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Att utveckla elevers läsförståelse med barnlitteratur : – En komparativ analys av en kapitelbok och en bilderbok om Oliver TwistAhlnäs, Elin, Makkonen, Ida January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats genomför vi en komparativ textanalys av Charles Dickens verk om Oliver Twist och vi använder oss av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Verken vi har jämför är en översatt kapitelbok, Oliver Twist (2001) med en adapterad bilderbok, Oliver Twist (2019). Uppsatsens syfte är undersöka vad som har förändrats i de olika versionerna, där vi fokuserar på berättelsens intrig och karaktärer. Analysens resultat visar att detaljer i både händelser och karaktärer har reducerats men att bilderna i adaptionen bidrar med mycket av berättandet. Vidare används analysens resultat i en didaktisk diskussion för beskriva hur båda böckerna kan användas kombinerat i ett undervisningssammanhang för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse
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Tre gånger Twist : En jämförelse mellan tre filmregissörers adaption av Charles Dickens roman Oliver Twist.Pålbrant, Harald January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Adaptive Video Streaming : Adapting video quality to radio links with different characteristicsEklöf, William January 2008 (has links)
During the last decade, the data rates provided by mobile networks have improved to the point that it is now feasible to provide richer services, such as streaming multimedia, to mobile users. However, due to factors such as radio interference and cell load, the throughput available to a client varies over time. If the throughput available to a client decreases below the media’s bit rate, the client’s buffer will eventually become empty. This causes the client to enter a period of rebuffering, which degrades user experience. In order to avoid this, a streaming server may provide the media at different bit rates, thereby allowing the media’s bit rate (and quality) to be modified to fit the client’s bandwidth. This is referred to as adaptive streaming. The aim of this thesis is to devise an algorithm to find the media quality most suitable for a specific client, focusing on how to detect that the user is able to receive content at a higher rate. The goal for such an algorithm is to avoid depleting the client buffer, while utilizing as much of the bandwidth available as possible without overflowing the buffers in the network. In particular, this thesis looks into the difficult problem of how to do adaptation for live content and how to switch to a content version with higher bitrate and quality in an optimal way. This thesis examines if existing adaptation mechanisms can be improved by considering the characteristics of different mobile networks. In order to achieve this, a study of mobile networks currently in use has been conducted, as well as experiments with streaming over live networks. The experiments and study indicate that the increased available throughput can not be detected by passive monitoring of client feedback. Furthermore, a higher data rate carrier will not be allocated to a client in 3G networks, unless the client is sufficiently utilizing the current carrier. This means that a streaming server must modify its sending rate in order to find its maximum throughput and to force allocation of a higher data rate carrier. Different methods for achieving this are examined and discussed and an algorithm based upon these ideas was implemented and evaluated. It is shown that increasing the transmission rate by introducing stuffed packets in the media stream allows the server to find the optimal bit rate for live video streams without switching up to a bit rate which the network can not support. This thesis was carried out during the summer and autumn of 2008 at Ericsson Research, Multimedia Technologies in Kista, Sweden. / Under det senaste decenniet har överföringshastigheterna i mobilnätet ökat så pass mycket att detnu är möjligt att erbjuda användarna mer avancerade tjänster, som till exempel strömmandemultimedia. I mobilnäten varierar dock klientens bandbredd med avseende på tiden på grund avfaktorer som störningar på radiolänken och lasten i cellen. Om en klients överföringshastighetsjunker till mindre än mediets bithastighet, kommer klientens buffert till slut att bli tom. Dettaleder till att klienten inleder en period av ombuffring, vilket försämrar användarupplevelsen. Föratt undvika detta kan en strömmande server erbjuda mediet i flera olika bithastigheter, vilket gördet möjligt för servern att anpassa bithastigheten (och därmed kvalitén) till klientens bandbredd.Denna metod kallas för adaptive strömning. Syftet för detta examensarbete är att utveckla en algoritm, som hittar den bithastighet som är bästlämpad för en specifik användare med fokus på att upptäcka att en klient kan ta emot media avhögre kvalité. Målet för en sådan algoritm är att undvika att klientens buffert blir tom ochsamtidigt utnyttja så mycket av bandbredden som möjligt utan att fylla nätverksbuffertarna. Merspecifikt undersöker denna rapport det svåra problemet med hur adaptering för direktsänd mediakan utföras. Examensarbetet undersöker om existerande adapteringsmekanismer kan förbättras genom attbeakta de olika radioteknologiers egenskaper. I detta arbete ingår både en studie avradioteknologier, som för tillfället används kommersiellt, samt experiment med strömmandemedia över dessa. Resultaten från studien och experimenten tyder på att ökad bandbredd inte kanupptäckas genom att passivt övervaka ”feedback” från klienten. Vidare kommer inte användarenatt allokeras en radiobärare med högre överföringshastighet i 3G-nätverk, om inte den nuvarandebäraren utnyttjas maximalt. Detta innebär att en strömmande server måste variera sinsändningshastighet både för att upptäcka om mer bandbredd är tillgänglig och för att framtvingaallokering av en bärare med högre hastighet. Olika metoder för att utföra detta undersöks ochdiskuteras och en algoritm baserad på dessa idéer utvecklas. Detta examensarbete utfördes under sommaren och hösten 2008 vid Ericsson Research,Multimedia Technologies i Kista, Sverige.
