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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av palliativ vård i livets slutskede : En allmän litteraturöversikt

Mdlool, Duaa, Letch, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Background: Previous research shows that relatives and patients are satisfied with the palliative care received at the end of life. They believe that there is room for improvement in nurses care, partly regarding communication to patients and relatives, and partly regarding the time and attendance given to the patients. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses experiences of palliative care at the end of life. Method: A general literature review. Ten scientific articles were analyzed, five qualitative articles, four quantitative articles and one article with mixed method. Results: One experience that emerged was that the nurses believe that the lack of staff makes it difficult to provide good care. Communication is important but also difficult. The nurses also believe that the education is inadequate, but that the experience contributes to them feeling confident in their professional role. Conclusion: Being able to offer palliative care at the end of life is complicated. An important aspect for nurses to keep in mind is that death is something that is difficult to navigate, and many different emotions can arise, both in patients, their relatives and also in the nurses themselves. The prerequisite for dignified palliative care at the end of life is that nurses possess the right skills and experience, to further treat patients and relatives in the best way.

Att Vårda Patienter Som Uttrycker Aggressivitet : Ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Retzman, Allis, Pettersson, Tilde January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor riskerade att erfara patienters aggressiva uttryck på flera olika platser där hälso- och sjukvård bedrivs. Vissa patienter ifrågasatte sjuksköterskors kompetens, likväl som kvalitén på den vård de fick. Patienter uppgav att en potentiell orsak till detta kunde vara hur hälso- och sjukvården är organiserad. Vissa patienter såg även bristande kommunikation från sjuksköterskor som en potentiell orsak till patienters aggressiva uttryck. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som uttrycker aggressivitet. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt med tio artiklar, varav sju med kvalitativ ansats och tre med kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Patienters aggressiva uttryck kunde kopplas till olika orsaker, samt vara av fysisk, verbal eller sexuell karaktär. Att erfara patienters aggressiva uttryck kunde få både fysiska och psykiska följder för sjuksköterskor. Sjuksköterskor uppgav även att de hade svårt att hitta hanteringsstrategier för patienters aggressiva uttryck. Slutsats: För att hälso- och sjukvård ska uppnå kravet på en god vård, i möten mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor, finns ett behov av stöd i hantering av aggressiva uttryck för sjuksköterskor. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor visar respekt, samt att ömsesidighet finns i relationen mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter för att vården ska vara vårdande.

Politiken är för smutsig för kvinnor : En kvalitativ textanalys om debatten gällande rösträttsreformerna 1907-1909 och 1920 i dagstidningar utifrån ett genusperspektiv

Holgersson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
During the early 20th century, two significant changes were done in relation to suffrage. The first introduced universal suffrage for men between 1907 and 1909. For women, the decision was made in the year 1920 which introduced suffrage for them. Both these reforms included a big debate, and many was against it for different reasons. This study’s purpose has been to investigate the debate out of a gender perspective during both these reforms in newspapers. The material has been delimited to only leader pages and letters to the newspaper with the purpose to see people’s opinions in these questions. The material from the two periods has been compared to each other out of a gender perspective to see differences and similarities between the two reforms. The essay has been written with a qualitive text analysis and the result has been analysed with Yvonne Hirdman’s theory about gender system. The result showed that most of the texts was in favour of a universal suffrage for men and not many was against it. Instead, the debate was about the election system if it would be a majority election or proportional elections. In the texts where the author was against a universal suffrage for men, they were arguing for that poorer social groups should not have suffrage because they were not able to take political decisions. In the second period studying women’s suffrage the opinions were more dissimilar with both argument against and for a reform. The biggest difference between the two periods has been what the focus is on in the arguments against a reform. In the first period it has been on social groups, work, and education. In the second period it has been gender and what their qualities alleges to be. Even if this has been a major difference it can also be seen as a similarity because during both periods, some persons were considered to be more inferior to others. In summary it can be said that Hirdman’s gender system has been visible in many of the arguments.

