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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení motorických dovedností dětí s Aspergerovým syndromem a vysokofunkčním autismem pomocí MABC-2 / Assessment of notor stills in children with Aspuger syndrome and High - functioning autism using MABC-Z.

Nývltová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism is a form of pervasive developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication and restricted and stereotyped interests. These children are often clumsy and motor uncoordinated. They also performed worse in standardized tests of motor function. In this diploma thesis we used Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 (MABC-2) for assessment motor skills in children with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism aged 7-10 years in comparison with the group of children developing typically. Our study included 9 children with Asperger syndrome, 3 children with high-functioning autism and 64 children with typical development. Evident motor deficit (below 5. percentile) was found in 2 children with Asperger syndrome and 3 children with high-functioning autism. 1 child with Asperger syndrome was in a risk of motor deficit (6.-16. percentile). Children with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism performed significantly worse than children developing typically in a total score of this test. Significant difference was found in two components of MABC-2, in Aiming and catching (AC) and Balance (BAL). Better results reached children with typical development. Results of this study indicate that children with Asperger syndrome...

När skolan skapar problem för barnen: Om barn och ungdomar med högfungerande autism i grundskola och gymnasium

Sundell, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Autism är en funktionsnedsättning som bland annat medför svårigheter med olika kognitiva funktioner. Vanligt är bristande förmåga att tolka sociala koder, ta in och sortera information från omgivningen samt att göra abstrakta slutledningar. Autismvänlig lärandemiljö kan beskrivas som elevens möjligheter till delaktighet i skolans akademiska och sociala situationer, det vill säga en tillgänglig skola för elever med autism. Syftet var att identifiera hinder för lärande i grundskolans sociala miljö för barn och ungdomar med högfungerande autism. Genom en allmän litteraturöversikt, med utgångspunkt i den arbetsterapeutiska modellen CMOP-E, undersöktes kvalitativa studier utifrån vilka hinder som förekommer för målgruppen i grundskolan. Undersökningspersonerna var elever med autism, vuxna med autism samt föräldrar, lärare och skolpersonal till elever med autism. Nio studier som berör hinder för lärande i grundskolan för elever med autism analyserades ur ett socialt perspektiv. Resultaten som genererades visade att diagnosen medför att målgruppen blir funktionshindrad i den allmänna grundskolans klassrum och har behov av stödinsatser av varierande art och grad. Antonovskys salutogena modell beskriver att känslan av sammanhang (KASAM) är vad som upprätthåller god hälsa och välbefinnande trots sjukdom eller funktionsnedsättning. Förutsättningarna är att vardagen och de aktiviteter individen är delaktig i upplevs meningsfulla, är begripliga och hanterbara. Att utnyttja arbetsterapeutens olika verktyg och insatser skulle vara en viktig resurs inom grundskolan för att erbjuda en mer meningsfull, begriplig och hanterbar skolmiljö för elever med högfungerande autism.

Habilidades viso-perceptuais e motoras na Síndrome de Asperger / VISUAL-PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR ABILITIES IN THE SYNDROME OF ASPERGER

Rodrigues, Ida Janete 23 June 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a existência de alterações visopercepto- motoras em pacientes com a síndrome de Asperger ou T.I.D. (Transtorno Invasivo do Desenvolvimento). Para tal, foi desenhado um estudo com dois grupos de trinta sujeitos do sexo masculino entre 12 e 30 anos. Trinta desses sujeitos com a síndrome de Asperger, diagnosticados através dos critérios do DSM-IV-TR, Escala de Traços Autístiscos (ATA), apresentando QS maior ou igual a 70 através das Escalas de Comportamento Adaptativo de Vineland. Os desempenhos nas escalas foram estatisticamente estudados e comparados com os resultados dos trinta sujeitos com desenvolvimento normal. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos às provas de Imitação de Gestos de Bèrges & Lèzine, Piaget-Head, Bender, prova de Cubos das escalas Wechsler e Escala social de Pelotas. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos aos testes relacionados de maneira padronizada. A escolha dos sujeitos e aplicação dos testes foi efetuada em escolas e centros clínicos especializados. As análises dos resultados demonstram diferenças significantes e déficit na organização perceptivo viso motora dos sujeitos com a síndrome de Asperger. A análise estatística por meio do t-independente, entre os dois grupos aponta para repostas discrepantes no grupo dos Aspergers com nível de significância (p0,05/0.05) evidenciando assim, melhor desempenho global em todas as escalas aplicadas nos sujeitos do grupo controle. A complexidade que envolve as noções de percepção espacial, motricidade e ação, bem como a lateralidade mostraram-se marcantes dificuldades na população estudada, sendo necessários novos estudos, prevenção, tratamento e orientações à família e escola / This study aimed to verify the existence of visual-perceptual-motor function changes in patients with Asperger syndrome or PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder). To that objective, a study was developed with two groups of thirty male between 12 and 30 years old. Thirty of these people with Asperger\'s syndrome, were diagnosed by the DSM-IV-TR, Autistics Stroke Scale (ATA), with QS greater than or equal to 70 through the Adaptive Behavior Scales Vineland. The performance scales were statistically analyzed and compared with the results of thirty people with normal development. Both groups were tested for Imitation of gestures Bèrges & Lèzine, Piaget-Head, Bender, Cubes proof of Wechsler scales and Pelotas social scale. All people were tested in a standardized way. The choice of the people and tests application had been performed in specialized schools and clinical centers. Analyses of results showed significant differences and deficits in visual motor perceptual organization of individuals with Asperger syndrome.Statistical analysis by T-independent between the two groups points to the differing responses of the Aspergers group with significance (p 0.05 / 0.05), thus emphasizing the better overall performance on all scales applied in the control group.The complexities surrounding the notions of spatial perception and motor action as well as the handedness proved remarkable difficulties in the population studied, being necessary new studies, prevention, treatment and guidance to family and school

