Spelling suggestions: "subject:"samhällsbyggnadsteknik.""
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Digital hantering av kontrollåtgärder för kommunala fasigheter / Computerized administration for municipal real property unitsLarsson, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Projektering av platsbyggd villa / Planning of placebuild detached houseAl Jaafar, Jaafar January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong><p>Abstract (in English)</p><p>"This thesis work is a design project of an on-site construcktions. The issue addressed by the project was how to</p><p>devise and design an detached house</p><p>I have examined which architecture-drawings, construcktion-drawings and static calculations are needed to</p><p>produce an on-site construcktions detached house.</p><p>The result is presented in the finished drawings for the construction documents, which show a one-storey</p><p>detached house with an attractive/accessible construction plan. It uses the combination of a strong style of</p><p>architecture and a clear influence of functional design. This is clarified by the bench ceilings, and the facade,</p><p>which is partly laying panel, partly white trimmed.</p><p>Size: 153 square meters</p><p>Number of rooms: 6, where of 3 are bedrooms."</p></strong></p> / <p><strong><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Detta examensarbete är ett utformningsprojekt av en platsbyggd villa. Frågeställningen till</p><p>projektet var hur man kan utforma en villa.</p><p>Jag har undersökt vilka A-ritningar, K-ritningar samt statiska beräkningar som behövs för att</p><p>producera en platsbyggd villa.</p><p>Resultatet visar färdiga ritningar till bygghandlingar vilket betyder enplans villa med</p><p>attraktiv/öppen planlösning och en stark byggnadsstil med tydliga inflytanden av funkisstil.</p><p>Detta tydliggörs genom pulpettaken, och fasaden som är delvis liggande panel, delvis vit</p><p>putsad.</p><p>Yta: 153 kvm</p><p>Antal rum: 6, varav sovrum: 3</p></strong></p>
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Projektering av platsbyggd villa / Planning of on-site detached houseAl Jaafar, Jaafar January 2008 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Detta examensarbete är ett utformningsprojekt av en platsbyggd villa. Frågeställningen till</p><p>projektet var hur man kan utforma en villa.</p><p>Jag har undersökt vilka A-ritningar, K-ritningar samt statiska beräkningar som behövs för att</p><p>producera en platsbyggd villa.</p><p>Resultatet visar färdiga ritningar till bygghandlingar vilket betyder enplans villa med</p><p>attraktiv/öppen planlösning och en stark byggnadsstil med tydliga inflytanden av funkisstil.</p><p>Detta tydliggörs genom pulpettaken, och fasaden som är delvis liggande panel, delvis vit</p><p>putsad.</p><p>Yta: 153 kvm</p><p>Antal rum: 6, varav sovrum: 3</p> / <p>Abstract (in English)</p><p>"This thesis work is a design project of an on-site construcktions. The issue addressed by the project was how to</p><p>devise and design an detached house</p><p>I have examined which architecture-drawings, construcktion-drawings and static calculations are needed to</p><p>produce an on-site construcktions detached house.</p><p>The result is presented in the finished drawings for the construction documents, which show a one-storey</p><p>detached house with an attractive/accessible construction plan. It uses the combination of a strong style of</p><p>architecture and a clear influence of functional design. This is clarified by the bench ceilings, and the facade,</p><p>which is partly laying panel, partly white trimmed.</p><p>Size: 153 square meters</p><p>Number of rooms: 6, where of 3 are bedrooms."</p>
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Utvärdering av styvhetsegenskaper hos ett nyutvecklat träbjälklag / Evaluation of stiffness properties of a novel wooden floor systemDover, Pär, Berggren, Peter, Fahlgren, John January 2006 (has links)
<p>I samband med att intresset för att bygga högre trähus har ökat så krävs nya lösningar för att t.ex. kunna möta efterfrågan på stora öppna ytor och långa spännvidder. Träbjälklag med lång spännvidd har dock oftast svårigheter med att klara kraven på svikt och vibrationer. Ett nyutvecklat förslag på träbjälklag som förmodas klara dessa krav bättre än traditionella träbjälklag har varit utgångspunkten för detta examensarbete där syftet har varit att undersöka bjälklagets styvhet. Detta gjordes laborativt genom att bygga och testa en prototyp av det föreslagna bjälklaget och genom att en numerisk modell baserad på finita element metoden togs fram och användes för att studera hur olika parametrar påverkar bjälklagets styvhetsegenskaper.