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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de portas lógicas quânticas de dois qubits definidas em um subespaço livre de decoerência para um sistema de quatro qubits acoplado ao resto do universo por um agente degenerado / A study of two-qubit quantum logic gates defined in a decoherence free subspaces for a four-qubit system coupled to the rest of the universe via a degenerate agent

Mendonça, Paulo Eduardo Marques Furtado de 23 March 2004 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos, no âmbito teórico, algumas propostas recentes de processamento de informação quântica passiva, isto é, descartando protocolos de correção de erros. Recorrendo à criação de subespaços livres de decoerência através de um sistema físico de quatro spins acoplados ao resto do universo por um agente degenerado, mostramos ser possível construir um conjunto universal de portas lógicas (C-NOT, T e Hadamard) neste mesmo subespaço, alcançando, por conseguinte, a realização de qualquer operação computacional, insensivelmente ao resto do universo. Partimos de um hamiltoniano geral com interações individuais de cada spin com campos externos, além de acoplamentos controlados entre pares de spins. Experimentalmente, hamiltonianos deste tipo são comuns no contexto de junções Josephson, motivo pelo qual tratamos esta implementação em um capítulo especial. Introduzindo perturbativamente ao hamiltoniano operadores espúrios ao subespaço livre de decoerência, incluímos sensibilidade do sistema frente ao ambiente, criando a possibilidade da incursão de erros através de mecanismos de dissipação. Tais mecanismos foram investigados em termos da intensidade do parâmetro de acoplamento entre o sistema e o ambiente, revelando uma clara evidência teórica do Efeito Zenão Quântico, através da excelente concordância entre resultados de operações realizadas em subespaços livres de decoerência e operações realizadas em sistemas fortemente acoplados ao resto do universo. Neste sentido, selecionamos a fidelidade como medida de distância entre um estado em evolução a partir de um certo estado inicial do subespaço livre de decoerência (e submetido a dissipação), e um estado em evolução regida pela mesma operação quântica e a partir das mesmas condições iniciais no caso ideal, livre de decoerência. Essa abordagem explícita permitiu-nos obter a razão necessária entre os parâmetros associados a perturbação (que remove o estado do subespaço original) e acoplamento (entendido como a freqüência entre as medidas promovidas pelo resto do universo), para alcançar a eficiência desejada na realização de uma certa porta lógica. Tecnicamente, o trabalho envolveu vários resultados matemáticos novos e operacionalmente úteis, levando a simplificações importantes durante os cálculos envolvidos. / In this dissertation we studied theoretical aspects of some recent proposals of passive quantum information processing, that is, discarding error correction protocols. Falling back upon the creation of decoherence-free subspaces through a physical system of four spins coupled to the rest of the universe by a degenerate agent, we showed to be possible to build a universal set of logical quantum gates (C-NOT, T and Hadamard) in this same subspace, reaching, consequently, the accomplishment of any computational operation, callously to the rest of the universe. We started from a general Hamiltonian with individual interactions of each spin with external fields, besides controlled couplings between spin pairs. Experimentally, Hamiltonians like this are common in the context of Josephson junctions and, therefore, we treated this implementation in a special chapter. Perturbatively introducing spurious operators to the hamiltonian in the decoherence-free subspace, we included sensibility of the system to the environment, creating the possibility of the incursion of errors through dissipation mechanisms. Such mechanisms were investigated in terms of the intensity of the coupling parameter between the system and the environment, revealing an obvious theoretical evidence of the Quantum Zeno Effect, through the excellent agreement between the results of operations accomplished in decoherence-free subspace and operations accomplished in systems strongly coupled to the rest of the universe. In this sense, we selected the fidelity as the distance measure between a state in evolution starting from a certain initial state of the decoherence-free subspace (and submitted to the dissipation), and a state in evolution governed by the same quantum operation and starting from the same initial conditions in the ideal decoherence-free case. This explicit approach allowed us to obtain the necessary quotient between the associated disturbance parameter (that removes the state from the original subspace) and coupling parameter (understood as the frequency between the measurements promoted by the rest of the universe), to reach the efficiency desired in the accomplishment of a logic gate. Technically, the work involved several new operationally useful mathematical results, leading to important simplifications during the involved calculations.

