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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

電子參與對公民信任之影響 / Exploring the Effect of e-Participation on Citizen Trust

陳韋聿, Chen,Wei -Yu Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,電子化政府與公民信任之間的因果關係,一直為學者所爭論。眾多研究顯示電子化政府有助於促進公民信任感;然而,目前公民對現有電子化政府服務、電子參與滿意度偏低,且台灣社會資本逐步流失,不免令人質疑電子化政府建立公民信任感的有效性。然而,近年電子治理的提出,眾人期待實現審慎思辨的民主,顯現運用資訊通信科技讓更多公民參與決策過程的重要性。因而引起作者在電子治理對公民信任影響上研究的興趣。 本文認為電子化政府可以促進公民對政府的信任,但前提是這項機制必須值得信賴,否則將出現反效果。故作者從電子治理中的電子參與著手,探討其對公民信任的影響。主要研究方法為文獻回顧及深度訪談,其中訪談對象為十四位具我國電子參與經驗者,運用質性研究分析訪談資料,輔以文獻檢閱釐清電子參與與公民信任之間的影響路徑與因素包括三種類型:1.使用電子參與後,其正面影響因素提升公民對政府的信任感;2.使用電子參與後,其負面影響因素降低公民的內在政治效能感,進而削弱對政府的信任感;3.公民對政府的低度信任,降低使用電子參與的意願與行為。 訪談分析顯示公民對政府的信任和政府電子參與機制的信任感不足,且兩者相互影響。受訪者對政府的信任感比對政府網站和電子參與機制的信任感低,而電子參與經驗豐富者,較不信任電子參與機制;電子參與經驗淺者,較信任電子參與機制。若以電子參與的三種類型觀之,公民對電子資訊提供較為滿意、電子諮詢次之,雖然我國尚未設置電子決策制定,但是多數受訪者對此機制運作表示質疑。 我國電子參與仍在持續推動中,政府應該正視公民信任的重要性,以及電子參與與公民信任之間的負面影響因素,著重在:資訊的深度與多元性、資訊透明度、資訊品質、搜尋系統的設計完善、回應性、使用者的代表性、論壇引導話題、資訊安全與互動性的維護,並消弭數位落差、避免資訊超載等情況,以營造公民進行電子參與的環境與設備,使其有足夠誘因使用,期許我國電子參與推行順利。 / The casual relationship between e-government and citizen trust(in government) has been argued by scholars. Research has shown that e-government may improve citizen trust, but citizens are not satisfied with e-services and e-participation nowadays. When social capital in Taiwan is flowing away, people tend to suspect the effectiveness of e-government in establishing citizen trust. However, citizens still expect deliberative democracy while e-governance comes to reality recently. It means that the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can enrich the process of decision-making for citizen participation. That’s the reason why the author attempts to explore the effect of e-participation on citizen trust. The evidence support that e-government can improve citizen trust in government. The premise, nevertheless, is its mechanism has gained fundamental trust; otherwise, negative effects will come out. The main research methods include literature review and in-depth interview. There are 14 interviewees with experience of e-participation in Taiwan. In addition, the author used qualitative method to analyze interview data. Besides, using literature to induce three types of effects paths and causes between e-participation and citizen trust. Firstly, after using e-participation, its positive factors improve citizen trust in government. Secondly, after using e-participation, its negative factors lower internal efficacy of citizen and then weaken their trust in government. Thirdly, the low trust in government will weaken willingness and behavior of e-participation. Interview results indicate the lack of citizen trust in government and e-participation, and both also connect each other. Interviewees’ trust in government is lower than their trust in government web sites and e-participation. Citizens with rich experience of e-participation show lower trust in e-participation. On the other hand, those with poor experience of e-participation have more trust in e-participation. If we observe three types of e-participation, citizens are more satisfied with e-information than e-consultation. Although e-decision-making has not been realized in Taiwan, many interviewees suspect this mechanism. The governments in Taiwan keep pushing e-participation. They should know the importance of citizen trust and the negative factors between e-participation and citizen trust revealed in the study. Particularly, governments should focus on depth and diverse information, transparency, quality of information, friendly use of search engine, responsiveness, and representative. They should also properly manage topics of e-forum, information safety, interactivity; eliminate digital divide and avoid information overload. Government should strive for good environment and facilitate citizen usage of e-participation. Our e-participation will succeed while government has good inducement to encourage citizen.

