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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LIVIA SOUZA SILVA 06 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação, intitulada Mulheres Negras e Universidade: uma reflexão sobre a permanência estudantil das discentes negras do curso de Serviço Social da PUC-Rio, trata da questão da permanência e do programa de assistência estudantil da PUC-Rio. Assistência estudantil é aqui compreendida como um programa voltado para a permanência de estudantes das classes trabalhadores e/ou pertencentes a grupos que vivem em condições de desigualdade social e tem como objetivo central proporcionar às necessidades e demandas acadêmicas condições que possibilitem a vivência plena da vida universitária e contribuam para a diminuição da evasão. A pesquisa tem como parte dos objetivos analisar as principais dificuldades de permanência vivenciadas pelas estudantes negras de Serviço Social da PUC-Rio, matriculadas nos anos de 2018 e 2019, realizar o levantamento do perfil dos discentes matriculados nos anos de 2018 e 2021 e identificar a importância do Fundo Emergencial de Solidariedade da PUC-Rio na trajetória universitária das estudantes negras. Para isso foram entrevistados 33 discentes e posteriormente 5 discentes negras, por meio de um formulário que foi enviado por estudantes do Centro Acadêmico Zica de Oliveira de Serviço Social para as representantes das turmas e ingressantes nos anos 2018, 2019, 2020 e 2021. Este estudo possibilitou a compreensão dos desafios enfrentados pelas discentes negras e pertencentes às classes populares, a importância do programa oferecido pela Universidade para a permanência dessas estudantes e analisou propostas apresentadas por elas para a manutenção da vida acadêmica que ainda não são ofertadas pela PUC-Rio. / [en] This dissertation entitled, Black Women and University: a reflection on the student permanence of black students of the course of Social Work of PUC-Rio, deals with the issue of permanence and student assistance program of PUC-Rio. Student assistance is understood here as a program aimed at the permanence of students of the working classes and/ or belonging to groups that live in conditions of social inequality and its main objective is to provide the needs and academic demands, full experience of university life and contributing to the reduction of evasion. The research has as part of the objectives, to analyze the main difficulties of permanence experienced by black students of Social Work of PUC-Rio, enrolled in the years To carry out the survey of the profile of the students and to identify the importance of the Emergency Solidarity Fund of the PUC-Rio in the university trajectory of black students. For this, 33 students were interviewed and later 5 black students, through a form that was sent by students of the Zica de Oliveira Academic Center for Social Work for the representatives of the classes and those who joined in the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. This study enabled the understanding of the socioeconomic challenges faced by black and the importance of the program offered by the University for the permanence of these students and analyzed proposals presented by them for the maintenance of academic life that are not yet offered by PUC-Rio.