Avaliação craniofacial em síndrome de Asperger

Ferreira, Carla Regina Mauad de Paula 18 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carlareginamauadpaulaferreira_dissert.pdf: 1381182 bytes, checksum: 451c7414572128b78ae46256c72b0453 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-18 / The Asperger Syndrome (AS) is one of the conditions that make up the autism spectrum disorders, which are part of a group of severe psychiatric disorders are common in the general population and complex, called Pervasive Developmental Disorders. This syndrome is characterized by qualitative impairments in social interaction and restricted patterns of interest, however, there is no delay in language acquisition, speech is often pragmatic and memory is prodigious. Although most studied in neurological and behavioral context, the craniofacial phenotype is unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the cephalometric measurements for Cone Beam Computed Tomography in patients with SA, for investigation of craniofacial changes, even that may influence the masticatory and respiratory functions. Measurements were carried out craniofacial cephalometrics obtained by 3D measurement of head circumference and facial and intraoral photographs of 10 individuals with AS, which were compared with a control group comprising 10 individuals of the same sex and age. The measurements obtained were compared with standard 2D measures already in place. There were no occlusal problems, facial features or specific phenotypic abnormalities in the group with AS. Individuals with AS had more difficulty chewing hard foods. Anatomical changes in the airways, characterized as septal deviations, turbinate hypertrophy and obstruction of the frontal and maxillary sinuses were more frequent in individuals with AS. These findings may be characteristic of AS and justify the difficulty of nasal breathing and chewing reported by the group. / A Síndrome de Asperger (SA) é uma das afecções que compõem as Doenças do Espectro Autístico, que fazem parte de um grupo de doenças psiquiátricas graves, comuns na população em geral e complexas, denominado Transtornos Invasivos do Desenvolvimento. Tal síndrome se caracteriza por prejuízos qualitativos na interação social e padrões restritos de interesses, porém, não há atraso na aquisição da linguagem, a fala é pragmática e a memória muitas vezes é prodigiosa. Embora seja mais estudada no contexto neurológico e comportamental, o fenótipo crâniofacial não está esclarecido. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar medidas cefalométricas por Tomografia Computadorizada por Feixe Cônico, em pacientes com SA, para investigação de alterações craniofaciais, inclusive, que possam influenciar as funções mastigatórias e respiratórias. Foram realizadas medidas crâniofaciais obtidas por cefalometria 3D, medida do perímetro cefálico e fotografias de face e intraorais, de 10 indivíduos com SA, que foram comparadas com as um grupo controle composto de 10 indivíduos de mesmo sexo e idade. As medidas obtidas foram comparadas com medidas padrões 2D já estabelecidas. Não foram observados problemas oclusais, características ou anormalidades fenotípicas faciais específicas do grupo com SA. Os indivíduos com SA apresentaram mais dificuldade de mastigação de alimentos duros. Alterações anatômicas nas vias aéreas, caracterizadas como desvios de septo, conchas nasais hipertrofiadas e obstrução de seios maxilares e frontais, foram mais frequentes em indivíduos com SA. Estes achados podem ser característicos de SA e justificar a dificuldade de respiração nasal e de mastigação relatadas pelo grupo estudado.