Governmentality, pedagogy and membership categorization : a case of enrolling the citizen in sustainable regional planning

Summerville, Jennifer A. January 2007 (has links)
Over the past twenty years, the idea that planning and development practices should be ‘sustainable’ has become a key tenet of discourses characterising the field of planning and development. As part of the agenda to balance and integrate economic, environmental and social interests, democratic participatory governance arrangements are frequently purported to be necessary to achieve ‘sustainable development’ at both local and global levels. Despite the theoretical disjuncture between ideas of democratic civic participation, on the one hand, and civic participation as a means to achieve pre-determined sustainability goals on the other, notions of civic participation for sustainability have become integral features of sustainable development discourses. Underpinned by a conceptual and methodological intent to perform an epistemological ‘break’ with notions of civic participation for sustainability, this thesis explicates how citizens are enrolled in the sustainable development agenda in the discourse of policy. More specifically, it examines how assumptions about civic participation in sustainable development policy discourses operate, and unpacks some discursive strategies through which policy language ‘enrols’ citizens in the same set of assumptions around their normative requirement for participation in sustainable development. Focussing in on a case study sustainable development policy document – a draft regional plan representing a case of ‘enrolling the citizen in sustainability’ - it employs three sociological perspectives/methods that progressively highlight some of the ways that the policy language enjoins citizens as active participants in ‘sustainable’ regional planning. As a thesis-by-publication, the application of each perspective/method is reported in the form of an article prepared for publication in an academic journal. In a departure from common-sense understandings of civic participation for sustainability, the first article examines the governmentality of sustainable development policy. Specifically, this article explores how civic community – particularly community rights and responsibilities – are deployed in the policy discourse as techniques of government that shape and regulate the conduct of subjects. In this respect, rather than seeing civic community as a specific ‘thing’ and participation as corresponding to particular types of ‘activities’, this paper demonstrates how notions of civic participation are constructed and mobilised in the language of sustainable development policy in ways that facilitate government ‘at a distance’. The second article begs another kind of question of the policy – one concerned more specifically with how the everyday practices of subjects become aligned with the principles of sustainable development. This paper, therefore, investigates the role of pedagogy in establishing governance relations in which citizens are called to participate as part of the problematic of sustainability. The analysis suggests that viewing the case study policy in terms of relationships of informal pedagogy provided insights into the positioning of the citizen as an ‘acquirer’ of sustainability principles. In this instance, the pedagogic values of the text provide for low levels of discretion in how citizens could position themselves in the moral order of the discourse. This results in a strong injunction for citizens to subscribe to sustainability principles in a participatory spirit coupled with the requirement for citizens to delegate to the experts to carry out these principles. The third article represents a further breakdown of the ways in which citizens become enrolled in ‘sustainable’ regional planning within the language of the case study policy. Applying an ethnomethodological perspective, specifically Membership Categorization Analysis, this article examines the way ‘the citizen’ and ‘civic values and obligations’ are produced in the interactional context of the text. This study shows how the generation of a substantive moral order that ties the citizen to sustainable values and obligations with respect to the region, is underpinned by a normative morality associated with the production of orderliness in ‘text-in-interaction’. As such, it demonstrates how the production and positioning of ‘the citizen’ in relation to the institutional authors of the policy, and the region more generally, are practical accomplishments that orient the reader to identify him/herself as a ‘citizen’ and embrace the ‘civic values and obligations’ to which he/she is bound. Together, the different conceptual and methodological approaches applied in the thesis provide a more holistic picture of the different ways in which citizens are discursively enrolled in the sustainability agenda. At the substantive level, each analysis reveals a different dimension of how the active citizen is mobilised as a responsible agent for sustainable development. In this respect, civic participation for sustainability is actualised and reproduced through the realms of language, not necessarily through applied occasions of civic participation in the ‘taken-for-granted’ sense. Furthermore, at the conceptual and methodological level, the thesis makes a significant contribution to sociological inquiry into relationships of governance. Rather than residing within the boundaries of a specific sociological perspective, it shows how different approaches that would traditionally be applied in a mutually exclusive manner, can complement each other to advance understanding of how governance discourses operate. In this respect, it provides a rigorous conceptual and methodological platform for further investigations into how citizens become enrolled in programmes of government.

