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The Effects of Leader–member Exchange and Cognitive Style on Student Achievement: A Mixed Methods Case Study of Teacher–student DyadsMosley, Chaney Wayne 01 May 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this embedded sequential explanatory case study with a quantitative→qualitative two-strand design of inquiry was to explain how the quality of teacher-student relationships and the gap of cognitive styles between teachers and students impact student achievement. The population for the quantitative strand of research was comprised of 11 career and technical education (CTE) teachers and 210 CTE students, representing six disciplines within CTE. The study occurred in a suburban high school in western North Carolina. Leader-member Exchange (LMX) theory and Adaption-innovation theory guided the research.
In the quantitative strand, the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory was used to measure the cognitive style of teachers and students, a researcher developed survey was used to measure dyadic intensity, the Leader-Member Excellence—Shared-Leadership Exchange instrument was used to measure the perceived quality of dyadic relationships between teachers and students, and the North Carolina CTE end of course tests were used to measure student achievement in CTE classes. Additionally, demographic information was collected from teacher and student participants. In the qualitative strand, four teachers and eight students were interviewed. The purpose of the qualitative strand was to investigate how teachers and students describe their dyadic relationships. Data from both the quantitative and qualitative strands were mixed to allow for a stronger interpretation and explanation of the quantitative and qualitative results.
Statistically significant relationships were identified among the various dimensions of teacher-student relationships. There was a weak, positive relationship between dyadic intensity and student GPA. A weak, positive relationship was found between dyadic intensity and teacher LMX. There was a weak, positive relationship between dyadic intensity and student LMX. There was a weak, positive relationship between student GPA and teacher LMX. A moderate, positive relationship was found between student GPA and student LMX. A moderate, positive relationship was found between student GPA and student achievement. Additionally, there was a moderate, positive relationship between teacher LMX and student LMX. A path analysis of quantitative data indicated that student GPA had a significant effect on teacher LMX. Teacher LMX and student GPA had a significant effect on student LMX. Lastly, student GPA had a significant effect on student achievement. Qualitative data validated the quantitative findings. Further, five themes surfaced from the qualitative data providing support for additional findings.
The researcher recommended future investigation of the impacts of leader-member exchange and cognitive style on student achievement using alternative indicators of student achievement, an exploration of how involvement in a career and technical student organization (CTSO) interacts with teacher-student relationships and student achievement through the lens of leader-member exchange, and an examination of the impacts of leader-member exchange and cognitive style on student achievement outside of the context of CTE. The quality of teacher-student relationships from both the teacher's perspective and the student's perspective are affected by a student's grade point average. Student grade point average has a significant effect on student achievement. Much remains unknown about the antecedents of teacher-student relationships and how the relationships between teachers and students may interact with student achievement. / Ph. D.
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Nutida hållbarhetsinvesteringar för framtiden : En fallstudie om en svensk hamnBramsved, Tova, Smith, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Handlingsplanen Agenda 2030 syftar till att skapa hållbar utveckling, där ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga faktorer spelar roll. Förnybar energi i form av vindkraft och solenergi, är enligt Agenda 2030 och EU:s cirkulära initiativ bra för klimatet. Flertal tidigare studier ifrågasätter hur den cirkulära ekonomin ska åstadkommas, där allt som är cirkulärt inte är hållbart, och allt som är hållbart inte är cirkulärt. Studien utgör en fallstudie på en svensk hamnverksamhet som analyseras ur ett systemperspektiv där organisationen ses som ett ekosystem. Arbetet syftar till att söka djupare förståelse för relationen mellan hållbarhetsinvesteringar och hållbarhetsanpassning. Detta relateras till institutionell teori och Agenda 2030 som en tvingande kraft. För att uppnå syftet och besvara forskningsfrågan har sekundärdata använts genom djupgående dokumentanalys och kompletterats med primärdata från intervjustudie. Resultatet kom fram till att det finns ett ekosystem av aktörer som påverkas av en organisations hållbarhetsinvesteringar. Incitament till investering drivs främst av externa påtryckningar från myndigheter, kunder och intressenter, där Agenda 2030 spelar en central roll. Samtidigt framgår det att organisationens interna vilja att agera är en stark drivkraft för deras hållbarhetsanpassning. Vidare forskning bör fokusera hur organisationer hanterar de utmaningar som finns i slutet av livscykeln för solceller och vindkraftverk i relation till cirkulära initiativ. / The Agenda 2030 action plan aims to create sustainable development, where economic, social, and environmental factors play a role. Renewable energy in wind power and solar energy is considered as beneficial for the climate, according to Agenda 2030 and Eu’s circular initiatives. Several previous studies questions how the circular economy will be achieved, noting that not everything circular is sustainable, and not everything sustainable is circular. This study is a case study of a Swedish port operation analyzed from a systems perspective, where the organization is seen as an ecosystem. The work aims to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between sustainability investments and sustainability adaption. This is related to institutional theory and Agenda 2030 as a coercive force. To achieve the objective and answer the research question, secondary data through in-depth document analysis has been used. Primary data from an interview study complemented the secondary data. The results found that there is an ecosystem of actors influenced by an organization’s sustainability investments. Incentives for investment are mainly driven by external pressures from authorities, customers, and stakeholders, where Agenda 2030 plays a central role. At the same time, it is evident that theorganization’s internal desire to act is a strong driving force for their sustainability adaption. Further research should focus on how organizations manage the challenges at the end of the lifecycle for solar panels and wind turbines in relation to circular initiatives.
