Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bingeeating"" "subject:"binucleating""
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Le rôle de la pleine conscience dans l'accompagnement de patients obèses : quand, pourquoi et comment intervenir ? / The role of mindfulness in psychological care of obese patients : when, why, and how to plan interventions?Ruffault, Alexis 17 October 2017 (has links)
Le vécu d'événements traumatiques est associé à l'obésité adulte, et cette association s'expliquerait par l'apparition de troubles alimentaire. D’autre part, il semblerait que l’exposition à une expérience traumatique soit associée à des déficits dans la régulation des émotions, eux-mêmes associés à une prévalence plus élevée de troubles alimentaires. Aussi, les capacités de pleine conscience (i.e., prendre conscience de ses pensées, émotions et sensations dans le présent et sans jugement) ont montré un intérêt croissant dans la littérature afin de proposer aux patients obèses de mieux réguler leurs émotions et ainsi leurs comportements alimentaires. Une première partie s’intéressera au rôle de l’exposition à un événement traumatique dans la régulation des conduites alimentaires de patients obèses. Cette partie est composée de deux études : l’une ayant pour objectif de vérifier les associations entre l’exposition à un événement traumatique et la perte de poids postopératoire ainsi que l’évolution des conduites alimentaires en pré- et postopératoire ; et l’autre ayant pour but d’explorer le rôle des stratégies de régulation des émotions et des capacités de pleine conscience dans la relation entre les effets psychopathologiques de l’exposition à un événement traumatique et les conduites alimentaires. Une seconde partie s’intéressera aux effets des entraînements à la pleine conscience sur les conduites alimentaires et l’activité physique de patients obèses. Cette partie est composée de trois études : une étude de cas clinique, une revue systématique et méta-analyse et un essai contrôlé randomisé (étude MindOb). Les résultats de la première partie montrent que les patients opérés d'une chirurgie bariatrique ont plus de risques de perdre moins de poids en postopératoire et d'avoir des troubles alimentaires en pré- et postopératoire lorsqu'ils ont été exposés à un événement traumatique. De plus, auprès de patients non-opérés, l'impact psychologique d'un événement traumatique, ainsi que des stratégies non-adaptatives de régulation des émotions, sont associés à de la détresse psychologique, de l'impulsivité alimentaire et des accès hyperphagiques. Les résultats de la seconde partie montrent que les interventions basées sur la pleine conscience réduisent l'impulsivité alimentaire et les accès hyperphagiques de patients obèses non-opérés. Aussi, les résultats suggèrent que les interventions basées sur la pleine conscience augmentent le niveau d'activité physique des patients obèses. Cette thèse apporte ainsi des éléments de réponse quant à l'intérêt de proposer des techniques psychothérapeutiques favorisant la régulation des émotions des patients obèses. Il semblerait qu'intervenir en préopératoire soit favorable afin d'éviter la persistance et l'apparition de troubles alimentaires. Aussi, les interventions psychothérapeutiques seraient plus efficaces si elles ciblaient les patients ayant vécu des événements traumatiques et/ou souffrant d'accès hyperphagiques. D'autre part, les interventions basées sur la pleine conscience semblent efficaces, mais la méthode d'intervention optimale est encore à identifier. Il reste à vérifier si l'intervention doit être à distance ou en présentiel, quotidienne et sur le long terme ou sur une courte période, complémentaire à un suivi médical et contextualisée aux troubles alimentaires ou plus généraliste. / Exposure to adverse life events has been associated with adult obesity, and could translate into the appearance of eating disorders. Moreover, exposure to adverse life events has been associated with emotional dysregulation, which would be in turn linked to higher prevalence of eating disorders. Furthermore, mindfulness skills (i.e., non-judgmental awareness of thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations in the present-moment) have been the object of increased attention in the scientific literature as a means to increase emotion regulation and treat eating disorders in obese patients. The first part of this thesis studies the associations of exposure to adverse life events with eating patterns in obese patients. Two studies have been conducted in this part: the first aiming at assessing the association of exposure to adverse life events with postoperative weight-loss, as well as pre- and postoperative eating patterns; and the second aiming at exploring the role of emotion regulation strategies and mindfulness skills in the association of exposure to adverse life events and eating patterns. The second part studies the effects of mindfulness training on eating patterns and physical activity in obese patients. Three studies have been conducted in this part: a clinical case study, a systematic review and meta-analysis, and a randomized controlled trial (MindOb study). The results of the first part showed that bariatric surgery patients exposed to adverse life events are at risk of losing less weight after surgery, as well as having more dysfunctional eating patterns pre- and postoperative. Moreover, with non-operated obese patients, the results showed that the psychological impact of adverse life events and non-adaptive emotion regulation have been associated with psychological distress, impulsive eating, and binge eating. The results of the second part showed that mindfulness training decreased impulsive and binge eating in non-operated patients. Moreover, results showed that mindfulness training could also increase physical activity in these patients. This thesis highlights the need for providing obese patients with psychotherapeutic techniques increasing emotion regulation. The results suggest that pre-surgery interventions could avoid maintenance or the appearance of dysfunctional eating patterns. Moreover, psychotherapeutic interventions would be more effective in the case of patients either exposed to adverse life events or being diagnosed with binge eating disorder. However, while mindfulness training seemed effective, the optimal intervention design has yet to be identified. In fact, the questions of whether such training should be self-help or guided, daily and long-term or short-term, complementary to medical care and adapted to eating disorders or broader, must still be tested.
