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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Challenges and factors contributing to learner absenteeism in selected primary schools in Acornhoek

Mboweni, Lawrence 01 1900 (has links)
Learner absenteeism is one of the major precursors to poor academic performance. If learners miss school, they do not learn and ultimately they fail or drop-out. Notwithstanding, this problem does not receive the attention it deserves. A literature study, which reviewed research findings concerning absenteeism in South Africa and selected countries, provided a framework for the ensuing empirical inquiry. A qualitative study using in-depth interviews, focus group interviews, document review and observation as data gathering techniques focused on two selected primary schools with a high rate of learner absenteeism in the Acornhoek area of Mpumalanga, South Africa. Participants were purposefully selected as information rich candidates: absentee learners, parents of absentee learners, teachers and school principals. Learner absenteeism negatively impacts effective professional practice, that is, teaching and learning. The study concludes with recommendations to prevent learner absenteeism in order to improve teaching and learning in South African primary schools. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Présences paradoxales chez Oscar Wilde et Samuel Beckett / Paradoxical presences in Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett's works

Degroisse, Elodie 17 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'attache à mettre en lumière une véritable continuité littéraire de Wilde à Beckett, tissée par une poétique de la présence qui maintient leurs oeuvres dans une permanente instabilité, aux frontières de l'ininterprétable, tout en soulignant les particularités des voies poétiques qu'ils empruntent. L'absence est une présence étrangement dense chez ces auteurs qui captent des persistances fantomatiques, interrogeant la possibilité de la représentation, de la perception et de l'altérité. Entre présence et absence, la mort est au coeur d'oeuvres qui réinventent l'héritage gothique pour exprimer l'horreur de la dégradation du moi, l'angoisse du devenir-Objet, processus de hantise qui conduit à deux esthétiques croisées de la décomposiiton. Le texte wildien est un jalon menant à la représentation beckettienne de la disparition des frontières entre vie et mort. la présence structure aussi sur le mode métatextuel : par la mise en abyme et la métathéâtralité, la représentation se fait fragmentaire pour montrer les failles d'une présence paradoxale au coeur d'un théâtre de la revenance. la suprématie de l'art sur le réel et du style sur la substance apparaissent : entre épuisement et emballement, leurs écritures sont caractérisées par la précision et la cohérence tout en décrivant le vacillement des certitudes et des conventions. De leur rapport ambivalent à l'Irlande naît un texte se déployant dans un "entre-Trois" linguistique (anglais, français, et gaélique). Les oeuvres permettent de faire l'expérience de la présence à la limite de la disparition, menant à une écriture de l'entre-Deux pour défaire les frontières, trouver des passages, inventer de nouvelles voies. / This thesis aims at highlighting a deep literary continuity from Wilde to Beckett, through a poetic of the presence which keeps their works in a permanent instability, verging on the impossibility of interpreting, while underlining the specificities of the poetic ways they undertake. The absence is a strangely dense presence in the works of those two writers who get ghostly remainings, questioning the possibility of representation, of perception and otherness. Between presence and absence, death is at the core of works which reinvent the gothic legacy to express which leads to two crossed aesthetics of decomposition. The Wildean text is a hinge leading to the Beckettian representation of the disappearance of the frontiers between life and death. The presence also structures on a metatextual mode : through mise en abyme and metatheatricality, the representation becomes fragmentary in order to show the weaknesses of a paradoxical presence at the heart of a spectral theatre. The supremacy of art over reality and of style over substance appear : between exhaustion and profusion, their writings are characterized by precision and consistency while describing the wavering of certainties and conventions. Their ambivalent relationship to Ireland brings forth a text existing in the intermediary space between English, French and Gaelic. Their works foster the experience of presence verging on disapppearence, leading to an in-Between writing to dismiss frontiers, to find new passages and invent new ways.