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Warum passen sich Unternehmen nicht an die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels an?Herrmann, Jana 09 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der Klimawandel stellt sich für heutige und zukünftige Generationen als eine ernst zu nehmende Angelegenheit dar. Neben der Gefährdung für Leben und Gesundheit, sieht sich auch die Wirtschaft gravierenden Auswirkungen gegenüber. In aktuellen Beiträgen der Forschung wird dabei zumeist die Problematik des Klimaschutzes behandelt. Dennoch sind die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels bereits vorhanden und fordern schon heute Maßnahmen. Eine wesentliche Möglichkeit, um auf längst auftretende, nicht mehr verhinderbare Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu reagieren, stellt die Klimaanpassung dar. Doch obwohl sich durch eine frühzeitige Anpassung an die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen und neu entstehende Märkte, sich Chancen für die Unternehmen ergeben können, scheinen Unternehmen in der Anpassung an den Klimawandel gehemmt.
Intention der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es daher, die Hemmnisse, die der Anpassung an die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels entgegenstehen, zu ergründen. Da der Hemmnisanalyse keine theoretische Basis zugrunde liegt, wird in der Arbeit der sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekt, der sich mit Beweggründen des Nicht-Handelns und negativen Folgen der Gesellschaft auseinandersetzt, anhand des Organisationalen Lernens einbezogen. Das erste Forschungsziel betrachtet daher die Darstellung des Organisationalen Lernens als theoretische Basis der Hemmnisanalyse. Das zweite Forschungsziel soll einen Leitfaden darlegen, der der Feststellung der Hemmnisse der Unternehmen gegenüber der Klimawandelanpassung dient. Dieser baut auf dem entwickelten theoretischen Konstrukt der Hemmnisanalyse auf. Um die Forschungsziele zu erarbeiten, werden Forschungsfragen aufgestellt. Diese lassen sich in dem entwickelten Forschungsdreieck, welches die Aspekte des Organisationalen Lernens, der Klimawandelanpassung und der Hemmnisanalyse in Zusammenhang bringt, wiederfinden. Das Forschungsdreieck wird im gesamten Verlauf der Arbeit angewendet.
Die deskriptive Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen erfolgte anhand von 33 recherchierten Literaturquellen, die dem Forschungsdreieck entsprechen und mittels einer Inhaltsanalyse qualitativ sowie teilweise quantitativ ausgewertet wurden. Wesentliche Konzepte des Organisationalen Lernens wie der behavioristische und kognitive Lernansatz, das single-loop und double-loop learning, individuelle, gruppenbasierte und organisationale Lernebene und Lern-, Wissens- und Anpassungsprozesse konnten in der Literatur erkannt werden. Des Weiteren konnte eine Hemmniskategorisierung entwickelt werden, die sowohl dem Organisationalen Lernen als auch der Klimawandelanpassung entspricht. Eine Vielzahl relevanter Hemmnisse konnten identifiziert und der gebildeten Hemmniskategorisierung zugewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse der Forschungsfragen spiegeln sich in dem theoretischen Konstrukt der Hemmnisanalyse sowie dem Leitfaden wider.
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越南籍跨國婚姻女性配偶在台媒體使用行為與文化適應研究 / A Study on the Behavior of Media-using and Cultural Adaption toward Interracial Marriage among Vietnamese Women in Taiwan柳紹鈞, Liu, Shao-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過質化研究深度訪談法,描繪越南籍女性配偶在台生活使用媒體行為與對本地文化適應情況。訪談結果歸納整理出以下若干:第一、受訪者使用媒體的時間與平日所持家務的繁重程度及與夫家的態度有關。第二、受訪者夫家對其媒體使用並未加以過份干涉。第三、受訪者使用屬於母國媒體產品主要為舒緩思鄉情緒,消除對環境的不確定疑慮。第四、受訪者期望台灣媒體對母國之報導多採正面態度。 / The study mainly described the behavior of mass-media-using and cultural adaption among Vietnamese women living in Taiwan through interracial marriage. In-depth interview was conducted in this study.