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Genetics of Nutrient Consumption and an Evolutionary Perspective of Eating DisordersMayhew, Alexandra Jean 11 1900 (has links)
Obesity prevalence continues to increase worldwide, yet few safe and effective treatment options are available suggesting there needs to be a greater emphasis on preventing rather than treating obesity. This research investigated the association of obesity predisposing SNPs and a gene score with nutrient consumption patterns including total energy intake and macronutrient distribution in a European ancestry population as well as discussing an evolutionary perspective on eating disorders using current epidemiological evidence to identify genes which may be involved. The association of two of the 14 obesity predisposing SNPs and the gene score with BMI was confirmed in the EpiDREAM population. Novel associations between two SNPs located in or near BDNF (rs6265 and rs1401635) were found with total fat, MUFA, and PUFA intake. Rs1401635 was also associated with total energy and trans fat intake. Novel associations of rs6235 (PCSK1) and the gene score were found with total energy intake. The novel associations found indicate that food related behaviours are one of the mechanisms of action through which obesity predisposing SNPs cause obesity and therefore warrant further investigation. The lack of association among all genes and the modest association of the gene score show that mechanisms other than food consumption are important. The investigation of the evolutionary history of eating disorders revealed that the adapted to flee famine hypothesis is a plausible theory explaining anorexia nervosa while the thrifty genotype hypothesis provides a possible explanation for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. These evolutionary theories can be applied to identify new candidate genes as well as phenotypic traits to investigate to better understand the genetic architecture of eating disorders. Understanding genes associated with disordered eating patterns may highlight future areas for obesity prevention. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / A large percentage of the risk of developing obesity or an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder) is determined by genetics. For obesity, many genes have been identified as influencing risk, but the mechanisms through which the genes work are largely unknown. For eating disorders, gene identification efforts have been mostly unsuccessful and no mechanisms of action have been determined. In the first component of this thesis we found an association between previously identified obesity risk genes and food intake, specifically the total number of calories consumed per day and the percentage of calories from total fat and fat subtypes. These results support that food related behaviours are possible mechanisms of action which need to be further investigated. In the second half of the thesis we viewed eating disorder behaviours from an evolutionary perspective. We concluded that there are theories that possibly explain eating disorder behaviours including being able to live off of small quantities of food as well as binging. These evolutionary theories can be applied to identify new genes to study in the context of eating disorders as well as different definitions of eating disorders.
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Childhood Eating and Feeding DisturbancesHilbert, Anja 20 April 2023 (has links)
Eating and feeding disturbances are prevalent yet understudied health conditions in youth. They are characterized by aberrant eating behaviors, cognitive and emotional dysfunctions, and dysregulated body weight. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition defines several feeding and eating disorders with a common onset in youth; however, data on their clinical validity at young ages are lacking. Further non-normative eating behaviors exist, but their clinical relevance needs elucidation. This Special Issue compiles state-of-the-art reviews and empirical research on the presentation, development, course, and maintenance of diverse eating and feeding disturbances as a prerequisite for delineating evidence-based interventions for treatment and prevention.
