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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knyga - laiškas žmonijai / Book - Letter to Mankind

Pakalniškytė, Jolanta 16 January 2006 (has links)
The master’s thesis titled “Book – Letter to Mankind” may be characterised as having an unexpected solution of depicting a letter. The collection comprises various art techniques of leather work including the author’s technique. The works are distinguished by their novelty, the delicate thematic solution and the application of aesthetic qualities of used materials. The principal object of the collection is the book as a letter bearing its own history, the interrelation between a man and a letter and an attempt to express this idea within the creative activity. It is a three-piece collection aiming at the development of the main idea “Book – Letter to Mankind”. The collection of works was performed with the reference to the trends of Conceptualism. The used materials include natural leather, pasteboard, textile, blocks of old books and few auxiliary materials. The reference was made to the works of conceptual art as well. After the analysis of the topic through the creative process and theoretical research the author of this master’s thesis came to the conclusion that any object bearing some information of mankind could be qualified as a letter.

Mozaika "Improvizacija liaudies skuptūrų motyvais" / Mosaic "Interpretation on the movies of folk sculpture"

Lekavičius, Alfonsas 17 January 2006 (has links)
Mosaic "Interpretation on the motives of folk sculpture". It is a monument work of art intended for a particular architectural interior.Master's final project is a subtle and conceptual attitude towards old traditions and their application to contemporary environment by interpreting them. Such seeking of contemporary solutions based on ethnical symbols ensures continuity of traditions and corresponds to professional, contemporary and artistic attitude towards the development of creation.

Plastiniai menai interneto svetainėse / The plastic art forms of internet pages

Bačiulis, Mindaugas 18 January 2006 (has links)
The plastic art forms of internet pages.

Erdvinių kompozicijų piešimo mokymas dailės pamokose kaip paauglių vizualinio suvokimo ugdymo prielaida / Teaching of drawing spatial compositions at the fine arts lesson like a premise of teenager`s visual apprehension

Jakučionytė, Lina 24 June 2006 (has links)
Conception of visual perception reveals the importance of binding intellection, apprehension and expression elements in the artistic training process. As the goal of upbringing is defined as the pursued reason and implicit result of activity, visual apprehension becomes an important tool in pursuit of not only implicit but also concrete results. Problem: Separation from concrete knowledge and their–conditioned practical activity distunes learners’ understanding of artistic activity and hinders development of common artistic sophistication, which in length of time slackens learners’ interest in arts and desire to continue learning. These issues are especially relevant in adolescence period (at the age of 12–14 years), when pupils get able to critically assess their drawings and are no longer satisfied with childish drawing schemes. Children of this age often come to the conclusion that they can’t draw, so they stop drawing at all. Research subject: influence of learning to draw spatial compositions upon visual apprehension of teenagers. Research goal: determination of influence of learning to draw spatial compositions upon visual apprehension of pupils of the 8th class. Hypothesis: Visual apprehension of teenagers will be nurtured more efficiently if training process involves drawing spatial compositions, based on practical application of skills developed. Tasks set before the study: 1) Overview of visual apprehension and visual expression issues as referenced in art... [to full text]

Transformuojami baldai / Transformable furniture

Kavaliauskaitė, Ieva 10 January 2007 (has links)
Transformable Furniture Master’s Degree Work The theme of the Master’s degree work - “Transformable Furniture” – is a topical issue these days, because the problem of irrational and tasteless furniture as well as interiors still exists. After analysing theories of the development of contemporary material environment as well as philosophical and artistic theories and attitude through the prism of the art and science proportion, the conception of the art playfulness, tendencies of the development of furniture and interior installations, assortment and principles of the creation and art conception as well as ergonomic laws, declared by the Functionality, the Constructivism, the concept of the Master’s degree work was formed, theoretical description was prepared and the universal, transformable furniture of 98 sq. m., designed for the interior was created; it enables to plan the dwelling space rationally and creatively. The project is composed from eleven main objects with continuous transformable modifications of the furniture for individual space. The project is presented on fourteen plane-tables with detailed schemes of each object, visualisations of their position in the interior. Three-dimensional models of each object are presented following a chosen scale of M 1 : 10. After the analysis of theoretical sources and their application in the project, the conclusions were made: transformable furniture enables to form the mobile as well as playful individual space... [to full text]

Kraujotaka / Bleeding

Jasaitytė, Žaneta 15 January 2007 (has links)
It is new experimental graphic work, made by installation , mixed graphic technology’s and music. The important view of work is presentation of idea. “bleeding”-is process of microcerculaishen spreader of metaphysical energy, is like autonomic world, but depends of mikro and macro humming.The abstrakt world becomes understanding just resettlement in the whole.

