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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The socio-emotional influence of sexual problems on young women : a social work investigation

Robinson, Tanya Marie January 2003 (has links)
English: At DISA-clinic the researcher found that young women between the ages of 16 and 25 are faced with various sexual problems. As a result the aim of this study was to explore the socio-emotional influence of sexual problems on young women. For the purpose of this study an exploratory research design was used because little information was found on the socio-emotional influence of sexual problems on young women in available literature. A contribution can be made through exploring the socio-emotional influence that sexual problems have on young women. Sexual problems for the purpose of this study were organised in three main groups: Sexual dysfunctions; these include Dyspareunia, Vaginismus, Anorgasmia. Unintended pregnancy; these include abortion, adoption, early parenting. Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually related diseases; these include HIV infection and AIDS, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes. It was essential in this study to use a qua I itative research approach because the researcher wanted to explore the socio-emotional influence of sexual problems on young women and formulate a holistic understanding of this phenomenon. This qualitative study consequently presented the reader with an understanding of the socio-emotional influence that sexual problems have on young women. The data collection method which was used is document study. In this study personal letters of young women received between June 2002 and February 2003 were included. The researcher gathered one hundred and fifteen personal letters of young women that fitted the sample criteria. Seven main themes and related themes were identified in the personal letters and the researcher analyzed the information according to Creswell's spiral model. After these themes were identified it can be emphasised that there is definitely a sense of similarity between the influence of the three main groups of sexual problems on the socio-emotional functioning of young women. Consequently the researcher states that from the above seven themes that were identified, it became clear that various sexual problems influence young women's socioemotional functioning in a similar manner. Further research on preventing the rising statistics of sexual problems under young women is recommended. / Afrikaans: Die navorser het by DISA-kliniek gevind dat jong vrouens tussen die ouderdom van 16 en 25 gekonfronteer word met verskeie seksuele probleme. Gevolglik is die doel van die studie om die sosio-emosionele invloed van seksuele probleme op jong vrouens te eksploreer. Vir die doel van hierdie betrokke studie is 'n eksplorerende navorsingsontwerp gebruik omrede min informasie gevind is ten opsigte van die sosio-emosionele invloed van seksuele probleme op jong vrouens in beskikbare literatuur. 'n Bydrae kan gemaak word deur die sosio-emosionele invloed wat seksuele probleme op jong vrouens het, te eksploreer. Seksuele probleme is vir die doeleindes van die studie in drie hoofgroepe georganiseer: Seksuele disfunksies; wat insluit Dyspareunia, Vaginismus en Anorgasmia. Onbeplande swangerskappe; wat insluit aborsie, aanneming en vroee ouerskap. Seksueel oordraagbare siektes en seksueel verwante siektes; wat insluit MIV infeksie en VIGS, Gonorrhea, Sifilis en Herpes. Dit was essensieel in die studie om 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering te volg omrede die navorser die sosio-emosionele invloed van seksuele probleme op jong vrouens wou eksploreer en 'n holistiese begrip van die betrokke fenomene wou kry. Die kwalitatiewe studie verskaf die leser gevolglik met 'n begrip van die sosio-emosionele invloed wat seksuele probleme op jong vrouens het. Die data-insamelingsmetode wat gebruik is, is dokumentanalise. In die studie is anonieme, persoonlike briewe van jong vrouens ingesluit wat tussen Junie 2002 en F ebruarie 2003 ontvang is. Die navorser het een honderd en vyftien briewe van jong vrouens volgens die vasgestelde steekproefkriteria geselekteer. Sewe hooftemas en verwante temas is geidentifiseer vanuit die anonieme persoonlike briewe en die navorser het die data volgens Creswell se spiraal model geanaliseer. Na identifisering van die temas kan klem daarop geplaas word dat daar definitief 'n ooreenkoms bestaan tussen die invloed wat die drie hoofgroepe seksuele probleme op die sosio-emosionele funksionering van jong vrouens het. Gevolglik maak die navorser die aanname dat vanuit die geidentifiseerde sewe temas, dit duidelik is dat verskeie seksuele probleme 'n soortgelyke invloed op die sosio-emosionele funksionering van jong vrouens het. Verdere navorsing op die voorkoming van die stygende statistieke van seksuele probleme onder jong vrouens, word aanbeveel. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy)--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Social Work and Criminology / MSD (Play Therapy) / Unrestricted

An investigation into the progression of premarital fertility since the onset of Zimbabwe's fertility transition

