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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moder, trälinna eller sköldmö? : en undersökning av vikingakvinnans roll i populärkultur / Mother, slave or shieldmaiden? : a study of Viking women in popular culture

Fogelström, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur vikingakvinnan framställs i två stora populärkulturella medier. Detta för att närmare förstå vilken bild som förmedlas via film och skönlitteratur, och i förlängningen vad som når den stora publiken. De fyra populärkulturella titlar som undersöktes valdes ut på grund av deras popularitet samt att de ger analysen ett större tidsspann. Dessa fyra titlar var Vikingarna (Fleischer, 1958), Vikingablot (1995), Tusenårsriket (Gulløv, 2019) samt The Northman (Eggers, 2022). Analysmetoden utgjordes av både kvantitativ samt kvalitativ analys för att säkerställa att resultatet blev så empiriskt och uttömmande som möjligt. Den kvalitativa analysen bestod av frågor att besvara medan den kvantitativa utgick från frågor i tabellform. Båda analysmetoderna byggde på könsnormativa nyckelord. Den kvantitativa analysen visade på androcentrism, ett manligt fokus, men även på att kvinnor filmtekniskt inte missgynnas. Den kvalitativa analysen identifierade flertalet stereotypa element, men samtidigt även sådant som inte befäste normativa könskonstruktioner. Fem kvinnoroller identifieras; Trälinnan, Nornan, Sköldmön, Modern och Frillan. Dessa kan kombineras, med undantag Trälinnan. Dessutom identifieras vilka aktiviteter som vikingakvinnor upplevs utföra i de utvalda populärkulturella medierna samt vilken social ställning kvinnor upplevs ha i dessa framställningar av vikingatid. Slutsatsen blir att då kvinnan inte upplevs äga sin egen kropp kommer hennes sociala ställning aldrig att vara annan än låg, oavsett andra statusindikationer. / This paper took a closer look at the gender roles within popular culture that portraits the Scandinavian Viking age. Both a quantitative and a qualitative analysis was used to identify the roles that Viking women play in the chosen novels and movies. The analysis was able to detect five different roles and several activities performed by Viking women in the novels and movies, along with the conclusion that the women’s social status is low since they never are in power of their own bodies.

Alvastra pålbyggnad och den mellanneolitiska keramiken

Johansson, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
This paper deals with the ceramics of Alvastra pile dwelling. The main question are what the ceramics represent, what it was used for, if it was manufactured in the pile dwelling and if there is any resemblance to other places of interest. The essay uses ceramic material from shaft F and the Western shaft. The result shows four different ceramic groups, a few probably made in the pile dwelling and the purpose was food storage and offering.

Stenbruk : Stenartefakter, råmaterial och mobilitet i östra Mellansverige under tidig- och mellanmesolitikum

Gustafsson Gillbrand, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines artefacts, raw materials and lithic technology between c. 9200–6200 cal BC in Eastern Central Sweden. The overall purpose of this study is to investigate when people first came to Eastern Central Sweden and where they came from. More precisely, it provides a typological, geo­graphical and chronological survey of artefacts and the use of different raw materials. The study deals with assemblages with artefacts from more than thirty archaeologically excavated sites and loose finds in Eastern Central Sweden. The objects consist of chubby pecked axes, core axes, flake axes, shaft hole picks, microliths and micro burins, points, burins, rulers, uni­facial blade core, conical cores, micro blade cores, blades, drills, re­touched blades and micro blades. The artefacts have been compared with established typologies and chronologies for the rest of the Nordic countries and to some extent Russia and the Baltic States. An analysis of different raw mater­ials present at Early and Middle Mesolithic sites in Eastern Central Sweden was also carried out. The materials are put into a chronological and geo­graphical context. The raw materials included in the study are the non-local rocks flint and Cambrian flint, as well as local raw materials such as quartz, greenstone, local vulcanite, mylonite and red porphyry. From 9200 cal BC there is evidence of the first groups of people in the area, just shortly after that the Weichselian ice cap had withdrawn. Throughout the period studied the artefacts as well as the non-local raw materials exhibit great similarities to those found in the western part of Sweden. The study also shows, regar­ding the use of different raw materials and presence of certain artefacts, that some major events took place, suggesting a new chronological time frame for the Early- and Middle Mesolithic periods. In addition, a discussion re­gar­­ding mobility and migration in Eastern Central Sweden during Early Post Glacial time is carried out.