"Klastotė" / "Fake"

Gavutienė, Jurgita 15 January 2007 (has links)
The counterfeit phenomenon was analyzed in this magisterial work, and was interpretation made of it. In any museum appears to discover some forgeries that can be clarified only with time though time can veil it. Forgeries are made usually by faired people who lengthened manner or style of one or another famous artist. On one glance to history is clear, that the phenomenon of adulteration is popular in these quarters, where finances and profit are in hand also in the world of art. This phenomenon does not passes neither history nor politics. Some myths and legends are so vital, that it can encourage the modern man to a fantasies, that embolden to falsification of a facts. The rigging is not only material wealth, but intellectual property can be rigged too. Though the religious society declaring Christian moralities speak against any inferiority or lying and cheating, there are facts of its members can not resist a temptation to firm up their positions in peoples harts by invoking worldly unfair games. The erect hypothesis approved there for the proposition can be made that so widely spread forgery is not popular as a peace of art itself. There is gathered and systematized information allows to make an abstract opinion on forgery in this magisterial work. The oeuvre part of this magisterial work “Fake” is important up to date this theme was not used as artificial expression, there for it can become not only an object of exhibitions, but perform the social function:... [to full text]

Vidinė kompozicija / Internal composition

Norkutė, Asta 17 January 2007 (has links)
Holy circle whereat invoke waried in symbol and forms, people superimpose their understanding of life, therein lies phenomenon, secret force. Mandala – wayfaring to centre of a periphery, from emotions and minds topsyturvy to unseen poise, pivot, self. A symbol of mandala – eternal thought, fence in everlasting. Formation, transformation. Conceive symbol, to see him inly sight. They quasi to create the inne link power, the thank to event ones own interior reality. Aburden of my graphic collection ,,Internal composition” l created meditations space. Major only purposeis graphic creation whiteness, sublime.

Magistrinis darbas Darbų ciklas “Retromobilis” - aerografijos technika / Master of arts dissertation Cycle of artworks “Retrocar” in airbrushing technique

Juodžiukynas, Tadas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvoje aerografijos technologija daugiausiai taikoma transporto priemonių puošybai, tačiau aerografija turi neribotas pritaikymo galimybes. Norint tai įrodyti, nuspręsta sukurti darbų ciklą laisvalaikio ir pramogų centrui “Havana”. Darbų ciklas išsiskiria tuo, kad jis atliktas aerografijos technologijos pagalba ir panaudojamas interjero kūrime. Darbų kūrybiniame procese naudojami skaidrūs „Candy“ dažų koncentratai, kurių spalvinių tonų gama, panaudojimo galimybės padeda sukurti erdvės gilumo įspūdį ir suteikia daugiau realistiškumo. Kuriant darbus klubo interjerui buvo svarbu ne tik patenkinti užsakovo, bet ir būsimų lankytojų lūkesčius. Darbų ciklas „Retromobilis“ turi tapti pagrindiniu akcentu, papildančiu jau esamą klubo „Havana“ interjero tematiką, įsilieti į aplinką sukuriant harmoningą visumą. Aerografija ypač tinka fotografinio tikslumo piešiniams atlikti. Vadinasi - ir optinėms apgaulėms ir nekaltiems meniškiems pokštams, kurie itin žavi ir gali būti subtiliai pritaikyti interjere. Atlikdamas šį teorinį darbą paaiškinau aerografijos technologijos pagrindinius principus, taip pat pateikiau informacijos apie naudojamas medžiagas, jų ypatybes bei savybes. Atlikdamas praktinį darbą, įgyvendinau savo idėjas, tuo pačiu, kaip ir su kiekvienu nauju darbu įgijau dar daugiau patirties, kuri man pravers ateityje. / Airbrush painting is an art like any other, requiring talent and skill. But it is also a technology that, more than ather art forms, calls for technical mastery of equipment used in the process. Every day airbrush artists develop new groundbreaking airbrushing techniques as they refine and experiment with their medium and pass along their knowledge by practice work. As in Lithuania it is common practice – airbrushing is mostly used on cars and motorcycles or helmets. But in my opinion, airbrushing technology has unlimited possibilities, because it’s good to use on various surfaces. Airbrush technique is the freehand manipulation of the airbrush, medium, air pressure and distance from the surface being sprayed in order to produce a certain predictable result on a consistent basis with or without shields or stencils. Creating the cycle of artworks, named “Retrocar”, for the “Havana” night club, I found one of the way to use airbrushihg technology in the interior. And by doing the theoretical part of the work, I’d explained how does the technology works.

