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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur arbetet med ensamkommande barn och unga har påverkat socialsekreterarprofessionen

Eriksson, Isabel January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att studera hur arbetet med ensamkommande barn och unga påverkar socialsekreterarprofessionen. Det ökade antalet ensamkommande barn och unga i Sverige skapade ett behov av kunskaper om hur man ger stöd och omsorg till barn och unga i krissituationer. Detta behov kunde inte uppfyllas inom ramen för Migrationsverkets verksamhet så det praktiska ansvaret för ensamkommande barn och unga flyttades 2006 till kommunernas socialtjänst. Arbetet med ensamkommande barn och unga har sedan vuxit och nu blivit en stor del av socialtjänstens arbete. Den teoretiska grunden för denna studie är Thomas Brante (2009) definition och beskrivning av professioner. Hans teori har operationaliserats så att man kan mäta förändringar i socialsekreterarprofessionen. Genom ”most likely metod” studerar studien socialtjänsten i en mellanstor svensk stad, Uppsala, som har fått ta emot näst flest ensamkommande barn och unga i hela Sverige. Om effekter av arbetet med ensamkommande barn och unga på socialsekreterarprofessionen borde synas någonstans borde det vara Uppsala, eftersom staden har tagit emot så många ensamkommande barn och unga i relation till invånarantal. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer har hålls med bland annat socialsekreterare och enhetschefer på ensamkommande barn och unga enheterna på Uppsala kommuns Socialförvaltning. Analys av intervjuerna har visat att arbetet med ensamkommande barn och unga har påverkat socialsekreterarprofessionen. Genom att använda Brantes teori kan man dra slutsatsen att socialsekreterarprofessionen har stärkts av arbetet med ensamkommande barn och unga.

Kommunikation – En kreativ profession

Välme, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Kommunikationsbranschens olika grepp för att profilera sig som kreativa och professionella är många. Denna uppsats studerar fem stycken stockholmsbaserade kommunikationsbyråer som alla har kunder inom kreativa näringar. Tre av byråerna är fullservicebyråer med brett tjänsteutbud och två av byråerna är renodlade PR-byråer. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur kommunikationsbyråer kommunicerar ut sin organisationskultur genom sina hemsidor. Fokus ligger i att undersöka hur organisationskulturen inom organisationen framställs och profilerar en specifik identitet. Då materialet består av byråernas hemsida analyseras det med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys och verktygen för semiotisk och retorisk analys. Att studera hur organisationskulturen marknadsförs resulterar i en studie av relationen mellan den interna och externa kommunikationen. Det valda teoretiska ramverket som uppsatsen utgår ifrån är organisationskultur, varumärkesstrategi, profession samt begreppen fält, habitus och kapital. Det undersökningen kommer fram till genom analys och diskussion är hur de fullservice kommunikationsbyråer med en större kreativ strävan använder sig av personliga egenskaper hos sina medarbetare i profileringen av sin organisation. De renodlade PR-byråerna använder sig av till stor del av hierarkiska system och visuella grepp från kunderna i sin marknadsföring. Genom att sammankoppla resultatet med teorier för integrerad kommunikation och hur managers strävar efter att framställa en integrerad organisationskultur blir framställningen av medarbetare väldigt homogen. Detta kan även leda till att kommunikationsbyråerna skapar ett visst habitus för medarbetarna. Detta innebär att det riskeras att skapa beteendemönster för medarbetarna.

Crescent City Nightingales: Gender, Race, Class and the Professionalization of Nursing for Women in New Orleans, Louisiana, 1881-1950

Fortier, Paula A 18 December 2014 (has links)
Through the examination of primary sources largely overlooked by historians, this dissertation traces the professionalization of nursing in New Orleans, Louisiana, from 1881 to 1950 while placing this localized history within the context of national trends. In the late nineteenth century, nursing developed into a middle class profession for women inspired by the careers of Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton. This dissertation investigates the process by which women became professional nurses while a complex intersection of issues related to gender, race, and class at times advanced, and at other times, hindered their progress towards professionalization. New Orleans serves as a useful case study to illustrate the progression of nursing in both location and time. The city’s subtropical climate and position as a major port of immigration fostered an array of natural and public health disasters that offered an opportunity for the development of professional nursing. Partnerships among male hospital administrators, Catholic Sisters, and upper class clubwomen in New Orleans led to the establishment of seven professional schools, six for whites and one for blacks, that offered specialized nursing education to women of all social classes. When disasters struck New Orleans and elsewhere, nursing for the American Red Cross demanded biracial cooperation for relief work. After the American Red Cross shifted its national mission to war relief and entered into a tenuous partnership with the military, nurses from New Orleans served around the world and at home. Disasters and wars had created opportunities for nurses to earn public recognition and trust and expand control over their careers. Their service in the military particularly influenced federal legislation that raised their status and authority and lifted restrictions on gender and race.

