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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da cláusula compromissória nos contratos brasileiros / Arbitration clause in brazilian contracts

Chaves, Isadora Costa 01 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isadora Costa Chaves.pdf: 640262 bytes, checksum: e9933aebc114274732029a84cca7f5ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-01 / This work approaches the arbitration clause analyzing the formal issues required for its elaboration, considering the legal aspects and the importance given to party free will during contract celebration as well as the limits imposed by public order. Therefore, the central goal of this thesis is to emphasize the legal nature of the arbitration clause and the need to respect validity and efficacy requirements. In order to achieve this goal, author shows the increasing use of the arbitration clause as an efficient way for conflict solution. Thus, the nature of contracts and the evolution of arbitration are briefly discussed. Following, author conceptualizes and analyzes the legal nature of the arbitration clause. Then, several theories on the arbitration convention, its concept and applications are explained. The definition, types and validity conditions of the arbitration clause are presented, as well as the limits imposed by the Consumer Protection Code and in work regulations. In addition, controversial issues regarding the arbitration clause are highlighted. Finally, author shows that alternative ways for conflict resolution are being intensively used in the last years and several questions are raised regarding the Arbitration Law. The parties are aware of the possibility of solving conflicts through arbitration, agreed by them through an arbitral convention or a arbitration clause. Of fundamental importance to solve conflicts which may arise during contract celebration and execution and also to better interpret contract clauses, the arbitration clause should be considered as more than only a standard contract clause / O presente trabalho aborda a Cláusula Compromissória, analisando as formalidades exigidas para sua elaboração, seus aspectos jurídicos, e confere destaque ao exercício da autonomia privada das partes na celebração do contrato, bem como aos limites impostos pela ordem pública. O objetivo central desta Dissertação é demonstrar que a cláusula compromissória representa um negócio jurídico, cujos requisitos de validade e eficácia devem ser respeitados. Pretende, ainda, expor o quanto a cláusula compromissória se fortaleceu tratada como um negócio jurídico, sendo utilizada cada vez mais como um meio eficaz de solução de conflito. Recupera, de maneira sucinta, a evolução histórica do instituto da arbitragem e a dos contratos. Analisa, conceitua, demonstra os requisitos do negócio jurídico. Aborda as diversas teorias para a natureza jurídica da Arbitragem, discorre sobre a convenção de arbitral, seu conceito e aplicabilidade. Apresenta a definição de cláusula compromissória, sua natureza jurídica, espécies e vícios, e os limites impostos pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor e nas relações de trabalho. Aponta, ainda, algumas questões polêmicas acerca do tema da cláusula compromissória. Conclui que as formas alternativas de soluções de conflitos têm-se intensificado nos últimos anos e que, com este crescimento, muitos questionamentos surgiram em relação à Lei de Arbitragem. Verificase, hoje, maior maturidade frente à possibilidade de submeter conflitos ao juízo arbitral, acordada entre as partes por meio da celebração de uma convenção arbitral ou, mais especificamente, com a elaboração de cláusula compromissória. De importância fundamental para a solução de conflitos que possam surgir no desenvolvimento de um contrato e sua execução e, até mesmo, para melhor interpretação de suas cláusulas, a cláusula compromissória não deve ser tratada apenas como mais uma simples cláusula que pode ser inserida de forma padronizada nos contratos

La problématique du consentement à l'arbitrage multipartite au sein des groupements de sociétés

