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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Totiusque ecclesiae suae sanctae; a comparison of the ecclesiologies of St. Augustine and Hans Kung

Sullivan, Edward J. 01 January 1971 (has links)
This paper attempts to compare the ecc1esio1ogies of the fourth century Bishop of Hippo and the controversial twentieth century theo1ogian. In doing so, a study is made of each writer independently in order to extract his conceptual models of the Church. Special significance is given to the names each attributed to the Church and the consequences of these names as they pass from an analogical to an ecc1esio1ogica1 sphere. A study is also made of the functions of office within the Church with respect to the fulfillment of specific ministries. Here the two divide, Augustine meets the Donatist challenge by condemning disunity, while urging contemporary Christians to true internal reform, reminding them of the necessity of grace available only through the Church to heal their natures. Special attention is given to two specific topics from Augustine: the use of force to compel at least outward conformity, and the belief in the inability of man to do any good outside the Body of Christ. Kung diverges in another way in different times. He emphasizes the communal nature of the Church as those called by God and, on earth, represented by the ministry of ecclesiological office, including Ecumenical Councils and the Papacy. The Church, according to Kung, is the Kingdom of God moving towards manifestation and must reflect its apocalyptic nature by its witness and proclamation of the Word. He finds fault with the teaching office of the Church for its adherence to verbal propositions and concludes advocating a non-propositional attachment to kerygma. The contrast between the writers is sharply emphasized by a comparison of their positions on certain points, including authority, the Papacy and finally the four marks or distinguishing characteristics of the Church. The attitudes towards the first two differ markedly on some points, but a consistency of approach towards the four marks of the Church, with the exception of the Apostolic characteristic, can be seen. Several conclusions are propounded but the essence of each lies in the attitude of each writer towards human nature. Augustine finds the same wholly depraved without grace, which is given through the Word and human collaboration. Kung finds a response to divine call sufficient and is less concerned with limits on freedom in the name of love of neighbor. The interplay between these two schools of thought has punctuated Church history in the same manner as it does human history.

"If We Clash, We Break": Religion, Republicanism, and Memories of Stuart Tyranny at the Inception of the American Revolution (1760-1766)

Ogle, Tanner 23 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Erikjansarna i Alfta : En undersökning om Erik Janssons missionsframgångar och om karismans betydelse för dessa

Sundqvist, Isabell January 2021 (has links)
Erik Jansson startade väckelserörelsen Erikjansarna på 1800-talets mitt. Rörelsen hamnade i konflikt med myndigheter och ortsbor innan Erik Jansson och anhängarna valde att emigrera till Amerika. I denna uppsats undersöks faktorerna som bidrog till att Erikjansismen kunde bli så stark i Alftatrakten och hur Erik Jansson fick så många anhängare att följa med till Amerika. Erik Jansson beskrivs som en man med karismatiska drag, vilket kan vara ett av motiven på Erik Janssons missionsframgångar. Med hjälp av Max Webers teori om karisma så undersöks Erik Janssons karismatiska egenskaper.

Pre-Historic Landslides on the Southeast Flank of the Uinta Mountains, Utah: Character and Causes of Slope Failure

Bradfield, Todd D. 16 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
More than 100 landslides have been mapped along the southeast flank of the Uinta Mountains. Large landslide deposits are up to 4.6 kilometers long and have an area of approximately 5-9 km². Landslide types include multiple and successive rock slumps, debris slumps and debris flows. Most landslides have a main head scarp in the Bishop Conglomerate and the large landslides have many minor scarps. Multiple slump blocks are manifest by repeated transverse ridges and trenches in the head area of some landslides. Most body and toe areas are deeply incised by gully erosion (up to 91 meters deep) and drainages are well developed with little ponding. Detailed mapping of the large landslides shows that the deposits are an accumulation of successive slope failures that have continually eroded the landscape over time. Many landslides in the area appear to be inactive and dormant but slopes may continue to fail particularly if landslides are disturbed. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to analyse slope failing factors and the main factor that seems to have contributed to slope failure is the presence of abundant shale-rich, weak bedrock capped with the thick and fairly resistant Bishop Conglomerate. Slopes are further destabilized as water percolates down through the porous Bishop Conglomerate. Eventually the water meets underlying shale-rich bedrock where it is channelled near this contact until it emerges as springs. This groundwater flow likely reduces shear strength of the shale-rich substrate and of some of the finer grained layers in the Bishop Conglomerate. Other important slope failure factors include the removal of easily erodable Mesozoic shales from beneath the more-resistant Bishop Conglomerate, headward gully erosion, bedrock dip and slope aspect.

