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[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades mecânicas, físicas e microestruturais de materiais
compósitos cimentícios reforçados por fibras naturais e de laminados de bambu. O trabalho experimental foi direcionado para a determinação da tenacidade. Para se determinar a tenacidade foram utilizados três tipos de ensaios: impacto Charpy, impacto balístico e flexão em 3 pontos. Após os ensaios, a superfície de fratura dos corpos-de-prova foi analisada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Esta análise microestrutural serviu para determinar os modos de fratura e validar as hipóteses feitas nos modelos matemáticos utilizados. Foram usados modelos adaptados da literatura para a determinação da tenacidade e os valores teóricos obtidos foram confrontados com os experimentais. Determinou-se também através de modelos encontrados na literatura a tensão interfacial de todas as fibras utilizadas nesta pesquisa. Os modelos empregados para calcular a tenacidade e a tensão de adesão interfacial, se mostraram eficientes e válidos. Em segundo plano, porém não menos importante, ficou a determinação das propriedades
térmicas dos materiais utilizados. Foram efetuados ensaios de condutividade térmica do compósito e ensaios termogravimétricos das fibras vegetais e do bambu. Os compósitos cimentícios foram reforçados por diferentes fibras naturais: polpa refinada de bambu (CPB), polpa de sisal (CPS), polpa de eucalipto (CPE), fibras curtas de sisal (CPFS) e wollastonita (CPW). As proporções das polpas de bambu, sisal e eucalipto utilizadas como reforço nas matrizes cimentícias foram de 8 por cento e 14 por cento em relação à massa do cimento, a da fibra curta de sisal (25 mm) foi de 3 por cento em relação ao volume e a da wollastonita foi de 11,5 por cento em relação à massa. Compóstios híbridos feitos com wollastonita e polpa de bambu (CPBW) foram também produzidos apenas variando a proporção da polpa de bambu em 8 por cento e 14 por cento e mantendo fixa a da wollastonita em 11,5 por cento. Como uma tentativa de se melhorar a resistência ao impacto, laminados CPB/AL foram também fabricados colando duas chapas de alumínio (liga 5052 H34) de espessura 0,8 mm em ambas às faces dos compósitos reforçados por fibra de bambu, formando assim compósitos sanduíche (CPBA). O bambu Moso (Phyllostachys heterocycla pubescens) com 5 anos de idade foi usado para fabricação dos laminados de bambu, sendo tratado com água fervida para a prevenção de ataques biológicos. Técnicas para a extração do laminado a partir de seu formato natural foram estudadas estabelecendo suas vantagens e desvantagens. Para o ensaio de impacto foram utilizados corpos-de-prova com dimensão nominal de 120 mm x 15 mm x 6 mm perfazendo um total de 18 corpos-de-prova. Para o de flexão foram realizados ensaios com uma lâmina simples de bambu (BL) e bambu laminado colado (BLC) com 3 camadas de lâminas dispostas ortogonalmente. Os resultados dos testes de impacto Charpy e flexão em 3 pontos comprovaram a boa tenacidade do bambu laminado quando submetido a cargas de impacto (42,54 kJ/m2) e a cargas estáticas (19,77 kJ/m2 para o laminado e 17,63 kJ/m2 para o laminado colado). Compósitos sanduíche constituídos de alumínio e laminados de bambu foram também fabricados. Estes foram analisados através de ensaios de impacto balísticos seguindo as recomendações da norma NIJ 0101.04. Observações no microscópico eletrônico de varredura foram realizadas para se analisar os mecanismos de falha dos laminados. / [en] The main objective of this work was to evaluate the mechanical, physical and microestructure properties of
cementitious composite materials and bamboo laminates. The experimental program was focused on the determination of toughness. Three diferent types of tests were performed in order to establish it: Charpy impact, ballistic impact and three point bending test. After the tests, the fractured surface of the failed test specimens was observed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to establish the failure mode. Mathematical models adapted from the available literature were used to determine the toughness from which the values were confronted to the ones obtained experimentally. It was also determined by mathematical models the interfacial bond stress of all fibers used in this research. The two models, used in the toughness and interfacial bond stress calculation, showed to be efficient, providing valid results. In second plan, but not less important, was the determination of the materials thermal properties. Thermal conductivity tests of the composites and thermogravimetry of the fibers and bamboo were performed. The cementitious composites were reinforced by different natural fibers: refined bamboo pulp (CPB), sisal pulp (CPS), eucalyptus pulp (CPE), short sisal fibers (CPFS) and wollastonite. The mass fraction of bamboo, sisal and eucalyptus pulp studied were 8 percent and 14 percent. For the wollastonite fiber the mass fraction studied was 11.5 percent and for the short sisal fiber a 3 percent volume fraction was studied.
Hybrid composites made with wollastonite and bamboo pulp (CPBW) were also produced varying the bamboo fraction mass to 8 percent and 14 percent but keeping constant to 11.5 percent the wollastonite mass fraction. The slurry de-watering process was used in the production of all composites described
before. To reduce the adverse effects of weathering on the cellulose fibers and to improve the impact load and flexural resistance of the composite, aluminum thin sheets were used to produce a sandwich composite lamina with the CPB, which was denominated as CPBA. Compound Adhesive gel from Otto Baumgart which is a type of epoxy was used to fix the aluminum sheets on the CPB. The use of aluminum has proved to give much higher impact resistance results when compared to the CPB ones. The 5 years old Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla pubescens), which was previously treated in boiled water to eliminate biological agents, was used to produce the bamboo laminates. Techniques were developed to extract bamboo laminates from its natural form, establishing its advantages and disadvantages. For
the Charpy impact test, a total of 18 specimens with nominal dimensions of 120 mm x 15 mm x 6 mm were tested. Laminated (BL) and 3 layer cross ply laminated bamboo (BLC) were tested in bending. A total of 9 specimens were tested per bamboo configuration. The BL specimens had nominal dimensions of 120 mm x 30 mm x 6 mm and the BLC were 120 mm x 30 mm x 17 mm. The results demonstrated the good
toughness of bamboo laminates when subject to dynamic (42.54 kJ/m2) and to static load (19.77 kJ/m2 for the laminate and 17.63 kJ/m2 for the cross ply laminate). Aluminum thin sheets were again used to make sandwich composites, but now using the bamboo laminate (BLCA). The BLCA was tested using the ballistic impact test following the standard NIJ 0101.04. Analysis on the Scanning Eléctron Microscope (SEM) were performed in order to establish the laminate s failure mechanisms.
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Policy Brief for realizing green/bio economy with high value Non-Timber Forest Products commercialization in Ethiopia and SudanEshete Wassie, Abeje, Tadesse, Wubalem, Woldeamanuel, Teshale, Mahagaub Elnasri, Hagir, Nigatu, Teklehaymanot, Pretzsch, Jürgen, Alemu, Asmamaw, Elsheikh Mahmoud, Tarig, El Nour Taha, Mohamed January 2017 (has links)
This policy brief deals with the research findings of the collaborative research project “CHAnces IN Sustainability – promoting natural resource based product chains in East Africa” (CHAINS) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and the DLR Project Management Agency. It presents the studies investigating the value chains of highland BAMBOO and NATURAL GUM AND RESIN products in Ethiopia as well as GUM ARABIC value chains in Sudan. These products possess high eco¬nomic, social and environ¬mental benefits and untapped potentials. However, their pro-duction and commercialization are con¬strained seriously by various challenges limiting the realization of their potentials.
