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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resistência e resiliência de assembleias zooplânticas (Copepoda, Cladocera e Rotidera) frente a pertubações

Portinho, Jorge Laço [UNESP] 27 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T18:48:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-03-27. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-08-12T18:50:57Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000865286.pdf: 2639165 bytes, checksum: 47e4a77e4ffbbf821330283c376b724d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / CAPES: BEX 12951/12-9

Trabalho infantil e resiliência na vida de estudantes da EJA / Child labor and resilience in EJA students' lives

Mantovani, Aline Madia [UNESP] 24 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ALINE MADIA MANTOVANI null (alinemadia@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-12T15:11:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_FINALIZADA_ALINE MADIA MANTOVANI.pdf: 1613873 bytes, checksum: 02f21a7ade957cb75b2cbb2697811718 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-05-12T16:48:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mantovani_am_dr_prud.pdf: 1613873 bytes, checksum: 02f21a7ade957cb75b2cbb2697811718 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T16:48:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mantovani_am_dr_prud.pdf: 1613873 bytes, checksum: 02f21a7ade957cb75b2cbb2697811718 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-24 / O presente estudo foi desenvolvido no Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia/Universidade Estadual Paulista e encontra-se vinculado à linha de pesquisa Desenvolvimento Humano, Diferença e Valores. Caracterizou-se como objetivo geral compreender os processos de resiliência em adultos com histórico de trabalho infantil, estudantes da EJA, e como objetivos específicos compreender os significados do trabalho infantil na vida adulta por meio da análise dos acontecimentos que funcionaram como fatores de proteção e de risco; verificar quais (e de que modo) suportes sociais disponíveis em seus contextos contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de processos de resiliência e refletir sobre o(s) motivo(s) que contribuiu(íram) para essa inserção em trabalho e afastamento da escola. Adotou-se como perspectiva teórica a abordagem socioecológica da resiliência para compreendê-la na interface dos aspectos individuais, relacionais e contextuais presentes na vida dos sujeitos. Participaram da pesquisa, no Estudo I, 131 adultos, de ambos os sexos, oriundos de duas instituições de ensino de um município de médio porte do estado de São Paulo que atendiam na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos; foi utilizado um questionário, baseado em estudo internacional, que ajudou a traçar o perfil dos participantes, as implicações do trabalho infantil sobre a escolarização, os índices de valorização do trabalho infantil e os fatores de proteção que contribuíram para o acionamento de processos de resiliência. A partir da análise dos dados obtidos no Estudo I foram selecionados os 05 participantes que apresentaram, concomitantemente, maior valorização do trabalho infantil e os maiores índices de resiliência (Grupo 1) e os 04 participantes com baixa valorização do trabalho infantil e altos índices de resiliência (Grupo 2) para comporem o Estudo II. Nessa etapa os sujeitos participaram de uma entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado, cujo objetivo era compreender as condições objetivas de vida na infância/adolescência, os suportes sociais disponíveis, o trabalho infantil e as implicações para a vida atual. Após esse procedimento utilizou-se métodos visuais (a fotografia). Os participantes tiraram fotografias de pessoas, situações, lugares e/ou instituições que foram significativos em suas vidas e esses dados visuais foram objeto de análise, servindo de base para as entrevistas semiestruturadas. O conteúdo das entrevistas foi analisado por meio de três categorias analíticas articuladas ao contexto de trabalho na infância, aos suportes sociais disponíveis e aos sentimentos advindos pelo trabalho. Os resultados apontaram que o contexto em que viviam e os valores sociais e culturais atribuídos ao trabalho infantil ocasionaram a inserção dos participantes em situações laborais; o envolvimento em situações de trabalho infantil não impediu o acionamento de processos de resiliência; os fatores de proteção foram elencados no próprio trabalho, junto a pessoas significativas, em alguns lugares e no estudo e o mesmo trabalho que na infância/adolescência ocasionou o afastamento dos bancos escolares atualmente implicou no retorno à escola. Acredita-se, assim, que outros estudos devem ser implementados na tentativa de compreender o trabalho infantil e a resiliência na interface com a vida adulta. / The present study was developed in the Graduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Science and Technology/Sao Paolo State University and it is linked to the research line called Human Development, Difference and Values. A general objective was to understand the resilience processes in adults with a history of child labor, EJA’ students, and as specific objectives to understand the meanings of child labor in adult life by analyzing the events that functioned as protection factors and risk; to verify which (and in which way) social supports available in their contexts contributed to the development of resilience processes and to reflect on the reason that contributed to this insertion in work and withdrawal from school. We was adopted as a theoretical perspective the socio-ecological approach of resilience to understand it in the interface with adult life and child labor from the analysis of the individual, relational and contextual aspects present in the participants' lives. A total of 131 adults, in Study I, of both sexes, from two institutions of education of a medium-sized municipality in the state of São Paulo that attended in the modality of Education of Young and Adults participated in the study; a questionnaire based on an international study was used, which helped to outline the profile of the participants, the implications of child labor on schooling, child labor valorization rates and protective factors that contributed to the activation of resilience process. From the analysis of the data obtained in Study I, we selected the five participants who presented, at the same time, a higher valuation of child labor and the higher resilience (Group 1) and the four participants with low values of child labor and high resilience (Group 2) to compose Study II. At this stage, the subjects participated in an interview with a semi-structured script, whose objective was to understand the objective conditions of life in childhood/adolescence, available social supports, the child labor and the implications for the present life. After this procedure, visual methods (photography) were use. Participants took photographs of people, situations, places and/or institutions that were/are meaningful in their lives. The visual data were analyzed and served as the basis for semi-structured interviews. The content of the interviews was analyzed through three analytical categories articulated to the work context in childhood, the social supports available and the feelings coming from the work. The results show that the context in which they lived and the social and cultural values attributed to child labor led to the inclusion of participants in work situations; involvement in child labor situations did not prevent the activation of resilience processes; the protection factors were listed in the work itself, together with significant people, in some places and in the study and the same work that in childhood/adolescence caused the withdrawal of the school banks currently involved in returning to school. It is believe, therefore, that other studies should be implement in an attempt to understand child labor and resilience at the interface with adult life.

