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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representações na mídia impressa sobre o assédio moral no trabalho / Representations in the printed media about psychological work harassment

Garbin, Andréia de Conto 02 September 2009 (has links)
Aquele chefe que já fez você chorar no banheiro pode ser mais prejudicial à sua saúde do que parece. Assim a mídia escrita principia, no Brasil, a abordagem do tema assédio moral. No amplo cardápio de situações de violência relacionadas ao trabalho, a violência psicológica ganhou visibilidade e interesse de pesquisadores e estudiosos, dos sindicatos, dos trabalhadores e das empresas. Realizamos um estudo exploratório baseado na coleta de fontes primárias referentes ao assédio moral no trabalho, no qual foram estudadas as matérias jornalísticas sobre o tema, veiculadas em três jornais de grande circulação do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1990 a 2008. A partir da metodologia de análise do discurso foram reconhecidas as práticas discursivas que configuram o fenômeno do assédio moral na sociedade atual, as explicações para sua ocorrência e a repercussão para a saúde dos trabalhadores. O surgimento do tema nos veículos de comunicação deu-se por meio da divulgação de livros, de produções acadêmicas e de legislações sobre o assédio moral. Ocorreu em editorias que tratam de assuntos gerais e, posteriormente, migrou para as editorias de emprego e/ou de caráter econômico-financeiro. O tratamento do tema ganha contornos de alerta relacionado às indenizações judiciais. A terminologia assédio moral tem se firmado relacionada ao trabalho e carece de conceito preciso. As explicações causais tendem a uma interpretação psicológica do fenômeno, acentuando o caráter individualista e privilegiando a relação pessoal, minimizando uma abordagem coletiva. Os discursos banalizam o assédio ao criar caricaturas para os envolvidos. O caráter psicologizante versus a estigmatização produz sentido na sociedade contribuindo para naturalizar o assédio moral no trabalho, compreendido como uma forma de violência no trabalho. / That boss who already made you cry in the bathroom can be more harmful to your health than you think so. This is how the discussion started about psychological harassment at work in Brazil released by daily papers. Among the large number of work related stressors, psychological violence at workplace gained visibility of researchers, labor unions and companies in the past 10 years. The issue started to be discussed in Brazil after publications (aimed to academic and general public) were published, and legislation was established at the municipal and state levels. An exploratory study was carried out about moral harassment at work, based on articles published from 1990 to 2008, by three important daily newspapers of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Method: An extensive review of the subject including its origins and consequences to workers health was prepared. Discourse analyses were used to recognize the phenomenon, its importance and consequences of the moral harassment at work according the published articles. Results: the articles were first published in editorials, and then they appeared in the employment, economics and finances sections of the papers. The content of the manuscripts also aimed to aware companies about law suits. In spite the terminology of moral harassment has been discussed as work-related, it still lacks a precise concept. The discourses published by the papers trivialized psychological harassment at work, as they created caricatures and stigmatization of the individuals involved. The causal explanations tend to a psychological interpretation of this phenomenon, emphasizing individual and behavioral characteristics, favoring personal relations, and minimizing the collective approach of psychological harassment at the workplace.

De la gestion des maux au "travail des mots" : contribution à une sociologie historique d'un répertoire sémantique des maux du travail (XVIIème siècle à nos jours) / From pains management of work to work of words : contribution to an historical sociology of a pains at work repertoire (XVIIème to the present day)

Lecoeur, Guillaume 23 May 2018 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, et après que la catégorie de « souffrance » a occupé l’espace public français, de nouveaux mots occupent le devant de la scène pour décrire et souvent dénoncer les maux du travail. « Fatigue » « Stress », « burn out » ou encore « Risques psycho-sociaux » sont autant de nouvelles catégories aujourd’hui mobilisées pour nommer les maux des travailleurs. Alors que le débat sur les maux du travail revient régulièrement dans l’espace public, la question de l’origine de ce nouveau répertoire utilisé pour nommer les maux du travail interroge. Ces mots reflètent-ils réellement les conditions sociales des travailleurs? A quels enjeux discursifs et épistémologiques leurs usages peuvent-ils renvoyer ? Pour répondre à ces questions, cette thèse propose une analyse généalogique des répertoires sémantiques des maux du travail, en portant intérêt aux trajectoires sociales de ceux qui les ont promus. En identifiant les causes historique et épistémique possibles de ce répertoire, cette thèse apporte des outils méthodologique et théorique pour stabiliser et harmoniser notre pensée commune du travail. Elle contribue aussi, de cette manière, à éclairer les conditions d’émergence de la sociologie du travail en particulier, et celle des sciences des hommes et des femmes au travail de façon plus générale. / In recent years, following a period during which suffering occupied a predominant space as a category shaping French public debate, new words have begun to move to the fore when it comes to denouncing workplace ills. Fatigue, stress, burn out, and phsycho-social risks are examples of new categories used today to name worker-experienced harm. While public debate over worker suffering is regularly revisited, the question of the origin of this new repertoire of concepts is problematic. Do these words really reflect the social conditions in which people work? What is at stake discursively and epistemologically when these concepts are used ? To answer these questions, this thesis endeavors to analyze the genealogy of the semantic repertoire of workplace suffering, by bringing particular focus upon the social trajectories of the people who promoted some of its different constituent concepts. By identifying some of the different possible historical and epistemological causes of this repertoire, this thesis offers new methodological and theoretical tools to stabilize and harmonize our commun thinking about work. In this way, it also helps shed light upon the conditions under which a peculiarly sociological approach to work, along with a more general social-science approach, have been able to emerge.