LAILA QUEIROZ DE SOUZA 15 January 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho se insere no campo de estudos sobre cursos pré-vestibulares populares. O objetivo é apresentar a constituição da história do Curso Pré-Vestibular PreparaNEM, a partir das perspectivas de participantes da primeira turma que ocorreu em 2015. Optou-se por uma metodologia qualitativa, em que foi realizado levantamento do referencial teórico e para a coleta de dados e informações, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com nove pessoas, dentre ex alunas, professoras, colaboradoras e a idealizadora do projeto. Foram consideradas duas principais categorias de análise: a categoria cursos pré vestibulares populares, entendida a partir da perspectiva dos autores Nascimento (2012) e Santos (2006) de que a atuação dos pré vestibulares populares possuem um lugar de movimento social, pois compreendem que para estes educandos não trata-se apenas de estudar para as provas de vestibular e sim do desenvolvimento da consciência das múltiplas desigualdades que permeiam a inserção de determinados sujeitos nas universidades; e a categoria Políticas de Ação Afirmativa, entendida na perspectiva de Gomes (2011) como políticas sociais de reconhecimento que atuam como medidas compensatórias destinadas a promover o princípio constitucional da igualdade em prol das populações em situação desigual. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que o PreparaNEM destaca-se por ser um pré vestibular voltado para pessoas travestis e transexuais e possui características singulares, não apresentando coordenação estabelecida de forma hierárquica, priorizando o protagonismo das pessoas travestis e transexuais e não havendo sede fixa, desta forma as aulas transitam por espaços cedidos por outras organizações parceiras. Considera-se que a educação proposta pelo PreparaNEM contribui para o desenvolvimento da reflexão sobre educação e socialização das pessoas travestis e transexuais, o desenvolvimento da autonomia das educandas, a capacidade de resistência à expressa transfobia existente na sociedade e em particular nos espaços escolares e a construção de organização do grupo enquanto rede de afeto e solidariedade. Esses aspectos possibilitam caracterizar a iniciativa enquanto pioneira no segmento dos cursos pré-vestibulares populares, revelando que a importância dessa experiência perpassa a noção de cidadania, uma vez que a inserção de travestis e transexuais em universidades brasileiras as torna ‘personalidades emblemáticas’ e agentes ativas na construção de suas narrativas de vida. / [en] This work, situated within the field of studies on popular pre-university pre-paratory courses, aims to present the trajectory of Curso Pré-Vestibular Prepara-NEM from the perspectives of participants of its first group, whose classes were held in 2015. The study was developed using a qualitative methodology, with a bibliographic review for building its theoretical foundation. Data and information were collected in semi-structured interviews with nine people, including former students, teachers, collaborators and the conceiver of the enterprise. Two main analytical categories were considered: pre-university preparatory courses, in ac-cordance to Nascimento s (2012) and Santos (2006) perspective stating that such courses act as a place of social movement, since that for their students it is not only about studying to pass on admission tests, but also about developing awareness about multiple inequalities that permeate the inclusion of specific subjects on uni-versities; and Affirmative Action Policies, seen as stated by Gomes (2011) as social politics of recognition that act as compensatory measures aiming at promo-ting the constitutional principle of equality favoring populations that face unequal situations. The results of this study showed that PreparaNEM stands out as a prepa-ratory course conceived for travestis and other trans people, with unique features: it is not hierarchically organized, it prioritizes the protagonism of trans people and, since the course does have its own physical space, its classes take place in spaces provided by partner organizations. We consider that the education envisioned by PreparaNEM contributes to developing reflections on education and socialization of travestis and other trans people, to developing the students autonomy and capa-bility to resist against the manifest transphobia that is evident in the society and specially in school environments, and to the construction of the group s organiza-tion as a network for affection and solidarity. Those aspects allow us to characterize this project as a pioneer one within popular pre-university preparatory courses, re-vealing that the importance of this experience is intersected with the notion of citi-zenship, since the inclusion of travestis and other trans people in universities make them emblematic personalities and active agents in the construction of the narra-tives of their lives.

Market Design for Shared Experiences, Affirmative Action, and Information Provision

Bonet Floes, Carlos January 2024 (has links)
In recent years, markets have evolved due to the disruption of digital marketplaces, and the rise of concerns about fairness, accountability and privacy. These changes have introduced new challenges for market designers. In this dissertation, we study the design and optimization of different markets. For each market, we provide a theoretical framework to analyze current solutions. Furthermore, we propose alternative solutions and identify the trade-offs between efficiency and other goals. In the first part of this dissertation, we study markets where tickets for a shared experience are allocated through a lottery. A group of agents is successful if and only if its members receive enough tickets for everyone. We study the efficiency and fairness of existing lottery mechanisms and propose practical alternatives. If agents must identify the members of their group, a natural solution is the Group Lottery, which orders groups uniformly at random and processes them sequentially. We show that the Group Lottery is approximately fair and approximately efficient. If agents may request multiple tickets without identifying members of their group, the most common mechanism is the Individual Lottery, which orders agents uniformly at random and awards each their request until no tickets remain. This approach can yield arbitrarily unfair and inefficient outcomes. As an alternative, we propose the Weighted Individual Lottery, in which the processing order is biased against agents with large requests. This simple modification makes the Weighted Individual Lottery  approximately fair and approximately efficient, and similar to the Group Lottery when there are many more agents than tickets. The second part of the dissertation focuses on markets in which an organization is presented with a set of individuals and must choose which subset to accept. The organization makes a selection based on a priority ranking of individuals as well as other observable characteristics. We propose the outcome based selection rules, which are defined by a collection of feasible selections and a greedy processing algorithm. For these rules, we (i) provide an axiomatic characterization, (ii) show that it chooses the only selection that respects priorities, and (iii) identify several cases where is efficient (choose the feasible selection with the highest value). Finally, we connect these ideas with the Chilean Constitutional Assembly election, and show that the rule that was implemented in practice is an outcome based selection rule. In the third part of this work, we study digital marketplaces where an online platform maximizes its revenue by influencing consumer buying behavior through the disclosure of information. In this market, consumers need to engage in a costly search process to acquire additional information. We develop a new model that combines a Bayesian persuasion problem with an optimal sequential search framework inspired by Weitzman's 1979. We characterize the platform's optimal policy under the assumption that the platform must provide a certain level of disclosure to incentivize the consumer to investigate. The optimal policy uses a binary signal indicating whether the item is a good match for the consumer or not. Additionally, we provide a conjecture on the platform's optimal policy when the assumption is relaxed and there are only two items. The structure of the optimal policy depends on the consumer's prior beliefs about the items and how they compare with the value of the outside option. However, in all scenarios, the optimal signals are either binary or uninformative. This conjecture is supported by a numerical analysis performed on a novel formulation based on quadratic programming.