Läkarprofessionens förändrade arbetsvillkor : En studie om läkares erfarenheter av de förändrade villkoren inom professionen

Elma, Mikullovci, Kristin, Freij January 2017 (has links)
This study is based on doctors' experiences of the changing conditions in the workplace from a profession to the ongoing deprofessionalisation. Former studies suggests that medical professionals have undergone deprofessionalisation in the form of social changes. Our purpose with this paper is to find out the doctors’ experiences of the changing conditions. The empirical data consists of ten interviews with ten different doctors regarding their worklife experience from the medical profession.    The result indicate patterns of deprofessionalisation based on three social changes: 1. Knowledge society – the relationship between the doctor and the patient has changed because of the patient’s rights and the information society, which has led to the weakening of the doctors' exclusivity of the knowledge base. 2. New Public Management – new reforms in the form of bureaucracy and market management has entered the profession, and it has led to the weakening of the profession’s autonomy. 3. The attributes of the medical profession – the doctor’s coat has been a clear status symbol and distinction between doctors and outsiders, and the removal of the doctor’s coat has led to the reduced status of the profession.

Etik som en yrkeskompetens: : en studie av bibliotekariers resonemang kring etiska dilemman i mötet med användare / Ethics as a professional skill: : A study of librarians’ reasoning on ethical dilemma when meeting users

Sandahl, Magdalena January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine librarians' reasoning regarding ethical dilemmas when meeting users. The study focuses on the librarians' views of their skills in relation to the library environment, ethical problems occurring during their workdays as well as the role of ethics among the professional skills. The empirical material has been collected through conversations with seven librarians at academic libraries in western Sweden. Three scenarios were used to prompt the librarians' reactions. The material was analyzed with the help of thematic analysis metod. One major finding is that librarians find it difficult to differentiate between personal and professional ethics. Another finding is that ethics as a skill should not be overlooked even though more practical competences are valued as more important in the daily work. The study also indicates that training ethical thinking can boost professional status, help problem solving as well as raise the quality level of work.

Desenho de um comportamento profissional: o Código de ética e disciplina do arquiteto e urbanista no Brasil / Design of a professional behavior: the Code of ethics and discipline of the architect and urban designer in Brazil.

Perez, Ana Luisa Dantas Coutinho 10 May 2018 (has links)
Com o estabelecimento do Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Brasil (CAU/BR), no final de 2011, a categoria profissional dos Arquitetos e Urbanistas conquistou a formação de seu órgão regulador, voltado somente a esse profissional. Diante de tal fato, a necessidade de formulação e implantação de um novo Código de Ética e Disciplina para a profissão, junto com seus procedimentos disciplinares tornou-se evidente. Com isso, a tese buscou, primeiramente, acompanhar e registrar o processo de elaboração do Código, ressaltando a metodologia utilizada e destacando as principais discussões que envolveram a consolidação do texto final do primeiro Código de Ética e Disciplina voltado somente aos profissionais de arquitetura e urbanismo no Brasil. Tal investigação não só possibilitou o levantamento das principais discussões voltadas à estrutura do texto do Código, como também, as discussões que envolveram os conflitos predominantes que ocorriam na prática profissional do arquiteto e urbanista naquele momento. Em seguida a tese se concentrou na demonstração do levantamento e classificação das decisões publicadas pelos CAU/UF da Região Sudeste referente às sanções aplicadas às infrações ocorridas às regras do Código a partir de sua implementação no início de 2014 até o final de 2017, procurando destacar quais infrações se apresentarem recorrentes. Ainda, com a intenção de fornecer uma descrição do processo histórico do desenvolvimento da profissão do arquiteto e urbanista no Brasil, enfocado na evolução de seu comportamento profissional baseado nos códigos de conduta estabelecidos pelos órgãos reguladores, seguiu-se a elaboração de um estudo comparativo dos resultados alcançados no decorrer das investigações colocadas acima, com os resultados obtidos em pesquisa anterior, no período em que a classe profissional se encontrava sob vigência do então Código de Ética do Sistema CONFEA/CREA. / With the establishment of the Architecture and Urban Design Council of Brazil (CAU/BR), by the end of 2011, the professional category of architects and urban designers attained the formation of its regulatory entity, exclusively dedicated to its professionals. Therefore, the need to formulate and implement a new Code of Ethics and Discipline for the profession, along with its disciplinary procedures became evident. With that in mind, the thesis aimed, in the first place, to follow and record the elaboration process of the Code, explaining its methodology and highlighting the main discussions that took place to achieve the consolidation of its final draft, with the first Code of Ethics dedicated solely to the field of Architecture and Urban Design in Brazil. The research made possible the survey of the main topics regarding the Code contents structure, and also, discussions that encompassed the predominant conflicts that occurred within the professional practice of Architecture and Urban Design at that time. Subsequently, the thesis focuses on the demonstration of the survey and classification of the decisions published by CAU/UF1, from the southeast region, concerning the applied sanctions regarding infractions committed against the Code after its implementation in the beginning of 2014, until the end of 2017, seeking to highlight the more recurrent ones. With the intention to provide a description of the historical process of the development of the profession of Architect and Urban Designer in Brazil, focused on the evolution of its professional behavior, based on the Conduct Codes established by the regulatory entities, the next step was the elaboration of a comparative study of the obtained results during the investigations mentioned above, containing the data of a previous research, conducted in a period in which the professional category was still under the regulation of the past Code of Ethics, under the CONFEA/CREA System.