Infective endocarditis : aspects of pathophysiology, epidemiology, management and prognosis /

Ekdahl, Christer, January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2008. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Individanpassad information till patienter med typ 2 diabetes : En litteraturstudie om patienters erfarenheter av information från sjukvården / Individual information to patients with type two diabetes : A litterature study about patients experiences about information from the healthcare

Herrera De Leon, Morayma, Bircan, Metin January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en av de stora folksjukdomarna i västvärlden och numer även i utvecklingsländerna. Då patienterna är i behov av korrekt information för att lära sig att hantera och leva med sjukdomen är det viktigt att sjuksköterskor har kunskap om hur patienterna upplever information från vården. Syfte: Syftet var att utforska vad för erfarenheter patienter med diabetes typ två har av information från vården.  Metod: En litteraturstudie som är baserad på tidigare forskning om diabetes typ två och information. Tolv vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats har analyserats med textanalys. Resultat: Resultatet i denna uppsats visar att patienterna efterlyser information som är anpassad till dem som unika individer och som är lätt att förstå och hantera, då de behöver verktyg för sin egenvård. Fyra teman som framkom: Svårigheter att ta emot och anpassa sig efter information, Information anpassad till att klara av dagligt liv, Skillnader på information från läkaren och sjuksköterskan och Anpassad information. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras bl a i förhållande till Orems teori kring egenvård. Då patienterna ofta har svårt att anpassa till sin sjukdom behöver de stöd i form av information för att klara av att leva ett så normalt liv som möjligt. Detta blir allt viktigare då diabetes typ två är en sjukdom som kryper allt lägre ner i åldrarna och det därmed är något man ska leva länge med. / Background: Diabetes type 2 is one of the largest forms of lifestyle disease in the developed countries, but in later years, also in development countries. Patients are in need of accurate information to learn how to manage and live with the disease. Therefore it is important that nurses have knowledge of how patients perceive information from health care.  Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate what experiences patients with diabetes type two has regarding information from health care. Method: A literature study based on previous research regarding diabetes type two and information to patients. Twelve scientific articles with qualitative approach was analysed with text analysis. Result: The results show that the patients call for information that is tailored to them as unique individuals and that is easy to understand and adapt to, as they need tools for their self-care. Four themes emerged: Difficulties to accept and adapt to information, Information adapted to cope with daily life, Differences in information from the physician and the nurse and Accessible information. Discussion: The results are discussed in relation to Orem theory of self-care. Since patients often have difficulty adjusting to their disease, they need support in terms of information to be able to live as normal a life as possible. This becomes increasingly important, as diabetes type two is a disease that younger and younger ages, and it is therefore something they have to live a long time with.

Encontros na rua : possibilidades de saúde em um consultório a céu aberto

Santos, Carla Félix dos January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo “pensar” a proposta e ação dos Consultórios na Rua, diferentes do consultório biomédico, um consultório a céu aberto. Admite que este dispositivo visa a ampliar o acesso da população de rua ao cuidado de saúde, ouvindo essa população e contribuindo com suas instâncias organizativas nascentes. Foi trazida a prática de trabalho no consultório Pintando Saúde, do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, localizado na zona norte da cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. A metodologia do “pensar” envolveu deixar aparecer o debate sobre atenção e promoção de saúde, redução de danos em álcool e outras drogas, respeito às pessoas em seus modos de ser/existir/constituir vida e a inscrição desse grupo social em modos de atenção à saúde que lhe sejam próprios. O trabalho de dissertação perpassou a descrição do trabalho no Consultório na Rua, questionando a produção em saúde que envolve a população de rua, a experiência da pesquisadora como trabalhadora dentro desse tipo serviço, assim como as vivências de equipe e a presença do orientador e seus estudantes em meio ao trabalho do Consultório. Foram usadas anotações destacadas de gravações em áudio, as atas do consultório e as redes de conversa sobre moradores de rua no próprio consultório, incluindo a presença de um psiquiatra matriciador. A cartografia, nos termos de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, fundamentou a metodologia, conforme já vem sendo utilizada em pesquisas com o estudo da micropolítica em saúde coletiva. Quatro âmbitos foram colhidos como representativos da prática de atenção “a céu aberto”: a experiência do morar, a experiência do atuar com saúde na rua, a experiência do aprender em ato de equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar de um consultório na rua e a intercessão sociocultural proveniente do “encontro” com a população atendida. / This dissertation aimed to "think" the proposal and action of the “On Street Clinics”, different from the biomedical clinic, an “open sky clinic". It admits that this device seek to expand the street population access to health care, listening to this population and contributing to their nascent organizational instances. The work practices of "Pintando Saúde On Street Clinic", of Conceição Hospitalar Group, located in the northern part of the city of Porto Alegre/RS, were evidenced. The methodology of "thinking" involved revealing the debate about health care and health promotion, harm reduction in alcohol and other drugs, respect for people in their ways of being / existing / constituting life and the inclusion of this social group health models that be their own. The dissertation work deal with the description of the work at the On Street Clinic, questioning the health production involving the street population, the researcher's experience as a worker within this sort of service, as well as the team experiences and the presence of the master’s advisor and his students in the work of the clinic. Significant notes of audio recordings, clinic minutes, and street-talk networks that happened in the clinic, including the ones with the presence of a psychiatrist matrix support, were used. The cartography, according to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, founded the methodology, as it has been used in researches with studies on micropolitics in collective health. Four scopes were collected as representative of the practice of “open sky clinic" care: the experience of indwelling, the experience of working with health on street, the experience of learning in act of a multiprofessional and interdisciplinary team of an "on street clinic" and the sociocultural intercession provided when "meeting" the attended population.