Trois essais en finance de marché / Three essays in finance of markets

Tavin, Bertrand 07 November 2013 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est l'étude de certains aspects d'un marché financier comportant plusieurs actifs risqués et des options écrites sur ces actifs. Dans un premier essai, nous proposons une expression de la distribution implicite du prix d'un actif sous-jacent en fonction du smile de volatilité associé aux options écrites sur cet actif. L'expression obtenue pour la densité implicite prend la forme d'une densité log-normale plus deux termes d'ajustement. La mise en œuvre de ce résultat est ensuite illustrée à travers deux applications pratiques. Dans le deuxième essai, nous obtenons deux caractérisations de l'absence d'opportunité d'arbitrage en termes de fonctions copules. Chacune de ces caractérisations conduit à une méthode de détection des situations d'arbitrage. La première méthode proposée repose sur une propriété particulière des copules de Bernstein. La seconde méthode est valable dans le cas bivarié et tire profit de résultats sur les bornes de Fréchet-Hoeffding en présence d'information additionnelle sur la dépendance. Les résultats de l'utilisation de ces méthodes sur des données empiriques sont présentés. Enfin, dans le troisième essai, nous proposons une approche pour couvrir avec des options sur spread l'exposition au risque de dépendance d'un portefeuille d'options écrites sur deux actifs. L'approche proposée repose sur l'utilisation de deux modèles paramétriques de dépendance que nous introduisons: les copules Power Frank (PF) et Power Student's t (PST). Le fonctionnement et les résultats de l'approche proposée sont illustrés dans une étude numérique. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of a market with several risky assets and options written on these assets. In a first essay, we express the implied distribution of an underlying asset price as a function of its options implied volatility smile. For the density, the obtained expression has the form of a log-normal density plus two adjustment terms. We then explain how to use these results and develop practical applications. In a first application we value a portfolio of digital options and in another application we fit a parametric distribution. In the second essay, we propose a twofold characterization of the absence of arbitrage opportunity in terms of copula functions. We then propose two detection methods. The first method relies on a particular property of Bernstein copulas. The second method, valid only in the case of a market with two risky assets, is based upon results on improved Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds in presence of additional information about the dependence. We also present results obtained with the proposed methods applied to empirical data. Finally, in the third essay, we develop an approach to hedge, with spread options, an exposure to dependence risk for a portfolio comprising two-asset options. The approach we propose is based on two parametric models of dependence that we introduce. These dependence models are copulas functions named Power Frank (PF) and Power Student's t (PST). The results obtained with the proposed approach are detailed in a numerical study.

Nouveaux mécanismes d'action du récepteur mGlu7a dans le thalamus : de la synapse au comportement / New action mechanisms of the mGlu7a receptor in the thalamus : from synapse to behaviour

