Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bingeeating"" "subject:"binucleating""
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Prevalência de transtornos alimentares em gestantes: uma associação com ansiedade, depressão e atitudes alimentares / Prevalence of eating disorders in pregnant women: an association with anxiety, depression and eating attitudesAmanda Maihara dos Santos 08 July 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O estado nutricional da gestante constitui importante fator para o desenvolvimento do feto e da gravidez saudável. Mulheres que apresentam ingestão inadequada de nutrientes têm maior probabilidade de desenvolver gestação de risco. Essa problemática é especialmente intensa quando a mulher apresenta quadro de transtorno alimentar (TA). Este trabalho abordou aspectos históricos, etiologia e epidemiologia dos TA, contemplou os critérios diagnósticos, concebeu os TA no período gravídico puerperal e dissertou sobre TA, sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar a prevalência de TA em gestantes com intercorrências clínicas e verificar a associação com sintomatologia ansiosa, depressiva e atitudes alimentares. Método: Estudo prospectivo transversal foi realizado com 913 gestantes com intercorrências clínicas que estavam no 2° ou 3° trimestre gestacional no ambulatório da Divisão de Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foi utilizada entrevista dirigida, para avaliação de picacismo; o EAT-26, para avaliar as atitudes alimentares; Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders, para diagnóstico clínico de TA e a escala Hospital Anxiety and Depression, para análise da sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva. Os dados deste estudo foram submetidos à análise quantitativa e avaliados por meio do programa IBM SPSS for Windows versão 20.0. Resultados: constatou-se prevalência de transtorno alimentar em 7,6% (n=69) (IC 95%: 5,84%-9,28%), sendo 0,1% (n=1), anorexia nervosa; 0,7% (n=6), bulimia nervosa; 1,1% (n=10), transtorno da compulsão alimentar e 5,7% (n=52), picacismo. Encontrou-se significância estatística quando associado TA com as variáveis: religião (p=0,02), abortamento provocado anterior (p < 0,01), tempo de relacionamento (p=0,01), renda per capita (p=0,04), número de gestações (p < 0,01) e número de filhos vivos (p < 0,01). Quanto às atitudes alimentares, observou-se significância estatística com \"sentir-se mal após comer doces\" (p=0,02) e \"passar muito tempo pensando em comida\" (p < 0,01). Constatou-se ainda associação positiva com sintomatologia ansiosa (p < 0,01) e com sintomatologia depressiva (p < 0,01). Conclusão: a prevalência de TA encontrada (7,6%) e sua associação com sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva, durante a gestação, apontam para a necessidade de cuidados especializados no que diz respeito à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento. Dada a importância da alimentação adequada no período gestacional, tanto no que diz respeito à saúde materna, quanto ao desenvolvimento fetal, torna-se necessário implementar, pelos profissionais de saúde, avaliação específica com protocolo predeterminado para diagnóstico de TA no período gestacional / Introduction: The nutritional status of the pregnant woman represents an important factor for the development of the fetus and for a healthy pregnancy. Women who have inadequate nutrient intake are more likely to develop a risky pregnancy. This problem is particularly severe when the woman presents an eating disorder (ED). This paper discusses the historical aspects, etiology and epidemiology of ED, considers the diagnostic criteria, delineates ED in the puerperal pregnancy period and addresses ED, anxiety and depression symptoms. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of ED in pregnant women with clinical complications and to assess the relationship between anxiety and depression symptoms and eating attitudes. Methods: A transversal and prospective study was conducted with 913 women between 2nd and 3rd trimester with high-risk pregnancies in the Obstetrics Clinic Division of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. We conducted structured interviews for the assessment of pica, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders for diagnostic of ED and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for anxiety and depression symptoms, and applied the EAT-26 questionnaire for eating attitudes. The data analysis was quantitative and conducted with the IBM SPSS for Windows, version 20.0. Results: Lifetime prevalence of ED was 7.6% (n=69) (95% CI: 5.84%-9.28%), 0.1% (n=1) for anorexia nervosa; 0.7% (n=6) for bulimia nervosa; 1.1% (n=10) for binge eating disorder, and 5.7% (n=52) for pica. ED was statistically significant with respect to the following variables: religion (p=0.02), previous induced abortion (p < 0.01), being in a relationship (p=0.01), per capita income (p=0,04), number of previous pregnancies (p<0.01) and number of children (p < 0.01). For the eating attitudes, statistical significance was found with \"feeling ill after eating sweets\" (p < 0.02) and \"spend too much time thinking about food\" (p=0.05), as well as between ED and anxiety (p < 0.01) and depressive symptoms (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The prevalence of ED (7.6%) and its association with anxiety and depression symptoms during pregnancy highlights the need for specialist care for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Given the importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy, both with regard to maternal health and fetal development, it is necessary to have specific predetermined evaluation protocols implemented by health care professionals for the diagnosis of ED during pregnancy
