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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of Sample Preparation Methods and Interlocking on Sand Behaviour: An Experimental Investigation

Su, Xubin January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates the effects of sample preparation methods, which has substantial influence on the internal structure or fabric of the sample, and interparticle locking on the behaviour of sand through experimental study. Extensive laboratory tests were conducted on two sands (namely, Ottawa sand and crushed limestone) with distinct particle shape and surface texture, using a Bishop-type triaxial testing system.</p><p>A total of eight sample preparation methods were used to fabricate specimens with different initial fabric, with specimens being fabricated using water pluviation, moist tamping, and moist rodding. The experimental data reveal that sample preparation methods have significant effect on both deformation characteristics and shear strength of sand, in addition to the density and the effective confining pressure applied to the specimens. More specifically, water pluviation and moist tamping tend to yield specimens of high anisotropy and large dilation, which in turn results in higher friction angle in conventional triaxial compression. The effect of sample preparation methods was also observed from undrained tests on saturated sand.</p><p>Laboratory tests on crushed limestone consisting of angular particles demonstrate that strong interparticle locking may develop owing to particle angularity. The shear resistance of sand with angular particles has contributions from interparticle friction, dilatation and interparticle locking. Moreover, interparticle locking, which largely exists at the peak shear resistance of sand but vanishes with dilation at large deformation, exists under both low and high stress levels investigated in this study. A conceptual model was proposed to take into account the energy consumption associated with breaking interparticle locking during deformation when estimating the dilatancy and strength of granular soils.</P><P>The behaviour of sand along proportional strain paths was also investigated, with the focus being placed on strain softening and material instability in the context of Hill's second order work. Depending on the strain path or the deformation history, a dilatant sand displaying hardening and stable behaviour under isochronic (undrained) conditions, which is often used as a reference in soil mechanics, may succumb to unstable flow type behaviour along dilative strain paths. More specifically, when the imposed rate of dilation exceeds the inherent rate of dilation of the material, a dense sand specimen will have flow failure similar to that of a saturated loose specimen subjected to undrained compression. On the other hand, a loose sand may not have a flow failure when it is forced to have contractive volume change along imposed strain paths.</P> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Paved with Good Intentions: The Road to Racial Unity in the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia

Salmon, Nina Vest 19 June 2016 (has links)
The Right Reverend William Henry Marmion was consecrated as bishop of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia on May 13, 1954, days prior to the Brown v. Board of Education decision and just over a decade after the Episcopal Church's General Convention formally opposed racial discrimination. A diocesan conference center in Hungry Mother State Park, purchased soon after his consecration, sparked a controversy that was to smolder and flame for the first decade of Marmion's 25 years as bishop. Marmion led the move to desegregate the diocesan conference center, Hemlock Haven, in 1958 and subsequently effected integration by closing three of the four black churches in the diocese and inviting members to choose a neighboring church to join. The initial integration of the diocese was a turbulent process that centered around Hemlock Haven. The diocese moved with some difficulty towards racial integration in a microcosm of what was happening in the wider Church and in the United States. Historical documents, secondary sources, interviews, and theoretical understanding of minority responses to oppression help me to describe this time of racial desegregation of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia and its implications. Critical theory gleaned from W. E. B. Du Bois and from Homi Bhabha informs my understanding of some of the implications as well as many of the actions and outcomes. Du Bois's notion of double consciousness and Bhbaba's similar term hybridity, both of which acknowledge a dual locus of identity and of power, are relevant to understanding some of the interactions revealed by primary source correspondence. I will focus on Hemlock Haven as the entry point into desegregation and on the black churches in the diocese, both before and after that critical point, adding the witness of black voices to the white narrative of this history. A historical look at the trajectory of race and race relations in the Episcopal Church informs the moment of the caesura--an interruption--the desegregation of Hemlock Haven, and the fate of the four black churches in the diocese. From the point of the rupture comes identification, the emergence of a new space, a cultural reboot. / Ph. D.

