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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stad under vatten : Skyfall, ett window of opportunity för klimatanpassning?

Lane, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
The climate is about to change to a warmer state. At least according to global and Swedish national climate prognoses from IPCC and SMHI. According to the same prognoses these changes will have an significant impact on cities. Impacts such as, for example, more intense and frequently occuring downpours and raised sea levels which leaves cities at the risk of flooding. The process of adapting cities to climate changes can be seen as a task for the spatial planing, a process that can be called climate adaption. However, the question of adapting cities to future climate changes is at low priority due to many causes. This study aims to examine what happens if a prognosed risk of climate change precedes the actual changes. Could such an inident lead to a more proactive planning for adaption to climate changes? In 2nd of July 2011 there was a skyfall in Copenhagen, Denmark. An incident that lead to an extensive flooding of the city. The municipality of Copenhagens process for climate adaption, in terms of making Copenhagen resilient to floodings caused by heavy downpours, through strategical documents constitutes the Case in this study. The aim of this essay is to study the connection between crises and the process of climate adaption. An aim that’s going to be achieved by examining if the incident in 2011 have been a window of opportunity for the process of climate adaption that constitutes the Case in this essay.

Stenålderskost : en kritisk granskning av metod, teori och tolkning / Paleodiet : a critical review of method, theory and interpretation

Andersson, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
In recent years there has been discussion of the many health benefits of the paleodiet, a diet that consist of food that we are evolutionary and genetically adapted to consume. The agricultural revolution introduced mankind to dietary changes that did not suit our biology, and is now the main reason for the nutrition-based diseases in developed countries. The purpose of this paper is to review both the archaeological methods used to explain the paleodiet and the knowledge we have about our hunter-gatherer ancestors and to see if there is any evidence to claim that the paleodiet could be an answer to food-health related diseases. This paper will also discuss the different perspectives behind the many dietary changes in human evolution and how they reflect on man’s dietary conditions today. The material used for this research is based on studies in anthropology, biology, genetics and epidemiology. The theory behind this paper is based on the positivism knowledge founded on properties and relations between measurable studies. Based on interpretations by reason and logic this paper is concluded through deductive reasoning. The results show that food-related diseases and syndromes are absent from traditional hunter-gatherer societies and that they first start to manifest if a western-based diet is adopted. According to our evolutionary and biological structure, man is not adapted to consuming dairy or agricultural products and we are, in fact, genetically identical to our Paleolithic ancestors. Therefore, because we have the same dietary conditions as the paleo hunter-gatherer, we would be considerably more healthy if we adopted a Paleolithic based diet.

Bylingen och den Andre : En adaptionsteoretisk närläsning av romanen Den skrattande polisen och filmen Beck - Invasionen

Ung, Franz January 2017 (has links)
The study is using a method called close reading through adaptation theory, invented by Linda Hutcheon. Through this method we are comparing the book The laugning policeman from 1968 written by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö with the movie Beck- The invasion from 2015. The movie is based on the book in the sense that it has many so called Sign elements that appears both in the book and in the movie.   The study is focusing on a comparison between the book and the movie regarding the Other, that is people who as characters in the book and the movie respectively are foreign, both as a citizen as well as the person acts.   The results show that descriptions of some persons go under the definition the Other, but the movie and the book is heavily different concerning in what areas the Other has its qualities from. It also differs from which place the Other has in the story. In the book, the Others role is a side trail, while in the movie they are the central theme of the story.   Key words: Adaptation, The Other, Exoticism, Positioning, Essential, Sign Elements Nyckelord: Adaption, Den Andre, Exotism, Positionering, Essentiell, Sign Elements

Tradução e validação de conteúdo em português do questionário para avaliação de distúrbios impulsivo-compulsivos na doença de Parkinson - Parkinson's Disease Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders Questionnaire – Current Short (QUIP-CS)

