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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozpočtové hospodaření veřejných zadavatelů v souvislosti se zadáváním veřejných zakázek / Budget management by public contracting parties with respect to invitation for public tenders

Bláha, Robin January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is "The Budgetary Management of Contracting Authorities With Relation To Public Contract Awarding". It attempts to point out some relations between the budgetary law and the law of public procurement on the example of public contract awarding carried out by public contracting authorities. The thesis is composed of six chapters. The first chapter deals with the definition of the budgetary law, it subject matter and its legal sources. The second chapter presents the definition, the subject matter and the legal sources of the law of public contracts. The third chapter follows in which the basic concepts and legal institutions of the budgetary law and the law of public contracts are presented. The fourth chapter describes the main principles by which the budgetary law and the law of public contracts respectively are governed. In the sixth chapter some aspects of the public contract awarding and their impacts on budget management are briefly mentioned. The last chapter shortly discusses the field of a budget management control in connection with the public procurement.

Úloha kraje v rozvoji sportu - Případová studie Libereckého kraje / The role of the region in sport development - Case study of Liberec region

Šimonová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Title: The role of the region in sport development - Case study of Liberec region Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is set to analyse the role of the region bodies of authority in sport development illustrated by a concrete example of the Liberec region. A partial objective is to describe and analyse tools of the regional sport policy and to analyse regional budget sport financing. Methods: There was used the case study design in the diploma thesis to find out the situation of sport policy in Liberec region. Informations were collected from the documents, which are available in public and from internal documents. For data collection there was also used a method of semi - structured interview. Content analysis of documents and interviews was used for the evaluation. Then the SWOT analysis was worked up. Results: In the thesis, the most important tools of the Liberec region sport policy were described. The regional budget was allocated to sport the most funds in 2008, when the amount exceeds 120 million CZK. This fact was affected by organizing international sport events in the Liberec region. Currently, the sport is supported by an amount representing approximately 3 % of the total region budget. when organizing major sport events region often takes over patronage, but the region itself...

Učitel, kolegialita a spolupráce / Teacher, collegiality and collaboration

Španingerová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on collaboration, cooperativeness, and mutual communication of teachers that represents one of the key pillars of the successful process of education. The cooperation of teachers is very important in the new conception of the school education program as well as in fulfilling cross-sectional topics and interdisciplinary relationships. The theoretical part describes basic terms, teacher's personality, his (her) roles and profession competencies, authorities and reputation of the teacher. The theoretical part also features information regarding collaboration of teachers in general, typical forms of the collaboration, deals with the role of school in teachers' collaboration. The aim of the empirical part is to map a topic of collaboration and cooperativeness among high school teachers. An additional aim is to analyze whether the cooperativeness and collaboration represents a benefit for high school teachers, and, eventually what might hinder such collaboration. Key words: teacher, collaboration, cooperativeness, teacher's personality, teacher's authority, teacher's competence

Les représentations sociales du développement durable : des enjeux de sexe et de genre / Social representations of sustainable development : sex and gender's stakes