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Therapie der Binge-Eating-StörungHilbert, Anja 27 September 2022 (has links)
Die Binge-Eating-Störung (BES), als eigenständige Essstörung erstmals im Diagnostischen und Statistischen Manual psychischer Störungen DSM-5 definiert, ist durch wiederkehrende Essanfälle ohne gewichtskompensatorische Verhaltensweisen gekennzeichnet. Die breitere Definition in der avisierten International Classification of Diseases ICD-11 wird zu Veränderungen in Präsentation und Prävalenz dieser Störung führen. Die BES tritt vor dem
Hintergrund einer komplexen, multifaktoriellen Ätiologie auf und geht mit einer erhöhten Essstörungs- und allgemeinen Psychopathologie, psychischen und körperlichen Komorbidität einschließlich Adipositas und verringertem Funktionsniveau einher. Trotz dieser Beeinträchtigungen wird die BES häufig weder diagnostiziert noch behandelt.
Evidenzbasierte Therapien für die BES umfassen die Psychotherapie, wobei die Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie das etablierteste Verfahren darstellt, und die strukturierte Selbsthilfebehandlung. Andere Therapien wie die Pharmakotherapie, behaviorale Gewichtsreduktionstherapie und Kombinationstherapien erhielten in den aktuellen evidenzbasierten S3-Essstörungsleitlinien einen geringeren Empfehlungsgrad für spezielle Indikationen.
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Binge-Restrict-Repeat: The Governmentality of Eating RegimesCutter, Linea Lee 15 May 2023 (has links)
This study employs Michel Foucault's conceptualization of governmentality, or dispersed rationalities that seek to calculate and maximize the health of the population, to study how eating regimes of truth influence how individuals relate to their bodies and each other. Importantly, the study of eating regimes elucidates how food rules are portrayed in the discourses, institutions, philosophical and moral propositions, administrative measures, and technologies (what Foucault refers to as societal apparatuses of power, or dispositifs) that address what and how to eat. In this dissertation, I specifically analyze dispositifs that promote certain foodstuffs as devotional objects that can be utilized as forms of pleasure and/or self-control. I conceptualize artificial sweeteners as ingestible stores of self-control and biopower, arguing that they provide a lens through which to view how mealtime rituals, temporalities of eating, and the intersubjective perceptions of the relationship between food consumption and the ideal healthy body have transformed in the face of discourses that emphasize the need to strip food of carbohydrate- and calorie-loaded consequences.
The dissertation analyzes how contemporary dietary discourses in the United States encourage individuals to view freedom of food choice as a binary selection between binge and restrict eating practices. I argue that this notion of dietary balance is part of what I refer to as the neoliberal binge-restrict eating regime. I analyze the binge-restrict eating regime on three different yet supplementary registers: 1) that of neoliberal discourses of dietary balance, which are premised on logics and technologies of rigid, machine-like correction and anticipatory compensation through carefully planned periods of restriction and healthy eating followed by food binges, or periods where an individual indulges in seemingly unhealthy foodstuffs; 2) that of discourses that encourage the individual to consume endlessly but not allow signs of "excessive" consumption to develop in the body; 3) and that of edible instantiations of the binge-restrict eating regime, with a particular emphasis on artificial sweeteners. The dissertation concludes that the contemporary notion of dietary balance as "binge-restrict" is informed by a popular interpretation of food rules as rigid, algorithmic truths and contributes to a loss of embodied knowledge regarding how to eat well. / Doctor of Philosophy / This study provides an analysis of forms of dietary advice and food rules that problematize the use of individual dietary discretion, prompt individuals to rely on systems of dietary advice, and present certain foodstuffs, such as artificial sweeteners, as ingestible stores of self-control. I argue that certain accepted ways of understanding, categorizing, and portraying food knowledge mold and shape how individuals experience reality, and that these ways of understanding can be referred to as regimes of truth. The study examines how eating regimes of truth, or ways of portraying food knowledge that influence how individuals define and categorize normal and abnormal eating behaviors, can be discerned across diet manuals, advertisements for diet products, life insurance pamphlets, governmental documents, and weight loss technologies from the 17th century to the present in Western Europe and the United States. More specifically, I analyze how food rules are increasingly shaped by advertising media that portray food knowledge as an object of expert control since food selection is perceived to be an increasingly risky activity. Given the extensive ingredient lists on food labels, along with the shifting regulatory and scientific statements that characterize how foodstuffs are grown or produced, prepared, packaged, labeled, and sold, embodied relationships to food remain difficult to cultivate given that the lines between natural, artificial, toxic, and safe ingredients and foodstuffs have been blurred. Even the consumption of seemingly "natural" products must constantly be monitored, since grocery store produce items often contain lead, arsenic, cadmium, and other synthetic materials that are portrayed as being dangerous to the health of consumers. Through advertising and digital technologies, food rules are portrayed as rigid algorithms that must be rigorously and rigidly applied to one's food selection and eating habits.
