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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O controle do endividamento público e a autonomia dos entes da federação / The control of public borrowing and the autonomy of the entities of the federation

Andrade, Cesar Augusto Seijas de 02 May 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação versa sobre o controle do endividamento dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios, analisando as questões jurídicas daí decorrentes em face da sua autono-mia. São examinados em primeiro lugar conceitos e classificações relacionados à dívida pública. Posteriormente, é exposta a relevância do endividamento para a atividade finan-ceira dos entes subnacionais, e as razões que tornam necessário o seu controle pela União, a fim de preservar a estabilidade econômica. Noutro giro, são analisados os quatro métodos de controle do endividamento dos entes subnacionais vigentes em diferentes países, com o aprofundamento dos métodos vigentes no Brasil. Por fim, após incursão histórica na evolu-ção da dívida dos entes subnacionais, analisam-se dispositivos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal cuja constitucionalidade é discutível por ferir a autonomia dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios. / This dissertation is about the control of borrowing of the States, Federal District and Mu-nicipalities and analyses legal issues arising therefrom in light of their autonomy. Firstly, concepts and classification related to the public debt are analyzed. Later, the relevance of borrowing for the financial activity of subnational governments and the reasons that make its control by the Federal government necessary in order to preserve economic stability are exposed. In another turn, the four methods of borrowing control of the subnational gov-ernments in force in different countries are analyzed and the methods in force in Brazil are deepened. Finally, after the historical raid in the evolution of debt of the subnational gov-ernments, provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which constitutionality is questiona-ble for violating the autonomy of the States, Federal District and Municipalities are also studied.

Empréstimos linguísticos do inglês : um estudo do léxico do comércio exterior à luz da teoria da variação em terminologia

Bastarrica, Maristela Lutz January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva analisar o fenômeno conhecido como empréstimo linguístico. Para tanto, adotei como referencial teórico a Teoria da Variação em Terminologia, proposta por Faulstich (1999). Foi analisado um léxico especializado, mais precisamente o do Comércio Exterior. O corpus, composto de 37 termos descritores e 195 ocorrências, foi formado por termos extraídos de um site governamental (http://www.receita.fazenda.gov.br/Legislacao/LegisAssunto/ComExt.htm). Os resultados da análise mostraram que o tipo de empréstimo mais produtivo encontrado no corpus é o híbrido, seguido do empréstimo que, depois de adaptado, se recompõe e gera uma Unidade Terminológica Complexa (UTC), híbrida ou vernacular, e do empréstimo que mantém a forma tal qual no inglês. Também tiveram recorrência importante no corpus empréstimos que geram um decalque no Português do Brasil (PB) e, a título de reforço, mantêm o termo em inglês, como um aposto explicativo. Em menor número, estão: a) os empréstimos que mantêm a forma de origem, mas apresentam evidências de registro de que ainda são estrangeiros; b) os empréstimos que mantêm a forma do inglês e geram uma forma adaptada às convenções ortográficas do PB; c) os empréstimos que mantêm a forma tal qual no inglês e geram uma forma adaptada às regras morfofonêmicas do PB; e d) empréstimos que abandonam a forma de origem em favor de um decalque no PB. De forma geral, esta pesquisa visou a contribuir para o desenvolvimento dos estudos socioterminológicos e fornecer auxílio prático aos operadores do léxico do Comércio Exterior com base na análise dos empréstimos linguísticos oriundos da língua inglesa e de seu estatuto variante. / This thesis presents an analysis of linguistic borrowing. Applying the theory of variation in terminology proposed by Faulstich (1999), it focuses on a specialized lexicon in foreign trade. The corpus consisted of 37 lexical items, with 195 occurrences, sourced from a Brazilian governmental site (http://www.receita.fazenda.gov.br/Legislacao/LegisAssunto/ComExt.htm). The analytical results showed that the most common form of loanword in the corpus was hybrid, followed by loanwords that undergo adaptation and then are restructured to form a hybrid or vernacular Complex Terminological Unit. An important number of occurrences also involved calques into Brazilian Portuguese (BP) with the original English following in parentheses as way of explanation. Other, less frequent variations included: a) loanwords consisting of the original English along with an indication that they are still foreign words; b) loanwords that maintain the original English while producing a form adapted to the conventions of BP orthography; c) loanwords that maintain the original English while producing a form adapted to the morphophonemic rules of BP; and d) loanwords that wholly replace the original English with a BP calque. Based on an analysis of linguistic borrowings from English and their variations, this research is intended both as a contribution towards the development of socioterminological studies and as a practical aid for users of the foreign trade lexicon.