Conception d’une application intégrée d’aide à la gestion des connaissances pour une PME de consultants travailleurs du savoir

Durand, Luc 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Financial Risk and Indigenous Consent / El Riesgo Financiero y el Consentimiento Indígena

Imai, Shin, Kang, Sally 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the authors describe how the International Financial Corporation of the World Bank, and the 77 global financial institutions that have signed on to the Equator Principles, have come to the conclusion that social conflict with indigenous communities needs to be resolved through the application of free, prior, informed and consent. While the requirement to obtain consent of an indigenous people would appear to make it more difficult for extractive industry projects to proceed, theories of dispute resolution developed by the Harvard Negotiation Project suggest that where consent is obtained, it is more likely thatc onflicts will be reduced.

Legal Problems in the Implementation of Prior Consultation in Peru: or the "Legal Excuses" of the Government to Violate it / Problemas Jurídicos en la Implementación de la Consulta Previa en el Perú: o los «Pretextos Jurídicos» del Gobierno para Incumplirla

Ruiz Molleda, Juan Carlos 10 April 2018 (has links)
The objective of this article is to review and analyze the different arguments and legal excuses made by the Government and the private sector in Peru, this for the purpose of that the first-mentioned institution fails or avoids its juridical obligation of execute the preview consultation process for the indigenous peoples in Peru, this whenever the State is going to adopt a legislative or administrative measure susceptible that will affect directly to the indigenous peoples. In summary, this article seeks to analyze about the juridical problems founded at the moment of the implementation of the preview consultation process in our Legal System. If we consider that Convention 169 ILO, and the right to consult has been in force since February 2nd of 1995, and the Constitutional Court established on binding jurisprudence that the Convention in question is a norm that no needs a legislative development for its effectiveness, thus we can conclude that, rather than arguments is about legal excuses. / El objetivo del artículo es revisar y analizar los diferentes argumentos y pretextos jurídicos utilizados por el Gobierno y el sector privado en el Perú, para que el primero incumpla o evada su obligación jurídica de realizar el proceso de consulta previa con los pueblos indígenas en el Perú, esto cada vez que el Estado prevé adoptar una medida legislativa o administrativa susceptible de afectar directamente a los pueblos indígenas. En buena cuenta lo que hace el artículo es analizar los problemas jurídicos encontrados al momento de implementar la consulta previa en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. Si tenemos en cuenta que el Convenio 169 de la OIT, y el derecho a la consulta estaban vigentes, y eran exigibles en el Perú desde el 2 de febrero del año 1995, y que el Tribunal Constitucional ha dicho en jurisprudencia vinculante, que el referido convenio es una norma que no necesita desarrollo legislativo para desplegar sus efectos normativos, podemos concluir, que más que argumentos, se trata de pretextos jurídicos.