A prática profissional em farmácias e drogarias de Jundiaí, SP: em busca da atenção farmacêutica / The professional practice in pharmacies and drugstores in Jundiaí, SP: searching for pharmaceutical care

Farina, Simone Sena 21 March 2005 (has links)
A profissão farmacêutica vive momento de busca de novas práticas baseadas na atenção farmacêutica. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a prática profissional de farmacêuticos que atuavam em farmácias com ênfase em atividades relacionadas à prática da atenção farmacêutica. Material e métodos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo tipo survey transversal; os dados foram coletados em entrevistas com farmacêuticos do município de Jundiaí/SP. Resultados. Entrevistou-se 93 farmacêuticos, sendo a maioria jovem (31,7 anos em média), do sexo feminino (62,4%), graduada em instituições privadas (90,1%) e não proprietária do estabelecimento (86,0%); desenvolviam na farmácia atividades administrativas, técnicas e de atenção ao usuário, em especial, orientações e dispensação de medicamentos; 67,7% acompanhavam o tratamento farmacoterapêutico dos usuários, mas sem registro de informações, e 77,8% já haviam detectado algum problema com a medicação. Muitos farmacêuticos (91,4%) consideravam necessário realizar um trabalho de maior proximidade com os usuários, porém apontaram como principais dificuldades a falta de: tempo, apoio dos proprietários, interesse dos usuários e conhecimento. A compreensão que 62,3% tinha sobre atenção farmacêutica estava relacionada à orientação e ao atendimento dispensados. Conclusões. A prática da atenção farmacêutica, como preconizada na literatura, não foi observada entre os entrevistados. Estudos futuros para conhecer como os farmacêuticos realizam suas atividades são importantes ao aprimoramento dos serviços farmacêuticos e melhorar a compreensão sobre atenção farmacêutica poderá ajudar na sua implementação. / The pharmaceutical profession is searching for new practices based on pharmaceutical care. The purpose of this study was to get to know the professional practice of the pharmacists who worked in pharmacies, with emphasis placed on the activities related to the pharmaceutical care practice. Material and methods. This is a transversal survey descriptive study; the data were collected among pharmacists of the municipality of Jundiaí/SP. Results. In total, 93 pharmacists were interviewed, most of whom were young (31.7 years of age on average), female (62.4%), private institution graduates (90.1%), and were not pharmacy owners (86.0%); at the pharmacy, they carried out administrative, technical, and attention to patient activities, particularly providing guidance and dispensing medications; 67.7% followed-up on their patient's pharmacotherapeutic treatment, but did not record any information regarding it, while 77.8% had already detected some type of problem with medications. Many pharmacists (91.4%) considered it necessary to work more closely with their patients; however, the main difficulties they mentioned to in order to do so included the lack of time, pharmacy owner support, patient interest, and knowledge. The understanding 62.3% had about pharmaceutical care was related to providing guidance and customer service. Conclusions. The pharmaceutical care practice among the interviewees was not observed as in the literature. Future studies aimed at getting to know how the pharmacists perform their activities are important in order to improve the pharmaceutical services and to improve the understanding about pharmaceutical care can help implanting.

