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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från kulturchock till anpassning : Påverkar ett företags storlek, bransch och verksamhetstid svenska utlandstjänstgörandes anpassning till den kinesiska kulturen?

Rehn, Mikaela, Choudhury, Sabrina January 2009 (has links)
Allt fler svenskar är utlandsstationerade i Kina (Sveriges Ambassad 2008) och att anpassa sig till den kinesiska kulturen kan vara påfrestande för en utlandstjänstgörande. Problematiken kring kulturanpassning har lett till att olika teorier testats och utvecklats (Black & Mendenhall 1991). En av de modeller som tagits fram är U-kurvan som beskriver individens anpassningsprocess genom faserna kulturchock och kulturanpassning (Zapf 1991). Individuella faktorer, som exempelvis språkkunskaper och kulturell erfarenhet har varit centrala inom forskningsområdet (Earley & Mosakowski 2004, Shay & Baack 2004) och denna studie undersöker därför företagsrelaterade faktorer då en utlandstjänstgörandes förmåga att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter påverkas av hur pass anpassad individen är till kulturen (Aycan 1997, Jun m. fl. 2001). Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att ta reda på hur en svensk utlandstjänstgörandes anpassningsprocess till den kinesiska kulturen påverkas av faktorerna företagsstorlek, bransch och verksamhetstid i Kina. Materialet till undersökningen har huvudsakligen samlats in genom webbenkäter som skickats ut till utlandstjänstgörande svenskar i Kina. Resultaten visar att det är branschen i vilken den utlandstjänstgörandes företag verkar som har högst påverkan på en utlandstjänstgörandes anpassningsprocess. Undersökningen visade även att utlandstjänstgörande i företag med mindre än 50 anställda i detaljindustrin som etablerade sig i Kina under 1990-talet var bäst anpassade till den kinesiska kulturen. Då resultaten från studien presenterades i diagram framgick att i två fall av tre var den bästa anpassningsprocessen den som mest liknade en U-kurva vilket tyder på att den bästa anpassningsprocessen är den då en utlandstjänstgörande går igenom faserna på ett balanserat sätt. Detta är dock ingen slutsats som kan dras av undersökningen eftersom resultaten inte gällde för alla faktorer. / The numbers of Swedish expatriates in China are increasing (Swedish Embassy 2008) and adaption to the Chinese culture can be demanding for an individual. The complexity of cultural adjustments has led to different theories being tested and developed (Black & Mendenhall 1991). One of the models that have been developed is the U-curve, which describes the process of individual adaption through the two phase's culture shock and cultural adaption (Zapf 1991). Factors related to the individual, such as language skills and cultural experience have been central in research of cultural adaption and this study therefore examines company related factors because an individual's ability to perform his/her work tasks is affected by the individual's adjustment to the culture (Aycan 1997, Jun et al. 2001). The purpose of this study is therefore to verify how a Swedish expatriate's process of adaption to the Chinese culture is affected by the company related factors firm size, industry and time of operation in China. The data of the study has mainly been collected by web surveys which were sent to Swedish expatriates in China. The results show that the industry has the largest influence on the adaption process. The study also showed that expatriates in companies with less than 50 employees in the retail- and manufacturing industry which were established in China during the 1990s, were the ones that were the most adjusted. When the results were presented as diagrams it showed that the best adaption process was the one that most reminded of a U-curve which indicates that the best adaption process occurs when the expatriate passes the phases in balance. However, this is not a conclusion that can be drawn from this study since these results are not valid for all the factors.

Pedagogers adaption av surfplattor : En studie av implementeringen av iPad i en F-5 skola

Johansson, Sara January 2012 (has links)
The tablet is a new IT-tool which have started to get introduced into school, but research is still missing and especially in the pre-school environment. The purpose with this study is to investigate teachers uptake, how they use the tablet in everyday pedagogy work as well as the organizational conditions that that facilitate and hinders. Through my observations and interviews in a Swedish K-5 school I have found that the teachers find tablets more appealing to use in comparison to computers. These findings are partly supported by Davis et al.’s (1989) TAM-theory who considers there to be three types of aspects that affect the way individuals adapt to technology. Firstly the teachers’ motivation increased when they saw the usefulness in the tablet in both educational and administrative possibilities. Secondly, the tablet is perceived as an ease of use-artifact which in it self gives the teachers incentive for usage. Thirdly, the infrastructure problem that exists around computers creates an escape to the more appealing tablets.

