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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“En positiv loop” : Framgångsrika insatser för en återgång till skolan ur elevers och vårdnadshavares perspektiv

Norman, Marie, Tano, Yvonne, Andersson-Junkka, Marie January 2023 (has links)
Idag rapporterar media om att den problematiska skolfrånvaron ökar. Enligt skollagen har alla elever rätt till en utbildning och den svenska närvaroplikten innebär att varje skola behöver kunna främja skolnärvaro. En fullständigt genomförd grundskola med godkända betyg är en skyddsfaktor mot utanförskap i samhället och psykisk ohälsa. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om skolans insatser för att stödja elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro i att kunna återgå till skolan. Forskningsfrågorna sökte svar på framgångsrika insatser som eleverna och deras vårdnadshavare beskriver för återgång till skolan, sett ur ett flernivåperspektiv. Studiens teoretiska ramverk var Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska systemteori. Undersökningen hade en kvalitativ forskningsansats, inspirerad av fallstudiedesign. För att samla in data användes semistrukturerade intervjuer. En pilotstudie genomfördes för att förbättra våra intervjufrågor. Urvalet till studien baserades på ett målstyrt urval. Våra respondenter var fyra elever och deras vårdnadshavare. Eleverna hade tidigare haft problematisk skolfrånvaro men återvänt till skolan. Tidigare forskning har visat att framgångsfaktorer som ökar skolnärvaro innefattar undervisning, delaktighet, inflytande, trygghet och studiero, tillitsfulla relationer och kommunikation mellan hem och skola. Studiens resultat överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. I vårt resultat framkom även betydelsen av att minska kraven på eleverna i skolsituationen för en positiv återgång till skolan. Ytterligare framkom ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv att faktorer på samtliga nivåer inom teorin har en inverkan på skolnärvaron. En liten förändring på någon nivå kan påverka elevens förutsättningar att närvara i skolan. Vi tänker oss att vår studie kan bidra med kunskap och vara ett stöd i skolors närvarofrämjande arbete. / Today, Media reports that the problematic school absence is increasing. According to Skollagen, all students have the right to an education, and the Swedish compulsory attendance means that each school needs to encourage school attendance. A completed schooling with passed grades is a protection factor in society and against mental illness. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about the schools’ measures to aid students with problematic school attendance in returning to school. The research questions sought to find successful measures that students and their guardians describe were important in the students’ returning to school, seen from a multilevel perspective. The theoretical framework of the study was Bronfenbrenner’s educational system theory. The study had a qualitative research method, inspired by case study design. To collect data, semi structured interviews were used. A pilot study was carried out to perfect our questions. The selection of participants was based on goal-oriented factors. Our respondents were four students and their guardians. The students had previously had problematic school absence but then returned to school. Previous research has shown that success factors that increase the students’ attendance in school are teaching, participation, influence, security, a peaceful study situation, trusting relations and communication between home and school. The results from the study coincide with previous research. In our result, the importance of lowering the demands on the students in order to reach a successful return to school, emerged. Furthermore, from a theoretical system perspective, all theoretical factors influenced school attendance. A small alteration at some level can affect the students’ prerequisite for school attendance. Our study can contribute with knowledge about, and be supportive in, schools’ work with encouraging school attendance.

Problematisk skolfrånvaro – ett problem med många ansikten : Socialtjänstens erfarenheter av samarbete med föräldrar till hemmasittande elever

Königsson Wall, Anna, Nilsson, Theres January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att ta reda på socialtjänstens erfarenheter av samarbete med föräldrar till hemmasittande elever samt att undersöka socialtjänstens erfarenheter av orsaker till hemmasittande. Data samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer tillsammans med sex socionomer verksamma inom eller på uppdrag av socialtjänsten. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats med en tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att problematisk skolfrånvaro är ett komplext problem som samverkar med flera faktorer, vilka identifierades som individuella-, sociala-, och skolrelaterade faktorer. En god samverkan mellan socialtjänsten och föräldrarna sågs som betydelsefull men även samverkan mellan olika instanser som skola och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP). Den största utmaningen i arbetet med hemmasittande elever visade sig vara föräldrars inställning till problemet. Slutligen visade resultatet att barns anknytning till föräldern kunde påverka skolfrånvaron.