Manejo de stress, coping e resiliência em motoristas de ônibus urbano

Zanelato, Luciana Silva [UNESP] 17 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-01-17Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:37:42Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 zanelato_ls_me_bauru.pdf: 390362 bytes, checksum: 738b1137cd03cd3450e6246967b1e517 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A profissão de motorista de ônibus urbano apresenta efeitos negativos causados pelo stress, devido à exposição a vários estressores como condições das vias de trânsito, veículo, contexto de trabalho, clima, relacionamento com os passageiros, além da função de cobrador. A persistência desse estressores e a falta de estratégias de enfrentamento eficazes podem ocasionar problemas de saúde e baixo desempenho profissional. O presente estudo objetivou analisar a eficácia de um programa de manejo do stress relacionado a coping e resiliência. Participaram do estudo 38 motoristas, divididos em Grupo Experimental (GE) e Grupo Controle (GC) de uma empresa de transporte urbano do interior paulista. O Programa foi desenvolvido em oito sessões de duas horas semanais, com temática sobre stress; sindrome de burnout; estratégias de enfrentamento; técnicas de manejos de stress como relacionamento, alimentção, exercício físico e autocontrole; assertividade e resiliência. Foram aplicadas o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp, Inventário de Estratégias de Coping e Questionário do Índice de Resistência, no pré e pós-teste. Em análise estatítsticas inter e intragrupos, os resultados mostraram-se significativos quanto à redução do nível de stress e escores de coping no GE. Em relação à variável resiliência, em ambos os grupos não houve alteração. Os dados apontaram que o manejo de stress possui implicações significativas no processo de coping, mas não no de resiliência, o que pode ser explicado pelo caráter situacional do primeiro, enquanto que o segundo faz parte da história de aprendizagem. Observa-se que à medida que se altera o coping verificam-se mudanças no nível de stress. Para que o programa tenha maior efetividade, sugerem-se ações institucionais, ou seja, as empresas de transporte... / The profession of driver of urban bus presents negative effect caused by stress due to exposition to some things stressful as conditions of the transit ways, vehicle, context of work, climate, relationship with the passengers, beyond the collector function. The persistence of these things stressful and the lack of efficient strategies of confrontation can cause to problems of health and professional overhead. The present study it objectified to analyze the effectiveness of a program of handling of stress related a coping and resilience. 38 drivers, divided in Experimental Group (GE) and Control Group (GC) of a company of urban transport of a São Paulo's city had participated of the study. The program was developed in eight sessions of two weekly hours, with thematic on stress; syndrome of burnout; confrontation strategies; techniques of handle of stress as relaxation, feeding, physical exercise and self-control; assertivity and resilience. The Inventory Symptoms Stress of Lipp, Inventory of Stretegies of Coping, and Questionnaire of the Index of Resilience in the daily pay and after-test had been applied. In statistical analyses inter and intragroups, the results had revealed significant how much to the reduction of the level of stress and prop up of coping in GE. In realtion to the changeable resilience, in both the groups did not have significant alteration. The data had pointed that the handling of stress possesss significant implications in the process of coping, but not in the one of resilience, what can be explained by the situacional charactes of the first one, while that as is part of the learning history. It is observed that to the measure that if modifies coping, changes in the level of stress are verified. So that the program has greater effectiveness, actions are suggested institutional, or either... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Restauração do cerrado : a influência das técnicas e de fatores ecológicos sobre o desenvolvimento inicial da comunidade lenhosa /