Problémy současné bezpečnosti práce a jejich vliv na fungování organizace / Contemporary Health and Safety at Work Problems and their Influence on the Functioning of an Organization

Králik, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis elaborated on the subject „Contemporary Health and Safety at Work Problems and their Influence on the Functioning of an Organization“ focuses on the description of contemporary state of Health and safety at work problems in work activities, where the source of risk is represented by chemical substances, from the point of view of a company. The thesis sets out a view of legislative definition for the mentioned topic and also the possible application of safety at work management programs. This part also includes a summary description of risk analysis methods. In the practical part of the thesis, there is an organizational directive for a fictive company engaged in chemical production made. This directive will identify possible occupational risks resulting from the manufacturing process, and it will also evaluate the amount of risk for particular work activities in conjunction with hazard factors. The next part of the thesis contains a proposal of measures for risk reduction, based upon the previously mentioned evaluation. In the final part of the thesis, the author contemplates the possibilities of health and safety at work system improvement.

Arbeta utan betalning? : En studie om hur motivation förändras över tid hos ideellt arbetande / Non-profit work : A study of how motivation changes over time in volunteering

Jansson, Henrik, Nordqvist, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var dels att undersöka vad som motiverar människor att arbeta ideellt enligt självbestämmande teorin och i allmänhet genom en öppen fråga, samt om antalet år inom organisationen påverkade motivationsfaktorerna. Utifrån självbestämmande teorin undersöktes hur det tre motivationsbehoven autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet förändrades över tid hos volontärarbetarna. För att undersöka detta utformades en enkät som byggde på basic need satisfaction at work scale (BNS) som distribuerades till 70 volontärarbetare inom Röda korset verksamhet i Gävle. En hierarkisk regressionsanalys visade att behovet av samhörighet hos volontärarbetarna minskade över tid. Orsaker till att samhörigheten minskade över tid hos volontärarbetare diskuterades. / The purpose of this study was to examine what motivates people to volunteer both in general by an open-ended question, and according to self-determination theory. The purpose was also to investigate if the number of years in the organization affects the motivation factors. To investigate this a questionnaire based on the basic need satisfaction at work scale (BNS) was distributed to 70 volunteers in the Red Cross organization in Gävle. Based on self-determination theory this study examined how the three motivation needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness changed over time with volunteer workers. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that the need for relatedness of volunteer workers decreased over time. Reasons for the volunteer reduces of relatedness over time where discussed.

Humor e estresse no trabalho: fatores psicossociais estressores e benéficos no trabalho dos operadores de telemarketing / Humor and stress at work: psychosocial stressors and protecting factors at work of telemarketers