Identified policy options are:
• strengthen institutional capacity;
• improve infrastructure and support services;
• organize necessary information for sustainable utilization planning;
• facilitate actors’ communication, innovation and fair partnership.
This calls for forest product value chain development that is supported by policy, training, research, technology development and transfer, market linkage that consider private sectors, state, civic organizations, universities and research institutes.
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Análisis de viabilidad de la comercialización de Cepillos Ecológicos de bambú -BioSmileFulca Sánchez, Guillermo Isaac, Huayana Quispe, Lisbeth Enedina, León Mejía, José Carlos, Silva Camones, Noelia Valerie, Sotomayor Terrones, Joel Goodwin Julio 03 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto, está basado en la creación de la idea de negocio que tiene por nombre BioSmile, con el objetivo de ofrecer un producto ecológico e innovador.Los cepillos de dientes hechos a base de bambú serán un producto diferenciado dentro del mercado peruano, ya que buscamos promover un cuidado bucal y personal sostenible y eco amigable.El mercado objetivo son usuarios con estilo de vida moderna y acelerada entre los 18 y 55 años, pertenecientes a la generación X y a los llamados Millennials, del sector socioeconómico A y B y que están ubicados en las zonas de Lima moderna. Además, cuentan con una afinidad por productos con tendencia ecológica y de cuidado personal. Se considera que estos usuarios tienen la disposición para pagar el valor agregado que BioSmile ofrece.El plan de marketing se enfocará en los potenciales clientes de BioSmile a través de campañas y promociones, las cuales se harán en redes sociales y ferias ecológicas para tener ventas de manera mensual. De igual manera, se busca el posicionamiento de marca y que BioSmile pueda lograr sus objetivos propuestos.En el plan de operaciones, se establecieron diversos procesos y actividades clave que nos ayudarán con el correcto funcionamiento de BioSmile, También, se enfoca en cumplir con nuestros potenciales clientes y seguir manteniendo una buena relación con nuestros proveedores.En el plan financiero, la inversión inicial será de S/. 5 372.00, donde el 50% es aportado por los socios del proyecto y el 50% através de Crowdfunding para BioSmile. / The present project is based on the creation of a business idea called BioSmile, with the aim of offering an ecological and innovative product. Bamboo based toothbrushes will be a differentiated product within the Peruvian market, as we seek to promote sustainable and eco-friendly oral and personal care.The target market is users with a modern and accelerated lifestyle between 18 and 55 years of age, belonging to “generation X” and the so-called “Millennials”, from the socio-economic sector A and B and located in the areas of modern Lima. In addition, they have an affinity for environmentally friendly and personal care products. These users are considered to be willing to pay for the added value that BioSmile offers.The marketing plan will focus on potential clients of BioSmile through campaigns and promotions, which will be made in social networks and ecological fairs to have sales on a monthly basis. Similarly, we seek to position the brand and to enable BioSmile to achieve its proposed objectives. In the operations plan, several key processes and activities were established that will help us with the proper functioning of BioSmile. Also, it focuses on meeting our potential customers and continuing to maintain a good relationship with our suppliersThe marketing plan will focus on potential clients of BioSmile through campaigns and promotions, which will be made in social networks and ecological fairs to have sales on a monthly basis. Similarly, we seek to position the brand and to enable BioSmile to achieve its proposed objectives. In the financial plan, the initial investment will be S/. 5372. 00, where 50% is contributed by the project partners and 50% through Crowdfunding for BioSmile. / Trabajo de investigación
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Termofysiologisk komfort : En studie där värmeisolering och fukttransportegenskaper undersöks i alternativa materialval än de konventionella för tillämpning i underställ / Thermophysiological comfortHollén, Moa, Westerlund, Filippa January 2023 (has links)
Funktionskläder utgör idag en stor marknad över hela världen med stigande efterfrågan där syntetiska material står för en betydande andel av de producerade textilierna. Ett plaggs totala miljöpåverkan kan till stor del härledas till materialvalet. Materialkompositionen i underställ består ofta av blandningar av textila fibrer, vilket komplicerar återvinningsprocessen och gör den nästintill omöjlig. För att kunna 'sluta cirkeln' måste innovativa textila lösningar tas fram för att styra textilindustrin i rätt riktning. Studien undersöker alternativa fibrer och jämför dem med de konventionella för textilier till underställ där man vill uppnå god fukttransport och värmeisolering. Vidare kartläggs materialens användningsområden för att skapa ett mångsidigt funktionsplagg och därmed möjliggöra en klimatsmartare garderob. Studien identifierar och jämför de termofysiologiska egenskaperna hos materialen bambuviskos, merinoull, Tencel, PCM och Coolmax. Textilprover stickades i hundraprocentiga materialkompositioner med en utvald trikåbindning i en rundsticksmaskin. Textilprovets termofysiologiska egenskaper utvärderades med hjälp av testutrustningarna Hudmodellen och WickView för att bestämma värmemotstånd och fukttransport. Därefter analyserades resultaten på materialens termofysiologiska komfort för att sedan kartlägga deras användningsområde baserat på aktivitetsnivå och omgivningsfaktorer. Resultaten från studien indikerar att merinoull och Coolmax kan rekommenderas för användning i underställ där både värmeisolering och fukttransport är viktiga, där merinoull är mest lämplig för kalla klimat. Vidare kan bambuviskos och Tencel vara lämpliga alternativ för användning i underställ vid aktiviteter av måttlig intensitet i varierande klimatförhållanden. PCM, med sitt låga värmemotstånd och medelhöga fukttransport, gör materialet mindre lämpligt för underställ. Testresultaten från studien ger insikt i materialens termofysiologiska komfort, men bör inte ses som en heltäckande bild av denna komfort. För att erhålla en mer valid slutsats krävs ytterligare tester och beaktande av fler faktorer. / Functional clothing represents a significant global market with rising demand today, where synthetic materials account for a considerable proportion of the textiles produced. A garment's total environmental impact can largely be traced back to the choice of material. The material composition of base layers often consists of mixtures of textile fibers, which complicates the recycling process and makes it almost impossible. To 'close the loop', innovative textile solutions must be developed to steer the textile industry in the right direction. The study investigates alternative fibers and compares them with conventional ones for textiles in base layers where effective moisture transport and heat insulation are sought. Furthermore, the areas of use for these materials are mapped out to create a versatile functional garment, thereby enabling a more climate-smart wardrobe. The study identifies and compares the thermophysiological properties of the materials bamboo viscose, merino wool, Tencel, PCM, and Coolmax. Textile samples were knitted in 100% material compositions using a selected tricot stitch on a circular knitting machine. The thermophysiological properties of the textile samples were evaluated using the Skin Model and WickView testing equipment to determine heat resistance and moisture transport. Afterwards, the results on the materials' thermophysiological comfort were analyzed, and their areas of use were mapped out based on activity level and environmental factors. The results from the study indicate that merino wool and Coolmax can be recommended for use in base layers where both heat insulation and moisture transport are important, with merino wool being most suitable for cold climates. Furthermore, bamboo viscose and Tencel could be suitable alternatives for use in base layers for activities of moderate intensity in varying climate conditions. PCM, with its low heat resistance and medium-high moisture transport, makes the material less suitable for base layers. The test results from the study provide insight into the materials' thermophysiological comfort but should not be seen as a comprehensive picture of this comfort. To obtain a more valid conclusion, additional tests and consideration of more factors are required.