Bakens op die weg : die bekeringsverhale van Augustinus en C.S. Lewis

Smit, Christine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two literary conversion narratives with much historical detail, are compared in this thesis: the Confessiones written by the renowned fourth century church-father, St. Augustine, and Surprised by Joy written by the twentieth century writer and scholar, C.S. Lewis. In order to understand St. Augustine's conversion to the Christian faith, Christian religion as a social phenomenon in the Ancient World is discussed. As background for the discussion and comparison of the two conversion narratives, a brief biography is given of St. Augustine and of Lewis, as well as a description of each one's course of conversion. The research is structured In terms of beacons that St. Augustine identified during the course of his conversion: people who played a significant role, events that influenced his life, and inner conflict that spurred him on his way. By means of an analysis regarding theme and content, it is shown that there are clear similarities between the beacons identified by Augustine and Lewis in their conversion narratives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word twee literêre bekeringsverhale waarin die historiese werklikheid deur die skrywers weergegee word, met mekaar vergelyk: die Confessiones van die vierde eeuse kerkvader Augustinus, en Surprised by Joy van die twintigste eeuse skrywer en geleerde C.S. Lewis. Om Augustinus se bekeringsverhaal histories te kan plaas teen die agtergrond waarin hy geleef en tot bekering gekom het, word 'n uiteensetting gegee van die Christelike godsdiens as 'n sosiale fenomeen in die Antieke Wêreld. 'n Kort lewensbeskrywing van Augustinus en Lewis en 'n oorsig van die weg wat elkeen se bekering gevolg het, dien as agtergrond vir die bespreking en vergelyking van die twee bekeringsverhale. Die navorsing word gestruktureer aan die hand van bakens wat Augustinus op sy bekeringsweg uitgelig het: persone wat 'n beduidende rol gespeel het, gebeure wat hom beïnvloed het, innerlike konflik wat hom voortgedryf het. Die tesis toon deur 'n analise op grond van inhoud en tematiek aan dat daar duidelike ooreenkomste is tussen die bakens op Augustinus se bekeringsweg en dié op Lewis se bekeringsweg.

Die lewenstyle en romantiese verhoudings van 'n groep adolessente meisies in Bishop Lavis

Van Wieling, Rene Andrea 14 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is to investigate the. lifestyles and and romantic relationships of adolescent girls in the Bishop Lavis community. The study also explores the 'taxi-queen' phenomenon as a particular form of relationship. The study employed a qualitative methodology. Data were collected by means of a combination of two methods: firstly, two focus groups each consisting of seven high school learners between the ages of 16 and 18 years and secondly, in-depth interviews conducted with three adolescent girls between the ages of 16 and 20 years who were identified as'taxi-queens'. Regarding lifestyles of the young girls special attention was afforded to leisure activities, the role of the consumer market, domestic circumstances and future expectations. In the case of romantic relationships the study focused on the type of relationship the girls are involved in, reasons for their involvement, the nature and functions of romantic emotions, adolescent dating patterns, sexual behaviour and sexual violence. Regarding lifestyles findings indicate that leisure activities as well as the consumer market playa central role in the lives of these young girls. Leisure activities not only provide pleasure but also function as an escape mechanism from parental supervision, rules and interference. Young girls tend to experience romantic relationships as particularly positive and within these relationships sexuality represents a central component. Sexual activities appear to cornmense during earlier stages of the dating process. Furthermore, such activities are kept secret from parents due to fear of negative reactions and sex-related topics are seldom discussed with parents. Sexual violence often forms a component of romantic relationships between adolescent girls and boys. In conclusion the 'taxi-queen' relationship as a relatively unique form of romantic relationship is demonstrated with reference to the experiences of three young girls involved in such relationships. Recommendations for future research are made on the basis of the findings of this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die lewenstyle en romantiese verhoudings van 'n groep adolessente meisies in die Bishop Lavis gemeenskap. Die studie skenk ook aandag aan die 'taxi-queen' verskynsel as 'n besonderse vorm van romantiese verhouding. 'n Kwalitatiewe metodologiese benadering is gevolg. Data insameling het 'n kombinasie van twee metodes behels: eerstens, twee fokusgroepe bestaande uit sewe hoerskoolmeisies elk tussen die ouderdomme van 16 en 18 jaar en tweedens, in-diepte onderhoude met drie adolessente meisies tussen die ouderdom van 16 en 20 jaar wat as 'taxi queens' geidentifiseer is. Wat lewenstyle vanjong meisies betrefis daar veral gefokus op vryetydsbesteding, die rol van die verbruikersmark, huishoudelike omstandighede en toekomsverwagtinge van die groep meisies. Met betrekking tot romantiese verhoudings is daar hoofsaaklik op die volgende aspekte gefokus: die tipe verboudings waarin die meisies betrokke is, die redes vir hul betrokkenheid, die aard en funksies van romantiese emosies; adolessente hofmakery, die voorkoms van seksuele gedrag, seksuele geweld en dwang. Die studie bevind dat vryetydbesteding en die verbruikermark 'n sentrale rol in die lewe van hierdie meisies speeL Benewens die plesier wat daaruit geput word, funksioneer vryetydbesteding as 'n ontsnappingsmeganisme van ouerlike toesig, reels en inmenging van die kant van ouers. Die studie bevind verder dat jong meisies romantiese verhoudings as besonder positief beleef. Binne sodanige verhoudings verteenwoordig seksualiteit 'n sentrale komponent en seksuele aktiwiteite neem in aanvang tydens 'n vroee stadium in die proses van hofinakery. Betrokkenheid by seksuele aktiwiteite word vir ouers geheim gehou uit vrees vir negatiewe evaluering en jong meisies kommunikeer selde met hul ouers oor sekverwante onderwerpe. Verder is bevind dat seksuele geweld dikwels 'n komponent vorm van romantiese verhoudings tussen adolessente meisies en seuns. Ten slotte word die besonderse aard van die sogenaamde 'taxi-queen' verhouding beklemtoon aan die hand van die ervaringe van drie jong meisies betrokke by sodanige verhoudings. Op grond van die studie word daar aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gemaak.