Tassin, Valériane 31 October 2014 (has links)
Le fonctionnement cérébral est régit par deux grandes forces : un système excitateur, principalement supporté par la transmission gluue,tamatergiq qui s'oppose à un système inhibiteur, principalement supporté par la transmission GABAergique. L'influence mutuelle et équilibrée de ces deux forces est déterminante pour établir et maintenir une activité neuronale physiologique au sein des réseaux neuronaux. Le récepteur métabotropique du glutamate de type 7, mGlu7, est capable de moduler à la fois la transmission glutamatergique et GABAergique, mais sa localisation et son rôle synaptique précis restent largement méconnus à l'heure actuelle. Il semble important pour contrôler le fonctionnement d'une circuiterie particulière supportant notamment la perception sensorielle lors de l'éveil ou la perte de conscience lors de l'endormissement, mais aussi les crises épileptiques d'absence lors d'un dysfonctionnement : le circuit thalamo-cortical. Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des fonctions physiologiques médiées par le récepteur mGlu7a au sein du réseau thalamo-cortical chez la souris. Pour cela, j'ai décortiqué la localisation et les processus électrophysiologiques engendrés par le récepteur dans les synapses thalamiques constituant la circuiterie thalamo-corticale. Le récepteur mGlu7a s'estavéré essentiel dans le contrôle des rythmes oscillatoires au sein du thalamus, associés à la fois au sommeil (les fuseaux de sommeil) et aux épilepsies de type absence.Ce récepteur était présumé ne fonctionner que lors d'activités neuronales intenses. Cette étude complète ce tableau. Elle met en évidence une activité constitutive du récepteur mGlu7a au sein des synapses excitatrices et inhibitrices. Il exerce donc un frein permanent sur l’entrée de Ca2+ dans les présynapses, un acteur crucial pour le développement du système nerveux, la transmission synaptique, l'excitabilité et la plasticité neuronales. Je montre que cette activitémodule la libération de glutamate et de GABA, mais aussi la plasticité à court terme dans certaines synapses du circuit. De plus, le récepteur mGlu7a limite le tonus inhibiteur au sein du thalamus et ainsi l'excitabilité globale thalamique.De façon surprenante pour un récepteur du glutamate, l'ensemble de ces résultats suggère une action physiologique du récepteur mGlu7a particulièrement impliquée dans le contrôle de l'état d'excitabilité des neurones GABAergiques thalamiques et corticaux. En limitant l'apparition d'activités synchrones au sein de la circuiterie, son action abouti in fine au maintien d'un état conscient de l'individu, nécessaire aux traitements des informations sensorielles, mais aussi à l'apprentissage et la mémoire. / Brain functionning is gouverned by two master forces : excitation, mainly supported by glutamatergic transmission, and inhibition, mainly supported by GABAergic transmission. The mutual and balanced influence of these two forces is instrumental to establish and maintain a physiological neuronal activity, particulary in neuronal networks involving several interconnected brain area and neuron types. The metabotropic glutamate receptor type 7, mGlu7, modulates both glutamatergic and GABAergic transmission, but its precise localization andsynaptic role are still widly unknown. Recently, a genetic mouse model has highlighted mGlu7a receptor's involvement into the functionning of a particular network supporting somatosensory perception during arousal and loss of consciousness during sleep, as well as absence epileptic seizures : the thalamo-cortical network. This thesis aims at understanding physiological functions mediated by the mGlu7a receptor in the thalamo-cortical circuit. I have dissected localization and electrophysiologicalprocesses triggered by the receptor in thalamic synapses. The mGlu7a receptor was proved as essential to control oscillatory rythmes in the thalamus, associated with both sleep-related waves (spindles) and absence epileptic seizures.This receptor was supposed to function only during high neuronal activities. In addition, our study highlights a constitutive activity of mGlu7a receptor in excitatory and inhibitory synapses. It thus exerts a permanent brake on Ca2+ presynaptic entry, which is crucial for neuronal developpement, synaptic transmission, excitability and plasticity. I found that this mechanism modulates glutamate and GABA release, but also short term plasticity in thestudied network. Moreover, mGlu7a receptor slows down the inhibitory tonus in the thalamus and thalamic excitability.Surprisingly for a glutamate receptor, these data suggest that the physiological action of mGlu7a receptor is highly involved in the control of the excitability of inhibitory thalamic and cortical neurons. By decreasing synchronous activities of the network, its action leads in fine to the maintenance of a conscious, awake state of a subject, that is necessary for sensorial informations processing, learning and memory.

Challenges and factors contributing to learner absenteeism in selected primary schools in Acornhoek

Mboweni, Lawrence 01 1900 (has links)
Learner absenteeism is one of the major precursors to poor academic performance. If learners miss school, they do not learn and ultimately they fail or drop-out. Notwithstanding, this problem does not receive the attention it deserves. A literature study, which reviewed research findings concerning absenteeism in South Africa and selected countries, provided a framework for the ensuing empirical inquiry. A qualitative study using in-depth interviews, focus group interviews, document review and observation as data gathering techniques focused on two selected primary schools with a high rate of learner absenteeism in the Acornhoek area of Mpumalanga, South Africa. Participants were purposefully selected as information rich candidates: absentee learners, parents of absentee learners, teachers and school principals. Learner absenteeism negatively impacts effective professional practice, that is, teaching and learning. The study concludes with recommendations to prevent learner absenteeism in order to improve teaching and learning in South African primary schools. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Regional Variance in Sickness Insurance Usage

Kroksgård, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Which factors best explain the regional variation in sick-listing and early retirement? Data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is fitted against variables describing different regional characteristics that have been linked to sickness insurance consumption in the literature. Results, in line with earlier empirical investigation, suggest that particularly the employment rate, the populations‟ age, and its wealth are strong determinants of regional insurance usage. Two further factors, though less discussed in the literature, appear to have some relevance as well: A high share of large workplaces is found to predict higher rates of early retirement, while a large share of foreign-born predict lower sick-listing rates. Both effects have been found before, though the first one perhaps not in Swedish cross section analysis and the latter does not appear to be well understood in the literature. A tentative explanation for it is given here.