SANDRA CRISTINA ALVES DE M MACHADO 22 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as percepções dos servidores do IFRJ campus Realengo sobre o acesso através de reserva de vagas e o Programa de Assistência Estudantil. Buscou-se caracterizar o perfil dos educadores, identificar suas percepções sobre ações afirmativas e permanência, pesquisar suas normatizações no IFRJ e mapear as estratégias institucionais nesta área. Refere-se a uma pesquisa que aprofunda a dissertação do mestrado que abordou as percepções sobre o acesso ao ensino superior sob a ótica dos estudantes. A partir dos anos 2000 o acesso ao ensino superior passou a ser alvo de políticas públicas que tencionava democratizá-lo. Nos governos do PT, esse processo foi levado à cabo através da expansão da rede federal e tecnológica, do REUNI, do SISU do PROUNI e do PNAES. Foram implementadas legislações que asseguravam a reserva de 50 por cento vagas nas universidades e IF para estudantes egressos de escolas públicas e com renda familiar per capita de até 1,5 salários mínimos, devendo-se ainda assegurar o preenchimento de autodeclarados pretos, pardos, indígenas e pessoas com deficiência proporcional à representatividade na unidade da federação. Considera-se que a implantação deste arcabouço de legislações, chamadas de perspectivas inclusivas ampliou o acesso ao ensino superior de determinados segmentos sociais. Porém, a pesquisa apontou que algumas práticas, aqui denominadas de práticas excludentes podem inviabilizar a inclusão desses estudantes. Foi realizado um estudo sobre percepções, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa utilizando como instrumento de coleta de informação um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas, aplicado por e-mail entre os dias 30/09 e 30/10 de 2019. Foram respondidos 26 questionários dentre os quais 19 eram de docentes e 7 de técnicos. No perfil foi possível constatar que a maioria se encontra na faixa etária entre 36 e 40 anos e maior que 50 anos, são do sexo feminino, se consideram brancos e trabalham há mais de 7 anos no IFRJ. Quanto às percepções sobre os eixos centrais do estudo a pesquisa mostrou que a Reserva de vagas é considerada um meio de justiça e reparação, porém, destacou-se que essa estratégia não é suficiente para manter os estudantes no IFRJ. Quanto ao Programa de Assistência Estudantil observou-se ser de extrema relevância para os estudantes mas tem se mostrado insuficiente e de pouca amplitude institucional. Sobre a necessidade de alterar as formas de trabalho após o ingresso de alunos cotistas a maioria relatou que foi necessário fazer algum tipo de alteração metodológica e avaliativa ressaltando o aspecto do déficit prévio de conteúdos básicos, questão que foi destacada como a maior dificuldade apresentada por esses estudantes. O principal ponto positivo relacionado aos cotistas são de que a presença deles no IFRJ promove maior diversidade e o ponto negativo é que apresentam dificuldades de aprendizagem e permanência material. A partir da articulação com os dados institucionais e a revisão bibliográfica, ancorada nas ideias de afiliação de Couloun e da escola como aparelho reprodutor das desigualdades, enfatizada por Bourdieu, concluiu-se que apesar das perspectivas inclusivas nortearem as ações institucionais elas não se revelam como suficientes para alterar as práticas cotidianas que apesar de modificadas, ainda assim não são plenamente inclusivas. / [en] This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of the IFRJ campus Realengo servers about access through the reservation of places and the Student Assistance Program. We sought to characterize the profile of the educators, identify their perceptions about affirmative actions and permanence, research their standards in the IFRJ and map the institutional strategies in this area. It refers to a research that deepens the master s thesis that addressed the perceptions about access to higher education from the students perspective. From the 2000s onwards, access to higher education became the target of public policies that aimed to democratize it. In the governments of the PT this process was carried out through the expansion of the federal and technological network, to REUNI, do SISU do PROUNI e do PNAES. Legislation was implemented to ensure the reservation of 50 per cent vacancies in universities and FI for students graduating from public schools and with a per capita family income of up to 1.5 minimum wages, while filling in self-declared blacks, pardos, indigenous people and people with disabilities proportional to their representation in the federation unit. It is considered that the implementation of this framework of legislation, called inclusive perspectives, increased access to higher education for certain social segments. However, the research pointed out that some practices, here called exclusionary practices, may make the inclusion of these students unfeasible. A study on perceptions was carried out, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, using a questionnaire with open and closed questions as an information collection tool, applied by email between 09/30 and 10/30 2019. 26 questionnaires were answered, of which 19 were from teachers and 7 from technicians. In the profile, it was possible to verify that most of them are in the age group between 36 and 40 years old and older than 50 years old, are female, consider themselves white and have worked for more than 7 years at IFRJ. As for the perceptions about the central axes of the study, the research showed that the Reserve of vacancies is considered a means of justice and reparation, however, it was highlighted that this strategy is not enough to keep students in IFRJ. As for the Student Assistance Program, it was observed to be extremely relevant for students, but it has been shown to be insufficient and of little institutional scope. Regarding the need to change the forms of work after the admission of quota students, most reported that it was necessary to make some kind of methodological and evaluative change, emphasizing the aspect of the previous deficit of basic contents, an issue that was highlighted as the greatest difficulty presented by these students. students. The main positive point related to quota holders is that their presence at IFRJ promotes greater diversity and the negative point is that they have learning difficulties and material permanence. From the articulation with the institutional data and the bibliographic review, anchored in the ideas of affiliation of Couloun and the school as a reproductive apparatus of inequalities, emphasized by Bourdieu, it was concluded that despite the inclusive perspectives guiding institutional actions they do not reveal themselves as enough to change everyday practices that, although modified, are still not fully inclusive.