Entre fé e liberdade: catolicismo, operariado e ditadura no ABC paulista (1964-1985)

Damião Sobrinho, Felipe Cosme 24 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Cosme Damiao Sobrinho.pdf: 4521409 bytes, checksum: b6cb14824811415be44054c5711ab40e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-24 / The following text is a Theology master's degree about the relation between the Catholic Church and the Society in ABC Region from 1964 to 1985. The objetive of the research is to improve the church's action towards the social challenges in the region that precedes and comes upon the Second Vatican Council where the eclesiological conception approaches the catholicism in the contemporary world. The militar civil coup caused by unstable politics and the need of structural reform in the country during this period. The Catholic Church presence in Bishop Jorge Marcos de Oliveira and Bishop Cláudio Hummes's pastoral action, both of them were diocesan bishops of Santo André in the period and contributed to the reflection about the interpretation of the relations between temporal and spiritual power in an institucional transformation period. The conception of revolution developed by Hannah Arendt will help with the dissertation verification of main hypothesis, examining the conception of mission of the catholic religion in the ABC region in social transformation (working class moviment and dictatorial governement) and with their own identity formation / O presente texto, dissertação de mestrado acadêmico em Teologia, trata das relações entre Igreja Católica e Sociedade na região do ABC Paulista entre 1964 a 1985. O objetivo da pesquisa é salientar a ação da Igreja diante dos desafios sociais da região, nos períodos que antecede e sucede o Concílio Vaticano II, onde a concepção eclesiológica aproxima o catolicismo do mundo contemporâneo. Nesse mesmo período, ocorre no Brasil o golpe civil-militar, fruto do período de instabilidade política e a necessidade de reformas estruturais no país. A presença da Igreja Católica na ação pastoral de Dom Jorge Marcos de Oliveira e Dom Cláudio Hummes, bispos diocesanos de Santo André no referido período, contribui para a reflexão sobre a interpretação das relações entre poder temporal e espiritual num período de transformações institucionais. O conceito de revolução, desenvolvido por Hannah Arendt, ajudará na verificação da hipótese principal da dissertação, analisando a concepção de missão da religião católica no ABC na transformação social (movimento operário e governo ditatorial) e na formação de sua própria identidade

Recortes na paisagem: uma leitura de Brazil e outros textos de Elizabeth Bishop / Clippings on landscape: a reading of Brazil and other texts of Elizabeth Bishop

