Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda resilience"" "subject:"ando resilience""
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Innovations in Strength-Based Social-Emotional Assessment: Factor Analysis, Psychometric Analysis, and Cross-Informant Comparisons with the SEARS-TCohn, Bradley P., 1983- 06 1900 (has links)
xiv, 110 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Many youth under the age of 18 experience high levels of mental health problems, and very few of those youth receive the necessary services to combat those problems. Historically, assessment of behavior and social and emotional functioning and subsequent design of interventions occur using deficit-based measures and tools. Another method of assessing behavior and social and emotional functioning that is receiving more attention over the last decade is strength-based assessment and service delivery. The Social Emotional Assets and Resiliency Scales (SEARS) is a new multi-informant strength- based behavior-rating system currently being developed and researched at the University of Oregon. To assess the factor structure, psychometric properties, and cross-informant correlation of the teacher version of the SEARS, data were gathered from elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the United States. Teachers ( n = 1673) were asked to rate students in their classes in several domains of social and emotional functioning (e.g., problem solving, social skills, empathy, and self-regulation).
Results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis indicate that the SEARS-T is made up of four strong factors--Responsibility, Self-Regulation, Social Competence, and Empathy. Analysis of reliability of total scores reflects very strong internal consistency (α = .98) and test-retest reliability ( r = .94). Reliability of factor scores also reflects strong internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Cross-informant reliability with the SEARS-T indicates relatively weak correlations between teacher reports and child self-reports based on the Pearson-product moment correlation ( r = .37). Analyses of group differences were carried out for grade, student gender, rater gender, disability status, ethnicity, rater setting, and teacher categorization of academic performance. Results indicate teacher ratings differed based on student gender, disability status, rater setting, and academic performance. Results from this study indicate the SEARS-T is a psychometrically sound measure with a solid factor structure. With an understanding of the need for continued research, the SEARS-T appears to be culturally valid and useful for research and applied purposes. / Committee in charge: Kenneth Merrell, Chairperson, Special Education and Clinical Sciences;
Krista Chronister, Member, Counseling Psychology and Human Services;
Deanne UnrUh, Member, Special Education and Clinical Sciences;
Philip Fisher, Outside Member, Psychology
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RESILIÊNCIA EM IDOSOS QUE MEDITAMDoca, Fatima Cristina Ferreira 15 September 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-09-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Resilience is defined as the ability of confronting, overcoming and being strengthened or transformed by adverse experiences. Studies have shown that resilient people get less sick and have a better performance at work, with family relationships and life. Resilience can also be developed from childhood to old age. Meditation, by its turn, has proved to be a useful resource for the health improvement, including the life quality of those who practice it, providing higher levels of well-being, improving interpersonal relationships and reducing stress. It seems that meditation, as well as resilience, may contribute to improve population health level. The aim of this study was to verify the resilience levels in elderly people that meditate. There was a number of 60 participants, being 78% women, mean age 69 years old, 82% retirees, 65% meditation practitioners, 42% with low education and 60% catholic. The research means was a self-administered questionnaire, consisting of the Resilience Assessment Scale (EAR) in its reduced form and a questionnaire to collect social-demographic data of the participants. Analysis of variance revealed no difference between levels of resilience among group practiced meditation once a day and practicing meditation more than this. Factor averages and standard diversion revealed that participants have slightly above average ability to adapt positively and face the life challenges, persisting to overcome crisis and distress, seldom resign, although sometimes they do not consider themselves competent to deal with them. To address the difficulties of life they count on beliefs that they can trust on support of someone or something higher and believe they can learn and improve with adversity. / Resiliência é definida como a capacidade das pessoas em enfrentar, vencer e serem fortalecidos ou transformados por experiências adversas. Estudos têm mostrado que pessoas resilientes adoecem menos e possuem melhor desempenho no trabalho, nas relações familiares e na vida, além da resiliência poder ser desenvolvida desde a infância até a velhice. Por sua vez, a meditação tem mostrado ser um recurso útil para a melhoria da saúde em geral, incluindo a qualidade de vida daqueles que a praticam por proporcionar maiores níveis de bem estar, melhoria nos relacionamentos interpessoais e redução de estresse. Parece que a meditação, assim como a resiliência, pode contribuir para melhores níveis de saúde da população. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os níveis de resiliência em idosos que meditam. Participaram 60 pessoas, sendo 78% mulheres, com idade média de 69 anos, 82% aposentados, 65% praticantes de meditação, 42% com baixa escolaridade e 60% católicos. O instrumento utilizado foi um questionário auto-aplicável, composto pela Escala de Avaliação de Resiliência (EAR) em sua forma reduzida e um questionário para coletar dados sociodemográficos dos participantes. Análise de variância revelou não haver diferença nos níveis de resiliência entre o grupo que medita uma vez ao dia e aquele que o faz mais do que uma vez ao dia. Médias fatoriais e desvios-padrão revelaram que os participantes possuem capacidade levemente acima da média de adaptarem-se positivamente diante das dificuldades da vida, persistindo para superar crises e adversidades, poucas vezes se resignando, embora algumas vezes não se julguem competentes para enfrentá-las. Para defrontarem as dificuldades da vida, contam com as crenças de que podem confiar no apoio de um ente ou algo superior e acreditam que podem aprender e melhorar com as adversidades.
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Tornar-se aluno: identidade e pertencimento um estudo etnográfico / To become a student: identity and belonging: an ethnographic studyPaula Almeida de Castro 23 March 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Os processos de tornar-se aluno, mediados pelas identidades e pertencimentos, é o objeto desse estudo. O desenvolvimento desse estudo voltou-se para compreender esses processos e melhor informar, principalmente, aos que dela participam na construção de espaços e saberes que privilegiem o sujeito aluno e, possivelmente, redimensionar o papel da escola e dos professores no atual contexto sócio-educacional brasileiro. A partir dos aspectos teórico-epistemológicos, bem como dos dados metodológico-empíricos pretende-se propor uma teoria sobre o tornar-se aluno baseada no paradigma dialético de construção do conhecimento. Buscou-se compreender o cenário da escola como um espaço de inclusão que conflita com as práticas de interação socioculturais de sala de aula pela utilização de normas e ideologias distantes das propostas das políticas de uma escola inclusiva. Através da abordagem etnográfica de pesquisa objetivou-se estudar, analisar a natureza dos processos de tornar-se aluno, descrita por três grupos de participantes da pesquisa, em diferentes momentos de transição de suas vidas acadêmicas (educação infantil, ensinos fundamental e superior). Considera-se que a etnografia na educação tem um potencial dialético e sócio-interativo para explicar a perspectiva do aluno e outros sujeitos da escola sobre a escolarização e os processos de tornar-se aluno. Nesse sentido, buscou-se identificar e descrever as características das diferentes etapas do processo de escolarização a partir da vivência das práticas educacionais pelos alunos e das relações e interações dos atores escolares intermediadas pelo deveres, fazeres e saberes observados na ação pedagógica em sala de aula. Procurou-se, ainda, entender e explicitar o papel da memória na construção individual e coletiva dos alunos sobre o tornar-se aluno para o desenvolvimento acadêmico e profissional. Nesse sentido, pretende-se, com a apresentação dos resultados desse estudo, contribuir para ampliar o entendimento sobre como o aluno torna-se aluno. / The process of becoming a student, mediated by the identities and affiliations, are presented in this study. The development of this study was focused to understand these processes and to provide better information, especially to those who participate in the construction of spaces and knowledge that privilege the individual student and possibly reassess the role of schools and teachers in the current socio-educational Brazil. From the theoretical-epistemological, and methodological and empirical data it intended to propose a theory about becoming a student based on the dialectic paradigm of knowledge construction. It tried to understand the school setting as a space of inclusion that conflicts with the practices of socio-cultural interaction in the classroom through the use of standards and away from ideologies proposed from the inclusive policies to school. Through ethnographic approach the research aimed at studying and analyzing the nature of the processes of becoming a student, described by three groups of subjects, at different times of transition from their academic life (kindergarten, primary and higher). It is considered that ethnography in education has the potential socio-dialectical and interactive to explain the perspective of the student and other school subjects on education and the process of becoming a student. Accordingly, we sought to identify and describe the characteristics of different stages of education from the experience of educational practices for students and the relationships and interactions of school actors brokered by a "duty", "tasks" and "knowledge" observed in pedagogical action in the classroom. It was, also, found ways to understand and to explain the role of memory in individual and collective construction of students on the student to become the academic and professional development. Accordingly, it is intended, with the presentation of the results of this study to help to increase understanding about how the student becomes a student.