Barn födda utanför äktenskap : Komparativ studie mellan Öckerö och Styrsö / Children born out of wedlock : Comparative study of Öckerö and Styrsö

Strandberg, Mona January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates children born out of wedlock. It is based on birth – and baptism records from two island on the west coast in Sweden, named Styrsö and Öckerö. The essay is divided in three different periods in the intervals between 1860-1945. It’s a comparative study between the islands and the aim is to research how many children are illegitimate and if these children have a known or unknown fader. Its later compered to each other and the national statistic in Sweden.  The result of the study is that the islands have a low number of children born out of wedlock compared to the national statistics. The theory that is applied on the study is social control and social vulnerability. Both islands have little too no contact to the mainland and the strict rule of the orthodox religion has an impact on controlling the people but is later questioned by the free churches that currents on the island in the 1870th century. The social vulnerability starts with the mother for even having a relationship or sexual intercourse out of wedlock and then when the child is born it doesn’t have the same prerequisites as the children born with parents that are married.

Ogift mor, ogift för alltid? : En studie om ogifta mödrar i nordöstra Sunnerbo härad och sydöstra Västbo härad 1940–1949 / Unmarried mother, unmarried forever? : A study about unmarried mothers in northeast Sunnerbo district and southeast Västbo district 1940-1949

Axelsson, Clara January 2022 (has links)
In this essay I have studied seventy-five unmarried mother’s lives in northeast Sunnerbo district and southeast Västbo district in Småland 1940-1949. The aim was to study to which extend the unmarried mothers later become married women. The purpose was also to investigate to which extend the unmarried mothers gave birth to more illegitimate children. The eights parishes minutes of the Child Welfare Board has been one of the study’s main material. One of the main questions in this study were to examine if the unmarried women were mentioned in the minutes and if so, to see what were written about them. The eight parishes birth- and baptismbooks and the Swedish deathbook also constituted as the study’s material. The study shows that only seven of the seventy-five mothers didn’t get married. The mother’s expectancy was 77,4 years and five of the mothers gave birth to two illegitimate children between 1940-1949. I have found that twenty-five women are mentioned in the minutes of the Child Welfare Board. In most cases the unmarried mother has applied for maternityhelp and have been given an amount of money for maintenance of the illegitimate child. In some cases, women has received money to pay care fees such as fees for dentalcare or for orphanages.

Christian Storjohann, Agitatorn och fredsmäklaren : Lockouten 1928 och förberedelsen till 1932 konflikt på pappersbruket Billerud AB / Christian Storjohann, The Agitator and the Peacemaker : The 1928 Lockout and the Preparation for the 1932 Conflict at the Billerud AB Paper Mill

Rogne, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Christian Storjohann, a leading figure in the Swedish paper and pulp industry during the early 20th century, was at the heart of significant labor conflicts at Billerud AB in 1928 and 1932. These conflicts reflect not only the industrial and social tensions of the time but also an evolution in views on labor relations and conflict resolution. This work aims to explore the changes in Storjohann's actions and attitudes between these conflicts to understand the broader changes in labor market dynamics during the period. Both in light of individual actors' decisions and the broader societal and economic changes. Storjohann's case illustrates how external events like the Ådalen shootings and internal dynamics within organizations like SAF can lead to significant strategy shifts for individual actors. It also highlights the importance of economic circumstances, where Billerud's specific situation with the transition to artificial silk pulp production both enabled and motivated a different strategy than what had previously been applied. The analysis of the material also emphasizes how media and public discourse can influence and shape actors' perceptions and strategies. Storjohann's actions and rhetoric cannot be seen in isolation from the political and social climate of the time, where fear of communism and a quest for industrial peace were central themes. This reminds us of the importance of considering, in the analysis of social movements, not just the internal dynamics of the involved actors but also how external factors like media reporting and broader political currents affect their scope for action and strategic choices. Applying Charles Tilly's theory to Storjohann's actions and the broader industrial relations in Sweden during the early 20th century offers a nuanced understanding of how labor market actors navigate a complex landscape of interests, values, and power structures. It highlights how historical cases of labor market conflicts can provide insights for contemporary issues around labor relations, negotiation tactics, and conflict resolution. My research thus contributes to a deeper understanding of the long-term processes behind the development of the labor market and the strategies that actors use to navigate this development.

