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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dött utrymme : En studie om olyckor i slutna utrymmen

Johansson, Viktor, Kristensson, Tommie January 2018 (has links)
Begreppet slutna utrymmen definieras som ett utrymme utan tillräcklig ventilation, som ej är utformat för kontinuerlig vistelse. Regelverk och flertalet rekommendationer gällande kraven på atmosfäriska mätningar har framtagits för att begränsa riskerna med att gå in i slutna utrymmen men ändå fortsätter olyckor att inträffa, olyckor där just atmosfären är den avgörande faktorn. Den här studien har med hjälp av analysmodellen Human Factors Analysis and Classification System – Maritime Accidents (HFACS-MA) kvalitativt analyserat 14 haverirapporter där personer har omkommit eller blivit svårt skadade på grund av syrebrist eller exponering för toxiska gaser i slutna utrymmen ombord på fartyg och sedan sammanställt resultaten för att få en bild över de främst bidragande anledningarna till olyckorna. Undersökningen har även analyserat räddningsaktionernas kvalitet på olika fartygstyper baserat på resultat från HFACS-MA analyserna och utlåtanden från haveriutredare och har även undersökt vilka förbättringar som kan göras för att räddningsaktioner i slutna utrymmen ska fungera så effektivt som möjligt. Studien fann att de främsta anledningarna till olyckor i slutna utrymmen, där just atmosfären är den avgörande faktorn, är bristande översyn från arbetsledare följt av överträdelser från den enskilde personen och problem med organisationen ombord. Resultaten pekar även på att tankfartyg har bättre räddningsorganisationer är torrlastfartyg, vilket genom jämförelse med andra studier kan härledas till att tankrederier fokuserar mer på säkerhetsledning än torrlastbranschen. Gällande förbättring av räddningsaktioner så har studien kommit fram till att besättningar borde öva mer i slutna utrymmen för att få bättre rutin på räddningsaktionerna så att dessa utförs med kunskap och träning istället för känslor och instinkt. / The term ”Enclosed space” is defined as a space with limited or no ventilation and which is not designed for continuous occupancy. Rules and several recommendations concerning the requirements for atmospheric measurements have been drafted to limit the risks involving enclosed spaces but still, accidents keep occurring, accidents where the atmosphere is the cardinal factor. This study has, with the aid of the analysis module Human Factors Analysis and Classification System – Maritime Accidents (HFACS-MA), qualitatively analyzed 14 accident reports where persons have perished or been severely injured due to lack of oxygen or exposure to toxic gases in enclosed spaces aboard ships. The results have then been compiled to get a broad picture of the most contributing causes for the accidents. The study has also analyzed the rescue operation’s quality on different types of vessels based on the HFACS-MA results and statements from the investigators and the study have also looked at what improvements can be made to ensure that rescue operations in enclosed spaces will work as effectively as possible. The study found that the most contributing causes for accidents in enclosed spaces, where the atmosphere was the cardinal factor, is the lack of supervision from supervisors followed by violations by individuals and organizational issues. The results suggest that tanker vessels have a better rescue organization compared to dry cargo vessels, which by comparison with earlier studies can be explained by the higher focus on safety management by tanker companies compared to dry cargo companies. When it comes to improving rescue operations, this study has concluded that crews should practice more in enclosed spaces in order to get a better routine so that the rescue operations are made based on knowledge and training instead of emotions and instinct.
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Utilisation des prédateurs supérieurs pour déterminer les zones d'importance pour la biodiversité : comparaison de différentes méthodes de mise en évidence de "hotspots" / Use of top predators to determine important areas for biodiversity : comparison of different methods to highlight "hotspots"

