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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche évolutionniste de la préférence homosexuelle masculine / Male homosexual preference and evolution

Barthes, Julien 11 December 2014 (has links)
La préférence homosexuelle masculine (PHM) est considérée comme un paradoxe darwinien car c'est un trait partiellement héritable, induisant une baisse de succès reproducteur, ayant une fréquence (en Occident) entre 2 et 6 % et qui semble propre à l'espèce humaine (en excluant les espèces domestiquées). La sélection de parentèle, ou bien un facteur pléiotrope antagoniste sont classiquement proposés, bien que l'essentiel des données proviennent de sociétés occidentales. Nous avons proposé une nouvelle hypothèse, basée sur la stratification sociale et permettant d'expliquer la spécificité humaine, dans laquelle la migration sexe-dépendante de type hypergyne amplifie la sélection d'un gène antagoniste. La plausibilité de cette hypothèse est confirmée par des modèles théoriques d'ESS et des modélisations individu-centrés. De plus, une analyse comparative basée sur données anthropologiques a permis de montrer un lien entre le niveau de stratification d'une société et la probabilité que la PHM soit connue dans cette société. La sélection de parentèle, mesurée dans une société non-occidentale (Indonésie), semble participer à la compensation du coût reproductif de la PHM, mais insuffisamment pour en expliquer le maintien. Les principales caractéristiques familiales associées à la PHM, l'excès de grands frères, et la fécondité accrue dans certaines classe d'apparentés, se retrouvent également en Indonésie. Toutefois, en Indonésie, les classes d'apparentés concernées différent en partie des résultats obtenus en occident et ne correspondent pas aux attendues de l'hypothèse de sélection sexuellement antagoniste portée par le chromosome X. La prise en compte de l'interaction entre facteurs sociaux et biologiques ainsi que l'acquisition de données hors des sociétés occidentales ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de compréhension de ce paradoxe darwinien. / Male homosexual preference (MHP) is considered as a Darwinian paradox, as it is partially heritable, induces a reproductive cost, has a prevalence estimated (in western countries) between 2 and 6%, and seems to be specific to humans (excluding domesticated species). Kin selection or sexually antagonistic factors have been proposed as possible explanations, although most data come from western countries. Here, we proposed a new hypothesis, based on social stratification, able to explain the specificity of human MHP, in which hypergyny (up-migration of the women) enhances the selection of a sexually antagonistic gene. This hypothesis is supported by theoretical models (ESS) and individual-based modelling. Furthermore, a comparative analysis based on anthropological data showed that the level of social stratification predicts the probability for MHP to be known in a society. Kin selection was tested in a non-western society (Indonesia), and seems to contribute to the compensation of the reproductive costs associated with MHP, although this effect alone was insufficient to explain the maintenance of MHP. The main biodemographic features associated with MHP, an excess of older brother and an increased fecundity of some classes of relatives, were also found in Indonesia. However, the classes of relatives affected by this increased fecundity differ from the classes affected in western populations, and differ from the predictions of the sexually antagonistic genetic factor hypothesis displayed on an X chromosome. Taking into account the interaction between social and biological factors, together with the acquisition of new data in non-western populations, open new perspectives in our understanding of this Darwinian paradox.


REBECA GOLDSMID 14 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] Apesar da importância do irmão na constituição do sujeito e na formação do laço social, somente por volta do ano 2000 os autores contemporâneos passaram a mostrar um interesse maior pelo estudo da relação fraterna. Grande parte desses estudos e pesquisas, entretanto, se dedica mais à competição e rivalidade do que à boa convivência e solidariedade. Em nossa revisão teórica realizada na abordagem psicanalítica, estudamos os clássicos – Freud, Klein e Adler – e prosseguimos com os autores contemporâneos, fazendo um estudo da relação fraterna, tanto em seus aspectos de disputa e de rivalidade como nos de solidariedade e de companheirismo. Focalizamos a formação da fratria, a posição na fratria, o vínculo fraterno, o complexo fraterno e o laço social. Constatamos, assim, a importância da fratria na constituição do sujeito e do laço social. Ilustramos a discussão teórica com fragmentos de casos de nossa clínica. / [en] Despite the importance of a brother in the constitution of the subject and social bond formation, only around the year 2000 contemporary authors began to show a greater interest in studying fraternal relationships. However, a great number of these studies and research are dedicated towards competition and rivalry rather than good coexistence and solidarity. In our psychoanalytic based theoretical review, we studied classical authors – Freud, Klein and Adler – and proceeded with contemporary scholars, studying the fraternal relationship in its dispute and rivalry aspects, as well as in its solidarity and companionship elements. We focused the formation of the phratry, the position in the phratry, the fraternal bond, the fraternal complex and the social bond. We verified the importance of the phratry in the constitution of the subject and of the social bond. We illustrate the theoretical discussion with fragments of clinical cases.