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The Effect of Biocomposite Material in a Composite Structure Under Compression LoadingSweeney, Benjamin Andrew 01 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
While composite structures exhibit exceptional strength and weight saving possibilities for engineering applications, sometimes their overall cost and/or material performance can limit their usage when compared to conventional structural materials. Meanwhile ‘biocomposites’, composite structures consisting of natural fibers (i.e. bamboo fibers), display higher cost efficiency and unique structural benefits such as ‘sustainability’. This analysis will determine if the integration of these two different types of composites are beneficial to the overall structure. Specifically, the structure will consist of a one internal bamboo veneer biocomposite ply; and two external carbon fiber weave composite plies surrounding the bamboo biocomposite. To acquire results of this study, the hypothesized composite structure will consist of varied trapezoidal corrugated specimens and tested in uniaxial compression loading. Thereafter, this test data will be used to ultimately design, manufacture, and test a structural biocomposite/composite box, intended to carry extremely high compressive loads; relative to its own weight. A finite element analysis of this test will be used to validate experimental data. After running the experiment, the carbon fiber with bamboo test sample results were compared to that of only carbon fiber test sample. The carbon fiber samples resulted in a maximum compressive load difference of only 23% higher loads when compared to the carbon fiber with bamboo, on average. These findings are discussed throughout.
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Molten Steel: The Sound Traffic of the SteelpanOlsen, Kristofer W., 22 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Participative Innovation Platforms (PIP): Guideline for analysis and development of commercial forest product value chains in Sudan and EthiopiaAuch, Eckhard, Alemu Abtew, Asmamaw 22 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This working paper was developed with the intention to provide a guideline for participatory analysis and development of commercial forest product value chains, in the context of developing countries. Basically, it was designed for identification and implementation of interventions or upgrading measures for the improvement of commercial forest product (Bamboo, Natural gum and resin, and Gum Arabic) value chains in Ethiopia and Sudan within the framework of a collaborative research project - CHAnces IN Sustainability: promoting natural resource based product chains in East Africa (CHAINS). The PIP instrument could also be applied for other commercial non-timber forest products (NTFPs), by adjusting to the local contexts and environments. It can be an important guide for value chain analysts, especially in the process of designing and verifying upgrading actions through the application of tools like interviewing actors, group discussions, or facilitated workshops.
This working paper particularly provides:
- Background information on basic concepts of value chain analysis and development;
- Review of methodological frameworks for participatory value chain analysis and development;
- Practical details for participatory value chain analysis as implemented by the CHAINS project, including checklists, diagrams, and tools used in the participatory process;
- Critical reflection on the practical application of the approach / Das als Leitfaden gestaltete Arbeitspapier beschreibt Schritt für Schritt das Vorgehen bei der Implementierung von ‚Participative Innovation Platforms‘ (PIP). Das PIP Methodenpaket zur partizipativen Analyse und Entwicklung von Wertschöpfungsketten in Entwicklungsländern wird an Beispielen von kommerziellen Nichtholz-Waldprodukten aus Trockenwäldern Ostafrikas erklärt und gibt praktische Unterstützung zur Durchführung der PIP Workshops mit dem Ziel, Aktivitäten und Interventionen für Innovationen mit Relevanz für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette gemeinsam mit den beteiligten Akteuren zu vereinbaren.
Das PIP Konzept wurde im Rahmen des entwicklungsorientierten Forschungsprojekts CHAINS (CHAnces IN Sustainability: promoting natural resource based product chains in East Africa) entwickelt, um Bambus -, Weihrauch- und Gummi arabicum Wertschöpfungsketten in Äthiopien und dem Sudan zu verbessern. Das PIP Instrument stellt die Akteure in den Mittelpunkt und kann deshalb sehr flexibel auch für andere Produkte angewendet werden.
Der Leitfaden bietet:
- Hintergrundinformationen zum Konzept von Wertschöpfungsketten;
- Einführung in den methodischen Rahmen für partizipative Analyse und Entwicklung von Wertschöpfungsketten;
- Praktische Anleitung für die partizipative Analyse von Wertschöpfungsketten nach dem im CHAINS Projekt entwickelten Methodenpaket, einschließlich Checklisten, Diagrammen und Methoden;
- Kritische Reflektion zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des PIP Methodenpakets.
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Research on thermal modification of African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina [K. Schumann] Lin) in terms of woven strand board (WSB) product development in EthiopiaStarke, Robert 17 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
’African Bamboo PLC’ has the vision to become the first and the leading bamboo-based floorboard producer in Africa with export markets in Europe and America. African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina), common in the highlands of Ethiopia, was used to develop woven strand board (WSB) products. Research on thermal modification was part of the product development.
Samples were mainly collected in Tetechia (6°33‘ 34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2,650-2,700 m a.s.l.), located in the Sidama region. Three culms each of two, three, four and five years of age were harvested. Samples were taken from the middle of each internode to determine the moisture content and density. Samples used to assess the effects of thermal modification were cut next to them. Further test specimens from different areas and other species such as the lowland bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica) were also investigated.
The thermal treatment was applied in a kiln with steam as an inert blanket to reduce oxidative processes. Eight modifications were performed at temperatures of 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C and 220 °C, at durations of three or five hours each. Mass loss, sorption behaviour, impact resistance, resistance to indentation and contents of chemical components were analysed for the modified and unmodified samples.
Yushania alpina is a thin-walled bamboo with a maximum diameter of 6 cm, moisture content of up to 150 % and densities of between 0.5 g/cm² and 0.8 g/cm². Moisture content, diameter and wall thickness decreased from the bottom to the top of the culms, whereas density increased. Two year old bamboo had the lowest and three year the highest density.