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Zusammenhang zwischen Familienbeziehungen, interpersonalen Problemen und Symptomschwere bei Essstörungen. Eine Studie mit dem Subjektiven Familienbild. / Correlation between family relationships, interpersonal problems and symptom severity in eating disorders. A study with the subjective family image.Flesch, Rieke 08 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude-pilote portant sur une intervention de groupe auprès de femmes souffrant d’hyperphagie boulimique et l’évaluation de ses effets potentielsMoquin, Catherine 10 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur une intervention de groupe basée sur la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour l’hyperphagie boulimique (HB), dont les effets potentiels sur la qualité de vie reliée au poids, la fréquence et la sévérité des crises de boulimie, les symptômes dépressifs, l’image corporelle et le poids corporel ont été mesurés, et le degré d’acceptation par les participantes a été documenté. Ainsi, 11 femmes avec un surplus de poids et répondant aux critères diagnostiques de l’HB ont été recrutées du printemps 2012 à l’hiver 2013, dans la région de Montréal. Le programme comportant huit séances hebdomadaires était dispensé par une nutritionniste et une psychothérapeute. La qualité de vie reliée au poids (Impact of Weight on Quality of Life), la fréquence des crises de boulimie (rappel des sept derniers jours), la sévérité des crises de boulimie (Binge Eating Scale), les symptômes dépressifs (Inventaire de Beck pour la dépression), l’insatisfaction corporelle (Body Shape Questionnaire) et le poids corporel ont été mesurés avant et à la fin de l’intervention. Puis, un questionnaire pour mesurer l’acceptation par les participantes était soumis au terme du programme. Le taux de participation aux séances était aussi colligé.
Les résultats montrent que notre programme a permis une amélioration significative du score global de la qualité de vie reliée au poids de 8,4 ± 13,3, ainsi qu’en termes d’estime de soi et de travail. Aussi, une diminution significative de la fréquence des crises de boulimie de 2,1 ± 2,1 jours, de la sévérité des crises de boulimie dont le score a diminué de 10,9 ± 7,7, des symptômes dépressifs dont le score a diminué de 8,3 ± 5,7 et de l’insatisfaction corporelle dont le score a diminué de 32,8 ± 17,1, ont été observées. Toutefois, il n’y a pas eu de perte de poids au terme de l’intervention. Puis, le programme a été bien accepté par les participantes tel que démontré par le taux de participation aux séances de 93,8 % et la satisfaction mesurée par l’appréciation des divers éléments du programme de 4,6 sur 5 et la pertinence de ceux-ci de 4,8 sur 5. Ces données suggèrent que l’intervention de groupe semble être prometteuse pour améliorer les symptômes et conséquences de l’HB, à l’exception du poids. / This study focuses on a group intervention for binge eating disorder (BED), by measuring its potential effects on the quality of life related to weight, frequency and severity of binge episodes, depressive symptoms, body dissatisfaction and body weight, and documenting the degree of acceptance of the intervention by the participants. Thus, 11 overweight women that met the BED diagnostic criteria were recruited from spring 2012 to winter 2013, in Montreal. The program includes eight weekly sessions based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provided by a nutritionist and a psychotherapist. Quality of life related to weight (Impact of Weight on Quality of Life), binge eating frequency (recall of the last seven days), binge eating severity (Binge Eating Scale), depression (Beck Inventory for depression), body dissatisfaction (Body Shape Questionnaire) and body weight were measured before and after the intervention. Then, a questionnaire to assess the acceptance by the participants was submitted at the end of the program. The rate of participation was also collected.