Do corredor ao consultório : diversidade e multifuncionalidade da consulta de enfermagem na Atenção Básica de Porto Alegre - RS

Porto, Graziela Beck January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo descreve e analisa o universo da Consulta de Enfermagem (CE) desenvolvida por enfermeiras da Rede de Serviços de Atenção Básica de Saúde de Porto Alegre. Foram analisados 95 serviços de saúde de diferentes origens institucionais como: Unidades de Saúde; Unidades de Saúde da Família; Ambulatórios e Centros de Saúde; Unidades Particulares/Conveniadas e Unidades Mistas, localizadas em diferentes regiões do município de Porto Alegre. O número total de enfermeiras que aceitaram participar foi de 127, correspondendo a 80,9% da população das que atuam na Atenção Básica. Entre os objetivos constam descrever o universo dessa prática assistencial considerando concepções e métodos, o perfil das enfermeiras e sua inserção nos serviços de Atenção Básica de Saúde. O delineamento deste estudo é exploratório e descritivo, transversal, com abordagem analítica quanti-qualitativa. A coleta de dados baseou-se em um formulário e um guia de entrevistas. Revelou um universo heterogêneo, diversificado e multifuncional em relação à prática da CE pelas enfermeiras no cotidiano dos serviços de saúde. Dentre elas, 85,8% das entrevistadas desenvolvem CE, evidenciando essa prática como central na sua atuação profissional. A atuação na CE influencia e é influenciada pelas interações de trabalho; pela composição das equipes de saúde; pelo local de realização da consulta; pelas demandas assistenciais; pelas estratégias de acesso dos usuários ao serviço; pelas exigências e protocolos institucionais através de programas de saúde pública e acolhimento, e pela própria concepção de CE que cada enfermeira dá para a sua prática profissional. Evidenciou-se que a CE configura-se em estratégia assistencial substancial à demanda dos serviços, representada nos quantitativos de atendimentos e na complexidade das situações de saúde e de doença da clientela. Pode-se afirmar que existem diferentes concepções e práticas de CE, sendo definidas por um leque de ações que se estendem da formalidade a informalidade nos diferentes espaços dos serviços. Por fim, constata-se que a prática da CE foi ampliada e fortalecida com a implantação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família na Atenção Básica de Porto Alegre nos últimos anos. / This study describes and analyses the environment of Nursing Consultation (NC) developed by nurses of the Basic Health Attention Service Network in Porto Alegre. Ninety five (95) health services of different institutional origins were analyzed, they are: Health Units; Family Health Units; Policlinic and Health Centers; Private/Covenanted Units; and Mixed Units, located in different regions of Porto Alegre. The total number of nurses who participated was 127, corresponding to 80,9% of the population of the ones who work in the basic attention. Among the objectives of this study there are the description of the universe of the assistance practice which takes into consideration the concepts and methods, the profile of the nurses and their insertion in the basic health attention service. The outline of this study is exploratory, descriptive and transversal, with an analytical quanti-qualitative approach. The collection of the data was based in a form of interviews. After the analysis, the mentioned universe showed to be heterogeneous, diversified and multifunctional in relation to the practice of the NC performed by the nurses in their daily work in the health service. Among them, 85,8% of the interviewees work with NC, they evidence such practice as being core in their acting in this kind of health service. Their acting in NC influences and it is influenced by work interactions; by the composition of the health teams; by the place of the consultation; by the demands of assistance; by strategies of users’ access to the service; and, by the requirements and institutional protocols through programs of public health. It was made evident that NC is a substantial assistance strategy to the demands of the service, which is represented in the high number of consultations and in the complexity of the health situations and patients’ sickness. We can affirm that there are different conceptions and practices of NC. They may be defined by a varied range of actions which go from the formality to the informality in different places which offer health service. It was verified that the practice of NC was amplified and fortified with the implantation of the Family Health Strategy in basic attention which happened in the city of Porto Alegre in the last years. / Este estudio describe y analiza el universo de la Consulta de Enfermería (CE) desarrollada por enfermeras de la Red de Servicios de Atención Básica de Salud de Porto Alegre. Fueron analizados 95 servicios de salud de diferentes orígenes institucionales como: Unidades de Salud; Unidades de Salud de la Familia; Ambulatorios y Centros de Salud; Unidades Particulares/Conveniadas y Unidades Mixtas, localizadas en diferentes regiones del municipio de Porto Alegre. El número total de enfermeras que participaron fue de 127, correspondiendo a 80,9% de la población de las que actúan en la atención básica. Entre los objetivos constan describir el universo de esta práctica asistencial considerando concepciones y métodos, el perfil de las enfermeras y su inserción en los servicios de atención básica de salud. El delineamiento de este estudio es exploratorio y descriptivo, transversal, con abordaje analítica cuanti-cualitativa. La colecta de datos se basó en un formulario-guía de entrevistas. Reveló un universo heterogéneo, diversificado y multifuncional en relación a la práctica de la CE por las enfermeras en el cotidiano de los servicios de salud. Entre ellas 85,8% de las entrevistadas desarrollan CE, evidenciando esa práctica como central en su actuación en ese ámbito de la salud. Esa actuación en la CE influencia y está influenciada por las interacciones de trabajo; por la composición de los equipos de salud; por el lugar donde se realiza de la consulta; por las demandas asistenciales; por las estrategias de acceso de los usuarios al servicio; por las exigencias y protocolos institucionales a través de programas de salud pública y acogimiento. Se evidenció que la CE se configura en estrategia asistencial substancial a la demanda de los servicios, representada en los cuantitativos de atendimientos y en la complejidad de las situaciones de salud y de enfermedad de la clientela. Se puede afirmar que existen diferentes concepciones y prácticas de CE, siendo definidas por un conjunto de acciones que se extienden de la formalidad a la informalidad en los diferentes espacios de los servicios. Se constata que la práctica de la CE fue ampliada y fortalecida con la implementación de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia en la atención básica de Porto Alegre en los últimos años.

