Spelling suggestions: "subject:"abord""
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En rätt till liv : I ljuset av plikten / A right to live : In the Light of DutyLudvigsson, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda hur den kantianska rätten till liv förhåller sig till Europakonventionens. Frågorna som använts för att uppnå syftet är hur både kantianismen och Europakonventionen förhåller sig till abort, dödsstraff, eutanasi och suicid. Metoden som har använts för att jämför kantianismen med Europakonventionen är en komparativ metod och för att tolka Kants texter används hermeneutik. Hur förhåller sig kantianismen till Europakonventionen gällande rätten till liv, utifrån abort, dödsstraff, eutanasi och suicid? Kantianismen har en långt mycket striktare syn på vad som är rätt och vad som är fel. Och de mänskliga rättigheterna härleds inte från en politisk konsensus. Det går att räkna ut vad som är en rättighet och vad som inte är det. Vad som är en plikt och vad som inte är det. Vilket självfallet skiljer sig från Europakonventionen som är ett så kallat levande instrument. Den är föränderlig och kantianismen är rigorös. Frågan om legaliteten bakom eutanasi tillhör konventionsstaterna. Likaså frågan om selektiv abort och när ett foster anses börja livet. Konventionen tillåter självmord och terapeutiska aborter och förbjuder dödsstraff kategoriskt. I jämförelse tillåter kantianismen dödsstraff för att straffa mördare och den tillåter även att göra en terapeutisk abort. Kantianismen förbjuder däremot självmord och eutanasi. Selektiv abort kan vara tillåtet beroende på hur samhället och omgivningen behandlar en havande eller någon med barn. Dock är ett foster likväl en människa och förtjänar en rätt till att leva. / The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the Kantian right to life relates to the European Convention on Human Rights. The questions used to achieve the purpose are how both Kantianism and the European Convention relate to abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, and suicide. The method that has been used to compare Kantianism with the European Convention is a comparative method and hermeneutics is used to interpret Kant's texts. How does Kantianism relate to the European Convention on the Right to Life, based on abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia and suicide? Kantianism has a much stricter view of what is right and what is wrong. And human rights are not derived from a political consensus. It is possible to calculate what is a human right and what is not. What is a duty and what is not. Which of course differs from the European Convention, which is a so-called living instrument. It is changeable and Kantianism is rigorous. The question of the legality of euthanasia belongs to the States Parties. Likewise, the question of selective abortion and when a fetus is considered to begin life. The convention allows suicide and therapeutic abortions and categorically prohibits the death penalty. In comparison, Kantianism allows the death penalty to punish murderers and it also allows for a therapeutic abortion. Kantianism, on the other hand, forbids suicide and euthanasia. Selective abortion may be allowed depending on how society and the environment treats a pregnant woman or someone with children. However, a fetus is nevertheless a human being and deserves a right to live.
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Abort på agendan : Hur gestaltas abortfrågan i nyhetsrapporteringen i Irland och Polen?Spitza, Daria, Walfridsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Ireland and Poland share a catholic and conservative history. They have recently faced oppositional developments with regards to abortion legislation, either limiting or enabling women’s rights to their bodies and health. The abortion debate is often a divisive and polarising issue. Framing of abortion is paramount for audiences’ perceptions of the issue, thereby affecting public debates and politics, making it an interesting topic for journalism studies. This study examined how Irish and Polish news framed abortion during a time when their legislations faced significant changes. This comparative case study aimed to answer the question “How is the abortion issue framed in news coverage in Poland and in Ireland?” by conducting qualitative text analysis on 12 news articles from each country. The main theoretical framework was framing theory, which was complemented by feminist theory. First, the articles were coded, thematised and summarised. Secondly, framing analysis identified problem frames, which were grouped into themes. The two results were summarised in broader frames from each country, results which facilitated a comparison, nuanced by feminist theory. This study found both similarities and differences between frames in the case studies. While framing in Ireland showed more breadth, polish framing showed signs of polarisation. However, both cases displayed positive and negative sentiments towards abortion, with a variety of stances. Although both often showed oppositional frames simultaneously, the general leaning of the polish framing demonstrated more reluctance towards abortion. Abortion on the Agenda provided deeper insight into framing of a divisive issue crucial for women’s reproductive health.