Thiers, Laurie 13 October 2014 (has links)
Les nombreuses menaces qui pèsent sur le milieu marin et les preuves d’une perte de biodiversité globale au cours des dernières décennies ont rendu indispensable la mise en place de mesures de conservation dans les années à venir. Au sein des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAFs) en particulier, qui offrent une biodiversité exceptionnelle et sont le cadre d’activités anthropiques intensives à travers les grandes pêcheries industrielles, la délimitation d’Aires Marines Protégées (AMP) serait extrêmement bénéfique pour la conservation du milieu. Pour définir les zones d’importance pour la biodiversité, qui représenteraient de bonnes candidates pour un statut d’AMP, l’utilisation des données de distribution de prédateurs supérieurs apparait idéale. En effet, leur position dans le réseau trophique en fait de bons intégrateurs des niveaux inférieurs, et de plus, ils sont facilement observables lors des campagnes d’observations et offrent des facilités pour l’équipement de dispositifs télémétriques puisqu’ils reviennent régulièrement à terre pendant la période de reproduction. Grâce à l’analyse spatiale des données de distribution obtenues pour un grand nombre de prédateurs supérieurs au sein d’écosystèmes subantarctiques aussi bien qu’en milieu tropical et grâce au développement de modèles d’habitat, nous avons ici déterminé des ‘hotspots’ de biodiversité pour les prédateurs supérieurs des TAAFs. Ces travaux pourraient ainsi servir de base aux propositions de limites pour de potentielles futures AMPs. / The numerous threats that marine environment face, coupled with the evidence for a global biodiversity loss during last decades have lead to an increasing need for setting up conservation measures. Particularly, delimiting Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) within the French Southern Territories, which are home to an exceptional biodiversity and extensive human activities through industrial fisheries, would be extremely beneficial for species conservation. In order to identify areas of ecological significance for biodiversity, which could be good MPA candidates, the use of distribution data from top marine predators seems to be ideal. Thanks to their high position in trophic network, they are likely to integrate lowers trophic level species distribution. Moreover, they are easy to observe trough at-sea observation campaigns, and easy to equip with telemetric devices thank to their central place foraging that lead them to return regularly to their colony during breeding season. Here, we analyse distribution data and develop habitat models from several top predators species in both subantarctic and tropical regions to highlight biodiversity hotspots within the French Southern Territories. This work could thus be use as a basis to define potential boundaries for a future MPA.
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Muddy waters : framing littoral maritime security through the lens of the Broken Windows theory

Tallis, Joshua January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores the growing field of study around Maritime Security. While an increasingly common sub-heading in American naval strategy documents, maritime security operations are largely framed around individual threats (i.e. counter-piracy, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics). Here, we endeavor to explore how a seemingly disparate set of transnational issues fit into a more coherent framework to give greater theoretical substance to the notion of Maritime Security as a distinct concept. In particular, we examine, as our research question, whether the Broken Windows theory, a criminological construct of social disorganization, provides the lens through which to theorize maritime security in the littorals. By extrapolating from criminology, this dissertation engages with a small but growing impulse in studies on insurgencies, terrorism, and piracy to look beyond classic theories of security to better understand phenomena of political violence. To evaluate our research question, we begin by identifying two critical components of the Broken Windows theory, multidimensionality and context specificity. Multidimensionality refers to the web of interrelated individuals, organizations, and infrastructure upon which crime operates. Context specificity refers to the powerful influence of an individual or community's environment on behavior. These two themes, as explored in this dissertation, are brought into stark relief through an application of the Broken Windows theory. Leveraging this understanding of the theory, we explore our research question by employing process-tracing and detailed descriptions across three case studies (one primary and two illustrative)—the Caribbean Basin, the Gulf of Guinea, and the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. In so doing, we demonstrate how applying the lens that Broken Windows provides yields new and interesting perspectives on maritime security. As a consequence, this dissertation offers an example of a theoretical framework that provides greater continuity to the missions or threats frequently binned under the heading of maritime security, but infrequently associated with one another in the literature.
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Räddningsarbeten i slutna utrymmen : En studie om hur övningar ombord förbereder besättningen för evakuering i slutna utrymmen / Rescue work in enclosed spaces : A study on how drills on board prepare the crew for evacuation in confined spaces

