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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Capturing, Eliciting, and Prioritizing (CEP) Non-Functional Requirements Metadata during the Early Stages of Agile Software Development

Maiti, Richard Rabin 01 January 2016 (has links)
Agile software engineering has been a popular methodology to develop software rapidly and efficiently. However, the Agile methodology often favors Functional Requirements (FRs) due to the nature of agile software development, and strongly neglects Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs). Neglecting NFRs has negative impacts on software products that have resulted in poor quality and higher cost to fix problems in later stages of software development. This research developed the CEP “Capture Elicit Prioritize” methodology to effectively gather NFRs metadata from software requirement artifacts such as documents and images. Artifact included the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) artifact which gathered metadata from images. The other artifacts included: Database Artifact, NFR Locator Plus, NFR Priority Artifact, and Visualization Artifact. The NFRs metadata gathered reduced false positives to include NFRs in the early stages of software requirements gathering along with FRs. Furthermore, NFRs were prioritized using existing FRs methodologies which are important to stakeholders as well as software engineers in delivering quality software. This research built on prior studies by specifically focusing on NFRs during the early stages of agile software development. Validation of the CEP methodology was accomplished by using the 26 requirements of the European Union (EU) eProcurement System. The NORMAP methodology was used as a baseline. In addition, the NERV methodology baseline results were used for comparison. The research results show that the CEP methodology successfully identified NFRs in 56 out of 57 requirement sentences that contained NFRs compared to 50 of the baseline and 55 of the NERV methodology. The results showed that the CEP methodology was successful in eliciting 98.24% of the baseline compared to the NORMAP methodology of 87.71%. This represents an improvement of 10.53% compared to the baseline results. of The NERV methodology result was 96.49% which represents an improvement of 1.75% for CEP. The CEP methodology successfully elicited 86 out of 88 NFR compared to the baseline NORMAP methodology of 75 and NERV methodology of 82. The NFR count elicitation success for the CEP methodology was 97.73 % compared to NORMAP methodology of 85.24 %which is an improvement of 12.49%. Comparison to the NERV methodology of 93.18%, CEP has an improvement of 4.55%. CEP methodology utilized the associated NFR Metadata (NFRM)/Figures/images and linked them to the related requirements to improve over the NORMAP and NERV methodologies. There were 29 baseline NFRs that were found in the associated Figures/images (NFRM) and 129 NFRs were both in the requirement sentence and the associated Figure/images (NFRM). Another goal of this study was to improve the prioritization of NFRs compared to prior studies. This research provided effective techniques to prioritize NFRs during the early stages of agile software development and the impacts that NFRs have on the software development process. The CEP methodology effectively prioritized NFRs by utilizing the αβγ-framework in a similarly way to FRs. The sub-process of the αβγ-framework was modified in a way that provided a very attractive feature to agile team members. Modification allowed the replacement of parts of the αβγ-framework to suit the team’s specific needs in prioritizing NFRs. The top five requirements based on NFR prioritization were the following: 12.3, 24.5, 15.3, 7.5, and 7.1. The prioritization of NFRs fit the agile software development cycle and allows agile developers and members to plan accordingly to accommodate time and budget constraints.