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<p>The missed-thrust problem is a modern challenge in the field of mission design. While some methods exist to quantify its effects, there still exists room for improvement for algorithms which can fully anticipate and plan for a realistic set of missed-thrust events. The present work investigates the use of machine learning techniques to provide a robust controller for a low-thrust spacecraft. The spacecraft’s thrust vector is provided by a neural network controller which guides the spacecraft to the target along a trajectory that is robust to missed thrust, and the controller does not need to re-optimize any trajectories if it veers off its nominal course. The algorithms used to train the controller to account for missed thrust are supervised learning and neuroevolution. Supervised learning entails showing a neural network many examples of what inputs and outputs should look like, with the network learning over time to duplicate the patterns it has seen. Neuroevolution involves testing many neural networks on a problem, and using the principles of biological evolution and survival of the fittest to produce increasingly competitive networks. Preliminary results show that a controller designed with these methods provides mixed results, but performance can be greatly boosted if the controller’s output is used as an initial guess for an optimizer. With an optimizer, the success rate ranges from around 60% to 96% depending on the problem.</p>
<p>Additionally, this work conducts an analysis of a novel hyperbolic rendezvous strategy which was originally conceived by Dr. Buzz Aldrin. Instead of rendezvousing on the outbound leg of a hyperbolic orbit (traveling away from Earth), the spacecraft performs a rendezvous while on the inbound leg (traveling towards Earth). This allows for a relatively low Delta-v abort option for the spacecraft to return to Earth if a problem arose during rendezvous. Previous work that studied hyperbolic rendezvous has always assumed rendezvous on the outbound leg because the total Delta-v required (total propellant required) for the insertion alone is minimal with this strategy. However, I show that when an abort maneuver is taken into consideration, inserting on the inbound leg is both lower Delta-v overall, and also provides an abort window which is up to a full day longer.</p>
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Kvinnors upplevelser av stöd och omvårdnad vid spontan abort : en litteraturöversikt / Womens experiences of support and nursing care during a spontaneous abortion : a literature reviewHjernberg, Elizabeth, Löfman, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund En normal graviditet hos en gravid kvinna (det biologiska könet) i fertil ålder fortlöper i genomsnitt i cirka 40 veckor. När en kvinnas graviditet avstannar utan medicinsk intervention innan graviditetsvecka 22 kategoriseras det som en spontan abort. Det finns ingen behandling som kan stoppa en hotande eller en pågående spontan abort vilket gör att sjuksköterskans bemötande blir desto mer viktig. Forskning har visat att stöd vid spontan abort kan hjälpa till att minska den negativa upplevelsen och att stöd även har en positiv inverkan på den mentala hälsan. Det ligger i allmänsjuksköterskans professionella ansvar att ge stöd och omvårdnad utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Syfte Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av stöd och omvårdnad vid spontan abort. Metod Vald design var litteraturöversikt där databassökning genomfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och Google Scholar. Femton vetenskapliga artiklar valdes och granskades med Sophiahemmets Högskolas kvalitetsgranskningsprotokoll och genomgick en integrerad analys. Resultat Resultatet sammanställdes i fem huvudkategorier: ”Bemötandets betydelse för kvinnan”, ”Kommunikation”, ”Vårdmiljöns betydelse”, ”Aspekter av stöd” och ”Den fysiska vården”. Resultatet belyser vikten av bemötandets roll i utformandet av kvinnans upplevelse av stöd och omvårdnad i samband med spontan abort. Slutsats Att genomgå en spontan abort var för de flesta kvinnor en traumatisk händelse. Det framkom att sjuksköterskan inte fullföljde sitt professionella ansvar att främja hälsa, återställa hälsa och lindra lidande för de kvinnor som genomgick en spontan abort. För att kvinnor som genomgår en spontan abort ska få stöd och omvårdnad anpassad efter hennes behov bör sjuksköterskan arbeta utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt för att minska risken för vårdlidande. / Background A normal pregnancy for a woman (the biological sex) is on average 