Contact linguistique et emprunts onomastiques entre grec et lycien : apports à la phonétique et à la morphologie / Language Contact and Borrowed Names between Greek and Lycian : a Contribution to Phonetics and Morphology

Réveilhac, Florian 23 November 2018 (has links)
La Lycie antique, aire de polyglossie située sur la côte sud-occidentale de l’Asie Mineure, fut un lieu de contact entre le lycien et le grec. La langue lycienne, qui appartient au groupe anatolien des langues indo-européennes, est attestée dans deux cents inscriptions environ et sur des monnaies datant du Ve et du IVe siècle avant J.-C. À partir du IIIe siècle, en effet, le grec s’est imposé dans la région, à l’écrit du moins, au détriment de la langue locale. L’onomastique indigène a cependant persisté en Lycie jusqu’aux premiers siècles de notre ère, comme en témoigne le nombre important d’anthroponymes lyciens que l’on trouve dans les inscriptions grecques des époques hellénistique et romaine. Cette thèse étudie donc le contact entre le lycien et le grec à partir des emprunts onomastiques réciproques, avec quatre objectifs principaux. Le premier est de collecter tous les anthroponymes indigènes de Lycie dans les sources lyciennes et grecques, afin d’en offrir un répertoire complet. Nous offrons ensuite une description phonologique et phonétique du lycien à partir des équivalences onomastiques identifiées, en traitant également de problèmes spécifiques comme celui des consonnes géminées. Il s’agit, troisièmement, d’examiner les différentes formations à l’œuvre dans l’anthroponymie lycienne — noms à un radical, à deux radicaux, raccourcis de composés, Satznamen ou encore noms inanalysables — et les lexèmes employés. Nous étudions, enfin, les processus morphologiques de l’emprunt de noms étrangers en lycien, mais aussi et surtout en grec, où plusieurs suffixes sont utilisés. / Ancient Lycia, a polyglossian area located on the south-western coast of Asia Minor, was a place of contact, especially between Lycian and Greek. The Lycian language, which belongs to the Anatolian group of Indo-European languages, is documented in about two hundred inscriptions and on coins dating from the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. From the 3rd century onwards, Greek became predominant in the region, at least in writing, to the detriment of the local language. However, indigenous names persisted in Lycia until the first centuries A.D., as evidenced by the large number of Lycian personal names found in Greek inscriptions from the Hellenistic and Roman periods. This dissertation therefore studies the contact between Lycian and Greek, drawing on reciprocal name borrowings, with four main objectives. The first one is to collect all the Lycian names from sources in Lycian and in Greek, in order to give a complete repertoire. We then offer a phonological and phonetic description of Lycian, based on the identified name equivalences, while also addressing specific problems such as that of geminated consonants. The third objective is to examine the different formations used in Lycian personal names — one stem names, two stem names, shortened compounds, Satznamen, or unanalysable names — and the lexemes used. Lastly, we study the morphological processes of the borrowing of foreign names in Lycian, but most of all in Greek, where several suffixes are used.