Blomquist, David, Larsson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Arbeten i slutna utrymmen är ett vanligt förekommande moment ombord på fartyg. Olyckor i samband med slutna utrymmen är tyvärr också vanligt förekommande. I många olycksfall så kan även de som ska hjälpa en nödställd i ett slutet utrymme drabbas av skador eller att dem i värsta fall mister livet. Detta resulterar i fler skadade eller omkomna än vad nödsituationen först hade. Den här studien har genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod intervjuat sex respondenter med en semistrukturerad intervju. Respondenterna bestod av sjökaptensstudenter från Sjöbefälshögskolorna i Sverige. Arbetet undersökte hur övningarna ombord på fartygen förbereder besättningen på evakuering ur slutet utrymme. Studien fann att det upplevs övas för lite inom området slutna utrymmen och att osäkerheten kring situationerna som kan uppstå är hög. Många respondenter upplevde att man inte kunde rädda någon på en tillräckligt snabb tid och att evakueringar ur slutna utrymmen är ett väldigt svårt moment. Studiens resultat tyder på en kunskapsbrist inom situationerna kring evakuering ur slutet utrymme. / Work in enclosed spaces is a common occurrence on board ships. Unfortunately, accidents associated with confined spaces are also common. In many accidents, even those who intend to help a distressed person in an enclosed space can suffer injuries or in the worst case lose their lives. This results in more people injured or killed than the emergency first had. This study has through a qualitative reaserch method, interviwed six respondents with a semi-structured interview. The respondents consisted of naval officer students from the Swedish Naval Officer Universities in Sweden. The study investigated how the exercises aboard the ships prepare the crew for evacuation from enclosed spaces. The study found that in the respondent’s experience that it is practiced too seldomly and because of that it may arise some uncertainty in those situations. Many respondents felt that they could not save anyone in a fast enough time and that evacuations from confined spaces are a very difficult task.The study’s result indicates a lack of knowledge in the situation of evacuation from enclosed spaces.
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Modélisation spatio-temporelle de l’évolution de la dengue en lien avec des prédicteurs environnementaux dans le département de Méta en Colombie entre 2011 et 2019

Berkat, Rawda 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte : La dengue est une fièvre ayant pris davantage d’ampleur dans plusieurs régions du monde à climat tropical, dont le département Méta en Colombie, un lieu endémique dans la dernière décennie. Sachant que la propagation de cette maladie est entièrement dépendante des sites de reproduction du vecteur de transmission Aedes, l’investigation de prédicteurs environnementaux les affectant nous semblait pertinente d’un point de vue épidémiologique. Notre étude vise des retombées sur un plan de surveillance de santé publique et l’élaboration de programmes basés sur des observations temporelles et spatiales. Objectifs : Décrire la distribution spatio-temporelle de la dengue dans les 29 municipalités de Méta selon des prédicteurs environnementaux, soit les précipitations, la température ambiante, la température du point de rosée et la pression au niveau de la mer dans le cadre d’une étude écologique. Méthodes : Des données de surveillance SIVIGILA, de télédétection ainsi que de recensement DANE des 29 municipalités du département de Méta entre 2011 et 2019 ont été utilisées pour étudier l’association entre la dengue et les prédicteurs environnementaux. La modélisation de ces associations a été effectuée à l’aide d’un modèle de Markov cachés à changement de régime. Résultats : Des associations positives importantes ont été détectées entre les précipitations et l’incidence de la dengue atteignant des risques relatifs élevés (RR=1.97 à El Calvario à un décalage de 5 semaines ; RR=1.61 à San Juanito à un décalage de 20 semaines). La température ambiante et la température du point de rosée ont suivi en matière de pertinence n’excédant pas des RR de 1.11 pour la maladie. Or, la pression au niveau de la mer n’a pas présenté des résultats concluants. Selon les différents aspects étudiés dans les nombreuses cartes de ce mémoire, nous avons observé une dépendance géographique répétée à l’ouest du département. Conclusion : Nos conclusions recommandent qu’une attention particulière de la santé publique doit s’imposer quant à la prévention de la dengue en saison pluvieuse dans le Meta. Les hausses des valeurs de température ambiante et de la température du point de rosée peuvent expliquer certaines augmentations de l’incidence et incitent donc à la surveillance de ces paramètres également. À noter que nos résultats ont possiblement pu être influencés par un biais d’information et un biais de confusion. / Context: Dengue is a type of fever that has significantly spread in several regions of the world characterized by a tropical climate, including the Meta department in Colombia, which seemed to be an endemic place in the last decade. Knowing that the spread of this disease is entirely dependent on the reproduction sites of the Aedes transmission vector, the study of environmental predictors affecting those sites seemed relevant from an epidemiological point of view. Our study aims to add to the knowledge that can be used for public health surveillance and program elaboration based on temporal and spatial observations of dengue patterns within the region. Objectives: To describe the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever in the 29 municipalities of Meta according to its environmental predictors (i.e. precipitation, ambient temperature, dew point temperature and pressure at sea level) within the framework of an ecological study. Methods: SIVIGILA surveillance, remote sensing and DANE census data from 29 municipalities in the Meta department between 2011 and 2019 were used to study the association between dengue fever and environmental predictors. These associations were modeled using a regime-switching hidden Markov model. Results: Significant positive associations were detected between rainfall and dengue incidence reaching high relative risks (RR=1.97 in El Calvario at a 5-week lag; RR=1.61 in San Juanito at a 20-week lag). Ambient temperature and dew point temperature followed in terms of relevance not exceeding RRs of 1.11 for disease. However, pressure at sea level did not show conclusive results. According to the different aspects studied in the many geographical maps of this thesis, we observed a repeated geographical dependence in the west of the department. Conclusion: We recommend that special public health attention should be given to the prevention of dengue fever in the rainy season in Meta. Increases in ambient temperature values and dew point temperature may explain some increases in incidence and therefore prompt monitoring of these parameters as well. It should be noted that our results may have been influenced by an information bias and confusion bias.
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Hewitt, Brett Alan 29 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