Krieger, Débora Mascella January 2016 (has links)
Base teórica: A doença de Parkinson (DP) é a segunda enfermidade neurodegenerativa mais frequente, crescendo proporcionalmente com o aumento da idade. É uma doença de comprometimento motor e não motor. Levodopa e agonistas dopaminérgicos (AD) são usados no tratamento da DP, permitindo um controle ótimo dos sintomas nos primeiros anos. Entretanto, em 5 anos, metade dos pacientes terão complicações motoras e nãomotoras induzidas pelo uso de antiparkinsonianos. Manifestações neuropsiquiátricas são frequentes, entre elas depressão, ansiedade, prejuízos cognitivos, sintomas psicóticos e transtorno de descontrole dos impulsos(DI). O DI é uma condição caracterizada pela falência em resistir a impulsos ou tentação de executar atos. O DI está associado ao uso de antiparkinsonianos, em especial, os agonistas dopaminérgicos A identificação desta condição é primordial para seu tratamento e estudo adequados. Na literatura atual, o questionário padrão-ouro foi validado na língua inglesa (QUIP), não existindo uma validação para língua portuguesa. Objetivo: Traduzir e validar o questionário QUIP-CS, em sua versão curta e aplicável no momento presente da DP, para lingua Portuguesa do Brasil Métodos: A versão curta da QUIP (QUIP-CS) foi traduzida para o Português por tradutor juramentado. Após, esta foi avaliada por 5 especialistas em DP no Brasil, sendo sugeridas pequenas correções. A versão corrigida em português foi retrotraduzida para o inglês por 2 tradutores juramentados nativos na língua original da escala (inglês), que compararam suas versões posteriormente, chegando-se a uma nova versão final neste idioma. Esta foi enviada ao autor da escala original, que concordou com esta versão, ou seja, foram mantidas as propriedades semânticas do instrumento. Após, a versão final em Português foi auto-aplicada em 65 indivíduos com diagnóstico de DP em tratamento no ambulatório especializado no HCPA, sendo que, de forma aleatória, para 30 foi aplicado um questionário de avaliação sobre o grau de dificuldade de compreensão de suas perguntas. Resultados: Em uma escala de 1 a 5 pontos, onde 1 era nenhuma compreensão das perguntas e 5, clara compreensão, a média de entendimento pelos pacientes foi de 4,06 +/- 0,69 DP. Conclusão: A avaliação desta versão foi considerada de fácil compreensão pelos próprios pacientes. O artigo para validação da tradução do conteúdo da versão em Português da QUIP-CS está em fase de revisão para publicação. / Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most often neurodegenerative disease and proportionally growing with people aging. PD is a disease with motor and nonmotor clinical features. Levodopa and dopaminergic agonists (DA) are used for PD treatment, allowing an exquisite control of the motor symptoms during the first years. However, in five years, half patients will present motor or non-motor complications induced by cronic use of these medications. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are often, for example, depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, psychotic symptoms and impulse control disorders (ICD). The ICD is characterized by failure on resisting an impulse or on performing an specific act. Identification of the PD affected patients is crucial for proper management and study of this condition. There is an already validated self-reported questionnaire for this purpose, the Parkinson's Disease Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders Questionnaire (QUIP), without equivalent in portuguese language. Objective: To translate and to validate the Portuguese short version of the gold-standard questionnaire for identifying ICDs PD affected patients, applicable at the current moment of PD Methods: QUIP-CS was first translated to Portuguese by a professional translator. This translated version was shown to 5 PD neurologist specialists. in Brazil, being suggested minor modifications on it. This new Portuguese revised version was back translated to English by two independent native English speakers. They were both asked to compare the version one another and checked for differences. Then, they contacted each other and got a final back translated version. This one was sent for the original author, that approved its new version comparing to his original and validated one, with no loss of it’s original properties. The Portuguese corrected version was applied to 65 patients in a random way at PD’s ambulatory at HCPA. From these, 30 were asked to answer a number that would represent their level of QUIP-CS questions’ comprehension. Results: In a 1 to 5 point scale, being 1 no comprehension and 5, total comprehension, the average was 4,06 +/- 0,69 DP. Conclusion: Our results on Portuguese version of QUIP-CS show that QUIP-CS translated and corrected version was easily understood and easily self-applied. The article is under revision to be submitted for publication.

Nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska : I okänd och komplex terräng / Novice nurse : in unknown and complex terrain

Högström, Anna, Kvant, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Att vara nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska ställer höga krav på kompetensutveckling och förmåga att klara övergången till en ny miljö. Sjuksköterskebrist råder hos samtliga arbetsgivare och det finns en utmaning i framtidens kompetensförsörjning. Hög arbetsbelastning med ihållande stress, bristande personalkontinuitet och otillräcklig kompetens har en negativ inverkan på vårdens kvalitet och tillgänglighet. Det är oklart om den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan tillåts vara ny, då hen förväntas vara självständig efter introduktion. Författarna har därför utfört en litteraturöversikt med syftet att beskriva den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans upplevelse av sin övergång och kompetensutveckling de två första yrkesverksamma åren. Resultatet visar på fyra huvudteman; att klara övergången, handledningens kraft, upplevelse av arbetsmiljö och att greppa helheten med totalt tio subteman. Det synliggörs att trygga relationer i arbetsgruppen, där särskilt handledarens roll, medverkar till en positiv övergång som främjar kompetensutveckling. Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan utvecklar sin professionella identitet genom att dela med sig av erfarenheter. Genomgående finns det en känsla av att vara oförberedd att möta det ansvar som ges i ett tidigt skede. En rädsla för att göra misstag leder till en strävan att vara felfri. Inledningsvis upplever den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan svårigheter i organisatorisk förmåga, vilket kan resultera i en bristande helhetssyn kring patienten. Efter övergången upplevs tillfredställelse och stolthet att utföra yrket. Diskussionen berör komplexiteten som finns i handledning, inverkan av personliga variationer och betydelsen av relationer. För att främja en hållbar utveckling kan vi dra slutsatsen att det är värdefullt att verksamheten arbetar preventivt med arbetsmiljö. Detta för att behålla och stärka den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan i sin övergång och kompetensutveckling.

Längs Riksväg 92 : Kommunala förhållningssätt och strategier utifrån en förändrad befolkning

Ohlsson, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish municipalities are continually changing their population, both in size and composition. Regardless of the change it affects the conditions for achieving a balanced economy and the residents’ need for welfare. Today half of the municipalities are increasing versus reducing, which is a huge challenge. The purpose of the study is to describe the population development between four neighboring municipalities in Västerbotten, from the center to the periphery. Furthermore, examine how they have handled the population change and which geographical connections exist between the municipalities based on the choice of growth and adaptation strategies from Syssner (2014). The municipalities are Umeå, Vännäs, Bjurholm and Åsele.   This study is based on population statistics since 1983 and the annual presentation from 2017. The result is that all municipalities have more or less choice to use strategies linked to growth and adaptation. It’s mainly Umeå who invests in growth-generation measures and Bjurholm who invests the most in different kinds of adjustments. This geographical distribution does not correspond completely with The first law of geography by Tobler (1970). Something that might affect the distribution of strategies is the need for independence, which is higher for Åsele than Bjurholm. Which means that Åsele can’t rely on a larger city like Umeå in the same way. But something that corresponded well with Tobler (1970) was that municipalities that are geographically closer tend to relate to population change in a certain way and invest in certain types of measures compared to municipalities that are located further away. It means that Umeå and Vännäs or Bjurholm and Åsele are more equal than for example Umeå and Åsele.

例規越界:解讀產品生命週期管理系統於設計鏈的科技內涵 / Routines crossover: interpreting product lifecycle management systems in design chain