Grave Expectations : Delving into Three Graves Interpreted to Have a Familial Connection at St. Hans / Gravsatta Förväntningar : Utforskandet av tre gravar tolkade att ha enfamiljär koppling vid S:t Hans

Johansson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, three individuals were analysed from the medieval church St. Hans in Visby, Sweden. The three individuals were interred within the older graveyard of ‘All-Saints’ Church’. The burial of multiple individuals in a single grave was considered exceptional due to its deviation from standard burial rituals. The archaeological report suggested a familial connection among the buried individuals, with individual 13 initially buried in a wooden coffin, followed by individual 10 laid atop the coffin, and individual 9 subsequently laid atop individual 10. The study focused on non-metric traits, in these three individuals. Non-metric traits of the skeleton encompass features with a presumed genetic basis, which can also be influenced by external environmental factors and internal physiological conditions. These traits, categorised into dental, cranial, and post-cranial traits, were typically employed to investigate population affinities and aid in forensic identification. However, their genetic nature also can render them useful for examining familial relationships. Despite their potential, utilising non-metric traits to ascertain familial relationships posed challenges. These challenges included data quality, stratigraphic association, and data gaps in the St. Hans material. Understanding these constraints was crucial for determining the reliability of non-metric traits as a tool for familial analysis. / I denna uppsats har tre individer analyserats från den medeltida kyrkan S:t Hans i Visby, Sverige. De tre individerna var gravsatta i den äldre begravningsplatsen som tillhörde Allhelgonakyrkan. Begravningen av flera personer i en och samma grav betraktades som exceptionell på grund av avvikelsen från standardbegravningsritualer. Den arkeologiska rapporten föreslog en släktskaplig koppling mellan de begravda individerna, där individ 13 initialt begravdes i en träkista, följt av individ 10 som lades ovanpå kistan, och individ 9 som därefter lades ovanpå individ 10. Studien fokuserade på icke-metriska egenskaper hos dessa tre individer. Icke-metriska särdrag I skelettet omfattar drag med en möjlig genetisk grund, som också kan påverkas av externa miljöfaktorer och interna fysiologiska förhållanden. Dessa egenskaper, kategoriseras som dentala, kraniala och post-kraniala egenskaper, användes vanligtvis för att undersöka populationsaffiniteter och bistå vid rättsmedicinsk identifiering. Trots deras potential utgjorde användningen av icke-metriska egenskaper för att fastställa släktskapsrelationer utmaningar. Dessa utmaningar inkluderade datorkvalitet, stratigrafisk sammanslutning och dataluckor i materialet från S:t Hans. Att förstå dessa begränsningar var avgörande för att fastställa tillförlitligheten hos icke-metriska egenskaper som ett verktyg för släktanalyser.

A Decorative Defence : Apotropaic magic in Roman baths / Ett Dekorativt Försvar : Apotropaisk magi i romerska bad

Spencer, Sean January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between apotropaic decorations, here termed as apotropaic devices, and the architectural layout of an average Roman bathhouse. Moreover, to argue for the hypothesis that there was an apotropaic decorative program, i.e. an intentional plan for the placement of apotropaic devices within a Roman bathhouse. A sample of decorations are analysed, specifically 16 mosaics which constitute the main material, which is divided into three categories, namely, labyrinth, geometric/grid and Gorgon mosaics. Along with these there is supplementary material, namely, three freestanding sculptures (one hunchback and two herms) and two mosaics with inscriptions (One Greek and one Latin, both with a phallus symbol). The material is analysed with a modified phenomenological framework in mind, focusing on the experience which a bather might have had of the decoration itself and the room/space in which it was placed. Moreover, in order to argue for this hypothetical decorative program, this study constructs a hypothetical plan/map of an average Roman bathhouse based on the analysed material. The results gained from the analysis reveal patterns that seem to indicate a deeper intentionality than mere aesthetic appeal, and in turn these patterns seem to indicate, when viewed via our conceptual plan/map, some sort of apotropaic defence of Roman bathhouses. Thus, these results seem to lend credence to the hypothesis of an apotropaic decorative program. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka förhållandet mellan apotropeiska dekorationer, här kallade apotropeiska anordningar, och den arkitektoniska utformningen av ett genomsnittligt romerskt badhus. Vidare syftar studien till att argumentera för hypotesen att det fanns ett apotropaiskt dekorativt program, det vill säga en avsiktlig plan för placeringen av apotropeiska anordningar i ett romerskt badhus. Ett urval av dekorationer analyseras i studien, närmare bestämt 16 mosaiker som utgör huvudmaterialet, som är indelat i tre kategorier, nämligen labyrint, geometrisk/rutnät och Gorgon mosaik. Utöver dessa analyseras kompletterande material såsom tre fristående skulpturer (en puckelrygg och två hermer) och två mosaiker med inskriptioner (en grekisk och en latinsk, båda med fallossymbol). Materialet analyseras med en modifierad fenomenologisk ram i åtanke, med fokus på den upplevelse som en badgäst kan ha haft av själva utsmyckningen och rummet/utrymmet där den placerades. I syfte att argumentera för detta hypotetiska dekorativa program konstruerar denna studie en hypotetisk plan/karta över ett genomsnittligt romerskt badhus baserat på det analyserade materialet. Resultaten från analysen avslöjar mönster som tycks indikera en djupare intentionalitet än enbart estetiskt tilltalande. I sin tur verkar dessa mönster indikera, när de ses via studiens konceptuella plan/karta, något slags apotropeiskt försvar av romerska badhus. Således verkar dessa resultat ge trovärdighet åt hypotesen om ett apotropeiskt dekorativt program.