VÅRD AV ÄLDRE VID DEPRESSION : En Litteraturöversikt Om Sjuksköterskors Erfarenheter

ENEKE MBINAKAR, COUDINNEL January 2022 (has links)
Background: Depression in adults is underdiagnosed and associated by society as a natural step in the aging process. Nurses should have a holistic view but when it comes to caring for elderly the focus is predominantly on somatic care. Problem: Nurses who work outside of psychiatry have little knowledge of how to identify, treat and receive older persons suffering from depression. Aim: To describe nurses’ experiences in caring for older people with depression. Method: General literature review according to Friberg where seven qualitative and three quantitative articles are examined to find themes in the differences and similarities found among the articles. Result: The results is presented under three themes; importance of Caring, identification of depression in old people and the importance of knowledge. Some nurses had difficulties in identifying depression in old people. Nurses felt a lack of knowledge on how to deal with persons with depression. It is common that nurses lack knowledge when meeting with people suffering from depression because they do not know how to handle them. Findings: Nurses needs to be educated to get more knowledge about depression. Increased knowledge leads to improved quality of care, eased suffering, and increase quality of life for older people.

What Goes Where? : Swedish learners of English and the issue of English prepositions / Vad ska vart? : Svenska engelska-elever och problemet med engelska prepositioner

Söderman, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
This paper examines 37 Swedish EFL students’ usage and knowledge of the English prepositions to, in, at, of and for by the use of a fill-in-the-gaps questionnaire. The students studied the course English 5 at a Swedish high school. Two teachers were also interviewed regarding their attitudes and views on teaching and learning English prepositions. Prepositions are deemed as a particular difficult word class to master when learning a new language and despite Swedish and English being closely related languages, English prepositions pose difficulties for Swedish learners of English as well.  This paper found that among the 37 students who participated, the preposition for correlated to most errors and the preposition to correlated to the least errors. This is in contrast to a previous finding which suggested that to correlated to the most errors. Moreover, the teachers interviewed in this paper did not view prepositions as a central issue of English language learning. According to the teachers, vocabulary and when to use formal or informal language were more central issues.

Palliativ vård i livets slutskede : En allmän litteraturöversikt ur sjuksköterskors perspektiv

Mohamed, Samsam Ali, Abdi Mohamud, Amina January 2024 (has links)
Background: There is an increased number of patients who need palliative care. The aim of palliative care is to ease suffering, to support the patients at the end of life and their relatives. Patients express that it is significant to preserve dignity and ability to continue living in accordance with their own norms and values. Purpose: The purpose was to provide an overview of nurses' experiences for caring patients at the end of life. Method: A literature review was applied in which eight qualitative and two quantitative articles were analyzed. Results: Four themes emerged that illuminated nurses' experiences of palliative care at the end of life. The themes were nurses' responsibility and caring, obstacles for nursing care, nurses’ emotional management, inadequate competence, and the need for knowledge development. Conclusions: Nurses experienced that the care they provided focuses on palliative patients' needs and is there based on a holistic view. Time constraints due to patients’ overload and understaffing, and a lack of experience were perceived by nurses as obstacles in palliative care. To manage emotions and increase nurses' knowledge of palliative care, nurses considered the need for knowledge development.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av trycksårsförebyggande arbete.

Svensson Träff, Tora, Johansson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Background: A pressure ulcer is an injury of the skin or the underlying tissue that occurs by pressure or shearing of the skin. Risk factors for developing a pressure ulcer includes immobility, old age and incontinence. Apart from pain and discomfort, pressure ulcers can lead to complications, like infections. The wound healing process can take time which is why pressure ulcer prevention is important to reduce the occurrence. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses’ experiences of pressure ulcer prevention. Method: General literature review in which twelve nursing scientific articles were reviewed. Result: The results were divided into four themes “Lack of time and high workload”, “Patients health obstacles that prevents or complicates pressure ulcer prevention care”, “The importance of knowledge and experience within pressure ulcer prevention care” and “Guidelines, management and interdisciplinary collaboration”.  Nurses’ experiences of pressure ulcer prevention care were described partly through obstacles such as lack of time and a high workload. Obstacles for patients health could potentially complicate or prevent pressure ulcer preventative care. Because of this, a need for competent staff, distinct guidelines and collaboration between professions was needed. Conclusion: A few obstacles was described related to pressure prevention care. To manage these a need for distinct guidelines, a strong management, sufficient resources and adequate practical and theoretical knowledge was needed. Keywords: Experiences, general literature review, nurses, pressure ulcer, prevention.