The results showed that our program has resulted in significant improvements in the overall quality of life score related to weight of 8.4 ± 13.3, and in terms of self-esteem and work. We also observed a decrease in binge eating frequency by 2.1 ± 2.1 days as well as in binge eating severity, depressive symptoms and body dissatisfaction whose scores decreased by 10.9 ± 7.7, 8.3 ± 5.7 and 32.8 ± 17.1 respectively. However, there was no significant difference in weight at the end of the intervention. Also, the program was well accepted by the participants with a participation rate of 93.8%. Satisfaction and relevance of the program scored respectively 4,6 and 4,8 out of 5. These data suggest that the group intervention seems to be a promising method to improve the symptoms and consequences of HB, except for weight.
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Vliv bodovacího systému na léčbu závislých klientek s psychiatrickou komorbiditou / Effect of a scoring system for the treatment of addicted women with psychiatric comorbidityMalá, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The issue of psychiatric co-morbidity is a serious public health problem occurring more and more frequently in the treatment of addiction and bringing with it various complications and often premature termination of treatment. The scoring system with a fixed set regime is still being used as the main instrument for treatment of addicted clients on the most specialized departments of psychiatric hospitals, although the effectiveness of the scoring system has not yet been clinically verified. The aim of this pilot study is to demonstrate and verify of the individual cases of clients with different categories of dual diagnosis, how they perceive the balance of the sanctions and rewards and fair setting in the context of the scoring system. Other goals are to find out and verify what is the influence of the scoring system on the motivation to change the behavior and success of treatment, what weaknesses clients with dual diagnosis perceive in this system and how they represent the treatment system, which would make them more fit and motivated to change behavior. Further, this study seeks to establish whether difficulties and obstacles on the way to stand up and go through the scoring system are different for individual dual diagnoses. A qualitative approach is used in the research part of the thesis....
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Efeito dos polimorfismos nos genes da leptina e do receptor da leptina sobre a compulsão alimentar em crianças e adolescentes obesos / Effect of polymorphisms in the leptin and leptin receptor genes on binge eating in obese children and adolescentsFujiwara, Clarissa Tamie Hiwatashi 31 July 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade na infância e adolescência representa uma epidemia global e figura como um problema de saúde pública proeminente de prevalência crescente. A obesidade frequentemente está associada à compulsão alimentar periódica (CAP) e componentes genéticos participam de sua etiologia multifatorial. Polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) no gene da leptina (LEP) e do receptor da leptina (LEPR) podem modificar a expressão da leptina e de suas vias de sinalização e, consequentemente, alterar a regulação do apetite e da saciedade, contribuindo assim para a etiopatogenia e manutenção da CAP. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência dos polimorfismos rs7799039 (G > A) no gene LEP e rs1137100 (A > G), rs1137101 (A > G) e rs8179183 (G > C) no gene LEPR sobre a CAP em crianças e adolescentes obesos, além de caracterizar a população quanto à CAP e verificar a associação dos SNPs com o risco cardiometabólico (RCM) e a obesidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que incluiu 465 crianças e adolescentes obesos com idade entre 7 e 19 anos avaliados quanto a variáveis antropométricas e metabólicas. Os fatores de RCM consistiram de hipertensão arterial sistêmica, glicemia de jejum alterada, HDL-colesterol baixo e hipertrigliceridemia. A CAP foi avaliada por meio da Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (ECAP). Para investigar o efeito dos SNPs no risco para a obesidade foi incluído um grupo controle composto por 135 crianças e adolescentes eutróficos. A genotipagem foi realizada por PCR em tempo real e para análise dos SNPs, adotou-se o modelo dominante. Foi calculado o desequilíbrio de ligação entre os SNPs e estimada as frequências dos haplótipos. As comparações entre os grupos foram realizadas estratificadamente por gênero e estádio puberal. Para avaliar a magnitude do risco dos SNPs sobre a CAP e a obesidade foi realizada regressão logística ajustada para variáveis de confusão (idade, Z-IMC e estádio puberal). RESULTADOS: As crianças e adolescentes obesos (12,5 ± 2,9 anos; 52,7% meninas) classificados com CAP apresentaram maior adiposidade e a frequência da CAP foi mais elevada no gênero feminino (OR= 2,146; IC 95% 1,461-3,152; p < 0,001). A frequência do alelo A do rs7799039 foi mais elevada no grupo de obesos (OR= 1,530; IC 95% 1,022-2,292; p= 0,039) e o alelo associou-se ao maior nível de leptina e colesterol total em meninas e à maior glicemia em meninos (p < 0,05). No rs1137100 e o rs1137101, a presença do alelo G em meninas conferiu risco para a hipertrigliceridemia (OR= 1,926; IC 95% 1,010-3,673; p= 0,047 e OR= 2,039; IC 95% 1,057-3,931; p= 0,033, respectivamente). O alelo C do rs8179183 relacionou-se, em meninas, à relação cintura-estatura e glicemia mais elevadas e, em meninos, ao maior percentil de pressão arterial diastólica, glicemia, colesterol total e LDL-colesterol (p <0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os polimorfismos não foram associados à compulsão alimentar periódica. A CAP foi relacionada ao pior grau de adiposidade e o maior risco foi observado no gênero feminino. O SNP rs7799039 no gene LEP conferiu risco para obesidade, enquanto o rs1137100, rs1137101 e rs8179183 no gene LEPR relacionaram-se ao pior perfil cardiometabólico em crianças e adolescentes obesos / INTRODUCTION: Obesity during childhood and adolescence represents a global epidemic and consists in a prominent public health issue of increasing prevalence. Obesity is frequently associated with binge eating (BE) and genetic factors participate of its multifactorial etiology. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) genes may modify the leptin expression and its signaling pathways and, consequently, alter appetite and satiety regulation, thus contributing to the etiopathogeny and maintenance of BE. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of polymorphisms rs7799039 (G > A) in the LEP gene and rs1137100 (A > G), rs1137101 (A > G) and rs8179183 (G > C) in the LEPR gene on BE in obese children and adolescents, besides characterize the population regarding to BE and examine the association of SNPs with cardiometabolic risk (CMR) and obesity. METHODS: Cross-sectional study in which 465 obese children and adolescents aged from 7 to 19 years were enrolled and had anthropometric and metabolic variables assessed. The CMR factors consisted of systemic hypertension, impaired fasting glucose, low HDL-cholesterol levels and hypertriglyceridemia. The BE was evaluated through the Binge Eating Scale (BES). To investigate the effect of SNPs on obesity risk, a control group of 135 eutrophic children and adolescents was enrolled. Genotyping was performed by real-time PCR and for the SNPs analysis, the dominant model was adopted. The linkage disequilibrium between SNPs was calculated and the haplotype frequencies were estimated. Comparisons between groups were performed stratified by gender and pubertal stage. To assess the risk magnitude for the SNPs on BE and obesity, logistic regression adjusted for confounding variables (age, Z-BMI and pubertal stage) was performed. RESULTS: Obese children and adolescents (12.5 ± 2.9 years, 52.7% girls) classified with BE showed greater adiposity and BE frequency was higher among females (OR= 2.146; 95% CI 1.461-3.152; p < 0.001). The observed frequency of A allele of rs7799039 was a higher in the obese group (OR= 1.530; 95% CI 1.022-2.292; p= 0.039) and the allele was associated with higher leptin and total cholesterol levels in girls and higher glucose levels in boys (p < 0.05). For the rs1137100 and rs1137101, the presence of the G allele among girls, conferred risk for hypertriglyceridemia (OR= 1.926; 95% CI 1.010-3.673; p= 0.047 and OR= 2.039; 95% CI 1.057-3.931; p= 0.033, respectively). The C allele of rs8179183 was associated, among girls, with a higher waist-to-height ratio and glucose levels and, among boys, with greater diastolic blood pressure percentile, glucose, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Polymorphisms were not associated with binge eating. BE was related with a more severe adiposity and an increased risk was observed among females. The SNP rs7799039 in the LEP gene contributed to the risk of obesity, whereas the rs1137100, rs1137101 and rs8179183 in LEPR gene were related to a worse cardiometabolic profile in obese children and adolescents
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Prevalência de transtornos alimentares em gestantes: uma associação com ansiedade, depressão e atitudes alimentares / Prevalence of eating disorders in pregnant women: an association with anxiety, depression and eating attitudesSantos, Amanda Maihara dos 08 July 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O estado nutricional da gestante constitui importante fator para o desenvolvimento do feto e da gravidez saudável. Mulheres que apresentam ingestão inadequada de nutrientes têm maior probabilidade de desenvolver gestação de risco. Essa problemática é especialmente intensa quando a mulher apresenta quadro de transtorno alimentar (TA). Este trabalho abordou aspectos históricos, etiologia e epidemiologia dos TA, contemplou os