Cava, Mário Guilherme de Biagi, 1985. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Gisele Durigan / Coorientador: Ingo Isernhagen / Banca: Daniel Luis Mascia Vieira / Banca: Vera Lex Engel / Resumo: A restauração da vegetação de cerrado é um desafio aos cientistas e restauradores, familiarizados com os obstáculos e processos peculiares da restauração florestal, mas que não se adequam ao ecossistema savânico. A técnica mais utilizada tem sido o plantio de mudas, que pode apresentar elevados custos, principalmente para restauração em larga escala. A semeadura direta de espécies lenhosas e técnicas de indução da regeneração natural têm sido recomendadas como alternativas ao plantio de mudas visando à restauração do Cerrado. Implantamos experimento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (técnicas de restauração) e quatro repetições, em uma pastagem abandonada, em área de cerradão, na região do Alto Xingu, Mato Grosso, Brasil. As técnicas envolveram a semeadura direta mecanizada em linhas e a lanço, plantio de mudas, regeneração natural assistida (aplicação de herbicida para controle de gramíneas invasoras) e controle (área sem intervenção). Amostramos a vegetação da área aos 22 meses após a implantação do experimento. Contabilizamos e identificamos todos os indivíduos de espécies lenhosas que ocorreram nas parcelas de amostragem, com 50 cm de altura mínima. Posteriormente, calculamos a densidade e a riqueza da comunidade, como indicadores do sucesso da restauração. Registramos 14892 indivíduos por hectare, pertencentes a 112 espécies. Dentre estas espécies, 16 foram plantadas e 96 regeneraram-se naturalmente por chuva de sementes ou rebrota. A semeadura direta em linhas foi superior às outras técnicas na recuperação da densidade. Este atributo da comunidade também foi influenciado pelo tipo de solo e, de forma secundária, pelo histórico de uso da terra. Por outro lado, a semeadura direta, em geral, resultou em comunidades com baixa diversidade, com forte dominância de uma única espécie ... / Abstract: The restoration of the Cerrado vegetation is a challenge to scientists and practitioners, familiar with the obstacles and peculiar processes of forest restoration, which do not fit to the savanna ecosystem. The most widely used technique has been the planting of nursery raised seedlings, which may have high costs, especially for large-scale restoration. The direct seeding of woody plants and techniques for induction of natural regeneration have been recommended as alternatives to planting nursery raised seedlings, aiming to restore the Cerrado. We implemented an experiment in randomized blocks with five treatments (restoration techniques) and four replications, in an abandoned pasture previously occupied by cerradão (the forest-type of cerrado vegetation) in the Upper Xingu region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The techniques involved direct mechanized seeding - broadcast and in rows, planting nursery raised seedlings, assisted natural regeneration (application of herbicide to control invasive grasses) and a control (area with no intervention). We sampled the vegetation of the area at 22 months after the restoration interventions. We recorded and identified all woody plants with a minimum height of 50 cm occurring in the sample plots. Subsequently, we calculated the density and richness of the community, as indicators of restoration success. We recorded 14892 individuals per hectare, belonging to 112 species. Among these species, 16 were planted and 96 regenerated naturally by seed rain or resprout. The direct sowing in rows was superior to other techniques in the recovery of the density. This attribute of the community was also influenced by soil type and, secondarily, by historical land use. On the other hand, direct seeding usually results in communities with low diversity and with high dominance of a single species. No restoration technique resulted in higher richness than the other ... / Mestre