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Concepções de adolescentes sobre a escola: do risco à proteçãoCamargo, Luciene dos Santos [UNESP] 06 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:33:08Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
camargo_ls_me_prud.pdf: 924996 bytes, checksum: 4e36fe68fd5b8f1578bb3759b9d8fac3 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A presente Dissertação de Mestrado se insere na Linha de Pesquisa “Processos Formativos, Diferença e Valores, que tem se preocupado em realizar estudos interdisciplinares sobre processos formativos históricos, culturais, sócio-educativos e psicológicos implicados na produção de práticas educativas, e de forma particular, em uma vertente comprometida com aspectos da sexualidade infanto-juvenil, desenvolvimento humano e situação de risco pessoal e social, inclusão/exclusão social e escolar nos processos educativos ligada aos estudos realizados no LDH – Laboratório de Desenvolvimento Humano da FCT/UNESP. A pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo as percepções de adolescentes estudantes de escolas públicas de Presidente Prudente, com idade entre 14 e 18 anos, acerca de escola em que estudam. Considerando os poucos estudos que relacionem a construção de mecanismos de resiliência em adolescentes com processos escolares, acredita-se que olhar para a perspectiva do próprio sujeito em questão se faz necessário para compreender a forma como este sujeito tem atribuído sentidos a estes processos e os impactos causados por eles em sua constituição subjetiva. Estudos como este podem contribuir para a reflexão sobre a forma como a escola tem agido na vida dos adolescentes, especialmente aqueles que vivem expostos a situações adversas, e pensar nesta instituição enquanto um espaço propício para o desenvolvimento de processos de resiliência nestes indivíduos. Foram enfatizados os aspectos relacionados às experiências e relacionamentos vivenciados entre os adolescentes e os profissionais da escola, bem como entre eles e seus pares; suas percepções e sentimentos com relação ao seu rendimento escolar; as expectativas depositadas na escola e nos estudos relativamente aos seus projetos de vida e suas percepções acerca do ambiente escolar... / This research is tied to the research line Formative processes, Difference and Values”, that has as main concern the development of interdisciplinary knowledge about teacher`s practices and representations, associated with historical, cultural, social and psychological aspects involved in the production of educational practices, and more particularly, with a perspective that values aspects of infant-juvenile sexuality, human development, personal and social risk condition, social and educational inclusion/exclusion and their impacts in the educational process, linked with the studies carried out by the research group “Laboratory of human development” – LDH, at FCT/UNESP. The research has as main purpose to study the perceptions of teenagers, students of public schools in Presidente Prudente, aged between 14 to 18 years old, about the role of the school in their lives. Taking into account the few studies that analyses the construction of resilience in an articulated way with educational process, it is believed that the analysis of the own perspective of the students is needed, if we aim to understand the meanings attributed to the educational process and its impacts into their subjectivity. Our study is helpful since it contributes for the reflection about the ways the school has affected youth`s lives, especially of those exposed to adversities and thinking about this institution as an opportune place for the development of resilience among this youth. It was emphasized aspects related to the experiences and relationships established between the teenagers and school professionals and also among peers; teenager`s perceptions and feelings about their educational performance; the role of the school in their life projects and their perceptions about the school settings... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Restauração do cerrado: a influência das técnicas e de fatores ecológicos sobre o desenvolvimento inicial da comunidade lenhosa / Restoration of the cerrado: the influence of technical and ecological factors on the initial development of the woody communityCava, Mário Guilherme de Biagi [UNESP] 29 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T11:52:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2014-08-29Bitstream added on 2015-03-03T12:07:38Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000814296.pdf: 5372087 bytes, checksum: 24867b0ab53b315554784175f47f5f40 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A restauração da vegetação de cerrado é um desafio aos cientistas e restauradores, familiarizados com os obstáculos e processos peculiares da restauração florestal, mas que não se adequam ao ecossistema savânico. A técnica mais utilizada tem sido o plantio de mudas, que pode apresentar elevados custos, principalmente para restauração em larga escala. A semeadura direta de espécies lenhosas e técnicas de indução da regeneração natural têm sido recomendadas como alternativas ao plantio de mudas visando à restauração do Cerrado. Implantamos experimento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (técnicas de restauração) e quatro repetições, em uma pastagem abandonada, em área de cerradão, na região do Alto Xingu, Mato Grosso, Brasil. As técnicas envolveram a semeadura direta mecanizada em linhas e a lanço, plantio de mudas, regeneração natural assistida (aplicação de herbicida para controle de gramíneas invasoras) e controle (área sem intervenção). Amostramos a vegetação da área aos 22 meses após a implantação do experimento. Contabilizamos e identificamos todos os indivíduos de espécies lenhosas que ocorreram nas parcelas de amostragem, com 50 cm de altura mínima. Posteriormente, calculamos a densidade e a riqueza da comunidade, como indicadores do sucesso da restauração. Registramos 14892 indivíduos por hectare, pertencentes a 112 espécies. Dentre estas espécies, 16 foram plantadas e 96 regeneraram-se naturalmente por chuva de sementes ou rebrota. A semeadura direta em linhas foi superior às outras técnicas na recuperação da densidade. Este atributo da comunidade também foi influenciado pelo tipo de solo e, de forma secundária, pelo histórico de uso da terra. Por outro lado, a semeadura direta, em geral, resultou em comunidades com baixa diversidade, com forte dominância de uma única espécie ... / The restoration of the Cerrado vegetation is a challenge to scientists and practitioners, familiar with the obstacles and peculiar processes of forest restoration, which do not fit to the savanna ecosystem. The most widely used technique has been the planting of nursery raised seedlings, which may have high costs, especially for large-scale restoration. The direct seeding of woody plants and techniques for induction of natural regeneration have been recommended as alternatives to planting nursery raised seedlings, aiming to restore the Cerrado. We implemented an experiment in randomized blocks with five treatments (restoration techniques) and four replications, in an abandoned pasture previously occupied by cerradão (the forest-type of cerrado vegetation) in the Upper Xingu region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The techniques involved direct mechanized seeding – broadcast and in rows, planting nursery raised seedlings, assisted natural regeneration (application of herbicide to control invasive grasses) and a control (area with no intervention). We sampled the vegetation of the area at 22 months after the restoration interventions. We recorded and identified all woody plants with a minimum height of 50 cm occurring in the sample plots. Subsequently, we calculated the density and richness of the community, as indicators of restoration success. We recorded 14892 individuals per hectare, belonging to 112 species. Among these species, 16 were planted and 96 regenerated naturally by seed rain or resprout. The direct sowing in rows was superior to other techniques in the recovery of the density. This attribute of the community was also influenced by soil type and, secondarily, by historical land use. On the other hand, direct seeding usually results in communities with low diversity and with high dominance of a single species. No restoration technique resulted in higher richness than the other ...