Cultural Centers in the Knowledge Age : The Impact of Digital Presence on the Success of Cultural Centers in Germany

Rukat, Agata, Böhm, Rasah January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study investigates the digital presence of cultural centers in three regions of Germany taking into account the theoretical framework of knowledge age. In order to find out if the adaption of online tools has a positive influence on visitor reach, i.e. on the success of the centers, the thesis attempts to gather information on online tool usage of individual institutions via questionnaires. Taking into consideration the overall context three factors referring to traditional economic concepts namely industry Size, institutions size and program diversity are proposed as additional success factors. The research results indicate that digital presence, together with the other measured factors, have a positive impact on the success of the centers. Moreover, the cultural infrastructure appears to have a direct positive impact on the industry size and, consequently, an indirect impact on the success of cultural centers.</p>

Betriebswirtschaftliche Szenarien auf regionaler Ebene im Hinblick auf die Einflüsse des Klimawandels

Lehmann, Katrin 30 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Klimawissenschaftler sind sich heute weitgehend einig, dass aktuell ein durch den Menschen verursachter Wandel des Klimas stattfindet, welcher große Auswirkungen auf die Menschheit im Allgemeinen hat, aber auch auf die Unternehmenspraxis. Anpassungsmaßnahmen an diese Auswirkungen stellen eine wichtige Möglichkeit dar, die wirtschaftlichen Schäden durch den Klimawandel zu begrenzen bzw. zu vermeiden. Im Rahmen des Projektes REGKLAM („Entwicklung und Erprobung eines integrierten Regionalen Klimaanpassungsprogramms für die Modellregion Dresden“) wird der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Unternehmen der Region Dresden untersucht, um solche geeigneten Anpassungsmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Die Methode der Szenarioanalyse wird dabei genutzt, um den Klimaeinfluss auf betriebswirtschaftliche Größen, vorrangig in der regionalen Tourismusbranche, zu analysieren. Dazu wird zunächst eine umfassende Literaturrecherche durchgeführt, deren Ergebnis den Rahmen für eine Szenarioanalyse für die Branche Tourismus der Region Dresden liefert. Im Ergebnis werden einige Anpassungsstrategien für diese Branche erarbeitet.

Adaptierbare und adaptive Fragebögen für virtuelle Organisationen

Lorz, Alexander 22 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Dissertation präsentiert neue wissenschaftliche Konzepte und Lösungen zur Erstellung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Befragungen, die sich einfacher an unterschiedliche Nutzungsszenarien anpassen lassen und für den Einsatz in virtuellen Organisationen besser geeignet sind als herkömmliche Online-Befragungen. Die dabei berücksichtigten Adaptionsaspekte umfassen Inhalt und Umfang der Befragung, die Umsetzung in unterschiedliche Präsentationsmedien, -formate und Befragungsmodi sowie das adaptive Verhalten während der Interaktion. Eine wesentliche Grundlage bildet die inhaltsorientierte Beschreibung adaptiver und adaptierbarer Befragungen durch die hier vorgeschlagene deklarative Beschreibungssprache AXSML. Diese berücksichtigt insbesondere die Wechselwirkungen der unterschiedlichen Adaptionsaspekte in Verbindung mit der Forderung nach einer medien- und modusübergreifenden Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse multimodaler Befragungen. Für diese Beschreibungssprache werden Transformationsregeln vorgestellt, die eine adäquate Umsetzung einer Befragung in verschiedene Präsentationsmedien und Befragungsformen ermöglichen. Eine damit einhergehende inhaltliche Anpassung an das Einsatzszenario erfolgt automatisiert und erfordert keine speziellen Fachkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet des Befragungsdesigns. Die Auswertung der Befragungsrückläufe wird ebenfalls deklarativ beschrieben, berücksichtigt adaptionsbedingte Fehlwerte und erlaubt die Nutzung verschiedenster Berechnungsmodelle zur Aggregation der Rücklaufdaten. Da Erstellung und Wartung adaptiver und adaptierbarer Befragungen sehr komplex sind, werden Konzepte und Lösungen zur Unterstützung des Autorenprozesses vorgestellt, die den notwendigen Aufwand reduzieren. Um die gleichzeitige Durchführung einer großen Zahl von Untersuchungen in vielen unterschiedlichen Teams und die Anpassung der Befragung durch Nicht-Fachexperten zu gewährleisten, wurde eine IT-Stützung des Befragungsprozesses konzipiert und umgesetzt, welche den Anforderungen an die organisatorische Einbindung der Befragung in virtuellen Unternehmen gerecht wird.

Dealing with Cultural Issues in Translating Blog Columns by Jeff Klima

Sundqvist, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to identify and discuss possible solutions to problems regarding the translation of certain cultural references in blog columns by the American author Jeff Klima. More specifically, these cultural references are general cultural aspects, swear words and references to people. General cultural aspects include references to historical events, religious festivities, publications, cultural stereotypes and culturally based idioms. I use Vinay and Darbelnet’s strategies of direct and oblique translation, as well as Nida’s concepts of formal and dynamic equivalence. I also use Newmark’s strategies of semantic versus communicative translation, and Ingo’s adaption strategy. I find that there is no universal solution applicable to all types of culturally related issues in translation, but that every case is unique and requires a unique solution. What can be said, however, is that semantic translations and word-for-word translations are rarely applicable when it comes to cultural issues. True for all issues, however, is that the translator needs to be perfectly clear on what the author is saying and who the receiver, or target reader, is in order to begin to explore which strategy is best to use.

Der Einfluss von Brauchwasserdesinfektionsmitteln zahnärztlicher Behandlungseinheiten auf das Randschlussverhalten von Kompositfüllungen mit selbstätzenden Dentinadhäsiven. / The influence of disinfectants in dental unit waterlines on the marginal adaption of direct composite resins with self-etching adhesives.