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Sustainability views of Adaptation measures to the potential impacts due to climate change in the Coastal zone of BangladeshKarim, Rezaul January 2010 (has links)
The thesis work has studied mainly autonomous adaptation measures used by local communities against natural hazards. In course of time the climate change will make these hazards frequent and severe challenging peoples capacity to cope with them. The work is conducted as a case study in nine coastal agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh. Coastal zones have socio-economical potential but are at the same time vulnerable to destructive effects of climate change in agriculture, human settlements, health, ecosystem and security. In collaboration with the Department of Environmental sciences in Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, adaptation measures practiced at study areas have been gathered and then evaluated using a rated set of eleven criteria which has been derived from principles of sustainable adaptation. As a result of this study several adaptation measures show high sustainability, some medium but most of them with a low sustainability in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and implementation ability. The conclusion is to enhance local adaptive capacity in terms of its hazards context and to modify adaptation measures to be more sustainable.
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Consistent Unanticipated Adaptation for Context-Dependent ApplicationsTaing, Nguonly, Wutzler, Markus, Springer, Thomas, Cardozo, Nicolás, Schill, Alexander 23 June 2021 (has links)
Unanticipated adaptation allows context-dependent applications to overcome the limitation of foreseen adaptation by incorporating previously unknown behavior. Introducing this concept in language-based approaches leads to inconsistencies as an object can have different views in different contexts. Existing language-based approaches do not address unanticipated adaptation and its associated run-time inconsistencies. We propose an architecture for unanticipated adaptation at run time based on dynamic instance binding crafted in a loosely manner to asynchronously replace adaptable entities that allow for behavioral changes of objects. To solve inconsistencies, we introduce the notion of transactions at the object level. Transactions guard the changing objects during their execution, ensuring consistent views. This allows for disruption-free, safe updates of adaptable entities by means of consistent unanticipated adaptation.
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Skånepågen blir dialektlös pojke? : En adaptionsanalys av Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige, transformeringen från bok till film / The Scanian "lad" becomes a dialectless boy? : An adaptation of The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, the transformation from book to filmHaraldsson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Selma Lagerlöf's story about Nils Holgersson, The wonderful Adventures of Nils (1906-1907), is unique in several different ways. It was innovative for its time and it was the first school book written as a story, which makes it an interesting foundation to build an essay upon. The essay examines Selma Lagerlöf's novel about Nils Holgersson compared to Dirk Regel's film adaptation (2011). Both the novel and the film are divided into two parts and only the first part of the book is compared to the first part of the film. Adaptations are common in today's society, a common type of adaptation is when a novel transform into a film but it can also be when a poem becomes music or a play turns into a film. The essay discusses what happens when a medium is transformed into another medium. The essay also has a pedagogical perspective and asks what happens when a didactic school book is adapted into a film. The view on children in Lagerlöf's time is discussed in relation to the view on children that prevails in today's society. When it comes to characters, I’m interested in seeing how Nils Holgersson is portrayed in the book versus in the film. The method used is Linda Hutcheon's and Siobhan O'Flynn’s adaptation analysis which focuses is on various factors that affect an adaptation. Regarding theory, I will use both Thomas Leitch’s adaptation theory and Maria Nikolajeva's children's literature theory. The results show that Lagerlöf's Nils Holgersson is a character who has few qualities. In the beginning he is bad and at the end of the story he becomes good, he develops through the story and is thus a flat but dynamic character. In Regel's version, Nils Holgersson is a complex character from beginning to end and he does not develop, he is thus a round but static character. The didactic perspective it is not as prevalent in the film compared to the book, but some episodes can be understood as having an educational message, which I interpret as a reference to the source medium.
