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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maktstrukturer och sociala fält i förhistorisk och tidighistorisk tid på Påskön : En studie av symboliskt kapital, fält och habitus

Olsson, Dan January 2020 (has links)
The thesis illustrates the emergence and development of the types of symbolic capital, networks and fields used by the rulers of Easter Island in their exercise of power, and what possible consequences they may have for their habitus. There is no concrete conclusion, but it is possible to see reasonable course of events, where the archaeological finds form the milestones, and it is possible to trace the formation and expansion of a field, created from material assets, inventions, social thoughts and actions. There are signs of variation, or different phases, in the field, over time. The rulers seem to have tried to control the field by, for example, building monuments, such as ahu and statues, or in other words, the authorities of Easter Island managed to create different types of assets. In addition, various organizational forms, sacred places and buildings, taboos and traditions have been used in the form of ceremonies, rituals and sacrifices of various kinds. This symbolic capital has been used by the rulers to steer residents' work and striving in the desired direction, and to create a habitus that everyone feels involved in. This habitus has probably changed when new businesses entered the market.

Arkeologiska perspektiv på skogsbränder : en studie över svenska skogsmarker som brunnit mellan åren 1992–2018 / Archaeological perspectives on forest fires : a study of Swedish woodlands affected by fire between the years 1992–2018

Ellen, Ivarsson January 2020 (has links)
The extent and effect of forest fires on ancient remains and cultural heritage in the boreal forest of Sweden is relatively unknown and scarcely researched. The aim of this study is to examine how a forest fire affects the archaeological record, partly in terms of damage degree and partly in what ways a fire can change the conditions for field surveying in a forest landscape. The purpose is also to discuss work strategies for heritage protection in a future with an increased numbers of days with risk for fire. Analysis of field reports from nine different areas affected by forest fire in Sweden, together with a minor interview study indicate how the severity of the fire can be both harmful to the remains and heritage, but also helpful with the field surveying. If a fire intensity is high, it can cause direct thermal action and frost action (weathering) but it can also induce risk of mass wasting (erosion). However, the most recurring phenomena that endangers the archaeological record by covering and concealing the remains and heritage is forestry. This can cause great damage when the reforestation takes place, as scarification is notoriously harmful to the archaeological record. At the same time, a burnt forest landscape where no trees nor ground cover is left, heightens the possibility of finding new and previously unknown remains and heritage.

Ett hantverk i förändring : En studie av ulltextiliers tillverkning i Sverige från bronsålder till äldre järnålder. / A craft in change : A study of the manufacture of woolen textiles in Sweden from Bronze Age to Early Iron Age.

Olsen, Eleonor January 2020 (has links)
The complex process of manufacturing woolen textiles contains a long chain of cooperation between resources, techniques and society. With a focus on South and Central Sweden, this study aims to trace the development of woolen textiles and its manufacture, how and why it changed and obtained an increased meaning from the Early Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. Archaeological biography and materiality are used as theoretical concepts to firstly explore how textile tools, sheep husbandry and woolen textiles changed in occurrence and appearance over time and space. Secondly, by comparing these results, the study analyzes how the different source materials may have affected each other towards the advancement of woolen textiles. The results suggest that a successive increase of sheep among settlements, caused by probably ecological and/or economic factors, possibly led to an increase in wool that sparked the textile development with the creation of more advanced tools and techniques for making woolen textiles in a gradually higher quality. The relationships between people and woolen textiles, as well as its components of manufacture, also seems to have altered during the investigated period, sometimes probably due to influences from the outside world.

Data Management and Publishing Behaviour in Academic Archaeology : A Study at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University / Datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden inom Arkeologisk forskning : En studie från institutionen för Arkeologi och Antik Historia på Uppsala universitet