Relationship between the image and the identity of a person in contemporary Lithuanian photography / Žmogaus atvaizdo ir identiteto santykis šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos fotografijoje

Pabedinskas, Tomas 04 December 2009 (has links)
At the end of the 20th century, significant changes occurred in Lithuanian photography: a certain part of photography relinquished earlier traditions of Lithuanian photography and did not conform to the conventional criteria of artistry of photography altogether. Photographers and other artists abandoned expressive visual form and humanist content, which had dominated Lithuanian photography since 1960s, and came up with featureless photography suggesting a reflective approach towards a person and his or her environment. Such photography transcended relatively narrow boundaries of artistic photography and became a part of the Lithuanian and international contemporary art scene. At the same time the theme of personal identity gained importance in Lithuanian photography. The works of Lithuanian photographers and artists of the young generation encouraged critical look at the stereotypes of personal identity as well as the role of photography itself in the shaping of such stereotypes. Authors of contemporary photography began to treat personal identity not as a natural feature recorded in pictures, but as a problematic phenomenon. The dissertation analyses the works of Lithuanian authors, created from the second half of the 1980s to this day. The goal of the thesis is to define different creative tactics used by Lithuanian authors as well as to reveal different versions of the relationship between the image and the identity of a person in photography. This goal is achieved by... [to full text] / Baigiantis XX amžiui, Lietuvos fotografijos mene išryškėjo svarbūs pokyčiai: dalis tuomet sukurtos fotografijos netęsė ankstesnių Lietuvos fotografijos tradicijų ir apskritai neatitiko įprastų fotografijos meniškumo kriterijų. Fotografai ir kiti menininkai, atsiriboję nuo ekspresyvios vaizdinės formos ir humanistinio turinio, dominavusių lietuviškoje fotografijoje nuo XX a. septintojo dešimtmečio, ėmė kurti neišraiškingos formos, refleksyvų požiūrį į žmogų ir jo aplinką skatinančią fotografiją. Tokia fotografija, peržengus sąlyginai siauras meninės fotografijos ribas, tapo Lietuvos ir tarptautinės šiuolaikinio meno scenos dalimi. Tuo pačiu metu Lietuvos fotografijoje tapo svarbi asmens tapatybės tema. Jaunosios kartos lietuvių fotografai ir menininkai savo darbais provokavo kritišką žvilgsnį tiek į asmens identiteto stereotipus, tiek į pačios fotografijos vaidmenį jų formavime. Šiuolaikinės fotografijos kūrėjai žmogaus identitetą ėmė traktuoti ne kaip nuotraukose užfiksuotą duotybę, bet kaip problemišką reiškinį. Disertacijoje analizuojamos nuo XX a. devinto dešimtmečio antros pusės iki šių dienų sukurtos lietuvių autorių fotografijos. Vadovaujantis nauju teoriniu požiūriu, pagrįstu šiuolaikinės fotografijos sampratos ir performatyvumo teorijos sinteze, siekiama apibūdinti skirtingas lietuvių autorių kūrybinės taktikas ir tuo pačiu atskleisti skirtingus žmogaus atvaizdo ir identiteto santykio fotografijoje variantus. Disertacijoje taip pat apibrėžiama Lietuvos šiuolaikinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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