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[pt] A atual pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar os aspectos psíquicos da compulsão alimentar em sujeitos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica a partir de um referencial teórico psicanalítico, além de desenvolver uma reflexão sobre as influências exercidas pelo procedimento cirúrgico nos transtornos alimentares e comportamentos compulsivos. As intervenções bariátricas são importantes componentes no tratamento da obesidade, tendo como objetivo promover a redução do peso e melhora das comorbidades clínicas associadas a esta condição. Todavia, o procedimento bariátrico não é um tratamento para compulsão alimentar e as pesquisas sobre o tema apresentam resultados contraditórios, o que evidencia a necessidade de mais investigações sobre o tema. Propomos um estudo embasado psicanaliticamente para tentar refletir sobre possíveis arranjos que levariam a fixação na alimentação e no corpo, de aspectos psíquicos da compulsão alimentar inalcançáveis ao bisturi e à redução física do estômago. Para tanto, contemplamos os primórdios do desenvolvimento infantil, suas fases mais arcaicas, a relação precoce mãe-bebê e as vicissitudes da função alimentar inerente a função materna. Sempre valorizando o diálogo com as demais áreas de conhecimento envolvidas na etiologia e tratamento da obesidade e dos transtornos alimentares. Dessa forma, pretendemos construir uma abordagem que leve em conta a singularidade de cada sujeito escondida atrás do peso da obesidade e da ação compulsiva estereotipada. / [en] The current research aims to study the psychic aspects of binge eating in subjects submitted to bariatric surgery based on psychoanalytic theory, as well as to develop a reflection on the influences exerted by the surgical procedure on eating disorders and compulsive behaviors. t Bariatric interventions are important components in the treatment of obesity, aiming to promote weight reduction and improve the clinical comorbidities associated with this condition. However, the bariatric procedure is not a treatment for binge eating and the research on the subject presents contradictory results, which evidences the need for further investigations on the subject. We propose a study based psychoanalytically to try to reflect on possible arrangements that would lead to fixation in the diet and body, psychic aspects of binge eating unattainable to the scalpel and physical reduction of the stomach. To do so, we contemplate the early stages of infant development, its most archaic phases, the early mother-baby relationship and the vicissitudes of the alimentary function inherent to the maternal function, always valuing the dialogue with the other areas of knowledge involved in the etiology and treatment of obesity and eating disorders. In this way, we intend to build a approach that takes into account the singularity of each subject hidden behind the weight of obesity and compulsive stereotyped action. / [fr] Le but de cette recherche est d étudier les aspects psychologiques de la boulimie chez les sujets ayant subi une chirurgie bariatrique, sous le point de vue psychanalytique, ainsi que de développer une réflexion sur les influences exercées par l intervention chirurgicale dans les troubles de l alimentation et les comportements compulsifs. Les interventions bariatriques sont des éléments importants dans le traitement de l obésité, visant à promouvoir la réduction du poids et l amélioration des comorbidités cliniques associés à cette condition. Cependant, la chirurgie bariatrique est pas un traitement pour des crises de boulimie. Les recherches sur ce sujet présentent des résultats contradictoires, qui mettent en évidence la nécessité de poursuivre les recherches. Nous vous proposons une étude appuyé sur la théorie psychanalytiques pour essayer de réfléchir sur les arrangements possibles qui conduiraient à la fixation sur les aliments et dans le corps, les aspects psychologiques de la frénésie alimentaire qui ne peut pas se réduire à la réduction physique de l estomac. Par conséquent, nous contemplons les débuts du développement de l enfant, dans ses phases les plus archaiques, la relation précoce mère-nourrisson et les vicissitudes de la fonction alimentaire, inhérente a La fonction maternelle. Nous valorisons le dialogue avec d autres domaines de la connaissance impliqués dans l étiologie et le traitement de l obésité et des troubles alimentaires, afin de construire ainsi une approche large et globale qui tient compte du caractère unique de chaque sujet caché derrière le poids de l obésité et l action compulsive stéréotypée.
