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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays in the Economics of Corruption: Experimental and empirical evidence

Leszczynska, Nastassia 20 February 2018 (has links)
The advent of experimental methodologies have led to decisive progress in the study of corrupt behaviour in the last two decades. Since they can complement survey data and perception indexes with controlled experimental data, scholars and policy makers have reached a better understanding of decision-making in bribery situations and are able to design innovative anticorruption policies.In this thesis, I use experimental and empirical data to contribute to the field of the economics of corruption. The first two chapters of this PhD dissertation use experimental methodologies to study decision-making in a bribery scenario. The first chapter tests an anti-corruption strategy with a lab in the field experiment in Burundi. The second chapter studies the fairness concerns that might arise when dealing with redistribution in a bribery situation. The third chapter uses an empirical analysis to explore the controversial issue of political moonlighting, i.e. having outside activities while holding public office. It investigates "double-hat politicians", who combine mayor and parliamentary positions in Wallonia.In a first chapter, written with Jean-Benoit Falisse, we explore the effect of anti- corruption messages on corrupt behavior and public service delivery. In a novel lab-in-the-field experiment, 527 public servants from Burundi were asked to allocate rationed vouchers between anonymous citizens; some of these citizens attempted to bribe the public servants to obtain more vouchers than they were entitled to. Two groups of public servants were randomly exposed to short messages about good governance or professional identity reminders. Participants in these two groups behaved in a fairer manner than those of a third group who were not exposed to any message. The result is more robust in the case of the group exposed to the professional identity reminder. The underlying mechanisms seem to be that when a public servant reflects upon governance values and her professional identity, the moral cost increases, prompting more equal service delivery. Bribe-taking was not impacted by the messages. The experiment provides new insights into the design of anti-corruption strategies.The second chapter, written with Lena Epp, investigates the impact of a public officials’ fairness considerations towards citizens in a petty corruption situation. Other-regarding preferences, and, more particularly, fairness concerns are widely acknowledged as crucial elements of individual economic decision-making. In petty corruption contexts, public officials are to a large extent aware of differences between citizens. Here, we experimentally investigate how fairness considerations may impact on corrupt behaviour. Our novel bribery game reveals that bribes are less frequently accepted when bribers are unequal in terms of endowments. These results suggest that fairness considerations can influence corrupt behaviour.In the last chapter, I focus on political moonlighting in Wallonia. Activities outside of public office or combining specific public offices simultaneously is a topic of ongoing heated debates. An element crucial to these discussions is whether moonlighting is detrimental for politicians’ performance. In Belgium, the combination of local executive and regional legislative offices, i.e. double hat politicians, is a frequent habit for a majority of politicians. This accumulation of activities might lead to (un-)desirable outcomes in terms of political achievements. This chapter investigates the impact of holding several remunerated and honorary positions on regional MPs parliamentary activities and mayor’s municipality performance in Wallonia. I use a database of all public and private positions held by Belgian politicians in Wallonia since the disclosure of positions became compulsory for those holding at least one public position, i.e. from 2004 to 2016. For members of Parliament, wearing a double hat reduces global parliamentary activity. For mayors, it seems that holding more remunerated positions is associated with less efficient municipality management. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays to the application of behavioral economic concepts to the analysis of health behavior