The mass loss followed an exponential trend, with about 2 % loss at 160 °C and 16 % at 220 °C. This mainly reflected the degradation of hemicellulose, which was fully removed at 220 °C. Extractive contents, at less than 5 %, fluctuated. Lignin amounted to 30 % and increased appreciably. Cellulose reached contents of about 45 % and decreased slightly at high temperatures. The chemical change, which was based more on the temperature than on the duration of treatment, influenced the sorption behaviour and mechanical properties most of all. The equilibrium moisture content was reduced by between 10 % to 40 %, depending on the climate and modification temperature chosen. This reduction stabilised between temperatures of 200 °C and 220 °C. The impact resistance of untreated bamboo was 3.8 J/cm², compared to only 1.4 J/cm² for modified samples. Resistance also differed between samples from the outer and inner part of the culm in the transverse section. The resistance to indentation declined also. Unmodified samples had 47 N/mm², compared to only 20 N/mm² for strongly modified samples.
The results of the analysis and the experience gained indicate that temperatures between 180 °C and 200 °C, held for three hours, lead to the best results for woven strand board production using Ethiopian highland bamboo. / ’African Bamboo PLC’ setzt sich zum Ziel, als erstes Unternehmen Holzwerkstoffe aus Bambus nach Europa und Amerika zu exportieren. Afrikanischer Hochgebirgsbambus (Yushania alpina), welcher vor allem im Hochland von Äthiopien vorkommt, wurde dazu verwendet ”woven strand boards” (WSB) zu entwickeln. Untersuchungen zur thermischen Modifizierung waren dabei Bestandteil der Produktentwicklung.
Die dafür notwendigen Bambusproben wurden hauptsächlich in Tetechia (6°33‘34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2650-2700 m ü. NN), einem Dorf in Sidama, entnommen. Es wurden dazu je drei Bambushalme der Altersklassen zwei, drei, vier und fünf Jahre geerntet. Proben für die Bestimmung von Holzfeuchte und Dichte wurden in der Mitte jedes Internodiums entnommen. Diese spielten als Referenzprobe eine große Rolle. Neben den Referenzprobekörpern wurden die jeweiligen Stücke für die thermische Behandlung heraus gesägt, wobei dies nach einer bestimmten Systematik erfolgte. Neben den Proben aus Tetechia wurden für die Untersuchungen zudem Proben aus anderen Gebieten und von einer anderen Art, dem Tieflandbambus (Oxytenanthera abyssinica), hinzugefügt.
Die thermische Modifizierung erfolgte unter Wasserdampf, welcher oxidative Prozesse verhinderte. Insgesamt erfolgten acht Modifizierungen bei Temperaturen von 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C und 220 °C und einer jeweiligen Haltezeit von drei oder fünf Stunden. In Anbetracht der unbehandelten und behandelten Proben wurden der Masseverlust, die Bruchschlagarbeit, der Eindruckswiderstand und die chemische Zusammensetzung analysiert.
Yushania alpina ist ein dünnwandiger Bambus mit Durchmessern bis zu 6 cm, Holzfeuchten bis 150 % und Dichten zwischen 0,5 g/cm² und 0,8 g/cm². Holzfeuchte, Durchmesser und Wandstärke verringerten sich mit der Halmhöhe, wobei die Dichte hingegen anstieg. Zweijähriger Bambus hatte die geringsten und dreijähriger Bambus die höchsten Dichten.
Der Masseverlust folgte einem expontiellem Verlauf mit Werten von 2 % bei 160 °C und 16 % bei 220 °C. Er widerspiegelte den Abbau der Hemicellulose, welche bei 220 °C schon nicht mehr vorhanden war. Exktraktgehalte fluktuierten mit Werten unter 5 %. Der Ligningehalt lag bei ungefähr 30 % und stieg merklich an. Der Cellulosegehalt erreichte Werte von etwa 45 %, wobei die Cellulose bei höheren Temperaturen leicht abgebaut wurde. Die chemischen Veränderungen, welche maßgeblich von der angewandten Temperatur statt der Behandlungsdauer beeinflusst wurden, wirkten sich auf das Sorptionsverhalten und mechanische Eigenschaften aus. Je nach ausgesetztem Klima und erfolgter Modifikation wurde die Ausgleichsfeuchte der Proben um 10 % bis 40 % reduziert. Die Abnahme der Ausgleichsfeuchte stabilisierte sich im Temperaturbereich von 200 °C bis 220 °C. Die Bruchschlagarbeit des unbehandelten Bambus betrug 3,8 J/cm², die des behandelten nur 1,4 J/cm². Die Bruchschlagarbeit variierte unabhängig von der Modifikation zwischen dem inneren und äußeren Abschnittes innerhalb des Halmquerschnitts. Der Eindruckswiderstand nahm mit der thermischen Behandlung ebenfalls ab. Unbehandelte Proben hatten 47 N/mm², während die modifizierten Proben nur noch 20 N/mm² aufwiesen.
Anhand der Ergebnisse und erworbenen Erfahrungen lies sich schlussfolgern, dass Temperaturen zwischen 180 °C und 200 °C bei einer Haltezeit von drei Stunden für die thermische Modifizierung von Äthiopischem Hochlandbambus in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von ”woven strand boards” empfehlenswert waren.
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Site evaluation approach for reforestations based on SVAT water balance modeling considering data scarcity and uncertainty analysis of model input parameters from geophysical dataMannschatz, Theresa 10 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Extensive deforestations, particularly in the (sub)tropics, have led to intense soil degradation and erosion with concomitant reduction in soil fertility. Reforestations or plantations on those degraded sites may provide effective measures to mitigate further soil degradation and erosion, and can lead to improved soil quality. However, a change in land use from, e.g., grassland to forest may have a crucial impact on water balance. This may affect water availability even under humid tropical climate conditions where water is normally not a limiting factor. In this context, it should also be considered that according to climate change projections rainfall may decrease in some of these regions. To mitigate climate change related problems (e.g. increases in erosion and drought), reforestations are often carried out. Unfortunately, those measures are seldom completely successful, because the environmental conditions and the plant specific requirements are not appropriately taken into account. This is often due to data-scarcity and limited financial resources in tropical regions. For this reason, innovative approaches are required that are able to measure environmental conditions quasi-continuously in a cost-effective manner.
Simultaneously, reforestation measures should be accompanied by monitoring in order to evaluate reforestation success and to mitigate, or at least to reduce, potential problems associated with reforestation (e.g. water scarcity). To avoid reforestation failure and negative implications on ecosystem services, it is crucial to get insights into the water balance of the actual ecosystem, and potential changes resulting from reforestation. The identification and prediction of water balance changes as a result of reforestation under climate change requires the consideration of the complex feedback system of processes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum. Models that account for those feedback system are Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer (SVAT) models.
For the before-mentioned reasons, this study targeted two main objectives: (i) to develop and test a method combination for site evaluation under data scarcity (i.e. study requirements) (Part I) and (ii) to investigate the consequences of prediction uncertainty of the SVAT model input parameters, which were derived using geophysical methods, on SVAT modeling (Part II).