Tornar-se aluno: identidade e pertencimento um estudo etnográfico / To become a student: identity and belonging: an ethnographic study

Paula Almeida de Castro 23 March 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Os processos de tornar-se aluno, mediados pelas identidades e pertencimentos, é o objeto desse estudo. O desenvolvimento desse estudo voltou-se para compreender esses processos e melhor informar, principalmente, aos que dela participam na construção de espaços e saberes que privilegiem o sujeito aluno e, possivelmente, redimensionar o papel da escola e dos professores no atual contexto sócio-educacional brasileiro. A partir dos aspectos teórico-epistemológicos, bem como dos dados metodológico-empíricos pretende-se propor uma teoria sobre o tornar-se aluno baseada no paradigma dialético de construção do conhecimento. Buscou-se compreender o cenário da escola como um espaço de inclusão que conflita com as práticas de interação socioculturais de sala de aula pela utilização de normas e ideologias distantes das propostas das políticas de uma escola inclusiva. Através da abordagem etnográfica de pesquisa objetivou-se estudar, analisar a natureza dos processos de tornar-se aluno, descrita por três grupos de participantes da pesquisa, em diferentes momentos de transição de suas vidas acadêmicas (educação infantil, ensinos fundamental e superior). Considera-se que a etnografia na educação tem um potencial dialético e sócio-interativo para explicar a perspectiva do aluno e outros sujeitos da escola sobre a escolarização e os processos de tornar-se aluno. Nesse sentido, buscou-se identificar e descrever as características das diferentes etapas do processo de escolarização a partir da vivência das práticas educacionais pelos alunos e das relações e interações dos atores escolares intermediadas pelo deveres, fazeres e saberes observados na ação pedagógica em sala de aula. Procurou-se, ainda, entender e explicitar o papel da memória na construção individual e coletiva dos alunos sobre o tornar-se aluno para o desenvolvimento acadêmico e profissional. Nesse sentido, pretende-se, com a apresentação dos resultados desse estudo, contribuir para ampliar o entendimento sobre como o aluno torna-se aluno. / The process of becoming a student, mediated by the identities and affiliations, are presented in this study. The development of this study was focused to understand these processes and to provide better information, especially to those who participate in the construction of spaces and knowledge that privilege the individual student and possibly reassess the role of schools and teachers in the current socio-educational Brazil. From the theoretical-epistemological, and methodological and empirical data it intended to propose a theory about becoming a student based on the dialectic paradigm of knowledge construction. It tried to understand the school setting as a space of inclusion that conflicts with the practices of socio-cultural interaction in the classroom through the use of standards and away from ideologies proposed from the inclusive policies to school. Through ethnographic approach the research aimed at studying and analyzing the nature of the processes of becoming a student, described by three groups of subjects, at different times of transition from their academic life (kindergarten, primary and higher). It is considered that ethnography in education has the potential socio-dialectical and interactive to explain the perspective of the student and other school subjects on education and the process of becoming a student. Accordingly, we sought to identify and describe the characteristics of different stages of education from the experience of educational practices for students and the relationships and interactions of school actors brokered by a "duty", "tasks" and "knowledge" observed in pedagogical action in the classroom. It was, also, found ways to understand and to explain the role of memory in individual and collective construction of students on the student to become the academic and professional development. Accordingly, it is intended, with the presentation of the results of this study to help to increase understanding about how the student becomes a student.

