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“Se não nos cozinharem não melhoramos” : disputas entre a medicina convencional e a tradicional em torno do HIV/SIDA na etnia Tsonga em MoçambiqueMandlate, Nosta da Graça January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista a compreensão dos significados atribuídos às infeções oportunistas pelos pacientes HIV+ entre os moçambicanos da etnia Tsonga do distrito de Xai-Xai e a consequente busca de atendimento nas redes tradicionais de cura, na pesquisa adotamos uma metodologia qualitativa com caráter etnográfico. Embora Xai-Xai seja a capital de Gaza, importante província de Moçambique, ali, os Tsonga ainda estão muito inseridos nas redes tradicionais de cura. Por outro lado, a rede do Sistema Nacional da Saude se faz também presente e não muito precária, relativamente ao resto do país. Essa peculiaridade nos levou a indagação central do trabalho: no que concerne aos pacientes HIV+ será que os serviços de saúde do distrito da cidade de Xai-Xai dispõem de estruturas de acolhimento tão adequadas aos pressupostos ontológicos da cultura local quanto as redes tradicionais de cura? A nossa hipótese é a de que o desajuste de um acolhimento inadequado aos pacientes Tsonga impele-os a intensificar a busca de cuidados alternativos à medicina convencional nas redes tradicionais. A metodologia que escolhemos permitiu-nos compreender as vivências dos pacientes não somente a partir das questões apresentadas verbalmente, mas também podemos acompanhar as suas práticas cotidianas relacionadas a busca de cura. A pesquisa fez nos perceber que a ausência do diálogo entre a biomedicina e as redes tradicionais de cura influência em grande medida o elevado número de óbitos e a não retenção dos pacientes em Tratamento antiretroviral- Tarv mesmo com as constantes reinvenções de políticas de assistência aos pacientes HIV+. A situação colonial dessa relação se consubstância na negação ou subalternização do conhecimento local mesmo por atores nativos que atuam no sistema nacional de saúde. / In order to understand the meanings attributed to opportunistic infections by HIV+ patients among the Tsonga Mozambicans in the Xai-Xai district and the consequent search for care in the traditional healing networks, a qualitative methodology with an ethnographic character was used in the research. Although Xai-Xai is the capital of Gaza, a major province in Mozambique, the Tsonga are still very much embedded in traditional healing networks. On the other hand, the network of the National Health System is also present and not very precarious, relative to the rest of the country. This peculiarity has led us to the central inquiry of the work: as far as HIV + patients are concerned, the health services of the Xai-Xai city district have reception facilities that are as appropriate to the ontological presumptions of the local culture as the traditional cure? Our hypothesis is that the mismatch of inadequate care for Tsonga patients prompts them to intensify the search for alternative care to conventional medicine in traditional networks. The methodology we chose allowed us to understand the patients' experiences not only from the questions presented verbally, but we can also follow their daily practices related to the search for cure. The research made us realize that the absence of dialogue between biomedicine and traditional healing networks greatly influences the high number of deaths and non-retention of patients in antiretroviral treatment-TARV even with the constant reinvention of HIV+ patient care policies. The colonial situation of this relationship is consubstantiated in the negation or subalternization of local knowledge even by native actors who work in the national health system.