Manirabona, Amissi 05 1900 (has links)
L'arbitrage étant une institution basée sur la volonté des parties, le consentement à la procédure arbitrale multipartite soulève de nombreuses questions relativement à la manière dont les parties expriment leur intention de faire partie d'une instance unique. Cette étude vise à déterminer les conditions dans lesquelles l'arbitre peut arriver à unifier la résolution des litiges qui impliquent les groupements de sociétés. Le plus naturel des moyens pour aboutir à une procédure multipartite est de prévoir cette possibilité à travers la convention d'arbitrage. Cela peut notamment provenir de la signature d'une convention d'arbitrage unique par toutes les parties concernées. Dans certains cas précis, l'arbitrage multipartite peut également résulter de plusieurs conventions d'arbitrage spécialement lorsque les parties participent à la réalisation d'un même ouvrage. Cependant, il arrive souvent qu'une partie qui n'a pas signé la convention d'arbitrage soit obligée à participer à l'instance. Même sans y être obligée, une partie non-signataire de la convention d'arbitrage peut aussi demander de participer à l'arbitrage pour défendre ses intérêts. Pour pouvoir admettre la participation à la procédure d'un tiers non-signataire de la convention d'arbitrage, les arbitres ont recours à plusieurs notions prévues par les droits internes. C'est ainsi que la levée du voile corporatif, la théorie de la réalité économique et le principe de l'estoppel constituent les meilleurs outils pour les arbitres d'amener à la procédure, par force ou sur demande, un non-signataire de la convention d'arbitrage. Enfin, les mécanismes du Code civil servent efficacement à neutraliser les effets du principe de relativité de la convention d'arbitrage. Il s'agit notamment de la bonne foi, du mandat, de la stipulation pour autrui et de la cession. / Arbitration as an institution based on the intention of the parties, the consent on the multi-party arbitration procedure raises many problems relating to the way in which the parties express their intention to participate in a unique arbitration forum. This study aims to determinate the manner in which the arbitrator can join disputes resolution involving the groups of companies. The normal way to get a multi-party procedure is to provide it in an arbitration clause. This can be by signing a single arbitration agreement by all the parties involved. In certain cases, the multi-party arbitration can also be possible with several arbitration agreements especially when the parties took part in carrying out ofthe same economic operation. However, in other situations, the multi-party arbitration procedure is unrelated to consent. A non-signatory party can nevertheless be bound by an arbitration agreement signed by an other party. To allow the participation in the arbitration procedure of a third party non-signatory of the arbitration agreement, the arbitrators use several concepts provided chiefly by the national laws. 80, the lifting of the corporate veil, the doctrine of economic reality and estoppel, are the best tools for the arbitrators to bring to the arbitration procedure, by force or on request, a non-signatory of the arbitration agreement. Lastly, the mechanisms of the Civil code are used with efficiency by arbitrators to neutralize the effects of the relativity principle of the arbitration agreement. Those mechanisms are in particular the good faith, mandate, stipulation for another and assignment. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des Études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (LL.M.) option : Droit des affaires". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 15% des mémoires de la discipline.

La problématique du consentement à l'arbitrage multipartite au sein des groupements de sociétés