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Rizikové faktory vzniku poruch příjmu potravy. / Risk factors in the development of rating disorders.DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with risk factors for eating disorders. The theoretical part describes the various disorders and thein symptoms and consequences. Further theoretical part analyzes of the emergence of these disorders and thein gradual historical development, which during its existence passed. Another part of the risk factors for eating disorders and possible wals of thein treatment. The practical part is focused on research of modeling as one of the risk factors for eating disorders. This section is based on information obtained through personál interview conducted with respondents from the field of modeling and acting outsider the scope. The resulting data are recorded by means of case studies, tables and graphs.
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Efeito dos polimorfismos nos genes da leptina e do receptor da leptina sobre a compulsão alimentar em crianças e adolescentes obesos / Effect of polymorphisms in the leptin and leptin receptor genes on binge eating in obese children and adolescentsClarissa Tamie Hiwatashi Fujiwara 31 July 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade na infância e adolescência representa uma epidemia global e figura como um problema de saúde pública proeminente de prevalência crescente. A obesidade frequentemente está associada à compulsão alimentar periódica (CAP) e componentes genéticos participam de sua etiologia multifatorial. Polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) no gene da leptina (LEP) e do receptor da leptina (LEPR) podem modificar a expressão da leptina e de suas vias de sinalização e, consequentemente, alterar a regulação do apetite e da saciedade, contribuindo assim para a etiopatogenia e manutenção da CAP. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência dos polimorfismos rs7799039 (G > A) no gene LEP e rs1137100 (A > G), rs1137101 (A > G) e rs8179183 (G > C) no gene LEPR sobre a CAP em crianças e adolescentes obesos, além de caracterizar a população quanto à CAP e verificar a associação dos SNPs com o risco cardiometabólico (RCM) e a obesidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que incluiu 465 crianças e adolescentes obesos com idade entre 7 e 19 anos avaliados quanto a variáveis antropométricas e metabólicas. Os fatores de RCM consistiram de hipertensão arterial sistêmica, glicemia de jejum alterada, HDL-colesterol baixo e hipertrigliceridemia. A CAP foi avaliada por meio da Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (ECAP). Para investigar o efeito dos SNPs no risco para a obesidade foi incluído um grupo controle composto por 135 crianças e adolescentes eutróficos. A genotipagem foi realizada por PCR em tempo real e para análise dos SNPs, adotou-se o modelo dominante. Foi calculado o desequilíbrio de ligação entre os SNPs e estimada as frequências dos haplótipos. As comparações entre os grupos foram realizadas estratificadamente por gênero e estádio puberal. Para avaliar a magnitude do risco dos SNPs sobre a CAP e a obesidade foi realizada regressão logística ajustada para variáveis de confusão (idade, Z-IMC e estádio puberal). RESULTADOS: As crianças e adolescentes obesos (12,5 ± 2,9 anos; 52,7% meninas) classificados com CAP apresentaram maior adiposidade e a frequência da CAP foi mais elevada no gênero feminino (OR= 2,146; IC 95% 1,461-3,152; p < 0,001). A frequência do alelo A do rs7799039 foi mais elevada no grupo de obesos (OR= 1,530; IC 95% 1,022-2,292; p= 0,039) e o alelo associou-se ao maior nível de leptina e colesterol total em meninas e à maior glicemia em meninos (p < 0,05). No rs1137100 e o rs1137101, a presença do alelo G em meninas conferiu risco para a hipertrigliceridemia (OR= 1,926; IC 95% 1,010-3,673; p= 0,047 e OR= 2,039; IC 95% 1,057-3,931; p= 0,033, respectivamente). O alelo C do rs8179183 relacionou-se, em meninas, à relação cintura-estatura e glicemia mais elevadas e, em meninos, ao maior percentil de pressão arterial diastólica, glicemia, colesterol total e LDL-colesterol (p <0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os polimorfismos não foram associados à compulsão alimentar periódica. A CAP foi relacionada ao pior grau de adiposidade e o maior risco foi observado no gênero feminino. O SNP rs7799039 no gene LEP conferiu risco para obesidade, enquanto o rs1137100, rs1137101 e rs8179183 no gene LEPR relacionaram-se ao pior perfil cardiometabólico em crianças e adolescentes obesos / INTRODUCTION: Obesity during childhood and adolescence represents a global epidemic and consists in a prominent public health issue of increasing prevalence. Obesity is frequently associated with binge eating (BE) and genetic factors participate of its multifactorial etiology. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) genes may modify the leptin expression and its signaling pathways and, consequently, alter appetite and satiety regulation, thus contributing to the etiopathogeny and maintenance of BE. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of polymorphisms rs7799039 (G > A) in the LEP gene and rs1137100 (A > G), rs1137101 (A > G) and rs8179183 (G > C) in the LEPR gene on BE in obese children and adolescents, besides characterize the population regarding to BE and examine the association of SNPs with cardiometabolic risk (CMR) and obesity. METHODS: Cross-sectional study in which 465 obese children and adolescents aged from 7 to 19 years were enrolled and had anthropometric and metabolic variables assessed. The CMR factors consisted of systemic hypertension, impaired fasting glucose, low HDL-cholesterol levels and hypertriglyceridemia. The BE was evaluated through the Binge Eating Scale (BES). To investigate the effect of SNPs on obesity risk, a control group of 135 eutrophic children and adolescents was enrolled. Genotyping was performed by real-time PCR and for the SNPs analysis, the dominant model was adopted. The linkage disequilibrium between SNPs was calculated and the haplotype frequencies were estimated. Comparisons between groups were performed stratified by gender and pubertal stage. To assess the risk magnitude for the SNPs on BE and obesity, logistic regression adjusted for confounding variables (age, Z-BMI and pubertal stage) was performed. RESULTS: Obese children and adolescents (12.5 ± 2.9 years, 52.7% girls) classified with BE showed greater adiposity and BE frequency was higher among females (OR= 2.146; 95% CI 1.461-3.152; p < 0.001). The observed frequency of A allele of rs7799039 was a higher in the obese group (OR= 1.530; 95% CI 1.022-2.292; p= 0.039) and the allele was associated with higher leptin and total cholesterol levels in girls and higher glucose levels in boys (p < 0.05). For the rs1137100 and rs1137101, the presence of the G allele among girls, conferred risk for hypertriglyceridemia (OR= 1.926; 95% CI 1.010-3.673; p= 0.047 and OR= 2.039; 95% CI 1.057-3.931; p= 0.033, respectively). The C allele of rs8179183 was associated, among girls, with a higher waist-to-height ratio and glucose levels and, among boys, with greater diastolic blood pressure percentile, glucose, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Polymorphisms were not associated with binge eating. BE was related with a more severe adiposity and an increased risk was observed among females. The SNP rs7799039 in the LEP gene contributed to the risk of obesity, whereas the rs1137100, rs1137101 and rs8179183 in LEPR gene were related to a worse cardiometabolic profile in obese children and adolescents
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Léčba poruch příjmu potravy pomocí neuromodulačních metod / Treatment of eating disorders through neurostimulation methodsBaumann, Silvie January 2021 (has links)
Background: Eating disorders are psychiatric illnesses whose treatment is difficult and usually the classic procedures fail. Recently, the number of researches in neuromodulatory methods has increased. I present an overview of basic stimulation methods, their use in the treatment of anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa and binge-eating and the results of our study focused on the treatment of AN by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Methods: It was a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial. Forty-three inpatients with AN were divided to receive either active (n=22) or sham (n=21) tDCS over the left DLPFC (anode F3/cathode Fp2, 2mA for 30 minutes). All patients filled the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and Zung depression scale (ZUNG), we measured them the thermal pain threshold, the objective dissatisfaction with their own body by Anamorfic program and evaluated BMI before the first and after the last tDCS. Follow-up was after 2 and 4 weeks. It was evaluated using ANOVA and OPLS model. Results: Compared to sham tDCS, active tDCS improved self-evaluation based on one's body shape (p < 0,05) and significantly decreased the need of excessive control over calorie intake (p < 0,05) in 4-week follow-up (questions 4 and 23 in EDE-Q). Question 21 in EDE-Q was more...