Ngwenya, Chantelle Linda 11 March 2022 (has links)
Premarital fertility, that is, childbearing before first marriage, is an important yet under researched demographic topic in sub-Saharan Africa. In Zimbabwe, the distinction by marital status in fertility research is hardly drawn. Hence, a gap exists in the knowledge of premarital fertility levels. This research aims to investigate levels of, and factors associated with, premarital fertility since the onset of Zimbabwe's fertility transition in the mid-1980s. The research employed direct fertility estimation techniques to effectively compare premarital, marital, and overall fertility trends between 1988 and 2015. Cox proportional-hazards regression and forest plot analyses were then used to explain changes in factors associated with the timing of premarital first births over the same period. Data quality assessments were carried out using the method of cohortperiod fertility rates to provide explanations for any erratic results. The results showed that premarital fertility was constant and moderate, with an average of 0.7 children per woman, between 1988 and 2015. While most premarital first births consistently occurred to younger women, from 2005 onwards, they increased among women aged above 24 years and decreased among adolescents. An increase in age, commencing sexual activity after adolescence, and improved socio-economic status including level of education decreased the relative risk of having a premarital first birth. However, delaying marriage past young womanhood, history of contraceptive use, Ndebele ethnicity, and residence in regions other than Manicaland and Masvingo, especially Ndebele dominated regions, increased the same risk by 465.0%, 45.5%, 136.0% and up to 135.0% respectively. The stagnation of premarital fertility between 1988 and 2015 while both marital and overall fertility first declined and then stalled indicates that there is insufficient evidence to suggest that premarital fertility had contributed to the stall of fertility decline in Zimbabwe from the mid-1990s. The timing of premarital first births since the start of the fertility transition in the 1980s has had a strong ethnic and cultural bias. Due to evidence of the effect of migrancy and tourism on premarital fertility in border and tourism towns, an extension into the theory of migrant premarital sexual behaviour to detail the risk of premarital fertility among border town residents who interact with but are neither migrants nor tourists is recommended.

Unga kvinnors erfarenheter av bröstcancer – En litteraturstudie / Young women’s experiences of breast cancer – a literature study

Sarenmark, Ellen, Johansson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2020 blev bröstcancer den vanligaste diagnostiserade cancertypen i världen. Tidigare forskning visar att unga kvinnor som drabbas av bröstcancer har sämre sjukdomsprognos och hälsorelaterad livskvalité jämfört med äldre kvinnor med bröstcancer och till följd av behandling riskerar de att hastigt att gå in i klimakteriet i ung ålder. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva unga kvinnors erfarenheter av bröstcancer. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på nio kvalitativa originalartiklar. Databassökningar gjordes i Cinahl, APA Psycinfo, PubMed och Web of Science. Analys gjordes utifrån Fribergs femstegsmodell.  Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier och tio subkategorier. Kategorierna var; En förändrad självbild, Brist på information från vården, Nya perspektiv på relationer, Den ständiga oron samt Behovet av stöd.  Konklusion: Unga kvinnor med bröstcancer är en utsatt patientgrupp som är i behov av mer information och stöd från vården. Många av de utmaningar som kvinnorna möter är relaterade till att de är i en period i livet där familjebildning är centralt. Det fanns en önskan hos kvinnorna att få möta andra unga kvinnor med bröstcancer som är i liknande livssituation som de själva. / Background: In 2020, breast cancer became the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in the world. Previous research shows that young women with breast cancer have a poorer prognosis and health-related quality of life compared to older women with breast cancer and as a result of treatment they risk rapidly entering menopause at a young age. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe young women’s experience of breast cancer. Methods: A literature study based on nine qualitative original articles. Database searches were conducted in Cinahl, APA Psycinfo, PubMed and Web of Science. The analysis was conducted according to Friberg’s five-stage model.  Results: The analysis resulted in five categories and ten subcategories. The categories were: A changed self-image, Lack of information from healthcare, New perspectives on relationships, The constant anxiety and The need of support. Conclusion: Young women diagnosed with breast cancer are in dire need of information and support from healthcare. Many of the challenges that women face are related to the fact that they are in a period in the life of starting a family. There was a desire among the young women to meet other young women with breast cancer who are in a similar life situation as themselves.