Mal-estar na formação de professores : olhar de egressos sobre a influência da graduação em sua prática profissional

Souza, Laura Augusto de January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado analisa o pensamento de professores egressos dos cursos de licenciatura de uma universidade pública no que toca ao seu processo de formação acadêmica e a influência exercida na prática profissional. Buscou-se identificar, com base nos aportes teóricos e metodológicos fornecidos pela Educação, Psicologia e Sociologia, como se deu o processo de formação inicial de professores, circunscrito no desejo de ser professor na contemporaneidade e no papel do professor no mundo do trabalho enfocando o caso específico de egressos de licenciaturas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Foi a aplicado um questionário a egressos dos cursos de licenciatura da UFRGS que atuam como professores em escolas públicas do Rio Grande do Sul. Partiu-se da hipótese de que as lacunas nas licenciaturas estão essencialmente relacionadas à área pedagógica dos cursos, principalmente no distanciamento entre as teorias estudadas e a realidade escolar. O referencial teórico utilizado para a análise de dados é sustentado pela obra de Sigmund Freud intitulada “O Mal-estar na Civilização” que elucida a ideia do mal-estar gerado pelo processo de civilização do indivíduo, e nas contribuições de teóricos críticos como Zygmunt Bauman e Antonio Novoa. Os dados obtidos na pesquisa revelam que não há consenso entre os licenciados sobre a influência da formação docente na prática profissional. Identificam-se convergências, como a satisfação com o curso de licenciatura e as lacunas deixadas pela graduação. A falta de horas práticas foi referida como fator significativo para o sentimento de mal-estar. No que toca ao apreço pela carreira docente, muitos dos egressos se sentem desmotivados a seguir com a profissão. Os respondentes ainda abordaram a discrepância entre o que foi aprendido e a realidade das salas de aula nas escolas públicas. / This master's thesis analyzes the thought of the teacher egressed from the undergraduate courses of a public university in what concerns to his process of academic education and the influence to their professional practice. This work tried to find, based on the theoretical and methodological contributions provided by Education, Psychology and Sociology, to identify how the process of initial teacher training was given, circumscribed in the desire to be a teacher in the contemporary world and the role of the teacher in the world of work, focusing on the specific case of graduates from UFRGS. The investigate technique applied in this research was the use of a questionary for graduates from UFRGS courses of education teachers. It was hypothesized that the gaps in the courses are essentially related to the pedagogical area of the courses, mainly in the distance between the theories studied and the school reality. The theoretical reference used for the analysis of data is supported by the work of Sigmund Freud entitled “Civilization and its Discontents” that elucidates the idea of the malaise generated by the process of civilization of the individual and in the contributions of critical theorists as Zygmunt Bauman and Antonio Novoa. The data obtained in the research reveal that there is no consensus among the interviewees about the influence of teacher training in professional practice. We identify convergences, such as satisfaction with the degree course and the gaps left by the undergraduate degree. The lack of practical hours was referred as a significant factor to the feeling of malaise. As for the worth of the teaching career, many of the graduates feel unmotivated to continue their profession. Respondents also reached the issue of the discrepancy between what was learned and the reality of classrooms in public schools.

Yrkesidentiteter och professionen : En innehållsanalys av platsannonser inom biblioteksfältet / The professional identity and the profession : A content analysis of classifieds within the library field

Bergman, Lovisa, Stjern, Paula January 2014 (has links)
The research of this Bachelor‟s thesis examines classifieds for librarians, and makes use of Ørom‟s theory of sixlibrarian identities plus Schreiber‟s complementary seventh identity. The main focus of the thesis was to examine what qualities and skills are presented and what identities are manifested in the classifieds. A third issue was to explore how relevant Ørom‟s theory is to examine and understand the profession today.The data was analysed by the use of content analysisand a hermeneutics approach was taken. We found that theskills and qualities that are considered important in the spring of 2014 were both classic librarian tasks, but that there was also a high demand for skills in pedagogy and IT. We found that personal characteristics were important in comparison to education requirements. All seven of Ørom‟s and Schreiber‟s identities were manifested in the classifieds, but the library profession has evolved beyond Ørom‟sdescription of the ideal librarian. The theory is therefore not applicable to today‟s description of the librarian professional identity. / Program: Bibliotekarie

'Lady be good' : an exploration of women making music in the Ivy Benson Band 1940-c.1985

Bailey, Jenna Elaine January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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