Burén, Frida January 2022 (has links)
This study looks into researchers’ data management and publishing behaviours within archaeology by interviewing researchers in the field and data management and publishing specialists. It takes a socio-cultural perspective, and the aim is to gain an understanding of the elements influencing the decision to publish research data within the field and what the current publishing needs there are for researchers in archaeology. Each informant has an academic background in archaeology and a prominent connection to Uppsala University in Sweden. Special focus is placed on the Digital Scientific Archive (DiVA). Each researcher interviewed for this study was found through publications of primary datasets at DiVA and perceptions of publishing options is considered an element shaping the intentions to publish and the behavioural outcome.Documentation practices and perceptions of data management professionalism has tremendous effect on the outcomes of archaeology and publishing practices, which is closely linked with determining data quality, and are becoming more of a requirement within the field. This study is interested in how archaeological data management and publishing behaviour influence the professional interpretations of human history. The Theory of Planned Behaviour is applied to the study for the purpose of thoroughly examine researchers’ data publishing behaviours. The theory assumes that behavioural intention which is shaped by the beliefs about a certain behaviour, is the strongest factor determining actual behaviour. This assumption is evaluated against the accounts of the study’s informants by means of investigating researchers’ perspectives on data publishing in relation to their actual behaviours around, and experiences of, the publishing process.  This is a two years' masters thesis in Library and information science. / Den här studien undersöker forskares datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden inom arkeologi genom att intervjua forskare inom ämnet, samt datahanterings- och publiceringsspecialister. Studien baseras på ett socio-kulturellt perspektiv och syftet är att öka förståelsen för de element som påverkar beslutstagandet att publicera forskningsdata inom arkeologi, samt vilka data publicerings behov som finns idag. Informanterna har en akademisk bakgrund inom arkeologi och en tydlig koppling till Uppsala universitet. Speciellt fokus har lagts på det Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet (DiVA). Forskarna som valdes ut för undersökningen hittades genom deras publikationer av primärdata på DiVA och uppfattningar kring publikationsmöjligheter bedöms påverka publiceringsintentioner och beteendemönster kopplade till datapublicering.Det sätts allt större krav på dokumenteringspraxis inom fältet och uppfattningar om datahanteringsprofessionalism har stor påverkan på arkeologisk forskning och datapublicering, vilket är nära kopplat till den standard som sätts på datakvalité. Den här studien intresserar sig för hur arkeologisk datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden påverkar den professionella tolkningen av människans historiska, och förhistoriska, tider. Teorin ’Theory of Planned Behaviour’ används i studien för att noggrant kunna undersöka forskares datapubliceringsbeteenden. Teorin grundar sig på att intentionen att utföra ett beteende, vilket formas av synen på beteendet, har störst makt i avgörandet av beteendets resultat. Teorin vägs mot informanternas redogörelser genom att deras upplevelser och uppfattningar kring datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden inom arkeologi undersöks i relation till deras faktiska beteenden och erfarenheter kring publikationsprocessen.

Den hyperrationelle, okänslige ateisten : Ateism och kyrklig reformering i dagspress 1949 - 1953

Paloheimo, Ville January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The last coin of Taras? : A study of a late Tarentine coin in the collections of the Uppsala University Coin Cabinet. / Taras' sista mynt? : En undersökning av ett sent tarentinskt mynt i Uppsala universitets myntkabinetts samlingar.

Appelgren, Karl January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, a coin from the Hannibalic occupation of Taras is analysed and discussed. The method applied in the analysis is Panofsky’s iconological method, and the theoretical framework has been derived from the research questions themselves in dialogue with modern numismatic research.  The focus of the discussion is on the relationship between the coin and its historical context. In the thesis, it is argued that the coin is a didrachm with heavily reduced weight, and that the weight reduction is a result of the financial difficulties caused by the Second Punic War. / Denna uppsats är en analys av ett mynt from Hannibals ockupation av Taras. Den metod som tillämpas i analysdelen är Panofskys ikonologiska metod. Det teoretiska ramverket har sin utgångspunkt i uppsatsens frågeställning, och har utarbetats i dialog med modern numismatisk forskning. Diskussionsdelen fokuserar på förhållandet mellan myntet och dess historiska kontext. I uppsatsen framförs argument för att myntet är en didrachm med kraftigt reducerad vikt, och att viktreduktionen är en följd av de finansiella svårigheter som orsakades av Andra puniska kriget.

Manifesterad grupptillhörighet i gotländska gravar? : Intersektionell tolkning av vikingatidens gotländska smyckesuppsättningar / Groupe manifestation in Gotlandic graves? : Intersectional interpretation of Gotlandic Viking jewelry constellations.