Simulating hypernasality with phonological features in Swedish TTS / Simulerad hypernasalitet med fonologiska särdrag i svensk TTS

Näslund, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the use of phonological features in text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis by simulating hypernasal resonance. By training neural TTS with phonological features instead of moretraditional input methods, one is capable of producing speech sounds unseen in the training data,letting us manipulate the voice in the current task: to produce disordered speech. The resultsof an acoustic analysis indicate successful manipulation of hypernasal resonance, although aperceptual evaluation showed lacking authenticity, particularly due to contextual aspects. Despite limitations, the approach of using synthetic speech with simulated hypernasal resonanceshows potential in the use of perceptual training for speech-language pathology (SLP) students,provided that relevant improvements are implemented. / Denna uppsats utforskar användningen av fonologiska särdrag i talsyntes genom att simulera hypernasal klang. Genom att träna neural Text-to-Speech (TTS) med fonologiska särdrag iställetför mer traditionella metoder, ges möjligheten att producera språkljud som inte finns i träningsdatan vilket låter oss att manipulera rösten i uppgiften att producera avvikande tal. Resultatenfrån en akustisk analys indikerar framgångsrik manipulation av hypernasal klang, fast ett perceptionstest visar på bristande trovärdighet, särskilt på grund av kontextuella aspekter. Trotsbegränsningar visar användandet av syntetiskt tal med simulerad hypernasal klang potential somperceptuell träningsdata för logopedstudenter om relevanta förbättringar görs.

Be patient with me : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bemöta patienter med aggressivt beteendepå akutmottagningen

Hellström, Sofia, Hjert, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienters upplevelser av bemötande på akutmottagningen visar på att det finns brister som upplevs generera aggressivitet. Patienter upplever att misslyckade vårdrelationer,bemötande, väntetider, oförståelse för triage samt att miljön har påverkan på aggressivitet. Patienter upplever även att sjukdomshistoria och bakgrund eventuellt påverkar aggressivt beteende. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bemöta aggressiva patienter på akutmottagningen. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt innefattande sjukvalitativa, fyra kvantitativa samt två artiklar med mixad metod analyserades. Resultat:Fyra teman framkom i resultatet av sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bemöta aggressivitet: sjuksköterskors utmaningar i att bemöta aggressivitet påvisade utmaningar i bemötande avpatienter, kunskapens och stödets betydelse i bemötande påvisade vikten av adekvat kunskapi bemötande av patienter, arbetsmiljöns betydelse i bemötande påvisade hur arbetsmiljön genererade aggressivitet, riskfaktorer hos patienter påvisade att patienters sjukdomshistoria och tidigare erfarenheter påverkade aggressivitet. Slutsats: För att möjliggöra för sjuksköterskor att bemöta patienter på akutmottagningen och uppnå kravet på god vård behövs kunskap och stöd i att förebygga och hantera aggressivitet. Det är av vikt att patienter blir sedda som människor med olika förutsättningar och behov. När sjuksköterskor bemöter patienter som individer möjliggörs en vårdande relation samt möjligheten att nå hälsa.

Innovationer och arkaismer i nuckömålet: en jämförelse med rikssvenska, fårömålet och närpesmålet

Rydgren, Arvid January 2024 (has links)
Estlandssvenska är den svenska varietet som historiskt talades av den svenskspråkiga befolkningen längs med den estländska kusten. De estlandssvenska dialekterna är förhållandevis konservativa och har i regel bevarat många fonologiska drag från fornspråket, men de har även på flera sätt utvecklat nya språkdrag som saknas i andra svenska dialekter. Detta har lett till att estlandssvenskan uppvisar flera unika drag. Huvudsakligen rör det sig om dess konsonanter som på många sätt har förändrats eller till och med försvunnit i förhållande till fornspråket, men även vokalerna i de estlandssvenska varieteterna har förändrats eller bortfallit på en del sätt.   I denna uppsats har ett antal olika utvecklingar undersökts i en specifik estlandssvensk varietet, nuckömålet. Former som i nuckömålet uppvisar dessa ljudförändringar har sedan jämförts med motsvarande former i andra varieteter av svenska: rikssvenska, närpesmålet och fårömålet. Detta har genomförts genom analyser och jämförelser av ord i nuckömålet och de övriga nämnda varieteterna som har samlats in från tidigare publicerat lexikografiskt material. Utöver detta har även kognatdensitet mellan varieteterna och fornsvenskan respektive varandra beräknats. Mina fynd tyder på att det nära släktskapsförhållandet mellan de estlandssvenska och finlandssvenska dialekterna kanske inte är lika starkt som tidigare antagits.

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