Manirabona, Amissi Melchiade 05 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des Études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (LL.M.) option : Droit des affaires". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 15% des mémoires de la discipline. / L'arbitrage étant une institution basée sur la volonté des parties, le consentement à la procédure arbitrale multipartite soulève de nombreuses questions relativement à la manière dont les parties expriment leur intention de faire partie d'une instance unique. Cette étude vise à déterminer les conditions dans lesquelles l'arbitre peut arriver à unifier la résolution des litiges qui impliquent les groupements de sociétés. Le plus naturel des moyens pour aboutir à une procédure multipartite est de prévoir cette possibilité à travers la convention d'arbitrage. Cela peut notamment provenir de la signature d'une convention d'arbitrage unique par toutes les parties concernées. Dans certains cas précis, l'arbitrage multipartite peut également résulter de plusieurs conventions d'arbitrage spécialement lorsque les parties participent à la réalisation d'un même ouvrage. Cependant, il arrive souvent qu'une partie qui n'a pas signé la convention d'arbitrage soit obligée à participer à l'instance. Même sans y être obligée, une partie non-signataire de la convention d'arbitrage peut aussi demander de participer à l'arbitrage pour défendre ses intérêts. Pour pouvoir admettre la participation à la procédure d'un tiers non-signataire de la convention d'arbitrage, les arbitres ont recours à plusieurs notions prévues par les droits internes. C'est ainsi que la levée du voile corporatif, la théorie de la réalité économique et le principe de l'estoppel constituent les meilleurs outils pour les arbitres d'amener à la procédure, par force ou sur demande, un non-signataire de la convention d'arbitrage. Enfin, les mécanismes du Code civil servent efficacement à neutraliser les effets du principe de relativité de la convention d'arbitrage. Il s'agit notamment de la bonne foi, du mandat, de la stipulation pour autrui et de la cession. / Arbitration as an institution based on the intention of the parties, the consent on the multi-party arbitration procedure raises many problems relating to the way in which the parties express their intention to participate in a unique arbitration forum. This study aims to determinate the manner in which the arbitrator can join disputes resolution involving the groups of companies. The normal way to get a multi-party procedure is to provide it in an arbitration clause. This can be by signing a single arbitration agreement by all the parties involved. In certain cases, the multi-party arbitration can also be possible with several arbitration agreements especially when the parties took part in carrying out ofthe same economic operation. However, in other situations, the multi-party arbitration procedure is unrelated to consent. A non-signatory party can nevertheless be bound by an arbitration agreement signed by an other party. To allow the participation in the arbitration procedure of a third party non-signatory of the arbitration agreement, the arbitrators use several concepts provided chiefly by the national laws. 80, the lifting of the corporate veil, the doctrine of economic reality and estoppel, are the best tools for the arbitrators to bring to the arbitration procedure, by force or on request, a non-signatory of the arbitration agreement. Lastly, the mechanisms of the Civil code are used with efficiency by arbitrators to neutralize the effects of the relativity principle of the arbitration agreement. Those mechanisms are in particular the good faith, mandate, stipulation for another and assignment.

Sociedades anônimas fechadas: direitos individuais dos acionistas e cláusula compromissória estatuária superveniente / Closely held corporations: shareholdersindividual rights and supervenient statutory arbitration clause.

Silva, Rodrigo Tellechea 20 March 2015 (has links)
A tese propõe uma análise multidisciplinar e dogmática da arbitragem societária, notadamente do processo de inclusão de cláusula compromissória no estatuto social de sociedades anônimas fechadas, com base em uma deliberação assemblear tomada pela regra da maioria (fase pré-arbitral). O ponto de partida do trabalho é o exame da dimensão jurídica do contrato de sociedade aliado à verificação dos limites da autonomia privada dos sócios na definição da estrutura do negócio jurídico societário, à compreensão da categoria dos direitos subjetivos e dos traços fundamentais que formam a tipologia das anônimas fechadas, incluindo o tratamento dado aos direitos individuais dos acionistas. Ato contínuo, desloca-se a discussão para as esferas arbitral e constitucional, com especial atenção para os pressupostos da arbitragem como método de resolução de conflitos. O cerne do trabalho reside na relação entre a situação subjetiva ativa do acionista de manifestar sua vontade favorável ou contrariamente à escolha da arbitragem e a eficácia da regra da maioria como pilar de funcionamento das sociedades anônimas. Sustenta-se que a escolha da arbitragem constitui um direito fundamental de todo o acionista, cuja renúncia depende de manifestação, expressa ou tácita, de sua vontade, a qual não pode ser elidida ou alterada pelo estatuto ou pela assembleia geral majoritária sem o seu consentimento. Após examinar as correntes doutrinárias sobre o tema no Brasil e as possíveis alternativas para resolver o imbróglio, o estudo concluiu que a alteração legislativa que cria uma hipótese adicional de recesso representa a melhor solução para a problemática. / The thesis examines arbitration in corporate law, namely the inclusion of a statutory arbitration clause in the by-laws of a closely held corporation based on a deliberation taken by the majority rule (pre-arbitration phase). The study starts by analyzing the legal aspects of the corporate contract together with the limits of shareholders autonomy in defining the structure of such contract and the characteristics that form the typology of corporations, including shareholders individual rights. The discussion then moves on the arbitration and constitutional spheres, particularly to the premises of arbitration as a form of settling conflicts. The core of the thesis is the relation between the prerogative of a shareholder to express its will in favor of or against arbitration and the incidence of the full effects of the majority rule as an essential element in the structure of a corporation. The study sustains that the choice for arbitration is a fundamental right of all shareholders, which is why renunciation depends on their express or tacit individual manifestation and therefore, majority deliberation cannot in itself insert or remove it from by-laws. Finally, the thesis provides different scholars understandings on the issue as well as the main possible alternatives to dealt with it. The creation of an additional hypothesis of appraisal right within the existing law is suggested as the best solution to solve this conundrum.