Yu, Jinhai 01 January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay, or Chapter 2, advances the literature by examining the conditional effects of lobbying on the relationship between policy learning and policy reinvention. Scholars have consistently shown that learning of successful policies in other states leads to higher likelihood of policy adoption. This essay extends this finding two ways. First, policy learning can also lead to more comprehensive adoption of successful policies. Second, the effect of policy learning on policy comprehensiveness is conditional on lobbying by interest groups, an alternative source of information about policy success. To test these hypotheses, I conduct a directed dyad-year analysis using a dataset on American state drunk driving regulations from 1983 to 2000. The results show that more comprehensive policy adoption by states is positively related to policy success in other states when lobbying by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is relatively low. Moreover, lobbying by MADD increases policy comprehensiveness when policy success is relatively low. The second essay, or Chapter 3, examines the effects of GASB 45 on local government borrowing costs. Government financial disclosure is a key instrument to improve fiscal transparency and accountability. In 2004, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Statement No. 45 to require state and local governments to disclose information about other postemployment benefits (OPEB) for the first time. The theoretical framework incorporates both direct and indirect effects of disclosure on borrowing costs. The empirical tests use a panel of counties across states and the bonds they issued in the primary market between 1999 and 2012. To account for the impact of GASB 45 on county governments’ decisions to issue bonds, a Heckman selection model is estimated. GASB 45 increases borrowing costs of county governments, with the effects decreasing over time. GASB 45 has a larger effect on borrowing costs of county governments issuing bonds of lower credit quality and adopting the generally accepted accounting standards (GAAP). The third essay, or Chapter 4, examines the impact of information about funding of OPEB plans on borrowing costs of local governments. Local governments have disclosed information about other postemployment benefits (OPEB) plans under the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 45 issued in 2004. Funding status is measured by percentage of annual required contribution (ARC) contributed and funded ratios. Two panels of counties and cities with comprehensive annual financial reports available from the Government Financial Officers Association are matched with the bonds they issued between 2008 and 2014. The results show that higher percentage of ARC contributed of OPEB plans are associated with lower borrowing costs for counties; and higher OPEB funded ratios are correlated with lower borrowing costs for cities. Higher percentage of ARC contributed and funded ratios of pension plans are associated with lower borrowing costs for both counties and cities. This essay demonstrates that information about OPEB and pension plans is incorporated in municipal bond pricing.


林鳴琴, Lin Ming-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試探討總體經濟中的金融資金面因素, 對於資產價格之決定, 以及價格波動程度與基本面訊息揭露的影響。 本論文包含三篇文章。 第一篇的主旨在於本論文認為投資人所面對的資金成本差異, 是一項解釋資產價格過度波動現象不可或缺的因素。 文獻研究既已指出短期資金市場, 資金成本價差可以有效預測實質產出, 則股價與短期資金市場變數之間似乎也應有所關連。 投資人由於期初財富水準不同, 資金充裕者可以同時持有風險性資產和無風險資產, 資金短缺者則可以採取融資方式投資風險性資產。 一般而言, 融資利率應高於無風險利率, 即使投資人訊息同質, 但因為資金成本不同, 投資需求亦不相同。 當投資人之資金成本差異擴大, 造成平均資金成本變動, 即使基本面沒有任何變化, 資產價格仍然會波動, 並且低於完美市場下的均衡價格。 本篇所建立的部分均衡模型, 可以說明資金成本差異對價格波動性的影響, 以及均衡價格的特性。 第二篇討論加入投資人異質訊息的假設, 投資人在受到資金衝擊之下, 資金借貸限制透過對投資人決策行為的影響, 進而對資產流動性及價格揭露訊息的功能產生何種影響。 本論文嘗試藉由個體結構模式(micro-structure model), 分析市場資金流動性多寡和訊息效率性(information efficiency)的關聯。 體系存在借貸限制是本論文重點之一, 若沒有借貸限制, 資金將無短缺之虞, 資金流動性多寡就不是問題。 資金流動性若不能轉化為信用(credit), 則無法探討投資人面對資金衝擊與借貸限制, 所決定的投資決策如何進一步影響基本面訊息反映的程度。 本篇模型特色在於每位投資人, 不論是否擁有關於期末給付的私人訊息, 都可能遭受流動性衝擊。 研究發現當市場資金相對寬鬆時, 借貸行為的比例增加, 但訊息揭露程度反而降低。 第三篇嘗試探討理性投資人或雜訊投資人受到借貸限制, 亦即不是所有想借貸的投資人都能取得可貸資金時, 資金環境對長期資產價格偏離基本面價值所產生之助漲助跌作用, 以及資產價格何時出現高估、 何時出現低估的情形。 本論文舉出兩個基本面完全不同但卻有共同理論模型的故事背景(scenarios), 用意在顯現我們所觀察到的金融市場價格表現可能來自於兩種不同的市場結構, 單就理論模型來看無法區分究竟是哪一個故事背景之下的結果。 提高融資限制可能妨礙了相關訊息融入, 使得價格更偏離基本面而沒有達到阻卻非理性投機交易的目的。 降低融資限制亦可能是使得非理性投機交易更加猖獗, 而不是刺激基本面相關訊息正確反映。 1 導論 2 資金成本與資產價格波動 2.1 研究動機與目的 2.2 模型 2.3 資本市場均衡 2.4 政策意涵 2.5 結論與相關文獻比較 3 資金流動性與訊息揭露 3.1 研究動機與目的 3.2 模型 3.3 均衡解模擬分析 3.4 結論 4 融資限制與價格穩定性 4.1 研究動機與目的 4.2 模型 4.3 資產均衡價格特性分析 4.4 結論

