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Οι ενδοκυστικές εγχύσεις βάκιλλων Calmette-Guerin (BCG) στην προφυλακτική και θεραπευτική αγωγή των επιφανειακών όγκων της ουροδόχου κύστεωςΑθανάσιος, Πανταζάκος 23 April 2010 (has links)
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Χημειοπροφύλαξη των επιφανειακών όγκων της ουροδόχου κύστεως με ενδοκυστικές εγχύσεις 4 - epi - doxorubicinΔαουαχέρ, Χουσάμ 11 May 2010 (has links)
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Οι ενδοκυστικές εγχύσεις βάκιλλων Calmette-Guerin (BCG) στην προφυλακτική και θεραπευτική αγωγή των επιφανειακών όγκων της ουροδόχου κύστεωςΠανταζάκος, Αθανάσιος 13 May 2010 (has links)
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Estudo estrutural e bioquímico da bexiga de ratos após tratamento com altas doses de corticosterona / Estudo estrutural e bioquímico da bexiga de ratos após tratamento com altas doses de corticosterona / Effects of chronic treatment with corticosterone on bradder of prepurbetal rats wistar / Effects of chronic treatment with corticosterone on bradder of prepurbetal rats wistarGisele Silva Ribeiro 01 December 2010 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as alterações estruturais e bioquímicas na parede da bexiga resultante do tratamento crônico de ratos pré-púberes com altas doses de corticosterona. Foram estudados 26 ratos Wistar divididos em quatro grupos: T30 foi tratado com corticosterona até 29 dias de idade e morto no dia 30. T65 recebeu o mesmo tratamento, mas foi morto com 65 dias. Cada grupo tinha seu próprio controle (C30 e C65). Os animais foram tratados com injeções intraperitoneais diárias de corticosterona (2 mg/100g peso corporal) entre o 7 e 29 dias de vida. A bexigas foram removidas e processadas para inclusão em parafina. Foram estudados os seguintes elementos da parede vesical: Colágeno, músculo liso, fibras do sistema elástico, densidade vascular e do epitélio. Estes parâmetros foram analisados por métodos morfométricos, imunofluorescência e bioquímica. A densidade vascular na lâmina foi reduzida em 40% (p <0,05) no grupo T65. A organização do colágeno foi alterada em T30 e T65, apesar da concentração de colágeno total não ser alterada. O grupo T65 teve um aumento de fibras do sistema elástico. Não houve diferença na altura e na densidade de células epiteliais entre os grupos. Quanto à densidade de fibras musculares lisas, observamos um aumento de 19% (p <0,05) no grupo T65. A administração de corticosterona na fase pré-púbere provoca modificações estruturais na bexiga de ratos afetando de modo significativo o substrato morfológico sob qual repousa a fisiologia vesical. Foi observado também que estas modificações normalmente aparecem num tempo mais longo após o término do tratamento / The aim of this work was to analyze the structural and biochemical changes on the bladder wall resulting from the chronic treatment of prepubertal rats with high doses of corticosterone. This study included 26 male Wistar rats assigned to four groups: T30 was treated with corticosterone until 29 days of age and killed at day 30, while T65 group received the same treatment but was killed at day 65. Each group had its own control group (C30 and C65). For treated animals, daily intraperitoneal injections of corticosterone (2 mg/100g body weight) were administered between 7th and 29th day of life. Bladders were removed and collagen, smooth muscle, elastic fibers system, vascular density and epithelium were analyzed by morphometrical methods, immunofluorescence, and biochemistry.Vascular density in lamina propria was reduced by 40% (p<0.05) in group T65. Collagen organization was altered in T30 and T65, although total collagen concentration was unchanged. The T65 group had an increase in elastic system fibers. There was no difference in epithelial height and cell density between the groups. Concerning the smooth muscle fibers density we observed a 19% increase (p<0.05) in the T65 group. Our results show that prepubertal administration of corticosterone induces structural modifications in the bladder of rats
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Advanced Raman techniques for real time cancer diagnosticsVardaki, Martha January 2016 (has links)