Panidi, Ksenia 27 June 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I apply the concepts of Behavioral Economics to the analysis of the individual health care behavior. In the first chapter I provide a theoretical explanation of the link between loss aversion and health anxiety leading to infrequent preventive testing. In the second chapter I analyze this link empirically based on the general population questionnaire study. In the third chapter I theoretically explore the effects of motivational crowding-in and crowding-out induced by external or self-rewards for the self-control involving tasks such as weight loss or smoking cessation.<p><p>Understanding psychological factors behind the reluctance to use preventive testing is a significant step towards a more efficient health care policy. Some people visit doctors very rarely because of a fear to receive negative results of medical inspection, others prefer to resort to medical services in order to prevent any diseases. Recent research in the field of Behavioral Economics suggests that human's preferences may be significantly influenced by the choice of a reference point. In the first chapter I study the link between loss aversion and the frequently observed tendency to avoid useful but negative information (the ostrich effect) in the context of preventive health care choices. I consider a model with reference-dependent utility that allows to characterize how people choose their health care strategy, namely, the frequency of preventive checkups. In this model an individual lives for two periods and faces a trade-off. She makes a choice between delaying testing until the second period with the risk of a more costly treatment in the future, or learning a possibly unpleasant diagnosis today, that implies an emotional loss but prevents an illness from further development. The model shows that high loss aversion decreases the frequency of preventive testing due to the fear of a bad diagnosis. Moreover, I show that under certain conditions increasing risk of illness discourages testing.<p><p>In the second chapter I provide empirical support for the model predictions. I use a questionnaire study of a representative sample of the Dutch population to measure variables such as loss aversion, testing frequency and subjective risk. I consider the undiagnosed non-symptomatic population and concentrate on medical tests for four illnesses that include hypertension, diabetes, chronic lung disease and cancer. To measure loss aversion I employ a sequence of lottery questions formulated in terms of gains and losses of life years with respect to the current subjective life expectancy. To relate this measure of loss aversion to the testing frequency I use a two-part modeling approach. This approach distinguishes between the likelihood of participation in testing and the frequency of tests for those who decided to participate. The main findings confirm that loss aversion, as measured by lottery choices in terms of life expectancy, is significantly and negatively associated with the decision to participate in preventive testing for hypertension, diabetes and lung disease. Higher loss aversion also leads to lower frequency of self-tests for cancer among women. The effect is more pronounced in magnitude for people with higher subjective risk of illness.<p><p>In the third chapter I explore the phenomena of crowding-out and crowding-in of motivation to exercise self-control. Various health care choices, such as keeping a diet, reducing sugar consumption (e.g. in case of diabetes) or abstaining from smoking, require costly self-control efforts. I study the long-run and short-run influence of external and self-rewards offered to stimulate self-control. In particular, I develop a theoretical model based on the combination of the dual-self approach to the analysis of the time-inconsistency problem with the principal-agent framework. I show that the psychological property of disappointment aversion (represented as loss aversion with respect to the expected outcome) helps to explain the differences in the effects of rewards when a person does not perfectly know her self-control costs. The model is based on two main assumptions. First, a person learns her abstention costs only if she exerts effort. Second, observing high abstention costs brings disutility due to disappointment (loss) aversion. The model shows that in the absence of external reward an individual will exercise self-control only when her confidence in successful abstention is high enough. However, observing high abstention costs will discourage the individual from exerting effort in the second period, i.e. will lead to the crowding-out of motivation. On the contrary, choosing zero effort in period 1 does not reveal the self-control costs. Hence, this preserves the person's self-confidence helping her to abstain in the second period. Such crowding-in of motivation is observed for the intermediate level of self-confidence. I compare this situation to the case when an external reward is offered in the first period. The model shows that given a sufficiently low self-confidence external reward may lead to abstention in both periods. At the same time, without it a person would not abstain in any period. However, for an intermediate self-confidence, external reward may lead to the crowding-out of motivation. For the same level of self-confidence, the absence of such reward may cause crowding-in. Overall, the model generates testable predictions and helps to explain contradictory empirical findings on the motivational effects of different types of rewards. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays on personality traits and investor behavior