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Corps, genre et nouvelles technologies biomédicales : reconfigurations antinaturalistes au sein des théories féministes / Bodies, gender and new biotechnical technologies : anti-naturalist reconfigurations among feminist theoriesGrino, Claire 09 November 2015 (has links)
La matérialité biologique du corps humain est devenue l'objet d'interventions inédites au moyen de nouvelles technologies biomédicales, comme la procréation médicalement assistée, les tests génétiques, la contraception hormonale. Cette thèse part des difficultés inhérentes à une approche antinaturaliste pour aborder la dimension biologique des corps sexués. “On ne naît pas femme, on le devient” : mais qu'en est-il des corps ? Les technologies biomédicales investissent la chair selon des modalités qui échappent aux grilles d'analyses matérialiste et butlérienne. Faut-il y voir une réfutation du constructivisme, la revanche d'un socle biologique – hormonal, génétique, moléculaire – primant sur les effets anatomiques de la socialisation, comme le suggèrent les partisan·e·s d'un material turn féministe ? À partir d'une analyse de l'évolution de la notion de nature, définie comme "vie elle-même" depuis la révolution moléculaire de la biologie, cette thèse propose une autre interprétation, en définissant les technologies biomédicales comme des technologies de pouvoir relevant d’une biopolitique moléculaire de genre. Sans infirmer la perspective constructiviste, ces médiations sociales originales (adossées au nouveau paradigme épistémique) permettent de comprendre comment les frontières et limites du genre sont déplacées, tout en produisant des identités, des expériences et des subjectivités genrées inédites. En dégageant les coordonnées d'un véritable dispositif biomédical, notre étude comparative entre techniques disciplinaires et biopolitique moléculaire de genre plaide pour une critique antinaturaliste renouvelée, s’articulant à une critique de la technique qui permette d'inventer collectivement des moyens pour se réapproprier démocratiquement les technologies biomédicales. / The biological materiality of the human body has become an object of unprecedented interventions through “new biomedical technologies” as medically assisted procreation, genetic tests, or hormonal contraception. This thesis interrogates the difficulties inherent to anti-naturalist approaches in order to address the biological dimension of sexed bodies. “One is not born a woman, one becomes one”, but is this also true for the body? The analytical frames of materialist or deconstructivist feminism cannot cease the modalities through which biomedical technologies invest the flesh. Do biomedical technologies make constructivist approaches obsolete through the revenge of a biological – hormonal, genetic, molecular – ground that tops the anatomical effects of socialization? Partisans of a feminist “material turn” seem to think so. After analyzing how the molecular biology revolution changes the very concept of nature in defining it as “life itself”, I offer an alternative interpretation by defining biomedical technologies as technologies of power that stem from a molecular biopolitics of gender. Instead of overturning constructivist perspectives, these new social mediations (residing on a new epistemic paradigm) help understanding a shift in what has been seen as the limits of gender. This shift creates unprecedented identities, experiences and subjectivities of gender. In exposing the coordinates of the biomedical apparatus, this comparative study between disciplinary techniques and molecular biopolitics of gender pleads for a renewed anti-naturalist critique that takes the form of a critique of technology in order to allow for a collective appropriation of biomedical technologies.
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Rovná dostupnost zdravotní péče u mladistvých ve smyslu čl. 3 Úmluvy o lidských právech a biomedicíně / Equal availibility of health care for children and youth in the spirit of Art. 3 of Convention on Human Rights and BiomedicineSAMKOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Para que serve uma enfermaria de clínica médica?: reflexões a partir de um hospital universitário. / What is the purpose of an internal medicine infirmary?: thoughts from a university hospital.Julia Kleve Berg 27 April 2015 (has links)