Cancer is one of the greatest causes of death in modern societies, affecting over 350,000 new cases every year in the UK. Although there are currently more than 100 different cancer types, breast and prostate cancer remain the most common types for women and men respectively. A number of different cancer types follow, with bladder cancer being the ninth most significant type, accounting for 3% of the total new cases. The currently employed techniques aim to diagnose the cancer at an early stage, where the symptoms are easier to be treated and the disease more likely to be cured. A further issue is that many cancers diagnosed will not affect a patient in their lifetime. The current gold standard for cancer diagnosis, biopsy followed by histopathology, is an invasive, restrictive technique and the screening tests suffer from low specificity, the need for a novel diagnostic concept is vital. Furthermore, the current clinical approach does not identify those patients most at risk of advancing disease. A promising approach consists of molecular vibrational spectroscopy techniques, which are based on the interactions of light with matter. One of these is Raman spectroscopy, a technique with wide applications in research and industry, which has the advantage of being non-invasive and chemically highly specific. In this thesis we explore the potential of a group of minimally invasive diagnostic techniques, based on Raman scattering, for prostate, breast and bladder cancer. In the case of the two most prevalent types of cancer, prostate and breast cancer, deep Raman spectroscopy has been employed to study the origin of Raman scattering (Chapters 5 and 6) in animal tissue and tissue phantoms, containing highly scattering materials resembling suspicious features found in tissues (calcifications). The spatial distribution of the Raman signal through the sample volume has been studied in relation to the optical properties and the composition of the sample, showing that a couple of transmission measurements would potentially cover the measuring volume of prostate of typical dimensions. Deep Raman measurements were also extended to animal and human tissue samples, in order to investigate the feasibility of collecting Raman scattering from human prostate tissue and its major tissue components (Chapter 6). Further improvements on these measurements were attempted by introducing the ‘’photon diode’’ element (Chapter 7) in order to achieve signal enhancement, which proved to be in the range of ×1-2.4, depending on the optical properties of the tissue and the depth of the probing element. The same ‘’photon diode’’ concept was utilised to attempt depth prediction of a calcification feature in sample volume (Chapter 8). Regarding bladder cancer, the minimally invasive approach adopted was Raman spectroscopy on urine samples, rather than deep Raman spectroscopy. Raman microscopy was employed in order to discriminate pathological features of bladder cancer between healthy and malignant urine samples. For that reason, the potential differences in urea’s distribution and interactions in urine from healthy and patients with bladder cancer were studied, resulting in promising diagnostic values (73% sensitivity, 80% specificity). The results presented in this thesis are expected to lead to a better understanding of the Raman scattering signals collection through biological tissues and help in this way the future design of Raman instruments aiming to target disease specific signals. This study shows promise for future application of Raman spectroscopy and paves the way towards the future integration of Raman spectroscopy in a non-invasive cancer diagnosis.
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A Pharmacovigilance Approach for Assessing Cardiovascular, Osteological, and Carcinogenic Risk Associated with Thiazolidinedione Drugs Used in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes MellitusDavidson, Melissa Anne 04 September 2018 (has links)
Diabetes is a chronic and debilitating disease that affects nearly half a billion people worldwide with the vast majority of diabetics suffering from Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a disease characterized by insulin insensitivity that often requires pharmacotherapy to effectively maintain target blood sugar levels. The thiazolidinedione (TZD) class of drugs consists of oral hypoglycaemic agents used alone or in combination with other antidiabetic drugs to treat T2DM. The drugs within this class, which include rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, were originally heralded as providing novel first and second-line treatment of T2DM with glycaemic control and physiological effects comparable to, and in some cases, better than, first-line treatments such as metformin. However, over time they have also been associated with adverse cardiovascular, osteological, and carcinogenic effects in some, but not all clinical trials, observational studies, and meta-analyses. Given the conflicting evidence to date on the safety of TZD drugs, their role in the treatment of T2DM continues to be debated and epidemiological gaps remain. The objectives of this doctoral research are fourfold: 1) to