Conlin, A. (Andrew) 05 September 2017 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation contributes to the understanding of investor behavior by using personality traits to help explain investor decision-making. The work is novel, as personality traits have not been used much in finance research. The data used in this dissertation is also new to the field, consisting of observations on personality traits and socioeconomic variables combined with official records of investors’ stockholdings. The first essay provides evidence that personality traits significantly affect the stock market participation decision. The essay shows that subscales of traits (i.e., lower-level traits or facets) can provide a better model of behavior, with some subscales of a single higher-level trait having opposite effects on behavior. The novelty seeking subscales exploratory excitability and extravagance have positive and negative effects, respectively, and the reward dependence subscales dependence and sentimentality have positive and negative effects, respectively. The magnitudes of the effects are large, with marginal effects on the probability of being a stock market participant of up to four percentage points. The second essay explores the relationship between personality traits and risk aversion. We estimate risk aversion from equity holdings and from survey measures. The traits display a distinctive pattern of correlations with the estimates of risk aversion. Some traits are significantly related to observed portfolio characteristics such as portfolio volatility, number of stocks held, and trading frequency. The pattern of the traits’ relationships with the various measures of risk aversion indicates that personality traits should not be considered as merely drivers of risk aversion but as preference parameters distinct from risk aversion. The third essay shows that personality traits are related to an investor’s preferences for value versus growth stocks and for small capitalization stocks versus large capitalization stocks. We find more extravagant individuals favor large capitalization growth stocks; more impulsive people favor small capitalization growth stocks; more sentimental investors prefer small capitalization value stocks; and more social investors prefer small capitalization stocks with a tilt towards value. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus auttaa ymmärtämään sijoituskäyttäytymistä selittämällä sijoittajien päätöksentekoa heidän luonteenpiirteillään. Tutkimustuloksilla on uutuusarvoa, sillä luonteenpiirteiden merkitystä ei ole juurikaan tutkittu rahoitustutkimuksessa. Tutkimusaineisto on sekin luonteeltaan tavanomaisesta poikkeava, koostuen yksityishenkilöiden luonteenpiirteitä ja sosioekonomista asemaa kuvaavista muuttujista sekä heidän osakeomistustaan koskevista virallisista rekisteritiedoista. Tutkimuksen ensimmäinen essee osoittaa, että luonteenpiirteillä on merkittävä vaikutus yksityishenkilön päätökseen toimia osakemarkkinoilla. Tutkimustulosten mukaan osallistumispäätöstä kyetään ennustamaan paremmin käyttämällä luonteenpiirteiden pääluokkia mittaavien muuttujien sijasta luonteenpiirteiden alaluokkia mittaavia muuttujia. Tämä selittyy sillä, että alaluokkia mittaavilla muuttujilla on eräissä tapauksissa vastakkaismerkkisiä, pääluokkaa mittaavassa muuttujassa toisensa peittäviä, yhteyksiä osallistumispäätökseen. Tämä voidaan havaita muun muassa pääluokkaan ”elämyshakuisuus” kuuluvien ”kokeilunhalun” (+) ja ”tuhlaavaisuuden” (-) kohdalla, samoin kuin pääluokkaan ”palkkioriippuvuus” kuuvilla ”riippuvuudella” (+) ja ”sentimentaalisuudella” (-). Kaiken kaikkiaan luonteenpirteitä mittaavien muuttujien vaikutuksen suurusluokka on korkea, vastaten yksittäisen muuttujan kohdalla jopa neljän prosentin marginaalivaikutusta osakemarkkinoille osallistumisen todennäköisyyteen. Toinen essee tarkastelee luonteenpiirteiden ja riskinkarttamisen asteen välistä yhteyttä. Tutkimuksessa mitataan yksityishenkilön riskinkarttamisen astetta toisaalta hänen osakeomistuksensa rakenteen perusteella ja toisaalta kyselytutkimuksen avulla. Sijoittajien luonteenpiirteiden ja muodostettujen riskinkarttamisen astetta mittaavien muuttujien väliset korrelaatiot muodostavat selkeän rakenteen. Eräät luonteenpiirteet ovat merkitsevässä riippuvuussuhteessa muun muassa sijoittajan osakesalkun volatiliteettiin, salkkuun sisällytettyjen osakesarjojen määrään ja sijoittajan kaupankäyntiaktiivisuuteen. Luonteenpiirteitä kuvaavien muuttujien ja riskinkarttamisastetta kuvaavien muuttujien välisen yhteyden perusteella luonteenpiirteitä tulisi tarkastella enneminkin erillisinä sijoittajien preferenssejä kuvaavina muuttujina kuin riskinkarttamisasteen taustalla olevina perustekijöinä. Kolmas essee osoittaa, että luonteenpiirteet ovat yhteydessä siihen, suosiiko sijoittaja arvo- vs. kasvuosakkeita ja/tai alhaisen markkina-arvon vs. korkean markkina-arvon yhtiöiden osakkeita. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että ”tuhlaavammat” sijoittajat suosivat korkean markkina-arvon omaavia kasvuosakkeita, kun taas ”impulsiivisemmat” sijoittajat suosivat alhaisen markkina-arvon omaavia kasvuosakkeita. Vastaavasti ”sentimentaalisemmat” sijoittajat suosivat ylipäätään alhaisen markkina-arvon omaavia arvo-osakkeita, ”sosiaalisten” sijoittajien suosiessa heidänkin alhaista markkina-arvoa, suunnaten kiinnostustaan samalla arvo-osakkeisiin.