Esse trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre a relação entre a organização da estrutura hospitalar baseada em sua divisão por enfermarias de especialidades e a perpetuação da lógica fragmentadora própria da Biomedicina, racionalidade médica hegemônica ocidental. O campo estudado foi o Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. Através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com médicos clínicos, especialistas e profissionais responsáveis pela regulação de vagas desse hospital é discutida a existência de dois discursos diferentes: o discurso clínico e o discurso especialista. A partir da análise dessas entrevistas, foi apontada e debatida a profunda relação entre esses discursos, a estrutura hospitalar e a assistência médica oferecida aos pacientes. A análise realizada evidencia que embora os dois discursos estejam absolutamente inseridos no paradigma biomédico, a clínica médica se identifica e é identificada como responsável pelo paciente como um todo, enquanto as especialidades são reconhecidas como responsáveis apenas por uma determinada parte. Essa diferença apresentou influência tanto na forma de cuidar do paciente, como na função de cada serviço dentro do hospital. As enfermarias de clínica se caracterizaram por serem setores consensualmente capazes de conduzir satisfatoriamente a maioria dos pacientes.Se por um lado a abrangência da clínica é motivo de orgulho para os clínicos, por outro, a falta de autonomia decorrente dessa característica determina um sentimento de depreciação por parte desses profissionais. Esse trabalho foi realizado sob perspectiva hermenêutica filosófica proposta por Hans-Georg Gadamer e com o auxílio dos conceitos de paradigma proposto por Thomas Kuhn e estilo de pensamento elaborado por Ludwik Fleck. / This work proposes a reflection on the relation between the hospital organizational structure based on its division in specialties infirmaries and the perpetuation of the fragmenting logic peculiar to biomedicine, the hegemonic western medical rationale. The field of study was Pedro Ernesto University Hospital. Through semi-structured interviews with general physicians, specialists and professionals in charge of hospital admissions the existence of two different discourses is examined: the clinical discourse and the specialist discourse. The analysis of these interviews pointed out and considered the deep relation between both discourses, the hospital structure and the medical care provided to patients. The investigation reveals that, although both discourses are definitely inserted in the biomedical paradigm, internal medicine identifies itself and is identified as responsible for the patient as a whole, whereas the specialties are seen as responsible for only a specific part. This difference influenced not only the manner of treating the patient but also the purpose of each service within the hospital. The clinical infirmaries were characterized as sectors consensually capable of satisfactorily dealing with the majority of patients. If on the one hand the broad scope of internal medicine is a source of pride to physicians, on the other hand the lack of autonomy that follows this characteristic determines a feeling of self-deprecation among some of these professionals. This work was made from a hermeneutic philosophical perspective such as one proposed by Hans-Georg Gadamer, with the aid of Thomas Kuhns concept of paradigm and Ludwik Flecks concept of thought style.
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“Se não nos cozinharem não melhoramos” : disputas entre a medicina convencional e a tradicional em torno do HIV/SIDA na etnia Tsonga em MoçambiqueMandlate, Nosta da Graça January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista a compreensão dos significados atribuídos às infeções oportunistas pelos pacientes HIV+ entre os moçambicanos da etnia Tsonga do distrito de Xai-Xai e a consequente busca de atendimento nas redes tradicionais de cura, na pesquisa adotamos uma metodologia qualitativa com caráter etnográfico. Embora Xai-Xai seja a capital de Gaza, importante província de Moçambique, ali, os Tsonga ainda estão muito inseridos nas redes tradicionais de cura. Por outro lado, a rede do Sistema Nacional da Saude se faz também presente e não muito precária, relativamente ao resto do país. Essa peculiaridade nos levou a indagação central do trabalho: no que concerne aos pacientes HIV+ será que os serviços de saúde do distrito da cidade de Xai-Xai dispõem de estruturas de acolhimento tão adequadas aos pressupostos ontológicos da cultura local quanto as redes tradicionais de cura? A nossa hipótese é a de que o desajuste de um acolhimento inadequado aos pacientes Tsonga impele-os a intensificar a busca de cuidados alternativos à medicina convencional nas redes tradicionais. A metodologia que escolhemos permitiu-nos compreender as vivências dos pacientes não somente a partir das questões apresentadas verbalmente, mas