conduct an in-depth review of the epidemiology of TZD pharmacotherapy including pharmacokinetics and modes of action, the results of previous studies investigating health risks and benefits associated with TZD treatment, and new and future uses for this class of drugs; 2) to determine whether diabetic patients treated with TZDs are at increased risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes; 3) to assess whether TZD pharmacotherapy is associated with an increased risk of bone fractures and whether risks differ depending on fracture site and patient sex; and, 4) to investigate associations between TZD use and risk of bladder cancer. Specific research questions were investigated using nested case-control analyses designed to capture incident users of antidiabetic drugs and electronic health data from Cerner Health Facts®, an electronic medical record database that stores time-stamped patient records from more than 480 contributing hospitals throughout the United States. Findings from this work are reported in a series of manuscripts, including a published review paper. Key findings include: 1) TZD use was associated with an increased risk of incident myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure compared to never use of TZD drugs with a trend towards a potential early treatment effect within the first year of exposure to pioglitazone; 2) TZD use was associated with an increased risk of closed bone fractures among Type 2 diabetics with use of pioglitazone or rosiglitazone associated with an increased risk across multiple fracture sites in women, but only rosiglitazone use in men and only at peripheral fracture sites; 3) use of either pioglitazone or rosiglitazone were associated with an increased risk of incident bladder cancer compared to never users, however, a low number of bladder cancer cases resulted in underpowered analyses; and, 4) insulin use in a hospital setting may replace a patient's normal course of antidiabetic therapy which, when combined with other potential sources of bias in traditional nested case-control studies using hospital-based data, may lead to overestimation or underestimation of adverse health risks associated with non-insulin antidiabetic therapies. Although these findings warrant replication, the results of the research contained within this dissertation suggest that caution should be exercised when prescribing diabetic patients TZD drugs if they have cardiovascular, osteological, or carcinogenic risk factors. Additional pharmacovigilance studies should also continue to strive to better understand the health risks related to TZD therapy, especially as new therapeutic roles for TZDs in the prevention and treatment of some cancers, inflammatory diseases, and other conditions in non-diabetic populations are being explored.
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Imipramina versus tratamento conservador em mulheres com síndrome da bexiga hiperativaSilva, Renata Helena José January 2011 (has links)
A Síndrome da Bexiga Hiperativa (SBH) é caracterizada por urgência urinária com ou sem incontinência, acompanhada de freqüência e noctúria. O tratamento é inicialmente clínico, visando o relaxamento do musculo detrusor com uso de anticolinérgicos e antidepressivos tricíclinos. Os anticolinérgicos reduzem a atividade contrátil do detrusor por bloquear os receptores muscarínicos na junção neuromuscular. A Imipramina é um antidepressivo tricíclico que possui ação anticolinérgica e alfa-adrenérgica indireta, relaxando o detrusor e aumentando a pressão intrauretral, diminuindo os episódios de perda urinária, sendo uma boa alternativa para a Incontinência Urinária Urgência (IUU) e Incontinência Urinária Mista (IUM). OBJETIVOS: Validar a Imipramina como opção para paciente com SBH e verificar a ocorrência e a freqüência dos efeitos adversos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado com mulheres com mais de 18 anos com queixa de IUU ou IUM atendidas no Ambulatório de Uroginecologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Para uma melhora de 71% no grupo da imipramina e 16% do grupo dos exercícios perineais, com “p” de 0,05 e um poder de 80%, são necessários 19 pacientes em cada grupo (Epi-Info). Totalizamos um “n” de 38 pacientes, estimando 20% de perdas. RESULTADOS e CONCLUSÕES: 38 mulheres foram randomizadas, sendo 6 pacientes excluídas. 32 pacientes foram submetidas à três meses de tratamento conservador e três meses de uso de Imipramina. Ao final de 6 meses foi realizada a análise estatística. 24 pacientes mantiveram o uso da medicação após o término do estudo. Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação aos dados demográficos, comorbidades, uso de medicações, cirurgias, distopias genitais, presença de efeitos colaterais com uso da medicação, tempo de suspensão da medicação e Pressão de Perda Urinária (VLPP). Houve diferença estatística em relação à presença de Contrações Não Inibidas (CNI) durante a Avaliação Urodinâmica. Em relação aos questionários, o uso imipramina mostrou uma melhora de 16,8 vezes em relação à alocação quando comparadas com uma melhora de 2,1 vezes do tratamento conservador. Em relação à Percepção Geral da Saúde (PGS), não houve diferença estatística, mas em relação à avaliação do Impacto da Incontinência (II), houve diferença significativa no grupo de realizou tratamento com Imipramina. Demostrou-se uma melhora da perda urinária de 16, 3 vezes quando comparadas ao início da alocação. A análise do escore final mostrou uma significância estatística na interação do grupo com o tipo de tratamento utilizado em determinado momento do tempo. Em conclusão, como única medicação disponível no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) para tratar essa patologia podemos passar a utilizá-la, com cautela, como opção terapêutica ao anticolinérgico hoje mais usado, a oxibutinina, uma vez que se mostrou segura em relação aos efeitos colaterais e apresentou significância estatística em relação ao tratamento conservador. Entretanto, acredita-se que mais ensaios clínicos devem ser realizados com um “n” maior de pacientes e, talvez, comparando a imipramina com a oxibutinina, uma vez que é medicação de referência para tal patologia. / Overactive Bladder Syndrome (SBH) is characterized by urinary urgency with or without incontinence, accompanied by frequency and nocturia. Treatment is initially clinical, aimed at relaxing the detrusor muscle with the use of anticholinergics, antispasmodics and antidepressants tricíclinos. Anticholinergics reduce the contractile activity of the detrusor muscle by blocking muscarinic receptors at the neuromuscular junction. Imipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant that has anticholinergic action and alpha-adrenergic indirect, relaxing muscles and increasing detrusor pressure intrauretral, reducing the frequency of urinary leakage, being a good alternative for Urgency Urinary Incontinence (IUU) and mixed urinary incontinence (IUM). OBJECTIVES: To validate Imipramine as an option for patients with SBH and to verify the occurrence and frequency of adverse effects. METHODS: A randomized crossover clinical trial, with women over 18 years with complaints of IUU or IUM treated at the Urogynecology Clinic of Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). For an improvement of 71% in the imipramine group and 16% of perineal exercises, with "p" of 0.05 and a power of 80%, 19 patients are needed in each group (Epi-Info). Totaled an "n" of 38 patients, an estimated 20% loss. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: 38 women were randomized, with 6 patients excluded. 32 patients underwent three months of conservative treatment and three months of use of imipramine. At the end of 6 months was performed statistical analysis. 24 patients maintained their use of medication after the study. There was no difference between groups regarding demographics, comorbidities, medication use, surgery, genital dystopias, presence of side effects with the medication, time of drug discontinuation and urinary loss pressure (VLPP). There was statistical difference in relation to the presence of uninhibited contractions (CNI) during urodynamic evaluation. Regarding the questionnaires, the use of imipramine showed an improvement of 16.8 times over the allocation when compared to a 2.1 times improvement in the conservative treatment. Regarding the General Health Perception (PGS), there was no statistical difference, but in relation to assessing the impact of incontinence (II), there was significant difference in the group treated with imipramine performed. Demonstrated to an improvement in urinary loss of 16, 3 times when compared to the beginning of the allocation. The analysis of the final score showed a statistical significance in the group's interaction with the type of treatment used in a given moment in time. In conclusion, as the only medication available in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) to treat this disease that affects a substantial number of women, since it proved to be safe in relation to the side and made statistically significant compared to conservative treatment, we can move to use it with caution, as a therapeutic option for today's most commonly used anticholinergic, oxybutynin. However, it is believed that more trials should be conducted with more patients and perhaps comparing imipramine with oxybutynin, because it is a reference for this pathology.
