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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unga vuxna med Aspergers syndrom : Vad främjar etablering på arbetsmarknaden? / Young adults with Aspergers syndrome : What promotes establishment in the labor market?

Löjdmark, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund; Arbetslösheten är högre för personer med funktionsnedsättningar än i befolkningen i övrigt. Personer med Neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF) har svårigheter att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Syfte; Beskriva stödinsatser för unga vuxna med Aspergers syndrom (ASD) för att kunna etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Metod; En litteraturöversikt har gjorts där 10 stycken vetenskapliga artiklar har analyserats och utgjort resultatet.  Resultat; Studien har delats upp i fyra olika teman (tidsaspekten, samordning av insatser, stöd som finns och stöd som saknas) vilket belyser vilka stödinsatser som finns, och vilket stöd som efterfrågas för personer med ASD Diskussion; Personer med ASD har komplexa behov av stöd och stödet är effektivast när det individualiseras. Samordning mellan olika aktörer tillsammans med individen och icke tidsbegränsat stöd efterfrågas i större omfattning för att öka chanserna till etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Slutsats; Etableringen på arbetsmarknaden för unga vuxna med ASD kan förbättras genom individanpassat, samordnat och icke tidsbegränsat stöd. Nyckelord; Aspergers syndrom (ASD), arbetsmarknad, etablering, stöd, unga vuxna / Background; Unemployment is higher for people with disabilities than in the rest of the population. People with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF) have difficulties in establishing themselves in the labor market. Purpose; Describe support measures for young adults with Asperger's syndrome (ASD) in order to establish themselves in the labor market Method; A literature rewive was conducted in which 10 scientific articles were analyzed and discussed. Result; The study has been divided into four different themes (time aspect, coordination of efforts, existing support and lack of support), highlighting what support efforts are available and what support is requested for people with ASD Discussion; Individuals with ASD have complex support needs and support is most effective when individualized. Coordination between different actors together with the individuals and non-timelimited support is increasingly demanded to increase the chances of establishing in the labor market. Conclusion; The establishment of the young adults with ASD can be improved through personalized, coordinated and non-timelimited support. Keywords; Asperger syndrome (ASD), labor market, establishment, support, young adult

Jedinec s diagnózou Aspergerův syndrom a jeho vzdělávání / A person with diagnosis of Asperger Syndrom and his education

Matoušková, Eva January 2018 (has links)
The main ideas behind the thesis include introducing the characteristics of the disorder known as Asperger syndrome, searching for help for individuals with this disability, looking at their engagement in society, and also helping teachers prevent and deal with existing conflicts. After a short introduction of pervasive developmental disorders, I focused on Asperger syndrome. I concentrated on the issue of communication, its abnormalities, and the concept and modes of communication in the disabled. At the same time, I tried to indicate possible ways to educate people with Asperger's. The thesis also looks at integration, its conditions and forms. At the end of this part, I outlined various ways to organize education and charted the education of teaching staff in the field of pervasive developmental disorders. The empirical part looks into teachers' readiness to work with individuals with Asperger syndrome, the training they undergo when studying at university, and their practical experience. KEYWORDS: Autism, Asperger syndrome, cognition, language, speech, memory, motivation, interests, rituals, game, triad of symptoms, social relations, imagination, integration

Interculturalidade com o universo autista (Síndrome de Asperger) e o estranhamento docente