Galasso, Leonilde Mendes Ribeiro 03 May 2005 (has links)
Objetivos. Tendo em vista o caráter bidimensional dos fatores psicossociais relacionados ao estresse (CASSEL, 1974), este trabalho teve por objetivos: identificar a interação de fatores psicossociais negativos (estressores) e benéficos (protetores) presente na situação de trabalho de um grupo de operadores de telemarketing, e verificar o potencial do humor como \'recurso psicossocial\' frente ao estresse, como estratégia de coping (dimensão psicológica) e comportamento comunicativo favorecedor do apoio social (dimensão sociológica). Método. Foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma central de tele-atendimento de empresa administradora de planos de saúde pertencente a uma instituição pública, envolvendo doze entrevistas individuais e uma coletiva, semi-estruturadas, observação participante e aplicação de questionário, respondido por 124 operadores de telemarketing de diferentes turnos de trabalho. O questionário, auto-aplicável, constou de dados sócio-demográficos, questões sobre condições de trabalho, estresse no trabalho (KOMPIER & LEVI, 1995), fatores de incômodo e fadiga e satisfação, queixas de saúde e uso do humor. Os dados foram analisados com base no modelo Demanda-Controle (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000; KARASEK & THEORELL, 1990), tendo incluído: análise temática do conteúdo das entrevistas (MINAYO, 1982) e análise descritiva das freqüências obtidas através do questionário. Resultados. A população estudada era predominantemente feminina (72,6 por cento ), jovem (idade média 28 anos), com escolaridade secundária (48,4 por cento ) ou universitária (51,6 por cento ) e salário médio de R$ 600.00. 25,8 por cento eram estudantes. Entre outros, foram identificados fatores psicossociais negativos relacionados: ao ambiente físico; à estrutura temporal (pressão da fila; ritmo elevado externamente imposto; poucas pausas); à latitude decisória: a) falta de controle sobre a tarefa (rigidez da organização do trabalho; fraseologia padrão; falta de oportunidade de tomar decisões individuais, falta de participação); b) baixo grau de arbítrio da habilidade (grande volume de informações a processar, treinamento insuficiente; presença de terminologia médica); interface conteúdo, significado do trabalho e relacionamento com clientes provocando sofrimento emocional via empatia. O relacionamento com os clientes, um dos principais estressores do trabalho dos operadores, por freqüentemente envolver destrato, revelou-se importante fonte de satisfação quando envolve manifestação de reconhecimento. As referências aos fatores de incômodo e ix fadiga e de satisfação foram consistentes, respectivamente, com os fatores psicossociais estressores e benéficos, mostrando-se bons sinalizadores para a identificação daqueles aspectos. Entre os principais fatores de satisfação estavam a jornada de trabalho de seis horas e o relacionamento apoiador e brincalhão entre colegas e com os médicos auditores (apoio social). Quanto às queixas de saúde, 77,4 por cento dos sujeitos referiram sintomas osteomusculares; principais sintomas relacionados ao estresse referidos foram ansiedade (76,6 por cento ) e irritabilidade (66,1 por cento ). O uso do humor como coping foi referido por 78,2 por cento . Quanto a quem ri com quem, os dados indicam que brincadeiras são trocadas durante o trabalho entre os operadores, para 97,6 por cento ; dirigidas pelos operadores aos médicos, para 82,2 por cento ; dirigidas pelos médicos aos operadores, para 66,3 por cento ; pelos operadores aos supervisores, para 59,6 por cento , e pelos supervisores aos operadores, para 58,9 por cento . Conclusões. A situação de trabalho analisada apresentou grande predomínio de fatores psicossociais estressores em relação a \'protetores\' ou \'atenuantes\', representando combinação de intensidade e poucas chances de recuperação psicofisiológica ou, segundo o modelo Demanda-Controle, uma combinação de baixa latitude decisória com altas exigências (pressões psicológicas). O humor constitui um recurso psicossocial potencialmente \'protetor\' (CASSEL, 1974) ou \'modificador\' (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000) do processo de estresse, como estratégia de \'coping\' individual: por favorecer o distanciamento cognitivo; proporcionar alívio de tensão e expressão da subjetividade. Como comportamento comunicativo, o humor pode favorecer o apoio social (por convidar à proximidade; reduzir a distância entre níveis hierárquicos; permitir a expressão de críticas de forma socialmente menos arriscada); mas, acima de tudo, as trocas de humor refletem a dinâmica e a natureza das relações interpessoais, como indica a análise de quem ri com quem, uma das contribuições originais da pesquisa. Esta análise refletiu a presença de forte apoio social entre os operadores e entre estes e os médicos auditores. As brincadeiras \'relâmpago\' que irrompem durante o trabalho são percebidas como fontes de prazer, descarga de tensão e micro-espaços de reequilíbrio psicofisiológico. O humor integra o domínio da liberdade e é fortemente influenciado pelos valores. Se imposto aos trabalhadores, pode ser percebido como um constrangimento psicológico ou moral / Aim. Taking into account the two-dimensional nature of stress-related psychosocial factors (CASSEL, 1974), the study aimed at identifying the interrelation of negative (stressors) and protecting (beneficial) such factors in the work of a group of telemarketing operators, and the potential of humor as a \'psychosocial resource\' in face of stress at work, as a coping strategy (psychological dimension) and communicative behavior favoring social support (sociological dimension). Method. A case study was developed at a call center of the managed care unit of a public institution in São Paulo, Brazil. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews (twelve individual and one collective interview), participatory observation, and an inquiry responded by 124 operators from different work shifts. The inquiry included socio-demographic data, as well as questions on working conditions, factors of discomfort and fatigue and of work satisfaction, stress at work (KOMPIER & LEVI, 1995), health complaints and use of humor. Data analysis was based on the Demand/Control model (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000; KARASEK & THEORELL, 1990), and included content analysis of interviews (MINAYO, 1982), of data gathered through participatory observation, and descriptive analysis of inquiry frequencies. Results. The population studied was predominantly feminine (72.6 per cent ), young (average age 28 years), with high school (48.4 per cent ) or college education (51.6 per cent ) and average monthly wage around US$200.00. 25.8 per cent were students. Among others, negative psychosocial factors identified included: physical environment; time structure (pressure from the queue; high and externally imposed rhythm; few rest breaks); low decision latitude: a) low task control (strict work organization; script; lack of opportunity for individual decision making; lack of participation); and b) low skill discretion (great volume of information to be processed; insufficient training; presence of medical terminology); interrelation of work content, work meaning, and relationship with customers leading to emotional suffering through empathy. The relationship with customers, viewed as an important work-related stressor for often involving rude treatment, is perceived as an important source of satisfaction when involving recognition. Data on factors of discomfort and fatigue showed to be consistent with references to psychosocial stressors and protectors identified. Among protecting factors identified were the 6-hour working period and the supportive relationship among co-workers and with the medical auditors, often involving humor exchanges. Main health complaints were xi musculoskeletal (77.4 per cent ) and stress-related symptoms: anxiety (76.6 per cent ) and irritability (66.1 per cent ). Humor used as coping was referred by 78.2 per cent . Data on who laughs with who indicate that humorous/playful comments are often directed by operators to co-workers, for 97.6 per cent ; by operators to doctors, for 82.2 per cent ; by doctors to operators, for 66.3 per cent ; by operators to supervisors, for 59.6 per cent , and by supervisors to operators, for 58.9 per cent . Conclusions. The work situation of telemarketing operators studied involved a negative balance between psychosocial stressors and beneficial or mitigating factors: a combination of high work intensity and few chances of psycho-physiological recovery or, according to the Demand-Control model, a combination of high demands (psychological pressure) and low decision latitude. Humor is potentially a \'psychosocial resource\' (CASSEL, 1974) or \'modifying factor\' (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000) to the stress process, as an individual coping strategy, for favoring cognitive distancing/re-framing; relief from strain; expression of subjectivity. As a communicative behavior, humor may favor social support (for inviting to proximity; reducing social distance between different hierarchic levels, and permitting the expression of criticisms in less risky ways); but above all, humor as communicative behavior reflects interpersonal relationships dynamics and nature, as it was shown by the analysis of who laughs with who, an original contribution of this research that highlighted the presence of strong social support among operators and between them and the medical doctors. Brief humor events irrupting during work are perceived as a source of pleasure, and micro-spaces of psychophysiological recovery. Humor integrates the domain of freedom and is heavily influenced by cultural values. If it is imposed to workers, it may be perceived as a psychological or moral constraint