40 weeks. If a woman's pregnancy ends before pregnancy week 22 without medical intervention it is categorized as a spontaneous abortion. No treatment can stop a threatening or ongoing spontaneous abortion, which makes the nurse's response to the situation all the more important. Research has shown that support during a spontaneous abortion can help reduce the negative experiences for the woman and also have a positive impact on the woman’s mental health. It is in the general nurse's professional responsibility to provide support and care based on a person-centred approach. Aim The purpose is to highlight women's experiences of support and care during a spontaneous abortion. Method Chosen design was literature review where 15 scientific articles were selected. Database search was performed in databases PubMed, CINAHL and Google Scholar. Data analysis was carried out using an integrated analysis. Results The results were compiled into five main categories which highlighted the woman's experience of support and care during a spontaneous abortion. The main categories are "The importance of care for the woman", ”Communication”, "The impact of health facility environment", "Aspects of support" and ”Physical care”. Results highlights the importance of the caregiver in shaping the woman's experience of support and care in connection with spontaneous abortion. Conclusions For most women, a spontaneous abortion was a traumatic event to undergo. It emerged in the results that nurses did not always fulfil their professional responsibilities in promoting the woman’s health, restoring health and relieving the woman’s suffering who underwent a spontaneous abortion. In order for women to receive support and care tailored to their needs, the nurse should work applying a person-centered approach which can help reduce the risk of suffering and meet the unmet needs of the woman.
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Rätten till abort inom folkrätten : En analys av Argentinas abortlagstiftning i relation till rätten till hälsaPålsson, Elma January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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FEATURE-BASED LEARNING FOR OPTIMAL ABORT GUIDANCEVinay Kenny (13176285) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p> The abort mission refers to the mission where the landing vehicle needs to terminate the landing mission when an anomaly happens and be safely guided to the desired orbit. Missions involving crew on board demands for a robust and efficient abort strategy. This thesis focuses on solving the time-optimal abort guidance (TOAG) problem in real-time via the feature-based learning method. First, according to the optimal control theory, the features are identified to represent the optimal solutions of TOAG using a few parameters. After that, a sufficiently large dataset of time-optimal abort trajectories is generated offline by solving the TOAG problems with different initial conditions. Then the features are extracted for all generated cases. To find the implicit relationships between the initial conditions and identified features, neural networks are constructed to map the relationships based on the generated dataset. A successfully trained neural network can generate solution in real time for a reasonable initial condition. Finally, experimental flight tests are conducted to demonstrate the onboard computation capability and effectiveness of the proposed method. </p>
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Initial guess and optimization strategies for multi-body space trajectories with application to free return trajectories to near-Earth asteroidsBradley, Nicholas Ethan 23 October 2014 (has links)
This concept of calculating, optimizing, and utilizing a trajectory known as a ``Free Return Trajectory" to facilitate spacecraft rendezvous with Near-Earth Asteroids is presented in this dissertation. A Free Return Trajectory may be defined as a trajectory that begins and ends near the same point, relative to some central body, without performing any deterministic velocity maneuvers (i.e., no maneuvers are planned in a theoretical sense for the nominal mission to proceed). Free Return Trajectories have been utilized previously for other purposes in astrodynamics, but they have not been previously applied to the problem of Near-Earth Asteroid rendezvous. Presented here is a series of descriptions, algorithms, and results related to trajectory initial guess calculation and optimal trajectory convergence. First, Earth-centered Free Return Trajectories are described in a general manner, and these trajectories are classified into