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Resiliência e autopercepção de saúde bucal : considerações de uma análise hierárquicaMartins, Aline Blaya January 2009 (has links)
Atualmente, há uma escassez de estudos que avaliem desfechos positivos. A relação existente entre a autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal e processos de enfrentamento relacionados com a resiliência, por exemplo, parece ainda não ter sido investigada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal e sua associação com um conjunto de variáveis, entre elas a resiliência, através de um modelo teórico conceitual, em idosos vivendo na comunidade, na região Sul do Brasil. Foram avaliados 498 indivíduos, através de um estudo transversal aninhado em um estudo de coorte. Os participantes responderam a um questionário sócio-demográfico, a Escala de Resiliência e passaram por um breve exame aonde os pesquisadores realizaram a contagem do número de dentes. Baseado em uma análise hierárquica realizada através de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, as razões de prevalência estimadas das variáveis que ficaram significativamente associadas com o desfecho em estudo, após a análise totalmente ajustada, foram: 1) alto potencial de resiliência: RP= 0,83, 95% IC (0,75-0,93), 2) localização geográfica do domicílio na área rural: RP= 1,18, 95% IC (1,06-1,32), 3) renda: RP= 1,18, 95% IC (1,07-1,3) e 4) não necessidade de mudanças de dieta: RP= 1,34, 95% IC (1,13-1,6). Portanto, os resultados confirmam a hipótese de associação entre elevado potencial de resiliência e autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal. / Currently, there are a few studies that assess positive outcomes. The importance of coping strategies, lead by resilience, on positive perception of oral health has drawn little attention from oral health researchers. The objective of this study was to evaluate positive self-perceived oral health and its association with a set of variables, including resilience, using a theoretical framework, among independent-living older persons in Southern Brazil. We studied 498 persons in a cross-sectional study nested in a cohort study. The participants were evaluated using a structured questionnaire to assess socio-demographic data and resilience potential (Resilience Scale). Furthermore, a brief oral examination assessing the number of teeth was performed. A hierarchical analysis was carried out using Poisson regression with robust variance. A final, fully adjusted regression model showed that the following variables were associated with positive self-perceived oral health 1) elevated resilience potential: PR=0,83, 95% IC (0,75-0,93), 2) living in the rural area: PR=1,18, 95% IC (1,06-1,32), 3) income: PR=1,18, 95% IC (1,07-1,3), and 4) unchanged diet due to oral problems: RP= 1,34, 95% IC (1,13-1,6). Therefore, the results confirm the hypothesis of an association between elevated resilience potential and positive self-perceived oral health.
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Out-migration in Kumaon: Are Van Panchayats (Forest Councils) Socially Resilient?January 2017 (has links)
abstract: What happens to community-based institutions (CBIs) when persistent out-migration changes the socio-demographic structures in the community? This question needs exploration in the context of increasing urbanization in the developing countries, where a substantial population depends on forests for subsistence livelihoods. In pursuance of this question, Almora district in India provided the necessary conditions of high out-migration, and the presence of oldest surviving CBIs of forest management (locally called as Van Panchayats or VPs). Framing the research question as social resilience of VPs amidst high out-migration, a representative sample of six VPs in Almora was investigated. Factors considered crucial to social resilience were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative techniques on primary data collected through household surveys (n=111) and secondary data from authentic sources. Results, organized by three levels of analysis, highlight: 1) community - low participation, particularly of women, in proceedings of VPs, and a transition away from forest-based livelihoods; 2) institutional (VPs) - low adaptability to changes in gendered composition and a shift away from the community-specific needs; and, 3) policy - reduced use and access of forest resources for the community, and curtailed autonomy of VPs. The findings suggest that out-migration is one among the multiple factors, and its impacts on VPs are mediated by the broader political economy around VPs, thus obviating a linear causal relationship. Therefore, the findings arguably inform policy and future research by highlighting linkages between diverse contextual factors at the regional and community level, and the points of concern for social resilience of VPs, with particular focus on out-migration. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Community Resources and Development 2017