Aplicabilidade da arbitragem na incorporação imobiliária

Bezerra, Eudes Vitor 16 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eudes Vitor Bezerra.pdf: 1469467 bytes, checksum: 088e8bad45d29a44419e801c607ec5df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-16 / The objective of this study is to elucidate the main features of the Arbitration and its effective application in Real Estate Incorporations. In this vein, it is emphasized that the scope and determine the applicability and deployment of the use of arbitration in relation to the Real Estate Incorporations, including establishing the advantages and disadvantages of the use of arbitration in these real estate transactions. It is feasible to say that a democratic state must protects the right of choice of citizens in relation to conflict resolution, when such rights are available and stamp sheet, ie, the use of arbitration in real estate development is optional and is not required. Thus, one who seeks means to resolve disputes arising from real estate developers can relinquish jurisdiction and make use of arbitration. However, it is a requirement sine qua non, the observance of the autonomy of the parties, failing to invalidate the use of arbitration / O objetivo deste trabalho é elucidar as principais características da Arbitragem e sua efetiva aplicação nas Incorporações Imobiliárias. Nesse diapasão, importa ressaltar que o escopo e averiguar a aplicabilidade e o desdobramento do uso da arbitragem em relação à Incorporação Imobiliária, inclusive estabelecendo as vantagens e desvantagens do uso da arbitragem nessas transações imobiliárias. É viável dizer que um estado democrático deve resguarda o direito de escolha dos cidadãos em relação à solução de conflitos, quando tais direitos forem disponíveis e de cunho patrimonial, ou seja, a utilização da arbitragem nas incorporações imobiliárias tem caráter facultativo e não obrigatório. Assim, aquele que busca meios adequados para solucionar controvérsias oriundas das incorporações imobiliárias poderá abrir mão da jurisdição e fazer uso da arbitragem. Entretanto, é requisito sine qua non, a observância da autonomia da vontade das partes contratantes, sob pena de invalidar o uso da arbitragem

A cláusula compromissória arbitral: uma perspectiva comparada do direito canadense e do direito brasileiro / The arbitration clause: a comparative perspective of the Brazilian and Canadian law