também podemos acompanhar as suas práticas cotidianas relacionadas a busca de cura. A pesquisa fez nos perceber que a ausência do diálogo entre a biomedicina e as redes tradicionais de cura influência em grande medida o elevado número de óbitos e a não retenção dos pacientes em Tratamento antiretroviral- Tarv mesmo com as constantes reinvenções de políticas de assistência aos pacientes HIV+. A situação colonial dessa relação se consubstância na negação ou subalternização do conhecimento local mesmo por atores nativos que atuam no sistema nacional de saúde. / In order to understand the meanings attributed to opportunistic infections by HIV+ patients among the Tsonga Mozambicans in the Xai-Xai district and the consequent search for care in the traditional healing networks, a qualitative methodology with an ethnographic character was used in the research. Although Xai-Xai is the capital of Gaza, a major province in Mozambique, the Tsonga are still very much embedded in traditional healing networks. On the other hand, the network of the National Health System is also present and not very precarious, relative to the rest of the country. This peculiarity has led us to the central inquiry of the work: as far as HIV + patients are concerned, the health services of the Xai-Xai city district have reception facilities that are as appropriate to the ontological presumptions of the local culture as the traditional cure? Our hypothesis is that the mismatch of inadequate care for Tsonga patients prompts them to intensify the search for alternative care to conventional medicine in traditional networks. The methodology we chose allowed us to understand the patients' experiences not only from the questions presented verbally, but we can also follow their daily practices related to the search for cure. The research made us realize that the absence of dialogue between biomedicine and traditional healing networks greatly influences the high number of deaths and non-retention of patients in antiretroviral treatment-TARV even with the constant reinvention of HIV+ patient care policies. The colonial situation of this relationship is consubstantiated in the negation or subalternization of local knowledge even by native actors who work in the national health system.
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Nanopartículas magnéticas metálicas recobertas com óxido de ferro: intensificação das propriedades magnéticas da nanopartícula e funcionalização para aplicação em biomedicina / Iron oxide-coated metal magnetic nanoparticles: improved magnetic properties and surface functionalization for biomedical applicationsWatson Beck Júnior 28 February 2011 (has links)
A utilização de nanopartículas (NP) magnéticas em várias áreas da biomedicina e biotecnologia vem recebendo elevado destaque nos últimos anos, graças à versatilidade de aplicações tais como: reparo de tecidos, diagnósticos, imagens por ressonância magnética, tratamento contra o câncer, separação celular, transporte controlado de drogas, entre outras. Atualmente, as NP com potencialidade de aplicação em biomedicina baseiam-se principalmente em óxidos magnéticos de ferro, os quais apresentam comportamento superparamagnético a temperatura ambiente e baixa magnetização da ordem de 60 emu g-1. A utilização dos óxidos se baseia em duas razões principais: facilidade e versatilidade de modificação da superfície e funcionalização devido aos grupos hidroxila na superfície das NP e pela baixa toxicidade comparada às NP magnéticas metálicas. Biocompatibilidade e funcionalidade específica são obtidas geralmente pela incorporação de materiais paramagnéticas e/ou diamagnéticos na superfície das NP contribuindo para diminuir ainda mais o baixo valor de magnetização de saturação dos óxidos. Nesse contexto, é necessário o desenvolvimento de novos núcleos magnéticos com elevado valor de magnetização, próximos aos valores observados para ferro metálico (~200 emu g-1). Entretanto, esses valores são observados apenas em NP metálicos com elevada toxicidade. Assim, neste trabalho, NP magnéticas bimetálicas de FePt, CoPt e NiPt recobertas óxido de ferro ou ferritas de Co e Ni foram sintetizadas pelo processo poliol modificado combinado com a metodologia de crescimento mediado por semente. As NP obtidas apresentaram tamanho e distribuição de tamanho compatíveis para aplicações biomédicas e a magnetização de saturação dos diferentes sistemas foi intensificada quando comparada às de NP de óxidos magnético puros. Os surfactantes ácido oleico e oleilamina presentes na superfície das NP como sintetizadas foram substituídos por moléculas de APTMS (3-aminopropiltrimetoxisilano) resultando em sistemas de NP