Rela??es entre burnout, estresse e engajamento e bem estar no trabalho / Relations between burnout, stress and engagement and well being at work

Cione, Ana Silvia Sanseverino 21 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-06-15T12:35:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA SILVIA SANSEVERINO CIONE.pdf: 1513192 bytes, checksum: f4e4aa7f1289c54846020219b6eb5c78 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-15T12:35:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA SILVIA SANSEVERINO CIONE.pdf: 1513192 bytes, checksum: f4e4aa7f1289c54846020219b6eb5c78 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-21 / The interest in the study of labor relations and their unleashing in individuals and in the organizational environment has been increasing in the scientific literature. One of the reasons for the increase in research on this topic is the repercussions of working conditions on health, well-being and employee engagement and, consequently, on the functioning and effectiveness of organizational results. In the organizational results, the negative impact of these variables has been estimated based on the results of research that stressed workers decrease their performance and increase the costs of organizations with health problems, increasing absenteeism, turnover and the number of work accidents . While engaged employees work more effectively, generating better results, feeling more satisfied and refreshed. Considering the relevance of the theme, the present study proposed to analyze the effects of burnout, stress and work engagement on work and general welfare. To that end, the participants were submitted to an occupational stress scale, burnout scale, engagement scale, work wellness scale and answered a self-administered questionnaire. The final results of this study were published in the form of a master's thesis and articles published in scientific circles. / O interesse pelo estudo das rela??es de trabalho e seus desencadeamentos nos indiv?duos e no ambiente organizacional tem sido crescente na literatura cient?fica. Uma das raz?es para o aumento de pesquisas sobre esse tema est? nas repercuss?es das condi??es laborais na sa?de, no bem-estar e no engajamento dos colaboradores e, em consequ?ncia, no funcionamento e na efetividade dos resultados organizacionais. Nos resultados organizacionais, o impacto negativo dessas vari?veis tem sido estimado com base nos resultados de pesquisa de que trabalhadores estressados diminuem seu desempenho e aumentam os custos das organiza??es com problemas de sa?de, gerando aumento do absente?smo, da rotatividade e do n?mero de acidentes de trabalho. Ao passo que colaboradores engajados trabalham de maneira mais efetiva, gerando melhores resultados, sentindo-se mais satisfeitos e revigorados. Tendo em vista a relev?ncia do tema, o presente estudo prop?s analisar os efeitos do burnout, estresse e engajamento no trabalho sobre bem estar no trabalho e geral. Para tanto, os participantes foram submetidos ? aplica??o de uma escala de estresse ocupacional, uma escala de burnout, uma escala de engajamento, uma escala de bem-estar no trabalho e responderam a um question?rio autoaplicado. Os resultados finais deste estudo foram publicados na forma de disserta??o de mestrado e de artigos publicados em meio cient?fico.