PATRICIA MACIEL PEREIRA 22 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo discorre sobre a educação superior brasileira e a democratização do acesso e permanência dos estudantes nas universidades. Em nosso país, a continuidade dos estudos em nível superior ainda é extremamente difícil para grande parte da população, pois estas vivenciam a todo o tempo as desigualdades sociais existentes em nossa sociedade, como aponta este estudo. A partir de então, nos propomos a estudar as políticas de ações afirmativas, mais especificamente o sistema de reserva de vagas nas universidades, discutindo a necessidade da igualdade de oportunidades no que tange ao acesso ao ensino superior. São estudadas também as políticas de assistência estudantil, apresentando os objetivos do Plano Nacional de Assistência Estudantil (PNAES) e a importância dessas para permanência dos estudantes em suas universidades, destacando os jovens que ingressam através do sistema de reserva de vagas nas instituições de ensino públicas e através do Programa Universidade Para Todos nas instituições de ensino privadas ou comunitárias. Dando ênfase a dificuldade de permanência do estudante desprovido de recursos financeiros e de grupos que vivem historicamente em condições de desigualdade social em concluírem seus cursos nas universidades em que estão inseridos, o presente trabalho traz a experiência dos jovens universitários atendidos pela Associação de Assistência ao Adolescente, apresentando as dificuldades e possibilidades vivenciadas em sua trajetória universitária. O estudo evidencia os problemas vividos por estudantes das classes populares nas universidades e demonstra a necessidade de expansão e visibilidade das políticas de assistência estudantil para que de fato os estudantes que vivem em condições de desigualdades sociais possam ter suas necessidades de permanência atendidas e consequentemente, concluírem seus cursos de forma satisfatória. / [en] This study discusses the Brazilian higher education and the democratization of access and retention of students in universities. In our country, the continuity of higher level studies is still extremely difficult for much of the population, as they experience the whole time the social inequalities in our society, as pointed out by this study. Since then, we propose to study the policies of affirmative actions, specifically the booking system of university places, discussing the need for equal opportunities in terms of access to higher education. Also studies the student assistance policy, with the objectives of the National Student Assistance Plan (PNAES) and its importance for the maintenance of students in their universities, highlighting the young people who access places through reservation system in public educational institutions and through the University for All Program in private or communitary educational institutions. Emphasizing the difficulty of staying faced by students bereft of financial resources and groups historically living in social inequality conditions in completing their courses in universities where they are inserted, this paper brings the experience of university students served by the Adolescent Care Association, presenting the difficulties and possibilities experienced in his college career. The study highlights the problems faced in universities by students from the popular classes and demonstrates the need for expansion and visibility of student assistance policies so that in fact the students living in social inequality conditions may have their stay requirements catered and therefore, conclude satisfactorily their courses.