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Male eating disorders: experiences of food, body and selfDelderfield, Russell 12 1900 (has links)
No / This book takes a novel approach to the study of male eating disorders – an area that is often dominated by clinical discourses. The study of eating disorders in men has purportedly suffered from a lack of dedicated attention to personal and socio-cultural aspects. Delderfield tackles this deficiency by spotlighting a set of personal accounts written by a group of men who have experiences of disordered eating. The text presents critical interpretations that aim to situate these experiences in the social and cultural context in which these disorders occur.
This discursive work is underpinned by an eclectic scholarly engagement with social psychology and sociology literature around masculinities, embodiment and fatness, belonging, punishment, stigma, and control; leading to understandings about relationships with food, body and self. This is undertaken with a reflexive element, as the personal intersects with the professional. This text will appeal to students, scholars and clinicians in social sciences, humanities, and healthcare studies, including public health.
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Hyperphagie homéostatique et le profil alimentaire d’individus obèses morbides candidats à la chirurgie bariatriqueMitchell, Anne-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Le rôle de la honte et des processus cognitifs de régulation émotionnelle dans les comportements répétitifs centrés sur le corps et les troubles alimentairesHouazene, Sarah 08 1900 (has links)
L’extirpation compulsive des poils et de la peau, ainsi que le rongement des ongles constituent des gestes destructeurs et non-fonctionnels appartenant à la catégorie des comportements répétitifs centrés sur le corps (CRCC). Dans les dernières années, plusieurs études ont souligné des caractéristiques communes entre les CRCC et les troubles alimentaires (TA). Des modèles théoriques ont notamment mis en lumière l’importance des difficultés de régulation émotionnelle chez ceux atteints de CRCC et de compulsions alimentaires. Plusieurs auteurs ont suggéré que la honte possédait un rôle important dans le déclenchement et le maintien de ces comportements impulsifs. De plus, la honte physique et les conséquences associées à ces comportements contribueraient à la persistance du cycle de la honte. À ce jour, de nombreux processus cognitifs utilisés pour caractériser ces conditions restent inexplorés, incluant les stratégies cognitives de régulation émotionnelle et l'autocritique (i.e., évaluation néfaste et punitive de soi). L’étude de ces processus cognitifs et de la honte contribuera au raffinement des modèles théoriques existants. Par ailleurs, l’étude en parallèle des CRCC et des TA permettra de comparer les processus divergents et convergents entre ces conditions souvent concomitantes.
Le premier article de cette thèse porte sur une étude en ligne ayant été effectuée par le biais de questionnaires auto-rapportés auprès d’un échantillon d’adultes provenant de la population générale (n=76). De nature exploratoire, cette étude vise à identifier la relation entre la sévérité des symptômes de CRCC et de TA, l’autocritique, la honte et les stratégies cognitives de régulation émotionnelle inadaptées. Les résultats montrent une corrélation positive entre les symptômes de CRCC et de TA et les processus étudiés. De plus, ces résultats indiquent que la honte et les stratégies de régulation émotionnelle inadaptées expliquent en partie la sévérité des symptômes de CRCC, tandis que l’autocritique explique la sévérité des symptômes de TA.