Regional Variance in Sickness Insurance Usage

Kroksgård, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Which factors best explain the regional variation in sick-listing and early retirement? Data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is fitted against variables describing different regional characteristics that have been linked to sickness insurance consumption in the literature. Results, in line with earlier empirical investigation, suggest that particularly the employment rate, the populations‟ age, and its wealth are strong determinants of regional insurance usage. Two further factors, though less discussed in the literature, appear to have some relevance as well: A high share of large workplaces is found to predict higher rates of early retirement, while a large share of foreign-born predict lower sick-listing rates. Both effects have been found before, though the first one perhaps not in Swedish cross section analysis and the latter does not appear to be well understood in the literature. A tentative explanation for it is given here.</p>

Les conditions de l'exception "in house" : contribution à une théorie du contrôle public sur les opérateurs dédiés / No title available

Deroudille, Alexis 03 July 2015 (has links)
Apparue dans l’arrêt fondateur Teckal de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, l’exception « in house » l’une des sources de dérogation à l’application du droit de la commande publique. A l’origine essentiellement prétorien, ce procédé juridique revient à dispenser certains pouvoirs adjudicateurs des obligations de publicité et de mise en concurrence qui caractérisent le droit de la commande publique, lorsque ceux-ci entendent confier un activité, ou déléguer une mission, à un prestataire sur lequel ils exercent un contrôle analogue à celui qu’ils exercent sur leurs propres services, et qu’en retour, ce prestataire réalise plus de 80% de son activité avec le pouvoir adjudicateur qui le contrôle. Le prestataire, bien qu’extérieur à l’administration est alors assimilé à l’un de ses service propres, si bien que la mission est considéré comme réalisée « en interne », d’où l’expression « in house ». / No summary available