Web service control of component-based agile manufacturing systems

Phaithoonbuathong, Punnuluk January 2009 (has links)
Current global business competition has resulted in significant challenges for manufacturing and production sectors focused on shorter product lifecyc1es, more diverse and customized products as well as cost pressures from competitors and customers. To remain competitive, manufacturers, particularly in automotive industry, require the next generation of manufacturing paradigms supporting flexible and reconfigurable production systems that allow quick system changeovers for various types of products. In addition, closer integration of shop floor and business systems is required as indicated by the research efforts in investigating "Agile and Collaborative Manufacturing Systems" in supporting the production unit throughout the manufacturing lifecycles. The integration of a business enterprise with its shop-floor and lifecycle supply partners is currently only achieved through complex proprietary solutions due to differences in technology, particularly between automation and business systems. The situation is further complicated by the diverse types of automation control devices employed. Recently, the emerging technology of Service Oriented Architecture's (SOA's) and Web Services (WS) has been demonstrated and proved successful in linking business applications. The adoption of this Web Services approach at the automation level, that would enable a seamless integration of business enterprise and a shop-floor system, is an active research topic within the automotive domain. If successful, reconfigurable automation systems formed by a network of collaborative autonomous and open control platform in distributed, loosely coupled manufacturing environment can be realized through a unifying platform of WS interfaces for devices communication. The adoption of SOA- Web Services on embedded automation devices can be achieved employing Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS) protocols which encapsulate device control functionality as provided services (e.g. device I/O operation, device state notification, device discovery) and business application interfaces into physical control components of machining automation. This novel approach supports the possibility of integrating pervasive enterprise applications through unifying Web Services interfaces and neutral Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message communication between control systems and business applications over standard Ethernet-Local Area Networks (LAN's). In addition, the re-configurability of the automation system is enhanced via the utilisation of Web Services throughout an automated control, build, installation, test, maintenance and reuse system lifecycle via device self-discovery provided by the DPWS protocol.

A service-oriented approach to embedded component-based manufacturing automation

Kaur, Navjot January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the application of Component-Based (CB) technology to shop floor devices using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services (WS) for the purpose of realising future generation agile manufacturing systems. The environment of manufacturing enterprises is now characterised by frequently changing market demands, time-to-market pressure, continuously emerging new technologies and global competition. Under these circumstances, manufacturing systems need to be agile and automation systems need to support this agility. More specifically, an open, exible automation environment with plug and play connectivity is needed. Technically, this requires the easy connectivity of hardware devices and software components from different vendors. Functionally, there is a need of interoperability and integration of control functions on different hierarchical levels ranging from field level to various higher level applications such as process control and operations management services. A potential solution is to realise a modular and reconfigurable automation system, based on a platform of reusable components; while simultaneously reducing the number of unique components. For designing such reusable components, a component-based technology has been used in current thesis. The automation components created are active and distributed entities interacting through their data, event and service ports. To communicate these entities, this thesis focuses on applying SOA and WS at device level. SOA and WS have already been proven successful in linking business applications. If SOA can be applied at shop floor using the embedded devices, it can enable entirely new automation architecture based on peer-to-peer interactions between autonomous devices. The adoption of this SOA-WS approach at shop floor level would enable a seamless integration of higher level business applications and shop- floor level system. This will also provide a loosely coupled message-oriented service in embedded device networks and geographically distributed automation system. SOA can be implemented using Web Services on the embedded devices, which will provide even greater exibility and interoperability because WS is platform neutral. This SOA-WS approach will enable end users to operate and maintain the supplied system easily. A key aim of this thesis is to examine if the adoption of SOA-WS at the embedded control devices can provide the same level of message speed and reliability as the current control systems. It is expected that the desired distributed, loosely coupled and reconfigurable automation system can be formed by a network of these collaborative autonomous SOA-WS based devices using an open control platform. This approach has been experimentally evaluated both in terms of quantity and quality using various parameters involved in the design, implementation, evaluation and recon guration of SOA-WS based automation systems. This has been done using the Ford Festo test rig located at the Manufacturing System Integration Research Institute of Loughborough University. The mechanisms on this test rig represent control problems typically associated in engine assembly and handling machines. Therefore, the result of experimental studies performed on this test rig can be considered applicable to real manufacturing applications.