Caracteriza??o de aspectos da cogni??o social, habilidades sociais e fun??es executivas de crian?as diagnosticadas com transtorno autista e transtorno de asperger

Maranh?o, Samantha Santos de Albuquerque 25 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:39:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SamanthaSAM_DISSERT.pdf: 2335718 bytes, checksum: c39ea0cf4b8a039d34d11d3360a230a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / O ano de 2013 marca o 70? anivers?rio da descri??o cl?ssica de Leo Kanner sobre o Autismo. Em 1994, na quarta edi??o do Manual Diagnostico e Estat?stico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM), o autismo foi inclu?do em uma nova classe diagn?stica denominada Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento (TGD), os quais incluem: o Transtorno Autista, Transtorno de Rett, Transtorno Desintegrativo da Inf?ncia, Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento sem outra especifica??o e o Transtorno de Asperger. O DSM apresenta crit?rios bem espec?ficos que diferenciam os TGD, no entanto, estudos m?dicos discutem se o Transtorno de Asperger (TA) comp?e o Transtorno Autista, ou se ? qualitativamente distinto. Discute-se a reduzida valida??o emp?rica dos crit?rios diagn?sticos concernentes ao TA. Nessa perspectiva, o DSM ganhou uma quinta e pol?mica revis?o no ano de 2013. A pol?mica mudan?a centra-se na substitui??o de uma an?lise diagn?stica categorial para uma abordagem dimensional, a qual evidencia que a maior parte dos problemas psicopatol?gicos da inf?ncia e adolesc?ncia manifesta-se em um cont?nuo de frequ?ncia e intensidade. Diante da mudan?a na quinta edi??o do DSM, o presente estudo deparou-se com a problem?tica identificada no ?mbito cl?nico e cient?fico, qual seja, a heterogeneidade sintom?tica presente no espectro autista e, por conseguinte, as disson?ncias no estabelecimento de caracter?sticas cl?nicas e neuropsicol?gicas do espectro. Amparado pelo legado te?rico de Luria, buscou-se clarificar o perfil da cogni??o social, comportamento, s?cio afetividade e fun??es executivas em crian?as com diagn?stico de Transtorno Autista e Transtorno de Asperger, conforme crit?rios estabelecidos pelo quarta edi??o revisada do DSM. Para operacionaliza??o dos objetivos propostos, prop?s-se estudo multicasos de seis crian?as. O processo avaliativo foi composto por anamnese com os pais, entrevista com a escola e protocolo avaliativo composto por tarefas qualitativas e instrumentos psicom?tricos. A avalia??o neuropsicol?gica realizada foi guiada pela an?lise cl?nica-processual, conforme pressuposto te?rico de Luria. No tocante aos resultados, foi poss?vel identificar dificuldades nos relacionamentos sociais e no cotidiano escolar das crian?as avaliadas. De modo interdependente, falhas na teoria da mente, nas fun??es executivas e na linguagem versam como principais fragilidades neuropsicol?gicas dos grupos cl?nicos vigentes, notadamente do grupo que comp?e o Transtorno Autista. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que a cogni??o social e a habilidade social est?o altamente relacionadas. Ainda que se reconhe?am as limita??es inerentes ? proposi??o de pesquisas neuropsicol?gicas de vertente cl?nica/s?cio hist?rica, acredita-se que o desenho metodol?gico possibilitou compreender caracter?sticas neuropsicol?gicas das crian?as avaliadas, sem limitar-se ? mera descri??o. Espera-se que pais, profissionais cl?nicos e institui??es sociais, como a escola, compreendam a forma de individua??o do TGD, antes de classificarem ou proporem tratamentos as crian?as

Vzdělávací dráha dítěte s poruchou autistického spektra plnícího povinnou školní docházku v běžné třídě základní školy / Educational life course of the child with autism spectrum disorder which is fulfilling compulsory school attendance in the regular class of primary school

Kindlerová, Františka January 2012 (has links)
Title: The educational life course of the child with autism spectrum disorder which is fulfilling compulsory school attendance in the regular class of primary school Summary: The thesis deals with issues of individual integration of children with autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability into the regular classes of primary school. The thesis reflects the fact, that the numbers of pupils with the diagnosis are constantly increasing in primary schools. The objective of this study is to determine the educational life course of the child with autism spectrum disorder which is fulfilling compulsory school attendance in the regular class of primary school and to identify risk factors and differences in the education of these children. To realize this objective method of qualitative research has been chosen - specifically, the collective case study, based on an analysis of documentation. Based on comparison of individual educational life courses of probands and the ideal educational life course that was outlined in the relevant chapter of this study, risk factors and differences in the educational life course of the children with autism spectrum disorder were identified. Among differences in the educational life course of the schoolchildren diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder the following facts...