Investigating British and American English : Dictionary research and corpus investigation

Golmann, Malcolm January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this Magister Degree Project has been to investigate if can corpora be used to investigate patterns of lexical distribution and/or borrowing from one variety to another. Another aim has been to investigate how well classification of lexical items as either “British” or “American” supported by evidence from corpora of English.</p><p>In order to accomplish these aims sets of lexical items have been examined in two ways: first through dictionary research and “dictionary dating”, and second through the use of such English corpora as the British National Corpus (BNC), the United Kingdom Web Archiving Consortium (ukWaC), and the TIME Corpus of American English. The results of this research suggest that the simplistic labelling of certain items as “American” versus “British” is sometimes misleading, and that corpus investigations on their own, though useful, may not be entirely sufficient in this context.</p>

Essays on Monetary Policy

Bayar, Omer 01 August 2010 (has links)
Central banks use a series of relatively small interest rate changes in adjusting their monetary policy stance. This persistence in interest rate changes is well documented by empirical monetary policy reaction functions that feature a large estimated coefficient for the lagged interest rate. The two hypotheses that explain the size of this large estimated coefficient are monetary policy inertia and serially correlated macro shocks. In the first part of my dissertation, I show that the effect of inertia on the Federal Reserve’s monthly funds rate adjustment is only moderate, and smaller than suggested by previous studies. In the second part, I present evidence that the temporal aggregation of interest rates puts an upward bias on the size of the estimated coefficient for the lagged interest rate. The third part of my dissertation is inspired by recent developments in the housing market and the resulting effect on the overall economy. In this third essay, we show that high loan-to-value mortgage borrowing reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Pricing CPPI Capital Guarantees: A Lagrangian Framework

Morley, Christopher Stephen Band January 2011 (has links)
A robust computational framework is presented for the risk-neutral valuation of capital guarantees written on discretely-reallocated portfolios following the Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) strategy. Aiming to address the (arguably more realistic) cases where analytical results are unavailable, this framework accommodates risky-asset jumps, volatility surfaces, borrowing restrictions, nonuniform reallocation schedules and autonomous CPPI floor trajectories. The two-asset state space representation developed herein facilitates visualising the CPPI strategy, which in turn provides insight into grid design and interpolation. It is demonstrated that given a deterministic process for the risk-free rate, the pricing problem can be cast as solving cascading systems of 1D partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs). This formulation’s stability and monotonicity are studied. In addition to making more sense financially, the limited borrowing variant of the CPPI strategy is found to be better suited than the classical (unlimited borrowing) counterpart for bounded-domain calculations. Consequently, it is demonstrated how the unlimited borrowing problem can be approximated by imposing an artificial borrowing limit. For implementation validation, analytical solutions to special cases are derived. Numerical tests are presented to demonstrate the versatility of this framework.