Fundacentro: função social da política sobre acidentes de trabalho no período ditatorial brasileiro (1966 a 1976) / Fundacentro: social function of policies on occupational accidents in Brazilian dictatorship period (1966-1976)

Monteiro, Juliana Santos 17 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:30:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Santos Monteiro.pdf: 1394327 bytes, checksum: fcec8cbf04eb8190da9809ea85ec2b23 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work is aimed at understanding the policy developed by the dictatorial government between the years 1966 and 1976, Safety and Health at Work, created by Fundacentro. Fundacentro is an institution of research and studies related to safety, hygiene and occupational medicine, coupled with the Ministry of Labor. Fundacentro had great relevance in the period mentioned, and, among their responsibilities there is one which is highlighted by the social function it accomplished. Firstly, it was to provide technical accessory to the Legislature and the Executive in order to have the development of safety standards at work. Secondly, it was to coordinate and promote the professionals chiefly specialized in security and health in the area, implemented by official policy. Fundacentro ran as a tripartite organization and was directed by a Board of Councils, which was held by government representatives, entrepreneurs and workers. The correlation between social groups involved in Fundacentro since it was created had no equality in terms of the entrepreneurship, the government, the academics1 and trade unions, together with international bodies like the International Labor Organization (ILO) and their respective interests in the structuring the Health and Safety in Brazil. In a period in which Brazil was considered the champion in work accidents, their main function was to provide technical support and educational prevention policy. It was defined by the government, which stemmed from the assumption that the accidents were caused by the workers themselves. This evidence is taken from the immanent analysis of sources: publications by Fundacentro, as the Newsletter and the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Health (Revista Brasileira da Saúde Ocupacional), prevention information disseminated by the institution Fundacentro. They are based on concepts related to the Unsafe Act of the worker, blaming himself for the accidents. We finally understand that, the powers of the institution at that time were consistent with the National Security Doctrine / O objetivo central deste trabalho foi o de entender a política desenvolvida pelo governo ditatorial entre os anos de 1966 e 1976, para a Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho, através da criação da Fundacentro. A Fundacentro é uma instituição de pesquisa e estudos atinentes à segurança, higiene e medicina do trabalho, vinculada ao Ministério do Trabalho. A Fundacentro teve grande relevância no período, pois, dentre suas atribuições duas se destacaram pela função social que cumpriram: dar assessoria técnica ao Legislativo e ao Executivo para o desenvolvimento de normas de segurança no trabalho e coordenar e promover a formação de profissionais especializados em segurança e saúde na área, implementares da política oficial. Dirigida por um Conselho Superior que agregava representantes do governo, empresariado e trabalhadores, atuou como uma organização tripartite. A correlação entre os grupos sociais envolvidos na Fundacentro desde a sua criação empresariado, governo, academia e sindicatos, juntamente com organismos internacionais como a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) e os seus respectivos interesses na estruturação da Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho no Brasil, não se deu de forma igualitária. Em um período em que o Brasil era considerado campeão em acidentes de trabalho, sua função principal foi a de dar respaldo técnico e educacional à política prevencionista definida pelo governo, que partia do pressuposto de que os acidentes eram provocados pelos acidentados, ou seja, os próprios trabalhadores. Evidenciamos, a partir da análise imanente das fontes publicações da Fundacentro, como o Boletim Informativo e a Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional, a educação prevencionista propagada pela Fundacentro, baseada em conceitos relativos ao Ato Inseguro do trabalhador, culpabilizando-o pelos acidentes. Entendemos, por fim, que as atribuições da Instituição naquele período, se coadunavam com a Doutrina de Segurança Nacional

Humor e estresse no trabalho: fatores psicossociais estressores e benéficos no trabalho dos operadores de telemarketing / Humor and stress at work: psychosocial stressors and protecting factors at work of telemarketers