Unga kvinnors upplevelse av att leva med självskadebeteende

Svensson, Anna, Wedenhall, Christina January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har visat att självskadebeteende ökar hos unga kvinnor. Självskadebeteende anses vara ett sätt att uppnå tillfällig lättnad vid psykiskt lidande och bakomliggande orsaker anses i huvudsak vara depression och ångest. Forskning har påvisat att vårdmötet är problematiskt. Det finns vårdare som upplever bristande kunskap och förståelse och känner frustration och maktlöshet inför självskadande patienters handlingar. Många unga kvinnor befarar att deras problem ska förvärras av att söka vård samt fruktar att inte bli tagna på allvar. Syfte: Denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva unga kvinnors upplevelse av att leva med ett självskadebeteende. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys utfördes på tre olika bloggar. Analysen resulterade i fyra olika kategorier. Resultat: Fyra kategorier identifierades; Det ändlösa lidandet, Beroendet av att skära, Kampen och Behovet av hjälp och stöd. Slutsats: Att leva med självskadebeteende upplevdes vara en kamp mellan hopp och förtvivlan. De unga kvinnornas upplevde ett stort behov av hjälp och stöd och ansåg vården vara oförstående och otillräcklig. / Background: Previous studies have shown an increase in self-injurious behaviour among women. Self-injurious behaviour is considered to be a way to quickly relieve deep emotional distress and is related to depression and anxiety disorder. Studies show that the encounter with the health professionals is often problematic. Many professional caregivers experience a lack of knowledge and understanding and often become frustrated and feel powerless when encountering the self-injurying patient. Many young women have a fear of not being taken seriously if they were to contact the health care services and if they do establish contact; they fear it will only make their problems worse. Aim: This study aims to describe the experiences of young women living with self-injurious behaviour. Method: A qualitative content analysis was based on three different blogs found on the Internet. Four main categories were identified. Results: The four categories were; The endless suffering, The addiction of cutting, The struggle and The need of help and support. Conclusion: Living with self-injurious behaviour is a struggle between hopefulness and despair. The young women experience a great need of help and support and find the health care unsympathetic and insufficient.

Fysisk och psykisk hälsa i slutet av graviditeten hos kvinnor som förlorat sitt barn intrauterint / Physical and mental health at the end of pregnancy among women who lost their child in utero

Ersgård, Manda January 2016 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: År 2013 dog 429 barn i Sverige intrauterint, vilket motsvarade tre till fyra dödfödda barn per 1 000 födda. I 10-15 procent av alla fall av barn som föds döda finns ingen känd orsak till barnets död. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur kvinnor som förlorat sitt barn intrauterint efter graviditetsvecka 28, skattade sin fysiska och psykiska hälsa tiden innan barnet dog. Syftet var också att undersöka eventuella skillnader avseende skattningen av den fysiska och psykiska hälsan mellan de kvinnor vars barn föddes dött i fullgången tid, jämfört med dem som födde sitt barn före graviditetsvecka 37. Vidare var syftet att beskriva motionsvanor under den sista månaden av graviditeten. Metod: Föreliggande studie baseras på en webbenkät på Spädbarnsfondens hemsida där kvinnor som förlorat sitt barn intrauterint skattade sin fysiska och psykiska hälsa under den sista månaden av graviditeten. Webbenkäten bestod av 87 frågor och besvarades av 798 kvinnor som alla förlorat sitt barn intrauterint. Inklusionskriterierna i föreliggande studie var att det döda barnet skulle vara fött efter 28 fullgångna graviditetsveckor samt efter år 2009. Detta resulterade i att 317 kvinnors svar analyserades. Resultat: Den övervägande majoriteten av kvinnorna hade god fysisk och psykisk hälsa fram till dagen innan deras barn konstaterades dött. För några av kvinnorna försämrades hälsan något under den sista graviditetsmånaden. Resultatet tyder också på att den fysiska och psykiska hälsan var bättre under den sista graviditetsmånaden bland de kvinnor vars barn föddes dött i fullgången tid, jämfört med dem som födde sitt barn före graviditetsvecka 37. Den vanligaste sjukdomen under den sista månaden av graviditeten var högt blodtryck. De flesta kvinnor tränade inte regelbundet under den sista graviditetsmånaden, bland dem som tränade var den vanligaste motionsformen promenader. Fyra av tio kvinnor uppgav att de var utsatta för stress under den sista månaden av graviditeten, den vanligaste orsaken till stress uppgavs vara arbete eller studier. Den näst vanligaste stressfaktorn var oro för den egna hälsan eller barnets hälsa. Slutsats: Majoriteten av kvinnorna hade god fysisk och psykisk hälsa fram till dagen innan deras barn konstaterades dött i livmodern. Kvinnor vars barn föddes dött i fullgången graviditet skattade fysisk och psykisk hälsa något bättre än de som födde sitt barn tidigare under graviditeten. Upplevd stress i slutet av graviditeten orsakades främst av arbete eller studier samt av oro för den egna och det ofödda barnets hälsa.