Ferreira, Armando Olivetti 17 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo anotar, traduzir e comentar uma parte da obra da escritora norteamericana Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979), que viveu no Brasil durante cerca de vinte anos: seus textos de caráter jornalístico relacionados ao país. O mais extenso é o livro Brazil (1962), escrito sob encomenda dos editores da revista Life. O livro foi renegado pela autora, inconformada com as intervenções dos editores, e publicado sob coautoria. O cotejo entre os originais (preservados nos arquivos de Bishop, no Vassar College), o texto publicado em 1962 e as anotações da autora em seu exemplar (preservado na Harvard University) permite apontar as similaridades e, especialmente, os importantes contrastes entre a perspectiva de Bishop e a dos editores. Uma investigação sobre o momento em que o livro surgiu na vida da autora e na história do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos auxilia a compreensão não só do texto, mas também de sua escrita e dos episódios associados à sua edição. O trabalho se completa com a tradução e a anotação de outros cinco textos, dois dos quais ainda inéditos mesmo em inglês, vestígios de um projeto abandonado por Bishop: a elaboração de um novo livro sobre o país. / The aim of this work is to annotate, translate, and comment a part of the writings by Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979), the North-American writer, who lived in Brazil for approximately twenty years, focusing on her journalistic texts about that country. Her largest piece is a book called Brazil (1962) which was commissioned by the editors of Life magazine. However, the book was rejected by the author who refused to accept the interventions made by the editors. As a result, they co-authored it. Comparing the original (preserved in the Bishop archives at Vassar College) with the published text allows us to compare two different views of Brazil, to highlight similarities and especially the important contrasts between them. A research on the period the book was published focused on the author\'s life, as well as on the history of both Brazil and the U.S.A. helps to understand not only the text itself, but also how it was written and the episodes associated to its edition. The present work includes five additional texts, remains of a project that was abandoned by Bishop: the making of another book on Brazil. Two of these texts have remained unpublished to date, even in English.


SILVIA ILG BYINGTON 30 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho analisa relatos de memória, escritos poéticos e discursos urbanísticos sobre o Parque do Flamengo, construído no Rio de Janeiro entre os anos 1950 e 1960, para compreender o papel da imaginação e da linguagem em sua criação como artefato cultural na história da cidade. A implementação do plano urbanístico iniciada nos anos 1950 foi reelaborada na década de 1960, durante o Governo de Carlos Lacerda pelo Grupo de Trabalho, equipe multidisciplinar coordenada por Lota Macedo Soares e tendo à frente o arquiteto Affonso Eduardo Reidy e o paisagista Roberto Burle Marx. O jardim modernista carioca por eles projetado – obra paisagística e arquitetônica desdobrada em ambiente edificado, suas imagens e os discursos produzidos sobre ele – ganha significado na tese como forma cultural que articulou interpretações conflitantes da história expressas na cidade; que relacionou motivos míticos e históricos do jardim e da paisagem com métodos paisagísticos modernos; e que interconectou memórias e projeções de uma cidade imaginada. Entre os registros dessa obra coletiva, destaca-se a poesia de Elizabeth Bishop que recria as paisagens locais em novas imagens. Imaginar a cidade é ato poético, político e ético de seus habitantes, sempre um intercâmbio entre a dimensão subjetiva e a dimensão social. É a forma moderna de habitá-la: construí-la como cidade metafórica que conecta a experiência fugaz, fragmentária e conflituosa da vida metropolitana a alternativas possíveis de como as coisas poderiam ser. / [en] This work examines memory narratives, poetical writings and urbanistic discourses about the Parque do Flamengo, built in Rio de Janeiro during the 1950s and 1960s, in order to understand the role of imagination and language in its construction as a cultural artefact in the city s history. The implementation of this urban plan was started in the 1950s and was reworked in the 1960s, during the Government of Carlos Lacerda by Grupo de Trabalho, a multidisciplinary team coordinated by Lota Macedo Soares and headed by the architect Affonso Eduardo Reidy and the landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. This modernist carioca garden – an architectural and landscape work threefold unfolded as a constructed environment, its images, and the accompanying critical discourses – gains importance in this thesis as a cultural artefact that brought together conflicting interpretations of history expressed in the city; entailed mythical and historical motives from garden and landscape to modern landscaping methods; and was the very fabric of memories and projections of an imagined city. Among others historical records of this collective work, the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop recreates the local landscapes in new images Imagining the city is a poetic, political and ethical act of its inhabitants, ever an exchange between subjective and social dimensions. It is the modern way of inhabiting the city: building it as a metaphorical city that links the fleeting, fragmentary and conflicting experience of urban life to possible alternatives of the way things could be.