Fact, Fiction and Family Tradition: The Life of Edward Partridge (1793-1840), The First Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Farnes, Sherilyn 20 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Edward Partridge (1793-1840) became the first bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1831, two months after joining the church. He served in this capacity until his death in 1840. The first chapter examines his preparation for his role as bishop. Having no precedent to follow, he drew extensively upon his background and experiences in civic leadership, business management, and property ownership in order to succeed in his assignment. Partridge moved to Missouri in 1831 at the forefront of Mormon settlement in the state, where on behalf of the church he ultimately purchased hundreds of acres, which he then distributed to the gathering saints as part of the law of consecration. In addition, he prepared consecration affidavits and oversaw each family's contributions and stewardships. The second chapter examines Partridge's ability to succeed in his assignment, and the tensions that he felt between seeing the vision of Zion and administering the practical details. Forty years after his death, his children began to write extensively about their father. The third chapter of this thesis examines their writings, focusing on how their memories of their father illuminate their own lives as well as their father's. The final chapter finds that the three published descendants' modern attempts to chronicle the life of Edward Partridge each fall short in at least one of the following: the field of history, literature, or a faithful representation of his life.

”På så sätt blir matte lite undangömt men den finns alltid med” : Matematikundervisning i den mångkulturella förskolan

Jonsson, Jacqueline, Januzi, Vjollca January 2022 (has links)
Matematik har ett stort utrymme i förskolans läroplan. Samhället håller på att bli alltmer mångkulturellt, vilket även leder till mångkulturella förskolor. Vi har i vår studie valt att utgå från matematikundervisningen i förskolan eftersom vi tycker att det är en viktig del i barns utbildning. Vi vill upptäcka hur de arbetar med matematikundervisning i förskolan och hur eller om beskrivningen av matematikundervisningen skiljer sig åt mellan olika förskollärare i en mångkulturell förskola. Dessutom vill vi ta reda på om Alan Bishops sex matematiska aktiviteter kan ses i deras matematikundervisning. Syftet med arbetet är att se hur några förskollärare på mångkulturella förskolor resonerar kring och beskriver matematikundervisning. Self-report är den metod som vi har använt oss av i denna studie. Self-reporten består av öppna frågor där vi har försökt att få svar på förskollärares resonemang kring matematikundervisning, deras arbetssätt, hinder och svårigheter samt deras förekommande matematikområde i deras undervisning.  Resultaten av studien visar att grunden i de responderande förskollärarnas resonemang kring matematikundervisning är liknande men att de beskriver sitt arbete på olika sätt. Likaså framgår det att alla av Alan Bishops aktiviteter kan utläsas i större delar av deras undervisning

Får jag en trea så hoppar jag tre steg och inte ett – en studie om förskollärarens förhållningssätt till matematik

Nuhanovic, Mediha, Ridell, Elin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Förskollärares sätt att arbeta med matematik i utomhuspedagogiken

Bergström, Kajsa, Ekström, Christel January 2017 (has links)
Vi undersöker hur förskollärare arbetar med matematiken i förskolans utomhusverksamhet och hur de synliggör matematiken så att barnen lär och utvecklas. Syftet med vår studie är att få en djupare förståelse kring hur förskollärare synliggör matematiken i utomhuspedagogiken. Bakgrunden till vår studie utgår från de dåliga resultaten i matematik som visades i en undersökning av PISA, Programme for International Student Assessment som gjordes 2013. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna inspireras av de sociokulturella teoribildningarna där de tre teoretikerna Friedrich Fröbel, John Dewey och Alan Bishop varit de centrala. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna och de tre centrala teoretikerna kommer tillsammans med begrepp och tidigare forskning att hjälpa oss att stödja analysen av vår empiri. Empirin har samlats in genom 13 enkäter från förskollärare och observationer från tre förskolor. Slutsatsen av studien visar på att det krävs att man som förskollärare är medveten, närvarande och synliggör matematiken i tidig ålder. Även att man som förskollärare är medveten om vad som står i Läroplanen (Lpfö98, rev 2010). Faktorer som närvarande och medvetenhet spelar roll för vilken matematik man arbetar med och hur man synliggör den.

Earth Science

Green, Sarah E. 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Murdock, Robert Pearson, III January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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