Almeida, Caroline Sampaio de 18 June 2013 (has links)
Todos os sistemas jurídicos produzem leis e decisões judiciais, cuja diferença reside principalmente na predominância de uma dessas características. No sistema de civil law, preponderante no Brasil, prevalece a elaboração das normas, organizadas em códigos e leis. O sistema jurídico da common law, por sua vez, é baseado primordialmente em decisões judiciais, que inclusive condicionam a admissibilidade da intromissão normativa, vinculando a todos, independentemente de obrigatoriedade expressa ou sanções por descumprimento, como no Canadá. Apesar das diferenças, a rápida adesão do universo do civil law à economia de mercado e à globalização, por um lado, e o esforço de harmonização e unificação, por outro, têm contribuído para a diluição de fronteiras teóricas práticas entre os dois sistemas, além de suscitar um recrudescimento do interesse pela teoria do contrato. No Brasil, um dos exemplos dessa diluição, motivada principalmente pela morosidade processual ligada à tradição e cultura nacionais que nutrem certa simpatia pelos recursos, é a Lei de Arbitragem por meio da qual se conferiu aos tribunais arbitrais uma natureza quase judicial, iniciativa pioneira dos sistemas de common law. A difusão da arbitragem como meio alternativo de solução de controvérsias, sobretudo no âmbito empresarial, decorre em especial de sua flexibilidade procedimental, em cujo ambiente de liberdade se destaca seu grande protagonista, o árbitro, ao lhe permitir experimentar novos e variados meios de investigação dos fatos, otimizando a capacidade de compreensão do direito aplicável ao caso sob análise. As cláusulas arbitrais, particularmente, compatibilizam-se com os princípios da autonomia privada e da duração razoável do processo, refletindo inteiramente nos custos de transação das relações entre agentes econômicos. Elas instrumentalizam as denominadas estruturas de conservação, que remetem a uma atuação pacificadora de baixa litigiosidade, de modo a preservar e atualizar os valores inicialmente perseguidos pelos contratantes. Com isso, viabiliza-se a minimização dos riscos, maximização dos direitos e aprimoramento dos resultados das transações, sendo uma ferramenta eficiente sob a ótica econômica. Em sendo a cláusula arbitral uma extensão da autonomia negocial, constitui um poderoso instrumento de auxílio à cooperação eficiente entre as partes, induzindo comportamento mediante redução de custos de transação e incentivando o cumprimento do contrato com a interpretação e regulamentação de promessas. Considerando, assim, a forte interpenetração das duas tradições jurídicas, torna-se imperiosa a análise da cláusula arbitral no contexto de um sistema misto, cujo ponto de partida será o Canadá em confronto com o sistema brasileiro. A pesquisa, por sua vez, não prescindirá dos contributos da análise econômica do Direito que compaginam o Direito com a própria evolução da sociedade, com destaque para a interação entre organizações econômicas e instituições, pois estas, ao estruturarem incentivos para os intercâmbios humanos (políticos, sociais e econômicos), afetam o desempenho da economia, definem e limitam o conjunto de escolha dos indivíduos, permitindo-lhes a redução de incertezas. A mesma lógica aplicar-se-á à arbitragem frente à postura do Poder Judiciário, cuja instituição é fundamental para garantir direitos de propriedade, fazer cumprir contratos e, acima de tudo, atribuir enforcement à cláusula compromissória arbitral. / All legal systems produce laws and judgments, whose difference consists mainly on the predominance in one of those characteristics. The civil law system, preponderant in Brazil, prevails the preparation of rules, organized in codes and laws. The legal system of common law is based primarily on judicial decisions that condition, inclusive the admissibility of the normative intromission, binding to all, regardless of the obligation expressed or sanctions for default, as in Canada. Despite the differences (the quick adhesion of the civil law universe to the market economy and globalization for one side, and the effort of harmonization and unification on the other side), they have contributed to the dilution of practical theoretical borders between the two systems, in addition to causing a resurgence of interest in contract theory. In Brazil, one of the examples of this dilution, motivated mainly by slowness procedural, linked to national tradition and culture which maintained some sympathy for appeals, it is the arbitrations law through whereby was conferred to arbitral tribunals a quasi-judicial nature, pioneering initiative of common law systems. Specially in the commercial context, the arbitration diffusion as an alternative dispute resolution derives mainly from its procedural flexibility, in which freedom environment makes its big protagonist stand out, the arbitrator, because it allows him to try new and varied means of facts investigation, optimizing the ability of understanding the law applicable to the case under examination. Particularly, the arbitration clauses are compatible with the principle of private autonomy and reasonable duration of proceedings, reflecting in transaction costs on relations between economic agents. They prime the socalled \"conservation structures\", which refer to a peacemaking activity of the lower litigation, in order to preserve and update the values initially persecuted by contractors. So, the risks are reduced, the rights are maximized and the results of the transactions are improved, being a powerful tool under the economic perspective. As the arbitration clause is an extension of the negotiating autonomy, it constitutes a powerful aid tool to the efficient cooperation between both, inducing behavior through transaction reduction costs and encouraging the fulfillment of the contract with the interpretation and regulation promises. Considering the strong interpenetration of the legal traditions, it becomes essential to analyze the arbitral clause in the mixed system context, whose starting point will be the Canada in confrontation with the Brazilian. The research, wont do without the contribution of economic analysis of Law which paginate the Law with the society evolution, with emphasis on the interaction between economic organizations and institutions, that structuring incentives for human exchanges (political, social and economic), they affect the economy performance, define and limit the choice of individuals by allowing them to reduce uncertainties. The same logic will apply to arbitration before the judiciary\'s attitude, whose institution is critical to ensure property rights, enforcing contracts and assign enforcement to arbitration clause.