The findings of research were showed as follows:
1.There are relationship among mass-media-using time and daily household tasks and the allowing from husband’s family toward the interviewers.
2.It was not overly to interfere with interviewers using mass media by husband’s family.
3.The interviewers used mass-media products at husband’s family to ease homesickness and reduce uncertainty on environment about their living.
4.The interviewers wish that Taiwan’s media reported positive things about Vietnam as could as possible.
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Kan digitala hjälpmedel användas förmer ståndortsanpassade föryngringar? / Could digital tools be used for more site adapted regenerations?Danielsson, Joakim, Emilie, Björkman January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate if SI from HPR-data from harvesters and soil moisture classes from digital depth to water maps could be used to support site adaption of regenerations within stands. The study was made on pine and spruce stands in central Sweden. The number of plants/ha, plant height, growth and damage were measured at plot level and for these plots also soil moisture classes and SI were derived from digital maps and HPR. The study shows a potential using SI from HPR and depth to water maps for site adaption of regenerations and to vary tree species within stands. Variations of SI and soil moisture are important within stands regarding different tree species establishment, growth and damage. But also, for sites with medium SI were the choice between pine and spruce is not obvious and in stands with a high spread in SI.
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IRRIGATION, ADAPTATION, AND WATER SCARCITYIman Haqiqi (7481798) 17 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Economics is about the management
of scare resources. In agricultural production, water stress and excess heat
are the main constraints. The three essays of this dissertation try to improve
our understandings of how climate and water resources interact with agricultural
markets, and how global changes in agricultural markets may affect water
resources. I construct empirical and simulation models to explain the interplay
between agriculture and water. These models integrate economic theories with environmental
sciences to analyze the hydroclimatic and economic information at different
geospatial scales in a changing climate. </p>
<p>In the first essay, I illustrate
how irrigation, as a potential adaptation channel, can reduce the volatility of
crop yields and year-on-year variations caused by the projected heat stress.
This work includes estimation of yield response to climate variation for
irrigated and rainfed crops; and global projections of change in the mean and
the variation of crop yields. I use my estimated response function to project
future yield variations using NASA NEX-GDDP climate data. I show that the
impact of heat stress on rainfed corn is around twice as big as irrigated
practices. </p>
<p>In the second essay, I establish
a framework for estimating the value of soil moisture for rainfed production. This
framework is an extension of Schlenker and Roberts (2009) model enabled by the
detailed soil moisture information available from the Water Balance Model (WBM).
An important contribution is the introduction of a cumulative yield production
function considering the daily interaction of heat and soil moisture. I use
this framework to investigate the impacts of soil moisture on corn yields in
the United States. However, this framework can be used for the valuation of
other ecosystem services at daily basis.</p>
<p>In the third essay, I have
constructed a model that explains how the global market economy interacts with
local land and water resources. This helps us to broaden the scope of global to
local analysis of systems sustainability. I have employed SIMPLE-G-W (a
Simplified International Model of agricultural Prices, Land use, and the
Environment- Gridded Water version) to explain the reallocation across regions.
The model is based on a cost minimization behavior for irrigation technology
choice for around 75,000 grid cells in the United States constrained by water
rights, water availability, and quasi-irreversibility of groundwater supply. This
model is used to examine the vulnerability of US land and water resources from
global changes.</p>
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Hästfot, bockfot oder horbock? : Verhaltensweisen zum Stil in schwedischen Übersetzungen von Kleists Der zerbrochene KrugPettersson, Karin January 2012 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden drei schwedische Übersetzungen von Kleists Komödie Der zerbrochene Krug in Bezug auf die Verhaltensweisen zum Stil analysiert, die in den Übersetzungen zum Ausdruck kommen. Die Analyse betrifft vor allem solche stilistischen Mittel, die Werner Koller formal-ästhetische Qualitäten nennt, so wie Sprachspiel, den Blankvers oder Metaphorik. Ich habe einerseits versucht zu entscheiden, ob die Übersetzungen des betreffenden Stilmittels in erster Linie ziel- oder ausgangssprachlich ausgerichtet sind, andererseits inwiefern der stilistische Aspekt bei den Übersetzern überhaupt einen hohen Stellenwert hat oder ob er pragmatischen Rücksichten den Vorrang lassen muss. Die Übersetzungen weisen große Unterschiede auf. In Nils Personnes Übersetzung hat die Stiltreue im Verhältnis zur pragmatischen Adaption einen sehr hohen Stellenwert und er versucht den Stil durch ausgangssprachliche Mittel zu bewahren. In Carl-Edward Nattséns Übersetzung dagegen hat die pragmatische Adaption den höchsten Stellenwert, doch in den Fällen, wo