[pt] O expressivo fluxo de capital externo direcionado aos países emergentes ao longo dos anos 90 foi, e continua sendo, objeto de estudo de muitas pesquisas acadêmicas desenvolvidas na área de finanças internacionais. A maioria destes estudos busca investigar empiricamente, em que medida os fatores econômicos domésticos e externos constituem-se em determinantes significativos do fluxo internacional de capital. Semelhantemente, esse mesmo tipo de análise tem sido freqüentemente realizado sob a ótica do risco-país. A única diferença entre as duas análises é que de um lado o interesse é em torno dos determinantes do movimento de capital, do outro, o foco é sobre o movimento dos preços dos ativos e dos bônus soberanos. Dado que uma parte representativa dos fluxos de capital, ao longo da década de 90, esteve direcionada para o mercado de títulos da dívida pública dos países emergentes, motivada pelos mais diversos fatores, o presente trabalho tem como finalidade estudar essa dinâmica de preços com base em três modelos: i) o primeiro modelo analisa os determinantes econômicos internos do risco-país; ii) o segundo modelo tem o mesmo propósito do primeiro, sendo que a variável grau de aversão ao risco global, que serve de proxy para o componente externo do risco, é incluída no grupo de variáveis explicativas; iii) no último modelo, o enfoque é sobre a relação entre o risco-país específico e os fundamentos econômicos. Entendendo-se como risco específico, o risco-país menos o componente externo. No caso, o exercício em questão será aplicado para uma amostra de países emergentes e especificamente para o Brasil. / [en] The expressive flow of external capital directed to the emerging countries along 90's has been the subject of much academic research developed in the area of international finance. Most of these studies attempt to empirically investigate how much country-especific and global factors constitute significant determinants of capital flow. Similarly, this kind of analysis has frequently taken place under the view of country risk. The only difference between the two analyses is that on the one side the major interest is around the movements of the capital flow, whereas on the other one it is around the price determination of sovereign bonds. Given the fact that an important part of capital flow along the 90's was linked to external debt bonds of emerging market countries motivated by several reasons, this dissertation has the goal of studying the economic determinants of price variations based on three models: i) the first model analyzes the domestics determinants of country risk; ii) the second model has the same goal of the first one; however, the global risk aversion variable, which serves as proxy for the external risk component, is included to the group of explanatory variables; iii) the last model specifically focuses on the relationship between country risk and economic fundamentals. It is important that we understand as specific risk, the country risk deprived from the external components. Therefore, the following analysis will be applied to a sample of emerging markets and especifically to Brazil.