Le deuxième article présenté dans le cadre de cette thèse porte sur une étude expérimentale effectuée auprès de trois groupes de femmes, soit un groupe témoin (n=18), un groupe atteint de CRCC (n=18) et un groupe s’engageant dans des compulsions alimentaires et souffrant d’un TA (n=18). L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’explorer le rôle de la honte dans l’envie de s’engager dans des CRCC et des compulsions alimentaires. Les résultats de cette étude confirment que la honte augmente l’envie de s’engager dans des CRCC, sans toutefois augmenter l’envie de s’engager dans des compulsions alimentaires. Par ailleurs, les résultats mettent en lumière la présence d’un sentiment de honte subséquemment à des épisodes de CRCC et de compulsions alimentaires. Les données obtenues soulignent l’importance de la honte comme facteur précipitant un épisode de CRCC, ainsi que comme facteur de maintien des CRCC et des compulsions alimentaires.
Pour conclure, les résultats de cette thèse doctorale appuient le rôle de la honte dans la sévérité des symptômes de CRCC, ainsi que comme facteur déclencheur et de maintien des épisodes de CRCC. En plus de discuter de l’ensemble des résultats de la présente thèse, les principales limites et les forces sont présentées dans la discussion. Les implications théoriques et cliniques, ainsi que des pistes pour orienter les recherches futures sont également proposées. / Compulsive hair-pulling, skin-picking and nail-biting are destructive and non-functional habits that are classified as body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). Over the past few years, several studies have highlighted common characteristics between BFRBs and eating disorders (EDs). Notably, theoretical models have highlighted the role played by emotional regulation difficulties during BFRB and binge eating episodes. Several authors have suggested that shame plays an important role in the precipitation and maintenance of these impulsive behaviors. Further, the physical shame and the consequences associated with these behaviors contribute to propelling a “cycle of shame”. To this day, many of the cognitive processes used to characterizing these conditions remain unexplored, including cognitive emotion regulation strategies and self-criticism (i.e., harmful and punitive self-assessment). The investigation of these cognitive processes and shame will contribute to refining existing models. Moreover, studying BFRBs and EDs simultaneously allows us to compare the diverging and converging processes between these often-comorbid conditions.
The first article presented within the framework of this thesis aims to identify the relationship between BFRB and ED symptom-severity, self-criticism, shame, and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies. More exploratory in nature, this study was conducted with an online sample of adults from the community using self-reported questionnaires. The results demonstrate a positive correlation between BFRB and ED symptoms, along with the other processes studied. Additionally, shame and maladaptive emotional regulation strategies partly explained BFRB symptom severity, whereas self-criticism explained ED symptom severity.
The second article of this thesis aims to evaluate the impact of shame on the urge to engage in episodes of BFRBs and binge eating. This experimental study was carried out with three groups of women, namely a control group (n = 18), a BFRB group (n = 18), and a group of people suffering from an ED involving binge eating behaviors (n = 18). Findings confirmed that shame increases the urge to engage in BFRBs, but not the urge to engage in binge eating. Moreover, results highlighted the persistence of feelings of shame following BFRB and binge eating episodes. Findings from this study underline the importance of shame as a precipitating factor to BFRB episodes, as well as a maintenance factor to BFRBs and binge eating. Compared to the control group, the BFRB and binge eating groups demonstrated increased sensitivity to shame.
Overall, the results of the present thesis support the role of shame in BFRB symptoms severity, as well as a trigger and maintenance factor for BFRB episodes. In addition to discussing the results of this thesis, its main limitations and strengths will be presented in the discussion. The theoretical and clinical implications, as well as perspectives for future research will also be discussed.