several families based on common characteristics. Next, these trajectories are used to automatically generate initial conditions in the three-body problem for the purpose of Near-Earth Asteroid rendezvous. For several bodies of interest, example initial conditions are automatically generated, and are subsequently converged, resulting in feasible, locally-optimal, round-trip trajectories to Near-Earth Asteroids utilizing Free Return Trajectories. Subsequently, a study is performed on using an unpowered flyby of the Moon to lower the overall DV cost for a nominal round-trip voyage to a Near-Earth Asteroid. Using the Moon is shown to appreciably decrease the overall mission cost. In creating the formulation and algorithms for the Lunar flyby problem, an initial guess routine for generic planetary and lunar flyby tours was developed. This continuation algorithm is presented next, and details a novel process by which ballistic trajectories in a simplistic two-body force model may be iteratively converged in progressively more realistic dynamical models until a final converged ballistic trajectory is found in a full-ephemeris, full-dynamics model. This procedure is useful for constructing interplanetary transfers and moon tours in a realistic dynamical framework; an interplanetary and an inter-moon example are both shown. To summarize, the material in this dissertation consists of: novel algorithms to compute Free Return Trajectories, and application of the concept to Near-Earth Asteroid rendezvous; demonstration of cost-savings by using a Lunar flyby; and a novel routine to transfer trajectories from a simplistic model to a more realistic dynamical representation. / text
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Det svenska abortmotståndet : en analys av den samtida abortkritiska diskursen i Sverige / The Swedish anti-abortion movement : an analysis of the contemporary anti-abortion discourse in SwedenRoos, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att generera kunskap om det samtida abortmotståndet i Sverige genom att undersöka samtida och svensk abortkritisk diskurs, samt hur diskursen framställer abort som fenomen. Empirin har bestått utav texter från två abortkritiska organisationer: ”Ja till livet” och ”Människorätt för ofödda”. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt har varit en Foucault-inspirerad diskursteori, och empirin har analyserats med hjälp av en diskursanalys. Resultaten visar att den samtida abortkritiska diskursen i Sverige innefattar ett centralt element inom vilket fostret definieras som ett ofött barn, och därigenom konstrueras fostret som en egen individ med ett essentiellt människovärde. Vidare framställs abort som mord, likväl som en oansvarig och moraliskt felaktig handling. Däremot framställs fullföljandet av en graviditet och sedermera att axla föräldraskapet som det främsta sättet att ta ansvar. Ytterligare resultat identifierar ett element där abortkritik definieras i termer av kvinnans bästa; ett element inom vilket abort konstrueras som skadligt för kvinnor, och kvinnor konstrueras som offer inför abort och aborttvång. Slutligen hävdar diskursen sanningsanspråk genom hänvisningar till vetenskaplig kunskap och moraliska övertygelser; och genom att framställa diskursens världsbild som objektiv sanning så utmanas den allmänna svenska diskursen. / The purpose of this study has been to generate knowledge regarding the contemporary anti-abortion movement in Sweden, by examining the contemporary anti-abortion discourse and it’s construction of abortion as a phenomenon. The empirics has included texts from two anti-abortion organisations: ”Ja till livet” and ”Människorätt för ofödda”. The study has relied on a theoretical base of discourse theory inspired by Foucault, and the empirics have been examined through a discourse analysis. The results shows that the contemporary anti-abortion discourse in Sweden relies on a central element where the feetus is referred to as an unborn child, and therefore constructed as a person with an essential human worth. Furthermore, abortion is presented as an act of murder, as well as irresponsible and morally wrong. The act of carrying the pregnancy to term and then caring for the child is however presented as the ultimate way to take responsibility. In addition to this, a ”pro-woman”-element constitutes the discourse; constructing abortion as harmful to women, and women as victims of both abortion and coercion. Finally, the discourse claims its veracity by referring to science and moral convictions, and by claiming its view of the world as objectively true, the popular discourse on abortion is challenged.