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Avaliação urodinâmica ambulatorial em mulheres com sintoma de urgência e avaliação urodinâmica convencional normalHeineck, Simone da Cunha January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A investigação dos sintomas do trato urinário inferior se inicia, geralmente, pela história, exame físico e testes clínicos simples. Entretanto, esta investigação, muitas vezes, se mostra insuficiente para o diagnóstico correto da incontinência urinária. Nestes casos, a avaliação, ou estudo, urodinâmica (o) é realizada para confirmação do diagnóstico. No entanto, o melhor método para avaliação urodinâmica ainda não foi bem estabelecido. Apesar de a cistometria convencional ser considerada padrão ouro, e ser o método mais aceito para investigação de hiperatividade detrusora, o método de enchimento (retrógrado) da urodinâmica convencional permanece controverso. Por ser um enchimento não fisiológico, vários estudos têm demonstrado altos índices de falsos negativos em relação ao diagnóstico de hiperatividade detrusora. Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de hiperatividade detrusora durante avaliação urodinâmica ambulatorial de pacientes encaminhadas ao ambulatório de uroginecologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre com sintoma de urgência e avaliação urodinâmica convencional normal. Métodos: Estudo transversal, no qual foram incluídas mulheres com idade superior a 19 anos, apresentando queixa de urgência, urge-incontinência ou incontinência mista, atendidas no ambulatório de uroginecologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre e que já realizaram avaliação urodinâmica convencional, cuja cistometria não tenha detectado hiperatividade detrusora. O cálculo do tamanho da amostra foi realizado no programa WinPEPI (Programs for Epidemiologists for Windows) versão 11.43 , baseado nos achados de um estudo piloto com 6 pacientes. Para um nível de confiança de 95%, uma prevalência de hiperatividade em avaliação urodinâmica ambulatorial estimada em 83% e uma margem de erro de 17%, obtevese um total mínimo de 19 pacientes. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (p≤0,05) e as análises foram realizadas no programa SPSS versão 21.0. Resultados: Vinte pacientes com sintomas de urgência e cistometria convencional normal foram submetidas à avaliação urodinâmica ambulatorial. A média de idade foi de 56 anos. Os sintomas mistos de urgência e incontinência por esforço foram mais prevalentes do que sintomas puros de urgência (18/20). A prevalência de hiperatividade detrusora em avaliação urodinâmica ambulatorial de pacientes com sintoma de urgência e com avaliação urodinâmica convencional normal foi de 70% (14/20). O intervalo de 95% de confiança para a verdadeira prevalência na população é de 48% a 87% Conclusão: A avaliação urodinâmica ambulatorial parece ter um papel importante na avaliação adicional de casos mais complexos de pacientes com disfunções do trato urinário, quando há falha diagnóstica e terapêutica – em especial na avaliação de hiperatividade detrusora. Foi encontrado um falso negativo de 70% na avaliação urodinâmica convencional. No entanto, tendo em vista o maior custo do equipamento e das sondas em relação ao convencional, mais estudos são necessários para a incorporação deste exame na prática clínica brasileira. / Introduction: The investigation of lower urinary tract symptoms usually starts with the history, physical exam and simple clinical tests. However, quite often this investigation is not sufficient for the correct diagnosis of urinary incontinence. In these cases, the urodynamic test is accomplished to confirm it. The best method to evaluate the urodynamic has not been established. In spite of the conventional cystometry being considered as the gold standard and being the most accepted investigative method for detrusor overactivity, the conventional retrograde filling urodynamic method of remains controversial. Since it is a non-physiologic filling, several studies have shown high rates of false negatives concerning the diagnosis of detrusor overactivity. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of detrusor overactivity during ambulatory urodynamic tests in symptomatic patients whose results of conventional urodynamic evaluation were normal. Methodology: The research subjects were women referred to the urogynecology service of Hospital de Clínicas, Porto Alegre, Brazil for further investigation due to urinary incontinence symptoms (overactive bladder syndrome, urge incontinence or mixed incontinence), whose conventional urodynamics results did not show any detrusor overactivity. The sample size was calculated using the WinPEPI program (Programs for Epidemiologists for Windows) 11.43 version and was based on the findings of a pilot study with 6 patients. Using a 95% confidence interval and an estimated urodynamic detrusor overactivity prevalence of 83% with a standard error of 17%, a sample size of 19 patients was obtained. A level of significance of 5% (p≤0.05) was considered. SPSS 21.0 version program was used to accomplish the statistical analysis. Results: A total of 20 women were included in this study. The mean age was 56.1 years, the mean body mass index was 29.7 and the mean time of the symptoms was 5 years. We found mixed urinary incontinence in 18 (90%) and urge incontinence in 2 (10%) patients. All conventional cystometry tests were normal; however, in 14 (70%) patients the ambulatory urodynamics was able to diagnose detrusor overactivity. Conclusion: The ambulatory urodynamics evaluation seems to have a major role in the additional evaluation of more complex cases of urinary tract dysfunctions, when there is a diagnostic and therapeutic flaw – especially in the evaluation of detrusor overactivity. We found 70 % of false negative in the conventional cystometry. However, having in mind the higher cost of the equipment and catheters in relation to the conventional one, more studies are necessary for the incorporation of this test in the Brazilian clinical practice.