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La régulation émotionnelle par les comportements boulimiques : Émotions et stratégies de régulation émotionnelleGrimard, Marie 02 1900 (has links)
Les comportements boulimiques, soit les comportements hyperphagiques (l’ingestion d’une importante quantité de nourriture dans un temps limité et avec un sentiment de perte de contrôle) et les comportements compensatoires (les comportements mis en place pour éviter un gain de poids, tels que les vomissements provoqués, la restriction et le jeûne, l’exercice physique excessif ainsi que la prise de laxatifs et de diurétiques), dépassent largement les préoccupations reliées à l’image corporelle. Les comportements boulimiques, comme de nombreux autres comportements maladaptés, sont liés à des difficultés de régulation émotionnelle dans des modèles explicatifs, notamment parce qu’ils peuvent aider à réguler des émotions difficiles. Plus spécifiquement, plusieurs émotions ont été associées aux comportements boulimiques, tels que le dégoût, la culpabilité, la honte, l’envie, la fierté et les émotions négatives (indifférenciées). Les variations des émotions observées ont donné lieu à des modèles théoriques des fonctions de régulation émotionnelle des comportements boulimiques. Cette thèse vise à mieux expliquer à quoi servent les comportements boulimiques : Comment peuvent-ils aider à faire face à certaines émotions, les diminuer ou les augmenter? Par quels mécanismes de régulation émotionnelle agissent-ils?
Pour répondre à ces questions de recherche, trente-cinq femmes répondant aux critères diagnostiques de la boulimie du DSM-5-TR ont participé à deux études. Premièrement, des questionnaires mesurant les comportements, les difficultés de régulation émotionnelle et les émotions lors des comportements boulimiques ont été complétés. Deuxièmement, des questionnaires mesurant les émotions et les stratégies de régulation émotionnelle ont été complétés de manière écologique à quatre moments des comportements boulimiques : avant et après les comportements hyperphagiques; avant et après les comportements compensatoires.
Les résultats de recherche montrent que les difficultés de régulation émotionnelle les plus retrouvées dans les comportements boulimiques sont les difficultés à contrôler des comportements impulsifs, alors que la peur est l’émotion la plus corrélée aux comportements boulimiques. Les difficultés à contrôler des comportements impulsifs et la peur montrent une contribution unique significative dans la prédiction des comportements boulimiques. Plus spécifiquement, en ce qui concerne les patrons de variations des émotions dans le cycle des comportements boulimiques (hyperphagiques/compensatoires), les émotions négatives (indifférenciées) ainsi que le dégoût, la culpabilité et la honte augmentent avec les comportements hyperphagiques et diminuent avec les comportements compensatoires, alors que la peur ne varie pas. Seules l’envie et la fierté diffèrent avant et après les comportements boulimiques : l’envie diminue et la fierté augmente. Pour ce qui est des stratégies de régulation émotionnelle, la suppression, la sélection de la situation et la modulation de la réponse sont significativement plus utilisées durant les comportements boulimiques, alors que la modification de la situation est plus employée lors des comportements compensatoires.
En guise de conclusions à la présente thèse, un nouveau modèle théorique des fonctions de régulation émotionnelle des comportements boulimiques est proposé, intitulé le modèle de la redirection vers le corps. Les implications théoriques et cliniques du modèle proposé sont également discutées, notamment en lien avec les comportements boulimiques ainsi que d’autres comportements maladaptés. / Bulimic behaviors, which consist of binge eating behaviors (eating a large amount of food in a limited amount of time and with a sense of loss of control) and compensatory behaviors (behaviors put in place to avoid weight gain, such as induced vomiting, restriction and fasting, excessive physical exercise, and taking laxatives and diuretics) go far beyond body image concerns. Bulimic behaviors, like many other maladaptive behaviors, are linked to difficulties with emotion regulation in explanatory models, in part because they can help regulate difficult emotions. More specifically, several emotions have been associated with bulimic behaviors, such as disgust, guilt, shame, envy, pride and negative (undifferentiated) emotions. The observed changes in emotions have given rise to theoretical models of the emotion regulation functions of bulimic behaviors. This thesis aims to better explain what bulimic behaviors are used for: How can they help to cope with certain emotions, decrease ones or increase ones? What emotion regulation mechanisms do they use?
To answer these research questions, thirty-five women meeting the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa participated in two studies. First, questionnaires measuring behaviors, emotion regulation difficulties and emotions related to bulimic behaviors were completed. Second, questionnaires measuring emotions and emotion regulation strategies were completed in an ecological manner at four points during bulimic behaviors: before and after binge eating behaviors; before and after compensatory behaviors.