LEANDRO FERREIRA ASSIS 29 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a experiência da atuação dos educadores voluntários no Pré-vestibular Comunitário Seja Mais (PVC Seja Mais) desenvolvido pela Pastoral Universitária Anchieta (PUA) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). O Pré-Vestibular Comunitário Seja Mais possui o corpo discente oriundo das classes populares que almejam acesso ao ensino superior, funciona de forma gratuita e com o apoio de professores voluntários que são, em sua maioria estudantes da própria PUC-Rio. Por meio dos objetivos específicos, a pesquisa buscou investigar o significado que o Pré-vestibular Comunitário Seja Mais tem na formação dos educa-dores voluntários; identificar os fatores que motivam os voluntários fazer parte deste projeto, a partir das análises interpretativas das entrevistas feitas com os professores entre os anos 2016 e 2019. Em três eixos principais, a primeira parte traça um histórico da configuração e organização dos pré-vestibulares. Baseado em eixos interdisciplinares discorre sobre a problemática do acesso à educação superior no Brasil. A segunda parte descreve a importância das políticas de ações afirmativas. A terceira parte é dedicada à pesquisa de campo com ênfase nas entrevistas feitas com um grupo heterogêneo de professores voluntários das diversas áreas do saber. Os depoimentos coletados, a partir das entrevistas rea-lizadas com os professores, apresentam pontos relevantes: expectativas e experiências pessoal/profissional obtidas no Pré-vestibular Comunitário Seja Mais; a motivação pela permanência como professores; (re)configuração de cidadania; o incentivo ao trabalho voluntário. / [en] The present dissertation aims to analyze the experience of the volunteer educator s performance in the Seja Mais Community Pre-university Entrance Exam, developed by Pastoral Universitária Anchieta (PUA) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). The Seja Mais Community Pre-university Entrance Examination has a student body from the popular classes that crave access to higher education, it works free of charge and with the support of volunteer teachers who are mostly students from PUC-Rio itself. Through specific objectives, the research sought to investigate the meaning that the Seja Mais Community Pre-university Entrance exam has in the training of volunteer educators; to identify the factors that motivate the volunteers to be part of this project, from the interpretative analyzes of the interviews made with the teachers between the years of 2016 and 2019. The work was divided in three main axes, in the first chapter we trace a history about the configuration and organization of the entrance exams. Based on interdisciplinary axes, we will discuss the issue of access to higher education in Brazil. Second chapter is ded-icated to describing the importance of Affirmative Action policies. The third chapter is dedicated to field research with an emphasis on interviews with a heterogeneous group of volunteer teachers from different areas of knowledge. The testimonies collected from the interviews with teachers present some rele-vant points: personal/professional expectations and experiences obtained in the Seja Mais Community Pre-university Entrance Examination; the motivation to remain as teachers; reconfiguration of citizenship and encouraging voluntary work.