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Incidência e fatores de risco de bexiga hiperativa em adultos: resultados de um estudo prospectivo de base populacional / Incidência e fatores de risco de bexiga hiperativa em adultos: resultados de um estudo prospectivo de base populacionalNeves, Raimundo Celestino Silva January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2012-08-31T17:10:26Z
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Raimundo Celestino_Silva_Neves Incidência e fatores de risco de bexiga.pdf: 998634 bytes, checksum: 5eb364aec58c2f9083b13aac7f6e675c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-08-31T17:10:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Raimundo Celestino_Silva_Neves Incidência e fatores de risco de bexiga.pdf: 998634 bytes, checksum: 5eb364aec58c2f9083b13aac7f6e675c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil / Estudar a história natural de bexiga hiperativa (BH) numa amostra da população adulta em Salvador, estimando a incidência e a remissão de BH. Adicionalmente, avaliar o grau de desconforto e a gravidade dos sintomas nos indivíduos com esta condição, investigar seus fatores de risco e descrever o comportamento de procura por tratamento nos pacientes sintomáticos. Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal que coletou informações numa amostra representativa da população urbana de homens e mulheres com idade de 30 anos ou mais, acompanhados de 2006 a 2008. BH foi avaliada segundo sua definição vigente, estabelecida em 2002, pela Sociedade Internacional de Continência. A coorte contou com a participação de 1350 mulheres e 1424 homens. A incidência de BH foi estimada em 1,7/1 00 pessoas-ano no sexo feminino e de 1,4/1 00 pessoas-ano no sexo masculino, aumentando com a idade em ambos os sexos (p=0,04). As estimativas de remissão nas mulheres variaram de 42% a 52%, e no sexo masculino de 49% a 75%. O número de partos naturais foi diretamente associado ao risco de apresentar BH em mulheres, RR=3,66 (Le.95%, 1,34 - 9,96). Os homens com sobrepeso tiveram risco significativamente menor de desenvolver BH, RR=0,29 (LC. 95%, 0,13 - 0,68). O percentual de casos prevalentes de BH com muito ou total incômodo pelos sintomas urinários foi de 58% em mulheres e 37% em homens. Apesar disso, apenas 46% e 32% de mulheres e homens respectivamente, buscaram ajuda médica para seus sintomas. BH é uma desordem comum na população adulta em Salvador. A incidência de BH foi semelhante em ambos os sexos e aumentou com a idade. Nossas estimativas foram inferiores à de outros estudos prévios realizados em populações com idade média mais alta, formadas por pacientes de cadastros/registros médicos ou de inquéritos postais com baixa taxa de participação e seguimento. Nossas projeções indicam que cerca de um milhão de casos novos de BH ocorrem a cada ano no Brasil. Portanto, podemos considerar que esta condição é um problema de saúde pública e que programas para diagnostico, tratamento e prevenção de BH devem ser desenvolvidos e
implantados. / To study the natural history of overactive bladder (OAB) in a sample of adult population in Salvador, estimating the incidence and remission rates of OAB. In addition, to
assess the discomfort and severity of symptoms in subjects with this condition, to investigate its risk factors and to describe the help seeking behavior for urinary symptoms. Methods:
This is a longitudinal study that has collected information on a representative sample of urban men and women aged 30 years old or more, followed from 2006 to 2008. OAB was assessed
according to the International Continence Society current definition. Results: The initial cohort included 1,350 women and 1,424 men. The incidence ofOAB was 1.7 per 100 person
years for females and 1.4 per 100 person-years in males, and increased with age in both genders (p=0.04). Estimates of remission rated in women varied from 42% to 52% and in males from 49% to 75%. Parity was direct1y associated with the risk for OAB in women, RR=3.66 (95% CI, 1.34 - 9.96), and overweight men had a significantly lower risk of developing OAB, RR = 0.29 (95% CI, 0.13 to 0.68). The percentage of prevalent cases of BH
with very or total bother by the urinary symptoms was 58% in women and 37% in men. However, only 46% and 32% of women and men respectively, sought medical help for their
symptoms. Conclusions: The incidence of OAB was similar in both genders and increased with age. Our rates were lower than estimates from previous studies conducted in populations
with higher mean age, comprised by patients from general practitioner registers or postal surveys with low response and follow-up rates. Our projections indicate that about one
million new OAB cases occur each year in Brazi1. Thus, this condition can be considered a
public health problem, and programs for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of BH should be
developed and implemented.