Résistance et mutations de la fonction impériale entre Antiquité tardive et Moyen Age : le règne de Zénon (474-491) / Resistance and mutations of the imperial authority between Late Antiquity and Middle Ages : the reign of Zeno (474-491)

Le Coz, Audren 25 November 2017 (has links)
La déposition du dernier empereur d’Occident en 476 a longtemps marqué le tournant entre Antiquité et Moyen Age. Depuis quelques décennies, les études sur l’Antiquité tardive ont relativisé la portée de cet épisode. La continuité aurait largement prévalu, d’où la promotion d’une large Antiquité tardive, du IIIe au VIIIe siècle : une période d’évolution lente, non de rupture brutale. L’Empire romain a pourtant bien traversé une crise profonde dans la seconde moitié du Ve siècle, en Orient comme en Occident. Cette étude se propose d’examiner en particulier la façon dont l’empereur Zénon (474-491) a fait face à cette crise générale de l’autorité impériale et à la déposition des derniers empereurs d’Occident. Avec pragmatisme et opportunisme, Zénon a engagé la fonction impériale dans un nouveau monde, sans renoncer à la prétention des empereurs à incarner une autorité universelle. Une méthode de gouvernement originale se dessine, notamment après l’usurpation de Basiliskos (475-476), qui l’oblige à revoir en profondeur sa politique dans les domaines intérieur, extérieur et religieux. Les choix de Zénon dans son second règne ont engagé ses successeurs, quelle qu’ait été leur volonté de revenir aux traditionnelles ambitions impériales. Sans renier les avancées des études tardo-antiques sur le temps long, cette étude se propose donc de mettre en lumière l’accélération politique des années 475-476, notamment du point de vue oriental. Tout en défendant la fonction impériale pluriséculaire dont il venait d’hériter, le rôle historique de l’empereur Zénon a été d’accepter un nouveau monde, et d’accompagner l’entrée de l’Empire romain dans le Moyen Age. / For a long time, scholars identified the deposing of the last Western Emperor in 476 CE as the transition point between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Over the past few decades, Late Antiquity scholars have reconsidered the importance of this event: continuity would have definitely prevailed, which opened up the path to the promotion of an extended Late Antiquity, from third Century to eighth Century AD. A period of slow evolution, without brutal rupture. However, this argument fails to account for the profound crisis the Roman Empire experienced during the second half of the 5th century CE, in both the East and West. Accordingly, this study examines Emperor Zeno’s (474-491 CE) approach to this widespread crisis of imperial authority, and the dethroning of the last Western emperors. With pragmatism and opportunism, Zeno refashioned the role of emperors for a new world, without renouncing the emperor’s claim to universal authority. A new method of governance appeared, particularly after Basiliskos’ usurpation of the throne (475-476 CE), which forced Zeno to radically revise his internal, external and ecclesiastical policies. Zeno’s moves during his second reign restricted the options of his successors, no matter how strong was their willingness to return to traditional imperial ambitions. Without denying the advances of Late Antiquity studies over the long term, this study illuminates the rapid political events of the years 475-6 CE, particularly in the Eastern half of the Empire. While defending the long historical tradition of imperial power he inherited, Zeno’s historical role was to accept a new world and help usher the Roman Empire into the Middle Ages.

Édition, traduction et commentaire du Περὶ ἀτόμων γραμμῶν du Pseudo-Aristote / Edition, Translation and Commentary of the Pseudo-Aristotle's Περὶ ἀτόμων γραμμῶν