Vliv otce a bratra na výběr partnera u heterosexuálních žen v osobnostních charakteristikách / Influence of father and brother on mate choice of heterosexual women in personality traits

Zelenková, Klára January 2017 (has links)
Mate preferences and choices might be influenced by several factors, including close relatives. According to the imprinting-like effect, people prefer and choose partners similar to those with whom they grew up during childhood. The main aim of our research was to test, whether individuals choose their long-term partners on the basis of similarity (in personality traits) with their parent and/or siblings of the opposite sex (father and/or brother). The final sample of the study consisted of 211 heterosexual women (mean age = 27.34, SD = 5.36) who grew up with their father until at least 12 years of age. Respondents completed a set of questionnaires aimed at personality of their partner, brother, and father (NEO-FFI), the relationship quality with their father/brother during childhood (s-EMBU/QRI), and relationship satisfaction (RAS). Correlation and regression analyses have shown that heterosexual women choose partners similar to their fathers and brothers, especially in neuroticism. However, when compared correlation coefficients, it was found that fathers play a more important role. The retrospectively assessed quality of the relationship between the respondent and her father/brother during childhood did not have any effect on this similarity. Moreover, similarity between father/brother and...

Das Bedeutungsfeld der Zeit in Volks- und Kunstmärchen : Eine literarische Vergleichsstudie zum Wandel des angewandten Zeitbegriffs am Grimmschen Märchen „Die Sterntaler“ und H.C. Andersens „Das kleine Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern“

Völzke, René January 2020 (has links)
Abstract: Das Bedeutungsfeld der Zeit im literarischen Genre der zur Kurz-Epik hinzugehörenden Volksmärchen und Kunstmärchen wird in dieser literaturwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung in den Mittelpunkt gerückt. Ausgegangen vom aristotelischen Zeitbegriff, der Bewegung und Veränderung als unabdingliche Merkmale der Zeit postuliert, wird nach dem Unterschied des den Märchen der Brüder Grimm und H.C. Andersen jeweils zugrunde liegenden Zeitbegriffs der zeitlich aufeinanderfolgenden Autoren gefragt. Daraus ergibt sich eine durch die close reading Methode gestützte Untersuchung, wie sie die Zeit anhand eines Beispiels aus ihren Werken thematisch, stilistisch und narratologisch organisiert haben. Der strukturalistische Literaturtheorieansatz Gérard Genettes hilft dabei die Komposition aus erzählter Welt und Erzählwelt der Märchen zu begreifen und die Zeitorganisation der vorliegenden Werke nach Ordnung, Dauer und Frequenz zu unterscheiden. Der aus dem erkenntnistheoretischen Ansatz Käte Hamburgers entwickelte Begriff des Epischen Präteritums lenkt das Bewusstsein auch auf  die zugrunde liegenden Rahmenbedingungen der epischen Fiktion in der Dichtkunst und verhelfen die zeitliche Ansprache an die Leser in die Untersuchung mit einzubinden. In der Untersuchung wird auch der Rhythmus als ein Wechselspiel der Zeit entdeckt und ihn als eine ihr dazugehörende Qualität erkannt und miteinbezogen. Als Beispiele wird das Volksmärchen „Die Sterntaler“ und Andersens „Das kleine Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern“ nach einem zwischen Form und Inhalt möglich kongruenten Zeitbegriff untersucht. Ein in dieser literarischen Auseinandersetzung entstehendes Begriffsnetz der sich gegenübergestellten Werke unterstützt die Annahme des kulturgeschichtlichen Wandels der Einstellung zur Zeit bei H.C. Andersen gegenüber der der Brüder Grimm und mag zur Diskussion und fortlaufenden Forschung der Literaturgeschichte im Detail beitragen. / <p>Jag skickar det nu en gång till, hoppas det är rätt och kommer fram</p>