A water balance modeling approach was set at the center of the site evaluation approach. This study used the one-dimensional CoupModel, which is a SVAT model. CoupModel requires detailed spatial soil information for (i) model parameterization, (ii) upscaling of model results and accounting for local to regional-scale soil heterogeneity, and (iii) monitoring of changes in soil properties and plant characteristics over time. Since traditional approaches to soil and vegetation sampling and monitoring are time consuming and expensive (and therefore often limited to point information), geophysical methods were used to overcome this spatial limitation. For this reason, vis-NIR spectroscopy (visible to near-infrared wavelength range) was applied for the measurement of soil properties (physical and chemical), and remote sensing to derive vegetation characteristics (i.e. leaf area index (LAI)). Since the estimated soil properties (mainly texture) could be used to parameterize a SVAT model, this study investigated the whole processing chain and related prediction uncertainty of soil texture and LAI, and their impact on CoupModel water balance prediction uncertainty.
A greenhouse experiment with bamboo plants was carried out to determine plant-physiological characteristics needed for CoupModel parameterization. Geoelectrics was used to investigate soil layering, with the intent of determining site-representative soil profiles for model parameterization. Soil structure was investigated using image analysis techniques that allow the quantitative assessment and comparability of structural features. In order to meet the requirements of the selected study approach, the developed methodology was applied and tested for a site in NE-Brazil (which has low data availability) with a bamboo plantation as the test site and a secondary forest as the reference (reference site). Nevertheless, the objective of the thesis was not the concrete modeling of the case study site, but rather the evaluation of the suitability of the selected methods to evaluate sites for reforestations and to monitor their influence on the water balance as well as soil properties.
The results (Part III) highlight that one needs to be aware of the measurement uncertainty related to SVAT model input parameters, so for instance the uncertainty of model input parameters such as soil texture and leaf area index influences meaningfully the simulated model water balance output. Furthermore, this work indicates that vis-NIR spectroscopy is a fast and cost-efficient method for soil measurement, mapping, and monitoring of soil physical (texture) and chemical (N, TOC, TIC, TC) properties, where the quality of soil prediction depends on the instrument (e.g. sensor resolution), the sample properties (i.e. chemistry), and the site characteristics (i.e. climate).
Additionally, also the sensitivity of the CoupModel with respect to texture prediction uncertainty with respect to surface runoff, transpiration, evaporation, evapotranspiration, and soil water content depends on site conditions (i.e. climate and soil type). For this reason, it is recommended that SVAT model sensitivity analysis be carried out prior to field spectroscopic measurements to account for site specific climate and soil conditions. Nevertheless, mapping of the soil properties estimated via spectroscopy using kriging resulted in poor interpolation (i.e. weak variograms) results as a consequence of a summation of uncertainty arising from the method of field measurement to mapping (i.e. spectroscopic soil prediction, kriging error) and site-specific ‘small-scale’ heterogeneity. The selected soil evaluation method (vis-NIR spectroscopy, structure comparison using image analysis, traditional laboratory analysis) showed that there are significant differences between the bamboo soil and the adjacent secondary forest soil established on the same soil type (Vertisol). Reflecting on the major study results, it can be stated that the selected method combination is a way forward to a more detailed and efficient way to evaluate the suitability of a specific site for reforestation. The results of this study provide insights into where and when during soil and vegetation measurements a high measurement accuracy is required to minimize uncertainties in SVAT modeling. / Umfangreiche Abholzungen, besonders in den (Sub-)Tropen, habe zu intensiver Bodendegradierung und Erosion mit einhergehendem Verlust der Bodenfruchtbarkeit geführt. Eine wirksame Maßnahme zur Vermeidung fortschreitender Bodendegradierung und Erosion sind Aufforstungen auf diesen Flächen, die bisweilen zu einer verbesserten Bodenqualität führen können. Eine Umwandlung von Grünland zu Wald kann jedoch einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Wasserhaushalt haben. Selbst unter humid-tropischen Klimabedingungen, wo Wasser in der Regel kein begrenzender Faktor ist, können sich Aufforstungen negativ auf die Wasserverfügbarkeit auswirken.
In diesem Zusammenhang muss auch berücksichtigt werden, dass Klimamodelle eine Abnahme der Niederschläge in einigen dieser Regionen prognostizieren. Um die Probleme, die mit dem Klimawandel in Verbindung stehen zu mildern (z.B. Zunahme von Erosion und Dürreperioden), wurden und werden bereits umfangreiche Aufforstungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt. Viele dieser Maßnahmen waren nicht immer umfassend erfolgreich, weil die Umgebungsbedingungen sowie die pflanzenspezifischen Anforderungen nicht angemessen berücksichtigt wurden. Dies liegt häufig an der schlechten Datengrundlage sowie an den in vielen Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern begrenzter verfügbarer finanzieller Mittel. Aus diesem Grund werden innovative Ansätze benötigt, die in der Lage sind quasi-kontinuierlich und kostengünstig die Standortbedingungen zu erfassen und zu bewerten.
Gleichzeitig sollte eine Überwachung der Wiederaufforstungsmaßnahme erfolgen, um deren Erfolg zu bewerten und potentielle negative Effekte (z.B. Wasserknappheit) zu erkennen und diesen entgegenzuwirken bzw. reduzieren zu können. Um zu vermeiden, dass Wiederaufforstungen fehlschlagen oder negative Auswirkungen auf die Ökosystemdienstleistungen haben, ist es entscheidend, Kenntnisse vom tatsächlichen Wasserhaushalt des Ökosystems zu erhalten und Änderungen des Wasserhaushalts durch Wiederaufforstungen vorhersagen zu können. Die Ermittlung und Vorhersage von Wasserhaushaltsänderungen infolge einer Aufforstung unter Berücksichtigung des Klimawandels erfordert die Berücksichtigung komplex-verzahnter Rückkopplungsprozesse im Boden-Vegetations-Atmosphären Kontinuum. Hydrologische Modelle, die explizit den Einfluss der Vegetation auf den Wasserhaushalt untersuchen sind Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer (SVAT) Modelle.
Die vorliegende Studie verfolgte zwei Hauptziele: (i) die Entwicklung und Erprobung einer Methodenkombination zur Standortbewertung unter Datenknappheit (d.h. Grundanforderung des Ansatzes) (Teil I) und (ii) die Untersuchung des Einflusses der mit geophysikalischen Methoden vorhergesagten SVAT-Modeleingangsparameter (d.h. Vorhersageunsicherheiten) auf die Modellierung (Teil II).
Eine Wasserhaushaltsmodellierung wurde in den Mittelpunkt der Methodenkombination gesetzt. In dieser Studie wurde das 1D SVAT Model CoupModel verwendet. CoupModel benötigen detaillierte räumliche Bodeninformationen (i) zur Modellparametrisierung, (ii) zum Hochskalierung von Modellergebnissen unter Berücksichtigung lokaler und regionaler Bodenheterogenität, und (iii) zur Beobachtung (Monitoring) der zeitlichen Veränderungen des Bodens und der Vegetation. Traditionelle Ansätze zur Messung von Boden- und Vegetationseigenschaften und deren Monitoring sind jedoch zeitaufwendig, teuer und beschränken sich daher oft auf Punktinformationen.