Beslutsfattande utifrån prospektteorin : En scenariobaserad studie om risker och hållbara investeringar i gruvindustrin

Melander, Lisa, Stenvall, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Prospektteorin presenterades av Kahneman och Tversky år 1979. Teorin förklarar hur beslutsfattande sker under risk. Kahneman belönades år 2002 med Alfred Nobels Ekonomipris för sitt arbete inom beslutsfattande, riskbedömning och rationalitet. Hans forskning nådde den breda massan med boken Tänka, snabbt och långsamt. Sedan boken släpptes år 2011 har den getts ut i över 30 länder och utsågs till en av årets bästa böcker av The Wall Street Journal, The Economist och The New York Times. Studiens syfte var att med hjälp av prospektteorin förklara hur investerare fattar beslut om hållbara investeringar under risk inom den svenska gruvindustrin. För att uppnå syftet identifierades investerares uppfattning av konsekvenser i svenska gruvföretag. Studien utfördes genom att låta investerare bedöma konsekvenser utifrån ett flertal scenarier och sedan fatta beslut om en hållbar investering. På så sätt erhålls en djupare förståelse för hur beslut fattas under risk. Den kvalitativa empiriinsamlingen gjordes i två steg. En inledande intervju gjordes för att fånga respondenternas uppfattning om gruvindustrins risker och potentiella konsekvenser. Därefter utformades med grund i prospektteorin och tidigare studier ett flertal scenarier samt ett mätinstrument för att analysera resultatet. Resultatet bekräftar att investerares beslutsfattande inom den svenska gruvindustrin påverkas i enlighet med prospektteorins grundantaganden kring beslutsfattande under risk. Det visade även att den finansiella risken var avgörande i majoriteten av besluten. Att testa konsekvensernas påverkan på besluten utifrån givna scenarion har bidragit med en fördjupad förståelse för investerares uppfattning om risk inom den svenska gruvindustrin utifrån prospektteorin. / Prospect theory was presented by Kahneman and Tversky in 1979. The theory explains how decision-making takes place under risk. In 2002, Kahneman was awarded the Alfred Nobel Finance Prize for his work in decision making, risk assessment and rationality. His research reached the broad mass with the book Thinking, fast and slow. Since the book was released in 2011, it has been published in over 30 countries and was voted one of the best books of the year by The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and The New York Times. The purpose of the study was to explain how investors make decisions about sustainable investments under risk with the help of prospect theory. To achieve this purpose, investors' perceptions of the consequences in Swedish mining companies were identified. The study was conducted by allowing investors to assess the consequences based on several scenarios and then decide on a sustainable investment. In this way, a deeper understanding of how decisions are made under risk is obtained. The qualitative empirical data collection was done in two steps. An initial interview was conducted to capture respondents' perceptions of the mining industry's risks and potential consequences. Subsequently, based on prospect theory and previous studies, several scenarios and a measuring instrument were developed to analyze the results. The result confirms that investors' decision-making in the Swedish mining industry is affected in accordance with the prospect theory's basic assumptions about decision-making under risk. It also showed that the financial risk was decisive in most decisions. Testing the impact of the consequences on decisions based on given scenarios has contributed to a deeper understanding of investors' perceptions of risk in the Swedish mining industry based on prospect theory.

Har kultur en inverkan på investeringsbeteende? : En kvantitativ jämförandestudie mellan svenska och spanska investerare

Nordström, Fanny, Åström, Konstantin January 2019 (has links)
Cultural Finance är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde som belyser att kultur kan vara en nyckelfaktor till att förklara individers investeringsbeteende. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om kultur kan vara en förklarande faktor till individers investeringsbeteende.  En jämförandestudie genomfördes där svenska (n=124) och spanska (n=109) investerare undersöktes. Studien baserades på kvantitativa enkäter som publicerades i forum med inriktning på investeringar. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av ett Mann Whitney U test i SPSS version för att testa om det går att urskilja skillnader i investeringsbeteende mellan Sverige och Spanien. Resultatet visade på att det gick att urskilja skillnader i investeringsbeteende i risktagande och individers motvilja att förlora pengar och att dessa skillnader kan bero på kultur. / Cultural Finance is a relatively new research area that highlights that culture can be a critical factor in explaining the investment behavior of individuals. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether culture can be an explanatory factor for individuals' investment behavior. A comparative study was conducted in which Swedish (n = 124) and Spanish (n = 109) investors were surveyed. The study was based on quantitative questionnaires published in forums focusing on investments. The results were analyzed using a Mann Whitney U test in SPSS version to test whether differences in investment behavior between Sweden and Spain can be discerned. The results showed that it was possible to discern differences in investment behavior in risk-taking and individuals' reluctance to lose money and that these differences may be due to culture.