Fratrie adulte non autiste de personnes autistes : expériences et défis

Decoste-Vigneau, Marie-Édith 08 1900 (has links)
Le fait d’avoir une sœur ou un frère autiste peut exercer une influence majeure sur le parcours et les expériences de vie des personnes non autistes de même que créer certains défis, y compris à l’âge adulte. Malgré une visibilité de plus en plus importante des personnes autistes et de leur famille, le vécu de leurs frères et sœurs non autistes à l’âge adulte est actuellement très peu documenté. Le présent mémoire rend compte de divers défis et expériences qui teintent le parcours de frères et sœurs adultes non autistes de personnes autistes. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre ces personnes pour leur offrir un soutien plus adapté à leurs besoins. Des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés ont été réalisés auprès de 10 personnes âgées de 25 à 34 ans ayant un frère ou une sœur autiste et vivant au Québec. Les résultats mettent en lumière les impacts systémiques des réponses à l’autisme et à ses manifestations au sein de la famille des personnes interviewées. Les besoins de la fratrie en lien avec son propre bien-être ainsi qu’avec l’accès aux services et à l’information y sont aussi explorés. Notre recherche démontre que dans l’ensemble, les réponses aux besoins de la personne autiste et des membres de sa famille ont un impact sur l’expérience de la fratrie non autiste et influence le développement de sa résilience. Les professionnelles et professionnels du travail social peuvent jouer un rôle-clé à cet effet. Ce mémoire entend contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des expériences et des besoins de la fratrie non autiste. Il a aussi pour objectif de permettre aux travailleuses sociales et travailleurs sociaux de mieux accompagner ces personnes et leurs familles. / Having a sibling with autism can have a major influence on the life course and experiences of people without autism, as well as creating challenges, including in adulthood. Despite the increasing visibility of people with autism and their families, the experiences of their non-autistic brothers and sisters in adulthood are currently poorly documented. This thesis reports on the various challenges and experiences that characterize the journey of non-autistic adult siblings of people with autism. The objective is to better understand these people to offer them support more suited to their needs. Semi-structured individual interviews were carried out with 10 people aged 25 to 34 with an autistic sibling and living in Quebec. The results highlight the systemic impacts of responses to autism and its manifestations within the families of those interviewed. The needs of siblings in relation to their own well-being as well as access to services and information are also explored. Our research shows that overall, the responses to the needs of the autistic person and their family members have an impact on the experience of non-autistic siblings and influences the development of their resilience. Social work professionals can play a key role in this regard. This thesis intends to contribute to a better understanding of the experiences and needs of non-autistic siblings. It also aims to enable social workers to better support these people and their families.

Ett originalverk och två lättlästa versioner, vad skiljer de tre åt? : Narratologiska närläsningar av George Orwells 1984 / An original work and two easy-to-read versions: What distinguishes the three? : Narratological close readings of George Orwell’s 1984

Thalén, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores a novel’s potential transformations when adapted into the easy-reader format. In early 2021, two distinct easy-reader adaptations of George Orwell’s 1984 were published, accompanied by a new translation of the original full-length version. This analysis primarily seeks to study whether the theme of surveillance undergoes alteration in the easy- reader adaptations, potentially becoming stricter or facilitating a more nuanced interpretation. A notable difference in length among the three versions was observed; when compared as audiobooks at a consistent speed (words per minute), their durations are as follows: the original text: 10 hours and 7 minutes, adapted text 1 by Book Publisher Hedvig: 2 hours and 9 minutes, and adapted text 2 by Vilja Publisher: 33 minutes. Employing comparative close reading and drawing on narratological theory, this study is inspired by the distinctions between round and flat characters, as discussed by E.M. Forster, Maria Nikolajeva, and Mieke Bal. Regarding the theme of surveillance, the thesis concludes that the adaptations do not exhibit as drastic changes as one might anticipate. Analysis of the characters’ transformations in response to surveillance reveals that their portrayal becomes harsher and more rugged in the easy-reader versions compared to the original text. Nevertheless, the shortest adapted text maintains the closest resemblance to the original.