Multi-Scale Habitat Selection of Antillean Manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, Southeastern Mexico

Gagnon, Émilie 06 September 2023 (has links)
The distribution of organisms across the globe forms non-random patterns that are based on their selection for certain environmental features. Habitat selection is the study of how organisms choose where they live. It is a fundamental behavior shaping several ecological and evolutionary processes. The hierarchical nature of the environment makes it imperative to consider multiple scales in habitat selection studies. Even though there is extensive coverage of scaling in habitat selection literature, most published papers only consider one scale. To our knowledge, habitat selection studies of the Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) have never included more than one spatial scale. Hence, we modeled Antillean manatee habitat selection in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, in Mexico, at two spatial scales: study area and 1 km buffer. We used GPS coordinates of opportunistic encounters (n = 102) recorded since 2009. We randomly generated 500 pseudo-absences per presence point for both scales, and extracted the environmental conditions from each point: seagrass abundance (leaf area index or LAI), water depth, and shortest distance to land, closest river and closest resting hole. We fitted a binomial regression of the probability of presence as a function of the environmental parameters using a Bayesian approach. Our results show that the probability of manatee presence increases in proximity to resting holes for both scales and increases with land proximity at the large-scale. Overall, we showed that proximity to resting holes is the most important feature of habitat selection for Antillean manatees in Sian Ka'an, followed by proximity to land. This study demonstrates the importance of multi-scale designs in habitat selection and highlights the need for more studies looking at the use and ecological implications of manatee resting holes.

The Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Lean Six Sigma Implementation in Healthcare Environment: The Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB)/Gauging Absence of Pre-Requisites (GAP)/Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model for Implementing Lean Six Sigma System in Healthcare Environment

Al Khamisi, Yousuf N.K. January 2018 (has links)
To improve their services and maintain patients’ satisfaction, healthcare organisations have adopted and applied different quality tools and models in recent times, with some even developing their own quality-based initiatives. For example, the approach of Lean Six Sigma (L6σ) has recently been gradually and slowly implemented in healthcare institutions. However, the nature and complexity of healthcare environment which directly impact on humans require leaders to carefully apply appropriate Quality Management (QM) systems suitable for this critical environment. The aim of this research project is to develop a Knowledge Based System (KBS) to assist healthcare managers and practitioners during decision-making process in the context of achieving excellent benchmark and action plans prioritisation. The system will be built based on a conceptual framework for Quality Management in Healthcare Environment (QMHE) which will be modified into a model. The KBS will be developed from this model with the integration of Gauging Absence of Pre-requisite (GAP) method for benchmarking and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for prioritisation. The contribution of this research is the use of KBS with GAP and AHP to develop an integrated Knowledge-Based Lean Six Sigma (KB-L6σ) in QMHE. This will accomplish the necessities of investigating quality problems and recommend suitable solutions according to international best practices. It will use a systematic approach that can be applied multiple times, follow defined steps to secure consistency in the approach and integrate different healthcare management levels to maintain strategic decision-making alignment. It consists of 964 KB rules that have been produced via a knowledge acquisition process from the literature and interviewing experts in the field of QM and L6σ in healthcare environment. Feedback from conferences and system testing were used for the verification of the model, whilst validation was carried out through three case studies implementation at three tertiary hospitals in Oman. The analysis of using the KB system in these hospitals has shown clearly that the developed system is a consistent and reliable methodology for assisting decision-makers in designing, planning, and implementing L6σ for QMHE.

Knowledge-based Lean Six Sigma Maintenance System for Sustainable Buildings

Al Dairi, Jasim S.S., Khan, M. Khurshid, Munive-Hernandez, J. Eduardo 27 June 2016 (has links)
Yes / Purpose– This paper develops a Knowledge-based (KB) System for Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Maintenance in environmentally Sustainable Buildings (Lean6-SBM). Design/methodology/approach– The Lean6-SBM conceptual framework has been developed using the rule base approach of KB system and joint integration with Gauge Absence Prerequisites (GAP) technique. A comprehensive literature review is given for the main pillars of the framework with a typical output of GAP analysis. Findings– Implementation of LSS in the sustainable building maintenance context requires a pre-assessment of the organisation’s capabilities. A conceptual framework with a design structure is proposed to tackle this issue with the provision of an enhancing strategic and operational decision making hierarchy. Research limitations/implications– Future research work might consider validating this framework in other type of industries. Practical implications– Maintenance activities in environmentally sustainable buildings must take prodigious standards into consideration and, therefore, a robust quality assurance measure has to be integrated. Originality/value– The significance of this research is to present a novel use of hybrid KB/GAP methodologies to develop a Lean6-SBM system. The originality and novelty of this approach will assist in identifying quality perspectives while implementing different maintenance strategies in the sustainable building context. / Ministry of Defence Engineering Services (Sultanate of Oman)

Representations of loss in Charles Dickens's Bleak house

Cameron, Susan Patricia 06 1900 (has links)
The nineteenth century was a time of rapid change, brought about by increasing industrial development and changing patterns of thought and belief. Dickens's attitude to industrialism was ambivalent. He was not averse to progress, but feared that the ills of society would remain overshadowed. This dissertation explores representations of loss in Bleak House and examines some of the challenges the subject presents. The first chapter concentrates on examples of the wide range of losses with which Dickens deals in the novel to create the cumulative impression of individuals and a nation existing in a state of chaos and decay. Chapter Two focuses on the loss of physical life and the state of death-in-life. Chapter Three deals with the narrative techniques which Dickens uses to represent loss in the novel. / English Studies / M.A.