Hugonnet, Cédric 20 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail consiste en une édition, une traduction française et un commentaire du traité pseudo-aristotélicien Περὶ ἀτόμων γραμμῶν. L'édition est faite à partir de la recension effectuée par D. Harlfinger en 1971 de tous les manuscrits connus contenant ce traité. Dans l'édition, le plus souvent, la lecture des manuscrits a été préférée aux éventuelles corrections des éditeurs et commentateurs. La traduction se veut la plus proche possible du texte grec nonobstant son caractère très elliptique et, parfois, syntaxiquement fautif. Le commentaire s'attache en premier lieu à contextualiser ce texte (hypothèses de datation à défaut de pouvoir l'attribuer indiscutablement à tel ou tel auteur) et à déterminer les liens qu'il y a entre lui et, d'une part, les autres textes du corpus aristotélicien et, d'autre part, les traités philosophiques qu'il réfute. En outre, le commentaire permet de justifier les choix éditoriaux et de traduction en comparant la leçon retenue aux variantes existantes et aux corrections apportées par les éditeurs et commentateurs successifs du traité. L'objectif du Περὶ ἀτόμων γραμμῶν est de démontrer l'impossible existence de lignes indivisibles. Il prend place dans une réfutation générale de l'atomisme dans l'école aristotélicienne. Aristote avait réfuté l'existence des atomes dans le domaine physique, y opposant une théorie continuiste, l'auteur de ce traité reprend ce problème en l'appliquant aux objets géométriques. Il démontre l'impossibilité qu'une ligne soit indivisible ou composée d'indivisibles, puis, après avoir défini le point, l’impossibilité qu'une ligne en soit composée. Enfin, l'auteur établit une distinction entre limite et articulation. / This works aims to propose an edition, a translation into French and a commentary of the pseudo-aristotelian treatise Περὶ ἀτόμων γραμμῶν. The edition is based on D. Harlfinger's 1971 manuscripts review known to bear the treatise. Most of the time, in the edition the readings of the manuscripts were favoured to the editors' and commentators' emendations. The translation is as close as possible to the Greek text despite its very elliptical wording and its occasional defective syntax. Initialy, the commentary tries to set the background to this text (dating hypothesis in spite of attributing it to a precise and definite author) and to define the links which exist between the text and, on the one hand, the other Aristotelian treatises and, on the other hand, the philosophical works that are refuted. The commentary then helps to justify the editorial choices and translations in comparison to existing variants and corrections suggested by previous editors and commentators.The aim of the Περὶ ἀτόμων γραμμῶν is to prove the impossibility of indivisible lines. It belongs to a more general confutation of atomism in the Aristotelian school. Aristotle previously refuted the existence of atoms in the physical field, setting up a theory of continuity. The author of this treatise takes up the issue confronting it to geometrical objects. He proves impossible the indivisibility of a line or the fact that a line may be composed of indivisible elements. After having defined the point, he proves that a line can neither be composed of points. To conclude, the author draws the distinction between a limit and a joint.

Estudo de portas lógicas quânticas de dois qubits definidas em um subespaço livre de decoerência para um sistema de quatro qubits acoplado ao resto do universo por um agente degenerado / A study of two-qubit quantum logic gates defined in a decoherence free subspaces for a four-qubit system coupled to the rest of the universe via a degenerate agent

Paulo Eduardo Marques Furtado de Mendonça 23 March 2004 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos, no âmbito teórico, algumas propostas recentes de processamento de informação quântica passiva, isto é, descartando protocolos de correção de erros. Recorrendo à criação de subespaços livres de decoerência através de um sistema físico de quatro spins acoplados ao resto do universo por um agente degenerado, mostramos ser possível construir um conjunto universal de portas lógicas (C-NOT, T e Hadamard) neste mesmo subespaço, alcançando, por conseguinte, a realização de qualquer operação computacional, insensivelmente ao resto do universo. Partimos de um hamiltoniano geral com interações individuais de cada spin com campos externos, além de acoplamentos controlados entre pares de spins. Experimentalmente, hamiltonianos deste tipo são comuns no contexto de junções Josephson, motivo pelo qual tratamos esta implementação em um capítulo especial. Introduzindo perturbativamente ao hamiltoniano operadores espúrios ao subespaço livre de decoerência, incluímos sensibilidade do sistema frente ao ambiente, criando a possibilidade da incursão de erros através de mecanismos de dissipação. Tais mecanismos foram investigados em termos da intensidade do parâmetro de acoplamento entre o sistema e o ambiente, revelando uma clara evidência teórica do Efeito Zenão Quântico, através da excelente concordância entre resultados de operações realizadas em subespaços livres de decoerência e operações realizadas em sistemas fortemente acoplados ao resto do universo. Neste sentido, selecionamos a fidelidade como medida de distância entre um estado em evolução a partir de um certo estado inicial do subespaço livre de decoerência (e submetido a dissipação), e um estado em evolução regida pela mesma operação quântica e a partir das mesmas condições iniciais no caso ideal, livre de decoerência. Essa abordagem explícita permitiu-nos obter a razão necessária entre os parâmetros associados a perturbação (que remove o estado do subespaço original) e acoplamento (entendido como a freqüência entre as medidas promovidas pelo resto do universo), para alcançar a eficiência desejada na realização de uma certa porta lógica. Tecnicamente, o trabalho envolveu vários resultados matemáticos novos e operacionalmente úteis, levando a simplificações importantes durante os cálculos envolvidos. / In this dissertation we studied theoretical aspects of some recent proposals of passive quantum information processing, that is, discarding error correction protocols. Falling back upon the creation of decoherence-free subspaces through a physical system of four spins coupled to the rest of the universe by a degenerate agent, we showed to be possible to build a universal set of logical quantum gates (C-NOT, T and Hadamard) in this same subspace, reaching, consequently, the accomplishment of any computational operation, callously to the rest of the universe. We started from a general Hamiltonian with individual interactions of each spin with external fields, besides controlled couplings between spin pairs. Experimentally, Hamiltonians like this are common in the context of Josephson junctions and, therefore, we treated this implementation in a special chapter. Perturbatively introducing spurious operators to the hamiltonian in the decoherence-free subspace, we included sensibility of the system to the environment, creating the possibility of the incursion of errors through dissipation mechanisms. Such mechanisms were investigated in terms of the intensity of the coupling parameter between the system and the environment, revealing an obvious theoretical evidence of the Quantum Zeno Effect, through the excellent agreement between the results of operations accomplished in decoherence-free subspace and operations accomplished in systems strongly coupled to the rest of the universe. In this sense, we selected the fidelity as the distance measure between a state in evolution starting from a certain initial state of the decoherence-free subspace (and submitted to the dissipation), and a state in evolution governed by the same quantum operation and starting from the same initial conditions in the ideal decoherence-free case. This explicit approach allowed us to obtain the necessary quotient between the associated disturbance parameter (that removes the state from the original subspace) and coupling parameter (understood as the frequency between the measurements promoted by the rest of the universe), to reach the efficiency desired in the accomplishment of a logic gate. Technically, the work involved several new operationally useful mathematical results, leading to important simplifications during the involved calculations.