Digitalizing Finland:governance of government ICT projects

Lappi, T. (Teemu) 13 August 2019 (has links)
Abstract Digitalization is a megatrend that also drives public sector reforms toward improved citizen service processes by adopting digital technologies. The digitalization of the public sector, also referred to as e-government transformation, is a strenuous institutional change process that starts with strategy and policy formation and is eventually carried out through individual information and communication (ICT) development projects and programs. ICT projects in the public sector still struggle due to challenges and complexities such as technological uncertainty. These project-level struggles impair e-government efforts that are already facing strategic and regulative difficulties, which, again, affect ICT project performance. How a temporary project is connected and contributes to the strategic objectives of a more permanent structure is the focus of project governance. In e-government context it can be applied to describe and elaborate on the ICT project alignment and control practices in and between different organizations within the e-government transformation. The underlying academic motivation for this research is to improve the current understanding of project governance in e-government: how ICT project governance can be applied to enact the institutional change of public sector digitalization. The dissertation study follows a constructive research approach, using multiple qualitative methods on empirical data from the Finnish central government. By synthesizing the results from four individual research publications, this dissertation explores the ICT project governance practices and tensions that take place in different levels within the e-government transformation. The study contributes to the literature by elaborating how project governance is perceived in and affected by the e-government transformation and by providing new information on how flexible and collaborative project models, namely agile models and project alliances, are applied in the context. The dissertation proceeds to construct a multi-level model that indicates how the perceived challenges and tensions could be remedied, thus enabling managers and practitioners in the field to conduct the right ICT projects properly and, hence, support the e-government transformation. / Tiivistelmä Digitalisaatio on yksi megatrendeistä, joka vaikuttaa myös julkisen sektorin reformaatioihin, joilla tavoitellaan tehokkaampia asiakaspalveluprosesseja hyödyntämällä digitaalisia teknologioita. Julkisen sektorin digitalisoituminen, tai e-hallinnon muutos, on vaativa institutionaalinen muutosprosessi, joka alkaa strategisten ja poliittisten linjausten määrittelyllä ja toteutetaan lopulta yksittäisten informaatio- ja kommunikaatioteknologia (ICT) projektien ja ohjelmien kautta. Julkisen sektorin ICT projekteja haastaa edelleen muun muassa tekniset epävarmuustekijät. Nämä projektitason haasteet vaikuttavat myös e-hallintoon, johon liittyy jo valmiiksi strategisia ja hallinnollisia vaikeuksia. Tämä taas vastavuoroisesti vaikeuttaa yksittäisten projektien toimintaa. Projektihallintoa käytetään kuvaamaan, miten kertaluontoinen projekti liittyy ja vaikuttaa pysyvämpiin rakenteisiin ja niiden strategisten tavoitteiden toteutumiseen. E-hallinnon digitaalisen muutoksen yhteydessä projektihallinnon kautta voidaan esittää ICT projektien ohjaus- ja kontrollointikäytäntöjä eri organisaatiotasoilla. Tämä tutkimuksen akateeminen motivaatio on parantaa nykyistä tietämystä projektihallinnosta e-hallinnon kontekstissa tarkastelemalla, miten ICT projektihallintoa voidaan käyttää julkisen sektorin digitalisoitumisen toteuttamiseen. Tämä väitöstyö noudattaa konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta, käyttäen useita laadullisia menetelmiä Suomen valtionhallinnosta kerätyn empiirisen datan analysointiin. Syntetisoimalla neljän osajulkaisun tulokset tämä väitös perehtyy ICT projektihallinnon käytänteisiin ja jänniteisiin eri organisaatiotasoilla digitalisoitumisen yhteydessä. Tämä väitös tuottaa uuttaa tietoa esittämällä, miten projektihallinto näyttäytyy ja vaikuttaa e-hallinnon muutoksessa, sekä kuvaamalla miten joustavia projektimalleja, kuten ketterä ja projektiallianssi, voidaan käyttää tässä kontekstissa. Väitöstutkimus luo lisäksi monitasoisen mallin, jonka avulla havaittuja haasteita ja jännitteitä voidaan lieventää. Täten tutkimus auttaa käytännössä alan asiantuntijoita johtamaan oikeita ICT projekteja oikealla tavalla ja siten edesauttaa julkisen sektorin digitalisointia.