JONAS PEREIRA ARAUJO 30 March 2023 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese busca compreender como diferentes noções de justiça social, em especial, aquelas fundadas sobre parâmetros meritocráticos, são compreendidas e disputadas no Brasil. As principais concepções trabalhadas estiveram fundamentadas a partir de gramáticas políticas ou ideológicas distintas, tais como: i) princípios libertários, presentes na teoria nozickiana; e ii) princípios welfaristas, presentes na teoria rawlsiana. O estudo das disputas entorno da implementação de políticas de Ação Afirmativa (AA) no ensino superior brasileiro no início dos anos 2000, demonstrou que as concepções de justiça social propostas até então davam conta de explicar os principais debates brasileiros. O centro gravitacional das divergências às AA nesse período esteve circunscrito aos esforços em deslegitimar as cotas de viés racial. A despeito do sucesso desses programas comprovado por inúmeras pesquisas na última década, a exemplo dos trabalhos que o GEMAA/IESP-UERJ têm levado adiante, vemos hoje, passados 20 anos da institucionalização de AA no Brasil não haver ainda grandes acordos sobre a pertinência de políticas baseadas exclusivamente em critérios raciais. Por fim, a tese buscou compreender esta última questão – a insistência de negar o reconhecimento do racismo estrutural brasileiro – levando a cabo a análise exploratória de um evento – a polêmica surgida entorno da implementação de um programa de trainees exclusivos para pessoas negras pela empresa Magazine Luiza em 2020 –, com o objetivo de testar a hipótese que a deslegitimação das AA de viés exclusivamente racial tem sido um debate dominado ou influenciado contemporaneamente por argumentos e atores ligados à extrema-direita, o que conseguimos comprovar apenas provisoriamente, ensejando a realização de investigações futuras. / [en] This thesis seeks to understand how different notions of social justice, in particular those based on meritocratic parameters, are understood and disputed in Brazil. The main concepts worked on were based on different political or ideological grammars, such as: i) libertarian principles, present in Nozick s theory; and ii) welfarist principles, present in Rawlsian theory. The study of the disputes surrounding the implementation of Affirmative Action (AA) policies in Brazilian higher education in the early 2000s, demonstrated that the conceptions of social justice proposed until then were able to explain the main Brazilian debates. The gravitational center of disagreements with the AA in this period was limited to efforts to delegitimize racial based quotas. Despite the success of these programs proven by countless researches in the last decade, like the work that GEMAA/IESPUERJ has carried out, we see today, 20 years after the institutionalization of AA in Brazil, there are still no major agreements on the pertinence of policies based exclusively on racial criteria. Finally, the thesis sought to understand this last issue – the insistence of denying the recognition of Brazilian structural racism – carrying out the exploratory analysis of an event – the controversy that arose around the implementation of an exclusive trainee program for black people by the company Magazine Luiza in 2020 –, with the aim of testing the hypothesis that the delegitimization of AA with an exclusively racial basis has been a debate dominated or influenced contemporaneously by arguments and actors linked to the extreme right, which we managed to prove only provisionally, giving rise to the realization of future investigations.


THALES RABELO DE ALBUQUERQUE MOTA 21 November 2024 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação investiga as percepções de alunos egressos do Colégio Pedro II sobre a experiência escolar nesta instituição. A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem qualitativa com uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os estudantes egressos do Colégio Pedro II nos anos 2000 até 2023 com triangulação de informações com aquelas obtidas através da página institucional do Colégio na Internet e em interlocução com a revisão bibliográfica de pesquisas acadêmicas realizadas sobre o Colégio. A seleção dos egressos para as entrevistas foi feita por meio da técnica denominada bola de neve, amostragem não probabilística em que os participantes iniciais das entrevistas indicam outros novos participantes. A análise considera referenciais nos campos da Sociologia da Educação, da Sociologia da Juventude e nos estudos sobre Ações Afirmativas. Pretendeu-se compreender como a implementação de políticas de ação afirmativa alterou as dinâmicas distributivas e de reconhecimento nas relações entre os estudantes e entre estes e os demais atores escolares, desenvolvendo uma análise de suas percepções sobre sua experiência escolar no Colégio. Os entrevistados eram de diferentes origens (escolarização anterior e local de moradia) que ingressaram em diferentes unidades (campi) em variados momentos, mas têm em comum estarem cursando universidades públicas. A análise dos dados permitiu compreender as percepções dos alunos sobre o seu cotidiano escolar no Colégio Pedro II, suas relações com os professores, colegas e gestores. Um dos aspectos enfatizados pelos egressos foram as percepções sobre a diversidade e suas interpretações sobre os caminhos e possibilidades oportunizadas pela formação escolar no Colégio Pedro II. / [en] This dissertation investigates the perceptions of students who graduated from Colégio Pedro II about their school experience at this institution. The research adopted a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews with students who graduated from Colégio Pedro II between 2000 and 2023, triangulating the information with that obtained from the institutional website and in dialogue with the bibliographical review of academic research carried out on the Colégio. Graduates were selected for the interviews using the so-called snowball technique, a non-probabilistic sample in which the initial participants in the interviews indicate other new participants. The analysis considers references in the fields of the Sociology of Education, the Sociology of Youth and studies on Affirmative Action. The aim was to understand how the implementation of affirmative action policies has altered the dynamics of distribution and recognition in the relationships between students and between them and other school actors, developing an analysis of their perceptions of their school experience at the school. The interviewees were from different backgrounds (previous schooling and place of residence) who entered different units (campuses) at different times but had in common that they were attending public universities. Analyzing the data allowed to understand the students perceptions of their daily school life at Colégio Pedro II, their relationships with teachers, classmates and managers. One of the aspects emphasized by the graduates was their perceptions of diversity and their interpretations of the paths and possibilities provided by their schooling at Colégio Pedro II.