Rodriguez, Rita de Cassia Morem Cossio January 2006 (has links)
O Termo Síndrome de Asperger é utilizado para descrever uma perspectiva moderada do espectro autista, inserindo-se nos chamados Transtornos Invasivos do Desenvolvimento. Apresenta como características principais: dificuldades dos sujeitos com neologismos, linguagem recitada, função comunicativa limitada, não metaforização de situações, limitação de fantasias, preferência por ambientes domésticos, objetos pessoais e situações cotidianas, incoordenação motora, contato social pobre, rigidez de procedimentos, desorganização em situações de surpresas, inabilidade nas relações interpessoais e inteligência preservada, com áreas de interesse específicas. Pode ser considerada um tipo novo (do ponto de vista de estudos organizados) de transtorno de desenvolvimento, sendo designada como tal somente nos últimos quinze anos e inserida no DSM apenas em 1994. A presente tese apresenta como objetivos principais: compreensão do universo autista (Síndrome de Asperger) estabelecendo relações entre a clínica psicopedagógica e a práxis pedagógica; análise dos processos de escolarização, aprendizagem e ensinagem de sujeitos com Síndrome de Asperger, refletindo a cerca das propostas que se referem como inclusivas e o tensionamento docente frente à diversidade. Para tal, o trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir do estudo de quatro casos em atendimento psicopedagógico, dos quais partiram e se organizaram os recursos teóricos e as categorias de análise. A interface psicanálise - clínica psicopedagógica - práxis pedagógica justifica-se através da escuta, compreensão e construção de possibilidades nas três dimensões em que a atuação foi remontada: em relação aos sujeitos, na subjetivação, identificação e criação de espaços de vida, possibilitadores de sua inserção na cultura e da construção de um lugar próprio no mundo; em relação às famílias, na retomada das matrizes identificatórias; e, em relação ao professor, na compreensão dos processos inconscientes vividos e construção de espaços de significação para si e para os alunos. Estas proposições apresentam-se imersas no decorrer do trabalho e detalhadas na descrição dos casos, em que são delineadas as estratégias desenvolvidas e as análises conseqüentes. Sem buscar generalizações, mas generalidades, cada caso originou uma proposição teórico-prática apresentadas no desenvolvimento da tese , composta pelos capítulos: Capítulo I, introdução e localização do tema, Capítulo II, princípio metodológico que serviu de sustentação à pesquisa, Capítulo III, desenvolvimento da tese, permeada pelos recursos teóricos, categorias de análise e proposições. Capítulo IV, considerações finais. Como apêndices, descrevo o detalhamento de cada caso, bem como apresento as linhas de ação/intervenção consideradas como indicativos, por se tratarem de vidas em andamento, cujas complexidades não se esgotam em tempos definidos. / The phrase, Asperger's Syndrome, is employed to describe a moderate outlook in the autistical spectrum, inserted within the so-called Pervasive Development Disorders. The main symptoms shown are, subject's trouble with neologism handling; singsong speech; restricted communication functions; absence of situational metaphorization; fantasy limitation; marked preference for familiar environments, such as home, personal assets, and daily situations; lack of motor coordination; poor social interactions; rigidity in personal demeanor; lack of responsive organization before unexpected events; awkwardness in interpersonal relationships; and reserved intelligence turned toward specific choice areas. This can be faced as a new disturbance type [as from the viewpoint of organized studies] within the Development Disorders, as it was so designated only for the last fifteen years and also by its being entered into the MHD [Mental Health Disorders] index in 1994 alone. The herein enclosed thesis presents as its main goals, the understanding of the autistical universe [Asperger's Syndrome], as handled by the establishment of relationships between the psychopaedagogical clinical procedures and the paedagogical praxis; the analysis of schooling, learning, and teaching processes as applied to subjects presenting Asperger's Syndrome, along with a reflexive assessment of such proposals that as referred as socially inclusive and the teachers' siding before diversity. To attain same, the survey was developed from the evaluation of four case studies on psychopaedagogical care of as many subjects, from which theoretical resources and analytical categorization departed and were organized. The psychoanalysis/psychopaedagogical clinical procedures/paedagogical praxis interfaces will be justified through the listening, comprehension, and possibility-building within those three dimension in which the acting was re-staged: the subject-oriented dimension, in the life space subjectivation, identification, and creation that are meant to render feasible their insertion within a cultural environment and the setting-up of their own place within the world at large; the family-oriented dimension, inasmuch as the identifying matrices are taken up anew; and the teacher-oriented dimension, as it might be pertinent for the understanding of unconscious life processes and the creation of signification areas for themselves and the students both. All the mentioned propositions will present themselves as immersed throughout the work development as well as being detailed in each case study depiction, in which developed strategies and outstanding analyses will be spanned. Setting aside the search for generalizations but enfolding generalities, each case study has generated a theoretical-practical proposition, all of which shall be presented along thesical development. The thesis itself will be composed by the following chapters, Chapter I, Introduction and Theme Placement; Chapter II, Methodological Principles Supporting the Survey; Chapter III, Thesis Development, as Suffused by Theoretical Resources, Analytical Categories, and Propositions; Chapter IV, Final Considerations. In Appendices, each case study details are described, as well as the lines of action/intervention are presented, as far as such were considered as indicative, taking into due note that the the lives highlighted by the case studies are ongoing ones and therefo