Decision traceability in agile software projects : Enabling alignment between changing requirements and product goals / Beslutsspårbarhet i agila projekt : att möjliggöra samverkan mellan förändrande krav och produktmål

Walden, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Agile project management emphasizes flexibility and adapting to change. Embracing change often means that specified requirements get changed, removed or replaced under the course of a software project. Another consequence of the nature of agile projects is that everything that does not directly contribute to the working software gets dropped from the product lifecycle. Traceability – the ability to trace requirements back to their origins and forward to design artifacts, code, and testcases – is one such thing that may be overlooked. At the same time, traceability may be crucial to making sure that the delivered product meets the product goals. This thesis investigates the concept of decision traceability – the ability to trace decisions that relate to the evolution of a software product, as well as the fulfillment of product goals. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the importance of decision traceability in relation to product goals and changing requirements in agile software projects. For this purpose, two research questions were developed. (1) What are the challenges of achieving decision traceability in agile projects? And (2) What are important aspects of achieving decision traceability in agile projects? An interpretive qualitative case study was conducted at an IT-consultancy firm. In the case study, two of the organization’s in-house projects were observed, and six informants were interviewed. In answer to the research questions, seven challenges and six important aspects of achieving decision traceability were identified. A conclusion that can be made from the findings is that other aspects than just well-defined processes– such as team engagement, value perception, and communication – may be essential to achieving decision traceability in agile software projects.

Ett visualiseringsverktyg för att koordinera agil utveckling av en komplex produkt : En studie om framtagande och vidareutveckling av en systemanatomi för ökad gemensam förståelse i den agila utvecklingen på Volvo Cars / A visualization tool for coordinating agile development of a complex product : A study about creation and continuous use of a system anatomy for better common understanding in the agile development at Volvo Cars