Placement verbs in Earlier Egyptian : A functional semantic analysis of the verbs wAH, wd(i), and rdi / Placeringsverb i tidig fornegyptiska : En funktionell semantisk analys av verben wAH, wd(i) och rdi

Perón Flodström, Mirka January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to semantically analyse the use of the three placement verbs wAH, wd(i), and rdi in Earlier Egyptian to investigate the nuances and development of the process of ‘placing’ in the language. A mixed methods approach was employed in the study using Systemic Functional Linguistics as the theoretical framework. The results show that the three verbs have distinct semantic profiles. The use of wd(i) and rdi changes after the Old Kingdom, whereas wAH remains more or less the same denoting a downward movement of the Goal. One of the verbs – wd(i) in the Old Kingdom and rdi after that – functions as a more general and frequent verb, although wd(i) already in the Old Kingdom shows a specific nuance of ‘firm placing’. Additionally, rdi is rare as a placement verb in the Old Kingdom, after which it is semantically bleached and becomes the general placement verb of the language. At the same time, the use of wd(i) diminishes.  Furthermore, the process of ‘placing’ in Earlier Egyptian tends to only include the participants Actor, Goal, and Location, whereas the other circumstances of the process are often more or less implicit. Consequently, the nuances of the process of ‘placing’ – especially with rdi after the Old Kingdom – can be interpreted from the combination of the participants and the co(n)text of the process as a whole. / Syftet med denna studie är att semantiskt analysera användningen av de tre placeringsverben wAH, wd(i) och rdi i tidig fornegyptiska för att undersöka nyanserna och utvecklingen av processen ”att placera” i språket. I studien användes en blandad metod med Systemisk Funktionell Lingvistik som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultaten visar att de tre verben har distinkta semantiska profiler. Användningen av wd(i) och rdi förändras efter Gamla riket, medan wAH förblir mer eller mindre oförändrat och betecknar en nedåtgående rörelse av Goal. Ett av verben – wd(i) i Gamla riket och rdi därefter – fungerar som ett mer allmänt och frekvent verb, även om wd(i) redan i Gamla riket uppvisar en specifik nyans av ”fast placering”. Dessutom är rdi sällsynt som placeringsverb i Gamla riket, varefter det semantiskt bleks och blir språkets allmänna placeringsverb. Samtidigt minskar användningen av wd(i).  Därutöver tenderar processen ”att placera” i tidig fornegyptiska att endast omfatta deltagarna Actor, Goal och Location, medan de övriga omständigheterna är mer eller mindre implicita. Följaktligen kan nyanserna i processen ”att placera” – särskilt med rdi efter Gamla riket – tolkas utifrån kombinationen av dess deltagare och ko(n)texten i sin helhet.

Tiden mellan häll och borg : En datering av fornborgar i Västmanland med hjälp av hällristningar och forna strandlinjer / The time between rock art and hillfort

Törnberg Goldring, Christian January 2024 (has links)
Det finns två huvudområden för hällristningar i Västmanlands län med nära relation till de forntida strandlinjerna. I båda dessa områden finns det fornborgar som hittills inte har daterats. Syftet är att datera Näsborgen och Kastena Skans i östra och västra Västmanland genom att använda geografiska informationssystemet QGIS och forntida strandlinjedata hämtad från Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU). Dessutom betraktas fornborgarna ur ett landskapsperspektiv och deras relation till hällristningar och skärvstenshögar som styrker en bronsåldersdatering för dessa fornborgar. Analysen använder tidigare bekräftade bronsåldersdateringar av tre fornborgar i Uppland som referens för Västmanlands fornborgar och överblickar andra närliggande fornborgar. Både Näsborgen och Kastena Skans konstateras vara konstruerade under bronsåldern. / There are two main areas of rock art in Västmanland county with a close relation to the ancient shorelines. In both areas, there are hillforts that have not yet been dated. The aim is to date Näsborgen and Kastena Skans in eastern and western Västmanland by using the geographic information system QGIS and ancient shoreline data obtained from Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU). Additionally, the hillforts are considered from a landscape perspective and their relation to rock art sites and heaps of fire-cracked stones, which support Bronze Age datings for these hillforts. The analysis uses previously confirmed Bronze Age datings of three hillforts in Uppland as a reference for the hillforts in Västmanland and provides an overview of other nearby hillforts. Both Näsborgen and Kastena Skans are determined to have been constructed during the Bronze Age.

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