Schäfer, Sabine 12 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Så är det inte längre : Närståendes vardag efter patient- och närståendeutbildning vid bipolär sjukdom / It's not like that anymore : Relatives' everyday life after a psychoeducation for Bipolar Disorder

Karlbom, Linda January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Fysiska aktiviteter och välbefinnande hos patienter med reumatisk artrit : En litteraturöversikt / Physical activities and well-being in patients with rheumatic arthritis : A literature review

Asperheim, Therese, Heda, Kolleta January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Reumatisk artrit är en inflammatorisk sjukdom som påverkar människan både psykiskt, fysiskt och socialt. Sjukdomen medför symtom som smärta, stelhet och trötthet. Symtomen påverkar patientens aktivitetsnivå och välbefinnande. Konsekvensen av att drabbas av reumatisk artrit innebar livsomställningar samt anpassningar efter sjukdomen och minskad nivå av fysisk aktivitet. Syfte: Att belysa hur fysisk aktivitet påverkar välbefinnandet hos patienter med reumatisk artrit samt att identifiera faktorer som påverkade aktivitetsnivån. Metod: En litteraturöversikt genomfördes och baserades på tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Inkluderade artiklar bestod av åtta kvantitativa artiklar, en kvalitativ samt en artikel med mixad design. Analysen utfördes med hjälp av Friberg (2017) och resulterade i två teman. Resultat: Resultatet visade att fysisk aktivitet gav patienterna högre välbefinnande. Faktorer för motivering och begränsning för fysisk aktivitet identifierades. Fysisk aktivitet var genomförbart och accepterat för patienter med reumatisk artrit. Sjukdomsaktiviteten påverkades inte av ökad fysisk aktivitet och motiverade därför patienterna till att vara aktiva och upprätthålla fysiska aktiviteter. Diskussion: Patienter behövde kunskap om hantering av sjukdomens symtom och hur inaktivitet påverkade välbefinnandet. Stillasittande beteende var vanligt förekommande hos patienter med reumatisk artrit, där sjuksköterskans förmåga att upptäcka detta var viktigt. Anpassning till livet med reumatisk artrit var viktigt för att öka välbefinnandet och upprätthålla balansen mellan aktivitet och vila. Tilliten till egen förmåga motiverade patienter till upprätthållning av fysisk aktivitet. / Background: Rheumatic arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects man both mentally, physically and socially. The disease causes the presence of pain, stiffness and fatigue which affects patient's level of activity and sense of well-being. The consequence of rheumatic arthritis means life changes as well as adjustments to the disease and reduced level of physical activity. Aim: To highlight how physical activity affects well-being in patients with rheumatic arthritis. Method: A literature review was conducted and based on ten scientific articles. Included articles consisted of eight quantitative articles, a qualitative as well as a mixed design article. The analysis was conducted using Friberg (2017) and resulted in two themes. Results: The result showed that physical activity gave patients greater well-being. Factors for motivation and limitation of physical activity were identified. Physical activity was feasible and accepted for patients with rheumatic arthritis. Disease activity was not affected by increased physical activity and therefore motivated patients to be active and maintain physical activities. Discussion: Patients needed knowledge about the management of the disease's symptoms and how inactivity affected wellbeing. Sedentary behavior was common in patients with rheumatic arthritis, where the nurse's ability to detect this was important. Adapting to life with rheumatic arthritis was important to increase well-being and maintain the balance between activity and rest. Self-efficacy motivated patients to maintain physical activity.


Müller, Karin 28 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:31:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Consideracoes finais153_158.pdf: 108361 bytes, checksum: 531a9a8e0acfd76759c7b426fca697e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The research aims to understand how Globo TV Network, through the advertisements of its miniseries taken from Brazilian literature, is able to value the product and its image as an institution, emphasizing the literary origin of its production. By informing and pointing out the features of one product through play on words, the advertisements can persuade and seduce the consumer to build up an image that will lead him/her to a purchase and the satisfaction of his/her desire or need. The corpus of this study are the advertisements in the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, between 1982 and 2008. The methodological procedure used was content analysis. The conclusions support the hypothesis of the research, besides raising the question about the effects of this approach to the TV network. / Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade compreender como a Rede Globo de Televisão, através dos anúncios publicitários das minisséries adaptadas da literatura brasileira, é capaz de valorizar o produto e a sua imagem institucional, ao enfatizar a origem literária da produção. Ao informar e destacar os atributos de um produto através de um jogo de palavras, o anúncio publicitário é capaz de persuadir e seduzir o consumidor a construir uma imagem que o leve à compra e à satisfação de um desejo ou necessidade. O corpus do estudo são as peças veiculadas no jornal O Estado de São Paulo, entre 1982 e 2008. Como procedimentos metodológicos, optou-se pela Análise de Conteúdo, e as principais conclusões confirmam a hipótese da pesquisa e ainda trazem uma discussão sobre quais são os principais efeitos que essa valorização traz para a emissora

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