Exponential Growth Bias and Worry in the Context of COVID-19 and Stock Market

Englund, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
People use shortcuts to make decisions to efficiently deal with a large volume of information. Linear thinking is one shortcut and it contributes to exponential growth bias which means underestimation of exponential growth values. This study examined differences in exponential growth bias in the context of the stock market and COVID-19 cases. Moreover, this research analyzed correlation between exponential growth bias and worry for health and for the economy in the contexts of COVID-19 and stock market. A total of 120 participants completed an online survey in which they were randomly assigned to the COVID-19 or stock market group. A 2 x 3 repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant differences depending on the group. Moreover, ANOVA showed that bias increased in line with the increase in the percentages analyzed for both groups. Exploratory Pearson analysis showed that there was a significant negative correlation between worry for the economy and exponential growth bias of 15% and 40% growth scenarios in COVID-19 group. There were no significant correlations between worry for the economy or health in the stock market group. The conclusion is that people use shortcuts which leads them to biased decision- making. For example, when calculating exponential values, people think linearly and it leads them to exponential growth bias, what in practice results in estimating values lower than they are. Interventions, as education with aim to reduce exponential growth bias are proposed for the future research.

Intermediación financiera: La confianza de los hogares en las instituciones financieras / Financial Intermediation: Households' Trust in Financial Institutions

Peña Fernández, Hillary Milagros 26 September 2021 (has links)
La intermediación financiera ha aumentado a lo largo del tiempo en el Perú, los principales factores que pueden explicar este incremento son el acceso al sistema financiero, los ingresos percibidos y el nivel educativo y educación financiera. Sin embargo, una de las variables que no se suele tomar en consideración es la percepción de confianza, la cual es la que se estudia en este trabajo, y se busca hallar la influencia en la relación de la demanda por servicios financieros. Beczuck (2005) considera que las características y percepciones de la población influyen de manera positiva en el mejoramiento de la intermediación financiera. Por lo que resulta relevante el poder realizar estudios por el lado de la demanda para poder entender el comportamiento de la población frente a los servicios financieros ofertados. Mediante la la Encuesta Nacional de Capacidades Financieras 2019, se realiza una estimación del modelo de elección binaria debido a la característica de naturaleza dicotómica de la variable dependiente, donde se estima si una persona elige una cuenta de ahorro, depósitos a plazo y fondos mutuos o algún tipo de crédito en el sistema financiero. Los resultados muestran que la confianza tiene una relación positiva en la demanda por servicios financieros, lo que involucraría el tener en cuenta una mejor construcción y consideración de esta variable para políticas económicas. / Financial intermediation has increased over time in Peru, and the main factors that may explain this increase are access to the financial system, perceived income and the level of education and financial literacy. However, one of the variables that is not usually taken into consideration is the perception of trust, which is the one studied in this paper, and the aim is to find its influence on the relationship between the demand for financial services. Beczuck (2005) considers that the characteristics and perceptions of the population have a positive influence on the improvement of financial intermediation. Therefore, it is important to carry out studies on the demand side in order to understand the behavior of the population with respect to the financial services offered. Through the National Survey of Financial Capabilities 2019, an estimation of the binary choice model is made due to the dichotomous nature of the dependent variable, where it is estimated whether a person chooses a savings account, time deposits and mutual funds or some type of credit in the financial system. The results show that trust has a positive relationship with the demand for financial services, which would involve taking into account a better construction and consideration of this variable for economic policies. / Trabajo de investigación

Omvårdnadspersonalens riskaversion kontra vårdtagares autonomi på demensboenden - Vad präglar verksamheten? / Care staff’s risk-aversion versus the autonomy of residents – what characterises the work of care staff in specialist dementia care homes?