Μορφολογικός δανεισμός : δεδομένα από ελληνικές διαλέκτους σε επαφή με την Ιταλική και την Τουρκική

Μαρίνης, Μιχαήλ 12 June 2015 (has links)
Η δυνατότητα δανεισμού των διαφόρων λεξικών και ελεύθερων λειτουργικών κατηγοριών είναι ένα ζήτημα που έχει κατά καιρούς απασχολήσει έντονα την διεθνή βιβλιογραφία στον χώρο της επαφής γλωσσών. Με την παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διατριβή: (α) εξετάζω την δυνατότητα δανεισμού των διαφόρων λεξικών και ελεύθερων λειτουργικών λέξεων, (β) διερευνώ την αξιοπιστία και την καθολικότητα ορισμένων ευρέως διαδεδομένων κλιμάκων δανεισιμότητας, όπως είναι για παράδειγμα οι κλίμακες των Haugen (1950), Muysken (1981), Matras (2007) κ.λπ., (γ) ελέγχω τους παράγοντες οι οποίοι έχει προταθεί ότι επηρεάζουν την διαδικασία, και προτείνω τους παράγοντες εκείνους οι οποίοι την καθορίζουν. Για τον λόγο αυτό, διερευνώ και συγκρίνω τον λεξιλογικό δανεισμό (α) της Γκρίκο από τις Ρομανικές διαλέκτους, (β) της Καππαδοκικής από την Τουρκική, και (γ) της Κρητικής τόσο από τις Ρομανικές διαλέκτους, όσο και από την Τουρκική. Εξετάζω πόσο εύκολο ή δύσκολο είναι για την καθεμιά από τις μελετώμενες λεξικές κατηγορίες να γίνουν αντικείμενο δανεισμού, καθώς και τους παράγοντες που φαίνεται να επιδρούν στην δανεισιμότητα των στοιχείων. Προτείνω μια κοινή κλίμακα δανεισιμότητας, για όλα τα συστήματα που μελέτησα, της μορφής (ονόματα > ρήματα > επίθετα > επιρρήματα), και με αυτό τον τρόπο δείχνω ότι ορισμένες λέξεις είναι ευκολότερα δανείσιμες από άλλες. Τα βασικά ευρήματα της έρευνας αυτής ενισχύουν την άποψη ότι καμία γενίκευση με απόλυτη ισχύ δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει στο χώρο της γλωσσικής επαφής. Η ένταση της επαφής (intensity of contact) (Thomason Kaufman, 1988; Thomason, 2001) φαίνεται να είναι ο καθοριστικός παράγοντας που μπορεί να εξηγήσει την μεγάλη διαφοροποίηση η οποία καταγράφεται μεταξύ του λεξικού και του δομικού δανεισμού. Με τον τρόπο αυτό μπορεί να εξηγηθεί γιατί για παράδειγμα στην Γκρίκο και τα Καππαδοκικά, όπου η διγλωσσία και ο δανεισμός είναι ιδιαίτερα εκτεταμένα, τα ελέυθερα λειτουργικά στοιχεία γίνονται εύκολα αντικείμενο δανεισμού, ενώ αντίθετα στη Κρητική, όπου το επίπεδο της διγλωσσίας είναι εμφανώς μικρότερο, ο δανεισμός των ελεύθερων λειτουργικών στοιχείων είναι εξαιρετικά περιορισμένος. Επιπλέον, η διαφοροποίηση που καταγράφεται ως προς τον δανεισμό των ελεύθερων λειτουργικών στοιχείων μεταξύ της Γκρίκο και της Καππαδοκικής, δείχνει ότι ο δανεισμός δεν εξαρτάται μόνο από εξωγλωσσικούς παράγοντες (π.χ. ένταση της επαφής), αλλά σε μεγάλο βαθμό καθορίζεται από εργολαβικούς παράγοντες όπως είναι η τυπολογική απόσταση (typological distance) και η δομική (α)συμβατότητα (structural (in)compatibility) μεταξύ των σε επαφή συστημάτων. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα αποτελεί η απουσία δανεισμού προθέσεων στην Καππαδοκική, γεγονός που εμφανώς οφείλεται στην ιδιότητα της Τουρκικής να έχει μόνο μεταθέσεις. / A prevailing issue of debate in language contact studies involves the borrowability of various lexical and free grammatical categories. In this MA Thesis (a) I examine the borrowing of different lexical and free functional words, (b) I investigate the reliability of well-known borrowability scales, like those that have been formulated by Haugen (1950), Muysken (1981), Matras (2007), etc, and (c) I examine the factors that determine the borrowing process. For this purpose, I examine data from the Modern Greek Dialects. More specifically, I examine the borrowing of (a) Romance words in Griko, (b) Turkish words in Cappadocian, and (c) both Romance and Turkish words in Cretan. I investigate how easy the borrowing of a particular lexical and free functional word- category can be as well as the language-contact factors affecting the process. I propose a common borrowability scale for the lexical categories (nouns > verbs > adjectives > adverbs) for all of the dialectal varieties that I have studied, and I show that certain words are relatively easy to be borrowed. My main findings show that no absolute generalization can be drawn within the language contact domain. The intensity of contact factor (Thomason & Kaufman, 1988; Thomason, 2001) seems to be the key factor in explaining the split between lexical and structural borrowing. It explains why, for example, both in Griko and Cappadocian, where bilingualism and borrowing is vastly extensive, free-functional-words are borrowed with ease, whereas in Cretan, where the level of bilingualism is obviously less extensive, the borrowing of free-functional-words is extremely restricted. Moreover, the differentiation between the borrowing of free-functional words in Griko versus that in Cappadocian shows that borrowing depends not only on external factors (e.g. the intensity of contact) but also on intralinguistic factors such as the typological distance and the structural (in)compatibility of the systems in contact. A concrete example is the absence of borrowed prepositions in Cappadocian due to Turkish containing only postpositions.