Rozhodčí doložka pro mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž a její vliv na případné rozhodčí řízení / An arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact upon presumed arbitration proceedings

Plánička, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
62 International arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact on the possible following arbitration proceedings The purpose of my thesis is to generally describe and analyze position of the arbitration clause in international business arbitration. Due to the significant prestige of the international arbitration as one of the methods of alternative dispute resolution I found interesting to inspect the impact of the arbitration clause on the possible following arbitration proceedings. Main goal of the thesis is to analyze possible modifications of wording of the arbitration clause in comparison to the alternations of the proceedings. Since the thesis is focused on the international arbitration as the keystone of the governing arbitration rules were considered corresponding parts of the Czech legislation as well as the rules issued by the leading institutions on the field of international arbitration, such as the International Chamber of Commerce or London Court of International Arbitration. Body of the thesis is divided into six chapters going from its very beginning to the end through the drafting process of the arbitration clause. At the beginning are elaborated main principles and essentials of the arbitration clause, such as types of clauses, necessary, recommended and...

Konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal : när binder avtalet konkursboet?

Persson, Emilia, Larsson, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att beskriva gällande rätt kring om och när en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo samt konsekvenserna av detta. I dagsläget är rättsområdet osäkert och enbart grundat på praxis, uppsatsen utreder därför även om lagstiftning eller annan utveckling på området är erforderlig. Det har i praxis konstaterats att en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo då tvister gäller obligationsrättsliga anspråk och bevakningsförfaranden är aktuella. I praxis kan vidare konstateras att i tvister av sak- och föreningsrättslig karaktär är ett konkursbo inte bundet av konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal. Tvister avgörs då i enlighet med konkursrättens tvistlösningsmetoder. Juridisk metod används för att beskriva gällande rätt och för att bringa klarhet i de grundläggande bestämmelserna på området används en deskriptiv metod. En problemorienterad metod används för att analysera rättsläget. Konsekvenserna av att ett konkursbo är bundet av konkursgäldenärens skiljeavtal är att en borgenär kan, genom sin skiljeklausul, komma att tillgodogöra sig mer ur konkursboets egendomsmassa än övriga borgenärer med bevakade fordringar i konkursen som inte avtalat om skiljeförfarande. Att konkursboet i obligationsrättsliga fall är bundet att tvista i ett skiljeförfarande, trots att boet inte existerat vid skiljeavtalets uppkomst, innebär att en kollision mellan offentlig- och civilrätt uppstår. Författarna anser avslutningsvis att konkursgäldenärs skiljeklausul inte ska binda dess konkursbo. De sak- och föreningsrättsliga rättsfallen är mer klara i sina argument och utveckling av rättsläget bör därför, enligt författarna, ske i samförstånd med dessa bedömningar. / The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate current law whether if and when a bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankrupt’s estate and the consequences of this. The legal position is in the current situation uncertain and is solely based on legal cases; the thesis investigates therefore whether legislation or other development within the area is required.  It has been stated through legal cases that bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankruptcy estate when the conflict refers to claims on law of obligations and when monitoring procedures are in question. Case law furthermore state that the bankruptcy estate is not bound by its bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement in conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association. A traditional legal method has been used in order to investigate current law and a descriptive method has been used to clarify the fundamental provisions in the area. A problem-oriented method has been used in order to analyze the legal position. The consequences of the binding effect of the arbitration agreement towards the bankruptcy’s estate is that a creditor can, through its arbitration clause, utilize more from the bankruptcy’s estate property than the rest of the creditors, whom have not agreed on an arbitration clause. That the bankruptcy’s estate is considered forced to dispute in arbitration, even though the bankruptcy’s estate did not exist when the arbitration agreement occurred, implies that an impact between public- and civil law arises. The authors consider that the bankruptcy’s debtor arbitration clause should not be binding towards its bankruptcy’s estate. The authors is of the opinion that the case law conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association are more clear in their argument’s and development of the legal position should take guidance from these legal cases.