Gandon, Anne-Line 19 March 2011 (has links)
Le développement durable est devenu une notion structurante du champ social. Il est au centre de trois volets, chacun répondant aux crises qui ont touché le monde contemporain : le social, l’économique et l’environnement. Or, l’environnement est repris allègrement par les acteurs sociaux, et cela même aux dépens du social. Pourtant, ce volet est primordial dans la mesure où une réforme des rapports de pouvoir est essentielle à la résolution de la crise écologique.Or, si le volet social est élipsé au profit du volet environnement qui est verbalisé, la société qui se met en marche selon un « développement durable » est donc réduite à « respecter l’environnement ». S’ensuit une naturalisation dangereuse des rapports sociaux, et surtout des plus « naturels » d’entre eux, les rapports sociaux de sexe. Loin d’une réforme des rapports sociaux, le développement durable engendre une révolution naturaliste du sexe et du genre.Nous avons donc étudié les représentations sociales du développement durable au sein d’une collectivité territoriale pour révéler leur dynamique. En effet, celle-ci est exemplaire en matière de développement durable. Par ailleurs, elle est parcourue d’un fort clivage entre services technique et administratif, qui est aussi sexué puisque l’un est composé d’hommes et l’autre de femmes. Nous verrons comment l’objectivation du développement durable dans l’environnement assied la proéminence du technique et des hommes sur l’administratif et les femmes, mais aussi une naturalisation des rapports sociaux de sexe. / Sustainable development has become a structural notion of the social field. It’s at the cross of three volets, each of them answers to crises that impacted the contemporary world : social, economic and environment. But, the environment one is cheerfully used by social actors, at social one’s expense. Nevertheless, this volet is essential insofar as a reform of power relationships is necessary to ecological crise’s solution. But, if the social volet is silent to the advantage of the environment volet which is verbalized, the society which leans against a “sustainable development” is reduced to “respect the environment”. It follows that social relationships are naturalized, and above all the more natural of them, social relationships of sex. Far from a reform of social relationships, sustainable development generates a naturalist revolution of sex and gender.We studied social representations of sustainable development into a french local authority to come to light their dynamic. Indeed, this former is exemplary in sustainable development empowerment. Otherwise, it’s made of a strong dichotomy between technical and administrative departments, which is sexual because the first is composed of men and the second of women. We’ll see how sustainable development’s objectivation in environment confirms the domination of technical and men on administrative and women, and moreover a naturalisation of social relationships of sex.

Upphävande av ledningsrätt i vattenområde : Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada inom Stockholms län

Juric, Marija January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är vi beroende av elkraft, vatten- och avloppsförsörjning, bredband och andra ledningar som är till stor nytta för människor och infrastruktur. För att säkra rätten att dra fram ledningar för olika ändamål bildas det ofta ledningsrätter. Samhällen förändras över tiden och själva tekniken moderniseras. Befintliga ledningar räcker inte till vilket gör att behov av fler ledningar och ledningsrätter uppstår. Ledningar och anläggningar som tjänat ut sitt ändamål ändras eller upphävs. Frågan uppstår då vad som händer med ledningar och dess anordningar efter det att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål. Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada?   När det skrivs om bildande, ändring och/eller upphävande av ledningsrätter går tankarna oftast till själva processen samt kring nytta av ändamål och syfte som ledningsrätten uppfyller. Själva miljöaspekten är något som det inte pratas lika mycket om. När ledningar befinner sig på sjöbotten eller blir kvarlämnade efter att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål pågår nedbrytning av materialet som sprids ut i vattnet.   De metoder som har använts i arbetet är: (1) en juridisk studie där rättslägget undersöks och beskrivs; (2) en intervjustudie för att analysera hur Lantmäteriet och Länsstyrelsen ser på problematiken kring ledningar som lämnas kvar i vatten efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts samt en intervjustudie för att analysera i vilket mån är fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna informerade om själva problematiken kring ledningar som finns kvar i vattnet efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts och vem de anser har ansvar att ta bort ledningar för att återställa miljö i vattenområde; (3) en granskning av förrättningsakter för att analysera om tillräcklig information ges ut till fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna om vad som kommer att hända med ledningar efter att dessa tjänat ut sitt syfte och att analysera om någon miljöbedömning gjorts avseende miljöpåverkan av ledningar i vattenområde.   Resultatet och slutsatsen av examensarbetet ger svar på frågan om den gällande lagstiftningen tar hänsyn till miljö under iordningsställande av ledningsrätten, vilka brister som råder kring hantering av miljöfrågor och hur dessa brister skulle kunna åtgärdas. / In today's society we are dependent on electricity, water and sewage treatment, broadband and other lines, which are of great benefit to people and infrastructure. In order to secure the right to draw up cables for different purposes are formed often rights. Communities change over time, and the technology itself modernized. Existing utility easements are not sufficient, which means that the need for more cables and rights occurs. Existing pipelines and facilities that served their purpose, amended or repealed. The question arises what happens with the lines and the devices after they served their purpose. How is environmental damage managed?   When written about the establishment, amendment and / or termination of utility easements there is usually suggest of the process itself as well as about the advantage of object and purpose of the utility easement which it meet. The environmental aspect is something that is not talked about as much. When the cables are on the bottom of the lake, or gets left behind after they served their purpose, it starts ongoing degradation of the material out in the water. What happened is – impact on environmental and thereby also people's life quality.   The methods used in the work are: (1) a legal study of legal position examined and described; (2) an interview to analyze how the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority and the County Board looks at the problem of wiring left in the water after a utility easement has been repealed and an interview study to analyze to what extent are the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement informed about the problem of cables left in the water after the utility easement right has been revoked and who they think has the responsibility to remove the cables to restore the environment in the water area; (3) a review of the ordinance acts to analyze whether sufficient information is given out to the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement about what will happen to the cables after they served their purpose and to analyze whether an environmental assessment has been made regarding the environmental impact of the cables in the water area.   The results and the conclusion of the thesis answers the question whether current legislation including the environment during the preparation of utility easement, identifying gaps about the management of environmental issues and how these gaps could be fixed.