Atributos da qualidade: um estudo exploratório em serviços de estética e beleza

Bota, Fátima Barbosa January 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T19:01:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ACF184.pdf: 384059 bytes, checksum: a31414177b45e3233caa19e06b1294ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / The main purpose of this exploratory work is to investigate the attributes that motivate customers to choose services within beauty and aesthetic centers. Everyday, we are taking by surprise due to the discovery of new procedures that will make many dreams come true regarding youth¿s prolong. Customers are much more demanding now, so the beauty industry must emphasize the importance of beauty in our day lives. The old age fears, the need of men and women in getting close to the perfect beauty and looking great explaining the reason many customer looking for beauty and aesthetic centers to ¿postpone¿ the inevitable old age.This work focus on the increase of beauty and aesthetic industry market position, the quality of service provide by these centers, emphasize the concepts of service quoted by different authors, for instance, Lovelock (2006), Las Casas (2002), Kotler (1998), the characteristics of services, the behaviour of customers, the conceptualized models of service quality from Albrecht and Zemke (1998), moments of truth according to Carlzon (1994).This work presents a summary of beauty along the years; shows the methodology used and the interviews results showing the main quality service attributes in beauty and aesthetic centers; the difficulty faced and suggestion for future research. / O objetivo deste estudo exploratório é investigar quais os atributos que motivam os consumidores na escolha de serviços em ambientes de Estética e Beleza. Todos os dias somos surpreendidos por descobertas que possibilitarão a concretização do sonho tão cobiçado de prolongar a juventude. Com o mercado cada vez mais exigente, a indústria da beleza enfatiza a influência da ¿beleza¿. O medo da velhice, a necessidade que o homem e a mulher têm de parecer cada vez mais perfeitos e de se manter cada vez mais atuantes são alguns dos fatores que os induzem a adotar estratégias para retardar o inevitável envelhecimento. O trabalho aborda o crescimento do setor de Beleza e Estética; discute os aspectos relativos à qualidade do atendimento nos ambientes de Beleza e Estética; evidencia os fundamentos básicos dos conceitos de serviços citados por diferentes autores, a exemplo de Lovelock (2006), Las Casas (2002), Kotler (2000); as características dos serviços; o comportamento do consumidor; os modelos conceituais de qualidade em serviços de Albrecht e Zemke (1998); Momentos de verdade, segundo Carlzon (1994). Apresenta uma síntese da beleza através dos tempos; mostra a metodologia utilizada e o resultado das entrevistas que elegeram os principais atributos da qualidade de serviço nos ambientes de estética e beleza; as limitações do trabalho e sugestões para pesquisas futuras.

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