The use of context in pragmatic language comprehension in normally developing children and children with Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism:an application of relevance theory

Loukusa, S. (Soile) 10 October 2007 (has links)
Abstract This research explored, within the framework of relevance theory, how normally developing 3- to 9-year-old children and two age groups (age 7–9 and age 10–12) of children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism (AS/HFA) and their 7- to 9-year-old control group used context when answering questions and giving explanations for their correct answers. The children were asked questions targeting the pragmatic processes of reference assignments, enrichments, routines, implicatures and feelings. They were also asked to explain their correct answers to routine, implicature and feeling questions to elicit understanding about their awareness of how they had derived the answers from the context. In normally developing children the largest increase in correct answers occurred between the ages of 3 and 4 in all question types except feeling questions, where rapid development continued until age 5. After that development progressed more gradually until the age of 8 when the children performed near the ceiling level in all of these question types. Giving explanations for correct answers developed gradually between the ages of 3 and 9, indicating that becoming aware of the information used in inferencing has a longer developmental timeframe. Children's incorrect answers and explanations showed that, as children develop, their answering strategies become more sophisticated as they increasingly utilise context in different ways. Children with AS/HFA were able to answer all the question types. However, compared to the control group, the younger AS/HFA group did less well when answering contextually demanding questions, and the performance of the older AS/HFA group fell in between the younger AS/HFA group and the control group. Both AS/HFA groups had difficulties when giving explanations for their correct answers, showing difficulty in articulating explicitly how they had used context in arriving at the correct answer. Incorrect answers and explanations indicated that, usually, all the children tried to utilise contextual information, although the attempt failed somehow. For children with AS/HFA it was more typical to continue with their answer after first giving a correct answer or explanation, which then led to an irrelevant answer, suggesting that these children had difficulties with stopping processing at the relevant point. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, kuinka normaalisti kehittyneet 3–9-vuotiaat lapset ja kaksi ikäryhmää lapsia (7–9-vuotiaat ja 10–12-vuotiaat), joilla on Aspergerin oireyhtymä tai hyvätasoinen autismi (AS/HFA) ja heidän 7–9-vuotiaista koostuva kontrolliryhmänsä, käyttivät kontekstia vastatessaan kysymyksiin ja perustellessaan oikeita vastauksiaan. Tutkimus tehtiin relevanssiteorian viitekehyksessä. Lapsilta kysyttiin pragmaattista prosessointia vaativia kysymyksiä, jotka arvioivat viittausten, epätäydellisten lauseiden, rutiinien, implikatuurien ja tunnetilojen ymmärtämistä. Lisäksi heidän tuli perustella oikeat vastaukset rutiini-, implikatuuri- ja tunnekysymyksiin, jotta nähtiin, olivatko lapset tietoisia, kuinka he olivat johtaneet vastauksensa kontekstista. Normaalisti kehittyneillä lapsilla oikeiden vastausten määrä lisääntyi nopeasti 3. ja 4. ikävuoden välillä kaikissa kysymystyypeissä. Tunnekysymyksiin vastaamisessa tämä nopean kehityksen kausi jatkui 5. ikävuoteen saakka. Tämän jälkeen kehitys jatkui hitaampana 8 vuoden ikään saakka, jolloin lapset suoriutuivat lähes kaikista kysymyksistä kaikissa eri kysymystyypeissä. Perustelujen antaminen oikeisiin vastauksiin kehittyi asteittain 3. ja 9. ikävuoden välillä, mikä kertoi, että vastauksessa käytetyn informaation tiedostamisen kehittyminen tapahtui pitemmällä aikavälillä. Lasten virheelliset vastaukset ja perustelut osoittivat, että iän lisääntyessä lasten vastausstrategiat muuttuivat kehittyneemmiksi ja he hyödynsivät kontekstia monin eri tavoin. Lapset, joilla oli AS/HFA, osasivat vastata kaikkiin esitettyihin kysymystyyppeihin. Kuitenkin nuorempi AS/HFA-ryhmä suoriutui kontrolliryhmää heikommin ja vanhemman AS/HFA-ryhmän suoriutuminen sijoittui nuoremman ikäryhmän ja kontrolliryhmän suoriutumisen puoliväliin. Molemmilla AS/HFA-ryhmillä esiintyi vaikeuksia oikeiden vastausten perustelussa, mikä kertoi vaikeudesta ilmaista, kuinka he olivat käyttäneet kontekstia oikeaan vastaukseen pääsemiseksi. Virheelliset vastaukset ja perustelut osoittivat, että yleensä kaikki lapset pyrkivät kontekstin hyödyntämiseen vaikka epäonnistuivatkin siinä. Lapsille, joilla oli AS/HFA, oli tyypillisempää jatkaa vastaamista vielä oikean vastauksen tai perustelun antamisen jälkeen, mikä lopulta johti aiheesta syrjähtämiseen. Tämä kertoi vaikeudesta lopettaa prosessointi relevantissa kohdassa.