Política de ações afirmativas na UFRGS : o processo de resiliência na trajetória de vida de estudantes cotistas negros com bom desempenho acadêmico

Bello, Luciane January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o processo de resiliência em estudantes cotistas de escolas públicas autodeclarados negros com bom desempenho acadêmico (Taxa Integralização Média acima de 50%), que ingressaram pelo sistema de reserva de vagas aprovado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em 2008. A partir de um breve histórico da política de ações afirmativas no mundo, no Brasil e na Universidade, há o destaque sobre as desvantagens que jovens negros vivem para ter acesso ao Ensino Superior neste país. Foram entrevistados dez estudantes, entre 20 e 33 anos, em sua maioria moradores da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, de oito cursos diferentes: Ciências Contábeis, Direito, Engenharia Civil, Letras, Geografia, Biologia Marinha, Educação Física e Medicina Veterinária. Através da escuta sensível durante as entrevistas conhecemos a autodescrição e origem social dos estudantes: estudiosos, dedicados, eles reconhecem a importância da família, principalmente da figura materna, enquanto motivadora para superar obstáculos. A falta de modelos negros é uma constante nas suas trajetórias, seja como professores ou familiares em boas posições profissionais. Foi reconhecido o processo de resiliência em suas trajetórias como uma gama de superações frequentes: perdas familiares, necessidade precoce de afastamento dos pais em busca de melhores oportunidades educacionais, alvos de preconceito, dificuldades econômicas e limitações de acesso ao capital cultural mais valorizado pela universidade, foram fatores que não os impediram de realizar seus sonhos. Ao contrário, eles se tornaram mais resistentes, buscaram se reestruturar e crescer em resposta às situações de crise e aos desafios do cotidiano. A oportunidade de realizar um curso superior é vista como uma possibilidade de ascensão social. O ingresso na UFRGS é percebido por alguns destes estudantes como algo inacreditável, gerando expectativas e sonhos compartilhados por seus familiares. Estes estudantes conheciam pouco sobre o sistema de cotas antes de prestar o vestibular, e a assistência estudantil na UFRGS ainda não atende à maioria dos entrevistados. A instituição como um todo há que se reformular quanto ao oferecimento de cursos noturnos, súmula de disciplinas, material didático, assistência estudantil, e reconhecer que o ingresso de cotistas proporciona o convívio com a diversidade na Universidade entre docentes, técnicos e demais estudantes. Isso representa um grande desafio para que segmentos da comunidade acadêmica abandonem certos preconceitos que podem gerar discriminações. / This dissertation examines the resilience process of government school students, quota-benefited, self-declared black, with good academic performance (Average Payment Rate over 50%), which have entered the higher education through the vacancy reservation system approved for Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in 2008. From a brief description of the affirmative action policy worldwide, in Brasil and at UFRGS, can be evidenced the disadvantages experienced by the young blacks to access higher education in this country. Ten students were interviewed, aged between 20 and 33, most of whom living in the metropolitan area around Porto Alegre, from eight different courses: accountancy, law, civil engineering, letters, geography, marine biology, physical education and veterinary medicine. Through the sensitive listening in the interviews, it is possible to acknowledge the self-description and social origin of the students: studious, devoted, they recognize the importance of their families, specially the mother figure as a motivator to exceed adversities. The lack of black patterns is current in their trajectories, as teachers or as relatives in good professional positions either. The resilience process could be recognized in their trajectories as a number of persistent conquests: familiar losses, premature need of separation from parents in seek for better educational opportunities, targets of prejudice, economic difficulties and restricted access to the cultural capital which is most valuated by the University, these were issues that did not hinder them from achieving their dreams. On the contrary, they have become more resistant, pursuing to restructure and improve in crisis situations and everyday challenges. The opportunity to attend a college course is seen as a possibility of social ascension. The entrance at UFRGS is perceived by some of these students as something unbelievable, producing expectations and dreams shared by their relatives. These students barely knew about the quota system before they submitted to the University admission test, and UFRGS‟ students‟ assistance program does not support most of the interviewed yet. The institution as a whole has to reformulate itself on the offer of night-period courses, description of disciplines, didactic material, students‟ assistance, and to recognize that the entering of quota-benefited students provides the interaction with diversity, at the University, amongst professors, technicians, and the other students. This represents a huge challenge so that certain sections of academic community can relinquish some prejudices that might produce discrimination.