L'emploi de la force en mer

Neri, Kiara 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le droit international contemporain est placé face à un défi majeur : assurer la sécurité et laliberté des espaces maritimes alors que l’on y observe une recrudescence des activités illicitesou dangereuses. L’étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de ce défi et tente de cerner la problématiquede l’emploi de la force en mer afin de lutter contre ces activités. Elle se place alors dans lasphère du développement et de la mise en oeuvre de pouvoirs de police dans les zonesmaritimes et tente de montrer l’ambivalence de la police internationale relative à la mer. Elleest caractérisée par une double juxtaposition entre l’objet de l’emploi de la force en mer(activités illicites de personnes privées ou actes illicites des Etats) et entre les acteurs chargésde lutter contre l’illicite en mer. Elle se traduit par deux dialectiques distinctes maisétroitement imbriquées. La première, police internationale en mer et police internationale desmers, repose sur les acteurs de l’illicite et déterminera le corps de règles applicable. Laseconde, emploi de la force décentralisé et emploi de la force centralisé, met en scène lesacteurs de la police relative à la mer et permet de mettre en lumière le besoin croissant d’unegestion commune centralisée des atteintes à l’ordre des mers. / Contemporary international law is facing a great challenge: ensuring both the security and theliberty of the oceans while unlawful or hazardous activities at sea are constantly increasing.The study takes its place within this challenge and tries to shed light on the issue of the use offorce at sea in order to combat these activities. It lies within the framework of thedevelopment and the enforcement of police powers on the maritime zones and attempts to putforward the ambivalence of the international police relating to the sea. The ambivalence ischaracterized by a couple of juxtapositions, both between the object of the use of force at sea(private unlawful activities or States’ unlawful acts) and between the actors in charge of thestruggle for the safety of the oceans. It results in two distinct but closely linked dialectics. Thefirst, international police at sea and international police of the sea, relies on the actors of theunlawful acts and determines the relevant body of rules. The second, decentralized andcentralized use of force, emphasizes the increasing need for a global and shared managementof the breaches of the legal order of the sea.
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The autonomous crewmate : A sociotechnical perspective to implementation of autonomous vehicles in sea rescue

Lundblad, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
The usage of autonomous vehicles is starting to appear in several different domains and the domain of public safety is no exception. Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) has created a research arena for public safety (WARA-PS) to explore experimental features, usages, and implementation of autonomous vehicles within the domain of public safety. Collaborating in the arena are several companies, universities, and researchers. This thesis examines, in collaboration with Combitech, a company partnered in WARA-PS, how the implementation of autonomous vehicles affects the sociotechnical system of a search and rescue operation during a drifting boat with potential castaways. This is done by creating a case together with domain experts, analyzing the sociotechnical system within the case using cognitive work analysis and then complementing the analyses with the unmanned autonomous vehicles of WARA-PS. This thesis has shown how the WARA-PS vehicles can be implemented in the case of a drifting boat with potential castaways and how the implementation affects the sociotechnical system. Based on the analyses and opinions of domain experts’ future guidelines has been derived to further the work with sociotechnical aspects in WARA-PS. / WARA-PS
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La lutte contre la pollution marine en France / Prevention and control of marine pollution in France