Proteção de sistemas quânticos e o postulado da medida / Protection of quantum systems and the measurement postulate

Leonardo Andreta de Castro 08 December 2016 (has links)
O processamento de informação quântica requer medidas, muitas vezes precedidas devoluções unitárias. Uma descrição realista de um computador quântico também deve levar em conta que o sistema interage com um ambiente externo - distinto do observador - que o remove de sua evolução ideal, gerando erros. Neste trabalho, fazemos um estudo da dinâmica de sistemas quânticos observados múltiplas vezes ou continuamente, enquanto interagem com ambientes externos. Para tanto, empregamos uma equação mestra híbrida, que permite modelar uma interação contínua e markoviana do sistema com o medidor, enquanto o ruído do ambiente apresenta características não markovianas. O estudo da dinâmica de uma medida contínua ruidosa revela que o sistema melhor preserva suas populações iniciais quando é realizada a medida de uma observável que não comuta com os operadores do ruído produzido pelo ambiente. Estes resultados, já conhecidos para o caso simples de um qubit de memória interagindo com o vácuo, são generalizados para uma temperatura inicial superior a zero e para um qubit submetido a uma porta quântica. A universalidade destes fenômenos de preservação da população inicial permite fazer analogia com o efeito Zenão quântico. Mantendo o mesmo formalismo, mas adaptando a interação com o ambiente para descrever um decaimento verificamos que o efeito Zenão quântico é observado para acoplamentos fracos com o ambiente. Tratamos também de como tal conhecimento sobre a preservação das populações pela medida auxilia na elaboração de melhores formas de preservar a informação em códigos quânticos. Com o auxílio da teoria das medidas fracas, propomos um possível método experimental simples para o teste da validade dos modelos de descrição de medidas contínuas. Com este estudo da dinâmica de uma medida quântica, esperamos elucidar questões de ordem prática no processamento de informação quântica, assim como ajudar no melhor entendimento de questões fundamentais, como o postulado da medida. / The processing of quantum information requires measurements, often preceded by unitary evolutions. A faithful description of a quantum computer should also take into account that the system interacts with an external environment - other than the observer - that removes it from its ideal evolution, causing errors. Here, we study the dynamics of quantum systems observed multiple times or continuously, while they interact with external environments. To do this, we employ a hybrid master equation, which allows us to model a continuous, Markovian interaction between the system and the measurement apparatus, while the environmental noise presents non-Markovian features. This study of the dynamics of the noisy continuous measurement reveals that the system better preserves its initial populations when the observable measured does not commute with the environmental noise operators. These results, already known for the simpler case of a memory qubit interacting with vacuum, are generalized for an initial temperature above zero and a qubit undergoing a quantum gate. The universality of these phenomena of preservation of the initial populations allows an analogy with the Quantum Zeno Effect. Keeping the same formalism, but adapting the environmental interaction to describe a decay, we verify that the quantum Zeno effect is observed for weak coupling with the environment. We also deal with how the knowledge about the preservation of the populations by the measurement helps in creating better ways to preserve the information in quantum codes. With the help of the weak measurement theory, we propose a simple experimental method to test the validity of models that describe a continuous measurement. With this study of the dynamics of a quantum measurement, we hope to help solve practical issues in quantum information processing, as well as provide greater insight into fundamental questions, such as the measurement postulate.