Vzdělávání žáků na Praktické škole dvouleté / Pupil Education at Practice Two Years School

Bejšovcová, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis Education of Practical school pupils is focused on observation pupils school achievements in two key subjects, it is Food preparation and Health education. Pupils take the final theoretical and practical exams. They obtain a certificate of studies completion and food preparation for auxiliary work qualifications. The target of this work is monitoring and recording the course of the lessons and performance of these pupils. There are two pupils who are the main participants of the study. The aim of the task is to refer about possibility of rising problems and its solutions. It is about the pupils tuition with autism, moderate mental retardation and speech development by one of them and with Asperger syndrome and mild mental retardation. Through the long-term observation of both pupils in the educational process the thesis offers possible solutions and prevention of failures or complications, in getting the required key competencies pointing towards passing the final exam and getting involved in a working process or to continue at a vocational school. In the theoretical part are recorded and described the both pupils diagnosis and anamnesis, defined the terms autism, Asperger syndrome, mild and moderate mental retardation, multiple disability and structured teaching. The theoretical...

The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test - Revised Version á la Andersson & Karlsson / The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test - Revised Version á la Andersson & Karlsson

Anderssson, Jenny, Karlsson, Ellen January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test is a widely used test for measuring aspects of social cognition. The aim of the present study was to provide results from a group of typically developing Swedish children (age 9-12) and to compare these results with children and adults in other Swedish and English studies, as well as results from a group of children with Asperger syndrome. <strong>Method: </strong>A Swedish version of the child version of the test was completed by 83 controls and by six children with Asperger syndrome. Results were compared between the two groups and with data from other studies. <strong>Results: </strong>The children in the current study did not differ on scores compared to children in the same age group in other studies. The children in the current study scored significantly lower than adults in an earlier study. The results from the children with Asperger syndrome did not differ significantly to the results from the controls.</p>

The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test - Revised Version á la Andersson &amp; Karlsson / The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test - Revised Version á la Andersson &amp; Karlsson

Anderssson, Jenny, Karlsson, Ellen January 2010 (has links)
Introduction: The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test is a widely used test for measuring aspects of social cognition. The aim of the present study was to provide results from a group of typically developing Swedish children (age 9-12) and to compare these results with children and adults in other Swedish and English studies, as well as results from a group of children with Asperger syndrome. Method: A Swedish version of the child version of the test was completed by 83 controls and by six children with Asperger syndrome. Results were compared between the two groups and with data from other studies. Results: The children in the current study did not differ on scores compared to children in the same age group in other studies. The children in the current study scored significantly lower than adults in an earlier study. The results from the children with Asperger syndrome did not differ significantly to the results from the controls.

AS-bra arbetskraft : En studie om personer med Aspergers syndrom (AS) och arbete / AS good as anyone : A study of people with Asperger syndrome (AS) and work

Åslund, Anna, Edlund, Maria January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to highlight the type of actions that can facilitate people with Asperger syndrome to get and keep a job in the regular labour market. Four interviews were done with people who have been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and who got a job in the regular labour market. The study shows that efforts from society and friends at work have played a role when they had got their jobs and when they managed to keep it. The study shows that these efforts have strengthened their self-image and confidence. The study also shows that adaptations in the work, the ability to control over social contacts and the importance of having a job may have contributed to the respondents stayed in the workplace. The study also shows that counseling has played a role in the investigated people’s career development and helped them to find a job. The study draws no general conclusions when the result concerns four peoples own views.  However, the above factors have played a role for the respondents. The result cannot be interpreted to apply to all persons who have Asperger syndrome, it is important to see the individual behind the diagnosis. / Syftet med studien var att belysa vilken typ av insatser som kan underlätta för personer med Aspergers syndrom att få och behålla ett arbete på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden.  Fyra intervjuer genomfördes med personer som har diagnosen Aspergers syndrom och som har ett arbete på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Studien visar att insatser från samhället och från arbetskamrater i kombination med en egen drivkraft har haft betydelse när de respondenterna fått sitt arbete och när de klarat av att behålla det. Insatserna har stärkt självbild och självförtroende. Studien visar även att anpassningar i arbetet, möjlighet att själv styra över sociala kontakter samt betydelsen av att ha ett arbete kan ha bidragit till att respondenterna stannat kvar på sin arbetsplats. Studien visar också att studie- och yrkesvägledning har haft betydelse för respondenternas karriärutveckling samt hjälpt dem till arbete. Studien drar inga generella slutsatser då resultatet avser fyra personers egna uppfattningar. Dock konstateras att ovanstående faktorer har haft betydelse för respondenterna. Slutsatserna kan heller inte tolkas att gälla alla personer som har Aspergers syndrom, det är viktigt att se individen bakom diagnosen.

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