Μορφολογική εξέταση του ρηματικού συστήματος του κερκυραϊκού ιδιώματος

Αυλωνίτη, Στυλιανή-Ζαΐρα Π. 29 August 2008 (has links)
Η παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διατριβή έχει ως στόχο τη μελέτη του ρηματικού συστήματος του κερκυραϊκού ιδιώματος και τη διερεύνηση των ιδιαιτεροτήτων του. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο της εργασίας παρατίθενται ιστορικά στοιχεία των οποίων η αναφορά έχει στόχο να διαφωτίσει τους σταθμούς εκείνους της ιστορίας της Κέρκυρας που τη διαφοροποιούν από την υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα και που έχουν ορατό αντίκτυπο γενικότερα στη μορφολογία του τοπικού ιδιώματος και συγκεκριμένα στη ρηματική μορφολογία. Ο εκτεταμένος δανεισμός από τη διάλεκτο της Βενετίας, εκτός του ότι άφησε ανεξίτηλα τα σημάδια του στο τοπικό λεξιλόγιο εμπλουτίζοντάς το, είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την εισαγωγή νέων μορφημάτων, θεμάτων και προσφυμάτων, η δυναμική παρουσία των οποίων έχει συντελέσει κατά ένα μέρος ακόμα και στην αναδιάρθρωση του συστήματος των κλιτικών τάξεων. Από την άλλη μεριά, ο ερχομός πληθυσμών από την υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα και η εγκατάστασή τους στα χωριά της Κέρκυρας συνέτεινε στον περιορισμό της διάδοσης των δανείων στην ύπαιθρο χώρα και στην εδραίωση πιθανόν κάποιων «καθαρών» ελληνικών στοιχείων. Δεδομένου ότι οι διάλεκτοι/ τα ιδιώματα που απέχουν αρκετά από τον εθνικό κορμό π.χ. τα ποντιακά και οι διάλεκτοι των ελληνόφωνων χωριών της Κάτω Ιταλίας (Mackridge, 1997) συνήθως ακολουθούν μια κάπως ανεξάρτητη γλωσσική πορεία, δεν είναι περίεργο το γεγονός ότι η Κέρκυρα, λόγω της γεωγραφικής της θέσης, παρουσιάζει πολλές ιδιαιτερότητες στο τοπικό ιδίωμα, όπως π.χ. η διάσωση και η αδιάκοπη χρήση αρχαιοελληνικών ρηματικών τύπων στην θέση των αντίστοιχων νεοελληνικών. Στη συνέχεια από το τρίτο κεφάλαιο και εξής επιχειρείται μια αμιγώς μορφολογική ανάλυση των γλωσσικών δεδομένων. Δεχόμενη τη διάκριση των ρημάτων σε κλιτικές τάξεις που προτείνει η Ralli (1988), θα εξετάσω τις ιδιαιτερότητες που εμφανίζει το κλιτικό παράδειγμα στο κερκυραϊκό ιδίωμα και τις αποκλίσεις του από την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική. Στηριζόμενη στην ανάλυση της Ralli (2005) σχετικά με το ρόλο της θεματικής αλλομορφίας ως προς τη διαμόρφωση του κλιτικού παραδείγματος και την επακόλουθη τάση για ομαλοποίηση του συστήματος, θα εξετάσω τον τρόπο με τον οποίο λειτουργεί η θεματική αλλομορφία στο κερκυραϊκό ιδίωμα και τις επιπτώσεις που έχει στο ρηματικό σύστημα, εξετάζοντας την τάση για αναδόμηση του συστήματος των κλιτικών τάξεων (4ο κεφάλαιο). Στο 5ο κεφάλαιο, θα