Cerny, David, Dahlström, Didrik January 2019 (has links)
There are issues around complex products in multiple large companies such as Volvo Cars, Ericsson and ABB. This report focuses on Volvo Cars in an agile context with issues concerning dependencies and coordination. The subject which is investigated closer to solve this problem is system anatomies. System anatomies is a project management tool consisting of capabilities (boxes), formulated from a user perspective with dependencies (arrows) connecting them. This report is an abductive ethnographic study around the adoption of system anatomies in a department at Volvo Cars which is in the front of the agile transformation and develop digital tools other departments in the organisation uses in their development. The adoption of the system anatomy was firstly made through thoroughly done identification of preconditions favouring or disfavouring the system anatomy. Secondly an observation of a creation of a system anatomy was carried out which led to an actual system anatomy. In conclusion four interviews were held to examine the possibility continuously make the system anatomy bring value.  The purpose of the study is to investigate how different adoption of system anatomies can be modelled to be useful in a large organisation which is pursuing a transformation in going agile. The study results in that the creation of a system anatomy does not only give value in the form of the actual illustration of the system anatomy but also through the discussions which are held during the creation process. An important insight was that the created system anatomy is a static snapshot of the reality of the moment it is created and therefore must be maintained and updated to continue to contribute with maximum value. The interviews around the system anatomy have treated a number of context-objects, such as use case and architecture, which are other tools that are used in the coordination. Each context-object has been combined to the system anatomy to united views which shows the creating relation between these in order to identify misconceptions and contradictive dependencies is possible. With future research in the area, it is interesting with studies of system anatomies in similar environments since this study only is a study of explorative character. Other ways of future research include deeper investigation of the different sub-steps in the creation process of the system anatomy as well as a study of more context-objects. / På flera stora företag så som Volvo Cars, Ericsson och ABB upplevs problematik kring komplexa problem. Denna rapport behandlar Volvo Cars utifrån en agil kontext med problematik kring beroenden och koordination där ämnet som undersöks närmare för att lösa problematiken är systemanatomier. Systemanatomier är en typ av projektledningsverktyg som är en graf bestående av förmågor (noder), formulerade ur ett användarperspektiv med beroenden (bågar) sinsemellan. Följande rapport är en abduktiv etnografisk studie kring införandet av systemanatomier på en avdelning på Volvo Cars som har kommit långt i den agila transformationen och utvecklar verktyg som andra delar av organisation sedan ska använda i utvecklingen av nya produkter. Införandet följs först genom att ingående beskriva de förutsättningar som finns för en systemanatomi på Volvo Cars. Följande observeras ett framtagande av en faktisk systemanatomi och avslutningsvis hur denna systemanatomi kan fortsätta tillföra värde genom att skapa relationer mellan anatomin och kontextuella objekt. Syftet är att undersöka hur olika tillämpningar av systemanatomier kan utformas för att bli användbara i en stor organisation som genomför en transformation mot att bli agila. Studien resulterar främst i att framtagning av en systemanatomi inte bara ger värde i form av den faktiskt framtagna systemanatomin utan även av de diskussioner som förs vid framtagandet. Insikten att den framtagna systemanatomin är en statisk ögonblicksbild och därför måste underhållas och uppdateras för att kunna bidra med maximalt värde framåt har varit betydande. Intervjuer kring systemanatomin behandlade ett antal kontext-objekt, exempelvis use case och arkitektur, som är andra verktyg som används för koordination. Ur studien framkommer att anatomin kan kombineras med kontext-objekt för att skapa gemensamma vyer och det visade sig möjligt att identifiera relationer mellan dessa. Dessa relationer kan hjälpa att koordinera utvecklingen på Volvo Cars främst genom att tidigare i utvecklingsprocessen identifiera motsägande beroenden och missförstånd i lärandefasen av utvecklingen av nya produkter. Vid ett fortsatt arbete på området är det inte minst intressant med undersökningar av systemanatomier i liknande miljöer då denna undersökning enbart är av en explorativ karaktär. Andra spår för framtida arbete inkluderar att gå djupare in i delstegen för framtagning av systemanatomin liksom att undersöka fler kontext-objekt.

