Michaud-Mastoras, Loïc 05 1900 (has links)
En 1936, l’American Music League publiait le recueil de chansons afro-américaines Negro Songs of Protest collectées par le folkloriste communiste Lawrence Gellert. Puis en 1938 et 1939, grâce au financement du mouvement communiste américain, le producteur John Hammond présentait deux concerts intitulés From Spirituals to Swing au Carnegie Hall de New York. En plus de rendre hommage à l’histoire de la musique noire américaine, ces deux concerts défiaient la ségrégation raciale, permettant au Noirs et aux Blancs d’être rassemblés sur une même scène et de s’asseoir ensemble dans l’assistance. Au même moment, la chanteuse jazz Billie Holiday faisait fureur au Café Society, premier club « intégré » de New York et lieu de rassemblement de la gauche radicale, en interprétant soir après soir la chanson ‘’Strange Fruit’’ qui dénonçait l’horreur du lynchage toujours en vigueur dans le Sud des États-Unis. C’était l’époque du Front Populaire, la plus importante période d’influence du mouvement communiste aux États-Unis et, de surcroît, le moment de l’histoire américaine durant lequel la gauche organisée détenait un pouvoir sans précédent sur la culture de masse.
Partant d’une discussion sur le potentiel révolutionnaire de la musique noire américaine et cherchant à comprendre le positionnement des mouvements sociaux vis-à-vis la culture, ce mémoire met en lumière le point de vue des communistes américains blancs face à l’émergence et à la popularité grandissante du blues et du jazz noirs aux États-Unis. En fonction des trois principales phases politiques du Parti Communiste américain (CPUSA) – la phase du colorblind class (1919-1928); la phase du nationalisme noir (1928-1935); le Front Populaire (1935-1940) – ce mémoire retrace les changements d’attitude de la vieille gauche envers la culture populaire et suggère que le mouvement communiste américain a tenté d’utiliser le blues et le jazz à des fins d’agit-prop. / In 1936, the American Music League published Negro Songs of Protest, a book of songs collected by the left-wing folklorist Lawrence Gellert. In 1938 and 1939, with the financial support of the communist movement, the producer John Hammond was able to present From Spirituals to Swing at Carnegie Hall, New York, two concerts that celebrated the contribution of African American music in American history. Moreover, the From Spirituals to Swing concerts broke the color line, by letting Blacks and Whites play music together on stage and sit together in the audience. During the same years, jazz singer Billie Holiday enjoyed a monstrous success with her anti-lynching song “Strange Fruit” at Café Society, the first integrated club and radical left-wing cabaret in New York. It was the time of the Popular Front; a time when the communist movement had a great influence on American society and when the organized left exerted unprecedented power over mass culture.
Starting with a discussion of the revolutionary potential of African American music and trying to understand what social movements do with culture, this essay traces the developing point of view of white American communists toward the commercial explosion and growing popularity of blues and jazz music in USA during the interwar years. It asks the question of why there was so little mention of jazz and blues in Party organs during the 1920’s and early 1930’s , it explores the changing attitudes of the Old Left toward popular culture and suggests that the American communist movement used blues and jazz music for agitprop, during the last of the three main political phases of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) – the colorblind class (1919-1928); the Black Belt Nation thesis (1928-1935); and the Popular Front (1935-1940).
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Bougainville, Lévis, Vaudreuil : trajets dans les historiographies de la guerre de Sept AnsJalbert, Andréanne 09 1900 (has links)
Les études sur la mémoire, qui connaissent une grande popularité depuis les années 1980, ont mené à un intérêt pour l’histoire de l’histoire et pour la création de figures héroïques. Ce mémoire de maîtrise s’inscrit dans ces courants de recherche en étudiant le sort qu’une historiographie plurinationale a réservé à trois officiers français du théâtre nord-américain de la guerre de Sept Ans. Nous observerons comment les ouvrages britanniques, français, américains, canadiens-anglais et canadiens-français ont traité de Vaudreuil, Bougainville et Lévis. Nous pourrons ainsi exploiter la richesse de l’historiographie relative à cette guerre, qui date du XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il s’agira de suivre les regards croisés que les historiens des différentes époques et allégeances nationales ont porté sur nos personnages. C’est que ces trois hommes incarnent trois postures que l’historiographie interprétera de façon variable. En effet, comme cette production historique est surtout marquée par des rivalités entre les personnages qui prennent des allures de conflits nationaux, nos héros seront surtout jugés selon une perspective nationale. Vaudreuil, le gouverneur canadien né dans la colonie y devient donc le champion de son «pays», Bougainville, le métropolitain critique des conditions coloniales, futur navigateur et homme des Lumières, est jugé en fonction de ses propos sur le Canada, alors que Lévis, le métropolitain discret dans ses écrits, sera surtout jugé en fonction de sa victoire à Sainte-Foy en 1760. / Very popular since the 1980s, studies on collective memory have stimulated interest in historiography and especially in the construction of heroic figures. The thesis follows this trend in studying how a multinational historiography treated three French officers of the Seven Years’ War’s North American theatre. We observe how Vaudreuil, Bougainville and Lévis have fared at the hands of historians from Great Britain, France, the United States and English and French Canada, from the eighteenth century to the present. The purpose of the study is to isolate the varying perspectives from which historians of different times and national allegiance have examined the three figures. In the end, the three men were seen to incarnate three contrasting, variously interpreted postures. Since historians were particularly sensitive to what they saw as national conflicts, they judged their heroes accordingly. Vaudreuil, the Canadian-born governor of Canada, thus became the champion of his “country”; Bougainville, French-born future navigator and protagonist of the Enlightenment who wrote disparagingly about the colony, was judged on these opinions; while Lévis, a Frenchman who was more discreet in his writings, was evaluated above all as the victor of the battle of Sainte-Foy in 1760.