The Arbitration Clauses and the New Labor Procedure Law / Las Cláusulas Arbitrales y la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo

Higa García, Alfonso 10 April 2018 (has links)
The following article offers a point of view about the arbitraje as an alternate resolution method for workplace conflicts, in this way, a more critical point of view can be developed about the possibility of the arbitraje usage regulated in the “Ley Procesal del Trabajo” which once again has been regulated in the “Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo”. For that purpose, the author analyzes the different points of view existing in the doctrine as well as the ones in the jurisprudence about the labour arbitration situation in the “Ley General de Arbitraje”, followed by this, it will be analyzed the regulation contained in the “Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo”. / El presente artículo nos brinda una visión acerca del uso del arbitraje como método de resolución de conflictos alterno en el ámbito de los conflictos laborales, así, se desarrolla una mirada crítica sobre la posibilidad del uso del arbitraje que se encontraba regulada en la Ley Procesal del Trabajo y que, nuevamente, ha sido regulada en la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo. Para ello, el autor analiza las posiciones existentes tanto en la doctrina como en la jurisprudencia sobre la situación del arbitraje laboral en la Ley General de Arbitraje, luego de lo cual se analizará la regulación contenida en la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo.

Cláusulas arbitrais patológicas e cuidados na redação de cláusulas compromissórias

Reynol, Thais Schiavoni Guarnieri Silva 16 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by THAIS SCHIAVONI GUARNIERI SILVA REYNOL (tguarnieri.silva@gmail.com) on 2017-11-08T18:17:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TC_vfinal_para depósito_final.pdf: 1357086 bytes, checksum: 693d0da33a7a9e9b4084df34a0618823 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2017-11-08T18:48:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TC_vfinal_para depósito_final.pdf: 1357086 bytes, checksum: 693d0da33a7a9e9b4084df34a0618823 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-09T11:49:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TC_vfinal_para depósito_final.pdf: 1357086 bytes, checksum: 693d0da33a7a9e9b4084df34a0618823 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-16 / O presente trabalho tem por objeto central a análise das cláusulas compromissórias patológicas com o intuito de propor recomendações para a elaboração de cláusulas arbitrais completas e plenamente eficazes. Para justificar a pertinência e a utilidade de um guia prático abrangendo as principais orientações a serem observadas em cada um dos elementos que a cláusula compromissória pode conter, avalia-se a importância dos cuidados dispensados à redação de tais cláusulas a partir da apresentação de exemplos concretos dos vícios que possam estar presentes de modo a torná-las patológicas, bem como do tratamento jurídico dado às cláusulas defeituosas, tanto nas hipóteses de vícios sanáveis, em que se mostra necessária a prévia intervenção do Poder Judiciário a fim de viabilizar o início da arbitragem, quanto nos casos de vícios insanáveis, os quais tornam a cláusula inválida e insuscetível de cumprimento forçado. / The present work has as its central object the analysis of pathological arbitration clauses, in order to propose recommendations for the preparation of complete and fully effective arbitration clauses. To justify the pertinence and usefulness of a practical guide including the main recommendations to be observed in each of the elements that the arbitration clause can contain, it is analyzed the importance of care dismissed in drafting these clauses, starting from the presentation of concrete examples of the defects that can be present in the clauses in order to make them pathological as well as the legal treatment given to defective clauses, both in the cases of soluble vices, when it is necessary prior intervention by the Judiciary to enable the start of arbitration, as in the cases of defects which make the clause invalid and not enforceable.

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