Theidz, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
The thesis aim is to discuss the Gotlandic jewelry constellations and the difference in the jewelry assemblies between five Viking Age burial grounds on the island from an intersectional perspective. Differences or alikeness between the burial grounds are meant to highlight or decline a possible group dynamic on the island where different subgroups could be detected in an overall Gotlandic group. The subgroups could be a result of trad or local expression that show up in the jewelry constellations and by that means highlight an expression beyond the Gotlandic grouping. Following questions is discussed in relation to the different jewelry constellations in the graves, is there any differences between the jewelry constellations on the analyzed burial grounds that could indicate more than one group in the Gotlandic population during the Viking Age? How can different genders be visible in the jewelry constellations of feminine and masculine graves on the five burial grounds? If more than one group can be detected, is it possible to interpret a difference in possibility to express gender in the jewelry constellations between the burial grounds? The Gotlandic feminine jewelry has been interpreted as specific for Gotland during the Viking Age and has been discussed to show an overall group on the island. In relation to this, the five analyzed burial grounds show about a third of the graves having no jewelry in the graves and a varying jewelry constellation in the feminine graves. The thesis discussion shows a possible difference even between the jewelry in masculine graves on the burial grounds that has been analyzed which earlier studies have not highlighted. The result shows a variation both between the five burial grounds but also between the individuals. What earlier has been understood as the traditional Gotlandic feminine jewelry constellation has in the analyzes been shown to relate quite little to the actual material. Few feminine individuals have been buried with the traditional jewelry constellation, more often are they buried with a few Gotlandic jewelry items and with varying placements in the graves. In summary, the five burial grounds show a variation in local tradition and manifestations related to the Gotlandic grouping.

Värdet av repatriering. En biografi av totempålen G’psgolox’s repatriering från Sverige till Kanada. (Svenska) / The Value of repatriation. A biography of totem pole G’psgolox’s repatriation from Sweden to Canada. (Engelska)

Ekberg Toscano, Frida January 2021 (has links)
The study is an archaeological biography of the G'psgolox totem pole told from the Haisla people's perspective in Canada and adopts cultural relativism and the theory of ontology to highlight their experience and perspective on the repatriation process of the G'psgolox totem pole. The research has been limited to studying the totem pole only based on an emic perceptive, the Haisla people, and departures from secondary sources consisting of films, Haisla organizations websites, and literature where they shared their experiences. For the Haisla people, the G'psgolox totem pole is not like all other totem poles erected during their traditional potlatch ceremonies. This pole was created when Hailsa culture, society, traditions, beliefs, and identity were dying out due to, among other things, the European colonization and the consequences that it brought with it, such as "The Indian Act" in Canada. This act aimed to eradicate the country's indigenous cultures and inculcate the "white way," which turned into a mass extinction threat to different First Nations in Canada, such as the Haisla people. Therefore, since its creation, the G'psgolox totem pole has immeasurable value for Haisla's people since it symbolizes survival, strengthening of Haisla's culture and identity after almost disappearing. However, the pole was taken without consent ending in Sweden, which affected Haisla society and led to a series of international events, where the Haisla people strived to repatriate the G'psgolox totem pole to its origins. Previous studies of the repatriation process have, with some exceptions, mainly adopted the Western perspective, giving only the Western reality of the events, distorting the arguments in the repatriation debate to its advantages. The study shows that Haisla has a holistic perspective on their surroundings where everything is integrated, connected, and influences each other through time and space, including tangible and intangible material and across the living and spiritual world, which differs from the Western perspective, and more when it comes to the understanding of the value of cultural heritage. Therefore, through the repatriation process, the Western beliefs clash against Haisla's reality and value over their cultural heritage. Although this, the Western way tended to dominate the whole repatriation before, during, and after the process, minimizing, in this case, the Haisla peoples perspective and the cultural value that the G'psgolox totem pole could bring to them.