Rozhodování a působnost orgánů kraje se zaměřením na kraj Vysočina / Decision-Making and Competence of Region Bodies focused on Vysočina Region

Marešová, Dita January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the position of local government units in the Czech Republic. It focuses mainly on decision regional bodies makers in delegated force and separate force. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts used in the work, decision making in public service and regional development and local government in the European context. The analytical part characterizes different regional bodies. They are evaluated in terms of its scope and powers of decision. There are identified risks that may arise from this organization. The system of organs is presented on the example of Region in the current election period 2008 - 2012.

Porovnanie vybraných certifikačných autorít v Českej republike / Comparison of selected certificate authorities in the Czech Republic

Tencer, Peter January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with basic principles of electronic signature and functions of certificate authorities, which is complemented with description of legislation environment in Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis includes methodology for comparison of certificate authority's functions in the field of qualified personal certificates. This methodology is afterwards applied for comparison of functions of accredited certificate authorities operating in Czech Republic and for determination of the best authority according to defined criteria and their significance weights.

The state capture of independent institutions: An analysis of the National Prosecuting Authority, 1998-2017

Pypers, Elain January 2018 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / This thesis focuses on the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) of South Africa between 1998 and 2017, by looking at whether it acts as an independent institution and if it strengthens the quality of democracy in the country. The research addresses various sub-research questions such as, what is independence? What is a quality democracy? Is the NPA able to foster democratic accountability? It further assesses to which extent executive influence and leadership instability affect the independence of the NPA, by looking at the relationship between the executive – the state Presidents’ and government officials – and the NPA, over the years, in terms of the law practiced. And lastly, whether the role of ANC has affected the NPA. These questions arise out of my interest to understand the NPA in terms of its constitutional mandate and how it impacts democracy. The principal concepts used to date indicates that democracy comprises several procedural norms. These democratic norms – accountability, the constraint of executive power, the separation of powers, and the rule of law form the bases for my research study; while other integral factors include independence, state capture, and dominant party systems. The research methodology for this thesis incorporated qualitative research, a case study, and triangulation. The research also included interviews, with Advocate Shaun Abrahams, Dr Silas Ramaite, Advocate Vusi Pikoli, Advocate Glynnis Breytenbach, Mr Steven Swart, Mr Lawson Naidoo, Mr Paul Hoffman, Dr Jeff Rudin, Professor Lukas Muntingh, Professor Lovell Fernandez, Mr Gareth Newham, and Advocate Mike Pothier as the interviewees. The data analysis and synthesis suggest that the lack of oversight of the NPA alongside the political dominance of the ANC has allowed for an infiltration of political influence within the institution resulting in the selective prosecution of high-profile cases. The data highlights the blurring of lines as a result of state capture which has tainted the NPA’s independence. The importance of this research study lies in the relationship of the NPA and democracy, as an erosion of the NPA essentially correlates with the weakening of democracy. Therefore it is vital to protect our independent institutions, like the NPA, as they strengthen our democracy, assist in upholding the rule of law and the Constitution.