Rehearsal: Um arcabouço para teste automatizado de coreografias de serviços web / Rehearsal: A framework for automated testing of web service choreographies

Besson, Felipe Meneses 14 September 2012 (has links)
Servicos web sao componentes de software fracamente acoplados projetados para promover a comunicacao interoperavel entre aplicacoes na Internet. O acesso a servicos web da-se de maneira padronizada (via protocolos definidos pelo W3C), independente da linguagem de programacao, sistema operacional ou plataforma em que sao desenvolvidos. Devido a essas caracteristicas, servicos simples podem ser combinados em servicos mais completos. Coreografia consiste em uma abordagem descentralizada para a composicao de servicos. Diferentemente de orquestracoes, abordagem na qual servicos distribuidos sao coordenados de modo centralizado, a interacao entre os servicos de uma coreografia e colaborativa e a coordenacao descentralizada. Apesar das vantagens, o desenvolvimento de coreografias, incluindo as atividades de testes, nao e algo consolidado. O objetivo desta dissertacao foi desenvolver uma arcabouco de teste que facilite o uso de Desenvolvimento Guiado por Testes (Test-Driven Development, TDD) em coreografias de servicos web. Rehearsal, o arcabouco proposto, fornece funcionalidades para o teste automatizado de (i) servicos web atomicos (teste de unidade); (ii) composicao de servicos (teste de integracao) e (iii) uma parte ou toda a coreografia (teste de aceitacao). Esses testes podem ser implementados utilizando funcionalidades do arcabouco, tais como a criacao dinamica de clientes para servicos web, o interceptador de mensagens e a abstracao da coreografia em objetos Java. Alem disso, Rehearsal facilita a criacao e uso de Mocks de servicos web, uma importante pratica de TDD. Além de avaliar o arcabouco desenvolvido, um estudo ex- ploratorio qualitativo foi conduzido com estudantes de Ciencia da Computacao. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, as funcionalidades do Rehearsal mostraram-se adequadas para a utilizacao de TDD em coreografias de servicos web. / Web services are loosely-coupled software components designed to support interoperable machine- to-machine interaction over the Internet. To achieve such interoperability, web services are accesible through W3C web standards, independently of which language, operating system, or hardware platform they are developed. Due to these characteristics, simple web services can be combined in more complex ones. Choreographies are a distributed approach for composing web services. Compared to orchestrations, which have a centralized approach to distributed service management, the interaction among the choreographed services is collaborative with decentralized coordination. Despite the advantages, choreography development, including the testing activities, is not consolidated. The goal of this research is to develop a testing framework to support Test-Driven Development (TDD) of choreographies. Rehearsal, the proposed framework, provides features for automating the testing of (i) atomic web services (unit testing); (ii) their integration in the choreography (integration testing); and (iii) part of or the entire choreography (acceptance testing). These several levels of testing are implemented by using framework features such as the dynamic generation of web service clients, message interception, and the abstraction of the choreography into Java objects. In addition, Rehearsal supports important practices of TDD such as service mocking. To assess the developed framework, we conducted a qualitative exploratory study with Computer Science students. According to the results obtained, the features of Rehearsal were adequate for applying TDD to web service choreography development successfully.