"Man har som lärt sig att vi ska vara otrygg" : Unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet på offentliga platser - ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / “We have been taught into thenotion of feeling unsafe” : Young women´s perception of unsafety in public places – asociocultural perspective

Vestman, Fanny, Svensson, Jonna January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet på offentliga platser i Örnsköldsvik. Studien synliggör orsaker till att känslan av otrygghet uppstår och belyser dess konsekvenser. Upplevd otrygghet undersöks med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade fokusgruppintervjuer. Totalt intervjuas tolv unga kvinnor som går andra året på gymnasiet i Örnsköldsviks kommun. Undersökningen utgår från tre forskningsfrågor: Vad är otrygghet? Vad ger upphov till otrygghet på offentliga platser? Hur påverkas unga kvinnors liv av upplevd otrygghet på offentliga platser? Materialet analyseras med en induktiv tematisk analysmetod och diskuteras i förhållande till ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande. Denna studie bekräftar tidigare forskning som visar att känslan av otrygghet är ett komplext område, såväl sociala medier, erfarenheter och miljömässiga faktorer har betydelse för upplevd otrygghet. Resultatet i vår studie visar dock att den huvudsakliga orsaken till att känslan av otrygghet uppstår på offentliga platser är mäns gränslösa beteende, vilket har en negativ påverkan på unga kvinnors livskvalité och välmående. / This study aims to increase understanding of young women´s perception of unsafety in publicplaces in Örnsköldsvik. The study raise knowledge about underlying causes of feeling unsafe inpublic places and possible consequences that follow. To examine this, a qualitative semistructured focus group interview is conducted. The interviewees consist of twelve young womenin upper secondary school. This study is based on tree main research questions: What isunsafety? What gives rise to the feeling of being unsafe in public places? How does perceivedunsafety in public places affect young women lives? The collected data material is analyzedusing an inductive thematic analyze method and is discussed in relation to a socioculturalperspective on learning. The result confirms that perceived unsafety is a complex problemcaused by several influencing factors, such as social media, experiences of victimization andenvironmental factors. However, the main reason for the occurrence of perceived unsafetyamong young women appears to be men and their disrespectful behavior. This in turn has anegative effect on wellbeing and quality of life among young women.

"Byt babyrösten mot dirty snack"

Jönsson, Mariela January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to examine how Swedish women’s youth- magazines describes women. Through a social constructivist perspective, this essay particularly focuses on how the magazines deals with issues of gender and sexuality and what norms they reproduce. The magazine’s image of the young Swedish woman is a somewhat complex one, although one thing is strikingly clear: she is very different from men. While adjectives as hard, cold and tough are being ascribed to the latter, the woman is often depicted with more “soft” qualities. In some cases she is portrayed as an emotional and goodhearted little princess that faithfully is waiting for “mr. Right” (heterosexuality is a consistent assumption), while in other cases the magazines seem to urge her to take responsibility for both her own and the man’s sexuality and pleasure.

An Investigation of the Relationship between Feminist Traits and Personal Empowerment for Young Women

Cunningham, Stephanie J. 16 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Young Women Resource Room: An Implementation of a DVD-Based Training Station Instructional Program

Hamblin, Scott R. 17 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A review of the development and implementation of a DVD-based kiosk for the Young Women (YW) organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Young Women desired to implement a public kiosk to display several multimedia-based presentations relating to the YW program. This paper describes the development, usability evaluation, and implementation of the kiosk. Recommendations for improvements and further enhancements are included. The project was successfully developed and implemented to the satisfaction of the Young Women General Presidency.

Doctrinal and Historical Analysis of Young Women's Education in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Erickson, Andrea 14 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
First, this thesis acknowledges that Jesus Christ is the central figure in the plan of salvation, and that the principal doctrine in the young women's curriculum should detail the Lord's atoning sacrifice (see Helaman 5:12). Second, it emphasizes the importance of God's law of witnesses (see Duet 19:15, Matt 18:16, 2 Cor 13:1, D&C 6:28). Third, it discusses the principles of edification within the young women's learning environment. Fourth, it explains the need to focus curriculum on universal and unchanging doctrine. The doctrine is the most crucial component in measuring the young women curriculum according to the latest standards offered by the Church Curriculum Department, the Seminaries and Institutes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (S&I) and the Young Women Department. Brief histories of how these organizations developed their tools justify their use in this thesis. Finally, I share how the research was conducted and report findings. All of these sections are to aid the reader's vision of the lessons contained in the curriculum designed for young women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This thesis emphasizes lessons rooted in universal and unchanging doctrine in order for young women to formulate timeless and true principles. These principles, if lived, will then allow the young women to obtain testimonies that assist them in safely navigating their course in the spiritually treacherous environment spoken of in scripture (see 2 Tim 3:1). This thesis recognizes the family as the primary focus of gospel instruction, accentuating how the Young Women Department is support to the family. The General Young Women leaders exemplify the virtues requisite in today's faithful young women of the Church, and is it essential to follow their lead in curriculum updates. This thesis is meant to present timeless principles, historical witnesses of these principles (including an abbreviated doctrinal history used in the early organization), an analysis of young women curriculum in an effort to provide the Young Women organization information useful in further developing curriculum that requires minimal updating. In addition, I will offer a simple suggestion to assist in the development of a curriculum proposal which would have the enabling power to successfully teach a world-wide audience of young women.

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