Vargarna från öst : En objektbiografisk studie av kanonerna på Gripsholms slott / The wolves from the East : An object-biography study of the cannons at Gripsholm castle

Friberg, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
This study has aimed to understand Suggan and Galten as its history and story has changed through time. To achieve this a biography perspective are applied. Suggan and Galten is war trophies taken from Russians during the Livonian war (1558-1583) and now presented at Gripsholm castle. Apart from understanding their history this study is going to discuss Suggan and Galtens role as war trophies, furthermore how they relate to society both now and then. But also, how they are viewed upon as cultural heritage.  This thesis has been based on a litterature study with supplementary illustrations to put Suggan and Galten in a larger context. In the litterature study an object biographical perspective has been obtained to be able to study the entire life story. Materiality and agency have also been used to explain human relationships to the cannons and to try to clarify peoples actions around them. The object biographical perspective has verified several aspects of Suggan and Galtens life journey. With the help of the theoretical starting point, the development of the cannons from Äldre Vasatiden to the present day has partly been accounted for. The study describes how Suggan and Galten were casted in Moscow by casting master Andrei Chekhov. How they were used by the Russian army in the Livonian war. Then taken over by the Swedes and shipped to Sweden. Once on Swedish soil, they participated in a trophy parade and then became cultural heritages at Gripsholm castle. War trophies refer to an object taken during conquest, which Suggan and Galten were. Furthermore, they have been used as war trophies in parades to demonstrate the power of the royal family. It was also during this time that the cannons began to develop into a cultural heritage. Only when the cannons were placed at Gripsholm castle where they considered as cultural heritage. / Studien har undersökt Suggan och Galtens livshistoria från tillverkningen i Ryssland till utställningen på Gripsholms slott. Syftet och frågeställningarna har varit att förstå och tydliggöra Suggan och Galtens utveckling genom tid och rum. Samt att redogöra för kanonerna som krigstroféer och varför dem blivit det. Slutligen har kulturarvsfrågan diskuterats utifrån objekten och hur de har speglats i samhället både då och nu.  Uppsatsen har baserats på en litteraturstudie med kompletterande bildmaterial för att sätta Suggan och Galten i ett större sammanhang. I litteraturstudien har ett objektbiografiskt perspektiv erhållits för att kunna studera hela livshistorien. Materialitet och agens har också använts för att förklara människans relation till kanonerna och för att försöka klarlägga personers handlingar kring dem. Det objektbiografiska perspektivet har verifierat flera aspketer av Suggan och Galtens livsresa. Med hjälp av den teoretiska utgångspunkten har kanonernas utveckling från Äldre Vasatiden fram till idag delvis kunnat redogöras för. Studien redogör för hur Suggan och Galten gjöts i Moskva av gjutmästare Andrej Chokhov. Hur de användes av den ryska armén i livländska kriget för att sedan övertas av svenskarna och skeppas till Sverige. Väl på svensk mark deltog de i troféparaden för att sedan bli ett kulturarv på Gripsholms slott.  Krigstroféer syftar på föremål som tagits under erövring vilket Suggan och Galten gjordes. Vidare har de som krigstroféer använts i triumfparader i syfte till att påvisa kungafamiljens makt. Det var även under den här tiden som kanonerna började utvecklas till ett kulturarv. Först när kanonerna placerades på Gripsholms slott ansågs de som fulländade kulturarv.

Medeltida ödeläggelse i Sverige : En litteraturstudie över resiliens och medeltidsarkeologisk forskning utförd på den senmedeltida agrarkrisen / Medieval abandonment of farms in Sweden : A literature study of resilience and medieval archaeological research on the late medieval agrarian crisis.

Rohman, Nadine January 2021 (has links)
The late medieval agrarian crisis is characterized by a sharp decline in population which caused farm abandonment and mass death. The crisis arose due to a lack of access to arable land and insufficient food production in relation to the growing population. However, there is evidence of villages and farms surviving the crisis by adapting to new conditions through the development of sustainable structures. Studying the literature from a resilience theoretical perspective, this paper discusses existing opportunities to study the agrarian crisis, opening avenues for future research. More specifically, this study contributes to the literature by examining studies on abandoned and surviving farms from Jämtland, Östergötland, Småland, Värmland and Skåne, concerning the interpretive possibilities of the farm's survival. The results suggest that Medieval archaeology excels in increasing knowledge about human behaviour and the relationship to the environment from a long-term perspective. Resilience theory can provide an interdisciplinary framework, increasing the understanding of social-ecological systems, therefore ensuring the sustainability of ecosystem services. Moreover, the findings of this thesis suggest that pollen analysis and dendrochronology are commonly used in research on the agrarian crisis. The methods reveal that common survival strategies consisted of introducing less labour-intensive farming methods or taking over the lands of desolate farms. Additionally, farms that had access to natural resources, cooperated with other farms on open land and had larger households most often survived the crisis.

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