dispersáveis em água. Adicionalmente, moléculas de carboximetil-dextrana foram conjugadas com as moléculas de APTMS modificando a superfície das NP e levando a formação de sistemas de NP magnéticas biocompatíveis, com estabilidade em dispersões aquosa e resposta magnética melhorada. As NP sintetizadas apresentam, em resumo, grande potencialidade para diversas aplicações em biomedicina. / In recent years, the magnetic nanoparticles uses in many biomedical and biotechnological areas have received great attention due to their applications possibilities such as: tissue repair, diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging, cancer treatment, cell separation, and controlled drug delivery, among others. Today, the magnetic nanoparticles applications are mainly based on magnetic iron oxides, which exhibit superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature and low saturation magnetization around 60 emu g-1. Magnetic oxide uses was based in two main reasons: easily and versatility of surface changes and functionalization due to hydroxyl groups present on the oxide nanoparticles surface, and low toxicity compared with the magnetic metallic nanoparticles. Biocompatibility and targetable functionalizations are generally obtained by paramagnetic and/or diamagnetic materials incorporations onto the nanoparticle surface contributing to decreases the already low oxide saturation magnetization. In this context, the development of new magnetic nuclei with high magnetizations values closed to the metallic iron values (~200 emu g-1) is required. However, this value is only generally observed in highly toxic metallic nanoparticles. Therefore, in this study, bimetallic magnetic nanoparticles of FePt, CoPt and NiPt coated with iron oxide and Ni- or Co-ferrites in a core-shell structure are synthesized by using the modified polyol process combined with the seed-mediated growth method. Obtained nanoparticles presented size and size distribution compatible for biomedical applications and the saturation magnetization of the different synthesized systems were enhanced compared with the pure magnetic oxide nanoparticles. Oleic acid and oleylamine present on the as-synthesized magnetic nanoparticles surface were properly changed by (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMS) molecules leading to water-dispersible magnetic nanoparticles system. In addition, carboxymethyl-dextran molecules were conjugated with the APTMS molecules changing the nanoparticles surfaces and resulting in biocompatible water-soluble magnetic nanoparticles systems with improved magnetic response. These synthesized biocompatible magnetic systems present a great potential for many biomedical applications.
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Enlightening discriminative network functional modules behind Principal Component Analysis separation in differential-omic science studiesCiucci, Sara, Ge, Yan, Durán, Claudio, Palladini, Alessandra, Jiménez-Jiménez, Víctor, Martínez-Sánchez, Luisa María, Wang, Yutin, Sales, Susanne, Shevchenko, Andrej, Poser, Steven W., Herbig, Maik, Otto, Oliver, Androutsellis-Theotokis, Andreas, Guck, Jochen, Gerl, Mathias J., Cannistraci, Carlo Vittorio 20 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Omic science is rapidly growing and one of the most employed techniques to explore differential patterns in omic datasets is principal component analysis (PCA). However, a method to enlighten the network of omic features that mostly contribute to the sample separation obtained by PCA is missing. An alternative is to build correlation networks between univariately-selected significant omic features, but this neglects the multivariate unsupervised feature compression responsible for the PCA sample segregation. Biologists and medical researchers often prefer effective methods that offer an immediate interpretation to complicated algorithms that in principle promise an improvement but in practice are difficult to be applied and interpreted. Here we present PC-corr: a simple algorithm that associates to any PCA segregation a discriminative network of features. Such network can be inspected in search of functional modules useful in the definition of combinatorial and multiscale biomarkers from multifaceted omic data in systems and precision biomedicine. We offer proofs of PC-corr efficacy on lipidomic, metagenomic, developmental genomic, population genetic, cancer promoteromic and cancer stem-cell mechanomic data. Finally, PC-corr is a general functional network inference approach that can be easily adopted for big data exploration in computer science and analysis of complex systems in physics.