HENRIQUE MENDONCA MACHADO 28 May 2012 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar como o princípio de autoridade, fundamental para a subsistência de qualquer instituição ou organização humana, aos poucos, foi se confundindo e se associando as pessoas ou as instituições religiosas que o exerciam, culminando com o autoritarismo. Dessa forma, a ação do Espírito Santo que é o princípio vivificante e vivificador da Igreja de Cristo, gradativamente foi sendo cerceada ou pelo menos limitada na eclesiologia cristã. Por conseguinte, houve o enrijecimento das estruturas eclesiásticas contribuindo para um forte êxodo nas instituições religiosas. Todavia, o Espírito Santo que permanece e floresce como fundamento e espaço vital nas Igrejas cristãs trabalha a fim de que estas possam superar as formas de autoritarismo que produzem a morte, conseqüentemente, permitindo às Igrejas a amplidão e o alargamento do sentido da vida no Espírito, bem como, a renovação e o ressurgimento de uma Igreja mais humana e solidária. Isto é, um novo modo de ser Igreja capaz de manter acesa a chama de esperança por uma vida mais justa e igualitária, no coração de cada ser humano. / [en] The present work has the purpose to demonstrate how principle of authority, fundamental to the survival of any human institution or organization, was gently mingling and associating with people or institutions that put in practice, culminating with authoritarianism. Thus, the action of the Holy Spirit that is principle vivifying and vivifier of the Church of Christ, was gradually being curtailed or at least limited in christian ecclesiology. Consequently, there was hardening of ecclesiastical structures contributing to a strong exodus from religious institutions. However, the Holy Spirit that remains and flouriches as a foundation and living space in the christian Churches works so that it can overcome the forms of authoritarianism that brings forth death, consequently, it enables Churches’ amplitude and enlargement of the meaning of the life in the Spirit, as well as, the renovation and resurgence of a more humane and caring Church; that is, a new way of being a Church able to keep the flame of hope burning for a more just and equalitarian life in the heart of every human being.


JOSE MARIANI DE SA CARVALHO 09 July 2019 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese busca uma reflexão acerca da realização do cinema documentário, centrado na análise de filmes. A metodologia adotada para abordar este tema é focada na questão da autoria, a autoridade do diretor. Observa-se que o analista é essencialmente um espectador diante do filme projetado, trabalhando com ferramentas teóricas associadas à sua memória (experiência) e sensibilidade. Busca-se aqui a adequação da análise às referências teóricas que auxiliam a leitura e interpretação do texto fílmico. Parte-se do princípio de que a criação do personagem está no centro do processo de realização do cinema documentário, onde a autoridade do diretor aparece na concepção dada ao personagem, estabelecendo as conexões entre a estrutura da narrativa e o dispositivo de filmagem. Os personagens assim existem nas narrativas não ficcionais. No caso do filme documentário o personagem tem uma configuração específica, uma dupla camada, sendo ao mesmo tempo ator social e personagem criado, de modo adequado à narrativa. / [en] The thesis project seeks a reflection on the process of documentary filmmaking, focusing on the issue of the creation of the character. The methodol-ogy adopted to address this theme is the case study, focusing on the critical reading of the filmic text. I understand that the analyst is essentially a spectator before the projected film. I know that the analyst has other objectives than the spectator and a specialized theoretical repertoire. The analyst works with theo-retical tools associated with his or her memory (experience) and sensibility. As a methodology of this study, I seek an adaptation with my objectives in the incor-poration of theoretical references that help in the reading and interpretation of the filmic text of a given group of cases. As an initial premise, I place the creation of the character at the center of the documentary filmmaking process. It is through this central core, the conception given to the character, that the authority of the director establishes the connections between the structure of the narrative and the filming device. Characters exist in the fictional narratives as well as in non-fictional narratives. In the case of the documentary, the character has a specific configuration, a double layer, social actor and, at the same time, a character creat-ed in a proper manner for the narrative.

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