Does Experiencing Discrimination in the Workplace Change Opinion? A Mediation Analysis of Identity and Support for Affirmative Action

Jefferies, Shanae S 05 1900 (has links)
Affirmative action policies have been a popular topic in U.S. media since their inception in the Civil Rights Act 1964. Previous studies note that race, gender, and political identity are known influencers of support for affirmative action policies; however, this dissertation analyzes the mediating effects of perceived experiences of discrimination in the workplace on a person's level of support for the preferential hiring and promotion of Black Americans based on the intersection of the race, gender, and political identity. Through social dominance theory (SDT), this dissertation highlights the motivations people may have in support or opposition of affirmative action, especially for Black Americans. Due to the historical lineage of African Americans in the U.S., stereotypes about Black people's work ethic have continued to be mostly negative-which inform hiring, promotion, and admission procedures today. Using the General Social Survey (GSS) to conduct regression and mediation analysis, this dissertation found significant support for mediation of perceived experiences to increase support for affirmative action among white females, and Black people regardless of gender or political identity. While race and gender discrimination were thought to be the most influencing forms of discrimination experienced, age discrimination showed to transcend racial, gender, and political barriers. Accordingly, appealing to experiences of age discrimination may be a helpful approach to closing the implementation gap of those who voice support for equality yet constantly vote in support of inequality.

The views of management on affirmative action in Telkom SA Ltd / Menings van bestuut aangaande regstellende optrede in Telkom SA Bpk

De Witt, Delano Errol 06 1900 (has links)
The success or failure of implementing affirmative action lies with the management of enterprises. This research - based on a literature study, questionnaires completed by 200 respondents and the researcher's model for the implementation of affirmative action - focuses on management's views on aspects of importance for affirmative action to succeed in the enterprise. From the views of management it is clear that • the more closely affirmative action impinges on the career expectations of the current incumbents, the more resistance and non ownership can be expected • the affirmative action message must be communicated sincerely and positively • diversity management must change drastically to focus on educating persons to understand not only themselves, but also others of different backgrounds, race, gender, skills, persuasion and experience • the enterprise needs to accelerate the process to identify potential, training and development processes as well as performance coaching of disadvantaged groups Meeting the above challenges, will require mutual trust, respect and communication. / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die bestuur van ondernemings bepaal die sukses of mislukking by die implementering van regstellende optrede. Die navorsing - gebaseer op 'n literatuurstudie, vraelyste ingevul deur 200 respondente en die navorser se model vir die implementering van regstellende optrede - fokus op bestuur se menings aangaande aspekte van belang vir die sukses van regstellende optrede in die onderneming. Vanuit bestuur se menings is dit duidelik dat • hoe grooter inbreuk regstellende optrede maak op die beroepsverwagtinge van die huidige bekleers, hoe sterker weerstand en nie-eienaarskap kan van hulle verwag word • die regstellende optrede boodskap moet eerlik en positief gekommunikeer word • die bestuur van diversiteit se fokus drasties moet verander om individue te leer om nie net hulself nie, maar ook ander van verskillende agtergrond, bevolkingsgroep, geslag, vaardighede, oortuigings en ondervinding te verstaan • die onderneming die prosesse moet versnel wat betrekking het op die identifisering van potensiaal, opleiding en ontwikkeling asook prestasierigleiding van die benadeelde groepe Ten einde aan bogenoemde uitdagings te voldoen, sal wedersydse vertroue, respek en kommunikasie vereis / Economics and Management Sciences / M.Com. (Business Management)

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