Leonilde Mendes Ribeiro Galasso 03 May 2005 (has links)
Objetivos. Tendo em vista o caráter bidimensional dos fatores psicossociais relacionados ao estresse (CASSEL, 1974), este trabalho teve por objetivos: identificar a interação de fatores psicossociais negativos (estressores) e benéficos (protetores) presente na situação de trabalho de um grupo de operadores de telemarketing, e verificar o potencial do humor como \'recurso psicossocial\' frente ao estresse, como estratégia de coping (dimensão psicológica) e comportamento comunicativo favorecedor do apoio social (dimensão sociológica). Método. Foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma central de tele-atendimento de empresa administradora de planos de saúde pertencente a uma instituição pública, envolvendo doze entrevistas individuais e uma coletiva, semi-estruturadas, observação participante e aplicação de questionário, respondido por 124 operadores de telemarketing de diferentes turnos de trabalho. O questionário, auto-aplicável, constou de dados sócio-demográficos, questões sobre condições de trabalho, estresse no trabalho (KOMPIER & LEVI, 1995), fatores de incômodo e fadiga e satisfação, queixas de saúde e uso do humor. Os dados foram analisados com base no modelo Demanda-Controle (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000; KARASEK & THEORELL, 1990), tendo incluído: análise temática do conteúdo das entrevistas (MINAYO, 1982) e análise descritiva das freqüências obtidas através do questionário. Resultados. A população estudada era predominantemente feminina (72,6 por cento ), jovem (idade média 28 anos), com escolaridade secundária (48,4 por cento ) ou universitária (51,6 por cento ) e salário médio de R$ 600.00. 25,8 por cento eram estudantes. Entre outros, foram identificados fatores psicossociais negativos relacionados: ao ambiente físico; à estrutura temporal (pressão da fila; ritmo elevado externamente imposto; poucas pausas); à latitude decisória: a) falta de controle sobre a tarefa (rigidez da organização do trabalho; fraseologia padrão; falta de oportunidade de tomar decisões individuais, falta de participação); b) baixo grau de arbítrio da habilidade (grande volume de informações a processar, treinamento insuficiente; presença de terminologia médica); interface conteúdo, significado do trabalho e relacionamento com clientes provocando sofrimento emocional via empatia. O relacionamento com os clientes, um dos principais estressores do trabalho dos operadores, por freqüentemente envolver destrato, revelou-se importante fonte de satisfação quando envolve manifestação de reconhecimento. As referências aos fatores de incômodo e ix fadiga e de satisfação foram consistentes, respectivamente, com os fatores psicossociais estressores e benéficos, mostrando-se bons sinalizadores para a identificação daqueles aspectos. Entre os principais fatores de satisfação estavam a jornada de trabalho de seis horas e o relacionamento apoiador e brincalhão entre colegas e com os médicos auditores (apoio social). Quanto às queixas de saúde, 77,4 por cento dos sujeitos referiram sintomas osteomusculares; principais sintomas relacionados ao estresse referidos foram ansiedade (76,6 por cento ) e irritabilidade (66,1 por cento ). O uso do humor como coping foi referido por 78,2 por cento . Quanto a quem ri com quem, os dados indicam que brincadeiras são trocadas durante o trabalho entre os operadores, para 97,6 por cento ; dirigidas pelos operadores aos médicos, para 82,2 por cento ; dirigidas pelos médicos aos operadores, para 66,3 por cento ; pelos operadores aos supervisores, para 59,6 por cento , e pelos supervisores aos operadores, para 58,9 por cento . Conclusões. A situação de trabalho analisada apresentou grande predomínio de fatores psicossociais estressores em relação a \'protetores\' ou \'atenuantes\', representando combinação de intensidade e poucas chances de recuperação psicofisiológica ou, segundo o modelo Demanda-Controle, uma combinação de baixa latitude decisória com altas exigências (pressões psicológicas). O humor constitui um recurso psicossocial potencialmente \'protetor\' (CASSEL, 1974) ou \'modificador\' (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000) do processo de estresse, como estratégia de \'coping\' individual: por favorecer o distanciamento cognitivo; proporcionar alívio de tensão e expressão da subjetividade. Como comportamento comunicativo, o humor pode favorecer o apoio social (por convidar à proximidade; reduzir a distância entre níveis hierárquicos; permitir a expressão de críticas de forma socialmente menos arriscada); mas, acima de tudo, as trocas de humor refletem a dinâmica e a natureza das relações interpessoais, como indica a análise de quem ri com quem, uma das contribuições originais da pesquisa. Esta análise refletiu a presença de forte apoio social entre os operadores e entre estes e os médicos auditores. As brincadeiras \'relâmpago\' que irrompem durante o trabalho são percebidas como fontes de prazer, descarga de tensão e micro-espaços de reequilíbrio psicofisiológico. O humor integra o domínio da liberdade e é fortemente influenciado pelos valores. Se imposto aos trabalhadores, pode ser percebido como um constrangimento psicológico ou moral / Aim. Taking into account the two-dimensional nature of stress-related psychosocial factors (CASSEL, 1974), the study aimed at identifying the interrelation of negative (stressors) and protecting (beneficial) such factors in the work of a group of telemarketing operators, and the potential of humor as a \'psychosocial resource\' in face of stress at work, as a coping strategy (psychological dimension) and communicative behavior favoring social support (sociological dimension). Method. A case study was developed at a call center of the managed care unit of a public institution in São Paulo, Brazil. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews (twelve individual and one collective interview), participatory observation, and an inquiry responded by 124 operators from different work shifts. The inquiry included socio-demographic data, as well as questions on working conditions, factors of discomfort and fatigue and of work satisfaction, stress at work (KOMPIER & LEVI, 1995), health complaints and use of humor. Data analysis was based on the Demand/Control model (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000; KARASEK & THEORELL, 1990), and included content analysis of interviews (MINAYO, 1982), of data gathered through participatory observation, and descriptive analysis of inquiry frequencies. Results. The population studied was predominantly feminine (72.6 per cent ), young (average age 28 years), with high school (48.4 per cent ) or college education (51.6 per cent ) and average monthly wage around US$200.00. 25.8 per cent were students. Among others, negative psychosocial factors identified included: physical environment; time structure (pressure from the queue; high and externally imposed rhythm; few rest breaks); low decision latitude: a) low task control (strict work organization; script; lack of opportunity for individual decision making; lack of participation); and b) low skill discretion (great volume of information to be processed; insufficient training; presence of medical terminology); interrelation of work content, work meaning, and relationship with customers leading to emotional suffering through empathy. The relationship with customers, viewed as an important work-related stressor for often involving rude treatment, is perceived as an important source of satisfaction when involving recognition. Data on factors of discomfort and fatigue showed to be consistent with references to psychosocial stressors and protectors identified. Among protecting factors identified were the 6-hour working period and the supportive relationship among co-workers and with the medical auditors, often involving humor exchanges. Main health complaints were xi musculoskeletal (77.4 per cent ) and stress-related symptoms: anxiety (76.6 per cent ) and irritability (66.1 per cent ). Humor used as coping was referred by 78.2 per cent . Data on who laughs with who indicate that humorous/playful comments are often directed by operators to co-workers, for 97.6 per cent ; by operators to doctors, for 82.2 per cent ; by doctors to operators, for 66.3 per cent ; by operators to supervisors, for 59.6 per cent , and by supervisors to operators, for 58.9 per cent . Conclusions. The work situation of telemarketing operators studied involved a negative balance between psychosocial stressors and beneficial or mitigating factors: a combination of high work intensity and few chances of psycho-physiological recovery or, according to the Demand-Control model, a combination of high demands (psychological pressure) and low decision latitude. Humor is potentially a \'psychosocial resource\' (CASSEL, 1974) or \'modifying factor\' (BAKER & KARASEK, 2000) to the stress process, as an individual coping strategy, for favoring cognitive distancing/re-framing; relief from strain; expression of subjectivity. As a communicative behavior, humor may favor social support (for inviting to proximity; reducing social distance between different hierarchic levels, and permitting the expression of criticisms in less risky ways); but above all, humor as communicative behavior reflects interpersonal relationships dynamics and nature, as it was shown by the analysis of who laughs with who, an original contribution of this research that highlighted the presence of strong social support among operators and between them and the medical doctors. Brief humor events irrupting during work are perceived as a source of pleasure, and micro-spaces of psychophysiological recovery. Humor integrates the domain of freedom and is heavily influenced by cultural values. If it is imposed to workers, it may be perceived as a psychological or moral constraint