A systematic review to assess the methodological quality of intervention research designed to increase physical activity in children with autism spectrum disorders

Winn, Jolene 01 May 2013 (has links)
In comparison to normally developing children, many children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) do not possess the same opportunities to be physically active due to the impairments exhibited by their disorder. A systematic review using the Downs and Black checklist and the PEDro scale was conducted to assess the methodological quality of the literature on promoting physical activity in children with ASD. The following inclusion criteria had to be met: (1) subjects must include children with a clinical ASD diagnosis (2) the children have to be under the age of thirteen years old (3) the interventions must target physical activity; lastly, (4) they must be a relevant peer-reviewed English language study. The search was conducted using four electronic databases: MEDLINE, ERIC, PsycInfo, and CINHL with no restriction on the publication year. The following keywords were utilized: "Autism", "ASD/ Autism Spectrum Disorder", "Asperger", "Pervasive Developmental Disorder" Those terms were paired with "physical activity", "physical exercise", "exercise", "fitness", "aerobic", "swim", "aquatic", "jog", "walk", "recreational activity" Which were also paired with the terms "school age", "child", "toddler", "preadolescent". This multi-step search procedure occurred during February 2013. The methodological quality of six studies was evaluated in February 2013. Overall, the conclusive scores determined by the Downs and and Black checklist and the PEDro scale varied greatly. The scores reported by the Downs and Black checklist ranged from 19 to 21 on a 27-point scale. PEDro scale yielded scores ranging between two and six on a 10-point scale. A vote count revealed that the exercise interventions increased the physical fitness, aquatic skills, social behaviors, and sensory integration children with ASD. In summary, the variation within the scores and the quality of the studies leads to a demand for future research.; In order to adequately determine what exercise interventions effectively increase physical activity in children with ASD, future researchers should conduct randomized controlled trials in order to produce the highest quality of evidence.


Meeks, Lisa M. 13 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Sociální status integrovaného žáka s Aspergerovým syndromem v třídním kolektivu / Social status of the integrated student with Asperger syndrome in the class

Ondráčková, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to map the issue of social integration of students with Asperger syndrome into a regular class of elementary school. The theoretical part is based on analysis of publications related to the topic. It deals with the description of the Asperger syndrome diagnosis and its symptoms, the concept of integration, mainly the integration of a student with Asperger syndrome, and the issue of classroom climate and the possibilities of its diagnostics and development. The practical part is based on the theoretical part. In it, the author focuses on the analysis of social status of integrated students with Asperger syndrome. Sociometrical techniques are combined with projective method and both are supplemented with a questionnaire for teachers and qualitative methods, primarily interviews with teachers and observation in class. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