</p><p>Bjälklagets design bygger på fackverksprincipen i primärriktningen och på balkverkan i sekundärriktningen. De ingående komponenterna har kommit prefabricerade till Växjö universitet där de har monterats ihop till ett fullskaligt bjälklagselement. Elementet har sedan utsatts för ett antal belastningsfall där nedböjningarna uppmätts vilka sedan givit underlag för att få värden på bjälklagets effektiva styvhetsegenskaper.</p><p>Både de laborativa och de simulerade resultaten visar på en hög böjstyvhet i primärriktningen d.v.s. 18,9•106 Nm2/m [EI/b] respektive 18,6•106 Nm2/m [EI/b]. Även böjstyvheten i sekundärriktningen är hög d.v.s. motsvarar 21,2 % respektive 17,1 % av styvheten i primärriktningen.</p><p>I beräkningsmodellen har det dessutom undersökts hur ett övre lager av spånskivor inverkar på bjälklagets styvhet.</p> / <p>The interest for building higher and larger wooden houses has increased in Sweden during the last decade resulting in higher requirements on the technical performance of such structures in order to met demands on large open surfaces and large spans of floors. Wooden floor systems with large spans often have difficulties, however, to meet the vibration requirements. A novel floor system, likely to handle the vibration requirements better than traditional wooden floor systems, is the basis for this master thesis. The purpose is to examine the stiffness of the floor by building and testing a prototype and by producing a numerical model based on the finite element method.</p><p>In the longitudinal, main load-bearing direction the floor system works as a truss with flanges of longitudinal oriented timber members and web diagonals of transversely oriented members. In the transverse direction the web diagonals work as beams. The components were prefabricated elsewhere and assembled at Växjö University into a prototype. The prototype was then exposed to a number of different load cases. Deflections were measured and stiffness properties of the floor were derived. In addition to the experimental analysis the numerical model was used to calculate deflections when subjected to different load cases and for evaluating the principal stiffness properties of the floor.</p><p>Both the experimental and the calculated results using the numerical model show high bending stiffness in the longitudinal direction, EI/b = 18,9•106 Nm2/m and 18,6•106 Nm2/m respectively. Also the bending stiffness in the transversal direction is high and equivalent to 21,2 % or 17,1 % (testing and simulation respectively) of the bending stiffness in the longitudinal direction. Using numerical analysis, also the effect on the stiffness of adding an upper layer of a 22 mm particleboard was examined.</p>
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Quality Timber Strength Grading : A prediction of strength using scanned surface grain data and FE-analysesLuca, Matthieu January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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En analys av Eurokod 1990 : - användarråd, jämförelser samt en intervjuundersökningWennström, Lina January 2008 (has links)
The EN Eurocodes are a new series of standards for construction design in Europe. The development of these codes started originally in 1975 and in present time the progressing work is at the national calibration stage. The goal is to create a common standard for the design of buildings and other civil engineering works throughout Europe and beyond. The purpose is to increase the free circulation of construction products and engineering services. Since the transition to the new standards is getting closer, the constructing engineers and companies will soon stand before great changes. This is why Kadesjös Ingenjörsbyrå AB asked me to do an analysis of the first part of the new standard, i.e. Eurocode 1990, and look at the differences among the existing standards in Sweden and the Eurocodes. The result of this is summarized not only in the report but also in a “User’s manual” which is presented in appendix 1 attached to the report. A limited study of the environmental effects of the transition to Eurocode EN 1990 has also been done. By comparing design calculations of a normal beam in three different materials, steel, concrete and glued laminated timber, one can, for instance, get a general view of how the differences of the two standards affect the required quantity of material. To get an insight of the different opinions that might exist concerning the new standard, a survey based on interviews of a few constructional engineers has been done. There was also discussed if any, and in that case what kind of preparations constructors and design companies are performing to be well prepared when the transition comes.