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"I přišli k nám tito soldáti..." Město Slaný za třicetileté války optikou pramenů městské kanceláře. / "And these soldiers have come to us..." The town of Slaný during the Thirty Years War as seen through the papers of its municipal government.Kmochová, Romana January 2015 (has links)
During the Thirty Years War the life of the inhabitants of Central Bohemian Town Slaný was (like the life in other central European towns in this period) mainly influenced by soldiers and various war events. Nevertheless, many changes in their lives were brought by the pawn and subsequent sale of the town to nobleman Jaroslav Bořita z Martinic. This thesis is mainly focused on the municipal administration, especially on war events impacts on the town government and also on the new elements in municipal administration related to the change of its legal status, respectively on encroachment of the new manorial lords on the municipal administration. It also deals with mechanisms used by municipal officials (authorities) to protect the lives and property of town's inhabitant against the rampage soldiery. It is not omitted the interactions occurred between the townspeople and soldiers including self-preserving mechanisms and adaptation strategies that allow them cope with soldiers presence as well.
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Vývoj obranných mechanismů u dětí mladšího školního věku / The development of defense mechanisms in children of younger school ageKratochvíla, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of defense mechanisms of children in younger school age. The theoretical part discusses the history and development of the concept of defense mechanisms, provides an overview of the diagnostic methods, which are useful to identify defense mechanisms in children and reports on the current state of research of defense mechanisms and their development in children and adolescents. At the end of the theoretical part, the concepts of "defense" based mostly on gestalt psychotherapy perspective are discussed. In the practical part, the children of the research group in younger school age were tested with The Fairy Tale Test and The Thematic Apperception Test. The results are discussed with regard to age, sex, inteligence and also considering the results of other research methods. Data based on psychoanalytical concepts are compared with results of the questionnaire based on gestalt psychoterapy theories of contact cycle and contact styles. Two parents (or the closest adults) evaluated their children by the questionnaire and inventory of typical contact styles. The results suggest the existence of certain connections, these research methods also complement each other and serves together as more comprehensive view of the child's personality, a way of its interacting...
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Podmínky pro organizovaný i neorganizovaný sport dětí ve věku 11-15 let v Brandýse nad Labem - Staré Boleslavi / Conditions for the organized and unorganized sport children aged 11-15 years in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará BoleslavKrupička, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Title: Conditions for the organized and unorganized sport children aged 11-15 years in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav Targets: The aim of this thesis is find out the relation of children aged 11-15 years in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav to sports activities and find out their satisfaction with the spatial and material conditions for the sport. Methods: To obtain the necessary data was used the method of quantitative empirical research using questionnaires. It was also used data analysis and semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data were processed by PC programs Microsoft Excel and Statistica. Results: The results of the survey revealed satisfaction of the respondents with the conditions for the organized and unorganized sport in the city. It was also found out what kinds of sports facilities and sports clubs are missed by the respondents in Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav. Key words: Organized Sport, unorganized sport, conditions for sport, sport facilities, sport organizations, children aged 11-15 years, Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav.
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Metody výuky počátečního čtení a psaní na základních školách v Anglii / Methods of teaching early reading and writing in primary schools in EnglandMarešová, Helena January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to present one of the aspekts of teaching of early reading and writing in primary schools in England. By this aspekt we mean methods that are used during teaching early reading and writing. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis familiarize the reader with the education system in England as whole, describes the National Curriculum and closely familiarize the reader with the pre-school curriculum and primary school curriculum. From both curriculums are pointed out especially those aspects which relate to teaching English language. In addition, there will be presented programs of teaching early reading and writing and closely described methods of teaching early reading and writing. The practical part of diploma thesis is based on research which was performed in community primary school "Dale Community Primary School". The research was conducted by several methods: questionnaire survey, observation and controlled observation. The questionnaires and observation aimed at finding methods of teaching early reading and writing which are used at the specific primary school. In addition, two modelled lessons were prepared and later reflected. During both modelled lessons were used methods of teaching early reading and writing. The knowledge and information gained from...
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Vojenští zběhové v době osvícenského absolutismu ve světle dokumentů Českého gubernia a dalších pramenů / Army Deserters in the Era of the Enlightened Absolutism Regarding the Documents of the Czech Gubernium and Other SourcesŠvehelka, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issues of military deserters from the imperial-royal army at the period of the enlightened absolutism, thus during the reign of Maria Theresa and her sons Joseph II and Leopold II. Based on written as well as printed sources, originated mainly from the activity of the supreme provincial offices of the Kingdom of Bohemia at this time, an explanation on the questions of deserters' punishments, their limited pardons and mutual exchanges, made between the Habsburg Monarchy and her allies, has been offered. Moreover, the attention has been paid to the state's approach to the inhabitants that either provided aid to the deserters, or vice versa participated in their pursuit and capture. The last part of the text has been devoted to the registries of military deserters who originated from Bohemia, with the main emphasis on the Seven Years' War, because these registries have been preserved mostly for this conflict. Key words military deserters, enlightened absolutism, enlightened reforms, Czech Gubernium, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years' War, Maria Theresa, Joseph II
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