Gerenciamento ágil de projetos: proposta e avaliação de método para gestão de escopo e tempo / Agile project management: proposal and evaluation of a method for scope and time management

Conforto, Edivandro Carlos 22 June 2009 (has links)
A demanda crescente por produtos inovadores desafia as práticas e métodos consagrados de gerenciamento de projetos. Uma das respostas foi o surgimento da abordagem do gerenciamento ágil de projetos (GAP). Essa abordagem, inicialmente aplicada na área de software, está embasada em um conjunto de princípios que buscam simplificar o processo de gestão, tornando-o mais flexível e auto-gerido. Seu enfoque está no aprendizado contínuo por meio de iterações constantes e entregas em tempo reduzido, possibilitando assim, agregar valor em ambientes dinâmicos de negócio. No entanto, existe uma lacuna nessa teoria quanto à aplicação desses princípios no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, principalmente os que envolvem hardware. O tema do trabalho é investigar a aplicação prática desses princípios no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Para tal, foi adotada a seguinte estratégia: desenvolver, implantar e avaliar um método para planejamento e controle de escopo e tempo utilizando como base um conjunto de princípios do gerenciamento ágil de projetos. O método desenvolvido foi intitulado IVPM2 (Iterative and Visual Project Management Method) e sua criação deu-se por meio do extensivo estudo da literatura sobre GAP combinado com uma pesquisa-ação pura realizada em duas empresas de base tecnológica da região de São Carlos, nomeadas Empresa A e Empresa B. O desenvolvimento e implantação do método ocorreu simultaneamente e contou com a participação dos profissionais dessas empresas, considerando dois cenários distintos. Na empresa A, o IVPM2 foi implantado em um único projeto piloto, de longa duração e com maior complexidade e grau de inovação. Na empresa B o método foi testado em um ambiente multiprojetos (7 projetos) com menor duração e complexidade. Para avaliação do IVPM2 foi utilizada estatística descritiva a partir da análise de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, coletados a partir da aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e análise de documentos. O objetivo foi responder ao problema central de pesquisa e as duas perguntas específicas que guiaram este estudo. O problema central dessa pesquisa foi descrito como: É possível aplicar os princípios do GAP para o planejamento e controle de projetos de produtos inovadores? E, consequentemente as questões específicas consideradas nesse estudo: Q1) O IVPM2 adere aos princípios da abordagem de gerenciamento ágil de projetos? Q2) O IVPM2 trouxe benefícios para a gestão de projetos das empresas? Os resultados apontaram evidências da presença de alguns princípios do GAP no IVPM2, classificando-o como um método ágil. Além disso, o IVPM2 foi capaz de proporcionar vários benefícios para a gestão de projetos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos em ambas as empresas estudadas. Contribuiu também, para a melhoria de outros aspectos da gestão de projetos não tratados diretamente nesse estudo. As evidências coletadas durante a pesquisa, portanto, indicaram diversos benefícios a partir da combinação de princípios do GAP com técnicas tradicionais de gestão de projetos e um software. São indícios de que é possível aplicar os princípios dessa teoria do GAP no planejamento e controle de projetos de desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores inseridos em ambientes dinâmicos de negócio. Por fim, o estudo aponta a necessidade de aprimorar as análises conduzidas e o próprio IVPM2 para aplicação e validação em outras empresas e ambientes de projeto. / The high demand for innovative products has been treated as a challenge for the adoption of traditional project management (PM) practices and methods, specially those ones developed in turbulent and complex business environments. Recently, an alternative approach to deal with these challenges emerged. This approach, entitled Agile Project Management (APM), firstly applied in the software development area, is based on a set of principles which has the purpose to keep the management process as simple as possible, becoming more flexible and self-manageable. By focusing on continuous learning using constant iterations and rapid value deliverable driven, APM aims to improve the results for clients in face of turbulent business environment. However, there is lack on the literature regarding APM principles application in new product development (NPD) projects. The aim of this research is to investigate this issue and the practical application of those principles to NPD projects, developed under turbulent and innovative business environments. To achieve this goal the following strategy was adopted: develop, implement and evaluate a method for planning and controlling scope and time. It was based on a set of principles extracted from the APM literature. The method developed was entitled IVPM2 (Iterative and Visual Project Management Method) and its creation comprised an extensive literature review combined with a pure action-research methodology carried out in two small technology-based companies from the São Carlos technological pole. The companies were called Company A and Company B, and the IVPM2 development, implementation and evaluation activities occurred simultaneously in both companies, considering two distinct scenarios. In the company A the IVPM2 was implemented in a single long term project, with a high level of complexity and innovation. In the company B the IVPM2 was implemented in more than one project (a total of 7 projects) with less complexity and innovation aspects. In order to evaluate the IVPM2 adherence and contribution to project management a statistic descriptive approach was applied using qualitative and quantitative data. The data was collected by questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. The main purpose of this evaluation was to respond the central research problem and the specific research questions. The central research problem was described as: Is it possible to apply APM principles for planning and controlling innovative product projects? Consequently, the specific research questions considered after the method implementation were: RQ1) Did IVPM2 adhere to APM principles? RQ2) Did IVPM2 contribute to enhance project management process in the companies under study? The results showed many evidences of the presence of APM principles in the IVPM2 as stated in the literature. Moreover, the IVPM2 was capable to enhance many aspects of project management process of new product development in both companies studied. It also contributed to improve other aspects not directly addressed in the current research. Finally, the evidences collected during the research have indicated many benefits by combining principles from APM approach with traditional PM techniques and a PM software to support project management. This result is important to consider the applicability and viability of APM principles application to NPD projects in turbulent, innovative and complex business environments. Finally, this study has presented many indications of the need to explore this theme and improve the analysis and the IVPM2 components in order to implement them in different companies and project contexts.