Vadovų vadovavimo stiliaus, elgsenos aktyvumo ir darbuotojų patiriamo streso darbe sąsajos / Links between management style of the managers, behavioral activity and stress that the employees experience at work

Mikelaitienė, Aušra 29 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - išsiaiškinti mokyklų vadovų vadovavimo stiliaus ir vadovų elgesio aktyvumo (A tipo) sąsajas su darbuotojų – mokytojų darbe patiriamu stresu (išgyvenamais stresogeniniais įvykiais, profesiniu pervargimu). Tyrime dalyvavo 242 Kauno regiono mokyklose dirbantys asmenys (mokytojai ir jų vadovai – direktoriai ir pavaduotojai). Jiems buvo pateiktos dviejų tipų apklausos anketos: mokytojams ir vadovams. Tiriamieji turėjo užpildyti anketas atitinkančias jų pareigas mokykloje: mokytojų anketa ir vadovų anketa. Pastarąją pildė mokyklų direktoriai ir pavaduotojai. Darbuotojams nustatytas patiriamų stresogeninių įvykių darbe dažnumas, profesinis pervargimas, pasitenkinimas santykiais su vadovais, kolegomis ir mokiniais, pasitenkinimas atliekamu darbu, gaunamu atlyginimu bei sudarytomis darbo sąlygomis. Vadovams nustatytas vadovavimo stilius ir elgsenos aktyvumas (A tipas). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad darbovietėse, kurių administracijos vadovavimo stilius yra orientuotas į užduotis, darbuotojų profesinio pervargimo (emocinio išsekimo) išreikštumas yra didesnis, darbuotojai daugiau išgyvena stresogeninių įvykių susijusių su mokinių susižeidimais mokykloje, nepalankiu vadovybės elgesiu ir konfliktų tarp bendradarbių sprendimu bei grėsme parasti darbą, taip pat darbuotojai mažiau patenkinti atlyginimu ir savo darbu, bei mažiau patenkinti santykiais su bendradarbiais ir administracija, lyginant su darbuotojais dirbančiais darbovietėse, kurių administracijos vadovavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of research – to learn the links of the management style of the principals at school and the behavioral activity (A type) with the stress that employees – teachers experience at work (experienced stressogenic events, professional exhaustion). 242 persons working at Kaunas regional schools took part in the research (teachers and their managers – principals and deputies). They were given the questionnaires of two types – for teachers and managers. The respondents had to complete the questionnaires corresponding to their duties at school: questionnaire for teachers and questionnaire for managers. The latter was completed by the principals and their deputies. It was determined the frequency of the stressogenic events that the employees experience at work, professional exhaustion, satisfaction with the relations with managers, colleagues and students, satisfaction with the work done, received salary, and the work conditions. The management style and the behavioral activity (A type) were determined for the managers. The results of the research showed that in the workplaces, where the management style of the administration is directed to the tasks, the manifestation of the professional exhaustion of the employees (emotional exhaustion) is higher, the employees experience more stressogenic events related to the injuries of the students at school, unfavorable behavior of the management and solution of the conflicts with colleagues, threat to loose the job. Also the... [to full text]

Les individus motivés sont-ils plus performants? : examen des liens entre la quantité et la qualité de la motivation au travail et la performance individuelle au travail.