廖啟旭, Liao, Chihsu Unknown Date (has links)
企業常藉由採納新科技的作法提升本身的競爭力,科技因此成為創造企業核心競爭力的關鍵。但是要讓科技在組織中發揮其功能,並不是一件容易的事,科技的導入常伴隨著新工作方式的產生,而團隊成員不一定能馬上轉換工作方式,或接受新的工作方式,因此需要經歷過一段調適的過程,使得科技能融入到組織的工作例規當中,成為組織例規的一部份。過去的文獻從例規的觀點談科技採納並不多,本研究從組織例規的觀點著手,探究科技採納的過程中科技與組織的調適行為。 本研究以質性研究的方法進行,長期觀察與分析一家台灣知名的電腦代工廠商,研究其導入產品生命週期管理系統以提升其設計鏈績效的歷程。透過分析優品公司採納產品生命週期管理系統的前後時期,工作例規與審核變化的變化;以及分析內嵌在產品生命週期管理系統中的組織例規,以瞭解組織中的工作例規與審核例規變化的情形。最後,本研究發現有一種例規衝突的現象,我稱之為「例規越界」,這是過去文獻所未曾提及的情況,但是卻對科技採納產生重大的影響。這是科技中的組織例規與採納科技後組織的新例規之間的衝突,我將在研究中呈現不同例規間的衝突對於科技採納的影響。 本研究在學理上的貢獻有三:首先,反思在科技調適的文獻中,是否忽略了科技精神的重要性?調適不能只重視功能面的調適,更需要注重精神面的調適。其次是,透過反思審核例規背後的精神,去凸顯出當使用者在與科技進行調適時,是如何產生學習上的失靈。當使用者能有效的解讀科技的精神時,調適才有可能更有效。最後,回應Feldman的單一例規變化的主張,進行延展性解釋,本研究發現例規是否成為變動的來源取決於例規間互動的關係,其中例規變動的方向,不僅取決於例規間變動的關係,還取決於使用者是否能反思例規的內涵。因此,本研究認為組織例規不只是像Feldman所主張的「例規是變革的來源」,而且還是「例規的反思是變革的路徑」。 / The organization always promotes its competitive ability by adopting new technology. Therefore, technology has been a key element to build core competitive for organization. However, it is a hard work for technology to develop its performance in organization. When organization adopts a new technology, organization will accompany to develop a new work routine. But a lot of organization members could not switch or accept their work routines to new routines. Therefore, organization needs a period of time to adapted technology, then the technology will embed in organizational routine to be a part of organizational routines. In past literatures, there are seldom use “organizational routine” to explore technology adoption. The study will take the “organizational routine” view to understand adoptive process in technology and organizational adaption. The study is an qualitative research that reviews and analysis a famous computer OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer) in Taiwan. The study explore the process of a company adopted the PLM(product Lifecycle Management) to improve the performance of design-chain management. In the study , I analysis the organizational routines and the organizational routines embedded in PLM that before and after adopt PLM. And, the study find a routines conflict phenomenon that I call “routine crossover”. It is a important phenomenon in technology adoption that never discuss in prior research. The theoretical contribution as followings: First, the study reflected whether those prior literatures ignore the important of the “Technology Spirit” ? The technology adaption could not only focus on functional level but also spirit level. Second, by to reflect the spirit that embedded in technology, the study illustrate that the “learning disfunction” and argued that the effective technology adaption was come from effective interpret the technology spirit. Third, the study respond Feldman’s argument that “Organizational routines as a source of continuous change”, extend to “The reflect of organizational routines is a path of change.”

Från kulturchock till anpassning : Påverkar ett företags storlek, bransch och verksamhetstid svenska utlandstjänstgörandes anpassning till den kinesiska kulturen?

Rehn, Mikaela, Choudhury, Sabrina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Allt fler svenskar är utlandsstationerade i Kina (Sveriges Ambassad 2008) och att anpassa sig till den kinesiska kulturen kan vara påfrestande för en utlandstjänstgörande. Problematiken kring kulturanpassning har lett till att olika teorier testats och utvecklats (Black & Mendenhall 1991). En av de modeller som tagits fram är U-kurvan som beskriver individens anpassningsprocess genom faserna kulturchock och kulturanpassning (Zapf 1991). Individuella faktorer, som exempelvis språkkunskaper och kulturell erfarenhet har varit centrala inom forskningsområdet (Earley & Mosakowski 2004, Shay & Baack 2004) och denna studie undersöker därför företagsrelaterade faktorer då en utlandstjänstgörandes förmåga att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter påverkas av hur pass anpassad individen är till kulturen (Aycan 1997, Jun m. fl. 2001). Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att ta reda på hur en svensk utlandstjänstgörandes anpassningsprocess till den kinesiska kulturen påverkas av faktorerna företagsstorlek, bransch och verksamhetstid i Kina.</p><p>Materialet till undersökningen har huvudsakligen samlats in genom webbenkäter som skickats ut till utlandstjänstgörande svenskar i Kina. Resultaten visar att det är branschen i vilken den utlandstjänstgörandes företag verkar som har högst påverkan på en utlandstjänstgörandes anpassningsprocess. Undersökningen visade även att utlandstjänstgörande i företag med mindre än 50 anställda i detaljindustrin som etablerade sig i Kina under 1990-talet var bäst anpassade till den kinesiska kulturen. Då resultaten från studien presenterades i diagram framgick att i två fall av tre var den bästa anpassningsprocessen den som mest liknade en U-kurva vilket tyder på att den bästa anpassningsprocessen är den då en utlandstjänstgörande går igenom faserna på ett balanserat sätt. Detta är dock ingen slutsats som kan dras av undersökningen eftersom resultaten inte gällde för alla faktorer.</p> / <p>The numbers of Swedish expatriates in China are increasing (Swedish Embassy 2008) and adaption to the Chinese culture can be demanding for an individual. The complexity of cultural adjustments has led to different theories being tested and developed (Black & Mendenhall 1991). One of the models that have been developed is the U-curve, which describes the process of individual adaption through the two phase's culture shock and cultural adaption (Zapf 1991). Factors related to the individual, such as language skills and cultural experience have been central in research of cultural adaption and this study therefore examines company related factors because an individual's ability to perform his/her work tasks is affected by the individual's adjustment to the culture (Aycan 1997, Jun et al. 2001). The purpose of this study is therefore to verify how a Swedish expatriate's process of adaption to the Chinese culture is affected by the company related factors firm size, industry and time of operation in China.</p><p>The data of the study has mainly been collected by web surveys which were sent to Swedish expatriates in China. The results show that the industry has the largest influence on the adaption process. The study also showed that expatriates in companies with less than 50 employees in the retail- and manufacturing industry which were established in China during the 1990s, were the ones that were the most adjusted. When the results were presented as diagrams it showed that the best adaption process was the one that most reminded of a U-curve which indicates that the best adaption process occurs when the expatriate passes the phases in balance. However, this is not a conclusion that can be drawn from this study since these results are not valid for all the factors.</p>