Using optical fibre cavities to create multi-atom entanglement by quantum zeno dynamics / Création des états intriqués à n atomes par dynamique quantique zénon dans des cavités optiques fibrés

Hohmann, Leander 24 February 2015 (has links)
Nous démontrons la création d'états intriqués dans un ensemble d’atomes neutres fondée sur la dynamique Zénon quantique (QZD), à l'aide d'un microrésonateur optique. Notre dispositif expérimental combine une puce à atomes avec une cavité Fabry-Perot fibrée (FFP) et nous permet de piéger un ensemble d’atomes de Rb87 dans un seul ventre d'un piège dipolaire créé dans la cavité. Les atomes sont couplés fortement et identiquement au mode lumineux de la cavité, ce qui permet une mesure non-destructive de leur état collectif.Nous réalisons la QZD en modifiant, par des mesures fréquentes, la dynamique induite par radiation micro-ondes. Nous démontrons que la QZD créé des états intriqués multiparticules de façon déterministe et rapide. Nous caractérisons ces états à l'aide de mesures de la fonction de Husimi Q, donnant accès à la partie symétrique de la matrice densité. Nous étudions l’évolution temporelle d'états impliquant un minimum de 3 à 11 atomes intriqués, qui présentent une fidélité par rapport à l'état W à 36 atomes atteignant 0.37. Nous étudions l'influence de la force de la mesure et des imperfections expérimentales et nous montrons que notre système est bien décrit par des modèles simples sans paramètres ajustables.Nous présentons aussi un travail réalisé en vue de l’amélioration des cavités FFP. Nous discutons notamment la limitation due à l'écart en fréquence des modes propres de polarisation dans des cavités formées par deux fibres optiques microfabriquées avec un laser CO2. Nous démontrons que cet effet dépend de la symétrie des structures microfabriquées et qu'il peut être contrôlé tant au niveau de la fabrication que pendant l'assemblage de la cavité. / In this thesis, we show how an optical microcavity setup can create multiparticle entanglement in an ensemble of neutral atoms by means of quantum Zeno dynamics (QZD).Our setup combines an atom chip with a fibre Fabry-Perot (FFP) resonator and allows us to load an ensemble of Rb87 atoms into a single node of an intracavity dipole trap, coupling the atoms strongly and identically to the cavity light field which enables us to perform a quantum non-destructive measurement of their collective state.We realise QZD by modifying the dynamics of the collective state (encoded in atomic hyperfine states addressed with MW radiation) by means of frequent cavity measurements at optical frequency. This QZD is shown to create multiparticle entanglement in a fast and deterministic scheme. To analyse the created states, we reconstruct the symmetric part of the atomic density matrix from 2d measurements of the ensemble's Husimi Q-distribution. We give a time-resolved account of the creation of states with at least 3-11 entangled atoms and fidelity of up to 0.37 with respect to a W state of 36 atoms. Studying the influence of measurement strength and experimental imperfections, we show that our experiments are well described by simple models with no free parameters.This thesis also presents work towards improved FFP cavities. We discuss the problem of frequency splitting of polarisation eigenmodes in cavities made from two fibres microfabricated with a CO2 laser. We show that this effect depends on the symmetry of the microfabricated structures and demonstrate that it can be controlled both at the level of fabrication and when assembling a cavity.