Resilience and Vulnerability Mechanisms in the Within-Day Pain Coping Process: Test of a Two-Factor Mediation Model

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Current models of pain coping typically focus on how pain contributes to poor physical and psychological functioning. Researchers have argued that this focus on the negative consequences is too narrow and does not account for times when individuals are able to maintain meaningful functioning despite their pain. Thus, the current study sought to investigate the day-to-day processes that both help and hinder recovery from pain and persistence towards daily goals. Specifically, the present study tested: a) a two-factor model of risk and resilience “factors” that capture key processes across affective, cognitive and social dimensions of functioning, and b) whether the relation between morning pain and end-of-day physical disability is mediated by increases in these afternoon risk and resilience factors. Within-day study measures were collected for 21 days via an automated phone system from 220 participants with Fibromyalgia. The results of multi-level confirmatory factor analysis indicated that, consistent with prediction, risk and resilience do constitute two factors. Findings from multilevel structural equation models also showed resilience factor mediated the link between late morning increases in pain and end-of-day disability, in line with hypotheses. Although the vulnerability factor as a whole did not mediate the within-day link between pain and disability, pain-catastrophizing individually did serve as a significant mediator of this relation. This study was the first to empirically test a within-day latent factor model of resilience and vulnerability and the first to capture the multidimensional nature of the pain experience by examining mechanisms across affective, cognitive and social domains of functioning. The findings of the current study suggest that in addition to studying the processes by which pain has a negative influence on the lives of pain sufferers, our understanding of the pain adaptation process can be further improved by concurrently examining mechanisms that motivate individuals to overcome the urge to avoid pain and to function meaningfully despite it. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Psychology 2018

Characterizing Generation Mix and Virtual Water for Resilience to Drought on the Western U.S. Power Grid

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: There is growing concern over the future availability of water for electricity generation. Because of a rapidly growing population coupled with an arid climate, the Western United States faces a particularly acute water/energy challenge, as installation of new electricity capacity is expected to be required in the areas with the most limited water availability. Electricity trading is anticipated to be an important strategy for avoiding further local water stress, especially during drought and in the areas with the most rapidly growing populations. Transfers of electricity imply transfers of "virtual water" - water required for the production of a product. Yet, as a result of sizable demand growth, there may not be excess capacity in the system to support trade as an adaptive response to long lasting drought. As the grid inevitably expands capacity due to higher demand, or adapts to anticipated climate change, capacity additions should be selected and sited to increase system resilience to drought. This paper explores the tradeoff between virtual water and local water/energy infrastructure development for the purpose of enhancing the Western US power grid's resilience to drought. A simple linear model is developed that estimates the economically optimal configuration of the Western US power grid given water constraints. The model indicates that natural gas combined cycle power plants combined with increased interstate trade in power and virtual water provide the greatest opportunity for cost effective and water efficient grid expansion. Such expansion, as well as drought conditions, may shift and increase virtual water trade patterns, as states with ample water resources and a competitive advantage in developing power sources become net exporters, and states with limited water or higher costs become importers. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering 2013