Leblanc, Geneviève 02 1900 (has links)
Le thème de la motivation au travail en lien avec la performance des employés captive l’intérêt des théoriciens, des chercheurs, des praticiens et des gestionnaires depuis déjà près d’un siècle. L’engouement pour l’étude de ces concepts a permis de faire des avancées scientifiques notables permettant de mieux éclairer la pratique. Cependant, on constate que la popularité de la motivation présente également certains enjeux. Notamment, la pluralité des théories rend le domaine presque étourdissant par ses connaissances éparses et ses résultats équivoques. En premier lieu, cette thèse présente une méta-analyse multithéorique réalisée à partir d’études effectuées sur le terrain examinant les liens entre la motivation au travail et la performance des travailleurs entre 1985 et 2010. Les résultats de ce bilan nous indiquent que, peu importe la théorie motivationnelle employée, la force et la direction de la relation motivation-performance sont similaires plutôt que différentes. Parmi les variables modératrices examinées, seule la source des mesures s’est révélée significative indiquant que la relation entre les variables d’intérêt est plus forte lorsque les mesures proviennent de la même source – dans notre étude elles s’avèrent toutes autodéclarées – comparativement à lorsqu’elles sont recueillies auprès de sources différentes. En second lieu, une étude en laboratoire a permis d’observer que la motivation peut évoluer sur une période très courte, soit de moins de 90 minutes, à partir de 3 mesures de motivation réparties dans le temps d’expérimentation. Plus spécifiquement, l’étude de la motivation par type et par quantité, en considérant le facteur temps, nous renseigne que la motivation intrinsèque a augmenté tandis que la motivation extrinsèque et l’amotivation ont connu une diminution. Cette étude, considérant une perspective multidimensionnelle et dynamique de la motivation, telle que proposée par le cadre conceptuel de la théorie de l’autodétermination, montre que l’évolution de la motivation de tous les participants à l’étude est semblable, peu importe leur performance. En plus de permettre l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine de la motivation et de la performance au travail, cette thèse se démarque à plusieurs égards. D’un côté, il s’agit de la première méta-analyse multithéorique de la motivation qui soit réalisée. De l’autre côté, l’étude en laboratoire a examiné simultanément, le type et la quantité de la motivation à l’aide d’un devis à mesures répétées alors que la majorité des études se concentrent soit sur la quantité, soit sur le type et néglige souvent de considérer la variable temps. En outre, cette étude en laboratoire a été réalisée à partir d’une activité à haut potentiel de validité écologique, s’apparentant à une tâche de sélection de candidats en ressources humaines. En somme, cette thèse apporte un éclairage intéressant tant sur le plan des connaissances concernant les variables modératrices déterminantes impliquées dans les relations motivation-performance et sur le plan du rythme des variations des types de motivation que sur le plan de l’utilisation optimale et complémentaire de techniques de recherche sophistiquées. L’ensemble des recommandations découlant de ces deux études concernant la recherche et l’intervention est présenté en conclusion. / The topic of motivation at work in relation to employee performance has captivated the interest of theorists, researchers, practitioners and managers for close to a century. Keen interest in the study of these concepts has led to significant scientific advances that clarify practices. However, one notes that the popularity of this topic also presents certain challenges. In particular, the multitude of theories in this area is almost dizzying with their scattered knowledge and ambiguous results. This thesis will first present a multi-theory meta-analysis conducted from field studies that examined the relationship between motivation at work and the performance of workers between 1985 and 2010. The results of this review indicate that, regardless of the motivational theory used, the strength and direction of the motivation-performance relationship are similar rather than different. Of the moderating variables examined, only the source of the measures was significant in indicating that the relationship between the variables of interest is stronger when the measures come from the same source – in our study they all proved to be self-reported – versus when collected from different sources. Second, a laboratory study observed that motivation may change over a short period of time, less than 90 minutes, as per 3 measures of motivation used throughout the experiment. More specifically, the study of motivation by type and quantity, considering the time factor, indicates that intrinsic motivation increased while extrinsic motivation and amotivation decreased. This study, employing a multi-dimensional and dynamic perspective of motivation, as proposed by the framework of the theory of self-determination, shows that the evolution of all study participants’ motivation was similar regardless of their performance. In addition to the advancement of knowledge in the field of motivation and performance at work, this thesis distinguishes itself in several respects. On one hand, it is the first multi-theory meta-analysis of motivation to be conducted. On the other hand, the laboratory study simultaneously examined the type and quantity of motivation using a repeated measures design while most studies focus on either the quantity or the type and often neglect to consider the time variable. In addition, this laboratory study was conducted from a high-potential activity with ecological validity, similar to a human resource candidate selection task. In summary, this thesis brings an interesting light both in terms of knowledge about the determining moderating variables involved in motivation-performance relationships, in terms of the rhythm of changes in types of motivation, and in terms of the optimal and complementary use of sophisticated research techniques. All recommendations for research and intervention ensuing from these two studies are presented in the conclusion.

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