The neuropsychological profiles of learners with Asperger Syndrome

Thijsse, Lynette Joan 08 1900 (has links)
A qualitative case study research design is used to investigate the results of a neuropsychological test battery, collated and used with four individual cases. A literature study consisting of research with respect to AS as well as neuropsychological assessments provides the theoretical framework from which existing theory is tested and expanded on. The cases are analysed individually and then by cross case analysis to ascertain any patterns of strength and weaknesses which could result in a "typical" profile of a learner with AS. Findings conclude confusions with respect to diagnostic criteria for AS and a distinction of DSM-IV-TR criteria is used. The neuropsychological test battery includes questionnaires (personal history, Gilliam Asperger's disorder scale, Conners' parent and teacher questionnaire, Dunn's sensory profile) interviews (parents, teachers), observations (classroom and playground) and formal testing (intelligence, motor functions, academic achievement, theory of mind and executive functions). Findings from the literature show similarities between AS children and children with non verbal learning disabilities. Evidence of AS differing from individuals with high functioning autism is conclusive in all previous research using theory of mind tests. Evidence from the literature shows many children had been given another diagnosis, typically ADHD, before being given the diagnosis of AS. Additional disorders such as anxiety and depression were also given. AS children had consistent difficulties with social interaction. A typical neuropsychological profile of AS is not identified, but rather a "personality type" that is dominated by anxiety and individual "quirks" of personality which affects responses to the formal test battery - thereby influencing the scores obtained. Two of the cases presented with an academic profile similar to that of a non verbal learning disability and one presented with similarities with a semantic pragmatic disorder. The thesis concludes with a proposed differentiating model of behavioural, communication and learning disorders in which AS is defined in terms of that originally described by Hans Asperger himself, and specifically treated within the education environment. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Riglyne ter bevordering van die kind met Asperger sindroom se verhouding met die portuurgroep

Horn, Mar-Jorie 30 November 2007 (has links)
Asperger Syndrome is a developmental disorder and is characterized by problems in social interaction. These problems make it difficult for the child with Asperger Syndrome to have normal relationships. This particular syndrome has an enormous impact on the development of the child in middle childhood. This study is directed by the premise that the relationship of the child with Asperger Syndrome in middle childhood with members of the peer group can be improved with the help of parents and teachers. Due to this fact, guidelines are provided. The lack of a good relationship with the peer group experienced by the child with Asperger Syndrome was formulated as the research problem. The aim of the study was to advance the relationship between the child with Asperger Syndrome in middle childhood and members of his peer group. In order to achieve this goal, qualitative research was used and semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants. The data obtained was analyzed, verified against existing literature, and used to compile the guidelines. / Asperger Sindroom is 'n ontwikkeiingsteuring en word gekenmerk deur probleme in sosiale interaksie wat normale verhoudings vir die kind met Asperger Sindroom bemoeilik. Hierdie sindroom het 'n enorme impak op die ontwikkeling van die kind in die middelkinderjare. Hierdie studie is gerig deur die uitgangspunt dat die verhouding van die kind met Asperger Sindroom in die middelkinderjare met lede van die portuurgroep verbeter kan word met hulp van ouers en onderwysers. Daarom word riglyne in hierdie studie beskryf. Die gebrek aan gesonde verhoudinge met die portuurgroep wat deur die kind met Asperger Sindroom ervaar word is as navorsingsprobleem geformuleer. Die doel van studie was om die kind met Asperger Sindroom in die middelkinderjare se verhouding met die portuurgroep te bevorder. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, is die navorsingsproses deur kwantitatiewe navorsing gerig en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met deelnemers gevoer. Die data wat bekom is kon deur middel van data-analise en literatuurkontrole aangewend word om riglyne saam te stel. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Transfert et traitement de l’information visuomotrice dans le cerveau autiste : intégrité et hétérogénéité