Ein vielversprechender Ansatz zur Überwindung der räumlichen Einschränkung sind die Nutzung geophysikalischer Methoden. Aus diesem Grund wurden vis-NIR Spektroskopie (sichtbarer bis nah-infraroter Wellenlängenbereich) zur quasi-kontinuierlichen Messung von physikalischer und chemischer Bodeneigenschaften und Satelliten-basierte Fernerkundung zur Ableitung von Vegetationscharakteristika (d.h. Blattflächenindex (BFI)) eingesetzt. Da die mit geophysikalisch hergeleiteten Bodenparameter (hier Bodenart) und Pflanzenparameter zur Parametrisierung eines SVAT Models verwendet werden können, wurde die gesamte Prozessierungskette und die damit verbundenen Unsicherheiten und deren potentiellen Auswirkungen auf die Wasserhaushaltsmodellierung mit CoupModel untersucht. Ein Gewächshausexperiment mit Bambuspflanzen wurde durchgeführt, um die zur CoupModel Parametrisierung notwendigen pflanzenphysio- logischen Parameter zu bestimmen. Geoelektrik wurde eingesetzt, um die Bodenschichtung der Untersuchungsfläche zu untersuchen und ein repräsentatives Bodenprofil zur Modellierung zu definieren.
Die Bodenstruktur wurde unter Verwendung einer Bildanalysetechnik ausgewertet, die die qualitativen Bewertung und Vergleichbarkeit struktureller Merkmale ermöglicht. Um den Anforderungen des gewählten Standortbewertungsansatzes gerecht zu werden, wurde die Methodik auf einem Standort mit einer Bambusplantage und einem Sekundärregenwald (als Referenzfläche) in NO-Brasilien (d.h. geringe Datenverfügbarkeit) entwickelt und getestet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war jedoch nicht die Modellierung dieses konkreten Standortes, sondern die Bewertung der Eignung des gewählten Methodenansatzes zur Standortbewertung für Aufforstungen und deren zeitliche Beobachtung, als auch die Bewertung des Einfluss von Aufforstungen auf den Wasserhaushalt und die Bodenqualität.
Die Ergebnisse (Teil III) verdeutlichen, dass es notwendig ist, sich den potentiellen Einfluss der Messunsicherheiten der SVAT Modelleingangsparameter auf die Modellierung bewusst zu sein. Beispielsweise zeigte sich, dass die Vorhersageunsicherheiten der Bodentextur und des BFI einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Wasserhaushaltsmodellierung mit CoupModel hatte. Die Arbeit zeigt weiterhin, dass vis-NIR Spektroskopie zur schnellen und kostengünstigen Messung, Kartierung und Überwachung boden-physikalischer (Bodenart) und -chemischer (N, TOC, TIC, TC) Eigenschaften geeignet ist. Die Qualität der Bodenvorhersage hängt vom Instrument (z.B. Sensorauflösung), den Probeneigenschaften (z.B. chemische Zusammensetzung) und den Standortmerkmalen (z.B. Klima) ab.
Die Sensitivitätsanalyse mit CoupModel zeigte, dass der Einfluss der spektralen Bodenartvorhersageunsicherheiten auf den mit CoupModel simulierten Oberflächenabfluss, Evaporation, Transpiration und Evapotranspiration ebenfalls von den Standortbedingungen (z.B. Klima, Bodentyp) abhängt. Aus diesem Grund wird empfohlen eine SVAT Model Sensitivitätsanalyse vor der spektroskopischen Feldmessung von Bodenparametern durchzuführen, um die Standort-spezifischen Boden- und Klimabedingungen angemessen zu berücksichtigen. Die Anfertigung einer Bodenkarte unter Verwendung von Kriging führte zu schlechten Interpolationsergebnissen in Folge der Aufsummierung von Mess- und Schätzunsicherheiten (d.h. bei spektroskopischer Feldmessung, Kriging-Fehler) und der kleinskaligen Bodenheterogenität. Anhand des gewählten Bodenbewertungsansatzes (vis-NIR Spektroskopie, Strukturvergleich mit Bildanalysetechnik, traditionelle Laboranalysen) konnte gezeigt werden, dass es bei gleichem Bodentyp (Vertisol) signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Böden unter Bambus und Sekundärwald gibt.
Anhand der wichtigsten Ergebnisse kann festgehalten werden, dass die gewählte Methodenkombination zur detailreicheren und effizienteren Standortuntersuchung und -bewertung für Aufforstungen beitragen kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie geben einen Einblick darauf, wo und wann bei Boden- und Vegetationsmessungen eine besonders hohe Messgenauigkeit erforderlich ist, um Unsicherheiten bei der SVAT Modellierung zu minimieren. / Extensos desmatamentos que estão sendo feitos especialmente nos trópicos e sub-trópicos resultam em uma intensa degradação do solo e num aumento da erosão gerando assim uma redução na sua fertilidade. Reflorestamentos ou plantações nestas áreas degradadas podem ser medidas eficazes para atenuar esses problemas e levar a uma melhoria da qualidade do mesmo. No entanto, uma mudança no uso da terra, por exemplo de pastagem para floresta pode ter um impacto crucial no balanço hídrico e isso pode afetar a disponibilidade de água, mesmo sob condições de clima tropical úmido, onde a água normalmente não é um fator limitante. Devemos levar também em consideração que de acordo com projeções de mudanças climáticas, as precipitações em algumas dessas regiões também diminuirão agravando assim, ainda mais o quadro apresentado. Para mitigar esses problemas relacionados com as alterações climáticas, reflorestamentos são frequentemente realizados mas raramente são bem-sucedidos, pois condições ambientais como os requisitos específicos de cada espécie de planta, não são devidamente levados em consideração. Isso é muitas vezes devido, não só pela falta de dados, como também por recursos financeiros limitados, que são problemas comuns em regiões tropicais.
Por esses motivos, são necessárias abordagens inovadoras que devam ser capazes de medir as condições ambientais quase continuamente e de maneira rentável. Simultaneamente com o reflorestamento, deve ser feita uma monitoração a fim de avaliar o sucesso da atividade e para prevenir, ou pelo menos, reduzir os problemas potenciais associados com o mesmo (por exemplo, a escassez de água). Para se evitar falhas e reduzir implicações negativas sobre os ecossistemas, é crucial obter percepções sobre o real balanço hídrico e as mudanças que seriam geradas por esse reflorestamento. Por este motivo, esta tese teve como objetivo desenvolver e testar uma combinação de métodos para avaliação de áreas adequadas para reflorestamento. Com esse intuito, foi colocada no centro da abordagem de avaliação a modelagem do balanço hídrico local, que permite a identificação e estimação de possíveis alterações causadas pelo reflorestamento sob mudança climática considerando o sistema complexo de realimentação e a interação de processos do continuum solo-vegetação-atmosfera. Esses modelos hidrológicos que investigam explicitamente a influência da vegetação no equilíbrio da água são conhecidos como modelos Solo-Vegetação-Atmosfera (SVAT).