The relationship between personality and biographical factors in absenteeism

Kruger, Pierre Carl 31 March 2008 (has links)
This research deals with personality and biographical factors in absenteeism. The literature review looks at personality traits and absenteeism. The following question must then be asked: Can the construct ”personality” be analysed and described within the context of the work environment, and can the relationship between personality, biographical factors and absenteeism be studied empirically. The empirical study focuses on measuring the relationship between personality and absenteeism. The construct ”personality” is presented within the dimensional or trait perspective. The empirical investigation is presented within the functionalistic paradigm (quantitative approach). The chosen measuring instrument, namely, the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF SA 92) was administered by means of a random sample to 72 Aviation Security Officers. The reliability of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was determined using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient method. To determine if personality is a predictor of absenteeism, stepwise regression analysis was done. The results indicate that the degree (category) of absenteeism is associated only with marital status and number of dependants. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial Psychology)

The influence of parental involvement, discipline and choice of values on the scholastic achievement of secondary school pupils, with special reference to the role of the father / Invloed van ouerlike dissipline, waardes en betrokkenheid op akademiese prestasie van sekondere leerlinge met spesiale verwysing na die rol van die vader

Rosa, Cecelia Mary 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in English / The aim of this investigation was to determine whether values, the style of discipline and father involvement, influence achievement motivation in secondary school pupils. A survey of existing literature on this subject reveals that style of discipline does influence academic achievement. Baumrind's research is a major source of information in this regard. Research also indicates a positive correlation between academic achievement and the father's ability to assume the leadership role in the family. A positive correlation between the choice of values, for example religious, social, etcetera, and academic achievement is indicated in past research on academic achievement. An investigation done in a large rural town in South Africa, however, reveals no significant correlation between the above mentioned factors and academic achievement. However, a negative correlation between achievement and popularity as an important value, suggests that under-achievement is found more frequently among pupils whose parents value popularity highly. / Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te bepaal of waardes, die dissiplineringstyl en vaderbetrokkenheid, die kind se akademiese prestasie bei:nvloed. 'n Ondersoek van bestaande literatuur op hierdie gebied, wys daarop dat die dissiplineringstyl, akademiese prestasie bei:nvloed. Baumrind se studie is 'n belangrike bron van inligting in die verband. Navorsing dui op 'n positiewe korrelasie tussen akademiese prestasie en die vader se vermoe om die leierskapsposisie in die gesin te handhaaf Bestaande literatuur oor die onderwerp dui ook daarop dat die keuse van waardes, byvoorbeeld godsdienstige-, sosiale-, ensovoorts, positief korreleer met akademiese prestasie. 'n Ondersoek in 'n groot plattelandse dorp in Suid-Afiika, wys geen beduidende korrelasie tussen die bogenoemde aspekte en akademiese prestasie nie. 'n Negatiewe korrelasie tussen akademiese prestasie en gewildheid as waarde, word wel aangedui, wat suggereer dat leerlinge dikwels onderpresteer wanneer hulle ouers op gewildheid gesteld is. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Joined-up knowledge for a joined-up world : critical realism, philosophy of meta-reality and the emancipation in/of anthropological spirituality, an exploration of confluence

Schreiber, D. A. January 2015 (has links)
Seldom are we privileged to witness an international philosophical movement, which in addition to being a philosophical revolution, vindicates the values and concerns of a critical anthropological approach in Spirituality from the analytic tradition. The work of critical realists is potential remedy for the ills, dichotomies and lacunae inherent in the Western philosophical and spiritual traditions. Critical realism and philosophy of meta-reality, it is claimed, not only emancipate philosophy but, science and society as spiritual. This dissertation explores the many points of confluence and exposes dimensions of living and studying spirituality, which challenge us to think of ontological realism, epistemological relativism and rational (reflexive) judgement in a mode, which cautions against the naive relativism, tacit irrealism and other mistakes which tend to over-characterise our academic discourse with social linguistification, to the detriment of humanity and our utopian freedom and flourishing. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)

Health differences between employees in human service professions and other professions : The impact of psychosocial and organizational work environment

Aronsson, Vanda January 2016 (has links)
While recent publications indicate that employees in human service professions have higher risk of sickness absence and mental ill-health, little is known about the association with other health outcomes and possible mechanisms behind the differential risk. This study investigates differences in burnout, self-rated health and sickness absence between those in human service professions and other professions and examines whether differences in psychosocial and organizational work environment can explain possible variations. Data were derived from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH), an approximately representative sample of the Swedish working population (n=4486). Results from binary logistic regressions suggested that those in human service professions had higher odds of burnout and sickness absence those in other professions. Differences in burnout were explained by background variables while differences in sickness absence were explained by psychosocial and organizational work factors. Employees in human service professions had lower odds of suboptimal self-rated health than others in the fully adjusted model. Women were at higher risk of burnout, sickness absence, and all adverse psychosocial and organizational work environment factors except social support. Future studies should investigate the most crucial psychosocial and organizational work factors in human service professions with the objective to improve employee health.

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