er den Stil überhaupt wiedergibt, tut er das abwechselnd mit ziel- bzw. ausgangssprachlichen Mitteln. Nur in Horace Engdahls Übersetzung fällt eine überwiegend zielsprachliche Ausrichtung mit einem hohen Stellenwert des stilistischen Aspekts zusammen und nur dann wird der Stil im Sinne Kollers formal-ästhetischer Qualitäten in einem höheren Grad wiedergegeben. Die verschiedenen Strategien können mit den verschiedenen Zwecken der Übersetzer zusammenhängen, sowie mit den Übersetzungsidealen, die vorherrschend waren, als die Übersetzungen geschrieben wurden / I det här examensarbetet undersöks tre svenska översättningar av Kleists komedi Der zerbrochene Krug med avseende på de förhållningssätt till stil som där kommer till uttryck. Analysen gäller särskilt sådana stilistiska medel som Werner Koller kallar formal-estetiska kvaliteter, som ordlekar, blankvers och metaforik. Dels har jag försökt avgöra om översättningarna av de aktuella stilmedlen i första hand är mål- eller källspråksorienterade, dels huruvida den stilistiska aspekten överhuvudtaget prioriteras eller om den får vika för pragmatiska hänsyn. Analysen visar på stora skillnader mellan översättningarna. I Nils Personnes översättning har stiltrogenhet hög prioritet jämfört med den pragmatiska anpassningen och han försöker återge stilen med källspråkliga medel. I Carl-Edward Nattséns översättning däremot har den pragmatiska anpassningen högst prioritet men i de fall han alls återger stilen gör han det omväxlande med mål- och källspråkliga medel. Endast i Horace Engdahls översättning sammanfaller en målspråklig orientering med hög prioritet hos den stilistiska aspekten och bara där återges stilen i Kollers formal-estetiska bemärkelse i någon högre grad. De skilda strategierna kan förklaras med översättarnas olika syften och med de översättningsideal som var rådande när översättningarna gjordes.
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The Impact of Regulation and Competition on the Adoption of Fibre-Based Broadband Services: Recent Evidence from the European Union Member StatesBriglauer, Wolfgang 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Fibre deployment of next-generation high-speed broadband networks is considered to be a decisive development for any information-based society, yet investment activities and especially the adoption of fibre-based broadband services take place only very gradually in most countries. This work identifies the most important determinants of the adoption of fibre-based broadband services, using the most recent panel data from the European Union member states (EU27) for the years from 2004 to 2012. The results show that the stricter previous broadband access regulation has a negative impact on adoption, while competitive pressure from mobile networks affects adoption in a non-linear manner. It appears that the approach of strict cost-based access regulation embedded in the EU regulatory framework is at odds with the targets outlined in the European Commission's "Digital Agenda". Finally, we also find strong evidence for network effects underlying the adoption process. (author's abstract) / Series: Working Papers / Research Institute for Regulatory Economics
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Spatial variation of photosynthetic capacity of early-, mid-, or late-successional broad-leaved tree species in a temperate mixed forestLegner, Nicole 23 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Fjällfolk : livsformer och kulturprocesser i Tärna socken under 1800- och 1900-talen / People in the mountains : life forms and cultural processes in the Swedish parish of Tärna in the 19th and 20th centuriesMoritz, Per January 1990 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate life forms and the dynamics of cultural processes in the parish of Tärna, Västerbotten. The material is an investigation of the life stories of two families, which have been investigated from an overall scientific aspect. The aim has been to examine the exploitation of resources by individuals and cognitive structures within the framework of ecological adaption. These aspects have been illuminated by the use of comprehensive source materials. Estate inventories have revealed different object categories which were associated with the exploitation of natural resources. Church registers, judgement books, tape recordings from folklore archives and the author's own interview material described life stories in a Saami mountain family and a settler family. It turned out that people in the mountains had supported themselves on a combination of stock-raising, hunting and fishing. Comprehensive socialized knowledge of the environment and its resources was a decisive factor for ecological adaption and survival. The settler family had a solid knowledge of various handicrafts. The Saami in Tärna have settled down at an early stage and abandoned their former nomadism. The Saamish family investigated had a strong sense of family identity and their living story-telling tradition strengthened their identity and became a uniting factor. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century innovations began to emerge in the mountain parish, which often came to revolutionize the whole life pattern. The process of cultural change in Tärna in the 20th century has been dramatic. It has included the development of technology, modernization and changing exploitation of resources. Through the investigation of the life stories of the two families a clear picture has emerged of the exploitation of resources and of values, i.e. the total life pattern. / digitalisering@umu
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