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Mall förvaltningplan : SkolbyggnaderSium, Sirak, Stasais, Dimitrios January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to establish a “förvaltningsplans” template to Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras city. Further general information about the mission was given at our first meeting with Rolf Haraldsson, who happened to be our mentor and works at Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras city. We agreed that using the software Excel was the most appropriate way to establish the template, because Fastighetskontoret also make use of Excel in their internal system, and also because Excel has a more friendly user interface and it is more easier to use compared to other software that have complex templates. One of the first things we did was to get in contact with different fastighetskontors around Sweden so that we could either take part of their “förvaltningsplaner” or get referred to other material that could have been used. But this turned out to be an unsuccessful strategy. However, by searching on internet, course literature and databases we got a successful result. The most common headlines were included in the template and were later discussed with our mentor from Malardalen University, Sone Nydert. Mr. Nydert who gave us viewpoints and directions on how we should develop our work further. Thereafter, we had continual meetings with the mentor in Fastighetskontoret in Vasteras stad, Rolf Haraldsson, so that we could discuss and adjust the templates in line with the headlines in order for the template to match the fastighetskontorets internal headlines. The template was finally tested in frosundaskolan and turned out to be a successful work.
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Potential of Ventilation Radiators : Performance evaluation by numerical, analytical and experimental meansMyhren, Jonn Are January 2011 (has links)
Energy consumption for heating and ventilation of buildings is still in 2011considered far too high, but there are many ways to save energy and construct lowenergy buildings that have not been fully utilised. This doctoral thesis has focused onone of these - low temperature heating systems. Particular attention has been given tothe ventilation radiator adapted for exhaust-ventilated buildings because of itspotential as a low energy consuming, easily-operated, environmentally-friendlysystem that might also ensure occupant health and well-being. Investigations were based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations andanalytical calculations, with laboratory experiments used for validation. Main conclusions: Low and very low temperature heating systems, such as floor heating, in general createan indoor climate with low air speeds and low temperature differences in the room, whichis beneficial for thermal comfort. A typical disadvantage, however, was found to beweakness in counteracting cold down-flow from ventilation air supply units in exhaustventilatedbuildings. with ventilation radiators, unlike most other low temperature systems, it was found thatthe risk of cold draught could be reduced while still maintaining a high ventilation rateeven in cold northern European winters. ventilation radiators were found to be more thermally efficient than traditional radiators. design of ventilation radiators could be further modified for improved thermal efficiency. at an outdoor temperature of -15 °C the most efficient models were able to give doublethe heat output of traditional radiators. Also, by substituting the most efficient ventilationradiators for traditional radiators operating at 55 °C supply water temperature, it wasfound that supply water temperature could be reduced to 35 °C while heat outputremained the same and comfort criteria were met. lowering the supply water temperature by 20 °C (as described above) could givecombined energy savings for heating and ventilation of 14-30 % in a system utilising aheat pump. supply water temperatures as low as 35 °C could increase potential for utilising lowtemperature heat sources such as sun-, ground-, water- or waste-heat. This would beparticularly relevant to new-built “green” energy-efficient buildings, but severaladvantages may apply to retrofit applications as well. Successful application of ventilation radiators requires understanding of relevant buildingfactors, and the appropriate number, positioning and size of radiators for best effect.Evaluation studies must be made at the level of the building as a whole, not just for theheating-ventilation system. This work demonstrated that increased use of well-designed ventilation radiatorarrangements can help to meet regulations issued in 2008 by the Swedish Departmentof Housing (Boverket BBR 16) and goals set in the Energy Performance of BuildingsDirective (EPBD) in the same year. / QC 20110328 / STEM Projektnummer:30326-1 Energieffektiva lågtemperatursystem i byggnader