Role of Cognitive Shift in Resilient Adaptation to Difficult Events

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Sometimes difficult life events challenge our existing resources in such a way that routinized responses are inadequate to handle the challenge. Some individuals will persist in habitual, automatic behavior, regardless of environmental cues that indicate a mismatch between coping strategy and the demands of the stressor. Other individuals will marshal adaptive resources to construct new courses of action and reconceptualize the problem, associated goals and/or values. A mixed methods approach was used to describe and operationalize cognitive shift, a relatively unexplored construct in existing literature. The study was conducted using secondary data from a parent multi-year cross-sectional study of resilience with eight hundred mid-aged adults from the Phoenix metro area. Semi-structured telephone interviews were analyzed using a purposive sample (n=136) chosen by type of life event. Participants' beliefs, assumptions, and experiences were examined to understand how they shaped adaptation to adversity. An adaptive mechanism, "cognitive shift," was theorized as the transition from automatic coping to effortful cognitive processes aimed at novel resolution of issues. Aims included understanding when and how cognitive shift emerges and manifests. Cognitive shift was scored as a binary variable and triangulated through correlational and logistic regression analyses. Interaction effects revealed that positive personality attributes influence cognitive shift most when people suffered early adversity. This finding indicates that a certain complexity, self-awareness and flexibility of mind may lead to a greater capacity to find meaning in adversity. This work bridges an acknowledged gap in literature and provides new insights into resilience. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Psychology 2014

Phronesis e Noesis em Platão: a excelência do pensamento filosófico / Phronesis and Noesis in Plato: the excelence of philosophic thought

Sheila Paulino e Silva 15 December 2015 (has links)
Pretende-se averiguar, neste trabalho, a concepção de pensamento, ou inteligência, que os diálogos A República VI e VII e Fédon apresentam. Trata-se de pontuar a partir da análise das questões que envolvem o trabalho cognitivo da alma, mais precisamente os temas sobre o conhecimento, a reminiscência, o método dialético e a apreensão das ideias, a concepção de excelência da racionalidade que o pensamento filosófico sugere. Dada a hipótese de que os diálogos oferecem uma visão de aquisição de superioridade da alma, visão coincidente em muitos aspectos, tem-se a sugestão do pensar nos termos de atividade e de estado igualmente superiores, ou excelentes, no qual se tem a plena realização das capacidades racionais. O cerne da pesquisa consiste em verificar na descrição da atividade filosófica o que caracteriza a inteligência e obter uma compreensão acerca desse trabalho do pensamento em sua máxima capacidade, o qual se desenvolve na busca do conhecimento que possa dizer acerca das questões mais importantes, como o Bem e a imortalidade. / It is intended to investigate, in this paper, the concept of thought, or intelligence that is presented in the dialogues Republic VI and VII and Phaedo. It concerns to point out from the analysis of the issues surrounding the cognitive work of the soul, more precisely the themes about knowledge, the reminiscence, the dialectical method and the apprehension of ideas, the concept of the excellence of rationality that the philosophical thought suggests. Given the hypothesis that the dialogues offer a view on acquisition of superiority of the soul, coinciding view in many aspects, there is the suggestion of thinking in terms of activity and state equally superior or excellent, in which one has the full accomplishment of the rational capacities. The research core consists in verifying the description of philosophical activity which characterizes the intelligence, and acquiring an understanding of this work of the thought in its full capacity, which develops in the pursuit of the knowledge that can tell about the most important issues, such as Good and immortality.

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