Brochu Barbeau, Elise 12 1900 (has links)
En plus de la triade de symptômes caractérisant l’autisme, ce trouble neurodévelopmental est associé à des particularités perceptives et motrices et, au niveau cérébral, par une connectivité atypique entre les différentes régions du cerveau. Au niveau anatomique, un des résultats les plus communs est la réduction du corps calleux. Toutefois, des effets directs de cette altération anatomique sur l’intégrité et l’efficacité du transfert interhémisphérique restent à être démontrés. Pour la présente thèse, trois différentes études investiguent différents aspects du traitement de l’information visuomotrice : le transfert interhémisphérique entre les régions bilatérales motrices et visuelles, la vitesse de traitement perceptif, et les habiletés motrices visuellement guidées. Dans la première étude, le paradigme visuomoteur de Poffenberger a été utilisé pour mesurer le temps de transfert interhémisphérique (TTIH). L’imagerie par résonnance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) et structurale ainsi que l’imagerie de diffusion ont aussi été utilisées pour étudier les réseaux cérébraux impliqués dans la tâche de Poffenberger. Les autistes ont été comparés à un groupe d’individus à développement typique. La deuxième étude avait pour but d’investiguer la vitesse de traitement perceptif en autisme. Dans la troisième étude, deux tâches motrices (Purdue et Annett) ont été utilisées pour examiner la nature et l’importance des déficits moteurs. La tâche de Purdue inclut deux conditions bimanuelles utilisées comme indice additionnel d’intégration interhémisphérique. Dans les études 2 et 3, le groupe d’autistes a aussi été comparé à un groupe d’individus Asperger afin de voir si, et comment, les deux sous-groupes peuvent être distingués en ce qui concerne le traitement visuel et les déficits moteurs. Aucune différence entre les groupes n’a été observée en termes de TTIH. Les résultats de l’étude IRMf révèlent des différences d’activations corticales en lien avec la tâche de Poffenberger. Dans les groupes d’autistes et de typiques, l’efficacité de la communication interhémisphérique était associée à différentes portions du corps calleux (frontales/motrices chez les typiques, postérieures/visuelles chez les autistes). De façon globale, les résultats de cette étude démontrent un patron atypique de transfert interhémisphérique de l’information visuomotrice en autisme, reflétant un rôle plus important des mécanismes visuels dans le comportement sensorimoteur possiblement en lien avec une réorganisation cérébrale. Les résultats des études comportementales 2 et 3 indiquent que les autistes excellent dans la tâche mesurant la vitesse de traitement perceptif alors que les Asperger accomplissent la tâche à des niveaux similaires à ceux des typiques. La nature des déficits moteurs diffère aussi entre les deux sous-groupes; la dextérité et la coordination bimanuelle est affectée chez les individus Asperger mais pas chez les autistes, qui eux sont plus atteints au niveau de la rapidité unimanuelle. Les sous-groupes d’autistes et de syndrome d’Asperger sont caractérisés par des profils cognitifs différents dont les particularités perceptives et motrices font partie intégrante. / In addition to the triad of symptoms characterizing autism, this neurodevelopmental condition is characterized by visual and motor atypicalities and, at the cerebral level, by atypical connectivity between the different brain areas. Anatomically, one of the most replicated finding is a reduction of the corpus callosum. However, evidence of a direct effect of the corpus callosum reductions on integrity and efficiency of interhemispheric transfer is lacking. Three different studies were designed to investigate different aspect of visuo-motor processing: interhemispheric transfer between bilateral motor and visual brain areas, perceptual processing speed, visually guided motor performance. In the first study, the visuo-motor Poffenberger paradigm was used to measure interhemispheric transfer time (IHTT). Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were also used to study the brain networks involved in the Poffenberger task. Autistics were compared to typically developing individuals. The second study investigates whether perceptual processing speed (Inspection Time task) is atypical in autism. In the third study, two visually-guided motor tasks (the Purdue pegboard and Annett peg moving task) were used to verify the nature and magnitude of motor deficits. The Purdue task includes two bimanual conditions used as additional measures of interhemispheric communication integrity. Moreover, in studies 2 and 3, behavioral differences between autistic and Asperger individuals were investigated in order to see if and how the two subgroups can be distinguished in terms of perceptual processing and motor deficits. No group difference was observed in terms of IHTT. The fMRI results reveal a different pattern of cortical activations associated to the Poffenberger task. In the autism and typical groups, the efficiency of interhemispheric communication was associated with different portions of the corpus callosum (frontal/premotor in typicals, posterior/visual in autistics). These results demonstrate an atypical pattern of interhemispheric visuo-motor information transfer, possibly reflecting a more prominent role of visual mechanisms guiding sensorimotor behavior in autism, related to cerebral reorganizations. Results of the behavioral studies indicate that autistics have an excellent visual processing speed while Asperger individuals performed like typicals. Motor impairments also differed between the two subgroups; dexterity and bimanual coordination was impaired in Asperger individuals but not in autistics, who presented more difficulties in unimanual conditions. Autism and Asperger subgroups are characterized by different cognitive profiles in which visual processing and motor deficits are important factors.

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