Adaptive Acts: Queer Voices and Radical Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic American Literary and Visual Culture

Means, Michael M 01 January 2019 (has links)
Adaptation Studies suffers from a deficiency in the study of black, brown, yellow, and red adaptive texts, adaptive actors, and their practices. Adaptive Acts intervenes in this Eurocentric discourse as a study of adaptation with a (queer) POC perspective. My dissertation reveals that artists of color (re)create texts via dynamic modes of adaptation such as hyper-literary allusion, the use of meta-narratives as framing devices, and on-site collaborative re-writes that speak to/from specific cultural discourses that Eurocentric models alone cannot account for. I examine multi-ethnic American adaptations to delineate the role of adaptation in the continuance of stories that contest dominant culture from marginalized perspectives. And I offer deep adaptive readings of multi-ethnic adaptations in order to answer questions such as: what happens when adaptations are created to remember, to heal, and to disrupt? How does adaptation, as a centuries-old mode of cultural production, bring to the center the voices of the doubly marginalized, particularly queers of color? The texts I examine as “adaptive acts” are radical, queer, push the boundaries of adaptation, and have not, up to this point, been given the adaptive attention I believe they merit. David Henry Hwang’s 1988 Tony award-winning play, M. Butterfly, is an adaptive critique of the textual history of Butterfly and questions the assumptions of the Orientalism that underpins the story, which causes his play to intersect with Pierre Loti’s 1887 novella, Madame Chrysanthéme, at a point of imperial queerness. Rodney Evans, whose 2004 film, Brother to Brother, is the first full-length film to tell the story of the black queer roots at the genesis of the Harlem Renaissance, uses adaptation as a story(re)telling mode that focalizes the “gay rebel of the Harlem Renaissance,” Richard Bruce Nugent (1906-1987), to Signify on issues of canonization, gate-keeping, mythologizing, and intracultural marginalization. My discussion of Sherman Alexie’s debut film, The Business of Fancydancing, is informed by my own work as an adaptive actor and showcases the power of adaptation in the activation of Native continuance as an inclusive adaptive practice that offers an opportunity for women and queers of color to amend the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene writer-director’s creative authority. Adaptive acts are not only documents, but they document movements, decisions, and sociocultural action. Adaptation Studies must take seriously the power and possibilities of “adaptive acts” and “adaptive actors” from the margins if the field is to expand—adapt—in response to this diversity of adaptive potential.

John Neal, une écriture-frontière / John Neal's Frontier-Writing

Liagre, Sebastien 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier comment, à travers sa singulière écriture, John Neal, prenant son contemporain James Fenimore Cooper pour anti-modèle, ambitionne de réformer la littérature américaine, afin de satisfaire au besoin naissant d’indépendance et de renouveau national. Dans une certaine tradition américaine, la frontière est moins une limite territoriale qu’un seuil dynamique, un locus americanus, lieu de tous les possibles. Et c’est bien en ce sens que le romancier du Maine, homme des transgressions, homme de l’entre-deux, écrit «à la frontière» : entre littérature et engagement, entre la scène et la chaire, le masculin et le féminin, l’Indien et le Blanc, sa prose hésite, souvent. Il conviendra en somme d’analyser au plus près cette fabrique alternative de littérarité qu’est l’écriture nealienne, dans l’incertitude des commencements, lorsque l’expression du «génie national» prétend s’instaurer en critère de jugement et faire table rase des modèles d’importation. / This thesis explores how, through his singular writing style, John Neal, using fellow-writer James Fenimore Cooper as an anti-model, sets out to pioneer a thorough reformation of the so-called American literature, in an attempt to satisfy the ever-increasing need for independence and national renewal. In a certain American tradition, the frontier is less a territorial boundary than a « dynamic threshold », a locus americanus where wishful thinking comes true. Thus it is that this transgressive Maine author, a man of the neutral ground, or, rather, of the middle ground, writes «at the frontier»: between literature and committed literature, between the stage and the pulpit, the masculine and the feminine, or the Indian and the white man, his prose often wavers. Hence, our focus will be on the alternative literary vision for « the great Republic of Letters », encapsulated within Neal’s own writing, shaped as it was by the uncertainties of a nation in the making. Those were the days when «national genius» had an edge on European models. Those were John Neal’s days.