critérios diagnósticos, concebeu os TA no período gravídico puerperal e dissertou sobre TA, sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar a prevalência de TA em gestantes com intercorrências clínicas e verificar a associação com sintomatologia ansiosa, depressiva e atitudes alimentares. Método: Estudo prospectivo transversal foi realizado com 913 gestantes com intercorrências clínicas que estavam no 2° ou 3° trimestre gestacional no ambulatório da Divisão de Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foi utilizada entrevista dirigida, para avaliação de picacismo; o EAT-26, para avaliar as atitudes alimentares; Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders, para diagnóstico clínico de TA e a escala Hospital Anxiety and Depression, para análise da sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva. Os dados deste estudo foram submetidos à análise quantitativa e avaliados por meio do programa IBM SPSS for Windows versão 20.0. Resultados: constatou-se prevalência de transtorno alimentar em 7,6% (n=69) (IC 95%: 5,84%-9,28%), sendo 0,1% (n=1), anorexia nervosa; 0,7% (n=6), bulimia nervosa; 1,1% (n=10), transtorno da compulsão alimentar e 5,7% (n=52), picacismo. Encontrou-se significância estatística quando associado TA com as variáveis: religião (p=0,02), abortamento provocado anterior (p < 0,01), tempo de relacionamento (p=0,01), renda per capita (p=0,04), número de gestações (p < 0,01) e número de filhos vivos (p < 0,01). Quanto às atitudes alimentares, observou-se significância estatística com \"sentir-se mal após comer doces\" (p=0,02) e \"passar muito tempo pensando em comida\" (p < 0,01). Constatou-se ainda associação positiva com sintomatologia ansiosa (p < 0,01) e com sintomatologia depressiva (p < 0,01). Conclusão: a prevalência de TA encontrada (7,6%) e sua associação com sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva, durante a gestação, apontam para a necessidade de cuidados especializados no que diz respeito à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento. Dada a importância da alimentação adequada no período gestacional, tanto no que diz respeito à saúde materna, quanto ao desenvolvimento fetal, torna-se necessário implementar, pelos profissionais de saúde, avaliação específica com protocolo predeterminado para diagnóstico de TA no período gestacional / Introduction: The nutritional status of the pregnant woman represents an important factor for the development of the fetus and for a healthy pregnancy. Women who have inadequate nutrient intake are more likely to develop a risky pregnancy. This problem is particularly severe when the woman presents an eating disorder (ED). This paper discusses the historical aspects, etiology and epidemiology of ED, considers the diagnostic criteria, delineates ED in the puerperal pregnancy period and addresses ED, anxiety and depression symptoms. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of ED in pregnant women with clinical complications and to assess the relationship between anxiety and depression symptoms and eating attitudes. Methods: A transversal and prospective study was conducted with 913 women between 2nd and 3rd trimester with high-risk pregnancies in the Obstetrics Clinic Division of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. We conducted structured interviews for the assessment of pica, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders for diagnostic of ED and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for anxiety and depression symptoms, and applied the EAT-26 questionnaire for eating attitudes. The data analysis was quantitative and conducted with the IBM SPSS for Windows, version 20.0. Results: Lifetime prevalence of ED was 7.6% (n=69) (95% CI: 5.84%-9.28%), 0.1% (n=1) for anorexia nervosa; 0.7% (n=6) for bulimia nervosa; 1.1% (n=10) for binge eating disorder, and 5.7% (n=52) for pica. ED was statistically significant with respect to the following variables: religion (p=0.02), previous induced abortion (p < 0.01), being in a relationship (p=0.01), per capita income (p=0,04), number of previous pregnancies (p<0.01) and number of children (p < 0.01). For the eating attitudes, statistical significance was found with \"feeling ill after eating sweets\" (p < 0.02) and \"spend too much time thinking about food\" (p=0.05), as well as between ED and anxiety (p < 0.01) and depressive symptoms (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The prevalence of ED (7.6%) and its association with anxiety and depression symptoms during pregnancy highlights the need for specialist care for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Given the importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy, both with regard to maternal health and fetal development, it is necessary to have specific predetermined evaluation protocols implemented by health care professionals for the diagnosis of ED during pregnancy
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