Christians and Jerusalem in the Fourth Century CE: a Study of Eusebius of Caesarea, Cyril of Jerusalem, and the Bordeaux Pilgrim

Green, Stephen David 12 July 2018 (has links)
This thesis addresses Constantine's developments of the Roman province of Palaestina. It analyzes two important Christian bishops, Eusebius of Caesarea and Cyril of Jerusalem, and one nameless Christian traveler, the Bordeaux pilgrim, to illuminate how fourth-century Christians understood these developments. This study examines the surviving writings of these Christian authors: the Bordeaux Itinerary, Cyril's Catechetical Lectures, and Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History, Onomasticon, Preparation of the Gospel, Proof of the Gospel, and the Life of Constantine, and the archaeological remains of several Constantinian basilicas to interpret their views of the imperial attentions that were being poured into the land. Together these accounts provide views of fourth-century Palaestina and Jerusalem that when combined more fully illuminate how Christians understood Constantine's Holy Land policy. This study focuses on Constantine's developments of the city of Jerusalem, primarily the so-called Triad of Churches (The church of the Nativity, the Eleona, and the Holy Sepulchre) built in and around the city. It likewise considers the countryside of Palaestina outside of Jerusalem. While some Christians were resistant to the developments of Jerusalem, our sources reveal how many Christians supported, or at least desired to experience, the newly developing Christian Holy Land. This thesis argues that most of the discrepancies over the city of Jerusalem between our sources, especially Eusebius and Cyril, developed from long-standing political tensions between the cities of Caesarea and Jerusalem. The Bordeaux pilgrim, on the other hand, traveled across the Roman Empire to see and experience the developing sites throughout the land with no interest in local political debates. With this added perspective we can see how Christians, separated from the positions of church fathers, experienced the developing Holy Land.

La Cuestión Social y la Idea de Democracia Cristiana en el pensamiento del Obispo Maura

Ángel Muñoz, José Manuel 17 October 2009 (has links)
El pensamiento del Obsipo Maura sobre la Cuestión Social y la Democracia Cristiana ha sido fundamental para la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y,en particular, para la Diócesis de Orihuela-Alicante. Al final del siglo XIX y principios del XX conectó con la ciencia y cultura de la época, asociándola a su educación tomista, en el tiempo que la encíclica Rerum Novarum del Papa León XIII hacía su aparición. Sus pastorales sociales y las dedicadas a la Democracia Cristiana, siendo Obispo de Orihuela, hablan de su sensibilidad social en el arduo problema de la cuestión social y su compromiso en su acción pastoral. / Bishop Maura´s thinking about the social issue the Christian democracy has been essential for the social doctrine of the Catholic church an , particularly, for the diocese of Orihuela. At the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century, he connected with the science and culture of that time, and he associated it to his Thomistic education when the encyclical Rerum Novarum from the Pope Leon XIII appeared. HIs socials pastorals and those devoted to the Christian democracy talk about his social perception in the difficult problem of the social issue and his strong commitment in the pastoral action when he was Bishop in Orihuela.

O Teorema de Comparação de Volume de Bishop-Gromov. / Bishop-Gromov s theorem of comparison of volume.

Santos, Erikson Alexandre Fonseca dos 27 February 2009 (has links)
IN THIS dissertation, we use the Laplacian comparison theorem to prove the comparison of volume Bishop-Gromov s theorem, which assures that if the Ricci curvatures of a complete Riemannian manifold are larger than or equal to (n - 1)k, the volume of a ball with center in p and radius R is smaller than or equal to the volume of a geodesic ball with radius R in the space form of sectional constant curvature k, for all p 2 M and R > 0, where k 2 R. Moreover, equality occurs if all sectional curvature throughout geodesics connecting p and x, for plans which contain the radial vector, is constant and equal to k. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / NESTA DISSERTAÇÃO, usamos o teorema de comparação do Laplaciano para demonstrar o teorema de comparação de volume de Bishop-Gromov, o qual assegura que, se as curvaturas de Ricci de uma variedade Riemanniana completa são maiores ou iguais a (n&#56256;&#56320;1)k, k uma constante real, então, para todo p 2 M e para todo R > 0, o volume de uma bola centrada em p e de raio R é menor ou igual que o volume de uma bola geodésica de raio R na forma espacial de curvatura seccional constante k. Ademais, a igualdade ocorre se toda curvatura seccional ao longo de geodésicas ligando p e x, para planos contendo o vetor radial for constante e igual a k.

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