Pantelodimou, Eirini 09 December 2013 (has links)
La mer joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation du climat et dans l'équilibre écologique. Les océans et les mers constituent une source de richesse, un immense réservoir de ressources alimentaires et d'emplois pour un grand nombre de personnes. La mer Méditerranée est un écosystème sensible soumis à de fortes pressions par les activités humaines comme la pêche, l'exploration gazière et pétrolière, l'immersion des déchets ou d'autres matières en mer, le transport maritime, le transfert d'espèces aquatiques envahissantes par les eaux de ballast et le tourisme littoral. La France durement touchée par les naufrages de l'Amoco Cadiz, de l'Erika et du Prestige, a pris de nombreuses initiatives tant au niveau international que régional. La complexité du problème de la pollution marine, due à la diversité des facteurs polluants et à leurs sources diffuses, a favorisé une approche sectorielle. Cette approche s'est traduite par l'adoption, aux niveaux national, régional et international, d'un ensemble disparate de politiques, textes législatifs, programmes et plans d'action dans le domaine de la protection du milieu marin. Il s'agit d'un corps de règles étouffées comprenant des mesures préventives et répressives. La complexité institutionnelle et juridique de la protection du milieu marin empêche pourtant la protection effective de la mer. Dans ce contexte, la communauté internationale encourage la mise en œuvre d'une approche écosystématique pour les océans. À l'échelle européenne, l'adoption de la directive-cadre « stratégie pour le milieu marin » favorise la cohérence entre les différentes politiques européennes et l'intégration des préoccupations environnementales dans toutes les politiques liées à la mer. De plus, l'efficacité de la législation européenne dans le domaine de la lutte contre la pollution marine a été renforcée par l'adoption d'un cadre commun de responsabilité pour la prévention et la réparation des préjudices environnementaux. / The sea plays a vital role in regulating climate and in maintaining ecological balance. The oceans and the sea constitute a source of wealth, an immense reservoir of food resources and of employment for many people. The Mediterranean Sea is a sensitive ecosystem, subject to strong pressures derived from human activities, such as fishing, oil and gas exploration, dumping of waste and other matter in the sea, maritime transport, transfer of aquatic invasive species via ballast water and littoral tourism. France, severely affected by the sinking of the Amoco Cadiz, the Erika and the Prestige, took numerous initiatives not only at an international but also at a regional level. The complexity of the marine pollution problem, due to the diversity of polluting factors and to their diffuse sources, has favored a regional approach. This approach has resulted in the adoption, at a national, regional and international level, of a network of policies, legislative texts, programs and action plans in the field of marine environment protection. It constitutes a stifling body of rules, comprising preventive and repressive measures. The institutional and legal complexity of marine protection hinders, however, the effective protection of the marine environment. ln this context, the international community encourages the implementation of an ecosystem approach to oceans. At European level, the adoption of the Framework Directive «Strategy for the Marine Environment» favours a consistency between different EU policies as well as an integration of environmental considerations into ail policies related to the sea. Furthermore, the effectiveness of European legislation in the field of the fight again marine pollution, has been reinforced by the adoption of a common framework of liability with regard to the prevention and remedy of environment damage.
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"Ta det lugnt, här finns inga värre saker än vi själva" : En psykosyntetisk delpersonlighetsanalys av Tove Janssons muminsvit / "Take it easy, there are no worse things here than ourselves" : A psychosynthetic subpersonality analysis of Tove Jansson's Moomin novels

Petersdotter, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
The essay examines how characters in the Moomin novels change through relationships based on a psychosynthetic subpersonality analysis. This is a new perspective in the field of literature and therefore a solid theoretical basis in psychosynthesis is given and a presentation of my method which includes the concept of subpersonalities. Then three main constellations of characters that focus on Moomin, Sniff, Snufkin, Moominmamma, the Groke, Fillyjonk, Hemulen and Whomper Toft are analyzed. From my discussion it appears that the characters are types who each have their own way of being, thinking and feeling, and in this way Tove Jansson writes a whole where differences may exist. With my perspective, the light is directed towards how the characters integrate sides of each other and thereby develop. The results show that the characters change through the relationships between them, and that a synthesis in each constellation arises.

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