Paulo Freire e a pedagogia do oprimido: afinidades p?s-coloniais

Lima, Jos? Gllauco Smith Avelino de 17 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseGSAL_DISSERT.pdf: 1464310 bytes, checksum: 8b0b3f8f56a89994aae4ad6c90665c18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The main objective of the present research is to reflect on the affinities between post-colonial theories - analytical perspectives directed toward the discussion of colonialism and its effects on the contemporary social fabric - and Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire&#8223;s (1921-1997) Pedagogy of the Oppressed, written at the end of the 1960&#8223;s. The study aims to make the argument that the present reflections on the featured work is an example of a post-colonial theoretical framework, delineating a critical modus operandi of colonialism, particularly in its cultural and epistemic dimensions, delineating a problematization of the processes of cognitive domination set, above all, by the European colonization of the Latin American continent, with the formation of the modern-world-system (WALLERSTEIN, 2007), dated from the 16TH Century forward. From this stand point, and especially supported by the contributions of Boaventura de Sousa Santos on the sociology of absence, the present work accentuates Pedagogy of the Oppressed as a set of reflections that bring the possibility of a pedagogy of absence (SANTOS, 1996), having in mind that, this book deals with, the presuppositions of an educational action, which considers the plurality of knowledge and social practices by way of the establishment of a pedagogical practice of collective construction, emancipator and dialogic that arises from the encounter to the indolent reason (SANTOS, 2009) in which the silencing of the voices of the oppressed, construct their conditions of invisibility, promoting also the absence of the social questions inherent to the processes of teaching and learning. It is with this perspective, however, that post colonialism is considered a theoretical site for the affirmation and the reinvention of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, an obligatory reference in the construction of a prudent knowledge for a decent life (SANTOS, 2006) / A disserta??o em pauta possui como objetivo principal a reflex?o acerca das afinidades entre as teorias p?s-coloniais - perspectivas anal?ticas voltadas para a discuss?o em torno do colonialismo e de seus efeitos na tecitura social contempor?nea - e a Pedagogia do Oprimido - livro escrito pelo educador brasileiro Paulo Freire (1921-1997) durante os anos finais da d?cada de 1960. Argumentamos que as reflex?es presentes na obra em destaque, a exemplo do arcabou?o te?rico p?s-colonial, delineiam uma cr?tica ao modus operandi do colonialismo, particularmente em sua dimens?o cultural e epist?mica, delineando uma problematiza??o sobre os processos de domina??o cognitiva instaurados, sobretudo, a partir da coloniza??o europeia no continente latino-americano, quando da forma??o do sistema-mundo-moderno (WALLERSTEIN, 2007), datada do S?culo XVI em diante. Partindo-se deste princ?pio, e amparado especialmente nas contribui??es de Boaventura de Sousa Santos sobre a sociologia das aus?ncias, o presente estudo acentua a Pedagogia do Oprimido como um conjunto de reflex?es que trazem a possibilidade de uma pedagogia das aus?ncias (SANTOS, 1996), tendo em vista que, neste livro, evidenciam-se os pressupostos de uma a??o educacional que considera a pluralidade de saberes e de pr?ticas sociais por meio do estabelecimento de uma pr?tica pedag?gica de constru??o coletiva, emancipat?ria e dialogal que vai de encontro ? raz?o indolente (SANTOS, 2009). Esta raz?o, ao silenciar as vozes dos oprimidos, constr?i suas condi??es de invisibilidade, promovendo tamb?m a aus?ncia de quest?es sociais inerentes aos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. ? no interior desta perspectiva, portanto, que se considera o p?s-colonialismo como um lugar te?rico para a afirma??o e a reinven??o da Pedagogia do Oprimido, referencial imprescind?vel ? constru??o de um conhecimento prudente para uma vida decente (SANTOS, 2006)

Attendance and Social Interdependence in Game Development Labs

Brantly E McCord (8812214) 08 May 2020 (has links)
This is an exploratory research study aimed toward steadying attendance across a semester of higher education video game development labs with attention to cooperation as a co-factor. Following the observation of unusually strong attendance in a highly cooperative game development lab class which aligns with these theories, this paper seeks to explore whether subfactors of positive social interdependence are co-factors with lab attendance. Sparked by previous case data, this exploratory study examines data from the Fall 2019 iteration of the introductory video game development course, defining and measuring potential co-factor variables during an individual-focused half of the course supplemented with group activity, and a fully group-focused half of the semester, with future interest in investigating a correlation between attendance and positive interdependence. Empirical studies of both the performance impact of attendance, and the financial reliance of residential higher education institutions on student attendance and retention suggest that understanding how to operationalize students’ motivation to attend class is epistemically and fiscally valuable. Studies of positive interdependence raise interest as a co-factor contextually through high commitment, joint efficacy, and mutual benefit, strongly overlapping with empirical antecedents of higher education retention and seminal social psychological frameworks. Therefore, the author began an intended extensive analysis of consecutive semesters. All students enrolled in the Fall 2019 introductory game development course (n=56 for students with matched data sets, 59 retained participant students total) were engaged in cooperatively-designed lectures and lab activities, with the first half of the semester’s lighter collaborative activity and independent assigned work to be compared to the second half’s full-time group project work. Between these designed halves, two null hypotheses were assessed: 1) lab attendance in the first half of the semester is equivalent to the second half, and 2) subfactors of positive interdependence in the first half of the semester are equivalent to the second half. Attendance proportions and surveyed positive interdependence measures for the Fall 2019 semester were analyzed using paired sample t-tests. Attendance, and a majority of positive interdependence subfactors were not significantly different across halves of the semester, suggesting that collaboration had evened results across the whole, but not all effects reached their target results. The Classroom Life Instrument was used to formally measure the presence of a positive interdependent context before and after group project work.

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