Uma interface de painel digital interativo para planejamento de projetos / A digital interactive panel interface for project planning

Araujo, Camila de 24 August 2012 (has links)
O uso de gestão visual, por meio de painéis físicos, é um diferencial do gerenciamento ágil de projetos. Os quadros servem de suporte para o trabalho colaborativo, permitindo que artefatos e indicadores sejam criados de maneira participativa e sejam divulgados de forma a motivar a comunicação, com uso de quadros brancos e recados autocolantes. Apesar dos argumentos sobre vantagens para a interação da equipe, há várias inconveniências nessa forma de armazenar as informações do projeto, como a perda de dados históricos. Por outro lado, vivencia-se a popularização de tecnologias que permitem a interação entre usuários, mediadas por painéis digitais touchscreen. Essa tecnologia pode substituir os painéis físicos com significativa ampliação de recursos. Este trabalho propõe uma interface original, de forma a combinar a simplicidade dos quadros físicos com as funcionalidades dos softwares de gerenciamento de projetos, segundo as diretrizes identificadas na teoria do gerenciamento de projetos, tanto na abordagem ágil como na tradicional e especialmente projetada para explorar recursos presentes em painéis digitais. Emprega-se uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática para demonstrar o estado da arte sobre softwares de gerenciamento de projetos e outra revisão bibliográfica para reunir as recomendações para projetos de interface em painéis digitais e interação usuário-computador, com a finalidade de construir a proposta. Em seguida, avalia a usabilidade dessa nova interface, comparando-a, por meio de experimentos, com o uso de softwares tradicionais de gerenciamento de projetos e softwares de gerenciamento ágil, voltados para o uso em desktop. Os resultados indicam que a nova interface gera uma maior satisfação para o usuário. A contribuição original está na interface apresentada, mostrando que há um espaço para o desenvolvimento de novos estudos na área de softwares de gerenciamento de projetos, englobando novas formas de interação e uso de novos dispositivos. / The use of physical boards with stickers to visual management is a differential of agile project management. This kind of artifact serves as a support for collaborative work allowing the creation of indicators in a participatory way in order to motivate the communication. There are several drawbacks in this way to store project information despite the arguments about advantages for team interaction with physical boards, such as the loss of historical data. On the other hand, the popularization of technologies that enable interaction between users, like digital touchscreen panels, grows. This technology can replace the physical boards with a significant expansion of resources. This paper proposes an original interface in order to combine the simplicity of the physical boards with the features of project management software tool, according to the guidelines identified in the theory of agile project management (PM) and traditional PM. It was specially designed to exploit resources present in digital panels. This research combines a systematic literature review to demonstrate the state of the art on project management software tool and a literature review to gather recommendations for interface design in digital dashboards and user-computer interaction in order to build the proposal. Then, the usability of this new interface was evaluates, comparing it with the traditional project management software tool and agile project management software tool, through experiment. The results indicate that the new interface generates greater satisfaction to the project management team. The original contribution is the interface presented showing that there is a space for the development of new studies in the area of project management software tool, embracing new forms of interaction and use of new devices.

Digital games platforms: a literature review, an empirical assessment of quality and exclusivity in video-game market and a study on project management. / Plataforma de jogos digitais: uma revisão da literatura, uma avaliação empírica de qualidade e exclusividade no mercado de video-game e um estudo sobre gestão de projeto.

Higuchi, Marcelo Makoto 04 April 2018 (has links)
Digital games are part of the creative industries, which is based on value creation through ideas and creativity. This market has gained relevance due to technology development that attracted both new firms and users. The present dissertation aims to explore three themes: (1) video game market as a two-sided market; (2) the effects of characteristics and behavior of game titles on consoles sales; and (3) project management to develop digital games. Those themes were explored through three articles: the first is a literature review and a bibliometric study of the economic concepts on two-sided market, which focused at identifying main topics, research trends and avenues for futures research. The second text is an analysis on the simultaneous influence of games\' quality and exclusivity on console sales. The last one is a qualitative, multiple-case study to understand, explore and suggest improvements to game project management in the Brazilian market. Findings include: (1) the main authors and topics, trends and developments, from and avenues for future research; (2) combinations of quality and exclusivity can affect console sales either positively or negatively, (3) quality has a predominant effect on sales over games non-exclusivity; and (4) the use of agile methodologies and Design Thinking are diffused among game developers. / Sem resumo.

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