Research results show that the most common emotion regulation difficulties found in bulimic behaviors are difficulties controlling impulsive behaviors, while fear is the emotion most correlated with bulimic behaviors. Difficulties in controlling impulsive behaviors and fear show a significant unique contribution in predicting bulimic behaviors. More specifically, with respect to patterns of variation in emotions in the bulimic cycle (binge eating/compensatory behaviors), negative (undifferentiated) emotions as well as disgust, guilt and shame increase with binge eating behaviors and decrease with compensatory behaviors, whereas fear does not vary. Only envy and pride differ before and after bulimic behaviors: envy decreases and pride increases. In terms of emotion regulation strategies, suppression, situation selection and response modulation are significantly more used during bulimic behaviors, while situation modification is more used during compensatory behaviors.
As a conclusion to this thesis, a new theoretical model of the emotion regulation functions of bulimic behaviors is proposed, called the body redirection model. The theoretical and clinical implications of the proposed model are also discussed, particularly in relation to bulimic behaviors as well as other maladaptive behaviors.
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Enhancing Support for Eating Disorders: Developing a Conversational Agent Integrating Biomedical Insights and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy / Förstärkt stöd för ätstörningar: Utveckling av en konversationsagent som integrerar biomedicinska insikter och kognitiv beteendeterapiRehn Hamrin, Josefin January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the application of TrueBalance, a conversational agent designed to support young adults vulnerable to eating disorders (EDs). TrueBalance integrates Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques with biomedical insights, including genetic and neurobiological factors, to provide a more personalized and scientifically grounded support system. It addresses limitations in existing dietary monitoring tools that usually focus on calorie tracking and food intake, often neglecting the nuanced needs of specific groups like young females and elite athletes, who are particularly vulnerable to EDs and disordered eating behaviors. The study addresses how biomedical determinants can be integrated into a conversational agent, how these agents can utilize CBT principles to support individuals vulnerable to EDs, and what challenges and opportunities arise from the user’s perspective when using such a dialogue model. The research strives to bridge the gap in current dietary self-monitoring tools by offering a more robust and empathetic support system for individuals struggling with EDs. Through iterative development and user testing, TrueBalance has demonstrated its potential as an engaging educational tool. Feedback from both therapists and users has highlighted the tool’s utility in real-world settings. It has led to suggestions for enhancements in personalizing interactions and making response systems more adaptive. The findings suggest conversational agents like TrueBalance have potential in non-clinical support environments for individuals with EDs and function as a potential informative, supportive tool for therapists’ education. / Denna masteruppsats undersöker användningen av TrueBalance, en konversationsagent designad för att stödja unga vuxna som är sårbara för ätstörningar. TrueBalance integrerar tekniker från Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) med biomedicinska insikter, inklusive genetiska och neurobiologiska faktorer, för att tillhandahålla ett mer personligt och vetenskapligt förankrat stödsystem. Den tar itu med begränsningarna i befintliga verktyg för kostövervakning, som vanligtvis fokuserar på kalorispårning och matintag men ofta förbiser de nyanserade behoven hos specifika grupper, såsom unga kvinnor och elitidrottare, som är särskilt sårbara för ätstörningar och ätstörda beteenden. Studien behandlar hur biomedicinska determinanter kan integreras i en konversationsagent, hur dessa agenter kan använda KBT-principer för att stödja individer sårbara för ätstörningar, samt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som uppstår från användarens perspektiv när de använder en sådan dialogmodell. Forskningen strävar efter att överbrygga klyftan i nuvarande verktyg för kostövervakning genom att erbjuda ett robustare och mer empatiskt stödsystem för individer som kämpar med ätstörningar. Genom iterativ utveckling och användartester har TrueBalance visat sin potential som ett engagerande pedagogiskt verktyg. Återkoppling från både terapeuter och användare har belyst verktygets nytta i verkliga sammanhang. Det har lett till förslag på förbättringar för att personalisera interaktioner och göra responssystemen mer adaptiva. Resultaten tyder på att konversationsagenter som TrueBalance har potential i icke-kliniska stödmiljöer för individer med ätstörningar och kan fungera som ett potentiellt informativt, stödjande verktyg för terapeuters utbildning.
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