Accelerated simulation of hybrid systems : method combining static analysis and run-time execution analysis / Simulation accélérée des systèmes hybrides : méthode combinant analyse statique et analyse à l'exécution

Aljarbouh, Ayman 05 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse apporte quatre principales contributions : une méthode d'éliminateur de phénomènes de ''chattering'' d'automates hybrides, par calcul d'une dynamique régulière équivalente à l'aide d'une convexification de Filippov ; une méthode d'accélération de la simulation de certains comportements Zénon, dits géométriques, pour certains automates hybrides ; des preuves de préservation par les méthodes ci-dessus d'une sémantique des automates hybrides à base d'analyse non-standard ; développement de trois logiciels prototypes, l'un sous la forme d'une bibliothèque Simulink, le second sous la forme d'un environnement de simulation de composants FMI, et le troisième étant une implémentation de la méthode de régularisation dans le langage de modélisation de systèmes hybrides Acumen. / This thesis deals with Zeno behavior of hybrid systems, and it has four main contributions : a method of eliminating "chattering" phenomena of hybrid automata, by computing an equivalent dynamics using a new convexification approach ; a method for accelerating the simulation of geometric-Zeno behavior in which the solution converges to a Zeno limit point according to a geometric series ; a proof of preservation by the above methods of a semantics of hybrid automata based on non-standard analysis ; a development of three prototype software, one in the form of a Simulink library, the other in the form of an FMI simulation environment, and the third being an implementation of the regularization method in the Modeling and simulation tool Acumen.

Un tonneau sous le Portique : la réception du cynisme chez les stoïciens

Chouinard, Isabelle 08 1900 (has links)
Cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et Sorbonne Université / Zénon de Kition, le fondateur du stoïcisme, a reçu une partie de sa formation philosophique chez le cynique Cratès de Thèbes. Ce contact a laissé une empreinte durable sur l’école stoïcienne, qui a continué d’entretenir des liens étroits avec le cynisme. Ma thèse propose une contribution à notre connaissance de ce rapport entre les deux courants philosophiques en analysant toutes les références au cynisme dans les écrits stoïciens, de Zénon à Marc Aurèle. La première partie de ma thèse recense tous les textes du corpus, cités en grec ou en latin, avec une traduction française. Chaque texte est accompagné d’un commentaire philologique et philosophique. La complexité du rapport que les stoïciens entretiennent avec le cynisme se manifeste particulièrement chez ceux dont les écrits sont bien conservés. C’est le cas de Sénèque, qui offre dans son œuvre philosophique des portraits élaborés de deux cyniques, Diogène et Démétrius, tout en critiquant certains aspects du cynisme. La contribution d’Épictète est encore plus importante, puisqu’il consacre un entretien complet à la vie et au rôle du cynique, et réserve à Diogène une place de premier choix dans son enseignement. Son admiration pour les véritables cyniques contraste avec le jugement sévère qu’il porte sur les faux cyniques de son temps. La deuxième partie de ma thèse analyse en détail trois textes qui font état d’un débat stoïcien sur la possibilité que le sage « cynicise » (D.L., VII 121 ; Cic., Fin. III 68 ; Arius Didyme apud Stob., II 7, 11s). Certains stoïciens refusent que le sage cynicise, d’autres l’acceptent dans certaines circonstances, et d’autres encore, comme Apollodore de Séleucie, considèrent que le cynisme est une voie d’accès à la vertu rapide mais difficile. En établissant un lien entre les portraits du sage et la doctrine des actions convenables, j’analyse le débat à travers la classification morale des actions dans l’éthique stoïcienne. Pour éclairer davantage la position d’Apollodore, je m’intéresse au lien qui l’unit à la doxographie cynique générale (D.L., VI 103-105) et j’examine la signification de l’image de la voie vers la vertu à travers sa genèse et sa postérité. Il en ressort trois caractéristiques fondamentales du cynisme : le rejet des devoirs sociaux, le choix de la pauvreté et le refus des longues études. Pour approuver ce mode de vie, dont les traits sont contraires aux recommandations stoïciennes habituelles, les stoïciens pro-cyniques adoptent une posture de compromis et fixent des limites étroites à l’intérieur desquelles la pratique du cynisme devient légitime. / Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism, received part of his philosophical instruction from the Cynic Crates of Thebes. This connection left a lasting imprint on the Stoic school, which continued to maintain strong ties with Cynicism. My dissertation proposes a contribution to our knowledge of the relationship between the two philosophical movements by analyzing all the references to Cynicism in Stoic writings, from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius. The first part of my dissertation lists all the texts composing the corpus, cited in Greek or Latin, with a French translation. Each text is accompanied by a philological and philosophical commentary. The complexity of the Stoics’ perspective on Cynicism is made evident in those whose writings are well preserved. This is the case of Seneca, who offers in his philosophical works elaborate portraits of two Cynics, Diogenes and Demetrius, while criticizing some aspects of Cynicism. The contribution of Epictetus is even more important, since he devotes an entire discourse to the life and role of the Cynic, and gives Diogenes a prominent place in his teaching. His admiration for true Cynics contrasts with his harsh judgment on the fake Cynics of his time. The second part of my dissertation analyzes at length three texts that report a Stoic debate on the possibility for the sage to “cynicize” (D.L., VII 121; Cic., Fin. III 68; Arius Didymus apud Stob., II 7, 11s). Some Stoics refuse to allow the sage to cynicize, while some accept it under certain circumstances and others, such as Apollodorus of Seleucia, consider Cynicism to be a quick but difficult path to virtue. By establishing a link between the portraits of the sage and the doctrine of proper actions, I analyze the debate through the moral classification of actions in Stoic ethics. To shed further light on Apollodorus’ position, I explore his connection to the Cynic doxography (D.L., VI 103-105) and examine the meaning of the image of the path to virtue through its genesis and posterity. Three fundamental characteristics of Cynicism emerge: the rejection of social duties, the choice of poverty, and the refusal of extended studies. To endorse this lifestyle, whose features are contrary to customary Stoic advice, pro-Cynic Stoics adopt a posture of compromise and set narrow limits within which the practice of Cynicism becomes legitimate.