Norlin, Jerry, Karlsson, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning inom socialt arbete indikerar att omvårdnadspersonal inom arbetet med äldre människor kan agera i strid med vårdtagares rätt till autonomi i situationer då en potentiell risk för skada uppstår. Syfte: Studiens syften var att: a) undersöka omvårdnadspersonalens förhållningssätt till autonomifrämjande och riskaverta omvårdnadssituationer och b) att använda Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) för att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar personalens intentioner till agerande i dessa situationer. Metod: Studien nyttjade en kvantitativ tvärsnitts- och kvasi-experimentell design, med vinjettbaserade enkäter skildrandes tre omvårdnadssituationer som skiljer sig i autonomifrämjande och riskaverta ageranden hos omvårdnadspersonalen. Urval: Urvalet bestod av omvårdnadspersonal (n=62) från fem vård- och omsorgsboenden för personer med demens. Resultat: Sammantaget tyder omvårdnadspersonalens bedömningar av situationerna att riskaverta ageranden var vanligare än autonomifrämjande ageranden både hos dem själva och bland deras kollegor. Genom analyser av TRA ges belägg för att de subjektiva normerna påverkar personalens intentioner till agerande mer än attityder. / Background: Research within social work indicates that staff working in care for older people can act in a way that conflicts with the care-recipient’s right to autonomy in situations where there is a risk of harm. Purpose: The study’s aims were a) to investigate staff’s response to autonomy-promoting and risk-averse care situations and b) to use the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to investigate which factors influence staff’s intentions to act in these situations. Method: A quantitative cross-sectional quasi-experimental design, with vignette-based surveys depicting three care situations differing in terms of autonomy-promoting or risk-averse staff behavior. Sample: Nursing staff (N = 62) recruited from five specialist dementia care homes. Results: Overall, staff ratings of the vignettes suggested risk-aversion is more common than autonomy-promotion, both among their colleagues and in their own behavior, while the TRA analyses indicated that subjective norms more than attitudes influence the behavioral intentions of staff.


RODRIGO DA ROCHA GOMES 25 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Estratégias de diversificação de riqueza têm como objetivo eliminar o risco idiossincrático. Estas estratégias não estão disponíveis para acionistas controladores em empresas como no Brasil, em que o controle tem grande valor e os controladores não querem correr o risco de abrir mão dele, como visto por Leal et al (2002). Nesse contexto, risco idiossincrático deve ser relevante para decisões de endividamento corporativo. Para testar esta hipótese, é coletada uma amostra de 329 empresas de capital aberto da B3 de 2003 a 2017. Regressões com variáveis instrumentais mostram que 1 desvio padrão de variação do risco idiossincrático impacta em uma redução de endividamento de 0,18 desvio padrão. Esta relação não é encontrada para empresas controladas pelo governo. Concentração de propriedade, portanto, magnifica problemas de financiamento e alocação de capital em empresas privadas. / [en] Wealth diversification strategies aim to eliminate idiosyncratic risk. Those strategies are not available for controlling shareholders in companies like in Brazil, where control is highly valued, and shareholders don’t want to risk losing it, as seen in Leal et al (2002). In this context, idiosyncratic risk should be relevant for capital structure decision making. To test this hypothesis, a sample of 329 private firms in B3 from 2003 to 2017 is used. Regressions with instrumental variables show that 1 standard deviation change in idiosyncratic risk impacts in a reduction in leverage of 0.18 standard deviations. This relation is not found among government-controlled firms. Thus, propriety concentration magnifies financing problems and capital allocation in private firms.

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