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Blended Family Resilience: Communication Practices in Positive Adult Half Sibling RelationshipsJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Blended families including half siblings (brothers/sisters who share only one biological parent, most likely a product of divorce and remarriage) are becoming increasingly prevalent in Western societies. Studies have determined the negative outcomes of sharing only one biological parent on familial relationships, but less so on how half siblings may be resilient in the wake of restructuration and cultivate positive relationships overtime and into adulthood. This study applied a systems and resilience perspective to understand how blended family structure influences this unique sibling dyad. This research includes two studies. First, seventeen older half siblings who define their current sibling relationship as positive participated in a retrospective turning points interview. The second study required sixteen additional participants to keep a two-week daily diary on their communication with immediate family members, including half siblings. These two studies combined shed light on the typical communication practices between positive half siblings, including which behaviors contribute to prosocial relational sibling maintenance. Results detailed 23 prosocial relational maintenance behaviors. The maintenance behaviors positivity, joint activities, openness, and parental intervention were most significant in contributing to a positive half sibling relationship. Three novel maintenance behaviors (parental intervention, awareness of maturity, and mentoring behavior) were also identified to contribute to existing maintenance literature. Theoretical and practical implications for scholars and practitioners alike are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Communication 2018
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Adaptive Capacity of the Water Management Systems of Two Medieval Khmer Cities, Angkor and Koh KerJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Understanding the resilience of water management systems is critical for the continued existence and growth of communities today, in urban and rural contexts alike. In recent years, many studies have evaluated long-term human-environmental interactions related to water management across the world, highlighting both resilient systems and those that eventually succumb to their vulnerabilities. To understand the multitude of factors impacting resilience, scholars often use the concept of adaptive capacity. Adaptive capacity is the ability of actors in a system to make adaptations in anticipation of and in response to change to minimize potential negative impacts.
In this three-paper dissertation, I evaluate the adaptive capacity of the water management systems of two medieval Khmer cities, located in present-day Cambodia, over the course of centuries. Angkor was the capital of the Khmer Empire for over 600 years (9 th -15 th centuries CE), except for one brief period when the capital was relocated to Koh Ker (921 – 944 CE). These cities both have massive water management systems that provide a comparative context for studying resilience; while Angkor thrived for hundreds of years, Koh Ker was occupied as the capital of the empire for a relatively short period. In the first paper, I trace the chronological and spatial development of two types of settlement patterns (epicenters and lower-density temple-reservoir settlement units) at Angkor in relation to state-sponsored hydraulic infrastructure. In the second and third papers, I conduct a diachronic analysis using empirical data for the adaptive capacity of the water management systems at both cities. The results suggest that adaptive capacity is useful for identifying causal factors in the resilience and failures of systems over the long term. The case studies also demonstrate the importance and warn of the danger of large centralized water management features. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2018
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Bonding over the Love of Soccer Is No Joke: A Mixed Method Study Exploring Sense of Community, Resilience, and Cultural Adjustment for Refugee Youth ParticipantsJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Resettled refugees face numerous challenges including unsafe living conditions, loss of permanent shelter, adjustment to a new culture, loneliness, and separation from family, friends, and community. Of particular importance is the lack of a feeling of sense of community (SOC) within their new surroundings. SOC is not only worthwhile as an outcome of its own, but may also predict additional positive outcomes such as resilience and cultural adjustment. Literature has shown participation in sport can develop youth positively and build social skills, while studies in other regions of the world have also found a sport team setting to be a place for immigrants to experience SOC. In this study, I use a congruent mixed methods approach to both explore the experience of SOC for youth refugees in a soccer club, and examine the relation of SOC to resilience and cultural adjustment. Using photo-elicitation and semi-structured interviews with 11 youth participants, the qualitative portion of the study explored SOC among youth participants. Findings note the presence of SOC as matched to theoretical frameworks both specific to sport, and to a more general theory of SOC. Further data were collected through questionnaires distributed to club members. Results from the quantitative analysis indicate a significant positive relation between SOC and resilience, and SOC and perceived acculturation. This study’s contribution is to illustrate how refugee youth in a sport club in the United States experience SOC, and the impact of that SOC. Results suggest practical implications for sport managers who wish to provide positive sport experiences for youth refugees. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Community Resources and Development 2018
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