Cultural Centers in the Knowledge Age : The Impact of Digital Presence on the Success of Cultural Centers in Germany

Rukat, Agata, Böhm, Rasah January 2010 (has links)
This study investigates the digital presence of cultural centers in three regions of Germany taking into account the theoretical framework of knowledge age. In order to find out if the adaption of online tools has a positive influence on visitor reach, i.e. on the success of the centers, the thesis attempts to gather information on online tool usage of individual institutions via questionnaires. Taking into consideration the overall context three factors referring to traditional economic concepts namely industry Size, institutions size and program diversity are proposed as additional success factors. The research results indicate that digital presence, together with the other measured factors, have a positive impact on the success of the centers. Moreover, the cultural infrastructure appears to have a direct positive impact on the industry size and, consequently, an indirect impact on the success of cultural centers.

Micro-Foundations of Organizational Adaptation : A Field Study in the Evolution of Product Development Capabilities in a Design Firm

Salvato, Carlo January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to improve knowledge of how organizations adapt to their dynamic environments, by developing a detailed understanding of the configuration and evolution of organizational replicators. Among open questions in the literature on organizational adaptation, I have explored the following: How can the structure of organizational replicators and the nature of their components be realistically described? How do different organizational replicators interact with each other at different levels within and across organizational boundaries? How do replicators evolve? Why do firms need dynamic capabilities? I’ve addressed these questions by means of an embedded, longitudinal field study of Alessi, an Italian firm founded in 1921, active in the development and production of hundreds of design household products. Data analysis has been carried out in two steps. First, a longitudinal analysis of available primary and archival data has provided an in-depth understanding of the composite nature of organizational replicators, their mutual relationships, their evolution, their outcome stability. Second, a more structured investigation relying on Optimal Matching Analysis allowed to reliably develop an understanding of replicators complexity and of the mechanisms behind their evolution. There are four key findings. First, replicators are not simply behavioral entities—routines in the “narrow sense”. Reliable performance of a capability requires additional elements of physical, intellectual and social capital, which are essential components of replicators (or “Replication Base—RB”, as I suggest to label these more articulated organizational traits). Second, interactions among components of Replication Bases at different levels within and outside the organization suggest a more articulated perspective on how organizational knowledge develops. Components of Replication Bases are often located at different positions within the organization. Over time, knowledge of a particular organizational process takes different forms across the organizational hierarchy. What is local search at one level of analysis, gradually becomes sophisticated foresight at different, typically higher, levels. Third, over time Replication Bases evolve by means of a complex interplay between random mutations and intentional interventions, supported by articulated learning processes. Finally, development of higher-level replicators is not the ultimate answer to the challenge of adaptation. Rather, it allows managers to focus their intentional interventions to the higher-level problems posed by the dynamism of competitive environments. Part of this liberated managerial attention and resources are focused on the crucial, non-routine task of understanding how the organization’s idiosyncratic attributes affect its prospects in the specific competitive context. Taken together, these findings outline the microfoundations of a framework for interpreting organizational adaptation.

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