Esta pesquisa focou em dois objetivos principais: (i) desenvolvimento e teste de uma combinação de métodos para avaliação de áreas que sofrem com a escassez de dados (pré-requisito do estudo) (Parte I), e (ii) a investigação das consequências da incerteza nos parâmetros de entrada do modelo SVAT, provenientes de dados geofísicos, para modelagem hídrica (Parte II). A fim de satisfazer esses objetivos, o estudo foi feito no nordeste brasileiro,por representar uma área de grande escassez de dados, utilizando como base uma plantação de bambu e uma área de floresta secundária. Uma modelagem do balanço hídrico foi disposta no centro da metodologia para a avaliação de áreas. Este estudo utilizou o CoupModel que é um modelo SVAT unidimensional e que requer informações espaciais detalhadas do solo para (i) a parametrização do modelo, (ii) aumento da escala dos resultados da modelagem, considerando a heterogeneidade do solo de escala local para regional e (iii) o monitoramento de mudanças nas propriedades do solo e características da vegetação ao longo do tempo. Entretanto, as abordagens tradicionais para amostragem de solo e de vegetação e o monitoramento são demorados e caros e portanto muitas vezes limitadas a informações pontuais.
Por esta razão, métodos geofísicos como a espectroscopia visível e infravermelho próximo (vis-NIR) e sensoriamento remoto foram utilizados respectivamente para a medição de propriedades físicas e químicas do solo e para derivar as características da vegetação baseado no índice da área foliar (IAF). Como as propriedades estimadas de solo (principalmente a textura) poderiam ser usadas para parametrizar um modelo SVAT, este estudo investigou toda a cadeia de processamento e as incertezas de previsão relacionadas à textura de solo e ao IAF. Além disso explorou o impacto destas incertezas criadas sobre a previsão do balanço hídrico simulado por CoupModel. O método geoelétrico foi aplicado para investigar a estratificação do solo visando a determinação de um perfil representante. Já a sua estrutura foi explorada usando uma técnica de análise de imagens que permitiu a avaliação quantitativa e a comparabilidade dos aspectos estruturais. Um experimento realizado em uma estufa com plantas de bambu (Bambusa vulgaris) foi criado a fim de determinar as caraterísticas fisiológicas desta espécie que posteriormente seriam utilizadas como parâmetros para o CoupModel.
Os resultados do estudo (Parte III) destacam que é preciso estar consciente das incertezas relacionadas à medição de parâmetros de entrada do modelo SVAT. A incerteza presente em alguns parâmetros de entrada como por exemplo, textura de solo e o IAF influencia significantemente a modelagem do balanço hídrico. Mesmo assim, esta pesquisa indica que vis-NIR espectroscopia é um método rápido e economicamente viável para medir, mapear e monitorar as propriedades físicas (textura) e químicas (N, TOC, TIC, TC) do solo. A precisão da previsão dessas propriedades depende do tipo de instrumento (por exemplo da resolução do sensor), da propriedade da amostra (a composição química por exemplo) e das características das condições climáticas da área. Os resultados apontam também que a sensitividade do CoupModel à incerteza da previsão da textura de solo em respeito ao escoamento superficial, transpiração, evaporação, evapotranspiração e ao conteúdo de água no solo depende das condições gerais da área (por exemplo condições climáticas e tipo de solo).
Por isso, é recomendado realizar uma análise de sensitividade do modelo SVAT prior a medição espectral do solo no campo, para poder considerar adequadamente as condições especificas do área em relação ao clima e ao solo. Além disso, o mapeamento de propriedades de solo previstas pela espectroscopia usando o kriging, resultou em interpolações de baixa qualidade (variogramas fracos) como consequência da acumulação de incertezas surgidas desde a medição no campo até o seu mapeamento (ou seja, previsão do solo via espectroscopia, erro do kriging) e heterogeneidade especifica de uma pequena escala. Osmétodos selecionados para avaliação das áreas (vis-NIR espectroscopia, comparação da estrutura de solo por meio de análise de imagens, análise de laboratório tradicionais) revelou a existência de diferenças significativas entre o solo sob bambu e o sob floresta secundária, apesar de ambas terem sido estabelecidas no mesmo tipo de solo (vertissolo). Refletindo sobre os principais resultados do estudo, pode-se afirmar que a combinação dos métodos escolhidos e aplicados representam uma forma mais detalhada e eficaz de avaliar se uma determinada área é adequada para ser reflorestada. Os resultados apresentados fornecem percepções sobre onde e quando, durante a medição do solo e da vegetação, é necessário se ter uma precisão mais alta a fim de minimizar incertezas potenciais na modelagem com o modelo SVAT.
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Ground Improvement using 3D-Cellular Confinement Systems : Experimental and Numerical StudiesHegde, Amarnath January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The various aspects of the 3D cellular confinement systems (geocells) subjected to static loading are comprehensively studied with the help of experimental and numerical studies. The performances of the geocells were separately studied in both sand and clay beds. Laboratory tests were performed on single as well as multiple cells. The behavior of 3D-cells made of different materials such as Novel polymeric alloy, geogrids and bamboo were compared. Moreover, the performances of the geocells were compared with other forms of geosynthetic reinforcements namely, geogrids and the combination of geocells and geogrids. In addition to comprehensive experimental study, 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional numerical modelling efforts are also presented. A Realistic approach of modelling the geocells in 3D framework has been proposed; which considers the actual curvature of the geocell pockets. An Analytical equation has been proposed to estimate the increase in the bearing capacity of the geocell reinforced soft clay beds. Similarly, a set of equations to estimate the stress and strains on the surface of the geocells subjected to compressive loading were also proposed. A case study highlighting the innovative use of the geocell foundation to support the embankment on soft settled red mud has been documented in the thesis. A new and emerging application of geocell to protect underground utilities and the buried pipelines has been proposed. At the end, behavior of the geocell under cyclic loading has also been discussed.
Firstly, laboratory model tests were performed to understand the behavior of the geocells in sand and clay beds. Test results of unreinforced, geogrid reinforced, geocell reinforced, and geocell reinforced with additional planar geogrid at the base of the geocell cases were compared separately for sand and clay beds. Results revealed that the use of geocells increases the ultimate bearing capacity of the sand bed by 2.9 times and clay bed by 3.6 times. Provision of the basal geogrid increases the ultimate load carrying capacity of the sand and clay bed by about 3.6 times and 4.9 times, respectively. Besides increasing the load carrying capacity, provision of the planar geogrid at the base of the cellular mattress arrests the surface heaving and prevents the rotational failure of the footing. Geocells contribute to the load carrying capacity of the foundation bed, even at very low settlements. In addition, the effect of infill materials on the performance of the geocell was also studied. Three different infill materials, namely aggregate, sand and local red soil were used in the study. Results suggest that the performance of the geocell was not heavily influenced by the infill materials. Out of which aggregate found to be slightly better than other two infill materials.
Further, 2-dimensional numerical studies using FLAC2D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 2D) were carried out to validate the experimental findings. The equivalent composite approach was used to model the geocells in 2-dimensional framework. The results obtained from the FLAC2D were in good agreement with the experimental results. However, in the sand bed, FLAC2D overestimated the bearing pressure by 15% to 20% at higher settlements.