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Aborträtten - en ständig reglering av kvinnors kroppar och liv. En diskursanalys med ett biopolitiskt, feministiskt och rättssociologiskt perspektiv om huruvida kvinnor i Sverige befinner sig i en underordnad maktposition i förhållande till aborträttenGenstrand, Ellen January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka förändringar och motiveringar inom aborträtten i Sverige från 1938 års abortlag till nutid samt undersöka på vilka sätt makt manifesterats inom dessa. Forskningsfrågan är att ta reda på hur förändringen och utformandet av makt över kvinnors kroppar ser ut i relation till aborträtten i Sverige. Detta undersöks genom en diskursanalys med teorier om biopolitik, biomedicin, feminism och en rättsociologisk diskussion om reproduktiv frihet. Studien avgränsar sig till abortfrågan inom Sverige utifrån Statliga offentliga Utredningar som primärkällor som behandlar aborträtten från Sveriges första abortlag 1938 till Sveriges nutid. Uppsatsens slutdiskussion klargör för vilka former av makt som manifesterats över kvinnors kroppar genom aborträtten. Uppsatsens slutsats visar därefter på en ständig reglering av kvinnors kroppar utifrån olika former av makt samt en väsentlig förändring i aborträtten av en makt som såg aborträtten som en befolkningsfråga till en makt som fokuserade alltmer på kvinnans självbestämmande. / The purpose of this essay is to examine changes and justifications within the abortion law in Sweden from the abortion law in 1938 to our present day as well as to investigate how different forms power has been manifested within these. The research question is to find out the change and forms of power over women’s bodies in relation to abortion rights in Sweden. The method used is a discourse analysis with theories of biopolitics, biomedicine, feminism and a legal sociological perspective regarding reproductive freedom. The delimitations are to focus on Sweden based on State Public Investigations as primary sources. The essay clarifies various forms of power that are manifested over women’s bodies. The conclusion of the essay demonstrates the constant regulation of women’s bodies as well as a significant change from abortion as a population issue to an increased focus on women’s self-determination.
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Enlightening discriminative network functional modules behind Principal Component Analysis separation in differential-omic science studiesCiucci, Sara, Ge, Yan, Durán, Claudio, Palladini, Alessandra, Jiménez-Jiménez, Víctor, Martínez-Sánchez, Luisa María, Wang, Yutin, Sales, Susanne, Shevchenko, Andrej, Poser, Steven W., Herbig, Maik, Otto, Oliver, Androutsellis-Theotokis, Andreas, Guck, Jochen, Gerl, Mathias J., Cannistraci, Carlo Vittorio 20 July 2017 (has links)
Omic science is rapidly growing and one of the most employed techniques to explore differential patterns in omic datasets is principal component analysis (PCA). However, a method to enlighten the network of omic features that mostly contribute to the sample separation obtained by PCA is missing. An alternative is to build correlation networks between univariately-selected significant omic features, but this neglects the multivariate unsupervised feature compression responsible for the PCA sample segregation. Biologists and medical researchers often prefer effective methods that offer an immediate interpretation to complicated algorithms that in principle promise an improvement but in practice are difficult to be applied and interpreted. Here we present PC-corr: a simple algorithm that associates to any PCA segregation a discriminative network of features. Such network can be inspected in search of functional modules useful in the definition of combinatorial and multiscale biomarkers from multifaceted omic data in systems and precision biomedicine. We offer proofs of PC-corr efficacy on lipidomic, metagenomic, developmental genomic, population genetic, cancer promoteromic and cancer stem-cell mechanomic data. Finally, PC-corr is a general functional network inference approach that can be easily adopted for big data exploration in computer science and analysis of complex systems in physics.
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Detekce, lokalizace a určení plochy chronických ran / Detection, Localization and Determination of Chronic WoundsGulán, Filip January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design and implement a multiplatform application for detection, localization and determination of the extent of chronic wounds. The application is intended to assist nurses, doctors and healthcare assistants to monitor and evaluate chronic wounds in the course of treatment. The application is based on the Typescript programming language, on the Ionic hybrid application framework and on the Electron desktop application framework. Chronic wound assessment runs on the server-side where the Python programming language is used. The Flask application framework is used for the RESTful application interface and the OpenCV library is used for image processing.
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