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Hematúria enzoótica bovina : detecção do papilomavírus tipo 2 pela técnica de Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase PCRDias, Jacques Douglas Coimbra 13 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:53:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JACQUES DOUGLAS COIMBRA DIAS.pdf: 804280 bytes, checksum: 28e6a9176e82afb4cfdb911bd8f1cc57 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08-13 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH) is a disease of worldwide occurrence and presents a varied prevalence in endemic areas, which can reach 90% in animals older than two years. The technique of polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) was developed and standardized for the detection of bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2). This technique was based on enzymatic amplification of a fragment of 386 bp highly conserved gene. Infection with bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2) has also been implicated in the etiology of
this disease. The objective of this study make a macroscopic lesions of bovine bladder and the presence of human papillomavirus type 2 by the technique of polymerase chain reaction - PCR. For this 50 bladders were collected from
cattle with gross lesions, each being divided into four quadrants, referenced in the body for cuts such as A, B, C and D, for histopathologic evaluation. The characterization included the definition of macroscopic types of lesions: focal or diffuse hemorrhages, lesions or verrucous hemangiomas ulcerated lesions, among others. Histopathologic analysis showed five samples positive for cancer (2.5%). The method of polymerase chain reaction, all samples were considered
malignant and showed the bovine papillomavirus type 2. The presence of bovine papillomavirus type 2 in neoplastic lesions of the urinary bladder of cattle, confirmed by PCR indicates that this virus may be directly involved in the pathogenesis of bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH) in association with the
consumption of the fern, and one plant endemic in the region / A hematúria enzootica bovina (HEB) é uma doença de ocorrência mundial e apresenta uma prevalência variada em áreas endêmicas, que pode chegar a 90% em animais com idade superior a dois anos. A técnica da reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) foi desenvolvida e padronizada para a detecção do papilomavírus bovino tipo 2 (BPV-2). Esta técnica é baseada na amplificação enzimática de um fragmento altamente conservado de 386 pb do gene. A infecção com o papilomavírus bovino Tipo 2 (BPV-2) também tem sido implicada na etiologia desta enfermidade. Objetivou-se com este estudo realizar a avaliação macroscópica das lesões de bexiga de bovino e detectar a presença do papilomavírus tipo 2 pela técnica de reação em cadeia de
polimerase PCR. Para isso foram coletadas 50 bexigas de bovinos que apresentaram lesões macroscópicas, sendo cada uma dividida em quatro quadrantes, referenciadas no órgão para os cortes como A, B, C e D, para avaliação histopatológica. A caracterização macroscópica incluiu a definição dos tipos de lesões em: hemorragias difusas ou focais, lesões verrucosas ou hemangiomatosas, lesões ulceradas, dentre outras. A análise histopatológica
revelou cinco amostras positivas para neoplasia (2,5%). Pelo método de reação em cadeia pela polimerase, todas as amostras foram consideradas neoplásicas e apresentaram o papilomavírus bovino tipo 2. A presença do papilomavírus
bovino tipo 2 nas lesões neoplásicas de bexiga urinária de bovinos, confirmada pela técnica de PCR, indica que este vírus pode estar diretamente envolvido na patogênese da hematúria enzoótica bovina (HEB) em associação com o consumo da samambaia, sendo uma planta endêmica na região
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