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Livet eller döden? : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur svenska medier debatterar abortStjernstedt, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Syftet: Abort är ett ämne som är omdiskuterat, i Sverige finns det lagstadgat om fri abort sedan 1975. Men hur ser debatten om abort ut i medierna 40 år efter att aborten blev fri? Uppsatsen analyserar med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys hur debatten förs samt vilka stridande diskurser som finns inom debatten. Frågeställningen uppsatsen avser att besvara är följande: Hur ser debatten kring abort ut i svenska medier? Vem får uttala sig i diskussionen om abort i medier? Finns det stridande stridande diskurser om abort och vilka är de? Material: Materialet består av tre artiklar vardera från det kristna nyhetsmediet Dagen, det vänsterpolitiska nyhetsmediet ETC samt från det mer neutrala nyhetsmediet Svenska Dagbladet. Resultatet: Det som framkommer av analysen är att det 40 år efter att nuvarande lagstiftning togs i bruk fortfarande finns de som inte accepterar den. Det finns stridande diskurser kring abort, där två framträder mer tydligt i analysen. Den ena diskursen som framkommer i analysen bygger på kristna värderingar och handlar om fostrets rätt till liv. Den andra diskursen är en diskurs som bygger på kvinnans rättigheter, dels till att bestämma över sin egen kropp men även rätten till sin hälsa / Abortion is a controversial subject, which has been allowed by law in Sweden since 1975. How do the Swedish media discuss abortion 40 years after it was considered free? With the help of critical discourse analysis, the thesis analyses how the debate is conducted as well as which opposing discourses there are in the debate. The thesis intends to answer the following questions: o How do the Swedish media debate abortion?
o Who is allowed to speak on abortion in the media?
o Are there opposing discourses on abortion and which are they? Material: The material consists of three articles each from three different media - a Christian news media Dagen, a left-wing news media ETC and a more neutral news media Svenska Dagbladet. Results: What emerges from the analysis is that there are still those who do not accept the current legislation. There are opposing discourses on abortion, of which two emerged more clearly in the analysis. One of them is based on Christian values and the fetus’ right to life (pro-life). The second discourse that emerged from the analysis is a discourse on women’s rights: woman’s right to make a decision (pro-choice) and to be in good health.
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Med värden som vägledning : En studie om kristdemokratins grund i politisk praktik / With values as guidance : A study about the christian democratic foundation in political practicRosenberg Bodmar, Johnny January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to find out if the Christian Democratic Party of Sweden have changed their policy in their fundamental questions of value. In order to do this, I have based my study upon the following two questions: 1. How did the Christian Democracy's view and politics look at the issue of abortion? 2. How did Christian Democracy's family policy and view of family look like? The reason for choosing these two issues – the Christian Democratic Party’s abortion stance and family policy – is because these two issues are the founding core of the ideology that is known as Christian democracy – family and dignity. In order to answer my questions, I have chosen to go through parliamentary bills at the website of the swedish parliament. There I found bills from the Christian Democratic Party in the issues of abortion and family between the years 1985 and 1998. I have chosen a qualitative method and with that method dived into the archives of the swedish parliament. The reason for chosing a qualitative method has been because that method relies on the possibility of reaching results by analyzing words rather than numbers, which is preferable as this study intends to analyze and interpret what Christian Democratic MPs have written in their parliamentary bills. With the qualitative method, I have gone through the motions and focused on writing about abortion legislation and the right to life when it comes to abortion, and staying in daycare versus children in home care when it comes to family policy. The study shows that the Christian Democratic Party of Sweden did infact radically change in some core issues like the abortion stance when, for example, they supported the abortion legislation. They have also increasingly come to focus on the abortion and pregnancy prevention work. The Christian Democratic family policy, however, has proved to be more consistent, although here too, some pragmatism has been shown, for example when it comes to testing the need for child allowance for certain groups.
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