αναφερθούμε στο ιδιαίτερο φαινόμενο της υποχρεωτικής αύξησης στους παρελθοντικούς χρόνους που εμφανίζονται στο ρηματικό σύστημα του κερκυραϊκού ιδιώματος. Το επόμενο κεφάλαιο είναι αφιερωμένο στην Παραγωγή. Αφου παρουσιαστούν τα συνήθη παραγωγικά επιθήματα, θα γίνει μια εκτενής αναφορά στο δάνειο επίθημα –αρω που παρουσιάζει ιδιαίτερα υψηλή παραγωγικότητα. Τέλος, στο παράρτημα της εργασίας, αναφέρομαι στις γραπτές πηγές που χρησιμοποίησα για να συλλέξω τα απαραίτητα γλωσσικά δεδομένα. / The main aim of this master thesis is to investigate the particularities that are observed in the dialect of Corfu concerning the verbal system. The corfiot dialect is a member of the Ionian Sea dialects in Greece. Due to its historical background, the island of Corfu has followed a separate route, which influences dramatically the spoken language until today and differentiates it from Standard Modern Greek. This master thesis is orientated to morphological analysis. It is divided into six chapters. The first two chapters are introductory and afford information about the historical background, emphasizing on the extended borrowing coming from the dialect of Venice, and the main discernible dialectal characteristics of the today spoken language in Corfu. The next four chapters are dedicated to morphological analysis. Having noticed the main divergencies that are observed in the inflectional paradigm in the local dialect, I will examine the factors that play a crucial role in the formation of the corfiot inflectional paradigm. Having taken into serious consideration the proposal of Ralli (1988) concerning the verbal classification according to which the allomorphic pattern that verbs present classifies them into two main classes, and the proposal of Ralli (2005) referring to the way that the allomorphic pattern determines the reconstruction of the system of inflectional classes (functioning as an inflectional class demarcator), I will try to apply these proposals to my linguistic data coming from the Corfiot verbal system. Furthermore, having ended the morphological analysis for the trends that are visible and concern Inflection, I will examine the obligatory presence of the verbal augment in the corfiot dialect. In the sixth chapter, I will make some comments on the productivity of several derivational suffixes and I will focus my interest on the extremely productive derivational suffix –aro (which has italian origin). At the end of this master thesis, there is an extended appendix, in which I refer to the written material on which I based my morphological analysis.

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