In addition, the joint strength and the wall deformation characteristics of the geocells were studied at the single cell level. The study helps to understand the causes for the failure of the single cell in a cellular confinement system. Experimental studies were conducted on single cells with cell pockets filled up with three different infill materials, namely, silty clay, sand and the aggregates. The results of the experimental study revealed that the deformation of the geocell wall decreases with the increase in the friction angle of the infill material. Measured strain values were found to be in the range of 0.64% to 1.34% for different infill materials corresponding to the maximum applied bearing pressure of 290 kPa. Experimental results were also validated using FLAC3D. Findings from the numerical studies were in accordance with the experimental results. A simple analytical model based on the theory of thin cylinders was also proposed to calculate the accumulated strain of the geocell wall. This model operates under a simple elastic solution framework. The proposed model slightly overestimates the strains as compared to experimental and numerical values.
A realistic approach of modelling the geocells in 3-dimensional (3D) framework has been proposed. Numerical simulations have been carried out by forming the actual 3D honeycomb shape of the geocells using the finite difference package FLAC3D. Geocells were modeled using the geogrid structural element available in the FLAC 3D with the inclusion of the interface element. Geocells, foundation soil and the infill soil were modeled with the different material model to match the real case scenario. The Mohr Colombo model was used to simulate the behavior of the sand bed while modified Cam clay was used to simulate the behavior of the clay bed. It was found that the geocells distribute the load in lateral direction to a relatively shallow depth as compared to unreinforced case. More than 50% reduction in the stress in the presence of geocells and more than 70% reduction in the stress in the presence geocells with basal geogrid were observed in sand and clay beds. The numerical model was also validated with the experimental studies and the results were found to be in good agreement with each other. The validated numerical model was used to study the influence of various properties of the geocells on the performance of the reinforced foundation beds. The performance of the foundation bed was directly influenced by the modulus and the height of the geocells. Similarly, the pocket size of the geocell inversely affected the performance of the reinforced beds. The geocell with textured surface yielded better performance than the geocell with smooth surface.
A case history of the construction of a 3 m high embankment on the geocell foundation over the soft settled red mud has been documented. Red mud is a waste product from the Bayer process of Aluminium industry. The reported embankment is located in Lanjigharh (Orissa) in India. The geotechnical problems of the site, the design of the geocell foundation based on experimental investigation and the construction sequences of the geocell foundations in the field are discussed. Based on the experimental studies, an analytical model was also developed to estimate the load carrying capacity of the soft clay bed reinforced with geocell and the combination of geocell and geogrid. The solution was established by superimposing the three mechanisms viz. lateral resistance effect, vertical stress dispersion effect and the membrane effect. By knowing the pressure applied on the geocell, tensile strength of the geogrid and the limiting settlement, the increment in the load carrying capacity can be calculated. The analytical model was validated with the experimental results and the results were found to be in good agreement with each other. The results of the experimental and analytical studies revealed that the use of the combination of geocell and the geogrid is always beneficial than using the geocell alone. Hence, the combination of geocell and geogrid was recommended to stabilize the embankment base in Lanjigharh. Over 15,000 mof embankment base was stabilized using geocell foundation. The foundation work was completed within 15 days using locally available labors and the equipment. Construction of the embankment on the geocell foundation has already been completed. The constructed embankment has already sustained two monsoon rains without any cracks and seepage. Like Aluminum tailings (redmud), geocell foundations can also be used in various other mine tailings like zinc, copper etc. Geocell foundation can offer potential solutions to storage problems faced by various mining industries.
The thesis also proposes a potential alternative to the geocells in the form of bamboocells in order to suit the Indian scenario. Indian has the 2nd largest source of bamboo in the world. The areas particularly rich in bamboo are the North Eastern States, the Western Ghats, Chattisgarh and Andaman Nicobar Islands. The tensile strength and surface roughness of the bamboo was found to be 9 times and 3 times higher than geocell materials. In order to use the bamboo effectively, 3D cells (similar to geocells) and 2D grids (similar to geogrids) are formed using bamboo known as bamboocells and bamboogrids respectively. The idea behind forming bamboocells is to extract the additional confining effect on the encapsulated soil by virtue of its 3-dimensional shape. The laboratory investigations were performed on a clay bed reinforced with natural (bamboo) and commercial (geosynthetics) reinforcement materials. The performance of bamboocells and bamboogrids reinforced clay beds were compared with the clay bed reinforced with geocells and geogrids. The ultimate bearing capacity of the bamboocell and bamboogrid reinforced clay bed was found to be 1.3 times that of reinforced with geocell and geogrid. The settlement of the clay bed was reduced by 97% due to the insertion of the combination of the bamboocell and bamboogrid as compared to the unreinforced clay bed. The bamboo was treated chemically to increase the durability. The performance of the bamboo was reduced by 15-20% after the chemical treatment; still the performance was better than its geosynthetic counterparts. Analytical studies revealed that the 3% of the ultimate tensile strength of the bamboogrid was mobilized while resisting the footing load.
The study also explored the new and innovative applications of the geocells to protect underground utilities and buried pipelines. The laboratory model tests and the numerical studies were performed on small diameter PVC pipes, buried in geocell reinforced sand beds. In addition to geocells, the efficacy of only geogrid and geocell with additional basal geogrid cases were also studied. A PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe with external diameter 75 mm and thickness 1.4 mm was used in the experiments. The vehicle tire contact pressure was simulated by applying the pressure on the top of the bed with the help of a steel plate. Results suggest that the use of geocells with additional basal geogrid considerably reduces the deformation of the pipe as compared to other types of reinforcements. Further, the depth of placement of pipe was also varied between 1B to 2B (B is the width of loading plate) below the plate in the presence of geocell with additional basal geogrid. More than 50% reduction in the pressure and more than 40% reduction in the strain values were observed in the presence of reinforcements at different depths as compared to the unreinforced beds. Further, experimental results were validated with 3-dimensional numerical studies using 3D
FLAC. Good agreement in the measured pipe stain values were observed between the experimental and numerical studies. In addition, the results of the 1-g model tests were scaled up to the prototype case of the shallow buried pipeline below the pavement using the appropriate scaling laws.
The efficacy of the geocells was also studied under the action of cyclic loading. The laboratory cyclic plate load tests were performed in soft clay bed by considering the three different cases, namely, unreinforced, geocell reinforced and geocell with additional basal geogrid reinforced. The coefficient of elastic uniform compression (Cu) was evaluated from the cyclic plate load tests for the different cases. The Cu value was found to increase in the presence of geocell reinforcement. The maximum increase in the Cu value was obtained for the case of the clay bed reinforced with the combination of geocell and the geogrid. The results of the laboratory model tests were extrapolated to prototype foundation supporting the low frequency reciprocating machine. The results revealed that, in the presence of the combination of geocell and the geogrid the natural frequency of the foundation-soil system increases by 4 times and the amplitude of the vibration reduces by 92%.
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