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Egenproducerad solel i ett småhusområdeEnglund, Anders, Sundholm, Sara January 2010 (has links)
Sverige ska år 2020 ha en energiförsörjning bestående av 50 % förnybara energikällor. Den viktigaste källan till förnybar energi är solen. Solel är dock en dyr investering idag och gällande regelverk försvårar möjligheterna till att tillgodoräkna sig egenproducerad el. Byggföretaget JM bygger redan hus med låg energianvändning. Ett sätt att bidra till ett förnybart energianvändande är att installera system som producerar egen el till husen. Detta arbete har genomförts för att undersöka om solel kan komma att bli en konkurrenskraftig produkt att erbjuda JM:s husköpare. I arbetet har ett specifikt område och en av företagets typhusmodeller studerats. Dagens solcellsteknik har studerats och ett system för huset har komponerats. Det finns ett flertal typer av solceller men i detta arbete har polykristallina solceller valts utifrån det offertförslag som legat till grund för arbetet. För att kunna dimensionera anläggningen har placering, orientering och solvinklar undersökts. Genom att välja en anläggning har investeringskalkyler och simuleringar kunnat utföras för ett par olika scenarier. Samtliga scenarier bygger på nätanslutna system men skiljer sig mellan dagens regelverk och ett framtida scenario med nettodebitering, dvs. kvittning av egenproducerad el och köpt el. Från JM:s sida har det funnits önskemål om att studera hur ett bostadsområde skulle kunna dela på en solcellsanläggning genom ett samfällt system. Den samfällda anläggningen har dimensionerats utifrån fullgott solläge. I aktuellt område innebar det att 16 av 35 hus är lämpligt placerade mot solen, detta kan dock skilja mellan olika områden. Resultatet visar att en investering i solel är svår att försvara idag. Med ett statligt stöd på 60 % är återbetalningstiden likväl 20 år. Med ett förändrat regelverk och ett långsiktigt stöd skulle det kunna bli ekonomiskt lönsamt. Genom att solcellstekniken blir billigare och elpriset stiger förbättras läget för solelen. Investeringskostnaden blir lägre per person och öppnar därmed upp för fler investerare.
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Noise from wind turbinesFégeant, Olivier January 2001 (has links)
A rapid growth of installed wind power capacity is expectedin the next few years. However, the siting of wind turbines ona large scale raises concerns about their environmental impact,notably with respect to noise. To this end, variable speed windturbines offer a promising solution for applications in denselypopulated areas like the European countries, as this designwould enable an efficient utilisation of the masking effect dueto ambient noise. In rural and recreational areas where windturbines are sited, the ambient noise originates from theaction of wind on the vegetation and about the listener's ear(pseudo-noise). It shows a wind speed dependence similar tothat of the noise from a variable speed wind turbine and cantherefore mask the latter for a wide range of conditions.However, a problem inherent to the design of these machines istheir proclivity to pure tone generation, because of theenhanced difficulty of avoiding structural resonances in themechanical parts. Pure tones are deemed highly annoying and areseverely regulated by most noise policies. In relation to thisproblem, the vibration transmission of structure-borne sound tothe tower of the turbine is investigated, in particular whenthe tower is stiffened at its upper end. Furthermore, sincenoise annoyance due to wind turbine is mostly a masking issue,the wind-related sources of ambient noise are studied and theirmasking potentials assessed. With this aim, prediction modelsfor wind-induced vegetation noise and pseudo-noise have beendeveloped. Finally, closely related to the effect of masking,is the difficulty, regularly encountered by local authoritiesand wind farm developers, to measure noise immission from windturbines. A new measurement technique has thus been developedin the course of this work. Through improving thesignal-to-noise ratio between wind turbine noise and ambientnoise, the new technique yields more accurate measurementresults. Keywords: Masking, vibration transmission, diffraction,ambient noise, pseudo-noise, cylindrical shell, perturbationmethods, structural mobility, acoustic outdoor measurement. / QC 20100616
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