Janela indiscreta: a simulação do mundo vivido no audiovisual

Rocha, Debora Cristine 20 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:17:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Debora Cristine Rocha.pdf: 10899162 bytes, checksum: f83817ee08fe3147d639f3ee751803e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The research aims to explore the modelization of verisimilitude among communication systems from the semiotic point of view. Becoming more and more frequent, this form of modelization leads to a text construction which puts emphasis on the the referent blending fiction and reality. Based on such perspective, this work seeks to map the strategies and language resources present on the translation process of such referent, more specifically audiovisual production, taking as study cases television and documentary film. On this work, the lived world is perceived as a natural world, which the signs represent and the midiatic world is also seen as the universe created by such representation. Hypothetically, it is admitted that such modelization simulates, on screen, the lived world through the semiosis of elements from the ethnographic method. In order to accomplish such task, the elements from the ethnographic method, when translated into the communication systems, abandon their ethnographic condition, becoming marks of veracity on the audiovisual text. That is to say, ethnography is modelized by audiovisual communication systems. Another accepted hypothesis is that the modelization of verisimilitude will constitute into the simulation, intending to erase representation marks from public eyes, generating therefore a platform of credibility for these communication systems. The simulation will utilize the phenomena called rear window, that is to say, the public desire to know about the private life of others, as a midiatic voyerism, simultaneously, their willingness to reveal their own lives to others. In this context, one of the strategies and resources put in use by the simulation will be the utilization of life histories of anonymous people. The research corpus will analyse the television aspect, taking as starting point the telenovela Páginas da Vida (TV Globo, 2006-2007), the reality show BBB8 Big Broter Brasil 8 (TV Globo, 2008), as well as the condition of the documentary film, taking examples such as Edifício Master (Eduardo Coutinho, 2002) and Ônibus 174 (José Padilha & Felipe Lacerda, 2002). The analysis is fundamented on the Tartu-Moscow school of the semiotics of culture and Jean Baudrillard thoughts, responsible for the major dialogued concepts reflected on this work: modelization and simulation. It also includes contributions from Bauman, Bateson, Jackobson, Luhman, Certeau, Geertz, Clifford and McLuhan / A pesquisa visa explorar a modelização da verossimilhança em sistemas de comunicação do ponto de vista semiótico. Cada vez mais frequente, essa forma de modelização se volta para a construção de textos que enfatizam o referente e fundem ficção e realidade. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho procura mapear as estratégias e os recursos de linguagem presentes no processo de tradução daquele referente, em específico no audiovisual, com estudos de caso sobre a televisão e o filme documentário. No trabalho, compreende-se o mundo vivido como o mundo natural que os signos representam e considera-se, também, o mundo midiático como o universo criado pela representação. Como hipótese, admite-se que tal modelização simula, na tela, o mundo vivido pela semiose de elementos do método etnográfico. Para tanto, os elementos do método etnográfico, quando traduzidos para os sistemas de comunicação, deixam a sua condição etnográfica e transformam-se em marcas de veracidade do texto audiovisual. Ou seja, a etnografia é modelizada pelos sistemas de comunicação audiovisuais. Admite-se como hipótese, ainda, que a modelização da verossimilhança construirá a simulação, que pretende apagar as marcas da representação aos olhos do público, de modo a gerar uma plataforma de credibilidade para os sistemas de comunicação. A simulação utiliza o fenômeno janela indiscreta, isto é, o desejo do público de conhecer a vida privada do outro como voyeurismo midiático e, simultaneamente, a sua vontade de revelar a própria vida a terceiros. Nesse contexto, uma das estratégias e um dos recursos utilizados pela simulação será o uso de histórias de vida de pessoas anônimas. O corpus de pesquisa analisa o caso da televisão, com a telenovela Páginas da Vida (TV Globo, 2006-2007) e o reality show BBB8 Big Brother Brasil 8 (TV Globo, 2008), assim como a condição do filme documentário, com Edifício Master (Eduardo Coutinho, 2002) e Ônibus 174 (José Padilha e Felipe Lacerda, 2002). A análise está fundamentada no pensamento da Escola de Tártu- Moscou de semiótica da cultura e Jean Baudrillard, responsáveis pelos conceitos principais que dialogam no trabalho: modelização e simulação. Mas também inclui as contribuições de Bauman, Bateson, Jakobson, Luhman, Certeau, Geertz, Clifford e McLuhan

連動債券爭議之法律分析 / Legal Analysis on Linked Notes Dispute

黃允暐, Hwang, Yeun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
美國雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.)在2008年9月15日向美國法院申請破產保護,宣告進入美國破產法第11章重組程序,此程序影響由雷曼兄弟公司擔任發行或保證機構之連動債券。國內不少投資人購買雷曼兄弟相關的連動債券,因該等連動債券到期返還本金如係由雷曼兄弟公司支付或提供保證,當雷曼兄弟公司發生信用事件時,該公司之信用風險將可能導致該等債券之到期本金無法償付,造成投資人極度恐慌。 本研究從連動債券之發展、定義與類型出發,就投資人所爭議的銷售過程或資訊透明等議題,比較各國連動債券相關之法律規範,並就近年之國內外爭議案例進行法律分析,希望據以截長補短,並就我國在連動債銷售之法律規範之調整及紛爭解決機制等提出具體建議。

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