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Faktorer av betydelse i psykiatrisk vård för sjuksköterskans möjligheter att mentalt lämna arbetet efter arbetspassets slutGahm, Martina, Pettersson, Angela January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Identity: Moving and Living Abroad - A qualitative interview study of Afghan female immigrants who moved to Sweden during 2015-2016Mehmeti, Anita January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates Afghan female immigrants’ experiences of their adaptation process in Sweden. It also examines whether gender identity alters among these Afghan women. The study was conducted through a qualitative research approach based on six semi-structured interviews, with its data being analyzed by thematic analysis. The thematic analysis presented the result on the basis of four themes; identity, social relations, cultural differences and the migration process. Further, the results show that most respondents were affected by migration, that they were influenced by social relations and that they experienced cultural differences in Sweden compared to Afghanistan.
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Musiklärares syften med individualisering : En tematisk analys av individualiseringsmetoder och dess syften / Music teacher's purposes with individualization : A thematic anlysys of individualization methods and their purposesBergendahl, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utforska vilka individualiseringsmetoder musiklärare på gymnasiet och kultur- och musikskolan använder samt i vilket syfte de använder dem. Tidigare forskning berör individualisering, inre motivation och yttre motivation. Studien har individualisering- och differentieringsmodeller som utgångspunkt. Studien är kvalitativ och semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att samla in data. Tematisk analys användes för att avkoda och analysera all data. I resultatet framkommer musiklärares individualiseringsmetoder och syftet med individualiseringen. I diskussionen relateras resultatet med tidigare forskning och följande teman tas upp. Individualisering för att påverka elevernas motivation, individualiseringar för att få eleverna att känna sig trygga på musiklektionen och med läraren, individualiseringar för att få eleverna att känna sig mer delaktiga i undervisningen, individualisering för att möta elevernas kunskaper och färdigheter och att ge dem meningsfulla utmaningar och till sist individualiseringar för att öka elevernas autonomi. Därefter förs en diskussion över studiens valda metod. Slutligen diskuteras arbetets betydelse och värde för yrkesområdet samt behovet av framtida forsknings- och utvecklingsarbeten. / The purpose of this study is to explore which individualization methods music teacher working in high school and culture- and music schools and what their purpose is with using the individualizations. Former research refers to individualization and differentiation. The study is based on individualization and differentiation models. The study is qualitative and semi-structured interviews were used to gather the data. Thematic analysis was used to code and analyse the data. In the result following themes occur. Individualization to affect students motivation, individualization to make the students feel safe in the music class and with the teacher, individualizations to make the students feel more involved in the education, individualization to meet the students’ knowledge and skills and to give them meaningful challenges and lastly individualizations to increase students’ autonomy. Afterwards there is a discussion about the chosen method of the study, the study’s meaning and worth for the profession and the need for future research.
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AI adaption in digital marketing : An investigation on marketers’ expectations from AI, and the applicable knowledge on search engine marketing. / AI-anpassning inom digital marknadsföring : En undersökning av marknadsförares förväntningar på AI och tillämplig kunskap om marknadsföring via sökmotorer.Iskef, George January 2021 (has links)
Abstract The following research conceptualizes the applicability of AI in search engine marketing. Following a rigorous investigation on professionals’ opinions, the investigation regards their perceptual understanding of the applicable AI practices and the required level of interrelated knowledge to technical applicability for a more successful marketing strategy. Purpose Digitalization has changed many industrial sectors towards becoming technologically dependent. These technological advancements are somewhat visible by professionals and applicable in their industry. The thesis examines AI’s applicability in search engine marketing and the understanding of professionals in its handling. Based on research that identifies marketers’ misperceptions of AI to be ineffective in marketing, and other research that finds technical knowledge in AI as connected to successful marketing management. This investigation intends to examine marketers’ expectations from AI, and compare that to what AI professionals think that should be expected. Thus, with the knowledge acquired through the interviews and theory review, this research intends to summarize marketers’ expectations from AI in search engine marketing, and the AI knowledge that should be expected from a marketer. Method The research methods are qualitative, applying practices such as online interviews with open-end questions and template analysis to classify the data collection. On the first level, this research distinguished between marketers’ expectations from AI and current AI capabilities. In advance, focus on Google AI in search engine marketing, to investigate a specific search engine. Finally, establishing an expectancy of marketers’ knowledge in AI, relational to search engine marketing. Findings While technical understanding in AI infrastructures may increase problem-solving capabilities in search engine marketing, technical proficiency in AI is not among the primary contributors for successful marketing. The research findings show a different result from the expected outcome on knowledge requirements. And while marketers hold high expectations from the automation of search engine marketing, however, they are certain of the irreplaceable human contribution in creating abstract and strategic development. Keywords Artificial Intelligence (AI), Search engine marketing (SEM), Knowledge management / <p>Due to the pandemic, the thesis work was presented online via zoom meetings by all students. </p>
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