Estado de causa: estudo e tradução do manual de Sulpitius Victor / Stasis: study and translation of Sulpitius Victor\'s handbook

Pustrelo, Matheus de Barros 04 April 2016 (has links)
Em nossa dissertação, estudamos o manual retórico de Sulpício Vítor, Institutiones Oratoriae. Nossa pesquisa é dividida em quatro partes. Na primeira, comentamos a bibliografia especializada que nos antecede, abordando questões importantes, como datação, ocorrência de alguns elementos retóricos e semelhança com outros manuais. Na segunda, comparamos os exemplos fornecidos por nosso autor com exercícios declamatórios, sobretudo os de Sêneca pai, mas também os de Calpúrnio Flaco e de Pseudo-Quintiliano. Na terceira, analisamos e explicamos a teoria dos estados de causa de Sulpício Vítor, comparando, sempre que possível, suas lições com as de outros textos. Na última, apresentamos uma tradução anotada para o português. / In our dissertation, we study Sulpitius Victors rhetoric handbook, Institutiones Oratoriae. Our research is divided into four parts. The first consists of a commentary to the specialized bibliography that precedes us, addressing important issues, such as dating, occurrence of some rhetorical elements and similarities with other handbooks. The second aims to compare examples given by our author with declamation exercises, especially those ones of Seneca the Elder, but also the ones of Calpurnius Flaccus and of Ps. Quintilian. The third is dedicated to the analysis and elucidation of Sulpitius Victors issue-theory, as we compare, whenever possible, his lessons with the ones of other texts. The last includes an annotated Portuguese translation.

Estado de causa: estudo e tradução do manual de Sulpitius Victor / Stasis: study and translation of Sulpitius Victor\'s handbook

Matheus de Barros Pustrelo 04 April 2016 (has links)
Em nossa dissertação, estudamos o manual retórico de Sulpício Vítor, Institutiones Oratoriae. Nossa pesquisa é dividida em quatro partes. Na primeira, comentamos a bibliografia especializada que nos antecede, abordando questões importantes, como datação, ocorrência de alguns elementos retóricos e semelhança com outros manuais. Na segunda, comparamos os exemplos fornecidos por nosso autor com exercícios declamatórios, sobretudo os de Sêneca pai, mas também os de Calpúrnio Flaco e de Pseudo-Quintiliano. Na terceira, analisamos e explicamos a teoria dos estados de causa de Sulpício Vítor, comparando, sempre que possível, suas lições com as de outros textos. Na última, apresentamos uma tradução anotada para o português. / In our dissertation, we study Sulpitius Victors rhetoric handbook, Institutiones Oratoriae. Our research is divided into four parts. The first consists of a commentary to the specialized bibliography that precedes us, addressing important issues, such as dating, occurrence of some rhetorical elements and similarities with other handbooks. The second aims to compare examples given by our author with declamation exercises, especially those ones of Seneca the Elder, but also the ones of Calpurnius Flaccus and of Ps. Quintilian. The third is dedicated to the analysis and elucidation of Sulpitius Victors issue-theory, as we compare, whenever possible, his lessons with the ones of other texts. The last includes an annotated Portuguese translation.

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